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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `mail` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem mail`.

# source://mail//lib/mail.rb#3
module Mail
  class << self
    # Receive all emails from the default retriever
    # See Mail::Retriever for a complete documentation.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#163
    def all(*args, &block); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#183
    def connection(&block); end

    # Sets the default delivery method and retriever method for all new Mail objects.
    # The delivery_method and retriever_method default to :smtp and :pop3, with defaults
    # set.
    # So sending a new email, if you have an SMTP server running on localhost is
    # as easy as:
    #   Mail.deliver do
    #     to      ''
    #     from    ''
    #     subject 'hi there!'
    #     body    'this is a body'
    #   end
    # If you do not specify anything, you will get the following equivalent code set in
    # every new mail object:
    #   Mail.defaults do
    #     delivery_method :smtp, { :address              => "localhost",
    #                              :port                 => 25,
    #                              :domain               => 'localhost.localdomain',
    #                              :user_name            => nil,
    #                              :password             => nil,
    #                              :authentication       => nil,
    #                              :enable_starttls_auto => true  }
    #     retriever_method :pop3, { :address             => "localhost",
    #                               :port                => 995,
    #                               :user_name           => nil,
    #                               :password            => nil,
    #                               :enable_ssl          => true }
    #   end
    #  #=> Mail::SMTP instance
    # #=> Mail::POP3 instance
    # Each mail object inherits the default set in Mail.delivery_method, however, on
    # a per email basis, you can override the method:
    #   mail.delivery_method :smtp
    # Or you can override the method and pass in settings:
    #   mail.delivery_method :smtp, :address => ''
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#98
    def defaults(&block); end

    # Delete all emails from the default retriever
    # See Mail::Retriever for a complete documentation.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#174
    def delete_all(*args, &block); end

    # Send an email using the default configuration.  You do need to set a default
    # configuration first before you use self.deliver, if you don't, an appropriate
    # error will be raised telling you to.
    # If you do not specify a delivery type, SMTP will be used.
    #  Mail.deliver do
    #   to ''
    #   from ''
    #   subject 'This is a test email'
    #   body 'Not much to say here'
    #  end
    # You can also do:
    #  mail ='email.eml')
    #  mail.deliver!
    # And your email object will be created and sent.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#131
    def deliver(*args, &block); end

    # Returns the delivery method selected, defaults to an instance of Mail::SMTP
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#103
    def delivery_method; end

    # This runs through the autoload list and explictly requires them for you.
    # Useful when running mail in a threaded process.
    # Usage:
    #   require 'mail'
    #   Mail.eager_autoload!
    # source://mail//lib/mail.rb#35
    def eager_autoload!; end

    # Find emails from the default retriever
    # See Mail::Retriever for a complete documentation.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#139
    def find(*args, &block); end

    # Finds and then deletes retrieved emails from the default retriever
    # See Mail::Retriever for a complete documentation.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#145
    def find_and_delete(*args, &block); end

    # Receive the first email(s) from the default retriever
    # See Mail::Retriever for a complete documentation.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#151
    def first(*args, &block); end

    # source://actionmailbox/
    def from_source(source); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#233
    def inform_interceptors(mail); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#227
    def inform_observers(mail); end

    # Receive the first email(s) from the default retriever
    # See Mail::Retriever for a complete documentation.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#157
    def last(*args, &block); end

    # Allows you to create a new Mail::Message object.
    # You can make an email via passing a string or passing a block.
    # For example, the following two examples will create the same email
    # message:
    # Creating via a string:
    #  string = "To:\r\n"
    #  string << "From:\r\n"
    #  string << "Subject: This is an email\r\n"
    #  string << "\r\n"
    #  string << "This is the body"
    # Or creating via a block:
    #  message = do
    #    to ''
    #    from ''
    #    subject 'This is an email'
    #    body 'This is the body'
    #  end
    # Or creating via a hash (or hash like object):
    #  message ={:to => '',
    #                      'from' => '',
    #                      :subject => 'This is an email',
    #                      :body => 'This is the body' })
    # Note, the hash keys can be strings or symbols, the passed in object
    # does not need to be a hash, it just needs to respond to :each_pair
    # and yield each key value pair.
    # As a side note, you can also create a new email through creating
    # a Mail::Message object directly and then passing in values via string,
    # symbol or direct method calls.  See Mail::Message for more information.
    #  mail =
    # = ''
    #  mail[:from] = ''
    #  mail['subject'] = 'This is an email'
    #  mail.body = 'This is the body'
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#50
    def new(*args, &block); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#243
    def random_tag; end

    # Reads in an email message from a path and instantiates it as a new Mail::Message
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#168
    def read(filename); end

    # Instantiates a new Mail::Message using a string
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#179
    def read_from_string(mail_as_string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail.rb#23
    def register_autoload(name, path); end

    # You can register an object to be given every mail object that will be sent,
    # before it is sent.  So if you want to add special headers or modify any
    # email that gets sent through the Mail library, you can do so.
    # Your object needs to respond to a single method #delivering_email(mail)
    # which receives the email that is about to be sent.  Make your modifications
    # directly to this object.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#215
    def register_interceptor(interceptor); end

    # You can register an object to be informed of every email that is sent through
    # this method.
    # Your object needs to respond to a single method #delivered_email(mail)
    # which receives the email that is sent.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#196
    def register_observer(observer); end

    # Returns the retriever method selected, defaults to an instance of Mail::POP3
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#108
    def retriever_method; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#252
    def something_random; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#256
    def uniq; end

    # Unregister the given interceptor, allowing mail to resume operations
    # without it.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#223
    def unregister_interceptor(interceptor); end

    # Unregister the given observer, allowing mail to resume operations
    # without it.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#204
    def unregister_observer(observer); end

# Mail::Address handles all email addresses in Mail.  It takes an email address string
# and parses it, breaking it down into its component parts and allowing you to get the
# address, comments, display name, name, local part, domain part and fully formatted
# address.
# Mail::Address requires a correctly formatted email address per RFC2822 or RFC822.  It
# handles all obsolete versions including obsolete domain routing on the local part.
#  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
#  a.format       #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <> (My email address)'
#  a.address      #=> ''
#  a.display_name #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar'
#  a.local        #=> 'mikel'
#  a.domain       #=> ''
#  a.comments     #=> ['My email address']
#  a.to_s         #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <> (My email address)'
# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#24
class Mail::Address
  # @return [Address] a new instance of Address
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#25
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def ==(other_address); end

  # Returns the address that is in the address itself.  That is, the
  # local@domain string, without any angle brackets or the like.
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.address #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#65
  def address(output_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Provides a way to assign an address to an already made Mail::Address object.
  #  a =
  #  a.address = 'Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>'
  #  a.address #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#79
  def address=(value); end

  # Returns an array of comments that are in the email, or nil if there
  # are no comments
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.comments #=> ['My email address']
  #  b ='Mikel Lindsaar <>')
  #  b.comments #=> nil
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#132
  def comments; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#173
  def decoded; end

  # Returns the display name of the email address passed in.
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.display_name #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#87
  def display_name(output_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Provides a way to assign a display name to an already made Mail::Address object.
  #  a =
  #  a.address = ''
  #  a.display_name = 'Mikel Lindsaar'
  #  a.format #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#99
  def display_name=(str); end

  # Returns the domain part (the right hand side of the @ sign in the email address) of
  # the address
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.domain #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#118
  def domain(output_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#169
  def encoded; end

  # Returns a correctly formatted address for the email going out.  If given
  # an incorrectly formatted address as input, Mail::Address will do its best
  # to format it correctly.  This includes quoting display names as needed and
  # putting the address in angle brackets etc.
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.format #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <> (My email address)'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#47
  def format(output_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#177
  def group; end

  # Shows the Address object basic details, including the Address
  #  a ='Mikel (My email) <>')
  #  a.inspect #=> "#<Mail::Address:14184910 Address: |Mikel <> (My email)| >"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#164
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the local part (the left hand side of the @ sign in the email address) of
  # the address
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.local #=> 'mikel'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#108
  def local(output_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sometimes an address will not have a display name, but might have the name
  # as a comment field after the address.  This returns that name if it exists.
  #  a =' (Mikel Lindsaar)')
  # #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#147
  def name; end

  # Returns the raw input of the passed in string, this is before it is passed
  # by the parser.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#36
  def raw; end

  # Returns the format of the address, or returns nothing
  #  a ='Mikel Lindsaar (My email address) <>')
  #  a.format #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <> (My email address)'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#156
  def to_s; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#237
  def format_comments; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#254
  def get_comments; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#218
  def get_display_name; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#250
  def get_domain; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#246
  def get_local; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#227
  def get_name; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#183
  def parse(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#198
  def strip_all_comments(string); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address.rb#207
  def strip_domain_comments(value); end

  class << self
    # source://actionmailbox/
    def wrap(address); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#6
class Mail::AddressContainer < ::Array
  # @return [AddressContainer] a new instance of AddressContainer
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#7
  def initialize(field, list = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#12
  def <<(address); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address_list.rb#6
class Mail::AddressList
  # Mail::AddressList is the class that parses To, From and other address fields from
  # emails passed into Mail.
  # AddressList provides a way to query the groups and mailbox lists of the passed in
  # string.
  # It can supply all addresses in an array, or return each address as an address object.
  # Mail::AddressList requires a correctly formatted group or mailbox list per RFC2822 or
  # RFC822.  It also handles all obsolete versions in those RFCs.
  #  list = ', My Group:, Bob <>;'
  #  a =
  #  a.addresses    #=> [#<Mail::Address:14943130 Address: |
  #  a.group_names  #=> ["My Group"]
  # @return [AddressList] a new instance of AddressList
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address_list.rb#24
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute addresses.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address_list.rb#7
  def addresses; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address_list.rb#30
  def addresses_grouped_by_group; end

  # Returns the value of attribute group_names.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/address_list.rb#7
  def group_names; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#3
class Mail::AttachmentsList < ::Array
  # @return [AttachmentsList] a new instance of AttachmentsList
  # source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#5
  def initialize(parts_list); end

  # Returns the attachment by filename or at index.
  # mail.attachments['test.png'] ='test.png')
  # mail.attachments['test.jpg'] ='test.jpg')
  # mail.attachments['test.png'].filename #=> 'test.png'
  # mail.attachments[1].filename          #=> 'test.jpg'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#32
  def [](index_value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#40
  def []=(name, value); end

  # Uses the mime type to try and guess the encoding, if it is a binary type, or unknown, then we
  # set it to binary, otherwise as set to plain text
  # source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#91
  def guess_encoding; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#20
  def inline; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/attachments_list.rb#99
  def set_mime_type(filename); end

# = Blind Carbon Copy Field
# The Bcc field inherits from StructuredField and handles the Bcc: header
# field in the email.
# Sending bcc to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a BccField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Bcc field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.bcc = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.bcc    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:bcc]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::BccField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['bcc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::BccField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Bcc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::BccField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:bcc].encoded   #=> ''      # Bcc field does not get output into an email
#  mail[:bcc].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:bcc].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:bcc].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/bcc_field.rb#31
class Mail::BccField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField
  # @return [BccField] a new instance of BccField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/bcc_field.rb#36
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Bcc field should not be :encoded by default
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/bcc_field.rb#42
  def encoded; end

  # Returns the value of attribute include_in_headers.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/bcc_field.rb#34
  def include_in_headers; end

  # Sets the attribute include_in_headers
  # @param value the value to set the attribute include_in_headers to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/bcc_field.rb#34
  def include_in_headers=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/bcc_field.rb#32
Mail::BccField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Body
# The body is where the text of the email is stored.  Mail treats the body
# as a single object.  The body itself has no information about boundaries
# used in the MIME standard, it just looks at its content as either a single
# block of text, or (if it is a multipart message) as an array of blocks of text.
# A body has to be told to split itself up into a multipart message by calling
# #split with the correct boundary.  This is because the body object has no way
# of knowing what the correct boundary is for itself (there could be many
# boundaries in a body in the case of a nested MIME text).
# Once split is called, Mail::Body will slice itself up on this boundary,
# assigning anything that appears before the first part to the preamble, and
# anything that appears after the closing boundary to the epilogue, then
# each part gets initialized into a Mail::Part object.
# The boundary that is used to split up the Body is also stored in the Body
# object for use on encoding itself back out to a string.  You can
# overwrite this if it needs to be changed.
# On encoding, the body will return the preamble, then each part joined by
# the boundary, followed by a closing boundary string and then the epilogue.
# source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#28
class Mail::Body
  # @return [Body] a new instance of Body
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#30
  def initialize(string = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#233
  def <<(val); end

  # Matches this body with another body.  Also matches the decoded value of this
  # body with a string.
  # Examples:
  #   body ='The body')
  #   body == body #=> true
  #   body ='The body')
  #   body == 'The body' #=> true
  #   body ="VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
  #   body.encoding = 'base64'
  #   body == "The body" #=> true
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#72
  def ==(other); end

  # Accepts a string and performs a regular expression against the decoded text
  # Examples:
  #   body ='The body')
  #   body =~ /The/ #=> 0
  #   body ="VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
  #   body.encoding = 'base64'
  #   body =~ /The/ #=> 0
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#90
  def =~(regexp); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#253
  def ascii_only?; end

  # Returns and sets the boundary used by the body
  # Allows you to change the boundary of this Body object
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#226
  def boundary; end

  # Returns and sets the boundary used by the body
  # Allows you to change the boundary of this Body object
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#226
  def boundary=(_arg0); end

  # Returns and sets the original character encoding
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#216
  def charset; end

  # Returns and sets the original character encoding
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#216
  def charset=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#179
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#264
  def default_encoding; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#260
  def empty?; end

  # Returns a body encoded using transfer_encoding.  Multipart always uses an
  # identiy encoding (i.e. no encoding).
  # Calling this directly is not a good idea, but supported for compatibility
  # TODO: Validate that preamble and epilogue are valid for requested encoding
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#149
  def encoded(transfer_encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#191
  def encoding(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#199
  def encoding=(val); end

  # Returns and sets the epilogue as a string (any text that is after the last MIME boundary)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#222
  def epilogue; end

  # Returns and sets the epilogue as a string (any text that is after the last MIME boundary)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#222
  def epilogue=(_arg0); end

  # Accepts anything that responds to #to_s and checks if it's a substring of the decoded text
  # Examples:
  #   body ='The body')
  #   body.include?('The') #=> true
  #   body ="VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
  #   body.encoding = 'base64'
  #   body.include?('The') #=> true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#118
  def include?(other); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#53
  def init_with(coder); end

  # Accepts a string and performs a regular expression against the decoded text
  # Examples:
  #   body ='The body')
  #   body.match(/The/) #=> #<MatchData "The">
  #   body ="VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
  #   body.encoding = 'base64'
  #   body.match(/The/) #=> #<MatchData "The">
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#104
  def match(regexp); end

  # Returns true if there are parts defined in the body
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#229
  def multipart?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#141
  def negotiate_best_encoding(message_encoding, allowed_encodings = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns parts of the body
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#213
  def parts; end

  # Returns and sets the preamble as a string (any text that is before the first MIME boundary)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#219
  def preamble; end

  # Returns and sets the preamble as a string (any text that is before the first MIME boundary)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#219
  def preamble=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the raw source that the body was initialized with, without
  # any tampering
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#210
  def raw_source; end

  # Allows you to set the sort order of the parts, overriding the default sort order.
  # Defaults to 'text/plain', then 'text/enriched', then 'text/html', then 'multipart/alternative'
  # with any other content type coming after.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#125
  def set_sort_order(order); end

  # Allows you to sort the parts according to the default sort order, or the sort order you
  # set with :set_sort_order.
  # sort_parts! is also called from :encode, so there is no need for you to call this explicitly
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#133
  def sort_parts!; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#241
  def split!(boundary); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#187
  def to_s; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#293
  def crlf_boundary; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#297
  def end_boundary; end

  # split parts by boundary, ignore first part if empty, append final part when closing boundary was missing
  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#271
  def extract_parts; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/body.rb#301
  def set_charset; end

# = Carbon Copy Field
# The Cc field inherits from StructuredField and handles the Cc: header
# field in the email.
# Sending cc to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a CcField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Cc field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
# = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:cc]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::CcField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['cc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::CcField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Cc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::CcField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:cc].encoded   #=> 'Cc: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:cc].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:cc].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:cc].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/cc_field.rb#31
class Mail::CcField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/cc_field.rb#32
Mail::CcField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#5
module Mail::CheckDeliveryParams
  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#10
    def _deprecated_check(mail); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#32
    def _deprecated_check_addr(addr_name, addr); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#18
    def _deprecated_check_from(addr); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#53
    def _deprecated_check_message(message); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#24
    def _deprecated_check_to(addrs); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/check_delivery_params.rb#38
    def _deprecated_validate_smtp_addr(addr); end

    def check(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
    def check_addr(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
    def check_from(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
    def check_message(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
    def check_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
    def validate_smtp_addr(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

# = Comments Field
# The Comments field inherits from UnstructuredField and handles the Comments:
# header field in the email.
# Sending comments to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a CommentsField as its field type.
# An email header can have as many comments fields as it wants.  There is no upper
# limit, the comments field is also optional (that is, no comment is needed)
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.comments = 'This is a comment'
#  mail.comments    #=> 'This is a comment'
#  mail[:comments]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::CommentsField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['comments'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::CommentsField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['comments'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::CommentsField:0x180e1c4
#  mail.comments = "This is another comment"
#  mail[:comments].map { |c| c.to_s }
#  #=> ['This is a comment', "This is another comment"]
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/comments_field.rb#29
class Mail::CommentsField < ::Mail::NamedUnstructuredField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/comments_field.rb#30
Mail::CommentsField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#17
class Mail::CommonAddressField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [CommonAddressField] a new instance of CommonAddressField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#22
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#94
  def <<(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#41
  def address; end

  # Returns the address string of all the addresses in the address list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#46
  def addresses; end

