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Test Coverage
- content_for :page_title, @authority.full_name
%h3= yield :page_title

- if @authority.boundary && Flipper.enabled?(:show_authority_map, current_user)
  -# TODO: Probably want to precompute the bounding box when the boundary data is loaded instead
  - bb = RGeo::Cartesian::BoundingBox.create_from_geometry(@authority.boundary)
  .authority-map{ data: { json: boundary_authority_url(format: :json), sw: { lng: bb.min_x, lat: bb.min_y }, ne: { lng: bb.max_x, lat: bb.max_y } } }

- if @authority.population_2021
    Population #{number_with_delimiter @authority.population_2021} (2021 census)

- if Flipper.enabled?(:show_authority_map, current_user) && @authority.alerts
    - if @authority.alerts.count == 1
      1 alert is
    - else
      = @authority.alerts.count
      alerts are
    set up inside the area covered by this authority

- if @authority.covered?
  - if @authority.broken? && @authority.applications.count != 0
      %span.highlight It looks like something might be wrong. The latest new application was received #{time_ago_in_words(@authority.date_last_new_application_scraped)} ago.
      = link_to "Why?", faq_path(anchor: "broken_scraper")

  - if @authority.applications.empty?
      No applications for #{@authority.full_name} have yet been collected.
  - else
      For #{@authority.full_name} #{@authority.applications.where("first_date_scraped >= ?", 1.week.ago).count} new applications have been collected in the last week, #{@authority.applications.where("first_date_scraped >= ?", 1.month.ago).count} in the last month and #{@authority.applications.count} since #{@authority.earliest_date.strftime("%-d %b %Y")}, when this authority was first added to PlanningAlerts. That's a
      = link_to "median", ""
      of #{@authority.median_new_applications_per_week} applications per week (ignoring weeks without any new applications at all).

      Browse all
      = link_to "recent applications", authority_applications_path(@authority.short_name_encoded)
      = link_to "comments on applications", authority_comments_path(@authority.short_name_encoded)


    = javascript_include_tag ""
    = javascript_include_tag "bar_graph"
        "#{per_week_authority_applications_url(@authority.short_name_encoded, format: :json)}",
        "new applications scraped"

        "#{per_week_authority_comments_url(@authority.short_name_encoded, format: :json)}",
        "comments posted"

  %h4 Under the Hood
    Are you a developer or keen to learn some new things and help out in the process?
    Then, #{link_to "look under the hood", authority_under_the_hood_path(@authority.short_name_encoded)},
    see more about how the information gets into PlanningAlerts, what problems are
    happening and what you might do to help fix them.
  %p= link_to "Look under the hood", authority_under_the_hood_path(@authority.short_name_encoded)

- else
    This authority is
      not yet covered by PlanningAlerts.
    This is because either
      %li a scraper has not yet been written for it or...
      %li the authority doesn't publish the information in a way that a scraper can read or...
      %li the authority doesn't publish the information online at all!

  %h3 How you can help

      If you're a developer
    you can help by writing a scraper. It can be in PHP, Python or Ruby. Read the
    #{link_to "step by step guide to writing a scraper for PlanningAlerts", how_to_write_a_scraper_path}.
      If you're not a developer
    you can ask your developer friend to help (see above) or
    = link_to "lobby your authority", how_to_lobby_your_local_council_path
    to make it easy for us to add their planning data to our system.
      If you work for the authority
    you can help by publishing the data in a simple machine readable format.

  %h3 Questions?

  %p= link_to "Contact us", documentation_contact_path