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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `prism` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem prism`.

# typed: strict

# =begin
# This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be
# modified manually. See templates/rbi/prism/node.rbi.erb
# if you are looking to modify the template
# =end
# =begin
# This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be
# modified manually. See templates/rbi/prism/visitor.rbi.erb
# if you are looking to modify the template
# =end

# We keep these shims in here because our client libraries might not have parser
# in their bundle.
module Parser; end

class Parser::Base; end

# The Prism Ruby parser.
# "Parsing Ruby is suddenly manageable!"
#   - You, hopefully
# source://prism//lib/prism.rb#8
module Prism
  class << self
    # Mirror the Prism.dump API by using the serialization API.
    def dump(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.dump_file API by using the serialization API.
    def dump_file(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.lex API by using the serialization API.
    def lex(*_arg0); end

    # :call-seq:
    #   Prism::lex_compat(source, **options) -> LexCompat::Result
    # Returns a parse result whose value is an array of tokens that closely
    # resembles the return value of Ripper::lex. The main difference is that the
    # `:on_sp` token is not emitted.
    # For supported options, see Prism::parse.
    # source://prism//lib/prism.rb#45
    sig { params(source: String, options: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]).returns(Prism::LexCompat::Result) }
    def lex_compat(source, **options); end

    # Mirror the Prism.lex_file API by using the serialization API.
    def lex_file(*_arg0); end

    # :call-seq:
    #   Prism::lex_ripper(source) -> Array
    # This lexes with the Ripper lex. It drops any space events but otherwise
    # returns the same tokens. Raises SyntaxError if the syntax in source is
    # invalid.
    # source://prism//lib/prism.rb#55
    sig { params(source: String).returns(T::Array[T.untyped]) }
    def lex_ripper(source); end

    # :call-seq:
    #   Prism::load(source, serialized) -> ParseResult
    # Load the serialized AST using the source as a reference into a tree.
    # source://prism//lib/prism.rb#63
    sig { params(source: String, serialized: String).returns(Prism::ParseResult) }
    def load(source, serialized); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse API by using the serialization API.
    def parse(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_comments API by using the serialization API.
    def parse_comments(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_failure? API by using the serialization API.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def parse_failure?(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_file API by using the serialization API. This uses
    # native strings instead of Ruby strings because it allows us to use mmap
    # when it is available.
    def parse_file(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_file_comments API by using the serialization
    # API. This uses native strings instead of Ruby strings because it allows us
    # to use mmap when it is available.
    def parse_file_comments(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_file_failure? API by using the serialization API.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def parse_file_failure?(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_file_success? API by using the serialization API.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def parse_file_success?(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_lex API by using the serialization API.
    def parse_lex(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_lex_file API by using the serialization API.
    def parse_lex_file(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_stream API by using the serialization API.
    def parse_stream(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.parse_success? API by using the serialization API.
    # @return [Boolean]
    def parse_success?(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.profile API by using the serialization API.
    def profile(*_arg0); end

    # Mirror the Prism.profile_file API by using the serialization API.
    def profile_file(*_arg0); end

# Specialized version of Prism::Source for source code that includes ASCII
# characters only. This class is used to apply performance optimizations that
# cannot be applied to sources that include multibyte characters. Sources that
# include multibyte characters are represented by the Prism::Source class.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#126
class Prism::ASCIISource < ::Prism::Source
  # Return the column number in characters for the given byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#133
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def character_column(byte_offset); end

  # Return the character offset for the given byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#128
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def character_offset(byte_offset); end

  # Specialized version of `code_units_column` that does not depend on
  # `code_units_offset`, which is a more expensive operation. This is
  # essentialy the same as `Prism::Source#column`.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#150
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer, encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def code_units_column(byte_offset, encoding); end

  # Returns the offset from the start of the file for the given byte offset
  # counting in code units for the given encoding.
  # This method is tested with UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. If there is the
  # concept of code units that differs from the number of characters in other
  # encodings, it is not captured here.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#143
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer, encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def code_units_offset(byte_offset, encoding); end

# Represents the use of the `alias` keyword to alias a global variable.
#     alias $foo $bar
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#176
class Prism::AliasGlobalVariableNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node new_name, Prism::node old_name, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [AliasGlobalVariableNode] a new instance of AliasGlobalVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#178
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      new_name: Prism::Node,
      old_name: Prism::Node,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, new_name, old_name, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#281
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#187
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#192
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#202
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#197
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?new_name: Prism::node, ?old_name: Prism::node, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> AliasGlobalVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#207
  sig do
      new_name: Prism::Node,
      old_name: Prism::Node,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(new_name: T.unsafe(nil), old_name: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#192
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { new_name: Prism::node, old_name: Prism::node, keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#215
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#247
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#242
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # The location of the `alias` keyword.
  #     alias $foo $bar
  #     ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#235
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # Represents the new name of the global variable that can be used after aliasing. This can be either a global variable, a back reference, or a numbered reference.
  #     alias $foo $bar
  #           ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#223
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def new_name; end

