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Test Coverage

            = link_to 'Proposal', '#proposal-content', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
            = link_to 'Commercials', '#commercials-content', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'

            = form_for(@event, url: @url) do |f|
              = render partial: 'proposals/form', locals: { f: f }
            = render partial: 'shared/user_selectize'
              You can add commercials for your proposal. These commercials will be displayed on the
              = link_to 'public proposal page.', conference_program_proposal_path(@conference.short_title, @event)
              If you don't add a commercial, the conference commercial will be displayed!
            - if can? :create,
                  #resource-placeholder{ style: 'background-color:#d3d3d3; float: left; width: 400px; height: 250px; margin: 5px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);' }
                  = form_for(, url: conference_program_proposal_commercials_path(conference_id: @conference.short_title, proposal_id: @event)) do |f|
                    = render partial: 'proposals/commercial_form_fields', locals: { f: f, commercial: }
            - @event.commercials.each_slice(3) do |slice|
                - slice.each do |commercial|
                  - if commercial.persisted?
                        .flexvideo{ id: "resource-content-#{}"}
                          = render partial: 'shared/media_item', locals: { commercial: commercial }
                          - if can? :update, commercial
                            = form_for(commercial, url: conference_program_proposal_commercial_path(conference_id: @conference.short_title, proposal_id: @event, id: commercial)) do |f|
                              = render partial: 'proposals/commercial_form_fields', locals: { f: f, commercial: commercial }