%h1 Splashpage
- if @splashpage
View the
= link_to "splash page", conference_path(@conference.short_title)
- else
Build a splashpage with all the information for your conference
- if @splashpage
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_cfp?}" }
Display call for papers and call for tracks, while open
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_program?}" }
Display the program
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_program?}" }
Include confirmed tracks
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_booths?}" }
Include confirmed #{(t'booth').pluralize}
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_registrations?}" }
Display the registration period
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_tickets?}" }
Display tickets
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_venue?}" }
Display the venue
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_lodgings?}" }
Display the lodgings
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_sponsors?}" }
Display sponsors
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.include_social_media?}" }
Display social media links
- if @conference.splashpage && @conference.splashpage.public
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo @splashpage.public?}" }
%text-muted.publicorprivate Public
- else
%i{ class: "fa-li #{icon_for_todo !@splashpage.public?}" }
%text-muted.publicorprivate Private
- if can? :update, @splashpage
= link_to 'Configure', edit_admin_conference_splashpage_path, class: 'btn btn-primary'
- if can? :destroy, @splashpage
= link_to 'Delete', admin_conference_splashpage_path,
method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, class: 'btn btn-danger'
- else
- if can? :create, @conference.build_splashpage
= link_to 'Create Splashpage', new_admin_conference_splashpage_path, class: 'btn btn-primary'