  # Represents the old name of the global variable that could be used before aliasing. This can be either a global variable, a back reference, or a numbered reference.
  #     alias $foo $bar
  #                ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#229
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def old_name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#265
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#275
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `alias` keyword to alias a method.
#     alias foo bar
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#293
class Prism::AliasMethodNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node new_name, Prism::node old_name, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [AliasMethodNode] a new instance of AliasMethodNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#295
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      new_name: Prism::Node,
      old_name: Prism::Node,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, new_name, old_name, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#389
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#304
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#309
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#319
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#314
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?new_name: Prism::node, ?old_name: Prism::node, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> AliasMethodNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#324
  sig do
      new_name: Prism::Node,
      old_name: Prism::Node,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(new_name: T.unsafe(nil), old_name: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#309
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { new_name: Prism::node, old_name: Prism::node, keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#332
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#355
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#350
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#343
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # attr_reader new_name: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#337
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def new_name; end

  # attr_reader old_name: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#340
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def old_name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#373
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#383
    def type; end

# Represents an alternation pattern in pattern matching.
#     foo => bar | baz
#            ^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#401
class Prism::AlternationPatternNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node left, Prism::node right, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [AlternationPatternNode] a new instance of AlternationPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#403
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      left: Prism::Node,
      right: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, left, right, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#497
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#412
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#417
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#427
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#422
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?left: Prism::node, ?right: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> AlternationPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#432
  sig do
      left: Prism::Node,
      right: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(left: T.unsafe(nil), right: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#417
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { left: Prism::node, right: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#440
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#463
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader left: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#445
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def left; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#458
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#451
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader right: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#448
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def right; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#481
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#491
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `&&` operator or the `and` keyword.
#     left and right
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#509
class Prism::AndNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node left, Prism::node right, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [AndNode] a new instance of AndNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#511
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      left: Prism::Node,
      right: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, left, right, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#620
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#520
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#525
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#535
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#530
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?left: Prism::node, ?right: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> AndNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#540
  sig do
      left: Prism::Node,
      right: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(left: T.unsafe(nil), right: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#525
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { left: Prism::node, right: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#548
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#586
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Represents the left side of the expression. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     left and right
  #     ^^^^
  #     1 && 2
  #     ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#559
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def left; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#581
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `and` keyword or the `&&` operator.
  #     left and right
  #          ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#574
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Represents the right side of the expression. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     left && right
  #             ^^^^^
  #     1 and 2
  #           ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#568
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def right; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#604
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#614
    def type; end

# Represents a set of arguments to a method or a keyword.
#     return foo, bar, baz
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#632
class Prism::ArgumentsNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Array[Prism::node] arguments, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ArgumentsNode] a new instance of ArgumentsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#634
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      arguments: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, arguments, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#726
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#642
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#679
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def arguments; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#647
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#657
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#652
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def contains_keyword_splat?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#687
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def contains_keyword_splat?; end

  # def contains_keywords?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#682
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def contains_keywords?; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?arguments: Array[Prism::node], ?location: Location) -> ArgumentsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#662
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      arguments: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#647
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, arguments: Array[Prism::node], location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#670
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#692
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#710
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#675
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#720
    def type; end

# Flags for arguments nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19127
module Prism::ArgumentsNodeFlags; end

# if arguments contain keywords
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19129
Prism::ArgumentsNodeFlags::CONTAINS_KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# if arguments contain keyword splat
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19132
Prism::ArgumentsNodeFlags::CONTAINS_KEYWORD_SPLAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents an array literal. This can be a regular array using brackets or a special array using % like %w or %i.
#     [1, 2, 3]
#     ^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#738
class Prism::ArrayNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Array[Prism::node] elements, Location? opening_loc, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ArrayNode] a new instance of ArrayNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#740
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      elements: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, elements, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#875
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#750
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#755
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#836
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # Represents the optional source location for the closing token.
  #     [1,2,3]                 # "]"
  #     %w[foo bar baz]         # "]"
  #     %I(apple orange banana) # ")"
  #     foo = 1, 2, 3           # nil
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#813
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#765
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#760
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def contains_splat?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#826
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def contains_splat?; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?elements: Array[Prism::node], ?opening_loc: Location?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> ArrayNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#770
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      elements: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), elements: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#755
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, elements: Array[Prism::node], opening_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#778
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # Represent the list of zero or more [non-void expressions]( within the array.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#787
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def elements; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#841
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#831
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # Represents the optional source location for the opening token.
  #     [1,2,3]                 # "["
  #     %w[foo bar baz]         # "%w["
  #     %I(apple orange banana) # "%I("
  #     foo = 1, 2, 3           # nil
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#795
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#859
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#783
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#869
    def type; end

# Flags for array nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19136
module Prism::ArrayNodeFlags; end

# if array contains splat nodes
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19138
Prism::ArrayNodeFlags::CONTAINS_SPLAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents an array pattern in pattern matching.
#     foo in 1, 2
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo in [1, 2]
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo in *1
#     ^^^^^^^^^
#     foo in Bar[]
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo in Bar[1, 2, 3]
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#901
class Prism::ArrayPatternNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? constant, Array[Prism::node] requireds, Prism::node? rest, Array[Prism::node] posts, Location? opening_loc, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ArrayPatternNode] a new instance of ArrayPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#903
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      constant: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      requireds: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      rest: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      posts: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, constant, requireds, rest, posts, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1035
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#915
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#920
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#996
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#978
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#935
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#925
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader constant: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#953
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def constant; end

