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  <h3 class="general__title">OpenSNP in blogs & press</h3>
    All links are in English except where noted otherwise. Time-format is
    Sorry, we've been super lazy in updating this.
    If you want to get a comprehensive list <a href="">just try Google News</a>. Below is an incomplete list (mostly from 2015).
    <li><a href="">Fusion wrote about us</a> (<a href="">twice!</a>)</li>
    <li><a href="">The BMC Blog featured us</a>, along with a <a href="">video of a presentation we gave at BGI's conference</a>.</li>
    <li>(German) German, Austrian and Swiss news outlets ran <a href="">some articles</a> about us, <a href="">our ideas</a> and <a href="">the plans we have</a>.</li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Ich zeig dir meine Gene, <em>Der Sonntag</em>, 08.07.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Das Geschäft mit den Genen, <em>Der Beobachter</em>, 07.06.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) Die Macht der Gene, <em>Münstersche Zeitung</em>, 16.05.2012</li>
    <li><a href="">A review of openSNP, a platform to share genetic data, <em>Genomes Unzipped</em>, 02.05.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href=",-Datenbank-fuer-Gen-Fehler-_arid,71044.html">Datenbank für Gen-Fehler, <em>Borkener Zeitung</em>, 21.04.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Das ist ja kein Todesurteil, <em>UniSPIEGEL</em>, 7.4.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href=",did=149634.html?listBlId=74462">Das soziale Gendaten-Netzwerk, <em>Biotechnologie</em></a></li>
    <li>(German) <em>WIRED</em>, issue 1/12</li>
    <li>(German) <em>Die Naturheilkunde</em>, issue 1/12</li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Studierende entwickeln Portal zu Genuntersuchungen, <em>Ärzteblatt</em>, 30.1.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href=",did=149096.html"><em></em>: 97. Folge</a></li>

    <li><a href="">What's in a name?, <em>BioNews</em>, 27.2.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Striptease fürs Erbgut, <em></em>, 30.1.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Internetportal soll den Umgang mit Ergebnissen aus DNA-Untersuchungen erleichtern, <em>DRadio Wissen</em>, 26.01.2012</a></li>
    <li>(German) <a href="">Sterbe ich mit 50 Jahren?, <em>wissen|leben</em>, 25.1.2012</a></li>
    <li><a href="">The Hottest Holiday Gadgets for the "Self-Tracker" on Your Shopping List, <em>Forbes</em>, 15.12.2011</a></li>
    <li><a href="">The week in science: 2-8 December 2011, <em>Nature</em>, 7.12.2011</a></li>
    <li>(Japanese) <a href="">PLoSとMendeley共催のアプリ開発コンテスト“Binary Battle”、優秀者が発表される, <em>Current Awareness Portal</em>, 6.12.2011</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Could crowd sourcing provide the next genetics breakthrough?, <em>Nature News Blog</em>, 1.12.2011</a></li>
    <li><a href="">openSNP Wins the Mendeley/PLoS $10001 Binary Battle: PaperCritic Takes Runner-up, 1.12.2011</a></li>
    <li><a href="">OpenSNP Wins The Mendeley/PLoS $10001 Binary Battle: PaperCritic Takes Runner-up, science20, 1.12.2011</a></li>
    <li><a href="">openSNP wins PLos/Mendeley Binary Battle, <em>The official PLoS Blog</em>, 30.11.2011</a></li>
    <li><a href="">openSNP - open genetic data, <em>Modern Software Experience</em>, 2.7.2011</a></li>