  # Returns the actual address objects in the address list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#64
  def addrs; end

  # Returns a list of decoded group addresses
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#80
  def decoded_group_addresses; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#37
  def default; end

  # Returns the display name of all the addresses in the address list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#58
  def display_names; end

  # Allows you to iterate through each address object in the address_list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#31
  def each; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#26
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#105
  def encode_if_needed(val, val_charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns a list of encoded group addresses
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#85
  def encoded_group_addresses; end

  # Returns the formatted string of all the addresses in the address list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#52
  def formatted; end

  # Returns the addresses that are part of groups
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#75
  def group_addresses; end

  # Returns the name of all the groups in a string
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#90
  def group_names; end

  # Returns a hash of group name => address strings for the address list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#70
  def groups; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#150
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#140
  def do_encode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#160
  def get_group_addresses(group_list); end

  # Pass through UTF-8 addresses
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#123
  def utf8_if_needed(val, val_charset); end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_address_field.rb#18
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#6
class Mail::CommonDateField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [CommonDateField] a new instance of CommonDateField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#30
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns a date time object of the parsed date
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#35
  def date_time; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#41
  def default; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#45
  def element; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#54
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#50
  def do_encode; end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#11
    def normalize_datetime(string); end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_date_field.rb#7
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#6
class Mail::CommonField
  # @return [CommonField] a new instance of CommonField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#20
  def initialize(name = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute charset.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#17
  def charset; end

  # Sets the attribute charset
  # @param value the value to set the attribute charset to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#17
  def charset=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#54
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#50
  def default; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#42
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#58
  def encoded; end

  # Returns the value of attribute errors.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#18
  def errors; end

  # Returns the value of attribute name.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#15
  def name; end

  # Sets the attribute name
  # @param value the value to set the attribute name to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#15
  def name=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#38
  def parse; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#62
  def responsible_for?(field_name); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#28
  def singular?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#46
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the value of attribute value.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#16
  def value; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#32
  def value=(value); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#69
  def ensure_filename_quoted(value); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#11
    def parse(*args); end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#7
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_field.rb#68
Mail::CommonField::FILENAME_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#7
class Mail::CommonMessageIdField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#20
  def default; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#8
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#12
  def message_id; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#16
  def message_ids; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#25
  def to_s; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#34
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#30
  def do_encode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/common_message_id_field.rb#38
  def formatted_message_ids(join = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# The Configuration class is a Singleton used to hold the default
# configuration for all Mail objects.
# Each new mail object gets a copy of these values at initialization
# which can be overwritten on a per mail object basis.
# source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#15
class Mail::Configuration
  include ::Singleton
  extend ::Singleton::SingletonClassMethods

  # @return [Configuration] a new instance of Configuration
  # source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#18
  def initialize; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#24
  def delivery_method(method = T.unsafe(nil), settings = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#29
  def lookup_delivery_method(method); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#57
  def lookup_retriever_method(method); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#72
  def param_encode_language(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/configuration.rb#52
  def retriever_method(method = T.unsafe(nil), settings = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self

    def allocate; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#4
module Mail::Constants; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#66
Mail::Constants::ASTERISK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#35
Mail::Constants::ATOM_UNSAFE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#77
Mail::Constants::B_VALUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#72
Mail::Constants::CAPITAL_M = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#65
Mail::Constants::COLON = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#34
Mail::Constants::CONTROL_CHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#68
Mail::Constants::CR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#67
Mail::Constants::CRLF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#70
Mail::Constants::CR_ENCODED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# m is multi-line, i is case-insensitive, x is free-spacing
# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#61
Mail::Constants::EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#39
Mail::Constants::ENCODED_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#73
Mail::Constants::EQUAL_LF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#26
Mail::Constants::FIELD_BODY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#27
Mail::Constants::FIELD_LINE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#24
Mail::Constants::FIELD_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#25
Mail::Constants::FIELD_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#28
Mail::Constants::FIELD_SPLIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# m is multi-line, i is case-insensitive, x is free-spacing
# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#49
Mail::Constants::FULL_ENCODED_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#21
Mail::Constants::FWS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#29
Mail::Constants::HEADER_LINE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#30
Mail::Constants::HEADER_SPLIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#64
Mail::Constants::HYPHEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#19
Mail::Constants::LAX_CRLF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#69
Mail::Constants::LF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#71
Mail::Constants::LF_ENCODED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#74
Mail::Constants::NULL_SENDER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#36
Mail::Constants::PHRASE_UNSAFE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#33
Mail::Constants::QP_SAFE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#32
Mail::Constants::QP_UNSAFE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#76
Mail::Constants::Q_VALUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#62
Mail::Constants::SPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# + obs-text
# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#23
Mail::Constants::TEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#37
Mail::Constants::TOKEN_UNSAFE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#63
Mail::Constants::UNDERSCORE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#22
Mail::Constants::UNFOLD_WS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/constants.rb#20
Mail::Constants::WSP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_description_field.rb#6
class Mail::ContentDescriptionField < ::Mail::NamedUnstructuredField
  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_description_field.rb#9
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_description_field.rb#7
Mail::ContentDescriptionField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_disposition_element.rb#6
class Mail::ContentDispositionElement
  # @return [ContentDispositionElement] a new instance of ContentDispositionElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_disposition_element.rb#9
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute disposition_type.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_disposition_element.rb#7
  def disposition_type; end

  # Returns the value of attribute parameters.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_disposition_element.rb#7
  def parameters; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_disposition_element.rb#16
  def cleaned(string); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#7
class Mail::ContentDispositionField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [ContentDispositionField] a new instance of ContentDispositionField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#14
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#41
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#22
  def disposition_type; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#18
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#36
  def encoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#32
  def filename; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#26
  def parameters; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#10
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_disposition_field.rb#8
Mail::ContentDispositionField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#7
class Mail::ContentIdField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [ContentIdField] a new instance of ContentIdField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#14
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#23
  def content_id; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#19
  def element; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#28
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#32
  def do_encode; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#10
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_id_field.rb#8
Mail::ContentIdField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_location_element.rb#6
class Mail::ContentLocationElement
  # @return [ContentLocationElement] a new instance of ContentLocationElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_location_element.rb#9
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute location.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_location_element.rb#7
  def location; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_location_element.rb#13
  def to_s(*args); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#6
class Mail::ContentLocationField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#25
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#13
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#21
  def encoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#17
  def location; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#9
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_location_field.rb#7
Mail::ContentLocationField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_transfer_encoding_element.rb#6
class Mail::ContentTransferEncodingElement
  # @return [ContentTransferEncodingElement] a new instance of ContentTransferEncodingElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_transfer_encoding_element.rb#9
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute encoding.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_transfer_encoding_element.rb#7
  def encoding; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#6
class Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [ContentTransferEncodingField] a new instance of ContentTransferEncodingField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#24
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#28
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#32
  def encoding; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#41
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#37
  def do_encode; end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#13
    def normalize_content_transfer_encoding(value); end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#9
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field.rb#7
Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_type_element.rb#6
class Mail::ContentTypeElement
  # @return [ContentTypeElement] a new instance of ContentTypeElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_type_element.rb#9
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute main_type.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_type_element.rb#7
  def main_type; end

  # Returns the value of attribute parameters.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_type_element.rb#7
  def parameters; end

  # Returns the value of attribute sub_type.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_type_element.rb#7
  def sub_type; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/content_type_element.rb#17
  def cleaned(string); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#7
class Mail::ContentTypeField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [ContentTypeField] a new instance of ContentTypeField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#24
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#47
  def attempt_to_clean; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#63
  def content_type; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#101
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#68
  def default; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#38
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#96
  def encoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#92
  def filename; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#55
  def main_type; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#72
  def parameters; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#63
  def string; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#88
  def stringify(params); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#59
  def sub_type; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#80
  def value; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#163
  def get_mime_type(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#108
  def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end

  # Various special cases from random emails found that I am not going to change
  # the parser for
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#119
  def sanitize(val); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#19
    def generate_boundary; end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#11
    def singular?; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#15
    def with_boundary(type); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/content_type_field.rb#8
Mail::ContentTypeField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Date Field
# The Date field inherits from StructuredField and handles the Date: header
# field in the email.
# Sending date to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a DateField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance methods.
# There must be excatly one Date field in an RFC2822 email.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
# = 'Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800'
#       #=> #<DateTime: 211747170121/86400,-1/3,2299161>
#  #=> 'Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800'
#  mail[:date]     #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::DateField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['date']    #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::DateField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Date']    #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::DateField:0x180e1c4
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/date_field.rb#26
class Mail::DateField < ::Mail::CommonDateField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/date_field.rb#27
Mail::DateField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/date_time_element.rb#6
class Mail::DateTimeElement
  # @return [DateTimeElement] a new instance of DateTimeElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/date_time_element.rb#9
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute date_string.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/date_time_element.rb#7
  def date_string; end

  # Returns the value of attribute time_string.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/date_time_element.rb#7
  def time_string; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#9
module Mail::Encodings
  include ::Mail::Constants
  extend ::Mail::Utilities

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#162
    def address_encode(address, charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Decodes a Base64 string from the "=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?=" format
    # Example:
    #  Encodings.b_value_decode("=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?=")
    #  #=> 'This is あ string'
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#234
    def b_value_decode(str); end

    # Encode a string with Base64 Encoding and returns it ready to be inserted
    # as a value for a field, that is, in the =?<charset>?B?<string>?= format
    # Example:
    #  Encodings.b_value_encode('This is あ string', 'UTF-8')
    #  #=> "=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?="
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#199
    def b_value_encode(string, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Split header line into proper encoded and unencoded parts.
    # String has to be of the format =?<encoding>?[QB]?<string>?=
    # Omit unencoded space after an encoded-word.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#258
    def collapse_adjacent_encodings(str); end

    # Decodes or encodes a string as needed for either Base64 or QP encoding types in
    # the =?<encoding>?[QB]?<string>?=" format.
    # The output type needs to be :decode to decode the input string or :encode to
    # encode the input string.  The character set used for encoding will be the
    # encoding on the string passed in.
    # On encoding, will only send out Base64 encoded strings.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#105
    def decode_encode(str, output_type); end

    # Is the encoding we want defined?
    # Example:
    #  Encodings.defined?(:base64) #=> true
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#29
    def defined?(name); end

    # Partition the string into bounded-size chunks without splitting
    # multibyte characters.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#280
    def each_base64_chunk_byterange(str, max_bytesize_per_base64_chunk, &block); end

    # Partition the string into bounded-size chunks without splitting
    # multibyte characters.
    # @yield [Utilities.string_byteslice(str, offset, chunksize)]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#293
    def each_chunk_byterange(str, max_bytesize_per_chunk); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#170
    def encode_non_usascii(address, charset); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#45
    def get_all; end

    # Gets a defined encoding type, QuotedPrintable or Base64 for now.
    # Each encoding needs to be defined as a Mail::Encodings::ClassName for
    # this to work, allows us to add other encodings in the future.
    # Example:
    #  Encodings.get_encoding(:base64) #=> Mail::Encodings::Base64
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#41
    def get_encoding(name); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#49
    def get_name(name); end

    # Decodes a parameter value using URI Escaping.
    # Example:
    #  Mail::Encodings.param_decode("This%20is%20fun", 'us-ascii') #=> "This is fun"
    #  str = Mail::Encodings.param_decode("This%20is%20fun", 'iso-8559-1')
    #  str.encoding #=> 'ISO-8859-1'      ## Only on Ruby 1.9
    #  str #=> "This is fun"
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#93
    def param_decode(str, encoding); end

    # Encodes a parameter value using URI Escaping, note the language field 'en' can
    # be set using Mail::Configuration, like so:
    #  Mail.defaults do
    #    param_encode_language 'jp'
    #  end
    # The character set used for encoding will be the encoding on the string passed in.
    # Example:
    #  Mail::Encodings.param_encode("This is fun") #=> "us-ascii'en'This%20is%20fun"
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#73
    def param_encode(str); end

    # Decodes a Quoted-Printable string from the "=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?=" format
    # Example:
    #  Encodings.q_value_decode("=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?=")
    #  #=> 'This is あ string'
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#244
    def q_value_decode(str); end

    # Encode a string with Quoted-Printable Encoding and returns it ready to be inserted
    # as a value for a field, that is, in the =?<charset>?Q?<string>?= format
    # Example:
    #  Encodings.q_value_encode('This is あ string', 'UTF-8')
    #  #=> "=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?="
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#217
    def q_value_encode(encoded_str, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Register transfer encoding
    # Example
    # Encodings.register "base64", Mail::Encodings::Base64
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#20
    def register(name, cls); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#53
    def transcode_charset(str, from_charset, to_charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Takes an encoded string of the format =?<encoding>?[QB]?<string>?=
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#140
    def unquote_and_convert_to(str, to_encoding); end

    # Decodes a given string as Base64 or Quoted Printable, depending on what
    # type it is.
    # String has to be of the format =?<encoding>?[QB]?<string>?=
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#122
    def value_decode(str); end

    # Gets the encoding type (Q or B) from the string.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#249
    def value_encoding_from_string(str); end

# Base64 encoding handles binary content at the cost of 4 output bytes
# per input byte.
# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#9
class Mail::Encodings::Base64 < ::Mail::Encodings::SevenBit
  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#14
    def can_encode?(enc); end

    # Ruby Base64 inserts newlines automatically, so it doesn't exceed
    # SMTP line length limits.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#33
    def compatible_input?(str); end

    # 3 bytes in -> 4 bytes out
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#27
    def cost(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#18
    def decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#22
    def encode(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#10
Mail::Encodings::Base64::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/base64.rb#11
Mail::Encodings::Base64::PRIORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/binary.rb#7
class Mail::Encodings::Binary < ::Mail::Encodings::Identity; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/binary.rb#8
Mail::Encodings::Binary::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/binary.rb#9
Mail::Encodings::Binary::PRIORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/8bit.rb#7
class Mail::Encodings::EightBit < ::Mail::Encodings::Binary
  class << self
    # Per RFC 2821, SMTP lines may not be longer than 1000 octets including the <CRLF>.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/8bit.rb#13
    def compatible_input?(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/8bit.rb#8
Mail::Encodings::EightBit::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/8bit.rb#9
Mail::Encodings::EightBit::PRIORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Identity encodings do no encoding/decoding and have a fixed cost:
# 1 byte in -> 1 byte out.
# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/identity.rb#9
class Mail::Encodings::Identity < ::Mail::Encodings::TransferEncoding
  class << self
    # 1 output byte per input byte.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/identity.rb#19
    def cost(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/identity.rb#10
    def decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/identity.rb#14
    def encode(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#7
class Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable < ::Mail::Encodings::SevenBit
  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#12
    def can_encode?(enc); end

    # QP inserts newlines automatically and cannot violate the SMTP spec.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#36
    def compatible_input?(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#26
    def cost(str); end

    # Decode the string from Quoted-Printable. Cope with hard line breaks
    # that were incorrectly encoded as hex instead of literal CRLF.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#18
    def decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#22
    def encode(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#8
Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/quoted_printable.rb#10
Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable::PRIORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# 7bit and 8bit are equivalent. 7bit encoding is for text only.
# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/7bit.rb#8
class Mail::Encodings::SevenBit < ::Mail::Encodings::EightBit
  class << self
    # Per RFC 2045 2.7. 7bit Data, No octets with decimal values greater than 127 are allowed.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/7bit.rb#22
    def compatible_input?(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/7bit.rb#13
    def decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/7bit.rb#17
    def encode(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/7bit.rb#9
Mail::Encodings::SevenBit::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/7bit.rb#10
Mail::Encodings::SevenBit::PRIORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#5
class Mail::Encodings::TransferEncoding
  class << self
    # Override in subclasses to indicate that they can encode text
    # that couldn't be directly transported, e.g. Base64 has 7bit output,
    # but it can encode binary.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#19
    def can_encode?(enc); end

    # And encoding's superclass can always transport it since the
    # class hierarchy is arranged e.g. Base64 < 7bit < 8bit < Binary.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#12
    def can_transport?(enc); end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#27
    def compatible_input?(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#23
    def cost(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#56
    def lowest_cost(str, encodings); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#35
    def negotiate(message_encoding, source_encoding, str, allowed_encodings = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#46
    def renegotiate(message_encoding, source_encoding, str, allowed_encodings = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#31
    def to_s; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#6
Mail::Encodings::TransferEncoding::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/transfer_encoding.rb#8
Mail::Encodings::TransferEncoding::PRIORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/unix_to_unix.rb#4
class Mail::Encodings::UnixToUnix < ::Mail::Encodings::TransferEncoding
  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/unix_to_unix.rb#7
    def decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/unix_to_unix.rb#11
    def encode(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings/unix_to_unix.rb#5
Mail::Encodings::UnixToUnix::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/envelope.rb#13
class Mail::Envelope < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/envelope.rb#24
  def date; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/envelope.rb#16
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/envelope.rb#20
  def from; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/envelope.rb#14
Mail::Envelope::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/envelope_from_element.rb#7
class Mail::EnvelopeFromElement
  # @return [EnvelopeFromElement] a new instance of EnvelopeFromElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/envelope_from_element.rb#10
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute address.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/envelope_from_element.rb#8
  def address; end

  # Returns the value of attribute date_time.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/envelope_from_element.rb#8
  def date_time; end

  # RFC 4155:
  #   a timestamp indicating the UTC date and time when the message
  #   was originally received, conformant with the syntax of the
  #   traditional UNIX 'ctime' output sans timezone (note that the
  #   use of UTC precludes the need for a timezone indicator);
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/envelope_from_element.rb#21
  def formatted_date_time; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/envelope_from_element.rb#31
  def to_s; end