  # def copy: (?constant: Prism::node?, ?requireds: Array[Prism::node], ?rest: Prism::node?, ?posts: Array[Prism::node], ?opening_loc: Location?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> ArrayPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#940
  sig do
      constant: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      requireds: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      rest: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      posts: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(constant: T.unsafe(nil), requireds: T.unsafe(nil), rest: T.unsafe(nil), posts: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#920
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { constant: Prism::node?, requireds: Array[Prism::node], rest: Prism::node?, posts: Array[Prism::node], opening_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#948
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1001
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#991
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#965
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader posts: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#962
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def posts; end

  # attr_reader requireds: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#956
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def requireds; end

  # attr_reader rest: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#959
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def rest; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1019
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1029
    def type; end

# Represents a hash key/value pair.
#     { a => b }
#       ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1052
class Prism::AssocNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node key, Prism::node value, Location? operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [AssocNode] a new instance of AssocNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1054
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      key: Prism::Node,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, key, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1172
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1063
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1068
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1078
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1073
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?key: Prism::node, ?value: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> AssocNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1083
  sig do
      key: Prism::Node,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(key: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1068
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { key: Prism::node, value: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1091
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1138
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The key of the association. This can be any [non-void expression](
  #     { a: b }
  #       ^
  #     { foo => bar }
  #       ^^^
  #     { def a; end => 1 }
  #       ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1105
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def key; end

  # def operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1133
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=>` operator, if present.
  #     { foo => bar }
  #           ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1120
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1156
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value of the association, if present. This can be any [non-void expression](
  #     { foo => bar }
  #              ^^^
  #     { x: 1 }
  #          ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1114
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1166
    def type; end

# Represents a splat in a hash literal.
#     { **foo }
#       ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1184
class Prism::AssocSplatNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? value, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [AssocSplatNode] a new instance of AssocSplatNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1186
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      value: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1284
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1194
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1199
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1211
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1204
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?value: Prism::node?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> AssocSplatNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1216
  sig do
      value: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1199
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { value: Prism::node?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1224
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1250
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1245
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `**` operator.
  #     { **x }
  #       ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1238
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1268
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to be splatted, if present. Will be missing when keyword rest argument forwarding is used.
  #     { **foo }
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1232
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1278
    def type; end

# The FFI backend is used on other Ruby implementations.
# source://prism//lib/prism.rb#81
Prism::BACKEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# Represents reading a reference to a field in the previous match.
#     $'
#     ^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1295
class Prism::BackReferenceReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BackReferenceReadNode] a new instance of BackReferenceReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1297
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1378
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1304
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1309
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1319
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1314
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> BackReferenceReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1324
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::BackReferenceReadNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1309
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1332
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1344
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the back-reference variable, including the leading `$`.
  #     $& # name `:$&`
  #     $+ # name `:$+`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1341
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1362
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1372
    def type; end

# A class that knows how to walk down the tree. None of the individual visit
# methods are implemented on this visitor, so it forces the consumer to
# implement each one that they need. For a default implementation that
# continues walking the tree, see the Visitor class.
# source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#14
class Prism::BasicVisitor
  # Calls `accept` on the given node if it is not `nil`, which in turn should
  # call back into this visitor by calling the appropriate `visit_*` method.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#17
  sig { params(node: T.nilable(Prism::Node)).void }
  def visit(node); end

  # Visits each node in `nodes` by calling `accept` on each one.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#23
  sig { params(nodes: T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]).void }
  def visit_all(nodes); end

  # Visits the child nodes of `node` by calling `accept` on each one.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::Node).void }
  def visit_child_nodes(node); end

# Represents a begin statement.
#     begin
#       foo
#     end
#     ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1390
class Prism::BeginNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location? begin_keyword_loc, StatementsNode? statements, RescueNode? rescue_clause, ElseNode? else_clause, EnsureNode? ensure_clause, Location? end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BeginNode] a new instance of BeginNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1392
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      begin_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      rescue_clause: T.nilable(Prism::RescueNode),
      else_clause: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      ensure_clause: T.nilable(Prism::EnsureNode),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, begin_keyword_loc, statements, rescue_clause, else_clause, ensure_clause, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1524
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1404
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def begin_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1480
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def begin_keyword; end

  # attr_reader begin_keyword_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1442
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def begin_keyword_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1409
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1424
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1414
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?begin_keyword_loc: Location?, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?rescue_clause: RescueNode?, ?else_clause: ElseNode?, ?ensure_clause: EnsureNode?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> BeginNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1429
  sig do
      begin_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      rescue_clause: T.nilable(Prism::RescueNode),
      else_clause: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      ensure_clause: T.nilable(Prism::EnsureNode),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(begin_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), rescue_clause: T.unsafe(nil), else_clause: T.unsafe(nil), ensure_clause: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1409
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { begin_keyword_loc: Location?, statements: StatementsNode?, rescue_clause: RescueNode?, else_clause: ElseNode?, ensure_clause: EnsureNode?, end_keyword_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1437
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader else_clause: ElseNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1461
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode)) }
  def else_clause; end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1485
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1467
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  # attr_reader ensure_clause: EnsureNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1464
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::EnsureNode)) }
  def ensure_clause; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1490
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#79
  def newline!(lines); end

