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<% content_for :page_title, "About" %>

<%= render :h1, extra_classes: "mb-8").with_content(yield :page_title) %>

<p class="mt-6 text-xl text-navy">
  You'd probably know if your next door neighbour was going to knock their house down (you'd get a letter through
  the door telling you they had applied for planning permission and asking you what you thought about it). But you'd
  probably never find out if the old cinema or pub 5 streets away is going to be converted into luxury flats until
  the bulldozers turned up.

<p class="mt-6 text-xl text-navy">
  Planning Alerts is a free Australian service which searches as many planning authority websites as it can find and emails
  you details of applications near you. The aim of this to enable shared scrutiny of what is being built (and
  <%= pa_link_to "knocked down", "", title: "Carlton and United Brewery Site, Broadway Sydney" %>)
  in peoples' communities.

<p class="mt-6 text-xl text-navy">
  Planning Alerts is brought to you by the charity the
  <%= pa_link_to "OpenAustralia Foundation", "" %>.
  It was created by Matthew Landauer and Katherine Szuminska.

<section id="contributors" class="pt-12">
  <%= render :h2, extra_classes: "mb-6").with_content("Contributors") %>
  <div class="flex flex-col items-start justify-between gap-8 lg:flex-row-reverse">
    <%= image_tag "tailwind/illustration/about.svg", class: "lg:pt-16", alt: "" %>
    <div class="text-xl text-navy">
      <p>Thanks goes to these wonderful people:</p>
      <ul class="mt-8 columns-1 sm:columns-2">
        <% contributors.each do |contributor| %>
          <%= pa_link_to contributor[:name], contributor_profile_url(contributor) %>
        <% end %>
  <p class="mt-16 text-xl text-navy">If you <%= pa_link_to "contribute", get_involved_path %> to the project you will get to be on this list.</p>

<div class="flex flex-col items-start gap-8 py-12 mt-8 sm:flex-row border-y border-light-grey2">
  <%= image_tag "tailwind/google_maps.png", size: "64", alt: "" %>
  <p class="max-w-3xl text-xl text-navy">
    Planning Alerts uses Google Maps services with support of a
    <%= pa_link_to "Google Earth Outreach Grant", "" %>.

<p class="mt-8 text-xl text-navy">
  You are using version
  <%= pa_link_to APP_VERSION, "{APP_VERSION}" %>
  of Planning Alerts.