# A delivery method implementation which sends via exim.
# To use this, first find out where the exim binary is on your computer,
# if you are on a mac or unix box, it is usually in /usr/sbin/exim, this will
# be your exim location.
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :exim
#   end
# Or if your exim binary is not at '/usr/sbin/exim'
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :exim, :location => '/absolute/path/to/your/exim'
#   end
# Then just deliver the email as normal:
#   Mail.deliver do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing exim'
#     body 'testing exim'
#   end
# Or by calling deliver on a Mail message
#   mail = do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing exim'
#     body 'testing exim'
#   end
#   mail.deliver!
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim.rb#39
class Mail::Exim < ::Mail::Sendmail
  # Uses -t option to extract recipients from the message.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim.rb#46
  def destinations_for(envelope); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim.rb#40
Mail::Exim::DEFAULTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Provides a single class to call to create a new structured or unstructured
# field.  Works out per RFC what field of field it is being given and returns
# the correct field of class back on new.
# ===Per RFC 2822
#  2.2. Header Fields
#     Header fields are lines composed of a field name, followed by a colon
#     (":"), followed by a field body, and terminated by CRLF.  A field
#     name MUST be composed of printable US-ASCII characters (i.e.,
#     characters that have values between 33 and 126, inclusive), except
#     colon.  A field body may be composed of any US-ASCII characters,
#     except for CR and LF.  However, a field body may contain CRLF when
#     used in header "folding" and  "unfolding" as described in section
#     2.2.3.  All field bodies MUST conform to the syntax described in
#     sections 3 and 4 of this standard.
# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#25
class Mail::Field
  include ::Comparable

  # Create a field by name and optional value:
  #"field-name", "value")
  #  # => #<Mail::Field …>
  # Values that aren't strings or arrays are coerced to Strings with `#to_s`.
  #"field-name", 1234)
  #  # => #<Mail::Field …>
  #'content-type', ['text', 'plain', {:charset => 'UTF-8'}])
  #  # => #<Mail::Field …>
  # @return [Field] a new instance of Field
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#166
  def initialize(name, value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#224
  def <=>(other); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#216
  def ==(other); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#186
  def field; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#182
  def field=(field); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#228
  def field_order_id; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#206
  def inspect; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#232
  def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#190
  def name; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#220
  def responsible_for?(field_name); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#212
  def same(other); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#202
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the value of attribute unparsed_value.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#152
  def unparsed_value; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#194
  def value; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#198
  def value=(val); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#253
  def create_field(name, value, charset); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#261
  def parse_field(name, value, charset); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#236
  def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private); end

  # 2.2.3. Long Header Fields
  #  The process of moving from this folded multiple-line representation
  #  of a header field to its single line representation is called
  #  "unfolding". Unfolding is accomplished by simply removing any CRLF
  #  that is immediately followed by WSP.  Each header field should be
  #  treated in its unfolded form for further syntactic and semantic
  #  evaluation.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#279
  def unfold(string); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#147
    def field_class_for(name); end

    # Parse a field from a raw header line:
    #  Mail::Field.parse("field-name: field data")
    #  # => #<Mail::Field …>
    # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#122
    def parse(field, charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#129
    def split(raw_field); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#38
Mail::Field::FIELDS_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#70
Mail::Field::FIELD_NAME_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#240
Mail::Field::FIELD_ORDER_LOOKUP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Generic Field Exception
# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#75
class Mail::Field::FieldError < ::StandardError; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#106
class Mail::Field::IncompleteParseError < ::Mail::Field::ParseError
  # @return [IncompleteParseError] a new instance of IncompleteParseError
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#107
  def initialize(element, original_text, unparsed_index); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#36
Mail::Field::KNOWN_FIELDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#100
class Mail::Field::NilParseError < ::Mail::Field::ParseError
  # @return [NilParseError] a new instance of NilParseError
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#101
  def initialize(element); end

# Raised when a parsing error has occurred (ie, a StructuredField has tried
# to parse a field that is invalid or improperly written)
# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#80
class Mail::Field::ParseError < ::Mail::Field::FieldError
  # @return [ParseError] a new instance of ParseError
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#83
  def initialize(element, value, reason); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#81
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#81
  def element=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#81
  def reason; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#81
  def reason=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#81
  def value; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#81
  def value=(_arg0); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#91
  def to_utf8(text); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#28
Mail::Field::STRUCTURED_FIELDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# Raised when attempting to set a structured field's contents to an invalid syntax
# source://mail//lib/mail/field.rb#114
class Mail::Field::SyntaxError < ::Mail::Field::FieldError; end

# Field List class provides an enhanced array that keeps a list of
# email fields in order.  And allows you to insert new fields without
# having to worry about the order they will appear in.
# source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#8
class Mail::FieldList < ::Array
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#22
  def <<(field); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#22
  def add_field(field); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#60
  def delete_field(name); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#13
  def get_field(field_name); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#9
  def has_field?(field_name); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#46
  def insert_field(field); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#31
  def replace_field(field); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#64
  def summary; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#70
  def select_fields(field_name); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/field_list.rb#79
  def singular?(field_name); end

# FileDelivery class delivers emails into multiple files based on the destination
# address.  Each file is appended to if it already exists.
# So if you have an email going to fred@test, bob@test, joe@anothertest, and you
# set your location path to /path/to/mails then FileDelivery will create the directory
# if it does not exist, and put one copy of the email in three files, called
# by their message id
# Make sure the path you specify with :location is writable by the Ruby process
# running Mail.
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery.rb#15
class Mail::FileDelivery
  # @return [FileDelivery] a new instance of FileDelivery
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery.rb#20
  def initialize(values); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery.rb#24
  def deliver!(mail); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery.rb#18
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery.rb#18
  def settings=(_arg0); end

# = From Field
# The From field inherits from StructuredField and handles the From: header
# field in the email.
# Sending from to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a FromField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one From field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.from = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.from    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:from]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::FromField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['from'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::FromField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['From'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::FromField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:from].encoded   #=> 'from: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:from].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:from].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:from].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/from_field.rb#31
class Mail::FromField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/from_field.rb#32
Mail::FromField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Provides access to a header object.
# ===Per RFC2822
#  2.2. Header Fields
#   Header fields are lines composed of a field name, followed by a colon
#   (":"), followed by a field body, and terminated by CRLF.  A field
#   name MUST be composed of printable US-ASCII characters (i.e.,
#   characters that have values between 33 and 126, inclusive), except
#   colon.  A field body may be composed of any US-ASCII characters,
#   except for CR and LF.  However, a field body may contain CRLF when
#   used in header "folding" and  "unfolding" as described in section
#   2.2.3.  All field bodies MUST conform to the syntax described in
#   sections 3 and 4 of this standard.
# source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#22
class Mail::Header
  include ::Enumerable

  # Creates a new header object.
  # Accepts raw text or nothing.  If given raw text will attempt to parse
  # it and split it into the various fields, instantiating each field as
  # it goes.
  # If it finds a field that should be a structured field (such as content
  # type), but it fails to parse it, it will simply make it an unstructured
  # field and leave it alone.  This will mean that the data is preserved but
  # no automatic processing of that field will happen.  If you find one of
  # these cases, please make a patch and send it in, or at the least, send
  # me the example so we can fix it.
  # @return [Header] a new instance of Header
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#53
  def initialize(header_text = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # 3.6. Field definitions
  #   The following table indicates limits on the number of times each
  #   field may occur in a message header as well as any special
  #   limitations on the use of those fields.  An asterisk next to a value
  #   in the minimum or maximum column indicates that a special restriction
  #   appears in the Notes column.
  #   <snip table from 3.6>
  # As per RFC, many fields can appear more than once, we will return a string
  # of the value if there is only one header, or if there is more than one
  # matching header, will return an array of values in order that they appear
  # in the header ordered from top to bottom.
  # Example:
  #  h =
  #  h.fields = ['To:', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 15', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 20']
  #  h['To']          #=> ''
  #  h['X-Mail-SPAM'] #=> ['15', '20']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#130
  def [](name); end

  # Sets the FIRST matching field in the header to passed value, or deletes
  # the FIRST field matched from the header if passed nil
  # Example:
  #  h =
  #  h.fields = ['To:', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 15', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 20']
  #  h['To'] = ''
  #  h['To']    #=> ''
  #  h['X-Mail-SPAM'] = '10000'
  #  h['X-Mail-SPAM'] # => ['15', '20', '10000']
  #  h['X-Mail-SPAM'] = nil
  #  h['X-Mail-SPAM'] # => nil
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#147
  def []=(name, value); end

  # Returns the value of attribute charset.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#39
  def charset; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#169
  def charset=(val); end

  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#195
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#182
  def encoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#105
  def errors; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#199
  def field_summary; end

  # Returns an array of all the fields in the header in order that they
  # were read in.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#67
  def fields; end

  # 3.6. Field definitions
  #   It is important to note that the header fields are not guaranteed to
  #   be in a particular order.  They may appear in any order, and they
  #   have been known to be reordered occasionally when transported over
  #   the Internet.  However, for the purposes of this standard, header
  #   fields SHOULD NOT be reordered when a message is transported or
  #   transformed.  More importantly, the trace header fields and resent
  #   header fields MUST NOT be reordered, and SHOULD be kept in blocks
  #   prepended to the message.  See sections 3.6.6 and 3.6.7 for more
  #   information.
  # Populates the fields container with Field objects in the order it
  # receives them in.
  # Acceps an array of field string values, for example:
  #  h =
  #  h.fields = ['From:', 'To:']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#90
  def fields=(unfolded_fields); end

  # Returns true if the header has a Content-ID defined (empty or not)
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#209
  def has_content_id?; end

  # Returns true if the header has a Date defined (empty or not)
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#214
  def has_date?; end

  # Returns true if the header has a Message-ID defined (empty or not)
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#204
  def has_message_id?; end

  # Returns true if the header has a MIME version defined (empty or not)
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#219
  def has_mime_version?; end

  # Returns the value of attribute raw_source.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#39
  def raw_source; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#191
  def to_s; end


  # Enumerable support. Yield each field in order.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#233
  def each(&block); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#59
  def initialize_copy(original); end

  # Splits an unfolded and line break cleaned header into individual field
  # strings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#227
  def split_header; end

  class << self
    # Large amount of headers in Email might create extra high CPU load
    # Use this parameter to limit number of headers that will be parsed by
    # mail library.
    # Default: 1000
    # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#31
    def maximum_amount; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/header.rb#35
    def maximum_amount=(value); end

# The IMAP retriever allows to get the last, first or all emails from a IMAP server.
# Each email retrieved (RFC2822) is given as an instance of +Message+.
# While being retrieved, emails can be yielded if a block is given.
# === Example of retrieving Emails from GMail:
#   Mail.defaults do
#     retriever_method :imap, { :address             => "",
#                               :port                => 993,
#                               :user_name           => '<username>',
#                               :password            => '<password>',
#                               :enable_ssl          => true }
#   end
#   Mail.all    #=> Returns an array of all emails
#   Mail.first  #=> Returns the first unread email
#   Mail.last   #=> Returns the last unread email
# You can also pass options into Mail.find to locate an email in your imap mailbox
# with the following options:
#   mailbox: name of the mailbox used for email retrieval. The default is 'INBOX'.
#   what:    last or first emails. The default is :first.
#   order:   order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
#   count:   number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 10. A value of 1 returns an
#            instance of Message, not an array of Message instances.
#   keys:    are passed as criteria to the SEARCH command.  They can either be a string holding the entire search string,
#            or a single-dimension array of search keywords and arguments.  Refer to  [IMAP] section 6.4.4 for a full list
#            The default is 'ALL'
#   Mail.find(:what => :first, :count => 10, :order => :asc, :keys=>'ALL')
#   #=> Returns the first 10 emails in ascending order
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#39
class Mail::IMAP < ::Mail::Retriever
  # @return [IMAP] a new instance of IMAP
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#42
  def initialize(values); end

  # Returns the connection object of the retrievable (IMAP or POP3)
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#133
  def connection(&block); end

  # Delete all emails from a IMAP mailbox
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#119
  def delete_all(mailbox = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Find emails in a IMAP mailbox. Without any options, the 10 last received emails are returned.
  # Possible options:
  #   mailbox: mailbox to search the email(s) in. The default is 'INBOX'.
  #   what:    last or first emails. The default is :first.
  #   order:   order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
  #   count:   number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 10. A value of 1 returns an
  #            instance of Message, not an array of Message instances.
  #   read_only: will ensure that no writes are made to the inbox during the session.  Specifically, if this is
  #              set to true, the code will use the EXAMINE command to retrieve the mail.  If set to false, which
  #              is the default, a SELECT command will be used to retrieve the mail
  #              This is helpful when you don't want your messages to be set to read automatically. Default is false.
  #   delete_after_find: flag for whether to delete each retreived email after find. Default
  #           is false. Use #find_and_delete if you would like this to default to true.
  #   keys:   are passed as criteria to the SEARCH command.  They can either be a string holding the entire search string,
  #           or a single-dimension array of search keywords and arguments.  Refer to  [IMAP] section 6.4.4 for a full list
  #           The default is 'ALL'
  #   search_charset: charset to pass to IMAP server search. Omitted by default. Example: 'UTF-8' or 'ASCII'.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#73
  def find(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#52
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#52
  def settings=(_arg0); end


  # Start an IMAP session and ensures that it will be closed in any case.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#160
  def start(config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Set default options
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap.rb#144
  def validate_options(options); end

# = In-Reply-To Field
# The In-Reply-To field inherits from StructuredField and handles the
# In-Reply-To: header field in the email.
# Sending in_reply_to to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a InReplyToField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonMessageId
# module instance metods.
# Note that, the #message_ids method will return an array of message IDs without the
# enclosing angle brackets which per RFC are not syntactically part of the message id.
# Only one InReplyTo field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# Message IDs.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.in_reply_to = '<>'
#  mail.in_reply_to    #=> '<>'
#  mail[:in_reply_to]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::InReplyToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['in_reply_to'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::InReplyToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['In-Reply-To'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::InReplyToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:in_reply_to].message_ids #=> ['']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field.rb#31
class Mail::InReplyToField < ::Mail::CommonMessageIdField
  # @return [InReplyToField] a new instance of InReplyToField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field.rb#38
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field.rb#34
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field.rb#32
Mail::InReplyToField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#8
class Mail::IndifferentHash < ::Hash
  # @return [IndifferentHash] a new instance of IndifferentHash
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#10
  def initialize(constructor = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Assigns a new value to the hash:
  #   hash =
  #   hash[:key] = "value"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#41
  def []=(key, value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#19
  def default(key = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Removes a specified key from the hash.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#117
  def delete(key); end

  # Returns an exact copy of the hash.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#96
  def dup; end

  # Fetches the value for the specified key, same as doing hash[key]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#80
  def fetch(key, *extras); end

  # Checks the hash for a key matching the argument passed in:
  #   hash =
  #   hash["key"] = "value"
  #   hash.key? :key  # => true
  #   hash.key? "key" # => true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#71
  def has_key?(key); end

  # Checks the hash for a key matching the argument passed in:
  #   hash =
  #   hash["key"] = "value"
  #   hash.key? :key  # => true
  #   hash.key? "key" # => true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#71
  def include?(key); end

  # Checks the hash for a key matching the argument passed in:
  #   hash =
  #   hash["key"] = "value"
  #   hash.key? :key  # => true
  #   hash.key? "key" # => true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#71
  def key?(key); end

  # Checks the hash for a key matching the argument passed in:
  #   hash =
  #   hash["key"] = "value"
  #   hash.key? :key  # => true
  #   hash.key? "key" # => true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#71
  def member?(key); end

  # Merges the instantized and the specified hashes together, giving precedence to the values from the second hash
  # Does not overwrite the existing hash.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#102
  def merge(hash); end

  # Updates the instantized hash with values from the second:
  #   hash_1 =
  #   hash_1[:key] = "value"
  #   hash_2 =
  #   hash_2[:key] = "New Value!"
  #   hash_1.update(hash_2) # => {"key"=>"New Value!"}
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#57
  def merge!(other_hash); end

  def regular_update(*_arg0); end
  def regular_writer(_arg0, _arg1); end

  # Performs the opposite of merge, with the keys and values from the first hash taking precedence over the second.
  # This overloaded definition prevents returning a regular hash, if reverse_merge is called on a HashWithDifferentAccess.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#108
  def reverse_merge(other_hash); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#112
  def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end

  # Assigns a new value to the hash:
  #   hash =
  #   hash[:key] = "value"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#41
  def store(key, value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#122
  def stringify_keys; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#121
  def stringify_keys!; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#123
  def symbolize_keys; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#126
  def to_hash; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#124
  def to_options!; end

  # Updates the instantized hash with values from the second:
  #   hash_1 =
  #   hash_1[:key] = "value"
  #   hash_2 =
  #   hash_2[:key] = "New Value!"
  #   hash_1.update(hash_2) # => {"key"=>"New Value!"}
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#57
  def update(other_hash); end

  # Returns an array of the values at the specified indices:
  #   hash =
  #   hash[:a] = "x"
  #   hash[:b] = "y"
  #   hash.values_at("a", "b") # => ["x", "y"]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#91
  def values_at(*indices); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#132
  def convert_key(key); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#136
  def convert_value(value); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/indifferent_hash.rb#27
    def new_from_hash_copying_default(hash); end

# keywords        =       "Keywords:" phrase *("," phrase) CRLF
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#7
class Mail::KeywordsField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#18
  def default; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#10
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#14
  def keywords; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#23
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#27
  def do_encode; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/keywords_field.rb#8
Mail::KeywordsField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#4
class Mail::LoggerDelivery
  # @return [LoggerDelivery] a new instance of LoggerDelivery
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#7
  def initialize(settings); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#13
  def deliver!(mail); end

  # Returns the value of attribute logger.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#5
  def logger; end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#5
  def settings; end