  # attr_reader rescue_clause: RescueNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1458
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::RescueNode)) }
  def rescue_clause; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1455
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1508
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1518
    def type; end

# Represents block method arguments.
#     bar(&args)
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1539
class Prism::BlockArgumentNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? expression, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BlockArgumentNode] a new instance of BlockArgumentNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1541
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      expression: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, expression, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1633
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1549
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1554
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1566
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1559
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?expression: Prism::node?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> BlockArgumentNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1571
  sig do
      expression: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(expression: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1554
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { expression: Prism::node?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1579
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader expression: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1584
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def expression; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1599
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1594
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1587
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1617
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1627
    def type; end

# Represents a block local variable.
#     a { |; b| }
#            ^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1644
class Prism::BlockLocalVariableNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BlockLocalVariableNode] a new instance of BlockLocalVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1646
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, flags: Integer, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, flags, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1733
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1654
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1659
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1669
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1664
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> BlockLocalVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1674
  sig { params(flags: Integer, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::BlockLocalVariableNode) }
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1659
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1682
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1699
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1691
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1694
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1717
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1687
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1727
    def type; end

# Represents a block of ruby code.
#     [1, 2, 3].each { |i| puts x }
#                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1744
class Prism::BlockNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Symbol] locals, Prism::node? parameters, Prism::node? body, Location opening_loc, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BlockNode] a new instance of BlockNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1746
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, locals, parameters, body, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1860
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1757
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1799
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1762
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1821
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1809
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1775
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1767
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?locals: Array[Symbol], ?parameters: Prism::node?, ?body: Prism::node?, ?opening_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> BlockNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1780
  sig do
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(locals: T.unsafe(nil), parameters: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1762
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { locals: Array[Symbol], parameters: Prism::node?, body: Prism::node?, opening_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1788
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1826
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1793
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1816
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1802
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader parameters: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1796
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def parameters; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1844
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1854
    def type; end

# Represents a block parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(&b)
#           ^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1876
class Prism::BlockParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol? name, Location? name_loc, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BlockParameterNode] a new instance of BlockParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1878
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      name_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1992
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1888
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1893
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1903
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1898
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol?, ?name_loc: Location?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> BlockParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1908
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      name_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1893
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol?, name_loc: Location?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1916
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1958
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1925
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Symbol)) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1928
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1953
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1941
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1948
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1976
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1921
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#1986
    def type; end

# Represents a block's parameters declaration.
#     -> (a, b = 1; local) { }
#        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo do |a, b = 1; local|
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2009
class Prism::BlockParametersNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ParametersNode? parameters, Array[BlockLocalVariableNode] locals, Location? opening_loc, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BlockParametersNode] a new instance of BlockParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2011
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::ParametersNode),
      locals: T::Array[Prism::BlockLocalVariableNode],
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, parameters, locals, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2133
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2021
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2026
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2094
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2076
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2039
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2031
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?parameters: ParametersNode?, ?locals: Array[BlockLocalVariableNode], ?opening_loc: Location?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> BlockParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2044
  sig do
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::ParametersNode),
      locals: T::Array[Prism::BlockLocalVariableNode],
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(parameters: T.unsafe(nil), locals: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2026
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { parameters: ParametersNode?, locals: Array[BlockLocalVariableNode], opening_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2052
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2099
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[BlockLocalVariableNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2060
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::BlockLocalVariableNode]) }
  def locals; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2089
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2063
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader parameters: ParametersNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2057
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ParametersNode)) }
  def parameters; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2117
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2127
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `break` keyword.
#     break foo
#     ^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2147
class Prism::BreakNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [BreakNode] a new instance of BreakNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2149
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, arguments, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2247
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2157
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # The arguments to the break statement, if present. These can be any [non-void expressions](
  #     break foo
  #           ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2195
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2162
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2174
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2167
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> BreakNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2179
  sig do
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(arguments: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2162
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { arguments: ArgumentsNode?, keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2187
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2213
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2208
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # The location of the `break` keyword.
  #     break foo
  #     ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2201
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2231
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2241
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator on a call.
# &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2258
class Prism::CallAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Location? message_loc, Symbol read_name, Symbol write_name, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CallAndWriteNode] a new instance of CallAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2260
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      read_name: Symbol,
      write_name: Symbol,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, message_loc, read_name, write_name, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2428
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2274
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2369
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2379
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2317
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2279
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2292
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2284
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?message_loc: Location?, ?read_name: Symbol, ?write_name: Symbol, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> CallAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2297
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      read_name: Symbol,
      write_name: Symbol,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), message_loc: T.unsafe(nil), read_name: T.unsafe(nil), write_name: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2279
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, message_loc: Location?, read_name: Symbol, write_name: Symbol, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2305
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2374
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2394
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def message: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2384
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def message; end

