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Test Coverage
# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `stripe` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem stripe`.

# File generated from our OpenAPI spec
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/version.rb:3
module Stripe
  class << self
    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def api_base(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def api_base=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def api_key(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def api_key=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def api_version(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def api_version=(*args, &block); end

    # Gets the application for a plugin that's identified some. See
    # #set_app_info.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:97
    def app_info; end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:101
    def app_info=(info); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def ca_bundle_path(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def ca_bundle_path=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def ca_store(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def client_id(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def client_id=(*args, &block); end

    # Returns the value of attribute config.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:68
    def config; end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def connect_base(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def connect_base=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def enable_telemetry=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def enable_telemetry?(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def initial_network_retry_delay(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def log_level(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def log_level=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def logger(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def logger=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def max_network_retries(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def max_network_retries=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def max_network_retry_delay(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def open_timeout(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def open_timeout=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def proxy(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def proxy=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def read_timeout(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def read_timeout=(*args, &block); end

    # Sets some basic information about the running application that's sent along
    # with API requests. Useful for plugin authors to identify their plugin when
    # communicating with Stripe.
    # Takes a name and optional partner program ID, plugin URL, and version.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:110
    def set_app_info(name, partner_id: T.unsafe(nil), url: T.unsafe(nil), version: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def stripe_account(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def stripe_account=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def uploads_base(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def uploads_base=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def verify_ssl_certs(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def verify_ssl_certs=(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def write_timeout(*args, &block); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/forwardable.rb:226
    def write_timeout=(*args, &block); end

# APIConnectionError is raised in the event that the SDK can't connect to
# Stripe's servers. That can be for a variety of different reasons from a
# downed network to a bad TLS certificate.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:63
class Stripe::APIConnectionError < ::Stripe::StripeError; end

# APIError is a generic error that may be raised in cases where none of the
# other named errors cover the problem. It could also be raised in the case
# that a new error has been introduced in the API, but this version of the
# Ruby SDK doesn't know how to handle it.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:70
class Stripe::APIError < ::Stripe::StripeError; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/create.rb:4
module Stripe::APIOperations; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/create.rb:5
module Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/create.rb:6
  def create(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/delete.rb:5
module Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  mixes_in_class_methods ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/delete.rb:30
  def delete(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # @private
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/delete.rb:39
    def included(base); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/delete.rb:6
module Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  # Deletes an API resource
  # Deletes the identified resource with the passed in parameters.
  # ==== Attributes
  # * +id+ - ID of the resource to delete.
  # * +params+ - A hash of parameters to pass to the API
  # * +opts+ - A Hash of additional options (separate from the params /
  #   object values) to be added to the request. E.g. to allow for an
  #   idempotency_key to be passed in the request headers, or for the
  #   api_key to be overwritten. See
  #   {APIOperations::Request.execute_resource_request}.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/delete.rb:20
  def delete(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/list.rb:5
module Stripe::APIOperations::List
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/list.rb:6
  def list(filters = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Adds methods to help manipulate a subresource from its parent resource so
# that it's possible to do so from a static context (i.e. without a
# pre-existing collection of subresources on the parent).
# For example, a transfer gains the static methods for reversals so that the
# methods `.create_reversal`, `.retrieve_reversal`, `.update_reversal`,
# etc. all become available.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:12
module Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:13
  def nested_resource_class_methods(resource, path: T.unsafe(nil), operations: T.unsafe(nil), resource_plural: T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:38
  def define_operation(resource, operation, resource_url_method, resource_plural); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:5
module Stripe::APIOperations::Request
  mixes_in_class_methods ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:115
  def execute_resource_request(method, url, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:121
  def execute_resource_request_stream(method, url, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &read_body_chunk_block); end

  # See notes on `alias` above.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:115
  def request(method, url, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:130
  def request_stripe_object(method:, path:, params:, opts: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # @private
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:111
    def included(base); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:6
module Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:7
  def execute_resource_request(method, url, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:14
  def execute_resource_request_stream(method, url, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &read_body_chunk_block); end

  # This method used to be called `request`, but it's such a short name
  # that it eventually conflicted with the name of a field on an API
  # resource (specifically, `Event#request`), so it was renamed to
  # something more unique.
  # The former name had been around for just about forever though, and
  # although all internal uses have been renamed, I've left this alias in
  # place for backwards compatibility. Consider removing it on the next
  # major.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:7
  def request(method, url, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:94
  def error_on_invalid_params(params); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:80
  def error_on_non_string_user_opts(opts); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:32
  def execute_resource_request_internal(client_request_method_sym, method, url, params, opts, &read_body_chunk_block); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:27
  def request_stripe_object(method:, path:, params:, opts: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/request.rb:102
  def warn_on_opts_in_params(params); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/save.rb:5
module Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  mixes_in_class_methods ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # Creates or updates an API resource.
  # If the resource doesn't yet have an assigned ID and the resource is one
  # that can be created, then the method attempts to create the resource.
  # The resource is updated otherwise.
  # ==== Attributes
  # * +params+ - Overrides any parameters in the resource's serialized data
  #   and includes them in the create or update. If +:req_url:+ is included
  #   in the list, it overrides the update URL used for the create or
  #   update.
  # * +opts+ - A Hash of additional options (separate from the params /
  #   object values) to be added to the request. E.g. to allow for an
  #   idempotency_key to be passed in the request headers, or for the
  #   api_key to be overwritten. See
  #   {APIOperations::Request.execute_resource_request}.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/save.rb:53
  def save(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/save.rb:85
  def save_url; end

  class << self
    # @private
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/save.rb:72
    def included(base); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/save.rb:6
module Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  # Updates an API resource
  # Updates the identified resource with the passed in parameters.
  # ==== Attributes
  # * +id+ - ID of the resource to update.
  # * +params+ - A hash of parameters to pass to the API
  # * +opts+ - A Hash of additional options (separate from the params /
  #   object values) to be added to the request. E.g. to allow for an
  #   idempotency_key to be passed in the request headers, or for the
  #   api_key to be overwritten. See
  #   {APIOperations::Request.execute_resource_request}.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/save.rb:20
  def update(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/search.rb:5
module Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/search.rb:6
  def _search(search_url, filters = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:4
class Stripe::APIResource < ::Stripe::StripeObject
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:80
  def refresh; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:93
  def request_stripe_object(method:, path:, params:, opts: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:69
  def resource_url; end

  # A flag that can be set a behavior that will cause this resource to be
  # encoded and sent up along with an update of its parent resource. This is
  # usually not desirable because resources are updated individually on their
  # own endpoints, but there are certain cases, replacing a customer's source
  # for example, where this is allowed.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:12
  def save_with_parent; end

  # A flag that can be set a behavior that will cause this resource to be
  # encoded and sent up along with an update of its parent resource. This is
  # usually not desirable because resources are updated individually on their
  # own endpoints, but there are certain cases, replacing a customer's source
  # for example, where this is allowed.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:12
  def save_with_parent=(_arg0); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:104
  def request_stream(method:, path:, params:, opts: T.unsafe(nil), &read_body_chunk_block); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:14
    def class_name; end

    # Adds a custom method to a resource class. This is used to add support for
    # non-CRUDL API requests, e.g. capturing charges. custom_method takes the
    # following parameters:
    # - name: the name of the custom method to create (as a symbol)
    # - http_verb: the HTTP verb for the API request (:get, :post, or :delete)
    # - http_path: the path to append to the resource's URL. If not provided,
    #              the name is used as the path
    # For example, this call:
    #     custom_method :capture, http_verb: post
    # adds a `capture` class method to the resource class that, when called,
    # will send a POST request to `/v1/<object_name>/capture`.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:65
    def custom_method(name, http_verb:, http_path: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:18
    def resource_url; end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:86
    def retrieve(id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # A metaprogramming call that specifies that a field of a resource can be
    # its own type of API resource (say a nested card under an account for
    # example), and if that resource is set, it should be transmitted to the
    # API on a create or update. Doing so is not the default behavior because
    # API resources should normally be persisted on their own RESTful
    # endpoints.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:35
    def save_nested_resource(name); end

# The base class for nested TestHelpers classes in resource objects.
# The APIResourceTestHelpers handles URL generation and custom method
# support for test-helper methods.
#  class MyAPIResource < APIResource
#    class TestHelpers < APIResourceTestHelpers
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource_test_helpers.rb:10
class Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods

  # @return [APIResourceTestHelpers] a new instance of APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource_test_helpers.rb:13
  def initialize(resource); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource_test_helpers.rb:38
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # Adds a custom method to a test helper. This is used to add support for
    # non-CRUDL API requests, e.g. capturing charges. custom_method takes the
    # following parameters:
    # - name: the name of the custom method to create (as a symbol)
    # - http_verb: the HTTP verb for the API request (:get, :post, or :delete)
    # - http_path: the path to append to the resource's URL. If not provided,
    #              the name is used as the path
    # For example, this call:
    #     custom_method :capture, http_verb: post
    # adds a `capture` class method to the resource class that, when called,
    # will send a POST request to `/v1/<object_name>/capture`.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource_test_helpers.rb:29
    def custom_method(name, http_verb:, http_path: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource_test_helpers.rb:33
    def resource_url; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:5
class Stripe::Account < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Gem::Deprecate
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:150
  def deauthorize(client_id = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:36
  def external_account=(value); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:139
  def legal_entity; end

  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:143
  def legal_entity=(_legal_entity); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:21
  def persons(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:30
  def reject(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:64
  def resource_url; end

