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Test Coverage
# typed: strict
# frozen_string_literal: true

class HeadingComponent < ViewComponent::Base
  extend T::Sig

  DEFAULT_SIZES = T.let({ h1: "3xl", h2: "2xl", h3: "xl", h4: "xl" }.freeze, T::Hash[Symbol, String])
  DEFAULT_FONTS = T.let({ h1: "display", h2: "display", h3: "sans", h4: "sans" }.freeze, T::Hash[Symbol, String])
  # Doing this very long winded way to ensure that tailwind doesn't remove styles being used here
  VALID_SIZE_CLASSES = T.let(%w[text-xl text-2xl text-3xl text-4xl].freeze, T::Array[String])
  VALID_WEIGHT_CLASSES = T.let(%w[font-semibold font-bold].freeze, T::Array[String])
  VALID_COLOR_CLASSES = T.let(%w[text-navy text-white].freeze, T::Array[String])
  VALID_FONT_CLASSES = T.let(%w[font-display font-sans].freeze, T::Array[String])

  # TODO: Perhaps we should allow the size override to work by saying we want an h1 heading but with the styling of an h2?
  sig { params(tag: Symbol, size: T.nilable(String), color: T.nilable(String), font: T.nilable(String), weight: T.nilable(String), extra_classes: String).void }
  def initialize(tag:, size: nil, color: nil, font: nil, weight: nil, extra_classes: "")

    default_size = DEFAULT_SIZES[tag]
    raise "Unexpected tag #{tag}" if default_size.nil?

    default_font = DEFAULT_FONTS[tag]
    raise "Unexpected tag #{tag}" if default_font.nil?

    # Set the default styling
    size ||= default_size
    weight ||= "bold"
    color ||= "navy"
    font ||= default_font

    raise "Unexpected size #{size}" unless VALID_SIZE_CLASSES.include?("text-#{size}")
    raise "Unexpected weight #{weight}" unless VALID_WEIGHT_CLASSES.include?("font-#{weight}")
    raise "Unexpected color #{color}" unless VALID_COLOR_CLASSES.include?("text-#{color}")
    raise "Unexpected font #{font}" unless VALID_FONT_CLASSES.include?("font-#{font}")

    c = ["text-#{size}", "font-#{weight}", "text-#{color}", "font-#{font}"]

    # TODO: Not sure whether we should be setting max width on all headings
    c << "max-w-4xl" if tag == :h1

    # These extra classes can't override the default styling because they're at the end
    c << extra_classes

    @tag = tag
    @class = T.let(c, T::Array[T.nilable(String)])