- if booth.transition_possible? :accept
- if can? :accept, booth
- if @conference.booth_limit > 0
- confirm_message = ' You are able to accept '+ pluralize(@conference.booth_limit - (@conference.booths.accepted.count + @conference.booths.confirmed.count), "more #{t'booth'}") + " (#{t'booth'} limit set to #{@conference.booth_limit}). Are you sure you want to accept this one?"
- if @conference.email_settings.send_on_booths_acceptance
- link = 'Accept with email'
- confirm_message = "By accepting this #{t'booth'}, an email will be sent informing the submitter for the acceptance. You may change the state to \'To accept\' until you are completely sure." + confirm_message
- else
- link = "Accept #{t'booth'}"
%li= link_to link,
accept_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch ,id: "accept_booth_#{}",
data: (confirm_message ? { confirm: confirm_message } : nil)
- if booth.transition_possible? :reject
- if @conference.email_settings.send_on_booths_rejection
- link = 'Reject with email'
- else
- link = 'Reject'
%li= link_to link,
reject_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch, id: "reject_booth_#{}",
data: (@conference.email_settings.send_on_booths_rejection ? { confirm: 'By rejecting this booth, an email will be sent informing the submitter about the rejection. You may change the state to \'To reject\' until you are completely sure.'} : nil)
- if booth.transition_possible? :to_reject
%li= link_to "To reject #{t'booth'}",
to_reject_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch, id: "to_reject_booth_#{}"
- if booth.transition_possible? :restart
%li= link_to 'Start review',
restart_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch, id: "restart_booth_#{}"
- if booth.transition_possible? :to_accept
%li= link_to "To accept #{t'booth'}",
to_accept_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch, id: "to_accept_booth_#{}"
- if booth.transition_possible? :cancel
%li= link_to "Cancel #{t'booth'}",
cancel_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch, id: "cancel_booth_#{}"
- if booth.transition_possible? :confirm
%li= link_to "Confirm #{t'booth'}",
confirm_admin_conference_booth_path(@conference.short_title, booth),
method: :patch, id: "confirm_booth_#{}"