  # Returns the value of attribute severity.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#5
  def severity; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#18
  def default_logger; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/logger_delivery.rb#23
  def derive_severity(severity); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#3
module Mail::Matchers
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#8
  def an_attachment_with_filename(filename); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#12
  def an_attachment_with_mime_type(filename); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#4
  def any_attachment; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#4
  def have_sent_email; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#16
class Mail::Matchers::AnyAttachmentMatcher
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#17
  def ===(other); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#22
class Mail::Matchers::AttachmentFilenameMatcher
  # @return [AttachmentFilenameMatcher] a new instance of AttachmentFilenameMatcher
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#24
  def initialize(filename); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#28
  def ===(other); end

  # Returns the value of attribute filename.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#23
  def filename; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#33
class Mail::Matchers::AttachmentMimeTypeMatcher
  # @return [AttachmentMimeTypeMatcher] a new instance of AttachmentMimeTypeMatcher
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#35
  def initialize(mime_type); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#39
  def ===(other); end

  # Returns the value of attribute mime_type.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/attachment_matchers.rb#34
  def mime_type; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#8
class Mail::Matchers::HasSentEmailMatcher
  # @return [HasSentEmailMatcher] a new instance of HasSentEmailMatcher
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#9
  def initialize(_context); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#44
  def bcc(recipient_or_list); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#33
  def cc(recipient_or_list); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#96
  def description; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#101
  def failure_message; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#108
  def failure_message_when_negated; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#17
  def from(sender); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#12
  def matches?(subject); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#81
  def matching_body(body_matcher); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#71
  def matching_subject(subject_matcher); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#22
  def to(recipient_or_list); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#61
  def with_any_attachments; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#50
  def with_attachments(attachments); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#76
  def with_body(body); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#86
  def with_html(body); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#56
  def with_no_attachments; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#66
  def with_subject(subject); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#91
  def with_text(body); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#196
  def dump_deliveries; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#181
  def explain_expectations; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#117
  def filter_matched_deliveries(deliveries); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#159
  def matches_on_attachments?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#142
  def matches_on_blind_copy_recipients?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#165
  def matches_on_body?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#169
  def matches_on_body_matcher?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#138
  def matches_on_copy_recipients?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#154
  def matches_on_having_attachments?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#173
  def matches_on_html_part_body?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#134
  def matches_on_recipients?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#130
  def matches_on_sender?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#146
  def matches_on_subject?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#150
  def matches_on_subject_matcher?(delivery); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/matchers/has_sent_mail.rb#177
  def matches_on_text_part_body?(delivery); end

# The Message class provides a single point of access to all things to do with an
# email message.
# You create a new email message by calling the method, or just
# A Message object by default has the following objects inside it:
# * A Header object which contains all information and settings of the header of the email
# * Body object which contains all parts of the email that are not part of the header, this
#   includes any attachments, body text, MIME parts etc.
# ==Per RFC2822
#  2.1. General Description
#   At the most basic level, a message is a series of characters.  A
#   message that is conformant with this standard is comprised of
#   characters with values in the range 1 through 127 and interpreted as
#   US-ASCII characters [ASCII].  For brevity, this document sometimes
#   refers to this range of characters as simply "US-ASCII characters".
#   Note: This standard specifies that messages are made up of characters
#   in the US-ASCII range of 1 through 127.  There are other documents,
#   specifically the MIME document series [RFC2045, RFC2046, RFC2047,
#   RFC2048, RFC2049], that extend this standard to allow for values
#   outside of that range.  Discussion of those mechanisms is not within
#   the scope of this standard.
#   Messages are divided into lines of characters.  A line is a series of
#   characters that is delimited with the two characters carriage-return
#   and line-feed; that is, the carriage return (CR) character (ASCII
#   value 13) followed immediately by the line feed (LF) character (ASCII
#   value 10).  (The carriage-return/line-feed pair is usually written in
#   this document as "CRLF".)
#   A message consists of header fields (collectively called "the header
#   of the message") followed, optionally, by a body.  The header is a
#   sequence of lines of characters with special syntax as defined in
#   this standard. The body is simply a sequence of characters that
#   follows the header and is separated from the header by an empty line
#   (i.e., a line with nothing preceding the CRLF).
# source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#50
class Mail::Message
  # ==Making an email
  # You can make an new mail object via a block, passing a string, file or direct assignment.
  # ===Making an email via a block
  #  mail = do |m|
  #    m.from ''
  # ''
  #    m.subject 'This is a test email'
  #    m.body'body.txt')
  #  end
  #  mail.to_s #=> "From:\r\nTo: you@...
  # If may also pass a block with no arguments, in which case it will
  # be evaluated in the scope of the new message instance:
  #  mail = do
  #    from ''
  #    # …
  #  end
  # ===Making an email via passing a string
  #  mail ="To:\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHi there!")
  #  mail.body.to_s #=> 'Hi there!'
  #  mail.subject   #=> 'Hello'
  #        #=> ''
  # ===Making an email from a file
  #  mail ='path/to/file.eml')
  #  mail.body.to_s #=> 'Hi there!'
  #  mail.subject   #=> 'Hello'
  #        #=> ''
  # ===Making an email via assignment
  # You can assign values to a mail object via four approaches:
  # * Message#field_name=(value)
  # * Message#field_name(value)
  # * Message#['field_name']=(value)
  # * Message#[:field_name]=(value)
  # Examples:
  #  mail =
  #  mail['from'] = ''
  #  mail[:to]    = ''
  #  mail.subject 'This is a test email'
  #  mail.body    = 'This is a body'
  #  mail.to_s #=> "From:\r\nTo: you@...
  # @return [Message] a new instance of Message
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#107
  def initialize(*args, &block); end

  # Provides the operator needed for sort et al.
  # Compares this mail object with another mail object, this is done by date, so an
  # email that is older than another will appear first.
  # Example:
  #  mail1 = do
  #    date(
  #  end
  #  mail2 = do
  #    date( - 86400) # 1 day older
  #  end
  #  [mail2, mail1].sort #=> [mail2, mail1]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#334
  def <=>(other); end

  # Two emails are the same if they have the same fields and body contents. One
  # gotcha here is that Mail will insert Message-IDs when calling encoded, so doing
  # mail1.encoded == mail2.encoded is most probably not going to return what you think
  # as the assigned Message-IDs by Mail (if not already defined as the same) will ensure
  # that the two objects are unique, and this comparison will ALWAYS return false.
  # So the == operator has been defined like so:  Two messages are the same if they have
  # the same content, ignoring the Message-ID field, unless BOTH emails have a defined and
  # different Message-ID value, then they are false.
  # So, in practice the == operator works like this:
  #  m1 ="Subject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m2 ="Subject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m1 == m2 #=> true
  #  m1 ="Subject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m2 ="Message-ID: <1234@test>\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m1 == m2 #=> true
  #  m1 ="Message-ID: <1234@test>\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m2 ="Subject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m1 == m2 #=> true
  #  m1 ="Message-ID: <1234@test>\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m2 ="Message-ID: <1234@test>\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m1 == m2 #=> true
  #  m1 ="Message-ID: <1234@test>\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m2 ="Message-ID: <DIFFERENT@test>\r\nSubject: Hello\r\n\r\nHello")
  #  m1 == m2 #=> false
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#373
  def ==(other); end

  # Allows you to read an arbitrary header
  # Example:
  #  mail['foo'] = '1234'
  #  mail['foo'].to_s #=> '1234'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1334
  def [](name); end

  # Allows you to add an arbitrary header
  # Example:
  #  mail['foo'] = '1234'
  #  mail['foo'].to_s #=> '1234'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1316
  def []=(name, value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1558
  def action; end

  # Adds a content type and charset if the body is US-ASCII
  # Otherwise raises a warning
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1472
  def add_charset; end

  # Adds a content transfer encoding
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1487
  def add_content_transfer_encoding; end

  # Adds a content type and charset if the body is US-ASCII
  # Otherwise raises a warning
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1465
  def add_content_type; end

  # Creates a new empty Date field and inserts it in the correct order
  # into the Header.  The DateField object will automatically generate
  #'s date if you try and encode it or output it to_s without
  # specifying a date yourself.
  # It will preserve any date you specify if you do.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1448
  def add_date(date_val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Adds a file to the message.  You have two options with this method, you can
  # just pass in the absolute path to the file you want and Mail will read the file,
  # get the filename from the path you pass in and guess the MIME media type, or you
  # can pass in the filename as a string, and pass in the file content as a blob.
  # Example:
  #  m =
  #  m.add_file('/path/to/filename.png')
  #  m =
  #  m.add_file(:filename => 'filename.png', :content =>'/path/to/file.jpg'))
  # Note also that if you add a file to an existing message, Mail will convert that message
  # to a MIME multipart email, moving whatever plain text body you had into its own text
  # plain part.
  # Example:
  #  m = do
  #    body 'this is some text'
  #  end
  #  m.multipart? #=> false
  #  m.add_file('/path/to/filename.png')
  #  m.multipart? #=> true
  # #=> 'text/plain'
  # #=> 'image/png'
  # See also #attachments
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1757
  def add_file(values); end

  # Creates a new empty Message-ID field and inserts it in the correct order
  # into the Header.  The MessageIdField object will automatically generate
  # a unique message ID if you try and encode it or output it to_s without
  # specifying a message id.
  # It will preserve the message ID you specify if you do.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1438
  def add_message_id(msg_id_val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Creates a new empty Mime Version field and inserts it in the correct order
  # into the Header.  The MimeVersion object will automatically generate
  # set itself to '1.0' if you try and encode it or output it to_s without
  # specifying a version yourself.
  # It will preserve any date you specify if you do.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1458
  def add_mime_version(ver_val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Adds a part to the parts list or creates the part list
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1701
  def add_part(part); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1927
  def all_parts; end

  # Returns the attachment data if there is any
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1918
  def attachment; end

  # Returns true if this part is an attachment,
  # false otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1913
  def attachment?; end

  # Returns an AttachmentsList object, which holds all of the attachments in
  # the receiver object (either the entire email or a part within) and all
  # of its descendants.
  # It also allows you to add attachments to the mail object directly, like so:
  #  mail.attachments['filename.jpg'] ='/path/to/filename.jpg')
  # If you do this, then Mail will take the file name and work out the MIME media type
  # set the Content-Type, Content-Disposition, Content-Transfer-Encoding and
  # base64 encode the contents of the attachment all for you.
  # You can also specify overrides if you want by passing a hash instead of a string:
  #  mail.attachments['filename.jpg'] = {:mime_type => 'application/x-gzip',
  #                                      :content =>'/path/to/filename.jpg')}
  # If you want to use a different encoding than Base64, you can pass an encoding in,
  # but then it is up to you to pass in the content pre-encoded, and don't expect
  # Mail to know how to decode this data:
  #  file_content = SpecialEncode('/path/to/filename.jpg'))
  #  mail.attachments['filename.jpg'] = {:mime_type => 'application/x-gzip',
  #                                      :encoding => 'SpecialEncoding',
  #                                      :content => file_content }
  # You can also search for specific attachments:
  #  # By Filename
  #  mail.attachments['filename.jpg']   #=> Mail::Part object or nil
  #  # or by index
  #  mail.attachments[0]                #=> Mail::Part (first attachment)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1626
  def attachments; end

  # Returns the Bcc value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.bcc = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.bcc #=> ['']
  #  mail.bcc = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.bcc #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.bcc 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.bcc #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.bcc 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.bcc << ''
  #  mail.bcc #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#500
  def bcc(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Bcc value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.bcc = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.bcc #=> ['']
  #  mail.bcc = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.bcc #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#512
  def bcc=(val); end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def bcc_addresses; end

  # Returns an array of addresses (the encoded value) in the Bcc field,
  # if no Bcc field, returns an empty array
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1306
  def bcc_addrs; end

  # Returns the body of the message object. Or, if passed
  # a parameter sets the value.
  # Example:
  #  mail ='To: mikel\r\n\r\nThis is the body')
  #  mail.body #=> #<Mail::Body:0x13919c @raw_source="This is the bo...
  #  mail.body 'This is another body'
  #  mail.body #=> #<Mail::Body:0x13919c @raw_source="This is anothe...
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1251
  def body(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the body object of the message object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.body = 'This is the body'
  #  mail.body #=> #<Mail::Body:0x13919c @raw_source="This is the bo...
  # You can also reset the body of an Message object by setting body to nil
  # Example:
  #  mail.body = 'this is the body'
  #  mail.body.encoded #=> 'this is the body'
  #  mail.body = nil
  #  mail.body.encoded #=> ''
  # If you try and set the body of an email that is a multipart email, then instead
  # of deleting all the parts of your email, mail will add a text/plain part to
  # your email:
  #  mail.add_file 'somefilename.png'
  # #=> 1
  #  mail.body = "This is a body"
  # #=> 2
  # #=> 'This is a body'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1237
  def body=(value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1260
  def body_encoding(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1268
  def body_encoding=(value); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1554
  def bounced?; end

  # Returns the current boundary for this message part
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1583
  def boundary; end

  # Returns the Cc value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  # = 'Mikel <>'
  # #=> ['']
  # = 'Mikel <>,'
  # #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  # 'Mikel <>'
  # #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  # 'Mikel <>'
  # << ''
  # #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#541
  def cc(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Cc value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  # = 'Mikel <>'
  # #=> ['']
  # = 'Mikel <>,'
  # #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#553
  def cc=(val); end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def cc_addresses; end

  # Returns an array of addresses (the encoded value) in the Cc field,
  # if no Cc field, returns an empty array
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1300
  def cc_addrs; end

  # Returns the character set defined in the content type field
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1497
  def charset; end

  # Sets the charset to the supplied value.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1506
  def charset=(value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#557
  def comments(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#561
  def comments=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#565
  def content_description(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#569
  def content_description=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#573
  def content_disposition(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#577
  def content_disposition=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#581
  def content_id(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#585
  def content_id=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#589
  def content_location(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#593
  def content_location=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#597
  def content_transfer_encoding(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#601
  def content_transfer_encoding=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#605
  def content_type(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#609
  def content_type=(val); end

  # Returns the content type parameters
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1523
  def content_type_parameters; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1773
  def convert_to_multipart; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#613
  def date(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#617
  def date=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1907
  def decode_body; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1886
  def decoded; end

  # Returns the default value of the field requested as a symbol.
  # Each header field has a :default method which returns the most common use case for
  # that field, for example, the date field types will return a DateTime object when
  # sent :default, the subject, or unstructured fields will return a decoded string of
  # their value, the address field types will return a single addr_spec or an array of
  # addr_specs if there is more than one.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1204
  def default(sym, val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Delivers a mail object.
  # Examples:
  #  mail ='file.eml')
  #  mail.deliver
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#250
  def deliver; end

  # This method bypasses checking perform_deliveries and raise_delivery_errors,
  # so use with caution.
  # It still however fires off the interceptors and calls the observers callbacks if they are defined.
  # Returns self
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#267
  def deliver!; end

  # If you assign a delivery handler, mail will call :deliver_mail on the
  # object you assign to delivery_handler, it will pass itself as the
  # single argument.
  # If you define a delivery_handler, then you are responsible for the
  # following actions in the delivery cycle:
  # * Appending the mail object to Mail.deliveries as you see fit.
  # * Checking the mail.perform_deliveries flag to decide if you should
  #   actually call :deliver! the mail object or not.
  # * Checking the mail.raise_delivery_errors flag to decide if you
  #   should raise delivery errors if they occur.
  # * Actually calling :deliver! (with the bang) on the mail object to
  #   get it to deliver itself.
  # A simplest implementation of a delivery_handler would be
  #   class MyObject
  #     def initialize
  #       @mail ='To:')
  #       @mail.delivery_handler = self
  #     end
  #     attr_accessor :mail
  #     def deliver_mail(mail)
  #       yield
  #     end
  #   end
  # Then doing:
  #   obj =
  #   obj.mail.deliver
  # Would cause Mail to call obj.deliver_mail passing itself as a parameter,
  # which then can just yield and let Mail do its own private do_delivery
  # method.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#199
  def delivery_handler; end

  # If you assign a delivery handler, mail will call :deliver_mail on the
  # object you assign to delivery_handler, it will pass itself as the
  # single argument.
  # If you define a delivery_handler, then you are responsible for the
  # following actions in the delivery cycle:
  # * Appending the mail object to Mail.deliveries as you see fit.
  # * Checking the mail.perform_deliveries flag to decide if you should
  #   actually call :deliver! the mail object or not.
  # * Checking the mail.raise_delivery_errors flag to decide if you
  #   should raise delivery errors if they occur.
  # * Actually calling :deliver! (with the bang) on the mail object to
  #   get it to deliver itself.
  # A simplest implementation of a delivery_handler would be
  #   class MyObject
  #     def initialize
  #       @mail ='To:')
  #       @mail.delivery_handler = self
  #     end
  #     attr_accessor :mail
  #     def deliver_mail(mail)
  #       yield
  #     end
  #   end
  # Then doing:
  #   obj =
  #   obj.mail.deliver
  # Would cause Mail to call obj.deliver_mail passing itself as a parameter,
  # which then can just yield and let Mail do its own private do_delivery
  # method.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#199
  def delivery_handler=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#274
  def delivery_method(method = T.unsafe(nil), settings = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # returns the part in a multipart/report email that has the content-type delivery-status
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1543
  def delivery_status_part; end

  # Returns true if the message is a multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1538
  def delivery_status_report?; end

  # Returns the list of addresses this message should be sent to by
  # collecting the addresses off the to, cc and bcc fields.
  # Example:
  # = ''
  # = ''
  #  mail.bcc = ''
  #  mail.destinations.length #=> 3
  #  mail.destinations.first #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1282
  def destinations; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1570
  def diagnostic_code; end

  # Outputs an encoded string representation of the mail message including
  # all headers, attachments, etc.  This is an encoded email in US-ASCII,
  # so it is able to be directly sent to an email server.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1803
  def encoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#418
  def envelope_date; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#414
  def envelope_from; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1566
  def error_status; end

