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    <h4>Find PlanningAlerts useful?</h4>
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      This independent project is part of the digital library from the local charity, the
      <%= link_to "OpenAustralia Foundation", "", title: "The OpenAustralia Foundation builds free tools to simplify the discovery and use of public data." %>.
      PlanningAlerts is powered by small donations from the people who use it to stay informed about changes to their
      local&nbsp;area. If&nbsp;you find it useful, chip in to support&nbsp;PlanningAlerts.
    <%= link_to "Back PlanningAlerts", donate_url, class: "button button-rounded button-large button-action media-object", title: "Make a donation to support PlanningAlerts", onClick: "_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Donations', 'click donation link', 'donations footer banner']);" %>
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  <div class="pa-container" id="footer">
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      <li>If you have a question or need help
        <%= link_to "Contact us", documentation_contact_path %>
        Chat with us on Twitter
        <%= link_to "@PlanningAlerts", "" %>
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        Source code
        <%= link_to "", "" %>
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        <a href="" title="The OpenAustralia Foundation">OpenAustralia Foundation</a>
      <h5>Other wonderful projects from us</h5>
          <%= link_to "Right To Know", "" %>
          <%= link_to "They Vote For You", "" %>
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      <h5>Read our blog</h5>
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