  # Somewhat unfortunately, we attempt to do a special encoding trick when
  # serializing `additional_owners` under an account: when updating a value,
  # we actually send the update parameters up as an integer-indexed hash
  # rather than an array. So instead of this:
  #     field[]=item1&field[]=item2&field[]=item3
  # We send this:
  #     field[0]=item1&field[1]=item2&field[2]=item3
  # There are two major problems with this technique:
  #     * Entities are addressed by array index, which is not stable and can
  #       easily result in unexpected results between two different requests.
  #     * A replacement of the array's contents is ambiguous with setting a
  #       subset of the array. Because of this, the only way to shorten an
  #       array is to unset it completely by making sure it goes into the
  #       server as an empty string, then setting its contents again.
  # We're trying to get this overturned on the server side, but for now,
  # patch in a special allowance.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:115
  def serialize_params(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:119
  def serialize_params_account(_obj, update_hash, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:159
  def serialize_additional_owners(legal_entity, additional_owners); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def capabilitys_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_external_account(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_login_link(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_person(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:77
    def delete_external_account(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:77
    def delete_person(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def external_accounts_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_capabilities(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_external_accounts(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_persons(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def login_links_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:39
    def persons(account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def persons_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:135
    def protected_fields; end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:48
    def reject(account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:73
    def retrieve(id = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_capability(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_external_account(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_person(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_capability(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_external_account(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_person(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account.rb:13
Stripe::Account::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account_link.rb:5
class Stripe::AccountLink < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/account_link.rb:8
Stripe::AccountLink::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Domains registered for Apple Pay on the Web
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apple_pay_domain.rb:6
class Stripe::ApplePayDomain < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apple_pay_domain.rb:13
    def resource_url; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apple_pay_domain.rb:11
Stripe::ApplePayDomain::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee.rb:5
class Stripe::ApplicationFee < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_refund(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_refunds(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def refunds_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_refund(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_refund(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee.rb:9
Stripe::ApplicationFee::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee_refund.rb:5
class Stripe::ApplicationFeeRefund < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee_refund.rb:11
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee_refund.rb:24
    def retrieve(_id, _api_key = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee_refund.rb:16
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/application_fee_refund.rb:9
Stripe::ApplicationFeeRefund::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apps/secret.rb:5
module Stripe::Apps; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apps/secret.rb:6
class Stripe::Apps::Secret < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apps/secret.rb:12
    def delete_where(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apps/secret.rb:21
    def find(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/apps/secret.rb:10
Stripe::Apps::Secret::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# AuthenticationError is raised when invalid credentials are used to connect
# to Stripe's servers.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:57
class Stripe::AuthenticationError < ::Stripe::StripeError; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/balance.rb:5
class Stripe::Balance < ::Stripe::SingletonAPIResource; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/balance.rb:6
Stripe::Balance::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/balance_transaction.rb:5
class Stripe::BalanceTransaction < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/balance_transaction.rb:8
Stripe::BalanceTransaction::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/bank_account.rb:5
class Stripe::BankAccount < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/bank_account.rb:17
  def resource_url; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/bank_account.rb:12
  def verify(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/bank_account.rb:34
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/bank_account.rb:25
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/bank_account.rb:10
Stripe::BankAccount::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/billing_portal/configuration.rb:5
module Stripe::BillingPortal; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/billing_portal/configuration.rb:6
class Stripe::BillingPortal::Configuration < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/billing_portal/configuration.rb:11
Stripe::BillingPortal::Configuration::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/billing_portal/session.rb:6
class Stripe::BillingPortal::Session < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/billing_portal/session.rb:9
Stripe::BillingPortal::Session::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/capability.rb:5
class Stripe::Capability < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/capability.rb:11
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/capability.rb:20
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/capability.rb:27
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/capability.rb:9
Stripe::Capability::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/card.rb:5
class Stripe::Card < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/card.rb:12
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/card.rb:28
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/card.rb:20
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/card.rb:10
Stripe::Card::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# CardError is raised when a user enters a card that can't be charged for
# some reason.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:75
class Stripe::CardError < ::Stripe::StripeError
  # @return [CardError] a new instance of CardError
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:78
  def initialize(message, param, code: T.unsafe(nil), http_status: T.unsafe(nil), http_body: T.unsafe(nil), json_body: T.unsafe(nil), http_headers: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute param.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:76
  def param; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/cash_balance.rb:5
class Stripe::CashBalance < ::Stripe::APIResource
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/cash_balance.rb:8
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/cash_balance.rb:16
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/cash_balance.rb:6
Stripe::CashBalance::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/charge.rb:5
class Stripe::Charge < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/charge.rb:13
  def capture(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/charge.rb:22
    def capture(charge, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/charge.rb:31
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/charge.rb:35
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/charge.rb:11
Stripe::Charge::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:5
module Stripe::Checkout; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:6
class Stripe::Checkout::Session < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:12
  def expire(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:21
  def list_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:30
    def expire(session, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:39
    def list_line_items(session, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/checkout/session.rb:10
Stripe::Checkout::Session::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Manages connections across multiple hosts which is useful because the
# library may connect to multiple hosts during a typical session (main API,
# Connect, Uploads). Ruby doesn't provide an easy way to make this happen
# easily, so this class is designed to track what we're connected to and
# manage the lifecycle of those connections.
# Note that this class in itself is *not* thread safe. We expect it to be
# instantiated once per thread.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:12
class Stripe::ConnectionManager
  # @return [ConnectionManager] a new instance of ConnectionManager
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:20
  def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Finishes any active connections by closing their TCP connection and
  # clears them from internal tracking.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:37
  def clear; end

  # Returns the value of attribute config.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:18
  def config; end

  # Gets a connection for a given URI. This is for internal use only as it's
  # subject to change (we've moved between HTTP client schemes in the past
  # and may do it again).
  # `uri` is expected to be a string.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:51
  def connection_for(uri); end

  # Executes an HTTP request to the given URI with the given method. Also
  # allows a request body, headers, and query string to be specified.
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:69
  def execute_request(method, uri, body: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), query: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Timestamp (in seconds procured from the system's monotonic clock)
  # indicating when the connection manager last made a request. This is used
  # by `StripeClient` to determine whether a connection manager should be
  # garbage collected or not.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:17
  def last_used; end


  # `uri` should be a parsed `URI` object.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:141
  def create_connection(uri); end

  # `Net::HTTP` somewhat awkwardly requires each component of a proxy URI
  # (host, port, etc.) rather than the URI itself. This method simply parses
  # out those pieces to make passing them into a new connection a little less
  # ugly.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:181
  def proxy_parts; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/connection_manager.rb:190
  def warn_ssl_verify_none; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/country_spec.rb:5
class Stripe::CountrySpec < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/country_spec.rb:8
Stripe::CountrySpec::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/coupon.rb:5
class Stripe::Coupon < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/coupon.rb:11
Stripe::Coupon::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note.rb:5
class Stripe::CreditNote < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note.rb:12
  def void_credit_note(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note.rb:21
    def list_preview_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note.rb:30
    def preview(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note.rb:39
    def void_credit_note(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note.rb:10
Stripe::CreditNote::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note_line_item.rb:5
class Stripe::CreditNoteLineItem < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/credit_note_line_item.rb:6
Stripe::CreditNoteLineItem::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:5
class Stripe::Customer < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:20
  def create_funding_instructions(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:29
  def delete_discount(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:38
  def list_payment_methods(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:47
  def retrieve_payment_method(payment_method, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:36
  def source=(value); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:133
  def test_helpers; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def balance_transactions_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_balance_transaction(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:56
    def create_funding_instructions(customer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_source(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_tax_id(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:65
    def delete_discount(customer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:77
    def delete_source(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:77
    def delete_tax_id(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:77
    def detach_source(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_balance_transactions(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:74
    def list_payment_methods(customer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_sources(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_tax_ids(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_balance_transaction(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:115
    def retrieve_cash_balance(customer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:83
    def retrieve_payment_method(customer, payment_method, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_source(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_tax_id(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:107
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:111
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def sources_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def tax_ids_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_balance_transaction(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:124
    def update_cash_balance(customer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_source(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:13
Stripe::Customer::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:137
class Stripe::Customer::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:149
  def fund_cash_balance(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:140
    def fund_cash_balance(customer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer.rb:138
Stripe::Customer::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Customer

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer_balance_transaction.rb:5
class Stripe::CustomerBalanceTransaction < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer_balance_transaction.rb:11
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer_balance_transaction.rb:19
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer_balance_transaction.rb:25
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/customer_balance_transaction.rb:9
Stripe::CustomerBalanceTransaction::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:54
Stripe::DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/discount.rb:5
class Stripe::Discount < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/discount.rb:6
Stripe::Discount::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/dispute.rb:5
class Stripe::Dispute < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/dispute.rb:11
  def close(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/dispute.rb:20
    def close(dispute, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/dispute.rb:9
Stripe::Dispute::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/ephemeral_key.rb:5
class Stripe::EphemeralKey < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/ephemeral_key.rb:11
    def create(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/ephemeral_key.rb:9
Stripe::EphemeralKey::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Represents an error object as returned by the API.
# @see
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:12
class Stripe::ErrorObject < ::Stripe::StripeObject
  # For card errors, the ID of the failed charge.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:15
  def charge; end

  # For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string
  # indicating the error code reported.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:21
  def code; end

  # For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string
  # indicating the card issuer's reason for the decline if they provide one.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:27
  def decline_code; end

  # A URL to more information about the error code reported.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:32
  def doc_url; end

  # A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card
  # errors, these messages can be shown to your users.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:38
  def message; end

  # If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error.
  # For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form
  # field.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:45
  def param; end

  # The PaymentIntent object for errors returned on a request involving a
  # PaymentIntent.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:51
  def payment_intent; end

  # The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a
  # PaymentMethod.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:57
  def payment_method; end

  # The SetupIntent object for errors returned on a request involving a
  # SetupIntent.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:63
  def setup_intent; end

  # The source object for errors returned on a request involving a source.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:68
  def source; end