  # Returns a list of parser errors on the header, each field that had an error
  # will be reparsed as an unstructured field to preserve the data inside, but
  # will not be used for further processing.
  # It returns a nested array of [field_name, value, original_error_message]
  # per error found.
  # Example:
  #  message ="Content-Transfer-Encoding: weirdo\r\n")
  #  message.errors.size #=> 1
  #  message.errors.first[0] #=> "Content-Transfer-Encoding"
  #  message.errors.first[1] #=> "weirdo"
  #  message.errors.first[3] #=> <The original error message exception>
  # This is a good first defence on detecting spam by the way.  Some spammers send
  # invalid emails to try and get email parsers to give up parsing them.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#471
  def errors; end

  # Returns the filename of the attachment
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1923
  def filename; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1562
  def final_recipient; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1931
  def find_first_mime_type(mt); end

  # Returns the From value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.from = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.from #=> ['']
  #  mail.from = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.from #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.from 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.from #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.from 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.from << ''
  #  mail.from #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#658
  def from(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the From value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.from = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.from #=> ['']
  #  mail.from = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.from #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#670
  def from=(val); end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def from_address; end

  # Returns an array of addresses (the encoded value) in the From field,
  # if no From field, returns an empty array
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1288
  def from_addrs; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1630
  def has_attachments?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1423
  def has_charset?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1428
  def has_content_transfer_encoding?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1418
  def has_content_type?; end

  # Returns true if the message has a Date field, the field may or may
  # not have a value, but the field exists or not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1408
  def has_date?; end

  # Returns true if the message has a message ID field, the field may or may
  # not have a value, but the field exists or not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1402
  def has_message_id?; end

  # Returns true if the message has a Mime-Version field, the field may or may
  # not have a value, but the field exists or not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1414
  def has_mime_version?; end

  # Returns the header object of the message object. Or, if passed
  # a parameter sets the value.
  # Example:
  #  mail ='To: mikel\r\nFrom: you')
  #  mail.header #=> #<Mail::Header:0x13ce14 @raw_source="To: mikel\r\nFr...
  #  mail.header #=> nil
  #  mail.header 'To: mikel\r\nFrom: you'
  #  mail.header #=> #<Mail::Header:0x13ce14 @raw_source="To: mikel\r\nFr...
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#443
  def header(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the header of the message object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.header = 'To:\r\nFrom:'
  #  mail.header #=> <#Mail::Header
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#428
  def header=(value); end

  # Returns an FieldList of all the fields in the header in the order that
  # they appear in the header
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1396
  def header_fields; end

  # Provides a way to set custom headers, by passing in a hash
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#448
  def headers(hash = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Accessor for html_part
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1635
  def html_part(&block); end

  # Helper to add a html part to a multipart/alternative email.  If this and
  # text_part are both defined in a message, then it will be a multipart/alternative
  # message and set itself that way.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1655
  def html_part=(msg); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#674
  def in_reply_to(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#678
  def in_reply_to=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#240
  def inform_interceptors; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#236
  def inform_observers; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1873
  def inspect; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1877
  def inspect_structure; end

  # Returns whether message will be marked for deletion.
  # If so, the message will be deleted at session close (i.e. after #find
  # exits), but only if also using the #find_and_delete method, or by
  # calling #find with :delete_after_find set to true.
  # Side-note: Just to be clear, this method will return true even if
  # the message hasn't yet been marked for delete on the mail server.
  # However, if this method returns true, it *will be* marked on the
  # server after each block yields back to #find or #find_and_delete.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1960
  def is_marked_for_delete?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#682
  def keywords(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#686
  def keywords=(val); end

  # Returns the main content type
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1513
  def main_type; end

  # Sets whether this message should be deleted at session close (i.e.
  # after #find). Message will only be deleted if messages are retrieved
  # using the #find_and_delete method, or by calling #find with
  # :delete_after_find set to true.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1947
  def mark_for_delete=(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the Message-ID of the mail object.  Note, per RFC 2822 the Message ID
  # consists of what is INSIDE the < > usually seen in the mail header, so this method
  # will return only what is inside.
  # Example:
  #  mail.message_id = '<>'
  #  mail.message_id #=> ''
  # Also allows you to set the Message-ID by passing a string as a parameter
  #  mail.message_id '<>'
  #  mail.message_id #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#703
  def message_id(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Message-ID. Note, per RFC 2822 the Message ID consists of what is INSIDE
  # the < > usually seen in the mail header, so this method will return only what is inside.
  #  mail.message_id = '<>'
  #  mail.message_id #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#712
  def message_id=(val); end

  # Method Missing in this implementation allows you to set any of the
  # standard fields directly as you would the "to", "subject" etc.
  # Those fields used most often (to, subject et al) are given their
  # own method for ease of documentation and also to avoid the hook
  # call to method missing.
  # This will only catch the known fields listed in:
  #  Mail::Field::KNOWN_FIELDS
  # as per RFC 2822, any ruby string or method name could pretty much
  # be a field name, so we don't want to just catch ANYTHING sent to
  # a message object and interpret it as a header.
  # This method provides all three types of header call to set, read
  # and explicitly set with the = operator
  # Examples:
  #  mail.comments = 'These are some comments'
  #  mail.comments #=> 'These are some comments'
  #  mail.comments 'These are other comments'
  #  mail.comments #=> 'These are other comments'
  # = 'Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200'
  # #=> 'Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200'
  # 'Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200'
  # #=> 'Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200'
  #  mail.resent_msg_id = '<>'
  #  mail.resent_msg_id #=> '<>'
  #  mail.resent_msg_id '<>'
  #  mail.resent_msg_id #=> '<>'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1377
  def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end

  # Returns the MIME media type of part we are on, this is taken from the content-type header
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1492
  def mime_type; end

  # Returns the MIME version of the email as a string
  # Example:
  #  mail.mime_version = '1.0'
  #  mail.mime_version #=> '1.0'
  # Also allows you to set the MIME version by passing a string as a parameter.
  # Example:
  #  mail.mime_version '1.0'
  #  mail.mime_version #=> '1.0'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#729
  def mime_version(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the MIME version of the email by accepting a string
  # Example:
  #  mail.mime_version = '1.0'
  #  mail.mime_version #=> '1.0'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#739
  def mime_version=(val); end

  # Returns true if the message is multipart
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1528
  def multipart?; end

  # Returns true if the message is a multipart/report
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1533
  def multipart_report?; end

  # Allows you to add a part in block form to an existing mail message object
  # Example:
  #  mail = do
  #    part :content_type => "multipart/alternative", :content_disposition => "inline" do |p|
  #      p.part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => "test text\nline #2"
  #      p.part :content_type => "text/html", :body => "<b>test</b> HTML<br/>\nline #2"
  #    end
  #  end
  # @yield [new_part]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1722
  def part(params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns a parts list object of all the parts in the message
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1588
  def parts; end

  # If set to false, mail will go through the motions of doing a delivery,
  # but not actually call the delivery method or append the mail object to
  # the Mail.deliveries collection.  Useful for testing.
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 0
  #   mail.delivery_method :smtp
  #   mail.perform_deliveries = false
  #   mail.deliver                        # Mail::SMTP not called here
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 0
  # If you want to test and query the Mail.deliveries collection to see what
  # mail you sent, you should set perform_deliveries to true and use
  # the :test mail delivery_method:
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 0
  #   mail.delivery_method :test
  #   mail.perform_deliveries = true
  #   mail.deliver
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 1
  # This setting is ignored by mail (though still available as a flag) if you
  # define a delivery_handler
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#223
  def perform_deliveries; end

  # If set to false, mail will go through the motions of doing a delivery,
  # but not actually call the delivery method or append the mail object to
  # the Mail.deliveries collection.  Useful for testing.
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 0
  #   mail.delivery_method :smtp
  #   mail.perform_deliveries = false
  #   mail.deliver                        # Mail::SMTP not called here
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 0
  # If you want to test and query the Mail.deliveries collection to see what
  # mail you sent, you should set perform_deliveries to true and use
  # the :test mail delivery_method:
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 0
  #   mail.delivery_method :test
  #   mail.perform_deliveries = true
  #   mail.deliver
  #   Mail.deliveries.size #=> 1
  # This setting is ignored by mail (though still available as a flag) if you
  # define a delivery_handler
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#223
  def perform_deliveries=(_arg0); end

  # If set to false, mail will silently catch and ignore any exceptions
  # raised through attempting to deliver an email.
  # This setting is ignored by mail (though still available as a flag) if you
  # define a delivery_handler
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#230
  def raise_delivery_errors; end

  # If set to false, mail will silently catch and ignore any exceptions
  # raised through attempting to deliver an email.
  # This setting is ignored by mail (though still available as a flag) if you
  # define a delivery_handler
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#230
  def raise_delivery_errors=(_arg0); end

  # The raw_envelope is the From Mon May  2 16:07:05 2009
  # type field that you can see at the top of any email that has come
  # from a mailbox
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#410
  def raw_envelope; end

  # Provides access to the raw source of the message as it was when it
  # was instantiated. This is set at initialization and so is untouched
  # by the parsers or decoder / encoders
  # Example:
  #  mail ='This is an invalid email message')
  #  mail.raw_source #=> "This is an invalid email message"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#397
  def raw_source; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1899
  def read; end

  # Encodes the message, calls encode on all its parts, gets an email message
  # ready to send
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1791
  def ready_to_send!; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#743
  def received(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#751
  def received=(val); end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def recipients; end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def recipients_addresses; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#755
  def references(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#759
  def references=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1574
  def remote_mta; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#282
  def reply(*args, &block); end

  # Returns the Reply-To value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.reply_to = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.reply_to #=> ['']
  #  mail.reply_to = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.reply_to #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.reply_to 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.reply_to #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.reply_to 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.reply_to << ''
  #  mail.reply_to #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#788
  def reply_to(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Reply-To value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.reply_to = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.reply_to #=> ['']
  #  mail.reply_to = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.reply_to #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#800
  def reply_to=(val); end

  # Returns the Resent-Bcc value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_bcc = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_bcc #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_bcc = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_bcc #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_bcc 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_bcc #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_bcc 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_bcc << ''
  #  mail.resent_bcc #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#829
  def resent_bcc(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Resent-Bcc value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_bcc = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_bcc #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_bcc = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_bcc #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#841
  def resent_bcc=(val); end

  # Returns the Resent-Cc value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_cc = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_cc #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_cc = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_cc #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_cc 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_cc #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_cc 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_cc << ''
  #  mail.resent_cc #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#870
  def resent_cc(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Resent-Cc value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_cc = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_cc #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_cc = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_cc #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#882
  def resent_cc=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#886
  def resent_date(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#890
  def resent_date=(val); end

  # Returns the Resent-From value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_from = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_from #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_from = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_from #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_from ['Mikel <>']
  #  mail.resent_from #=> ''
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_from 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_from << ''
  #  mail.resent_from #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#919
  def resent_from(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Resent-From value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_from = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_from #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_from = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_from #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#931
  def resent_from=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#935
  def resent_message_id(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#939
  def resent_message_id=(val); end

  # Returns the Resent-Sender value of the mail object, as a single string of an address
  # spec.  A sender per RFC 2822 must be a single address, so you can not append to
  # this address.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_sender = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_sender #=> ''
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_sender 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_sender #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#958
  def resent_sender(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Resent-Sender value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_sender = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_sender #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#968
  def resent_sender=(val); end

  # Returns the Resent-To value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_to = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_to #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_to = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_to #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_to 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_to #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_to 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_to << ''
  #  mail.resent_to #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#997
  def resent_to(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Resent-To value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.resent_to = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.resent_to #=> ['']
  #  mail.resent_to = 'Mikel <>,'
  #  mail.resent_to #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1009
  def resent_to=(val); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1578
  def retryable?; end

  # Returns the return path of the mail object, or sets it if you pass a string
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1014
  def return_path(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the return path of the object
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1019
  def return_path=(val); end

  # Returns the Sender value of the mail object, as a single string of an address
  # spec.  A sender per RFC 2822 must be a single address.
  # Example:
  #  mail.sender = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.sender #=> ''
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.sender 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.sender #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1037
  def sender(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Sender value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.sender = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.sender #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1047
  def sender=(val); end

  # Sets the envelope from for the email
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#402
  def set_envelope(val); end

  # Skips the deletion of this message. All other messages
  # flagged for delete still will be deleted at session close (i.e. when
  # #find exits). Only has an effect if you're using #find_and_delete
  # or #find with :delete_after_find set to true.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1939
  def skip_deletion; end

  # Returns the SMTP Envelope From value of the mail object, as a single
  # string of an address spec.
  # Defaults to Return-Path, Sender, or the first From address.
  # Example:
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_from = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_from #=> ''
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_from 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_from #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1067
  def smtp_envelope_from(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the From address on the SMTP Envelope.
  # Example:
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_from = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_from #=> ''
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1081
  def smtp_envelope_from=(val); end

  # Returns the SMTP Envelope To value of the mail object.
  # Defaults to #destinations: To, Cc, and Bcc addresses.
  # Example:
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to #=> ''
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to ['Mikel <>', 'Lindsaar <>']
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1100
  def smtp_envelope_to(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the To addresses on the SMTP Envelope.
  # Example:
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to = 'Mikel <>'
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to #=> ''
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to = ['Mikel <>', 'Lindsaar <>']
  #  mail.smtp_envelope_to #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1117
  def smtp_envelope_to=(val); end

  # Returns the sub content type
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1518
  def sub_type; end

  # Returns the decoded value of the subject field, as a single string.
  # Example:
  #  mail.subject = "G'Day mate"
  #  mail.subject #=> "G'Day mate"
  #  mail.subject = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
  #  mail.subject #=> "This is あ string"
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  #  mail.subject "G'Day mate"
  #  mail.subject #=> "G'Day mate"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1142
  def subject(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the Subject value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  #  mail.subject = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
  #  mail.subject #=> "This is あ string"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1152
  def subject=(val); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1964
  def text?; end

  # Accessor for text_part
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1644
  def text_part(&block); end

  # Helper to add a text part to a multipart/alternative email.  If this and
  # html_part are both defined in a message, then it will be a multipart/alternative
  # message and set itself that way.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1679
  def text_part=(msg); end

  # Returns the To value of the mail object as an array of strings of
  # address specs.
  # Example:
  # = 'Mikel <>'
  # #=> ['']
  # = 'Mikel <>,'
  # #=> ['', '']
  # Also allows you to set the value by passing a value as a parameter
  # Example:
  # 'Mikel <>'
  # #=> ['']
  # Additionally, you can append new addresses to the returned Array like
  # object.
  # Example:
  # 'Mikel <>'
  # << ''
  # #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1181
  def to(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the To value of the mail object, pass in a string of the field
  # Example:
  # = 'Mikel <>'
  # #=> ['']
  # = 'Mikel <>,'
  # #=> ['', '']
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1193
  def to=(val); end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def to_addresses; end

  # Returns an array of addresses (the encoded value) in the To field,
  # if no To field, returns an empty array
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1294
  def to_addrs; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1869
  def to_s; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1823
  def to_yaml(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#621
  def transport_encoding(val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#629
  def transport_encoding=(val); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1811
  def without_attachments!; end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def x_forwarded_to_addresses; end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def x_original_to_addresses; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2067
  def add_boundary; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2032
  def add_encoding_to_body; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2062
  def add_multipart_alternate_header; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2079
  def add_multipart_mixed_header; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2048
  def add_required_fields; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2056
  def add_required_message_fields; end

  # source://actionmailbox/
  def address_list(obj); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2025
  def allowed_encodings; end

  # see comments to body=. We take data and process it lazily
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1990
  def body_lazy(value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2152
  def decode_body_as_text; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2142
  def do_delivery; end

  # Returns the filename of the attachment (if it exists) or returns nil
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2124
  def find_attachment; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2038
  def identify_and_set_transfer_encoding; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2086
  def init_with_hash(hash); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2116
  def init_with_string(string); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#384
  def initialize_copy(original); end

  # 2.1. General Description
  #   A message consists of header fields (collectively called "the header
  #   of the message") followed, optionally, by a body.  The header is a
  #   sequence of lines of characters with special syntax as defined in
  #   this standard. The body is simply a sequence of characters that
  #   follows the header and is separated from the header by an empty line
  #   (i.e., a line with nothing preceding the CRLF).
  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1979
  def parse_message; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2005
  def process_body_raw; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1985
  def raw_source=(value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2021
  def separate_parts; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#2013
  def set_envelope_header; end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#232
    def default_charset; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#233
    def default_charset=(charset); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1865
    def from_hash(hash); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1843
    def from_yaml(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1970
Mail::Message::HEADER_SEPARATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/message.rb#1770
Mail::Message::MULTIPART_CONVERSION_CONTENT_FIELDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# Only one Message-ID field may appear in a header.
# Note that parsed Message IDs do not contain their enclosing angle
# brackets which, per RFC, are not part of the ID.
#  mail =
#  mail.message_id = '<>'
#  mail.message_id    #=> '<>'
#  mail[:message_id]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::MessageIdField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['message_id'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::MessageIdField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Message-ID'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::MessageIdField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:message_id].message_id   #=> ''
#  mail[:message_id].message_ids  #=> ['']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/message_id_field.rb#21
class Mail::MessageIdField < ::Mail::CommonMessageIdField
  # @return [MessageIdField] a new instance of MessageIdField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/message_id_field.rb#28
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/message_id_field.rb#33
  def message_ids; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/message_id_field.rb#24
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/message_id_field.rb#22
Mail::MessageIdField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/message_ids_element.rb#7
class Mail::MessageIdsElement
  # @return [MessageIdsElement] a new instance of MessageIdsElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/message_ids_element.rb#14
  def initialize(string); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/message_ids_element.rb#18
  def message_id; end

