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<div class="phenotype__add-phenotype-text">
  <p><b>Want to help?</b> You did not enter your variation at this phenotype yet. By adding your phenotypic information about <em><%=@phenotype.characteristic%></em> to openSNP, you could help (amateur-)researchers with their work and find other people with a similar variance. <b>Please make use of the auto-completion as your variation might be already in our database.</b></p>
    <em>You can either enter your variation using the text-field (including auto-completion) above or just choose one of the already known variations below.</em>

<%= form_for(@user_phenotype, :url => {:controller => :user_phenotypes, :action => :create,:js_modal => @js_modal}, :html => {:class => "form-horizontal phenotype__add-phenotype-form", :name => "new_user_phenotype"}) do |f| %>
  <%= render 'shared/error_messages', :target => @phenotype %>
  <%= f.hidden_field :phenotype_id, :value => %>
  <%if @js_modal != true%>

  <div class='form-group'>
    <%= f.label :variation, 'Enter your phenotype:', class: 'col-md-2 control-label' %>
    <div class='col-md-10'>
      <%= f.text_field :variation, :id => 'phenotype_field', class: 'form-control'%>

  <% @phenotype.known_phenotypes.each do |p| %>
  <div class="phenotype__add-phenotype-form-options radio">
      <%= f.radio_button(:variation, p,) %> <%=p%>
  <% end %>

  <%= f.submit "Submit your variation", :class => "btn btn-default" %>
<% end %>

  <script type="text/javascript">
  // hides the input-box when user has selected a radio-button
  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('input[type=radio]').click(function() {
  // Autocomplete for variations in the input-box
  $(function () {
      source: <%=raw(@phenotype.known_phenotypes.to_json)%>
  $('#modal').on('shown', function(e) {
    var modal = $(this);

    modal.css('margin-top', (modal.outerHeight() / 2) * -1)
    .css('margin-left', (modal.outerWidth() / 2) * -1);

    return this;