  # The type of error returned. One of `api_error`, `card_error`,
  # `idempotency_error`, or `invalid_request_error`.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:74
  def type; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/event.rb:5
class Stripe::Event < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/event.rb:8
Stripe::Event::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/exchange_rate.rb:5
class Stripe::ExchangeRate < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/exchange_rate.rb:8
Stripe::ExchangeRate::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file.rb:5
class Stripe::File < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file.rb:21
    def create(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file.rb:17
    def resource_url; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file.rb:9
Stripe::File::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# This resource can have two different object names. In latter API
# versions, only `file` is used, but since stripe-ruby may be used with
# any API version, we need to support deserializing the older
# `file_upload` object into the same class.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file.rb:15
Stripe::File::OBJECT_NAME_ALT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file_link.rb:5
class Stripe::FileLink < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/file_link.rb:10
Stripe::FileLink::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:5
module Stripe::FinancialConnections; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:6
class Stripe::FinancialConnections::Account < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:11
  def disconnect(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:20
  def list_owners(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:29
  def refresh_account(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:38
    def disconnect(account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:47
    def list_owners(account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:56
    def refresh_account(account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account.rb:9
Stripe::FinancialConnections::Account::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account_owner.rb:6
class Stripe::FinancialConnections::AccountOwner < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account_owner.rb:7
Stripe::FinancialConnections::AccountOwner::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account_ownership.rb:6
class Stripe::FinancialConnections::AccountOwnership < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/account_ownership.rb:7
Stripe::FinancialConnections::AccountOwnership::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/session.rb:6
class Stripe::FinancialConnections::Session < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/financial_connections/session.rb:9
Stripe::FinancialConnections::Session::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/funding_instructions.rb:5
class Stripe::FundingInstructions < ::Stripe::APIResource
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/funding_instructions.rb:8
  def resource_url; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/funding_instructions.rb:6
Stripe::FundingInstructions::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# IdempotencyError is raised in cases where an idempotency key was used
# improperly.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:89
class Stripe::IdempotencyError < ::Stripe::StripeError; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_report.rb:5
module Stripe::Identity; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_report.rb:6
class Stripe::Identity::VerificationReport < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_report.rb:9
Stripe::Identity::VerificationReport::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_session.rb:6
class Stripe::Identity::VerificationSession < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_session.rb:13
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_session.rb:22
  def redact(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_session.rb:31
    def cancel(session, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_session.rb:40
    def redact(session, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/identity/verification_session.rb:11
Stripe::Identity::VerificationSession::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:4
class Stripe::Instrumentation
  class << self
    # Returns true if there are a non-zero number of subscribers on the given
    # topic, and false otherwise.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:62
    def any_subscribers?(topic); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:75
    def notify(topic, event); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:66
    def subscribe(topic, name = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:71
    def unsubscribe(topic, name); end


    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:79
    def subscribers; end

# Event emitted on `request_begin` callback.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:6
class Stripe::Instrumentation::RequestBeginEvent
  # @return [RequestBeginEvent] a new instance of RequestBeginEvent
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:20
  def initialize(method:, path:, user_data:); end

  # Returns the value of attribute method.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:7
  def method; end

  # Returns the value of attribute path.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:8
  def path; end

  # Arbitrary user-provided data in the form of a Ruby hash that's passed
  # from subscribers on `request_begin` to subscribers on `request_end`.
  # `request_begin` subscribers can set keys which will then be available
  # in `request_end`.
  # Note that all subscribers of `request_begin` share the same object, so
  # they must be careful to set unique keys so as to not conflict with data
  # set by other subscribers.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:18
  def user_data; end

# Event emitted on `request_end` callback.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:29
class Stripe::Instrumentation::RequestEndEvent
  # @return [RequestEndEvent] a new instance of RequestEndEvent
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:43
  def initialize(duration:, http_status:, method:, num_retries:, path:, request_id:, user_data: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute duration.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:30
  def duration; end

  # Returns the value of attribute http_status.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:31
  def http_status; end

  # Returns the value of attribute method.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:32
  def method; end

  # Returns the value of attribute num_retries.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:33
  def num_retries; end

  # Returns the value of attribute path.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:34
  def path; end

  # Returns the value of attribute request_id.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:35
  def request_id; end

  # Arbitrary user-provided data in the form of a Ruby hash that's passed
  # from subscribers on `request_begin` to subscribers on `request_end`.
  # `request_begin` subscribers can set keys which will then be available
  # in `request_end`.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:41
  def user_data; end

# This class was renamed for consistency. This alias is here for backwards
# compatibility.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/instrumentation.rb:58
Stripe::Instrumentation::RequestEvent = Stripe::Instrumentation::RequestEndEvent

# InvalidRequestError is raised when a request is initiated with invalid
# parameters.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:94
class Stripe::InvalidRequestError < ::Stripe::StripeError
  # @return [InvalidRequestError] a new instance of InvalidRequestError
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:97
  def initialize(message, param, http_status: T.unsafe(nil), http_body: T.unsafe(nil), json_body: T.unsafe(nil), http_headers: T.unsafe(nil), code: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute param.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:95
  def param; end

  # Sets the attribute param
  # @param value the value to set the attribute param to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:95
  def param=(_arg0); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:5
class Stripe::Invoice < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:14
  def finalize_invoice(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:23
  def mark_uncollectible(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:32
  def pay(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:41
  def send_invoice(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:50
  def void_invoice(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:59
    def finalize_invoice(invoice, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:68
    def list_upcoming_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:77
    def mark_uncollectible(invoice, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:86
    def pay(invoice, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:122
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:126
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:95
    def send_invoice(invoice, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:104
    def upcoming(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:113
    def void_invoice(invoice, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice.rb:12
Stripe::Invoice::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice_item.rb:5
class Stripe::InvoiceItem < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice_item.rb:11
Stripe::InvoiceItem::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice_line_item.rb:5
class Stripe::InvoiceLineItem < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/invoice_line_item.rb:6
Stripe::InvoiceLineItem::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:5
module Stripe::Issuing; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:6
class Stripe::Issuing::Authorization < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:12
  def approve(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:21
  def decline(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:30
    def approve(authorization, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:39
    def decline(authorization, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/authorization.rb:10
Stripe::Issuing::Authorization::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:6
class Stripe::Issuing::Card < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:13
  def test_helpers; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:11
Stripe::Issuing::Card::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:17
class Stripe::Issuing::Card::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:56
  def deliver_card(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:65
  def fail_card(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:74
  def return_card(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:83
  def ship_card(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:20
    def deliver_card(card, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:29
    def fail_card(card, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:38
    def return_card(card, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:47
    def ship_card(card, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/card.rb:18
Stripe::Issuing::Card::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Issuing::Card

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/cardholder.rb:6
class Stripe::Issuing::Cardholder < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/cardholder.rb:11
Stripe::Issuing::Cardholder::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/dispute.rb:6
class Stripe::Issuing::Dispute < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/dispute.rb:13
  def submit(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/dispute.rb:22
    def submit(dispute, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/dispute.rb:11
Stripe::Issuing::Dispute::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/transaction.rb:6
class Stripe::Issuing::Transaction < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/issuing/transaction.rb:10
Stripe::Issuing::Transaction::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# map to the same values as the standard library's logger
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:57
Stripe::LEVEL_DEBUG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:58
Stripe::LEVEL_ERROR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe.rb:59
Stripe::LEVEL_INFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/line_item.rb:5
class Stripe::LineItem < ::Stripe::APIResource; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/line_item.rb:6
Stripe::LineItem::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:4
class Stripe::ListObject < ::Stripe::StripeObject
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods

  # @return [ListObject] a new instance of ListObject
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:24
  def initialize(*args); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:29
  def [](key); end

  # Iterates through each resource in all pages, making additional fetches to
  # the API as necessary.
  # The default iteration direction is forwards according to Stripe's API
  # "natural" ordering direction -- newer objects first, and moving towards
  # older objects.
  # However, if the initial list object was fetched using an `ending_before`
  # cursor (and only `ending_before`, `starting_after` cannot also be
  # included), the method assumes that the user is trying to iterate
  # backwards compared to natural ordering and returns results that way --
  # older objects first, and moving towards newer objects.
  # Note that this method will make as many API calls as necessary to fetch
  # all resources. For more granular control, please see +each+ and
  # +next_page+.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:67
  def auto_paging_each(&blk); end

  # Iterates through each resource in the page represented by the current
  # `ListObject`.
  # Note that this method makes no effort to fetch a new page when it gets to
  # the end of the current page's resources. See also +auto_paging_each+.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:47
  def each(&blk); end

  # Returns true if the page object contains no elements.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:89
  def empty?; end

  # This accessor allows a `ListObject` to inherit various filters that were
  # given to a predecessor. This allows for things like consistent limits,
  # expansions, and predicates as a user pages through resources.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:15
  def filters; end

  # This accessor allows a `ListObject` to inherit various filters that were
  # given to a predecessor. This allows for things like consistent limits,
  # expansions, and predicates as a user pages through resources.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:15
  def filters=(_arg0); end

  # Fetches the next page in the resource list (if there is one).
  # This method will try to respect the limit of the current page. If none
  # was given, the default limit will be fetched again.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:104
  def next_page(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Fetches the previous page in the resource list (if there is one).
  # This method will try to respect the limit of the current page. If none
  # was given, the default limit will be fetched again.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:118
  def previous_page(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:128
  def resource_url; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:93
  def retrieve(id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Iterates through each resource in the page represented by the current
  # `ListObject` in reverse.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:135
  def reverse_each(&blk); end

  class << self
    # An empty list object. This is returned from +next+ when we know that
    # there isn't a next page in order to replicate the behavior of the API
    # when it attempts to return a page beyond the last.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:20
    def empty_list(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/list_object.rb:10
Stripe::ListObject::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/login_link.rb:5
class Stripe::LoginLink < ::Stripe::APIResource
  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/login_link.rb:8
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/login_link.rb:6
Stripe::LoginLink::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/mandate.rb:5
class Stripe::Mandate < ::Stripe::APIResource; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/mandate.rb:6
Stripe::Mandate::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Encodes parameters into a `multipart/form-data` payload as described by RFC
# 2388:
# This is most useful for transferring file-like objects.
# Parameters should be added with `#encode`. When ready, use `#body` to get
# the encoded result and `#content_type` to get the value that should be
# placed in the `Content-Type` header of a subsequent request (which includes
# a boundary value).
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:18
class Stripe::MultipartEncoder
  # Initializes a new multipart encoder.
  # @return [MultipartEncoder] a new instance of MultipartEncoder
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:37
  def initialize; end

  # Gets the encoded body. `#close` must be called first.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:52
  def body; end

  # Gets the object's randomly generated boundary string.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:34
  def boundary; end

  # Finalizes the object by writing the final boundary.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:59
  def close; end

  # Gets the value including boundary that should be put into a multipart
  # request's `Content-Type`.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:72
  def content_type; end

  # Encodes a set of parameters to the body.
  # Note that parameters are expected to be a hash, but a "flat" hash such
  # that complex substructures like hashes and arrays have already been
  # appropriately Stripe-encoded. Pass a complex structure through
  # `Util.flatten_params` first before handing it off to this method.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:82
  def encode(params); end