  # attr_reader message_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2330
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def message_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2389
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2349
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader read_name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2343
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def read_name; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2314
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2359
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2412
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2356
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2364
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end

  # attr_reader write_name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2346
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def write_name; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2310
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2422
    def type; end

# Represents a method call, in all of the various forms that can take.
#     foo
#     ^^^
#     foo()
#     ^^^^^
#     +foo
#     ^^^^
#     foo + bar
#     ^^^^^^^^^
#     ^^^^^^^
#     foo&.bar
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2460
class Prism::CallNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Symbol name, Location? message_loc, Location? opening_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location? closing_loc, Prism::node? block, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CallNode] a new instance of CallNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2462
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      name: Symbol,
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, name, message_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2665
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2477
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2572
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2601
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # attr_reader block: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2588
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def block; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2611
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2530
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2482
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2626
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2575
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2496
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2487
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?name: Symbol, ?message_loc: Location?, ?opening_loc: Location?, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?block: Prism::node?, ?location: Location) -> CallNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2501
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      name: Symbol,
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), message_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2482
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, name: Symbol, message_loc: Location?, opening_loc: Location?, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, closing_loc: Location?, block: Prism::node?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2509
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # When a call node has the attribute_write flag set, it means that the call
  # is using the attribute write syntax. This is either a method call to []=
  # or a method call to a method that ends with =. Either way, the = sign is
  # present in the source.
  # Prism returns the message_loc _without_ the = sign attached, because there
  # can be any amount of space between the message and the = sign. However,
  # sometimes you want the location of the full message including the inner
  # space and the = sign. This method provides that.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#315
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def full_message_loc; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2606
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2631
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def message: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2616
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def message; end

  # attr_reader message_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2546
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def message_loc; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2543
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2621
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2559
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # The object that the method is being called on. This can be either `nil` or any [non-void expression](
  #     ^^^
  #     +foo
  #      ^^^
  #     foo + bar
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2527
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2591
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2649
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2596
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2514
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2659
    def type; end

# Flags for call nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19142
module Prism::CallNodeFlags; end

# a call that is an attribute write, so the value being written should be returned
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19150
Prism::CallNodeFlags::ATTRIBUTE_WRITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# a call that ignores method visibility
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19153
Prism::CallNodeFlags::IGNORE_VISIBILITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# &. operator
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19144
Prism::CallNodeFlags::SAFE_NAVIGATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# a call that could have been a local variable
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19147
Prism::CallNodeFlags::VARIABLE_CALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents the use of an assignment operator on a call.
# += baz
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2683
class Prism::CallOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Location? message_loc, Symbol read_name, Symbol write_name, Symbol binary_operator, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CallOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of CallOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2685
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      read_name: Symbol,
      write_name: Symbol,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, message_loc, read_name, write_name, binary_operator, binary_operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2852
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2700
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2798
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2775
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2778
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2808
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2743
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2705
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2718
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2710
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?message_loc: Location?, ?read_name: Symbol, ?write_name: Symbol, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> CallOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2723
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      read_name: Symbol,
      write_name: Symbol,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), message_loc: T.unsafe(nil), read_name: T.unsafe(nil), write_name: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2705
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, message_loc: Location?, read_name: Symbol, write_name: Symbol, binary_operator: Symbol, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2731
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2803
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2818
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def message: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2813
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def message; end

  # attr_reader message_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2756
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def message_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#323
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#330
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader read_name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2769
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def read_name; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2740
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2788
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2836
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2785
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2793
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end

  # attr_reader write_name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2772
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def write_name; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2736
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2846
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator on a call.
# ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2870
class Prism::CallOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Location? message_loc, Symbol read_name, Symbol write_name, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CallOrWriteNode] a new instance of CallOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2872
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      read_name: Symbol,
      write_name: Symbol,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, message_loc, read_name, write_name, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3040
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2886
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2981
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2991
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2929
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2891
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2904
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2896
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?message_loc: Location?, ?read_name: Symbol, ?write_name: Symbol, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> CallOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2909
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      message_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      read_name: Symbol,
      write_name: Symbol,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), message_loc: T.unsafe(nil), read_name: T.unsafe(nil), write_name: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2891
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, message_loc: Location?, read_name: Symbol, write_name: Symbol, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2917
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2986
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3006
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def message: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2996
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def message; end

  # attr_reader message_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2942
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def message_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3001
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2961
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader read_name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2955
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def read_name; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2926
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2971
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3024
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2968
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2976
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end