  # Returns the value of attribute message_ids.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/message_ids_element.rb#12
  def message_ids; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/message_ids_element.rb#23
  def parse(string); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/message_ids_element.rb#8
    def parse(string); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/mime_version_element.rb#6
class Mail::MimeVersionElement
  # @return [MimeVersionElement] a new instance of MimeVersionElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/mime_version_element.rb#9
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute major.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/mime_version_element.rb#7
  def major; end

  # Returns the value of attribute minor.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/mime_version_element.rb#7
  def minor; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#7
class Mail::MimeVersionField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # @return [MimeVersionField] a new instance of MimeVersionField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#14
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#39
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#19
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#35
  def encoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#27
  def major; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#31
  def minor; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#23
  def version; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#10
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/mime_version_field.rb#8
Mail::MimeVersionField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#3
module Mail::Multibyte
  class << self
    # Removes all invalid characters from the string.
    # Note: this method is a no-op in Ruby 1.9
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/utils.rb#36
    def clean(string); end

    # Returns true if string has valid utf-8 encoding
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/utils.rb#12
    def is_utf8?(string); end

    # == Multibyte proxy
    # +mb_chars+ is a multibyte safe proxy for string methods.
    # In Ruby 1.8 and older it creates and returns an instance of the Mail::Multibyte::Chars class which
    # encapsulates the original string. A Unicode safe version of all the String methods are defined on this proxy
    # class. If the proxy class doesn't respond to a certain method, it's forwarded to the encapsuled string.
    #   name = 'Claus Müller'
    #   name.reverse # => "rell??M sualC"
    #   name.length  # => 13
    #   name.mb_chars.reverse.to_s # => "rellüM sualC"
    #   name.mb_chars.length       # => 12
    # In Ruby 1.9 and newer +mb_chars+ returns +self+ because String is (mostly) encoding aware. This means that
    # it becomes easy to run one version of your code on multiple Ruby versions.
    # == Method chaining
    # All the methods on the Chars proxy which normally return a string will return a Chars object. This allows
    # method chaining on the result of any of these methods.
    #   name.mb_chars.reverse.length # => 12
    # == Interoperability and configuration
    # The Chars object tries to be as interchangeable with String objects as possible: sorting and comparing between
    # String and Char work like expected. The bang! methods change the internal string representation in the Chars
    # object. Interoperability problems can be resolved easily with a +to_s+ call.
    # For more information about the methods defined on the Chars proxy see Mail::Multibyte::Chars. For
    # information about how to change the default Multibyte behaviour see Mail::Multibyte.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte.rb#55
    def mb_chars(str); end

    # The proxy class returned when calling mb_chars. You can use this accessor to configure your own proxy
    # class so you can support other encodings. See the Mail::Multibyte::Chars implementation for
    # an example how to do this.
    # Example:
    #   Mail::Multibyte.proxy_class = CharsForUTF32
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte.rb#17
    def proxy_class; end

    # The proxy class returned when calling mb_chars. You can use this accessor to configure your own proxy
    # class so you can support other encodings. See the Mail::Multibyte::Chars implementation for
    # an example how to do this.
    # Example:
    #   Mail::Multibyte.proxy_class = CharsForUTF32
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte.rb#17
    def proxy_class=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/utils.rb#40
    def to_utf8(string); end

    # Returns a regular expression that matches valid characters in the current encoding
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/utils.rb#7
    def valid_character; end

    # Verifies the encoding of a string
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/utils.rb#24
    def verify(string); end

    # Verifies the encoding of the string and raises an exception when it's not valid
    # @raise [EncodingError]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/utils.rb#29
    def verify!(string); end

# Chars enables you to work transparently with UTF-8 encoding in the Ruby String class without having extensive
# knowledge about the encoding. A Chars object accepts a string upon initialization and proxies String methods in an
# encoding safe manner. All the normal String methods are also implemented on the proxy.
# String methods are proxied through the Chars object, and can be accessed through the +mb_chars+ method. Methods
# which would normally return a String object now return a Chars object so methods can be chained.
#   "The Perfect String  ".mb_chars.downcase.strip.normalize # => "the perfect string"
# Chars objects are perfectly interchangeable with String objects as long as no explicit class checks are made.
# If certain methods do explicitly check the class, call +to_s+ before you pass chars objects to them.
#   bad.explicit_checking_method "T".mb_chars.downcase.to_s
# The default Chars implementation assumes that the encoding of the string is UTF-8, if you want to handle different
# encodings you can write your own multibyte string handler and configure it through
# Mail::Multibyte.proxy_class.
#   class CharsForUTF32
#     def size
#       @wrapped_string.size / 4
#     end
#     def self.accepts?(string)
#       string.length % 4 == 0
#     end
#   end
#   Mail::Multibyte.proxy_class = CharsForUTF32
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#36
class Mail::Multibyte::Chars
  include ::Comparable

  # Creates a new Chars instance by wrapping _string_.
  # @return [Chars] a new instance of Chars
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#42
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the Chars object is to be sorted before,
  # equal or after the object on the right side of the operation. It accepts any object
  # that implements +to_s+:
  #   'é'.mb_chars <=> 'ü'.mb_chars # => -1
  # See <tt>String#<=></tt> for more details.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#78
  def <=>(other); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#82
  def =~(other); end

  # Implements Unicode-aware slice with codepoints. Slicing on one point returns the codepoints for that
  # character.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('こんにちは').slice(2..3).to_s # => "にち"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#148
  def [](*args); end

  # Like <tt>String#[]=</tt>, except instead of byte offsets you specify character offsets.
  # Example:
  #   s = "Müller"
  #   s.mb_chars[2] = "e" # Replace character with offset 2
  #   s
  #   # => "Müeler"
  #   s = "Müller"
  #   s.mb_chars[1, 2] = "ö" # Replace 2 characters at character offset 1
  #   s
  #   # => "Möler"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#108
  def []=(*args); end

  # Enable more predictable duck-typing on String-like classes. See Object#acts_like?.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#65
  def acts_like_string?; end

  # Converts the first character to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.
  # Example:
  #  Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('über').capitalize.to_s # => "Über"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#201
  def capitalize; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#263
  def capitalize!(*args); end

  # Performs composition on all the characters.
  # Example:
  #   'é'.length                       # => 3
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('é').compose.to_s.length # => 2
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#239
  def compose; end

  # Performs canonical decomposition on all the characters.
  # Example:
  #   'é'.length                         # => 2
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('é').decompose.to_s.length # => 3
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#230
  def decompose; end

  # Convert characters in the string to lowercase.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('VĚDA A VÝZKUM').downcase.to_s # => "věda a výzkum"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#193
  def downcase; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#263
  def downcase!(*args); end

  # Returns the number of grapheme clusters in the string.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('क्षि').length   # => 4
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('क्षि').g_length # => 3
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#248
  def g_length; end

  # Limit the byte size of the string to a number of bytes without breaking characters. Usable
  # when the storage for a string is limited for some reason.
  # Example:
  #   s = 'こんにちは'
  #   s.mb_chars.limit(7) # => "こん"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#177
  def limit(limit); end

  # Forward all undefined methods to the wrapped string.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#48
  def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end

  # Returns the KC normalization of the string by default. NFKC is considered the best normalization form for
  # passing strings to databases and validations.
  # * <tt>form</tt> - The form you want to normalize in. Should be one of the following:
  #   <tt>:c</tt>, <tt>:kc</tt>, <tt>:d</tt>, or <tt>:kd</tt>. Default is
  #   Mail::Multibyte::Unicode.default_normalization_form
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#221
  def normalize(form = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns +true+ if _obj_ responds to the given method. Private methods are included in the search
  # only if the optional second parameter evaluates to +true+.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#60
  def respond_to?(method, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Reverses all characters in the string.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('Café').reverse.to_s # => 'éfaC'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#139
  def reverse; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#263
  def reverse!(*args); end

  # Implements Unicode-aware slice with codepoints. Slicing on one point returns the codepoints for that
  # character.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('こんにちは').slice(2..3).to_s # => "にち"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#148
  def slice(*args); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#263
  def slice!(*args); end

  # Works just like <tt>String#split</tt>, with the exception that the items in the resulting list are Chars
  # instances instead of String. This makes chaining methods easier.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('Café périferôl').split(/é/).map { |part| part.upcase.to_s } # => ["CAF", " P", "RIFERÔL"]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#91
  def split(*args); end

  # Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.
  # Passing +true+ will forcibly tidy all bytes, assuming that the string's encoding is entirely CP1252 or ISO-8859-1.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#255
  def tidy_bytes(force = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#263
  def tidy_bytes!(*args); end

  # Capitalizes the first letter of every word, when possible.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars("ÉL QUE SE ENTERÓ").titleize    # => "Él Que Se Enteró"
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars("日本語").titleize                 # => "日本語"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#210
  def titlecase; end

  # Capitalizes the first letter of every word, when possible.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars("ÉL QUE SE ENTERÓ").titleize    # => "Él Que Se Enteró"
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars("日本語").titleize                 # => "日本語"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#210
  def titleize; end

  # Returns the value of attribute wrapped_string.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#37
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the value of attribute wrapped_string.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#37
  def to_str; end

  # Convert characters in the string to uppercase.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte.mb_chars('Laurent, où sont les tests ?').upcase.to_s # => "LAURENT, OÙ SONT LES TESTS ?"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#185
  def upcase; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#263
  def upcase!(*args); end

  # Returns the value of attribute wrapped_string.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#37
  def wrapped_string; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#313
  def chars(string); end

  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#288
  def justify(integer, way, padstr = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#305
  def padding(padsize, padstr = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/chars.rb#272
  def translate_offset(byte_offset); end

# Raised when a problem with the encoding was found.
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte.rb#8
class Mail::Multibyte::EncodingError < ::StandardError; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#4
module Mail::Multibyte::Unicode
  extend ::Mail::Multibyte::Unicode

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#318
  def apply_mapping(string, mapping); end

  # Compose decomposed characters to the composed form.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#184
  def compose_codepoints(codepoints); end

  # Decompose composed characters to the decomposed form.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#163
  def decompose_codepoints(type, codepoints); end

  # The default normalization used for operations that require normalization. It can be set to any of the
  # normalizations in NORMALIZATION_FORMS.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte::Unicode.default_normalization_form = :c
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#37
  def default_normalization_form; end

  # The default normalization used for operations that require normalization. It can be set to any of the
  # normalizations in NORMALIZATION_FORMS.
  # Example:
  #   Mail::Multibyte::Unicode.default_normalization_form = :c
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#37
  def default_normalization_form=(_arg0); end

  # Reverse operation of g_unpack.
  # Example:
  #   Unicode.g_pack(Unicode.g_unpack('क्षि')) # => 'क्षि'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#142
  def g_pack(unpacked); end

  # Unpack the string at grapheme boundaries. Returns a list of character lists.
  # Example:
  #   Unicode.g_unpack('क्षि') # => [[2325, 2381], [2359], [2367]]
  #   Unicode.g_unpack('Café') # => [[67], [97], [102], [233]]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#108
  def g_unpack(string); end

  # Detect whether the codepoint is in a certain character class. Returns +true+ when it's in the specified
  # character class and +false+ otherwise. Valid character classes are: <tt>:cr</tt>, <tt>:lf</tt>, <tt>:l</tt>,
  # <tt>:v</tt>, <tt>:lv</tt>, <tt>:lvt</tt> and <tt>:t</tt>.
  # Primarily used by the grapheme cluster support.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#99
  def in_char_class?(codepoint, classes); end

  # Returns the KC normalization of the string by default. NFKC is considered the best normalization form for
  # passing strings to databases and validations.
  # * <tt>string</tt> - The string to perform normalization on.
  # * <tt>form</tt> - The form you want to normalize in. Should be one of the following:
  #   <tt>:c</tt>, <tt>:kc</tt>, <tt>:d</tt>, or <tt>:kd</tt>. Default is
  #   Mail::Multibyte.default_normalization_form
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#300
  def normalize(string, form = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Re-order codepoints so the string becomes canonical.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#147
  def reorder_characters(codepoints); end

  # Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.
  # Passing +true+ will forcibly tidy all bytes, assuming that the string's encoding is entirely CP1252 or ISO-8859-1.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#245
  def tidy_bytes(string, force = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Unpack the string at codepoints boundaries. Raises an EncodingError when the encoding of the string isn't
  # valid UTF-8.
  # Example:
  #   Unicode.u_unpack('Café') # => [67, 97, 102, 233]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#86
  def u_unpack(string); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#399
  def database; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#389
  def tidy_byte(byte); end

  class << self
    # Returns a regular expression pattern that matches the passed Unicode codepoints
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#75
    def codepoints_to_pattern(array_of_codepoints); end

# Holds data about a codepoint in the Unicode database.
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#11
class Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::Codepoint
  # Initializing Codepoint object with default values
  # @return [Codepoint] a new instance of Codepoint
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#15
  def initialize; end

  # Returns the value of attribute code.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def code; end

  # Sets the attribute code
  # @param value the value to set the attribute code to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def code=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute combining_class.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def combining_class; end

  # Sets the attribute combining_class
  # @param value the value to set the attribute combining_class to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def combining_class=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute decomp_mapping.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def decomp_mapping; end

  # Sets the attribute decomp_mapping
  # @param value the value to set the attribute decomp_mapping to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def decomp_mapping=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute decomp_type.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def decomp_type; end

  # Sets the attribute decomp_type
  # @param value the value to set the attribute decomp_type to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def decomp_type=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute lowercase_mapping.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def lowercase_mapping; end

  # Sets the attribute lowercase_mapping
  # @param value the value to set the attribute lowercase_mapping to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def lowercase_mapping=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#21
  def swapcase_mapping; end

  # Returns the value of attribute uppercase_mapping.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def uppercase_mapping; end

  # Sets the attribute uppercase_mapping
  # @param value the value to set the attribute uppercase_mapping to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#12
  def uppercase_mapping=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#51
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_JAMO_FIRST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#52
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_JAMO_LAST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#42
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_LBASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#45
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_LCOUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#48
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_NCOUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Hangul character boundaries and properties
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#41
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_SBASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#49
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_SCOUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#50
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_SLAST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#44
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_TBASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#47
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_TCOUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#43
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_VBASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#46
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::HANGUL_VCOUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# BOM (byte order mark) can also be seen as whitespace, it's a non-rendering character used to distinguish
# between little and big endian. This is not an issue in utf-8, so it must be ignored.
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#72
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::LEADERS_AND_TRAILERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#79
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::LEADERS_PAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# A list of all available normalization forms. See for more
# information about normalization.
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#30
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::NORMALIZATION_FORMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#78
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::TRAILERS_PAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#8
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::UNICODE_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Holds static data from the Unicode database
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#330
class Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::UnicodeDatabase
  # @return [UnicodeDatabase] a new instance of UnicodeDatabase
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#335
  def initialize; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#346
  def boundary; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#333
  def boundary=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#346
  def codepoints; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#333
  def codepoints=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#346
  def composition_exclusion; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#333
  def composition_exclusion=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#346
  def composition_map; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#333
  def composition_map=(_arg0); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#346
  def cp1252; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#333
  def cp1252=(_arg0); end

  # Loads the Unicode database and returns all the internal objects of UnicodeDatabase.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#354
  def load; end

  class << self
    # Returns the directory in which the data files are stored
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#377
    def dirname; end

    # Returns the filename for the data file for this version
    # source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#382
    def filename; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#331
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::UnicodeDatabase::ATTRIBUTES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# All the unicode whitespace
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte/unicode.rb#55
Mail::Multibyte::Unicode::WHITESPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# Regular expressions that describe valid byte sequences for a character
# source://mail//lib/mail/multibyte.rb#64
Mail::Multibyte::VALID_CHARACTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/named_structured_field.rb#6
class Mail::NamedStructuredField < ::Mail::StructuredField
  # @return [NamedStructuredField] a new instance of NamedStructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/named_structured_field.rb#7
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/named_unstructured_field.rb#6
class Mail::NamedUnstructuredField < ::Mail::UnstructuredField
  # @return [NamedUnstructuredField] a new instance of NamedUnstructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/named_unstructured_field.rb#7
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# The field names of any optional-field MUST NOT be identical to any
# field name specified elsewhere in this standard.
# optional-field  =       field-name ":" unstructured CRLF
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/optional_field.rb#10
class Mail::OptionalField < ::Mail::UnstructuredField

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/optional_field.rb#12
  def do_encode; end

# The Pop3 retriever allows to get the last, first or all emails from a POP3 server.
# Each email retrieved (RFC2822) is given as an instance of +Message+.
# While being retrieved, emails can be yielded if a block is given.
# === Example of retrieving Emails from GMail:
#   Mail.defaults do
#     retriever_method :pop3, { :address             => "",
#                               :port                => 995,
#                               :user_name           => '<username>',
#                               :password            => '<password>',
#                               :enable_ssl          => true }
#   end
#   Mail.all    #=> Returns an array of all emails
#   Mail.first  #=> Returns the first unread email
#   Mail.last   #=> Returns the last unread email
# You can also pass options into Mail.find to locate an email in your pop mailbox
# with the following options:
#   what:  last or first emails. The default is :first.
#   order: order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
#   count: number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 10. A value of 1 returns an
#          instance of Message, not an array of Message instances.
#   Mail.find(:what => :first, :count => 10, :order => :asc)
#   #=> Returns the first 10 emails in ascending order
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#35
class Mail::POP3 < ::Mail::Retriever
  # @return [POP3] a new instance of POP3
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#38
  def initialize(values); end

  # Returns the connection object of the retrievable (IMAP or POP3)
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#104
  def connection(&block); end

  # Delete all emails from a POP3 server
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#94
  def delete_all; end

  # Find emails in a POP3 mailbox. Without any options, the 5 last received emails are returned.
  # Possible options:
  #   what:  last or first emails. The default is :first.
  #   order: order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
  #   count: number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 10. A value of 1 returns an
  #          instance of Message, not an array of Message instances.
  #   delete_after_find: flag for whether to delete each retreived email after find. Default
  #           is false. Use #find_and_delete if you would like this to default to true.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#60
  def find(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#48
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#48
  def settings=(_arg0); end