  # Escapes double quotes so that the given value can be used in a
  # double-quoted string and replaces any linebreak characters with spaces.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:104
  def escape(str); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:108
  def write_field(name, data, filename:); end

  class << self
    # A shortcut for encoding a single set of parameters and finalizing a
    # result.
    # Returns an encoded body and the value that should be set in the content
    # type header of a subsequent request.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:26
    def encode(params); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/multipart_encoder.rb:19
Stripe::MultipartEncoder::MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:128
module Stripe::OAuth
  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/oauth.rb:31
    def authorize_url(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/oauth.rb:55
    def deauthorize(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/oauth.rb:17
    def get_client_id(params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/oauth.rb:45
    def token(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# InvalidClientError is raised when the client doesn't belong to you, or
# the API key mode (live or test) doesn't match the client mode. Or the
# stripe_user_id doesn't exist or isn't connected to your application.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:148
class Stripe::OAuth::InvalidClientError < ::Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError; end

# InvalidGrantError is raised when a specified code doesn't exist, is
# expired, has been used, or doesn't belong to you; a refresh token doesn't
# exist, or doesn't belong to you; or if an API key's mode (live or test)
# doesn't match the mode of a code or refresh token.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:155
class Stripe::OAuth::InvalidGrantError < ::Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError; end

# InvalidRequestError is raised when a code, refresh token, or grant type
# parameter is not provided, but was required.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:160
class Stripe::OAuth::InvalidRequestError < ::Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError; end

# InvalidScopeError is raised when an invalid scope parameter is provided.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:164
class Stripe::OAuth::InvalidScopeError < ::Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError; end

# OAuthError is raised when the OAuth API returns an error.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:130
class Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError < ::Stripe::StripeError
  # @return [OAuthError] a new instance of OAuthError
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:131
  def initialize(code, description, http_status: T.unsafe(nil), http_body: T.unsafe(nil), json_body: T.unsafe(nil), http_headers: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:138
  def construct_error_object; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/oauth.rb:5
module Stripe::OAuth::OAuthOperations
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/oauth.rb:8
    def execute_resource_request(method, url, params, opts); end

# UnsupportedGrantTypeError is raised when an unuspported grant type
# parameter is specified.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:169
class Stripe::OAuth::UnsupportedGrantTypeError < ::Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError; end

# UnsupportedResponseTypeError is raised when an unsupported response type
# parameter is specified.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:174
class Stripe::OAuth::UnsupportedResponseTypeError < ::Stripe::OAuth::OAuthError; end

# Represents on OAuth error returned by the OAuth API.
# @see
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:83
class Stripe::OAuthErrorObject < ::Stripe::StripeObject
  # A unique error code per error type.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:84
  def error; end

  # A human readable description of the error.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/error_object.rb:89
  def error_description; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/object_types.rb:7
module Stripe::ObjectTypes
  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/object_types.rb:8
    def object_names_to_classes; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:5
class Stripe::Order < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:21
  def list_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:30
  def reopen(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:39
  def submit(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:48
    def cancel(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:57
    def list_line_items(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:66
    def reopen(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:75
    def submit(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/order.rb:10
Stripe::Order::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:5
class Stripe::PaymentIntent < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:13
  def apply_customer_balance(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:22
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:31
  def capture(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:40
  def confirm(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:49
  def increment_authorization(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:58
  def verify_microdeposits(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:67
    def apply_customer_balance(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:76
    def cancel(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:85
    def capture(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:94
    def confirm(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:103
    def increment_authorization(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:121
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:125
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:112
    def verify_microdeposits(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_intent.rb:11
Stripe::PaymentIntent::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_link.rb:5
class Stripe::PaymentLink < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_link.rb:12
  def list_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_link.rb:21
    def list_line_items(payment_link, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_link.rb:10
Stripe::PaymentLink::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_method.rb:5
class Stripe::PaymentMethod < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_method.rb:12
  def attach(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_method.rb:21
  def detach(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_method.rb:30
    def attach(payment_method, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_method.rb:39
    def detach(payment_method, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payment_method.rb:10
Stripe::PaymentMethod::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payout.rb:5
class Stripe::Payout < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payout.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payout.rb:21
  def reverse(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payout.rb:30
    def cancel(payout, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payout.rb:39
    def reverse(payout, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/payout.rb:10
Stripe::Payout::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# PermissionError is raised in cases where access was attempted on a resource
# that wasn't allowed.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:108
class Stripe::PermissionError < ::Stripe::StripeError; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/person.rb:5
class Stripe::Person < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/person.rb:11
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/person.rb:19
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/person.rb:25
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/person.rb:9
Stripe::Person::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/plan.rb:5
class Stripe::Plan < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/plan.rb:11
Stripe::Plan::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/price.rb:5
class Stripe::Price < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/price.rb:13
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/price.rb:17
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/price.rb:11
Stripe::Price::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/product.rb:5
class Stripe::Product < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/product.rb:14
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/product.rb:18
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/product.rb:12
Stripe::Product::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/promotion_code.rb:5
class Stripe::PromotionCode < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/promotion_code.rb:10
Stripe::PromotionCode::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:5
class Stripe::Quote < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:12
  def accept(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:21
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:30
  def finalize_quote(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:39
  def list_computed_upfront_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:48
  def list_line_items(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:102
  def pdf(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &read_body_chunk_block); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:57
    def accept(quote, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:66
    def cancel(quote, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:75
    def finalize_quote(quote, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:84
    def list_computed_upfront_line_items(quote, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:93
    def list_line_items(quote, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:120
    def pdf(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &read_body_chunk_block); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/quote.rb:10
Stripe::Quote::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/early_fraud_warning.rb:5
module Stripe::Radar; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/early_fraud_warning.rb:6
class Stripe::Radar::EarlyFraudWarning < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/early_fraud_warning.rb:9
Stripe::Radar::EarlyFraudWarning::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/value_list.rb:6
class Stripe::Radar::ValueList < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/value_list.rb:12
Stripe::Radar::ValueList::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/value_list_item.rb:6
class Stripe::Radar::ValueListItem < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/radar/value_list_item.rb:11
Stripe::Radar::ValueListItem::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# RateLimitError is raised in cases where an account is putting too much load
# on Stripe's API servers (usually by performing too many requests). Please
# back off on request rate.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:114
class Stripe::RateLimitError < ::Stripe::StripeError; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:5
class Stripe::Refund < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:30
  def test_helpers; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:21
    def cancel(refund, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:10
Stripe::Refund::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:34
class Stripe::Refund::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:46
  def expire(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:37
    def expire(refund, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/refund.rb:35
Stripe::Refund::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Refund

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reporting/report_run.rb:5
module Stripe::Reporting; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reporting/report_run.rb:6
class Stripe::Reporting::ReportRun < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reporting/report_run.rb:10
Stripe::Reporting::ReportRun::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reporting/report_type.rb:6
class Stripe::Reporting::ReportType < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reporting/report_type.rb:9
Stripe::Reporting::ReportType::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reversal.rb:5
class Stripe::Reversal < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reversal.rb:11
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reversal.rb:23
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reversal.rb:16
    def update(_id, _params = T.unsafe(nil), _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/reversal.rb:9
Stripe::Reversal::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/review.rb:5
class Stripe::Review < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/review.rb:10
  def approve(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/review.rb:19
    def approve(review, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/review.rb:8
Stripe::Review::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/sku.rb:5
class Stripe::SKU < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/sku.rb:11
Stripe::SKU::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:4
class Stripe::SearchResultObject < ::Stripe::StripeObject
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Request::ClassMethods

  # @return [SearchResultObject] a new instance of SearchResultObject
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:23
  def initialize(*args); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:28
  def [](key); end

  # Iterates through each resource in all pages, making additional fetches to
  # the API as necessary.
  # Note that this method will make as many API calls as necessary to fetch
  # all resources. For more granular control, please see +each+ and
  # +next_search_result_page+.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:61
  def auto_paging_each(&blk); end

  # Iterates through each resource in the page represented by the current
  # `SearchListObject`.
  # Note that this method makes no effort to fetch a new page when it gets to
  # the end of the current page's resources. See also +auto_paging_each+.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:46
  def each(&blk); end

  # Returns true if the page object contains no elements.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:51
  def empty?; end

  # This accessor allows a `SearchResultObject` to inherit various filters
  # that were given to a predecessor. This allows for things like consistent
  # limits, expansions, and predicates as a user pages through resources.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:14
  def filters; end

  # This accessor allows a `SearchResultObject` to inherit various filters
  # that were given to a predecessor. This allows for things like consistent
  # limits, expansions, and predicates as a user pages through resources.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:14
  def filters=(_arg0); end

  # Fetches the next page in the resource list (if there is one).
  # This method will try to respect the limit of the current page. If none
  # was given, the default limit will be fetched again.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:78
  def next_search_result_page(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # An empty search result object. This is returned from +next+ when we know
    # that there isn't a next page in order to replicate the behavior of the API
    # when it attempts to return a page beyond the last.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:19
    def empty_search_result(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/search_result_object.rb:9
Stripe::SearchResultObject::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_attempt.rb:5
class Stripe::SetupAttempt < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_attempt.rb:8
Stripe::SetupAttempt::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:5
class Stripe::SetupIntent < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:21
  def confirm(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:30
  def verify_microdeposits(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:39
    def cancel(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:48
    def confirm(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:57
    def verify_microdeposits(intent, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/setup_intent.rb:10
Stripe::SetupIntent::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/shipping_rate.rb:5
class Stripe::ShippingRate < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/shipping_rate.rb:10
Stripe::ShippingRate::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/sigma/scheduled_query_run.rb:5
module Stripe::Sigma; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/sigma/scheduled_query_run.rb:6
class Stripe::Sigma::ScheduledQueryRun < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/sigma/scheduled_query_run.rb:11
    def resource_url; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/sigma/scheduled_query_run.rb:9
Stripe::Sigma::ScheduledQueryRun::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# SignatureVerificationError is raised when the signature verification for a
# webhook fails
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:119
class Stripe::SignatureVerificationError < ::Stripe::StripeError
  # @return [SignatureVerificationError] a new instance of SignatureVerificationError
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:122
  def initialize(message, sig_header, http_body: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute sig_header.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:120
  def sig_header; end

  # Sets the attribute sig_header
  # @param value the value to set the attribute sig_header to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:120
  def sig_header=(_arg0); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/singleton_api_resource.rb:4
class Stripe::SingletonAPIResource < ::Stripe::APIResource
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/singleton_api_resource.rb:16
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/singleton_api_resource.rb:5
    def resource_url; end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/singleton_api_resource.rb:20
    def retrieve(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source.rb:5
class Stripe::Source < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource
  extend ::Gem::Deprecate

