= form_for(@splashpage, url: admin_conference_splashpage_path) do |f|
= f.check_box :include_cfp
Display call for papers and call for tracks?
= f.check_box :include_program
Display the program?
= f.check_box :include_tracks
Include confirmed tracks in the program?
= f.check_box :include_booths
Include confirmed
= (t'booth').pluralize
in the program?
= f.check_box :include_registrations
Display the registration period?
= f.check_box :include_tickets
Display the tickets?
= f.check_box :include_venue
Display the venue?
= f.check_box :include_lodgings
Display the lodgings?
= f.check_box :include_sponsors
Display the sponsors?
= f.check_box :include_social_media
Display the social media links?
= f.check_box :public
Make splash page public?
= check_box_tag 'selectAll'
Select / Deselect All
= f.submit 'Save', { class: 'btn btn-primary' }
$('#selectAll').click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
$(':checkbox').each(function() {
this.checked = true;
} else {
$(':checkbox').each(function() {
this.checked = false;