%button.btn.btn-success.dropdown-toggle{ 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', type: 'button' }
= @conference.nil? ? 'All Conferences' : @conference.short_title
%li= link_to 'All Conferences & Users', admin_revision_history_path
- @conferences_with_role.each do |conference_short_title|
%li= link_to conference_short_title, admin_conference_revision_history_path(conference_id: conference_short_title)
%h1 Revision History
Log of changes made to conferences and associated resources
%td ID
%td Description
%td Actions
- @versions.each do |version|
= link_to_user(version.whodunnit) unless version.item_type == 'User'
- case version.item_type
- when 'Event'
= event_change_description(version)
-when 'UsersRole'
= users_role_change_description(version)
- when 'Subscription'
= subscription_change_description(version)
- when 'Registration', 'EventsRegistration'
= registration_change_description(version)
- when 'Comment'
= comment_change_description(version)
- when 'Vote'
= vote_change_description(version)
- when 'User'
= user_change_description(version)
- when 'EventSchedule'
= event_schedule_change_description(version)
- else
= general_change_description(version)
= render partial: 'object_desc_and_link', locals: { version: version }
= distance_of_time_in_words(,version.created_at) + ' ago'
= "(#{version.created_at.strftime('%B %-d, %Y %H:%M')})"
= render partial: 'shared/object_changes', locals: { version: version }
= render partial: 'shared/changelog_actions', locals: { version: version }
pagingType: 'full_numbers',
order: [[ 0, 'desc' ]]