  # attr_reader write_name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2958
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def write_name; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#2922
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3034
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to a method call.
#, = 1
#     ^^^^^^^
#     begin
#     rescue =>
#               ^^^^^^^
#     end
#     for in baz do end
#         ^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3065
class Prism::CallTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node receiver, Location call_operator_loc, Symbol name, Location message_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CallTargetNode] a new instance of CallTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3067
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: Prism::Node,
      call_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      name: Symbol,
      message_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, name, message_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3199
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3078
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3145
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3155
  sig { returns(String) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3118
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3083
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3093
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3088
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node, ?call_operator_loc: Location, ?name: Symbol, ?message_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> CallTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3098
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: Prism::Node,
      call_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      name: Symbol,
      message_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), message_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3083
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node, call_operator_loc: Location, name: Symbol, message_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3106
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3150
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3165
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def message: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3160
  sig { returns(String) }
  def message; end

  # attr_reader message_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3128
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def message_loc; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3125
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3115
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3135
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3183
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3140
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3111
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3193
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to a local variable in pattern matching.
#     foo => [bar => baz]
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3213
class Prism::CapturePatternNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node value, Prism::node target, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CapturePatternNode] a new instance of CapturePatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3215
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      value: Prism::Node,
      target: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, value, target, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3309
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3224
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3229
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3239
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3234
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?value: Prism::node, ?target: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> CapturePatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3244
  sig do
      value: Prism::Node,
      target: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(value: T.unsafe(nil), target: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3229
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { value: Prism::node, target: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3252
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3275
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3270
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3263
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader target: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3260
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def target; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3293
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3257
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3303
    def type; end

# Represents the use of a case statement for pattern matching.
#     case true
#     in false
#     end
#     ^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3323
class Prism::CaseMatchNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? predicate, Array[Prism::node] conditions, ElseNode? consequent, Location case_keyword_loc, Location end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CaseMatchNode] a new instance of CaseMatchNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3325
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      predicate: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      conditions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      case_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, predicate, conditions, consequent, case_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3440
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3336
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def case_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3396
  sig { returns(String) }
  def case_keyword; end

  # attr_reader case_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3382
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def case_keyword_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3341
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3355
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3346
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader conditions: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3376
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def conditions; end

  # attr_reader consequent: ElseNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3379
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode)) }
  def consequent; end

  # def copy: (?predicate: Prism::node?, ?conditions: Array[Prism::node], ?consequent: ElseNode?, ?case_keyword_loc: Location, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> CaseMatchNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3360
  sig do
      predicate: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      conditions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      case_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(predicate: T.unsafe(nil), conditions: T.unsafe(nil), consequent: T.unsafe(nil), case_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3341
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { predicate: Prism::node?, conditions: Array[Prism::node], consequent: ElseNode?, case_keyword_loc: Location, end_keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3368
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3401
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3389
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3406
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader predicate: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3373
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def predicate; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3424
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3434
    def type; end

# Represents the use of a case statement.
#     case true
#     when false
#     end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3457
class Prism::CaseNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? predicate, Array[Prism::node] conditions, ElseNode? consequent, Location case_keyword_loc, Location end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [CaseNode] a new instance of CaseNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3459
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      predicate: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      conditions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      case_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, predicate, conditions, consequent, case_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3574
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3470
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def case_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3530
  sig { returns(String) }
  def case_keyword; end

  # attr_reader case_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3516
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def case_keyword_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3475
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3489
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3480
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader conditions: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3510
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def conditions; end

  # attr_reader consequent: ElseNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3513
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode)) }
  def consequent; end

  # def copy: (?predicate: Prism::node?, ?conditions: Array[Prism::node], ?consequent: ElseNode?, ?case_keyword_loc: Location, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> CaseNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3494
  sig do
      predicate: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      conditions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      case_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(predicate: T.unsafe(nil), conditions: T.unsafe(nil), consequent: T.unsafe(nil), case_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3475
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { predicate: Prism::node?, conditions: Array[Prism::node], consequent: ElseNode?, case_keyword_loc: Location, end_keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3502
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3535
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3523
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3540
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader predicate: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3507
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def predicate; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3558
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3568
    def type; end

# Represents a class declaration involving the `class` keyword.
#     class Foo end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3589
class Prism::ClassNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Symbol] locals, Location class_keyword_loc, Prism::node constant_path, Location? inheritance_operator_loc, Prism::node? superclass, Prism::node? body, Location end_keyword_loc, Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassNode] a new instance of ClassNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3591
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      class_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      constant_path: Prism::Node,
      inheritance_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      superclass: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      name: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, locals, class_keyword_loc, constant_path, inheritance_operator_loc, superclass, body, end_keyword_loc, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3733
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3605
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3671
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3610
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def class_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3684
  sig { returns(String) }
  def class_keyword; end

  # attr_reader class_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3645
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def class_keyword_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3624
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3615
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader constant_path: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3652
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def constant_path; end

  # def copy: (?locals: Array[Symbol], ?class_keyword_loc: Location, ?constant_path: Prism::node, ?inheritance_operator_loc: Location?, ?superclass: Prism::node?, ?body: Prism::node?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ClassNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3629
  sig do
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      class_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      constant_path: Prism::Node,
      inheritance_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      superclass: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      name: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(locals: T.unsafe(nil), class_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), constant_path: T.unsafe(nil), inheritance_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), superclass: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3610
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { locals: Array[Symbol], class_keyword_loc: Location, constant_path: Prism::node, inheritance_operator_loc: Location?, superclass: Prism::node?, body: Prism::node?, end_keyword_loc: Location, name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3637
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3694
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3674
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inheritance_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3689
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def inheritance_operator; end