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source.rb:46
  def _deprecated_source_transactions(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source.rb:33
  def detach(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://RUBY_ROOT/rubygems/deprecate.rb:54
  def source_transactions(*args, &block); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source.rb:15
  def verify(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_source_transactions(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_source_transaction(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def source_transactions_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source.rb:24
    def verify(source, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source.rb:10
Stripe::Source::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source_transaction.rb:5
class Stripe::SourceTransaction < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/source_transaction.rb:6
Stripe::SourceTransaction::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# StripeClient executes requests against the Stripe API and allows a user to
# recover both a resource a call returns as well as a response object that
# contains information on the HTTP call.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:9
class Stripe::StripeClient
  extend ::Gem::Deprecate

  # Initializes a new StripeClient
  # @return [StripeClient] a new instance of StripeClient
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:17
  def initialize(config_arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:183
  def _deprecated_connection_manager; end

  # Returns the value of attribute config.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:39
  def config; end

  # Gets the connection manager in use for the current `StripeClient`.
  # This method is DEPRECATED and for backwards compatibility only.
  # source://RUBY_ROOT/rubygems/deprecate.rb:54
  def connection_manager(*args, &block); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:214
  def execute_request(method, path, api_base: T.unsafe(nil), api_key: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), params: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Executes a request and returns the body as a stream instead of converting
  # it to a StripeObject. This should be used for any request where we expect
  # an arbitrary binary response.
  # A `read_body_chunk` block can be passed, which will be called repeatedly
  # with the body chunks read from the socket.
  # If a block is passed, a StripeHeadersOnlyResponse is returned as the
  # block is expected to do all the necessary body processing. If no block is
  # passed, then a StripeStreamResponse is returned containing an IO stream
  # with the response body.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:245
  def execute_request_stream(method, path, api_base: T.unsafe(nil), api_key: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), params: T.unsafe(nil), &read_body_chunk_block); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:272
  def last_response_has_key?(object_id); end

  # Returns the value of attribute options.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:40
  def options; end

  # Executes the API call within the given block. Usage looks like:
  #     client =
  #     charge, resp = client.request { Charge.create }
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:194
  def request; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:266
  def store_last_response(object_id, resp); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:510
  def api_url(url = T.unsafe(nil), api_base = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @raise [AuthenticationError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:514
  def check_api_key!(api_key); end

  # Encodes a set of body parameters using multipart if `Content-Type` is set
  # for that, or standard form-encoding otherwise. Returns the encoded body
  # and a version of the encoded body that's safe to be logged.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:534
  def encode_body(body_params, headers); end

  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:433
  def execute_request_internal(method, path, api_base, api_key, headers, params, &read_body_chunk_block); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:567
  def execute_request_with_rescues(method, api_base, context); end

  # Formats a plugin "app info" hash into a string that we can tack onto the
  # end of a User-Agent string where it'll be fairly prominent in places like
  # the Dashboard. Note that this formatting has been implemented to match
  # other libraries, and shouldn't be changed without universal consensus.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:690
  def format_app_info(info); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:680
  def general_api_error(status, body); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:697
  def handle_error_response(http_resp, context); end

  # @raise [APIConnectionError]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:825
  def handle_network_error(error, context, num_retries, api_base = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:893
  def log_request(context, num_retries); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:912
  def log_response(context, request_start, status, body, resp); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:943
  def log_response_error(context, request_start, error); end

  # Works around an edge case where we end up with both query parameters from
  # parameteers and query parameters that were appended onto the end of the
  # given path.
  # Decode any parameters that were added onto the end of a path and add them
  # to a unified query parameter hash so that all parameters end up in one
  # place and all of them are correctly included in the final request.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:724
  def merge_query_params(query_params, path); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:644
  def notify_request_begin(context); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:659
  def notify_request_end(context, duration, http_status, num_retries, user_data); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:851
  def request_headers(api_key, method); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:563
  def should_handle_as_error(http_status); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:739
  def specific_api_error(resp, error_data, context); end

  # Attempts to look at a response's error code and return an OAuth error if
  # one matches. Will return `nil` if the code isn't recognized.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:789
  def specific_oauth_error(resp, error_code, context); end

  class << self
    # Gets a currently active `StripeClient`. Set for the current thread when
    # `StripeClient#request` is being run so that API operations being executed
    # inside of that block can find the currently active client. It's reset to
    # the original value (hopefully `nil`) after the block ends.
    # For internal use only. Does not provide a stable API and may be broken
    # with future non-major changes.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:49
    def active_client; end

    # Finishes any active connections by closing their TCP connection and
    # clears them from internal tracking in all connection managers across all
    # threads.
    # If passed a `config` object, only clear connection managers for that
    # particular configuration.
    # For internal use only. Does not provide a stable API and may be broken
    # with future non-major changes.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:62
    def clear_all_connection_managers(config: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Access data stored for `StripeClient` within the thread's current
    # context. Returns `ThreadContext`.
    # For internal use only. Does not provide a stable API and may be broken
    # with future non-major changes.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:381
    def current_thread_context; end

    # A default client for the current thread.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:93
    def default_client; end

    # A default connection manager for the current thread scoped to the
    # configuration object that may be provided.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:99
    def default_connection_manager(config = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Garbage collects connection managers that haven't been used in some time,
    # with the idea being that we want to remove old connection managers that
    # belong to dead threads and the like.
    # Prefixed with `maybe_` because garbage collection will only run
    # periodically so that we're not constantly engaged in busy work. If
    # connection managers live a little passed their useful age it's not
    # harmful, so it's not necessary to get them right away.
    # For testability, returns `nil` if it didn't run and the number of
    # connection managers that were garbage collected otherwise.
    # IMPORTANT: This method is not thread-safe and expects to be called inside
    # a lock on `@thread_contexts_with_connection_managers_mutex`.
    # For internal use only. Does not provide a stable API and may be broken
    # with future non-major changes.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:402
    def maybe_gc_connection_managers; end

    # Checks if an error is a problem that we should retry on. This includes
    # both socket errors that may represent an intermittent problem and some
    # special HTTP statuses.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:115
    def should_retry?(error, method:, num_retries:, config: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:163
    def sleep_time(num_retries, config: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Time (in seconds) that a connection manager has not been used before it's
# eligible for garbage collection.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:282
Stripe::StripeClient::CONNECTION_MANAGER_GC_LAST_USED_EXPIRY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# How often to check (in seconds) for connection managers that haven't been
# used in a long time and which should be garbage collected.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:286
Stripe::StripeClient::CONNECTION_MANAGER_GC_PERIOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:288
Stripe::StripeClient::ERROR_MESSAGE_CONNECTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:293
Stripe::StripeClient::ERROR_MESSAGE_SSL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:306
Stripe::StripeClient::ERROR_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_CONNECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:311
Stripe::StripeClient::ERROR_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_READ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Common error suffix sared by both connect and read timeout messages.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:300
Stripe::StripeClient::ERROR_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SUFFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Maps types of exceptions that we're likely to see during a network
# request to more user-friendly messages that we put in front of people.
# The original error message is also appended onto the final exception for
# full transparency.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:320
Stripe::StripeClient::NETWORK_ERROR_MESSAGES_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# RequestLogContext stores information about a request that's begin made so
# that we can log certain information. It's useful because it means that we
# don't have to pass around as many parameters.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:957
class Stripe::StripeClient::RequestLogContext
  # Returns the value of attribute account.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:959
  def account; end

  # Sets the attribute account
  # @param value the value to set the attribute account to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:959
  def account=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_key.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:960
  def api_key; end

  # Sets the attribute api_key
  # @param value the value to set the attribute api_key to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:960
  def api_key=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_version.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:961
  def api_version; end

  # Sets the attribute api_version
  # @param value the value to set the attribute api_version to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:961
  def api_version=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute body.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:958
  def body; end

  # Sets the attribute body
  # @param value the value to set the attribute body to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:958
  def body=(_arg0); end

  # The idea with this method is that we might want to update some of
  # context information because a response that we've received from the API
  # contains information that's more authoritative than what we started
  # with for a request. For example, we should trust whatever came back in
  # a `Stripe-Version` header beyond what configuration information that we
  # might have had available.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:974
  def dup_from_response_headers(headers); end

  # Returns the value of attribute idempotency_key.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:962
  def idempotency_key; end

  # Sets the attribute idempotency_key
  # @param value the value to set the attribute idempotency_key to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:962
  def idempotency_key=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute method.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:963
  def method; end

  # Sets the attribute method
  # @param value the value to set the attribute method to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:963
  def method=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute path.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:964
  def path; end

  # Sets the attribute path
  # @param value the value to set the attribute path to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:964
  def path=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute query.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:965
  def query; end

  # Sets the attribute query
  # @param value the value to set the attribute query to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:965
  def query=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute request_id.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:966
  def request_id; end

  # Sets the attribute request_id
  # @param value the value to set the attribute request_id to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:966
  def request_id=(_arg0); end

# StripeRequestMetrics tracks metadata to be reported to stripe for metrics
# collection
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1043
class Stripe::StripeClient::StripeRequestMetrics
  # @return [StripeRequestMetrics] a new instance of StripeRequestMetrics
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1050
  def initialize(request_id, request_duration_ms); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1055
  def payload; end

  # Request duration in milliseconds
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1048
  def request_duration_ms; end

  # Request duration in milliseconds
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1048
  def request_duration_ms=(_arg0); end

  # The Stripe request ID of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1045
  def request_id; end

  # The Stripe request ID of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1045
  def request_id=(_arg0); end

# SystemProfiler extracts information about the system that we're running
# in so that we can generate a rich user agent header to help debug
# integrations.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:987
class Stripe::StripeClient::SystemProfiler
  # @return [SystemProfiler] a new instance of SystemProfiler
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1019
  def initialize; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1023
  def user_agent; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:988
    def uname; end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1003
    def uname_from_system; end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:1011
    def uname_from_system_ver; end

