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Test Coverage
%figure.comment-item.panel{ id: "comment#{}" }
  = render "comments/location_heading", comment: comment if with_address
      = render "comments/meta_sentence", comment:

      - if comment.visible?
        = comment_as_html(comment.text)
      - else
        %em Hidden by site administrators

    - if comment.visible?
          - if comment.last_delivered_successfully.nil?
            sent to the planning authority
          - else
            = link_to comment.last_delivered_successfully ? "delivered to the planning authority" : "there was a problem delivering this to the planning authority",
                      { anchor: "delivery-info-#{}" }, class: "hideable", data: { target: "#delivery-info-#{}" }

        .comment-actions= render "comments/actions", comment:

        %p.comment-meta.hideable-target{ id: "delivery-info-#{}" }
          - if comment.last_delivered_successfully.nil?
              Don't display any extra message if the comment has been sent but not yet delivered
              Do we want to stick with this?
          - elsif comment.last_delivered_successfully
            This comment was successfully delivered to the
            email server of
            = comment.comment_recipient_full_name
            = comment.last_delivered_at
          - else
            The comment was hard bounced by the email server of
            = comment.comment_recipient_full_name
            = comment.last_delivered_at
            Please follow up by
            = link_to "contacting us", documentation_contact_path
            so that we can try to help resolve this issue