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Test Coverage
- content_for :page_title, page_title(@application)
- content_for :meta_description, @application.description
- content_for :extra_meta_tags do
  %meta{ name: "twitter:card", content: "summary" }
  %meta{ name: "twitter:site", content: "@PlanningAlerts" }
  %meta{ name: "twitter:title", content: @application.address }
  %meta{ name: "twitter:description", content: (@application.description[0..199] if @application.description) }
  %meta{ name: "twitter:image", content: google_static_map_url(lat:, lng: @application.lng, size: "512x512") }
  %meta{ property: "og:url", content: application_url(@application) }
  %meta{ property: "og:type", content: "place" }
  %meta{ property: "og:title", content: @application.address }
  %meta{ property: "og:description", content: (@application.description[0..199] if @application.description) }
  %meta{ property: "og:image", content: google_static_map_url(lat:, lng: @application.lng, size: "512x512") }
  %meta{ property: "og:image:width", content: 512 }
  %meta{ property: "og:image:height", content: 512 }
  - if @application.location
    %meta{ property: "place:location:latitude", content: }
    %meta{ property: "place:location:longitude", content: @application.lng }

        %h3.address= @application.address

      -# TODO: Weird that the line below fails a test if it's just "map" rather than "applications/map"
      = render "applications/map", application: @application

      %p.description= @application.description
      = link_to @application.info_url, class: "button button-rounded", target: "_blank", rel: "noopener" do
        = image_tag "standard/external_link.png", size: "10x10", alt: "External link"
        Read more information

        %p.dates= render "applications/scraped_and_received_text", application: @application
        %p.source (Source: #{link_to @application.authority.full_name, authority_path(@application.authority.short_name_encoded)}, reference #{@application.council_reference})

        - if @comments.present?
          %h4= pluralize(@comments.count, "Comment")
          - if current_user.nil?
              = link_to "Create an account", new_user_registration_path
              = link_to "sign in", new_user_session_path
              to have your say by adding your own comment.
          - else
              Have your say by #{link_to "adding your own comment", "#add-comment", class: "link-to-comment-form"}.
            - @comments.each do |comment|
              %li= render comment, with_address: false

        %h4#add-comment Have your say on this application
        - if
          = render "comments/form_introduction", application: @application
          - if current_user.nil?
              = link_to "Create an account", new_user_registration_path
              = link_to "sign in", new_user_session_path
              to make a comment
          - else
            = render "comments/form", application: @application, comment: @comment
        - else
          = render "comments/no_authority_email_explanation", application: @application

      = render "alerts/signup_introduction"
      - if current_user.nil?
        = link_to "Create an account", new_user_registration_path
        = link_to "sign in", new_user_session_path
        to create an alert.
      - else
        = semantic_form_for @alert do |f|
          = f.inputs do
            = f.input :address, label: "Enter a street address", placeholder: "Enter a street address"
          = f.actions do
            = f.action :submit, label: "Create alert", button_html: { class: "button button-rounded button-action button-large" }

    - if @application.no_alerted
        - if @application.no_alerted == 1
          1 person was
        - else
          #{@application.no_alerted} people were
        notified of this application via
        = link_to "email alerts", new_alert_path
    = link_to "Recent nearby applications", nearby_application_url(@application, sort: "time"), class: "button button-rounded"

  = render "applications/social_share", application: @application