# A record representing any data that `StripeClient` puts into
# `Thread.current`. Making it a class likes this gives us a little extra
# type safety and lets us document what each field does.
# For internal use only. Does not provide a stable API and may be broken
# with future non-major changes.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:341
class Stripe::StripeClient::ThreadContext
  # A `StripeClient` that's been flagged as currently active within a
  # thread by `StripeClient#request`. A client stays active until the
  # completion of the request block.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:345
  def active_client; end

  # A `StripeClient` that's been flagged as currently active within a
  # thread by `StripeClient#request`. A client stays active until the
  # completion of the request block.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:345
  def active_client=(_arg0); end

  # A default `StripeClient` object for the thread. Used in all cases where
  # the user hasn't specified their own.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:349
  def default_client; end

  # A default `StripeClient` object for the thread. Used in all cases where
  # the user hasn't specified their own.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:349
  def default_client=(_arg0); end

  # A map of connection mangers for the thread. Normally shared between
  # all `StripeClient` objects on a particular thread, and created so as to
  # minimize the number of open connections that an application needs.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:367
  def default_connection_managers; end

  # A temporary map of object IDs to responses from last executed API
  # calls. Used to return a responses from calls to `StripeClient#request`.
  # Stored in the thread data to make the use of a single `StripeClient`
  # object safe across multiple threads. Stored as a map so that multiple
  # `StripeClient` objects can run concurrently on the same thread.
  # Responses are only left in as long as they're needed, which means
  # they're removed as soon as a call leaves `StripeClient#request`, and
  # because that's wrapped in an `ensure` block, they should never leave
  # garbage in `Thread.current`.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:362
  def last_responses; end

  # A temporary map of object IDs to responses from last executed API
  # calls. Used to return a responses from calls to `StripeClient#request`.
  # Stored in the thread data to make the use of a single `StripeClient`
  # object safe across multiple threads. Stored as a map so that multiple
  # `StripeClient` objects can run concurrently on the same thread.
  # Responses are only left in as long as they're needed, which means
  # they're removed as soon as a call leaves `StripeClient#request`, and
  # because that's wrapped in an `ensure` block, they should never leave
  # garbage in `Thread.current`.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:362
  def last_responses=(_arg0); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_client.rb:371
  def reset_connection_managers; end

# Configurable options:
# =ca_bundle_path=
# The location of a file containing a bundle of CA certificates. By default
# the library will use an included bundle that can successfully validate
# Stripe certificates.
# =log_level=
# When set prompts the library to log some extra information to $stdout and
# $stderr about what it's doing. For example, it'll produce information about
# requests, responses, and errors that are received. Valid log levels are
# `debug` and `info`, with `debug` being a little more verbose in places.
# Use of this configuration is only useful when `.logger` is _not_ set. When
# it is, the decision what levels to print is entirely deferred to the logger.
# =logger=
# The logger should support the same interface as the `Logger` class that's
# part of Ruby's standard library (hint, anything in `Rails.logger` will
# likely be suitable).
# If `.logger` is set, the value of `.log_level` is ignored. The decision on
# what levels to print is entirely deferred to the logger.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:27
class Stripe::StripeConfiguration
  # @return [StripeConfiguration] a new instance of StripeConfiguration
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:65
  def initialize; end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_base.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:35
  def api_base; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:151
  def api_base=(api_base); end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_key.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:28
  def api_key; end

  # Sets the attribute api_key
  # @param value the value to set the attribute api_key to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:28
  def api_key=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_version.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:29
  def api_version; end

  # Sets the attribute api_version
  # @param value the value to set the attribute api_version to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:29
  def api_version=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute ca_bundle_path.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:38
  def ca_bundle_path; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:156
  def ca_bundle_path=(path); end

  # A certificate store initialized from the the bundle in #ca_bundle_path and
  # which is used to validate TLS on every request.
  # This was added to the give the gem "pseudo thread safety" in that it seems
  # when initiating many parallel requests marshaling the certificate store is
  # the most likely point of failure (see issue #382). Any program attempting
  # to leverage this pseudo safety should make a call to this method (i.e.
  # `Stripe.ca_store`) in their initialization code because it marshals lazily
  # and is itself not thread safe.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:174
  def ca_store; end

  # Returns the value of attribute client_id.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:30
  def client_id; end

  # Sets the attribute client_id
  # @param value the value to set the attribute client_id to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:30
  def client_id=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute connect_base.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:37
  def connect_base; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:146
  def connect_base=(connect_base); end

  # Returns the value of attribute enable_telemetry.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:31
  def enable_telemetry; end

  # Sets the attribute enable_telemetry
  # @param value the value to set the attribute enable_telemetry to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:31
  def enable_telemetry=(_arg0); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:182
  def enable_telemetry?; end

  # Returns the value of attribute initial_network_retry_delay.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:40
  def initial_network_retry_delay; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:108
  def initial_network_retry_delay=(val); end

  # Generates a deterministic key to identify configuration objects with
  # identical configuration values.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:188
  def key; end

  # Returns the value of attribute log_level.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:39
  def log_level; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:83
  def log_level=(val); end

  # Returns the value of attribute logger.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:32
  def logger; end

  # Sets the attribute logger
  # @param value the value to set the attribute logger to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:32
  def logger=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute max_network_retries.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:41
  def max_network_retries; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:100
  def max_network_retries=(val); end

  # Returns the value of attribute max_network_retry_delay.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:42
  def max_network_retry_delay; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:104
  def max_network_retry_delay=(val); end

  # Returns the value of attribute open_timeout.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:43
  def open_timeout; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:112
  def open_timeout=(open_timeout); end

  # Returns the value of attribute proxy.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:46
  def proxy; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:131
  def proxy=(proxy); end

  # Returns the value of attribute read_timeout.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:44
  def read_timeout; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:117
  def read_timeout=(read_timeout); end

  # Create a new config based off an existing one. This is useful when the
  # caller wants to override the global configuration
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:57
  def reverse_duplicate_merge(hash); end

  # Returns the value of attribute stripe_account.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:33
  def stripe_account; end

  # Sets the attribute stripe_account
  # @param value the value to set the attribute stripe_account to.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:33
  def stripe_account=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute uploads_base.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:36
  def uploads_base; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:141
  def uploads_base=(uploads_base); end

  # Returns the value of attribute verify_ssl_certs.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:47
  def verify_ssl_certs; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:136
  def verify_ssl_certs=(verify_ssl_certs); end

  # Returns the value of attribute write_timeout.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:45
  def write_timeout; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:122
  def write_timeout=(write_timeout); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_configuration.rb:49
    def setup; end

# StripeError is the base error from which all other more specific Stripe
# errors derive.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:6
class Stripe::StripeError < ::StandardError
  # Initializes a StripeError.
  # @return [StripeError] a new instance of StripeError
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:22
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), http_status: T.unsafe(nil), http_body: T.unsafe(nil), json_body: T.unsafe(nil), http_headers: T.unsafe(nil), code: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute code.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:13
  def code; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:35
  def construct_error_object; end

  # Returns the value of attribute error.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:14
  def error; end

  # Returns the value of attribute http_body.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:15
  def http_body; end

  # Returns the value of attribute http_headers.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:16
  def http_headers; end

  # Returns the value of attribute http_status.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:17
  def http_status; end

  # Whether the error was the result of an idempotent replay, meaning that it
  # originally occurred on a previous request and is being replayed back
  # because the user sent the same idempotency key for this one.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:44
  def idempotent_replayed?; end

  # equivalent to #data
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:18
  def json_body; end

  # Returns the value of attribute message.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:7
  def message; end

  # Returns the value of attribute request_id.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:19
  def request_id; end

  # Response contains a StripeResponse object that has some basic information
  # about the response that conveyed the error.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:11
  def response; end

  # Response contains a StripeResponse object that has some basic information
  # about the response that conveyed the error.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:11
  def response=(_arg0); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/errors.rb:48
  def to_s; end

# StripeHeadersOnlyResponse includes only header-related vitals of the
# response. This is used for streaming requests where the response was read
# directly in a block and we explicitly don't want to store the body of the
# response in memory.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:99
class Stripe::StripeHeadersOnlyResponse
  include ::Stripe::StripeResponseBase

  class << self
    # Initializes a StripeHeadersOnlyResponse object from a
    # Net::HTTP::HTTPResponse object.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:104
    def from_net_http(http_resp); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:4
class Stripe::StripeObject
  include ::Enumerable

  # @return [StripeObject] a new instance of StripeObject
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:73
  def initialize(id = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Determines the equality of two Stripe objects. Stripe objects are
  # considered to be equal if they have the same set of values and each one
  # of those values is the same.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:95
  def ==(other); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:157
  def [](key); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:161
  def []=(key, value); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:178
  def as_json(*opts); end

  # Indicates whether or not the resource has been deleted on the server.
  # Note that some, but not all, resources can indicate whether they have
  # been deleted.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:116
  def deleted?; end

  # Sets all keys within the StripeObject as unsaved so that they will be
  # included with an update when #serialize_params is called. This method is
  # also recursive, so any StripeObjects contained as values or which are
  # values in a tenant array are also marked as dirty.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:207
  def dirty!; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:199
  def each(&blk); end

  # Hash equality. As with `#==`, we consider two equivalent Stripe objects
  # equal.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:102
  def eql?(other); end

  # As with equality in `#==` and `#eql?`, we hash two Stripe objects to the
  # same value if they're equivalent objects.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:109
  def hash; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:124
  def inspect; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:165
  def keys; end

  # Implements custom encoding for Ruby's Marshal. The data produced by this
  # method should be comprehendable by #marshal_load.
  # This allows us to remove certain features that cannot or should not be
  # serialized.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:219
  def marshal_dump; end

  # Implements custom decoding for Ruby's Marshal. Consumes data that's
  # produced by #marshal_dump.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:230
  def marshal_load(data); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:236
  def serialize_params(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:182
  def to_hash; end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:173
  def to_json(*_opts); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:120
  def to_s(*_args); end

  # Mass assigns attributes on the model.
  # This is a version of +update_attributes+ that takes some extra options
  # for internal use.
  # ==== Attributes
  # * +values+ - Hash of values to use to update the current attributes of
  #   the object. If you are on ruby 2.7 or higher make sure to wrap in curly
  #   braces to be ruby 3 compatible.
  # * +opts+ - Options for +StripeObject+ like an API key that will be reused
  #   on subsequent API calls.
  # ==== Options
  # * +:dirty+ - Whether values should be initiated as "dirty" (unsaved) and
  #   which applies only to new StripeObjects being initiated under this
  #   StripeObject. Defaults to true.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:148
  def update_attributes(values, opts = T.unsafe(nil), dirty: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:169
  def values; end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:331
  def add_accessors(keys, values); end

