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<% if comment.last_delivered_successfully.nil? %>
  <%# This is technically not quite what is going on but is close enough to be useful I think %>
    This comment has been sent but has not yet been acknowledged by the email server
    of <%= comment.comment_recipient_full_name %>. This can happen if our email system
    or <%= comment.comment_recipient_full_name %>'s email system or network has a temporary problem.
  <p class="mt-4">
    Please check back in an hour or so. If the status hasn't changed you can
    <%= pa_link_to "contact us", documentation_contact_path %> to figure out what's going on.
<% elsif comment.last_delivered_successfully %>
  <%# TODO: Use more sensible time zone %>
  This comment was successfully delivered to the email server of
  <%= comment.comment_recipient_full_name %>
  <%= comment.last_delivered_at.utc.to_fs(:long) %> UTC
<% else %>
  The comment was hard bounced by the email server of
  <%= comment.comment_recipient_full_name %>
  <%= comment.last_delivered_at.utc.to_fs(:long) %> UTC.
  Please follow up by
  <%= pa_link_to "contacting us", documentation_contact_path %>
  so that we can try to help resolve this issue
<% end %>