  # Start a POP3 session and ensure that it will be closed in any case. Any messages
  # marked for deletion via #find_and_delete or with the :delete_after_find option
  # will be deleted when the session is closed.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#127
  def start(config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Set default options
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb#115
  def validate_options(options); end

# ParameterHash is an intelligent Hash that allows you to add
# parameter values including the MIME extension paramaters that
# have the name*0="blah", name*1="bleh" keys, and will just return
# a single key called name="blahbleh" and do any required un-encoding
# to make that happen
# Parameters are defined in RFC2045. Split keys are in RFC2231.
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/parameter_hash.rb#15
class Mail::ParameterHash < ::Mail::IndifferentHash
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/parameter_hash.rb#16
  def [](key_name); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/parameter_hash.rb#55
  def decoded; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/parameter_hash.rb#45
  def encoded; end

# Extends each field parser with utility methods.
# source://mail//lib/mail/parser_tools.rb#3
module Mail::ParserTools
  # source://mail//lib/mail/parser_tools.rb#6
  def chars(data, from_bytes, to_bytes); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#9
module Mail::Parsers; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31951
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31951
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31955
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31955
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31946
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31946
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31942
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31942
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31959
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31938
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31938
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31614
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#31614
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#1300
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#1300
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#1624
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#1624
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#976
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#976
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#30983
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#30983
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#18
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#18
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#30352
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#30352
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser::AddressListStruct < ::Struct
  def addresses; end
  def addresses=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def group_names; end
  def group_names=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser.rb#14
class Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser::AddressStruct < ::Struct
  def comments; end
  def comments=(_); end
  def display_name; end
  def display_name=(_); end
  def domain; end
  def domain=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def group; end
  def group=(_); end
  def local; end
  def local=(_); end
  def obs_domain_list; end
  def obs_domain_list=(_); end
  def raw; end
  def raw=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::ContentDispositionParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#556
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#556
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#560
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#560
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#551
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#551
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#547
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#547
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#564
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#543
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#543
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#530
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#530
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#54
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#54
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#67
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#67
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#41
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#41
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#510
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#510
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#490
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#490
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_disposition_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::ContentDispositionParser::ContentDispositionStruct < ::Struct
  def disposition_type; end
  def disposition_type=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def parameters; end
  def parameters=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::ContentLocationParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#577
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#577
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#581
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#581
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#572
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#572
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#568
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#568
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#585
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#564
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#564
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#551
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#551
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#52
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#52
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#65
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#65
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#39
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#39
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#533
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#533
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#515
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#515
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_location_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::ContentLocationParser::ContentLocationStruct < ::Struct
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def location; end
  def location=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#328
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#328
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#332
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#332
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#323
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#323
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#319
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#319
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#336
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#315
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#315
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#304
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#304
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#45
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#45
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#56
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#56
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#34
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#34
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#290
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#290
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#276
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#276
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser::ContentTransferEncodingStruct < ::Struct
  def encoding; end
  def encoding=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::ContentTypeParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#681
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#681
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#685
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#685
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#676
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#676
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#672
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#672
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#689
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#668
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#668
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#654
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#654
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#58
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#58
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#72
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#72
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#44
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#44
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#632
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#632
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#610
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#610
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/content_type_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::ContentTypeParser::ContentTypeStruct < ::Struct
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def main_type; end
  def main_type=(_); end
  def parameters; end
  def parameters=(_); end
  def sub_type; end
  def sub_type=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::DateTimeParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#660
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#660
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#664
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#664
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#655
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#655
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#651
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#651
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#668
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#647
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#647
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#626
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#626
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#86
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#86
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#107
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#107
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#65
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#65
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#595
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#595
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#564
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#564
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/date_time_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::DateTimeParser::DateTimeStruct < ::Struct
  def date_string; end
  def date_string=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def time_string; end
  def time_string=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::EnvelopeFromParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3211
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3211
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3215
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3215
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3206
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3206
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3202
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3202
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3219
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3198
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3198
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3152
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3152
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#185
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#185
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#231
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#231
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#139
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#139
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3077
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3077
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3002
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#3002
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/envelope_from_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::EnvelopeFromParser::EnvelopeFromStruct < ::Struct
  def address; end
  def address=(_); end
  def ctime_date; end
  def ctime_date=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::MessageIdsParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4818
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4818
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4822
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4822
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4813
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4813
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4809
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4809
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4826
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4805
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4805
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4755
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4755
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#202
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#202
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#252
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#252
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#152
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#152
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4675
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4675
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4595
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#4595
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/message_ids_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::MessageIdsParser::MessageIdsStruct < ::Struct
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def message_ids; end
  def message_ids=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::MimeVersionParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#292
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#292
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#296
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#296
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#287
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#287
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#283
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#283
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#300
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#279
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#279
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#268
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#268
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#45
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#45
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#56
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#56
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#34
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#34
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#254
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#254
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#240
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#240
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/mime_version_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::MimeVersionParser::MimeVersionStruct < ::Struct
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def major; end
  def major=(_); end
  def minor; end
  def minor=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#10
class Mail::Parsers::PhraseListsParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#672
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#672
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#676
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#676
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#667
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#667
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#663
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#663
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#680
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#659
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#659
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#646
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#646
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#54
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#54
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#67
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#67
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#41
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#41
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#626
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#626
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#606
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#606
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/phrase_lists_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::PhraseListsParser::PhraseListsStruct < ::Struct
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def phrases; end
  def phrases=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#10
module Mail::Parsers::ReceivedParser
  extend ::Mail::ParserTools

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7484
    def en_comment_tail; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7484
    def en_comment_tail=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7488
    def en_main; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7488
    def en_main=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7479
    def error; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7479
    def error=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7475
    def first_final; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7475
    def first_final=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7492
    def parse(data); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7471
    def start; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7471
    def start=(_arg0); end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7382
    def _eof_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7382
    def _eof_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#358
    def _index_offsets; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#358
    def _index_offsets=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#447
    def _indicies; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#447
    def _indicies=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#269
    def _key_spans; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#269
    def _key_spans=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7199
    def _trans_actions; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7199
    def _trans_actions=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#16
    def _trans_keys=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7016
    def _trans_targs; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#7016
    def _trans_targs=(_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parsers/received_parser.rb#13
class Mail::Parsers::ReceivedParser::ReceivedStruct < ::Struct
  def date; end
  def date=(_); end
  def error; end
  def error=(_); end
  def info; end
  def info=(_); end
  def time; end
  def time=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#7
class Mail::Part < ::Mail::Message
  # Either returns the action if the message has just a single report, or an
  # array of all the actions, one for each report
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#65
  def action; end

  # Creates a new empty Content-ID field and inserts it in the correct order
  # into the Header.  The ContentIdField object will automatically generate
  # a unique content ID if you try and encode it or output it to_s without
  # specifying a content id.
  # It will preserve the content ID you specify if you do.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#14
  def add_content_id(content_id_val = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#37
  def add_required_fields; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#42
  def add_required_message_fields; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#54
  def bounced?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#24
  def cid; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#50
  def delivery_status_data; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#46
  def delivery_status_report_part?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#77
  def diagnostic_code; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#73
  def error_status; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#69
  def final_recipient; end

  # Returns true if the part has a content ID field, the field may or may
  # not have a value, but the field exists or not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#20
  def has_content_id?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#33
  def inline?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#81
  def remote_mta; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#85
  def retryable?; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#29
  def url; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#91
  def get_return_values(key); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#113
  def parse_delivery_status_report; end

  # A part may not have a header.... so, just init a body if no header
  # source://mail//lib/mail/part.rb#102
  def parse_message; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#5
class Mail::PartsList
  # @return [PartsList] a new instance of PartsList
  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#8
  def initialize(*args); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#24
  def attachments; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#28
  def collect; end

  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#43
  def collect!; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#98
  def delete_attachments; end

  # The #encode_with and #to_yaml methods are just implemented
  # for the sake of backward compatibility ; the delegator does
  # not correctly delegate these calls to the delegated object
  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#16
  def encode_with(coder); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#47
  def inspect_structure(parent_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#28
  def map; end

  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#39
  def map!; end

  # Returns the value of attribute parts.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#6
  def parts; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#83
  def recursive_delete_if; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#63
  def recursive_each(&block); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#77
  def recursive_size; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#104
  def sort; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#108
  def sort!(order); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#20
  def to_yaml(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/parts_list.rb#123
  def get_order_value(part, order); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/phrase_list.rb#7
class Mail::PhraseList
  # @return [PhraseList] a new instance of PhraseList
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/phrase_list.rb#10
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute phrases.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/phrase_list.rb#8
  def phrases; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/mail.rb#241
Mail::RANDOM_TAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/elements/received_element.rb#8
class Mail::ReceivedElement
  # @return [ReceivedElement] a new instance of ReceivedElement
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/received_element.rb#11
  def initialize(string); end

  # Returns the value of attribute date_time.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/received_element.rb#9
  def date_time; end

  # Returns the value of attribute info.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/received_element.rb#9
  def info; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/received_element.rb#22
  def to_s(*args); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/elements/received_element.rb#27
  def datetime_for(received); end

# trace           =       [return]
#                         1*received
# return          =       "Return-Path:" path CRLF
# path            =       ([CFWS] "<" ([CFWS] / addr-spec) ">" [CFWS]) /
#                         obs-path
# received        =       "Received:" name-val-list ";" date-time CRLF
# name-val-list   =       [CFWS] [name-val-pair *(CFWS name-val-pair)]
# name-val-pair   =       item-name CFWS item-value
# item-name       =       ALPHA *(["-"] (ALPHA / DIGIT))
# item-value      =       1*angle-addr / addr-spec /
#                          atom / domain / msg-id
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#24
class Mail::ReceivedField < ::Mail::NamedStructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#31
  def date_time; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#27
  def element; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#39
  def formatted_date; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#35
  def info; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#54
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#46
  def do_encode; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/received_field.rb#25
Mail::ReceivedField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = References Field
# The References field inherits references StructuredField and handles the References: header
# field in the email.
# Sending references to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ReferencesField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Note that, the #message_ids method will return an array of message IDs without the
# enclosing angle brackets which per RFC are not syntactically part of the message id.
# Only one References field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# Message IDs.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.references = '<>'
#  mail.references    #=> '<>'
#  mail[:references]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReferencesField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['references'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReferencesField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['References'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReferencesField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:references].message_ids #=> ['']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/references_field.rb#31
class Mail::ReferencesField < ::Mail::CommonMessageIdField
  # @return [ReferencesField] a new instance of ReferencesField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/references_field.rb#38
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/references_field.rb#34
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/references_field.rb#32
Mail::ReferencesField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Reply-To Field
# The Reply-To field inherits reply-to StructuredField and handles the Reply-To: header
# field in the email.
# Sending reply_to to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ReplyToField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Reply-To field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.reply_to = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.reply_to    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:reply_to]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReplyToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['reply-to'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReplyToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Reply-To'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ReplyToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:reply_to].encoded   #=> 'Reply-To: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:reply_to].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:reply_to].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:reply_to].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/reply_to_field.rb#31
class Mail::ReplyToField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/reply_to_field.rb#32
Mail::ReplyToField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Resent-Bcc Field
# The Resent-Bcc field inherits resent-bcc StructuredField and handles the
# Resent-Bcc: header field in the email.
# Sending resent_bcc to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ResentBccField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Resent-Bcc field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.resent_bcc = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.resent_bcc    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_bcc]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentBccField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['resent-bcc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentBccField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Resent-Bcc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentBccField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:resent_bcc].encoded   #=> 'Resent-Bcc: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:resent_bcc].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:resent_bcc].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_bcc].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field.rb#31
class Mail::ResentBccField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field.rb#32
Mail::ResentBccField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Resent-Cc Field
# The Resent-Cc field inherits resent-cc StructuredField and handles the Resent-Cc: header
# field in the email.
# Sending resent_cc to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ResentCcField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Resent-Cc field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.resent_cc = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.resent_cc    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_cc]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentCcField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['resent-cc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentCcField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Resent-Cc'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentCcField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:resent_cc].encoded   #=> 'Resent-Cc: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:resent_cc].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:resent_cc].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_cc].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_cc_field.rb#31
class Mail::ResentCcField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_cc_field.rb#32
Mail::ResentCcField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# resent-date     =       "Resent-Date:" date-time CRLF
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_date_field.rb#8
class Mail::ResentDateField < ::Mail::CommonDateField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_date_field.rb#9
Mail::ResentDateField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Resent-From Field
# The Resent-From field inherits resent-from StructuredField and handles the Resent-From: header
# field in the email.
# Sending resent_from to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ResentFromField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Resent-From field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.resent_from = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.resent_from    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_from]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentFromField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['resent-from'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentFromField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Resent-From'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentFromField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:resent_from].encoded   #=> 'Resent-From: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:resent_from].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:resent_from].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_from].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_from_field.rb#31
class Mail::ResentFromField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_from_field.rb#32
Mail::ResentFromField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# resent-msg-id   =       "Resent-Message-ID:" msg-id CRLF
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field.rb#8
class Mail::ResentMessageIdField < ::Mail::CommonMessageIdField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field.rb#9
Mail::ResentMessageIdField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Resent-Sender Field
# The Resent-Sender field inherits resent-sender StructuredField and handles the Resent-Sender: header
# field in the email.
# Sending resent_sender to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ResentSenderField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Resent-Sender field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.resent_sender = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.resent_sender    #=> ['']
#  mail[:resent_sender]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentSenderField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['resent-sender'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentSenderField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Resent-Sender'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentSenderField:0x180e1c4
#  mail.resent_sender.to_s  #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.resent_sender.addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail.resent_sender.formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_sender_field.rb#30
class Mail::ResentSenderField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_sender_field.rb#31
Mail::ResentSenderField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# = Resent-To Field
# The Resent-To field inherits resent-to StructuredField and handles the Resent-To: header
# field in the email.
# Sending resent_to to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ResentToField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Resent-To field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.resent_to = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail.resent_to    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_to]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['resent-to'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Resent-To'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ResentToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:resent_to].encoded   #=> 'Resent-To: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:resent_to].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:resent_to].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:resent_to].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_to_field.rb#31
class Mail::ResentToField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/resent_to_field.rb#32
Mail::ResentToField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/base.rb#6
class Mail::Retriever
  # Get all emails.
  # Possible options:
  #   order: order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/base.rb#39
  def all(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Find emails in the mailbox, and then deletes them. Without any options, the
  # five last received emails are returned.
  # Possible options:
  #   what:  last or first emails. The default is :first.
  #   order: order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
  #   count: number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 10. A value of 1 returns an
  #          instance of Message, not an array of Message instances.
  #   delete_after_find: flag for whether to delete each retreived email after find. Default
  #           is true. Call #find if you would like this to default to false.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/base.rb#56
  def find_and_delete(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Get the oldest received email(s)
  # Possible options:
  #   count: number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 1.
  #   order: order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/base.rb#14
  def first(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Get the most recent received email(s)
  # Possible options:
  #   count: number of emails to retrieve. The default value is 1.
  #   order: order of emails returned. Possible values are :asc or :desc. Default value is :asc.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/base.rb#27
  def last(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

#    Note:  The "Return-Path" field is added by the mail  transport
#           service,  at the time of final deliver.  It is intended
#           to identify a path back to the orginator  of  the  mes-
#           sage.   The  "Reply-To"  field  is added by the message
#           originator and is intended to direct replies.
# trace           =       [return]
#                         1*received
# return          =       "Return-Path:" path CRLF
# path            =       ([CFWS] "<" ([CFWS] / addr-spec) ">" [CFWS]) /
#                         obs-path
# received        =       "Received:" name-val-list ";" date-time CRLF
# name-val-list   =       [CFWS] [name-val-pair *(CFWS name-val-pair)]
# name-val-pair   =       item-name CFWS item-value
# item-name       =       ALPHA *(["-"] (ALPHA / DIGIT))
# item-value      =       1*angle-addr / addr-spec /
#                          atom / domain / msg-id
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#33
class Mail::ReturnPathField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField
  # @return [ReturnPathField] a new instance of ReturnPathField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#40
  def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil), charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#48
  def default; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#57
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#53
  def do_encode; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#36
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/return_path_field.rb#34
Mail::ReturnPathField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# == Sending Email with SMTP
# Mail allows you to send emails using SMTP.  This is done by wrapping Net::SMTP in
# an easy to use manner.
# === Sending via SMTP server on Localhost
# Sending locally (to a postfix or sendmail server running on localhost) requires
# no special setup.  Just to Mail.deliver &block or message.deliver! and it will
# be sent in this method.
# === Sending via MobileMe
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :smtp, { :address              => "",
#                              :port                 => 587,
#                              :domain               => '',
#                              :user_name            => '<username>',
#                              :password             => '<password>',
#                              :authentication       => 'plain',
#                              :enable_starttls_auto => true  }
#   end
# === Sending via GMail
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :smtp, { :address              => "",
#                              :port                 => 587,
#                              :domain               => '',
#                              :user_name            => '<username>',
#                              :password             => '<password>',
#                              :authentication       => 'plain',
#                              :enable_starttls_auto => true  }
#   end
# === Certificate verification
# When using TLS, some mail servers provide certificates that are self-signed
# or whose names do not exactly match the hostname given in the address.
# OpenSSL will reject these by default. The best remedy is to use the correct
# hostname or update the certificate authorities trusted by your ruby. If
# that isn't possible, you can control this behavior with
# an :openssl_verify_mode setting. Its value may be either an OpenSSL
# verify mode constant (OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE, OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER),
# or a string containing the name of an OpenSSL verify mode (none, peer).
# === Others
# Feel free to send me other examples that were tricky
# === Delivering the email
# Once you have the settings right, sending the email is done by:
#   Mail.deliver do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing sendmail'
#     body 'testing sendmail'
#   end
# Or by calling deliver on a Mail message
#   mail = do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing sendmail'
#     body 'testing sendmail'
#   end
#   mail.deliver!
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#76
class Mail::SMTP
  # @return [SMTP] a new instance of SMTP
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#95
  def initialize(values); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#99
  def deliver!(mail); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#77
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#77
  def settings=(_arg0); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#112
  def build_smtp_session; end