  # attr_reader inheritance_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3655
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def inheritance_operator_loc; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3699
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3642
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3681
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader superclass: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3668
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def superclass; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3717
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3727
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator for assignment to a class variable.
#     @@target &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3751
class Prism::ClassVariableAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassVariableAndWriteNode] a new instance of ClassVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3753
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3855
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3763
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3768
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3778
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3773
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ClassVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3783
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3768
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3791
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#127
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3821
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3796
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3799
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3816
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3806
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3839
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3813
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3849
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to a class variable using an operator that isn't `=`.
#     @@target += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3868
class Prism::ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol binary_operator, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3870
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3971
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3881
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3934
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3924
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3886
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3896
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3891
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3901
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3886
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, binary_operator: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3909
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#139
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3937
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3914
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3917
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#339
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#346
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3955
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3931
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3965
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator for assignment to a class variable.
#     @@target ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3985
class Prism::ClassVariableOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassVariableOrWriteNode] a new instance of ClassVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3987
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4089
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#3997
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4002
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4012
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4007
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ClassVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4017
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4002
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4025
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#133
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4055
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4030
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4033
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4050
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4040
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4073
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4047
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4083
    def type; end

# Represents referencing a class variable.
#     @@foo
#     ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4102
class Prism::ClassVariableReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassVariableReadNode] a new instance of ClassVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4104
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4185
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4111
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4116
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4126
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4121
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ClassVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4131
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ClassVariableReadNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4116
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4139
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4151
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the class variable, which is a `@@` followed by an [identifier](
  #     @@abc   # name `:@@abc`
  #     @@_test # name `:@@_test`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4148
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4169
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4179
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a class variable in a context that doesn't have an explicit value.
#     @@foo, @@bar = baz
#     ^^^^^  ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4195
class Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassVariableTargetNode] a new instance of ClassVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4197
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4274
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4204
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4209
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4219
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4214
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ClassVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4224
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4209
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4232
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4240
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4237
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4258
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4268
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a class variable.
#     @@foo = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4284
class Prism::ClassVariableWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Prism::node value, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ClassVariableWriteNode] a new instance of ClassVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4286
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4404
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4296
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4301
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4311
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4306
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> ClassVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4316
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4301
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4324
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4370
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the class variable, which is a `@@` followed by an [identifier](
  #     @@abc = 123     # name `@@abc`
  #     @@_test = :test # name `@@_test`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4333
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # The location of the variable name.
  #     @@foo = :bar
  #     ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4339
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4365
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=` operator.
  #     @@foo = :bar
  #           ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4358
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4388
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to write to the class variable. This can be any [non-void expression](
  #     @@foo = :bar
  #             ^^^^
  #     @@_xyz = 123
  #              ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4352
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4398
    def type; end

# This represents a comment that was encountered during parsing. It is the
# base class for all comment types.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#366
class Prism::Comment

  # Create a new comment object with the given location.
  # @return [Comment] a new instance of Comment
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#371
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(location); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Comment.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#376
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The location of this comment in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#368
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def location; end

  # Returns the content of the comment by slicing it from the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#381
  sig { returns(String) }
  def slice; end

