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Test Coverage
  This comment was submitted via PlanningAlerts, a free service run by the charity
  = link_to "the OpenAustralia Foundation", ""
  for the public good.
  = link_to "View this application on PlanningAlerts", application_url(comment.application, protocol: "https")

%h3 Important Privacy Notice - Please Read

  The email address and street address are provided to
  = comment.application.authority.full_name
  only so you can contact,
  identify and verify
  in response to
  and not for any other purpose.

  = comment.application.authority.full_name
  do NOT have permission to publish, nor share with anyone outside
  = comment.application.authority.full_name
  the email address and street address without express written permission from

  We specifically confirm that any consent given in any form (including pursuant to your privacy policy)
  to disclose personal information to third parties is withdrawn.