  # Allow SSL context to be configured via settings, for Ruby >= 1.9
  # Just returns openssl verify mode for Ruby 1.8.x
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#151
  def ssl_context; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#108
  def start_smtp_session(&block); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb#79
Mail::SMTP::DEFAULTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# == Sending Email with SMTP
# Mail allows you to send emails using an open SMTP connection.  This is done by
# passing a created Net::SMTP object.  This way we can get better performance to
# our local mail server by reducing the number of connections at any one time.
# === Sending via SMTP server on Localhost
# To send mail open a connection with Net::Smtp using any options you like
# === Delivering the email
# Once you have the settings right, sending the email is done by:
#   smtp_conn = Net::SMTP.start(settings[:address], settings[:port])
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :smtp_connection, { :connection => smtp_conn }
#   end
#   Mail.deliver do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing sendmail'
#     body 'testing sendmail'
#   end
# Or by calling deliver on a Mail message
#   mail = do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing sendmail'
#     body 'testing sendmail'
#   end
#   mail.deliver!
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#40
class Mail::SMTPConnection
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # @return [SMTPConnection] a new instance of SMTPConnection
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#43
  def initialize(values); end

  # Send the message via SMTP.
  # The from and to attributes are optional. If not set, they are retrieve from the Message.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#51
  def deliver!(mail); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#41
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#41
  def settings=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute smtp.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#41
  def smtp; end

  # Sets the attribute smtp
  # @param value the value to set the attribute smtp to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection.rb#41
  def smtp=(_arg0); end

# = Sender Field
# The Sender field inherits sender StructuredField and handles the Sender: header
# field in the email.
# Sending sender to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a SenderField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one Sender field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
#  mail.sender = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>'
#  mail.sender    #=> ''
#  mail[:sender]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::SenderField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['sender'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::SenderField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['Sender'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::SenderField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:sender].encoded   #=> "Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <>\r\n"
#  mail[:sender].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>'
#  mail[:sender].addresses #=> ['']
#  mail[:sender].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/sender_field.rb#31
class Mail::SenderField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/sender_field.rb#42
  def addresses; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/sender_field.rb#38
  def default; end

  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/sender_field.rb#34
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/sender_field.rb#32
Mail::SenderField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# A delivery method implementation which sends via sendmail.
# To use this, first find out where the sendmail binary is on your computer,
# if you are on a mac or unix box, it is usually in /usr/sbin/sendmail, this will
# be your sendmail location.
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :sendmail
#   end
# Or if your sendmail binary is not at '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
#   Mail.defaults do
#     delivery_method :sendmail, :location => '/absolute/path/to/your/sendmail'
#   end
# Then just deliver the email as normal:
#   Mail.deliver do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing sendmail'
#     body 'testing sendmail'
#   end
# Or by calling deliver on a Mail message
#   mail = do
#     to ''
#     from ''
#     subject 'testing sendmail'
#     body 'testing sendmail'
#   end
#   mail.deliver!
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#40
class Mail::Sendmail
  # @return [Sendmail] a new instance of Sendmail
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#51
  def initialize(values); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#64
  def deliver!(mail); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#60
  def destinations_for(envelope); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#46
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#46
  def settings=(_arg0); end


  # - support for delivery using string arguments
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#129
  def deprecation_warn; end

  # + support for delivery using string arguments (deprecated)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#97
  def old_deliver(envelope); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#88
  def popen(command, &block); end

  # The following is an adaptation of ruby 1.9.2's shellwords.rb file,
  # with the following modifications:
  # - Wraps in double quotes
  # - Allows '+' to accept email addresses with them
  # - Allows '~' as it is not unescaped in double quotes
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#118
  def shellquote(address); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#41
Mail::Sendmail::DEFAULTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail.rb#48
class Mail::Sendmail::DeliveryError < ::StandardError; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#4
class Mail::SmtpEnvelope
  # @return [SmtpEnvelope] a new instance of SmtpEnvelope
  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#11
  def initialize(mail); end

  # Returns the value of attribute from.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#9
  def from; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#17
  def from=(addr); end

  # Returns the value of attribute message.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#9
  def message; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#35
  def message=(message); end

  # Returns the value of attribute to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#9
  def to; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#25
  def to=(addr); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#45
  def validate_addr(addr_name, addr); end

# Reasonable cap on address length to avoid SMTP line length
# overflow on old SMTP servers.
# source://mail//lib/mail/smtp_envelope.rb#7
Mail::SmtpEnvelope::MAX_ADDRESS_BYTESIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Provides access to a structured header field
# ===Per RFC 2822:
#  2.2.2. Structured Header Field Bodies
#     Some field bodies in this standard have specific syntactical
#     structure more restrictive than the unstructured field bodies
#     described above. These are referred to as "structured" field bodies.
#     Structured field bodies are sequences of specific lexical tokens as
#     described in sections 3 and 4 of this standard.  Many of these tokens
#     are allowed (according to their syntax) to be introduced or end with
#     comments (as described in section 3.2.3) as well as the space (SP,
#     ASCII value 32) and horizontal tab (HTAB, ASCII value 9) characters
#     (together known as the white space characters, WSP), and those WSP
#     characters are subject to header "folding" and "unfolding" as
#     described in section 2.2.3.  Semantic analysis of structured field
#     bodies is given along with their syntax.
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/structured_field.rb#23
class Mail::StructuredField < ::Mail::CommonField; end

# subject         =       "Subject:" unstructured CRLF
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/subject_field.rb#8
class Mail::SubjectField < ::Mail::NamedUnstructuredField
  class << self
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/subject_field.rb#11
    def singular?; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/subject_field.rb#9
Mail::SubjectField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# The TestMailer is a bare bones mailer that does nothing.  It is useful
# when you are testing.
# It also provides a template of the minimum methods you require to implement
# if you want to make a custom mailer for Mail
# source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#10
class Mail::TestMailer
  # @return [TestMailer] a new instance of TestMailer
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#33
  def initialize(values); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#37
  def deliver!(mail); end

  # Returns the value of attribute settings.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#31
  def settings; end

  # Sets the attribute settings
  # @param value the value to set the attribute settings to.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#31
  def settings=(_arg0); end

  class << self
    # Provides a store of all the emails sent with the TestMailer so you can check them.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#12
    def deliveries; end

    # Allows you to over write the default deliveries store from an array to some
    # other object.  If you just want to clear the store,
    # call TestMailer.deliveries.clear.
    # If you place another object here, please make sure it responds to:
    # * << (message)
    # * clear
    # * length
    # * size
    # * and other common Array methods
    # source://mail//lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer.rb#27
    def deliveries=(val); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever.rb#6
class Mail::TestRetriever < ::Mail::Retriever
  # @return [TestRetriever] a new instance of TestRetriever
  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever.rb#16
  def initialize(values); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever.rb#20
  def find(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever.rb#8
    def emails; end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever.rb#12
    def emails=(val); end

# = To Field
# The To field inherits to StructuredField and handles the To: header
# field in the email.
# Sending to to a mail message will instantiate a Mail::Field object that
# has a ToField as its field type.  This includes all Mail::CommonAddress
# module instance metods.
# Only one To field can appear in a header, though it can have multiple
# addresses and groups of addresses.
# == Examples:
#  mail =
# = 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#    #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:to]  #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['to'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail['To'] #=> '#<Mail::Field:0x180e5e8 @field=#<Mail::ToField:0x180e1c4
#  mail[:to].encoded   #=> 'To: Mikel Lindsaar <>,\r\n'
#  mail[:to].decoded   #=> 'Mikel Lindsaar <>,'
#  mail[:to].addresses #=> ['', '']
#  mail[:to].formatted #=> ['Mikel Lindsaar <>', '']
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/to_field.rb#31
class Mail::ToField < ::Mail::CommonAddressField; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/to_field.rb#32
Mail::ToField::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Raised when attempting to decode an unknown encoding type
# source://mail//lib/mail/encodings.rb#6
class Mail::UnknownEncodingType < ::StandardError; end

# Provides access to an unstructured header field
# ===Per RFC 2822:
#  2.2.1. Unstructured Header Field Bodies
#     Some field bodies in this standard are defined simply as
#     "unstructured" (which is specified below as any US-ASCII characters,
#     except for CR and LF) with no further restrictions.  These are
#     referred to as unstructured field bodies.  Semantically, unstructured
#     field bodies are simply to be treated as a single line of characters
#     with no further processing (except for header "folding" and
#     "unfolding" as described in section 2.2.3).
# source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#19
class Mail::UnstructuredField < ::Mail::CommonField
  # @return [UnstructuredField] a new instance of UnstructuredField
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#20
  def initialize(name, value, charset = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # An unstructured field does not parse
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#40
  def parse; end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#54
  def do_decode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#46
  def do_encode; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#169
  def encode(value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#180
  def encode_crlf(value); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#102
  def fold(prepend = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#186
  def normalized_encoding; end

  # 6.2. Display of 'encoded-word's
  #  When displaying a particular header field that contains multiple
  #  'encoded-word's, any 'linear-white-space' that separates a pair of
  #  adjacent 'encoded-word's is ignored.  (This is to allow the use of
  #  multiple 'encoded-word's to represent long strings of unencoded text,
  #  without having to separate 'encoded-word's where spaces occur in the
  #  unencoded text.)
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#96
  def wrap_lines(name, folded_lines); end

  # 2.2.3. Long Header Fields
  #  Each header field is logically a single line of characters comprising
  #  the field name, the colon, and the field body.  For convenience
  #  however, and to deal with the 998/78 character limitations per line,
  #  the field body portion of a header field can be split into a multiple
  #  line representation; this is called "folding".  The general rule is
  #  that wherever this standard allows for folding white space (not
  #  simply WSP characters), a CRLF may be inserted before any WSP.  For
  #  example, the header field:
  #          Subject: This is a test
  #  can be represented as:
  #          Subject: This
  #           is a test
  #  Note: Though structured field bodies are defined in such a way that
  #  folding can take place between many of the lexical tokens (and even
  #  within some of the lexical tokens), folding SHOULD be limited to
  #  placing the CRLF at higher-level syntactic breaks.  For instance, if
  #  a field body is defined as comma-separated values, it is recommended
  #  that folding occur after the comma separating the structured items in
  #  preference to other places where the field could be folded, even if
  #  it is allowed elsewhere.
  # source://mail//lib/mail/fields/unstructured_field.rb#84
  def wrapped_value; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#7
module Mail::Utilities
  extend ::Mail::Utilities

  # Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as an ATOM
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#11
  def atom_safe?(str); end

  # Returns true if the object is considered blank.
  # A blank includes things like '', '   ', nil,
  # and arrays and hashes that have nothing in them.
  # This logic is mostly shared with ActiveSupport's blank?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#283
  def blank?(value); end

  # Wraps a string in angle brackets and escapes any that are in the string itself
  # Example:
  #  bracket( 'This is a string' ) #=> '<This is a string>'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#131
  def bracket(str); end

  # Capitalizes a string that is joined by hyphens correctly.
  # Example:
  #  string = 'resent-from-field'
  #  capitalize_field( string ) #=> 'Resent-From-Field'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#188
  def capitalize_field(str); end

  # Takes an underscored word and turns it into a class name
  # Example:
  #  constantize("hello") #=> "Hello"
  #  constantize("hello-there") #=> "HelloThere"
  #  constantize("hello-there-mate") #=> "HelloThereMate"
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#199
  def constantize(str); end

  # Swaps out all underscores (_) for hyphens (-) good for stringing from symbols
  # a field name.
  # Example:
  #  string = :resent_from_field
  #  dasherize( string ) #=> 'resent-from-field'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#210
  def dasherize(str); end

  # Wraps supplied string in double quotes and applies \-escaping as necessary,
  # unless it is already wrapped.
  # Example:
  #  string = 'This is a string'
  #  dquote(string) #=> '"This is a string"'
  #  string = 'This is "a string"'
  #  dquote(string #=> '"This is \"a string\"'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#68
  def dquote(str); end

  # Escape parenthesies in a string
  # Example:
  #  str = 'This is (a) string'
  #  escape_paren( str ) #=> 'This is \(a\) string'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#155
  def escape_paren(str); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#293
  def generate_message_id; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#225
  def map_lines(str, &block); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#229
  def map_with_index(enum, &block); end

  # Matches two objects with their to_s values case insensitively
  # Example:
  #  obj2 = "This_is_An_object"
  #  obj1 = :this_IS_an_object
  #  match_to_s( obj1, obj2 ) #=> true
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#178
  def match_to_s(obj1, obj2); end

  # Wraps a string in parenthesis and escapes any that are in the string itself.
  # Example:
  #  paren( 'This is a string' ) #=> '(This is a string)'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#108
  def paren(str); end

  # If the string supplied has ATOM unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted
  # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#17
  def quote_atom(str); end

  # If the string supplied has PHRASE unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted
  # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#23
  def quote_phrase(str); end

  # If the string supplied has TOKEN unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted
  # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#44
  def quote_token(str); end

  # Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as a TOKEN
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#38
  def token_safe?(str); end

  # Unwraps a string from being wrapped in parenthesis
  # Example:
  #  str = '<This is a string>'
  #  unbracket( str ) #=> 'This is a string'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#141
  def unbracket(str); end

  # Swaps out all hyphens (-) for underscores (_) good for stringing to symbols
  # a field name.
  # Example:
  #  string = :resent_from_field
  #  underscoreize ( string ) #=> 'resent_from_field'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#221
  def underscoreize(str); end

  # Removes any \-escaping.
  # Example:
  #  string = 'This is \"a string\"'
  #  unescape(string) #=> 'This is "a string"'
  #  string = '"This is \"a string\""'
  #  unescape(string) #=> '"This is "a string""'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#99
  def unescape(str); end

  # Unwraps a string from being wrapped in parenthesis
  # Example:
  #  str = '(This is a string)'
  #  unparen( str ) #=> 'This is a string'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#118
  def unparen(str); end

  # Unwraps supplied string from inside double quotes and
  # removes any \-escaping.
  # Example:
  #  string = '"This is a string"'
  #  unquote(string) #=> 'This is a string'
  #  string = '"This is \"a string\""'
  #  unqoute(string) #=> 'This is "a string"'
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#82
  def unquote(str); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#159
  def uri_escape(str); end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#167
  def uri_parser; end

  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#163
  def uri_unescape(str); end

  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#414
    def b_value_decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#409
    def b_value_encode(str, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#243
    def binary_unsafe_to_crlf(string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#233
    def binary_unsafe_to_lf(string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#356
    def bracket(str); end

    # Returns the value of attribute charset_encoder.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#334
    def charset_encoder; end

    # Sets the attribute charset_encoder
    # @param value the value to set the attribute charset_encoder to.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#334
    def charset_encoder=(_arg0); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#362
    def decode_base64(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#399
    def decode_utf7(utf7); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#369
    def encode_base64(str); end

    # From Ruby stdlib Net::IMAP
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#388
    def encode_utf7(string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#351
    def escape_bracket(str); end

    # Escapes any parenthesis in a string that are unescaped this uses
    # a Ruby 1.9.1 regexp feature of negative look behind
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#340
    def escape_paren(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#377
    def get_constant(klass, string); end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#373
    def has_constant?(klass, string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#451
    def param_decode(str, encoding); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#460
    def param_encode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#345
    def paren(str); end

    # Pick a Ruby encoding corresponding to the message charset. Most
    # charsets have a Ruby encoding, but some need manual aliasing here.
    # TODO: add this as a test somewhere:
    # { |e| [e.to_s.upcase == pick_encoding(e.to_s.downcase.gsub("-", "")), e.to_s] }.select {|a,b| !b}
    # { |e| [e.to_s == pick_encoding(e.to_s), e.to_s] }.select {|a,b| !b}
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#476
    def pick_encoding(charset); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#432
    def q_value_decode(str); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#427
    def q_value_encode(str, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#247
    def safe_for_line_ending_conversion?(string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#536
    def string_byteslice(str, *args); end

    # Convert line endings to \r\n unless the string is binary. Used for
    # encoding 8bit and base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding and for convenience
    # when parsing emails with \n line endings instead of the required \r\n.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#269
    def to_crlf(string); end

    # Convert line endings to \n unless the string is binary. Used for
    # sendmail delivery and for decoding 8bit Content-Transfer-Encoding.
    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#257
    def to_lf(string); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#381
    def transcode_charset(str, from_encoding, to_encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#466
    def uri_parser; end


    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#543
    def convert_to_encoding(encoding); end

    # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#556
    def transcode_to_scrubbed_utf8(str); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#308
class Mail::Utilities::BestEffortCharsetEncoder
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#309
  def encode(string, charset); end


  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#320
  def pick_encoding(charset); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#297
class Mail::Utilities::StrictCharsetEncoder
  # source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#298
  def encode(string, charset); end

# source://mail//lib/mail/utilities.rb#237
Mail::Utilities::TO_CRLF_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#3
module Mail::VERSION
  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#12
    def version; end

# source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#8
Mail::VERSION::BUILD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)

# source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#5
Mail::VERSION::MAJOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#6
Mail::VERSION::MINOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#7
Mail::VERSION::PATCH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://mail//lib/mail/version.rb#10
Mail::VERSION::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://mail//lib/mail/yaml.rb#4
module Mail::YAML
  class << self
    # source://mail//lib/mail/yaml.rb#5
    def load(yaml); end