  # Re-initializes the object based on a hash of values (usually one that's
  # come back from an API call). Adds or removes value accessors as necessary
  # and updates the state of internal data.
  # Protected on purpose! Please do not expose.
  # ==== Options
  # * +:values:+ Hash used to update accessors and values.
  # * +:opts:+ Options for StripeObject like an API key.
  # * +:partial:+ Indicates that the re-initialization should not attempt to
  #   remove accessors.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:432
  def initialize_from(values, opts, partial = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:291
  def metaclass; end

  # Disabling the cop because it's confused by the fact that the methods are
  # protected, but we do define `#respond_to_missing?` just below. Hopefully
  # this is fixed in more recent Rubocop versions.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:373
  def method_missing(name, *args); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:295
  def remove_accessors(keys); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:416
  def respond_to_missing?(symbol, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:463
  def serialize_params_value(value, original, unsaved, force, key: T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:562
  def dirty_value!(value); end

  # Returns a hash of empty values for all the values that are in the given
  # StripeObject.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:573
  def empty_values(obj); end

  class << self
    # Sets the given parameter name to one which is known to be an additive
    # object.
    # Additive objects are subobjects in the API that don't have the same
    # semantics as most subobjects, which are fully replaced when they're set.
    # This is best illustrated by example. The `source` parameter sent when
    # updating a subscription is *not* additive; if we set it:
    #     source[object]=card&source[number]=123
    # We expect the old `source` object to have been overwritten completely. If
    # the previous source had an `address_state` key associated with it and we
    # didn't send one this time, that value of `address_state` is gone.
    # By contrast, additive objects are those that will have new data added to
    # them while keeping any existing data in place. The only known case of its
    # use is for `metadata`, but it could in theory be more general. As an
    # example, say we have a `metadata` object that looks like this on the
    # server side:
    #     metadata = { old: "old_value" }
    # If we update the object with `metadata[new]=new_value`, the server side
    # object now has *both* fields:
    #     metadata = { old: "old_value", new: "new_value" }
    # This is okay in itself because usually users will want to treat it as
    # additive:
    #     obj.metadata[:new] = "new_value"
    # However, in other cases, they may want to replace the entire existing
    # contents:
    #     obj.metadata = { new: "new_value" }
    # This is where things get a little bit tricky because in order to clear
    # any old keys that may have existed, we actually have to send an explicit
    # empty string to the server. So the operation above would have to send
    # this form to get the intended behavior:
    #     metadata[old]=&metadata[new]=new_value
    # This method allows us to track which parameters are considered additive,
    # and lets us behave correctly where appropriate when serializing
    # parameters to be sent.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:61
    def additive_object_param(name); end

    # Returns whether the given name is an additive object parameter. See
    # `.additive_object_param` for details.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:68
    def additive_object_param?(name); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:85
    def construct_from(values, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # A protected field is one that doesn't get an accessor assigned to it
    # (i.e. `obj.public = ...`) and one which is not allowed to be updated via
    # the class level `Model.update(id, { ... })`.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:266
    def protected_fields; end


    # Produces a deep copy of the given object including support for arrays,
    # hashes, and StripeObjects.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:541
    def deep_copy(obj); end

# When designing APIs, we now make a conscious effort server-side to avoid
# naming fields after important built-ins in various languages (e.g. class,
# method, etc.).
# However, a long time ago we made the mistake (either consciously or by
# accident) of initializing our `metadata` fields as instances of
# `StripeObject`, and metadata can have a wide range of different keys
# defined in it. This is somewhat a convenient in that it allows users to
# access data like `obj.metadata.my_field`, but is almost certainly not
# worth the cost.
# Naming metadata fields bad things like `class` causes `initialize_from`
# to produce strange results, so we ban known offenders here.
# In a future major version we should consider leaving `metadata` as a hash
# and forcing people to access it with `obj.metadata[:my_field]` because
# the potential for trouble is just too high. For now, reserve names.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_object.rb:287
Stripe::StripeObject::RESERVED_FIELD_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# StripeResponse encapsulates some vitals of a response that came back from
# the Stripe API.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:70
class Stripe::StripeResponse
  include ::Stripe::StripeResponseBase

  # The data contained by the HTTP body of the response deserialized from
  # JSON.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:74
  def data; end

  # The data contained by the HTTP body of the response deserialized from
  # JSON.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:74
  def data=(_arg0); end

  # The raw HTTP body of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:77
  def http_body; end

  # The raw HTTP body of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:77
  def http_body=(_arg0); end

  class << self
    # Initializes a StripeResponse object from a Net::HTTP::HTTPResponse
    # object.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:81
    def from_net_http(http_resp); end

# We have to alias StripeResponseHeaders to StripeResponse::Headers, as this
# class used to be embedded within StripeResponse and we want to be backwards
# compatible.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:93
Stripe::StripeResponse::Headers = Stripe::StripeResponseHeaders

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:51
module Stripe::StripeResponseBase
  # A Hash of the HTTP headers of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:53
  def http_headers; end

  # A Hash of the HTTP headers of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:53
  def http_headers=(_arg0); end

  # The integer HTTP status code of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:56
  def http_status; end

  # The integer HTTP status code of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:56
  def http_status=(_arg0); end

  # The Stripe request ID of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:59
  def request_id; end

  # The Stripe request ID of the response.
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:59
  def request_id=(_arg0); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:61
    def populate_for_net_http(resp, http_resp); end

# Headers provides an access wrapper to an API response's header data. It
# mainly exists so that we don't need to expose the entire
# `Net::HTTPResponse` object while still getting some of its benefits like
# case-insensitive access to header names and flattening of header values.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:8
class Stripe::StripeResponseHeaders
  # `hash` is expected to be a hash mapping header names to arrays of
  # header values. This is the default format generated by calling
  # `#to_hash` on a `Net::HTTPResponse` object because headers can be
  # repeated multiple times. Using `#[]` will collapse values down to just
  # the first.
  # @return [StripeResponseHeaders] a new instance of StripeResponseHeaders
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:19
  def initialize(hash); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:42
  def [](name); end

  class << self
    # Initializes a Headers object from a Net::HTTP::HTTPResponse object.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/stripe_response.rb:10
    def from_net_http(resp); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:5
class Stripe::Subscription < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Search
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  extend ::Gem::Deprecate

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:50
  def _deprecated_delete(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:13
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://RUBY_ROOT/rubygems/deprecate.rb:54
  def delete(*args, &block); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:22
  def delete_discount(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_resource.rb:36
  def source=(value); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:59
    def _deprecated_delete(subscription_exposed_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:31
    def cancel(subscription_exposed_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://RUBY_ROOT/rubygems/deprecate.rb:54
    def delete(*args, &block); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:40
    def delete_discount(subscription_exposed_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:76
    def search(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:80
    def search_auto_paging_each(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription.rb:11
Stripe::Subscription::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_item.rb:5
class Stripe::SubscriptionItem < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_usage_record(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_usage_record_summaries(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def usage_record_summarys_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def usage_records_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_item.rb:12
Stripe::SubscriptionItem::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_schedule.rb:5
class Stripe::SubscriptionSchedule < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_schedule.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_schedule.rb:21
  def release(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_schedule.rb:30
    def cancel(schedule, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_schedule.rb:39
    def release(schedule, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/subscription_schedule.rb:10
Stripe::SubscriptionSchedule::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_code.rb:5
class Stripe::TaxCode < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_code.rb:8
Stripe::TaxCode::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_id.rb:5
class Stripe::TaxId < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_id.rb:11
  def resource_url; end

  class << self
    # @raise [NotImplementedError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_id.rb:20
    def retrieve(_id, _opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_id.rb:9
Stripe::TaxId::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_rate.rb:5
class Stripe::TaxRate < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/tax_rate.rb:10
Stripe::TaxRate::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/configuration.rb:5
module Stripe::Terminal; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/configuration.rb:6
class Stripe::Terminal::Configuration < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/configuration.rb:12
Stripe::Terminal::Configuration::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/connection_token.rb:6
class Stripe::Terminal::ConnectionToken < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/connection_token.rb:9
Stripe::Terminal::ConnectionToken::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/location.rb:6
class Stripe::Terminal::Location < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/location.rb:12
Stripe::Terminal::Location::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:6
class Stripe::Terminal::Reader < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:14
  def cancel_action(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:23
  def process_payment_intent(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:32
  def process_setup_intent(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:41
  def set_reader_display(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:86
  def test_helpers; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:50
    def cancel_action(reader, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:59
    def process_payment_intent(reader, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:68
    def process_setup_intent(reader, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:77
    def set_reader_display(reader, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:12
Stripe::Terminal::Reader::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:90
class Stripe::Terminal::Reader::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:102
  def present_payment_method(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:93
    def present_payment_method(reader, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/terminal/reader.rb:91
Stripe::Terminal::Reader::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Terminal::Reader

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/test_helpers/test_clock.rb:5
module Stripe::TestHelpers; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/test_helpers/test_clock.rb:6
class Stripe::TestHelpers::TestClock < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/test_helpers/test_clock.rb:13
  def advance(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/test_helpers/test_clock.rb:22
    def advance(test_clock, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/test_helpers/test_clock.rb:11
Stripe::TestHelpers::TestClock::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/token.rb:5
class Stripe::Token < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/token.rb:8
Stripe::Token::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/topup.rb:5
class Stripe::Topup < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/topup.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/topup.rb:21
    def cancel(topup, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/topup.rb:10
Stripe::Topup::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/transfer.rb:5
class Stripe::Transfer < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::NestedResource

