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<% content_for :page_title, page_title(@application) %>
<% content_for :meta_description, @application.description %>
<% content_for :extra_meta_tags do %>
  <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card">
  <meta content="@PlanningAlerts" name="twitter:site">
  <meta content="<%= @application.address %>" name="twitter:title">
  <meta content="<%= (@application.description[0..199] if @application.description) %>" name="twitter:description">
  <meta content="<%= google_static_map_url(lat:, lng: @application.lng, size: "512x512") %>" name="twitter:image">
  <meta content="<%= application_url(@application) %>" property="og:url">
  <meta content="place" property="og:type">
  <meta content="<%= @application.address %>" property="og:title">
  <meta content="<%= (@application.description[0..199] if @application.description) %>" property="og:description">
  <meta content="<%= google_static_map_url(lat:, lng: @application.lng, size: "512x512") %>" property="og:image">
  <meta content="512" property="og:image:width">
  <meta content="512" property="og:image:height">
  <% if @application.location %>
    <meta content="<%= %>" property="place:location:latitude">
    <meta content="<%= @application.lng %>" property="place:location:longitude">
  <% end %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :footer_illustration do %>
  <%= image_tag "tailwind/illustration/bottom-of-page-man.svg", alt: "" %>
<% end %>

<%= render :h1, extra_classes: "mb-10").with_content(@application.address) %>

<%# TODO: Weird that the line below fails a test if it's just "map" rather than "applications/map" %>
<%= render "applications/map", application: @application %>

<dl class="mt-8 sm:mt-16 grid md:grid-cols-[18rem_1fr] text-navy text-xl md:gap-y-4">
  <dt class="font-bold font-display">Description</dt>
  <dd><%= @application.description %></dd>
  <dt class="mt-8 font-bold md:mt-0 font-display">Planning Authority</dt>
  <dd><%= @application.authority.full_name %></dd>
  <dt class="mt-8 font-bold font-display md:mt-0">Reference number</dt>
      <%= @application.council_reference %>
      <div class="inline-block ml-1">
        <%= render do %>
          This was created by <%= @application.authority.full_name %> to identify this application. You will need this if you talk
          directly with them or use their website.
        <% end %>

<%# TODO: The icons next to the labels are not all the same size / proportion %>
<dl class="text-xl text-navy grid md:grid-cols-[18rem_1fr] border-light-grey2 border-y py-4 mt-10 sm:mt-14">
  <dt class="font-bold md:py-1">
    <div class="flex gap-4">
      <%= image_tag "tailwind/calendar.svg", width: 24, alt: "" %>
      <div>Date sourced</div>
  <dd class="ml-10 md:ml-0 md:py-1">
    <%= render "applications/scraped_and_received_text", application: @application %>
  <%# TODO: Do we show the notified line if nobody has been notified? %>
  <dt class="pt-6 font-bold md:pt-1 md:py-1">
    <div class="flex gap-4">
      <%= image_tag "tailwind/letter.svg", width: 24, alt: "" %>
  <%# TODO: The link in notified text should go to the new alert sign up page %>
  <%# TODO: Should we have the link at all now? %>
  <dd class="ml-10 md:py-1 md:border-t border-light-grey2 md:ml-0">
    <%= render "applications/notified_text", application: @application %>
  <%# TODO: What to do if there are 0 comments? %>
  <dt class="pt-6 font-bold md:py-1 md:pt-1">
    <div class="flex gap-4">
      <%= image_tag "tailwind/comments.svg", width: 24, alt: "" %>
  <dd class="ml-10 md:py-1 md:border-t border-light-grey2 md:ml-0">
    <%= render "applications/comments_text", comments: @comments %>

<div class="mt-6 sm:mt-12">
  <%# TODO: This button currently has much larger left and right padding than the design %>
  <%= render :a, size: "xl", type: :primary, href: "#add-comment", icon: :edit) do %>
    Make a comment now
  <% end %>

<div class="mt-2">
  <%= render :a, size: "xl", type: :primary, href: external_application_path(@application), icon: :external) do |c| %>
    More info
    <% c.with_side_text do %>
      on the <%= @application.authority.full_name %> website
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

<div class="mt-6 md:mt-2">
  <%= render application_url(@application), title: page_title(@application), color: :green) do %>
    Share this application
  <% end %>

<%= render "applications/create_alert_form_bigger", alert: @alert %>

<section class="pt-8 mt-8 border-t sm:pt-20 sm:mt-14 border-light-grey2" id="comments">
  <%= render :h2, extra_classes: "inline-block mb-6 mr-4") do %>
    Public comments on this application
  <% end %>
  <% if @comments.count > 0 %>
    <div class="relative inline-block mt-6 mb-4 -top-6">
      <%= render "3xl", alignment: :right) do %>
        <%= @comments.count %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <p class="text-xl text-navy">
    Comments made here
    <%= @comments.empty? ? "will be" : "were" %>
    sent to <strong><%= @application.comment_recipient_full_name %></strong>.
    <%# No need for shortcut link if there are no comments because that section is directly underneath %>
    <% unless @comments.empty? %>
      <%= pa_link_to "Add your own comment", "#add-comment" %>.
    <% end %>
  <% @comments.each do |comment| %>
    <div class="pt-12" id="comment<%= %>">
      <% if == flash[:published_comment_id] %>
        <div class="mb-8">
          <%= render "thanks_for_commenting", comment: %>
      <% end %>
      <%= render comment, show_extra: true %>
  <% end %>

<section class="flex gap-6 mt-14" id="add-comment">
  <%# Hide the big quotation mark on small displays so we don't end up with a weird large left margin %>
  <%# TODO: Maybe instead of heading the quotation mark we move it just above the text area on narrow screens? Then it's more consistent with others %>
  <div class="hidden mt-24 sm:block text-navy text-7xl">”</div>
  <div class="pt-10 border-t border-dashed border-warm-grey grow">
    <%= render :h2, extra_classes: "mb-6").with_content("Add your own comment") %>

    <% if ! %>
      <%# TODO: Need a proper design for this section %>
      <%= render "comments/no_authority_email_explanation", application: @application %>
    <% elsif current_user.nil? %>
      <div class="px-4 py-3 bg-light-grey">
        <div class="flex flex-col justify-center gap-4 py-12 sm:flex-row">
          <%= render :a, size: "xl", type: :primary, href: new_user_registration_path) do %>
            Create an account
          <% end %>
          <%= render :a, size: "xl", type: :primary, href: new_user_session_path) do %>
            Sign in
          <% end %>
    <% else %>
      <%= render "comments/form", application: @application, comment: @comment %>
    <% end %>