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:47
    def create_reversal(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:87
    def list_reversals(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:57
    def retrieve_reversal(id, nested_id, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:22
    def reversals_url(id, nested_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/api_operations/nested_resource.rb:67
    def update_reversal(id, nested_id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/transfer.rb:11
Stripe::Transfer::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/credit_reversal.rb:5
module Stripe::Treasury; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/credit_reversal.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::CreditReversal < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/credit_reversal.rb:10
Stripe::Treasury::CreditReversal::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/debit_reversal.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::DebitReversal < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/debit_reversal.rb:10
Stripe::Treasury::DebitReversal::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/financial_account.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::FinancialAccount < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/financial_account.rb:13
  def retrieve_features(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/financial_account.rb:22
  def update_features(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/financial_account.rb:31
    def retrieve_features(financial_account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/financial_account.rb:40
    def update_features(financial_account, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/financial_account.rb:11
Stripe::Treasury::FinancialAccount::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::InboundTransfer < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:30
  def test_helpers; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:21
    def cancel(inbound_transfer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:10
Stripe::Treasury::InboundTransfer::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:34
class Stripe::Treasury::InboundTransfer::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:64
  def fail(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:73
  def return_inbound_transfer(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:82
  def succeed(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:37
    def fail(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:46
    def return_inbound_transfer(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:55
    def succeed(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/inbound_transfer.rb:35
Stripe::Treasury::InboundTransfer::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Treasury::InboundTransfer

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::OutboundPayment < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:30
  def test_helpers; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:21
    def cancel(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:10
Stripe::Treasury::OutboundPayment::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:34
class Stripe::Treasury::OutboundPayment::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:64
  def fail(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:73
  def post(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:82
  def return_outbound_payment(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:37
    def fail(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:46
    def post(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:55
    def return_outbound_payment(id, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_payment.rb:35
Stripe::Treasury::OutboundPayment::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Treasury::OutboundPayment

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::OutboundTransfer < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:12
  def cancel(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:30
  def test_helpers; end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:21
    def cancel(outbound_transfer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:10
Stripe::Treasury::OutboundTransfer::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:34
class Stripe::Treasury::OutboundTransfer::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:68
  def fail(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:77
  def post(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:86
  def return_outbound_transfer(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:37
    def fail(outbound_transfer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:46
    def post(outbound_transfer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:55
    def return_outbound_transfer(outbound_transfer, params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/outbound_transfer.rb:35
Stripe::Treasury::OutboundTransfer::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Treasury::OutboundTransfer

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_credit.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedCredit < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_credit.rb:11
  def test_helpers; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_credit.rb:9
Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedCredit::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_credit.rb:15
class Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedCredit::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_credit.rb:18
    def create(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_credit.rb:16
Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedCredit::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedCredit

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_debit.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedDebit < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_debit.rb:11
  def test_helpers; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_debit.rb:9
Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedDebit::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_debit.rb:15
class Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedDebit::TestHelpers < ::Stripe::APIResourceTestHelpers
  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_debit.rb:18
    def create(params = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/received_debit.rb:16
Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedDebit::TestHelpers::RESOURCE_CLASS = Stripe::Treasury::ReceivedDebit

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/transaction.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::Transaction < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/transaction.rb:9
Stripe::Treasury::Transaction::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/transaction_entry.rb:6
class Stripe::Treasury::TransactionEntry < ::Stripe::APIResource
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List

  class << self
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/transaction_entry.rb:11
    def resource_url; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/treasury/transaction_entry.rb:9
Stripe::Treasury::TransactionEntry::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/usage_record.rb:5
class Stripe::UsageRecord < ::Stripe::APIResource; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/usage_record.rb:6
Stripe::UsageRecord::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/usage_record_summary.rb:5
class Stripe::UsageRecordSummary < ::Stripe::StripeObject; end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/usage_record_summary.rb:6
Stripe::UsageRecordSummary::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:6
module Stripe::Util
  class << self
    # @raise [TypeError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:298
    def check_api_key!(key); end

    # @raise [TypeError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:292
    def check_string_argument!(key); end

    # Converts a hash of fields or an array of hashes into a +StripeObject+ or
    # array of +StripeObject+s. These new objects will be created as a concrete
    # type as dictated by their `object` field (e.g. an `object` value of
    # `charge` would create an instance of +Charge+), but if `object` is not
    # present or of an unknown type, the newly created instance will fall back
    # to being a +StripeObject+.
    # ==== Attributes
    # * +data+ - Hash of fields and values to be converted into a StripeObject.
    # * +params+ - Params for +StripeObject+ like filters used in search that
    #   will be reused on subsequent API calls.
    # * +opts+ - Options for +StripeObject+ like an API key that will be reused
    #   on subsequent API calls.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:111
    def convert_to_stripe_object(data, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Converts a hash of fields or an array of hashes into a +StripeObject+ or
    # array of +StripeObject+s. These new objects will be created as a concrete
    # type as dictated by their `object` field (e.g. an `object` value of
    # `charge` would create an instance of +Charge+), but if `object` is not
    # present or of an unknown type, the newly created instance will fall back
    # to being a +StripeObject+.
    # ==== Attributes
    # * +data+ - Hash of fields and values to be converted into a StripeObject.
    # * +opts+ - Options for +StripeObject+ like an API key that will be reused
    #   on subsequent API calls.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:127
    def convert_to_stripe_object_with_params(data, params, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Adds a custom method to a resource class. This is used to add support for
    # non-CRUDL API requests, e.g. capturing charges. custom_method takes the
    # following parameters:
    # - name: the name of the custom method to create (as a symbol)
    # - http_verb: the HTTP verb for the API request (:get, :post, or :delete)
    # - http_path: the path to append to the resource's URL. If not provided,
    #              the name is used as the path
    # - resource: the resource implementation class
    # - target: the class that custom static method will be added to
    # For example, this call:
    #     custom_method :capture, http_verb: post
    # adds a `capture` class method to the resource class that, when called,
    # will send a POST request to `/v1/<object_name>/capture`.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:64
    def custom_method(resource, target, name, http_verb, http_path); end

    # Encodes a hash of parameters in a way that's suitable for use as query
    # parameters in a URI or as form parameters in a request body. This mainly
    # involves escaping special characters from parameter keys and values (e.g.
    # `&`).
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:205
    def encode_parameters(params); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:221
    def flatten_params(params, parent_key = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:240
    def flatten_params_array(value, calculated_key); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:171
    def log_debug(message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:151
    def log_error(message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:161
    def log_info(message, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # `` can be unstable in cases like an administrator manually
    # updating its value or a reconcilation via NTP. For this reason, prefer
    # the use of the system's monotonic clock especially where comparing times
    # to calculate an elapsed duration.
    # Shortcut for getting monotonic time, mostly for purposes of line length
    # and test stubbing. Returns time in seconds since the event used for
    # monotonic reference purposes by the platform (e.g. system boot time).
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:262
    def monotonic_time; end

    # Normalizes header keys so that they're all lower case and each
    # hyphen-delimited section starts with a single capitalized letter. For
    # example, `request-id` becomes `Request-Id`. This is useful for extracting
    # certain key values when the user could have set them with a variety of
    # diffent naming schemes.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:309
    def normalize_headers(headers); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:266
    def normalize_id(id); end

    # The secondary opts argument can either be a string or hash
    # Turn this value into an api_key and a set of headers
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:278
    def normalize_opts(opts); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:42
    def object_classes; end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:46
    def object_name_matches_class?(object_name, klass); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:27
    def objects_to_ids(obj); end

    # Generates a Dashboard link to inspect a request ID based off of a request
    # ID value and an API key, which is used to attempt to extract whether the
    # environment is livemode or testmode.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:321
    def request_id_dashboard_url(request_id, api_key); end

    # Constant time string comparison to prevent timing attacks
    # Code borrowed from ActiveSupport
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:328
    def secure_compare(str_a, str_b); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:181
    def symbolize_names(object); end

    # Encodes a string in a way that makes it suitable for use in a set of
    # query parameters in a URI or in a set of form parameters in a request
    # body.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:213
    def url_encode(key); end


    # Uses an ANSI escape code to colorize text if it's going to be sent to a
    # TTY.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:357
    def colorize(val, color, isatty); end

    # Turns an integer log level into a printable name.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:369
    def level_name(level); end

    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:379
    def log_internal(message, data = T.unsafe(nil), color:, level:, logger:, out:); end

    # Wraps a value in double quotes if it looks sufficiently complex so that
    # it can be read by logfmt parsers.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:411
    def wrap_logfmt_value(val); end

# private
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:342
Stripe::Util::COLOR_CODES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Options that should be copyable from one StripeObject to another
# including options that may be internal.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:17
Stripe::Util::OPTS_COPYABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)

# Options that should be persisted between API requests. This includes
# client, which is an object containing an HTTP client to reuse.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:23
Stripe::Util::OPTS_PERSISTABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)

# Options that a user is allowed to specify.
# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/util.rb:8
Stripe::Util::OPTS_USER_SPECIFIED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/version.rb:4
Stripe::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:4
module Stripe::Webhook
  class << self
    # Initializes an Event object from a JSON payload.
    # This may raise JSON::ParserError if the payload is not valid JSON, or
    # SignatureVerificationError if the signature verification fails.
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:11
    def construct_event(payload, sig_header, secret, tolerance: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:5
Stripe::Webhook::DEFAULT_TOLERANCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:24
module Stripe::Webhook::Signature
  class << self
    # Computes a webhook signature given a time (probably the current time),
    # a payload, and a signing secret.
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:29
    def compute_signature(timestamp, payload, secret); end

    # Generates a value that would be added to a `Stripe-Signature` for a
    # given webhook payload.
    # Note that this isn't needed to verify webhooks in any way, and is
    # mainly here for use in test cases (those that are both within this
    # project and without).
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:48
    def generate_header(timestamp, signature, scheme: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Verifies the signature header for a given payload.
    # Raises a SignatureVerificationError in the following cases:
    # - the header does not match the expected format
    # - no signatures found with the expected scheme
    # - no signatures matching the expected signature
    # - a tolerance is provided and the timestamp is not within the
    #   tolerance
    # Returns true otherwise
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:79
    def verify_header(payload, header, secret, tolerance: T.unsafe(nil)); end


    # Extracts the timestamp and the signature(s) with the desired scheme
    # from the header
    # source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:61
    def get_timestamp_and_signatures(header, scheme); end

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/webhook.rb:25
Stripe::Webhook::Signature::EXPECTED_SCHEME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/webhook_endpoint.rb:5
class Stripe::WebhookEndpoint < ::Stripe::APIResource
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete
  include ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Create
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Delete::ClassMethods
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::List
  extend ::Stripe::APIOperations::Save::ClassMethods

# source://stripe-7.0.0/lib/stripe/resources/webhook_endpoint.rb:11
Stripe::WebhookEndpoint::OBJECT_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)