  sig { abstract.returns(T::Boolean) }
  def trailing?; end

# A compiler is a visitor that returns the value of each node as it visits.
# This is as opposed to a visitor which will only walk the tree. This can be
# useful when you are trying to compile a tree into a different format.
# For example, to build a representation of the tree as s-expressions, you
# could write:
#     class SExpressions < Prism::Compiler
#       def visit_arguments_node(node) = [:arguments, super]
#       def visit_call_node(node) = [:call, super]
#       def visit_integer_node(node) = [:integer]
#       def visit_program_node(node) = [:program, super]
#     end
#     Prism.parse("1 + 2").value.accept(
#     # => [:program, [[[:call, [[:integer], [:arguments, [[:integer]]]]]]]]
# source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#27
class Prism::Compiler < ::Prism::Visitor
  # Visit an individual node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#29
  sig { params(node: T.nilable(Prism::Node)).returns(T.untyped) }
  def visit(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a AliasGlobalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a AliasMethodNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Visit a list of nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#34
  sig { params(nodes: T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]).returns(T::Array[T.untyped]) }
  def visit_all(nodes); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a AlternationPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a AndNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ArrayNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ArrayPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a AssocNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a AssocSplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BackReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BeginNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BlockArgumentNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BlockLocalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BlockNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BlockParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BlockParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a BreakNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CallAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CallNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CallOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CallOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CallTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CapturePatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CaseMatchNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a CaseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  sig { params(node: Prism::Node).returns(T::Array[T.untyped]) }
  def visit_child_nodes(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ClassVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantPathAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantPathNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantPathOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantPathTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantPathWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ConstantWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a DefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a DefinedNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ElseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a EmbeddedStatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a EmbeddedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a EnsureNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a FalseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a FindPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a FlipFlopNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a FloatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ForNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ForwardingArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ForwardingParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ForwardingSuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a GlobalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a GlobalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a GlobalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a GlobalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a GlobalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a HashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a HashPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a IfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ImaginaryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ImplicitNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ImplicitRestNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a IndexAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a IndexOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a IndexOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a IndexTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InstanceVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InstanceVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InstanceVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InstanceVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InstanceVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a IntegerNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InterpolatedStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InterpolatedSymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a InterpolatedXStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ItLocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ItParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a KeywordHashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a KeywordRestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LambdaNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LocalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LocalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LocalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a LocalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MatchPredicateNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MatchRequiredNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MatchWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MissingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ModuleNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MultiTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a MultiWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a NextNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a NilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a NoKeywordsParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a NumberedParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a NumberedReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a OptionalKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a OptionalParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a OrNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ParenthesesNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a PinnedExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a PinnedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a PostExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a PreExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ProgramNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RangeNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RationalNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RedoNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RequiredKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RequiredParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RescueModifierNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RescueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a RetryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ReturnNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SelfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a ShareableConstantNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SingletonClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SourceEncodingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SourceFileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SourceLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a StatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a StringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a SymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a TrueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a UndefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a UnlessNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a UntilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a WhenNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a WhileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a XStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit the child nodes of the given node.
  # Compile a YieldNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/compiler.rb#39
  def visit_yield_node(node); end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator for assignment to a constant.
#     Target &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4417
class Prism::ConstantAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantAndWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4419
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4521
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4429
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4434
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4444
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4439
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ConstantAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4449
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4434
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4457
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#145
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4487
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4462
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4465
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4482
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4472
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4505
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4479
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4515
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to a constant using an operator that isn't `=`.
#     Target += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4534
class Prism::ConstantOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol binary_operator, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4536
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4637
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4547
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4600
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4590
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4552
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4562
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4557
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ConstantOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4567
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4552
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, binary_operator: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4575
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#157
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4603
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4580
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4583
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#355
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#362
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4621
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4597
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4631
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator for assignment to a constant.
#     Target ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4651
class Prism::ConstantOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantOrWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4653
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4755
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4663
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4668
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4678
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4673
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ConstantOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4683
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4668
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4691
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#151
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4721
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4696
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4699
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4716
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4706
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4739
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4713
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4749
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator for assignment to a constant path.
#     Parent::Child &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4768
class Prism::ConstantPathAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ConstantPathNode target, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantPathAndWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantPathAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4770
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, target, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4864
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4779
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4784
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4794
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4789
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?target: ConstantPathNode, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ConstantPathAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4799
  sig do
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(target: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4784
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { target: ConstantPathNode, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4807
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4830
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4825
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4815
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader target: ConstantPathNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4812
  sig { returns(Prism::ConstantPathNode) }
  def target; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4848
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4822
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4858
    def type; end

# Represents accessing a constant through a path of `::` operators.
#     Foo::Bar
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4876
class Prism::ConstantPathNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? parent, Symbol? name, Location delimiter_loc, Location name_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantPathNode] a new instance of ConstantPathNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4878
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      parent: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      delimiter_loc: Prism::Location,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, parent, name, delimiter_loc, name_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5003
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4888
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # Previously, we had a child node on this class that contained either a
  # constant read or a missing node. To not cause a breaking change, we
  # continue to supply that API.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#196
  def child; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4893
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4905
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4898
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?parent: Prism::node?, ?name: Symbol?, ?delimiter_loc: Location, ?name_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> ConstantPathNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4910
  sig do
      parent: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      delimiter_loc: Prism::Location,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(parent: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), delimiter_loc: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4893
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { parent: Prism::node?, name: Symbol?, delimiter_loc: Location, name_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4918
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def delimiter: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4964
  sig { returns(String) }
  def delimiter; end

  # The location of the `::` delimiter.
  #     ::Foo
  #     ^^
  #     One::Two
  #        ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4944
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def delimiter_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Returns the full name of this constant path. For example: "Foo::Bar"
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#189
  sig { returns(String) }
  def full_name; end

  # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant path.
  # For example: [:Foo, :Bar]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#167
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def full_name_parts; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4969
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the constant being accessed. This could be `nil` in the event of a syntax error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4935
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Symbol)) }
  def name; end

  # The location of the name of the constant.
  #     ::Foo
  #       ^^^
  #     One::Two
  #          ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4957
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # The left-hand node of the path, if present. It can be `nil` or any [non-void expression]( It will be `nil` when the constant lookup is at the root of the module tree.
  #     Foo::Bar
  #     ^^^
  #     self::Test
  #     ^^^^
  #     a.b::C
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4932
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def parent; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4987
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#4997
    def type; end

# An error class raised when dynamic parts are found while computing a
# constant path's full name. For example:
# Foo::Bar::Baz -> does not raise because all parts of the constant path are
# simple constants
# var::Bar::Baz -> raises because the first part of the constant path is a
# local variable
# source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#158
class Prism::ConstantPathNode::DynamicPartsInConstantPathError < ::StandardError; end

# An error class raised when missing nodes are found while computing a
# constant path's full name. For example:
# Foo:: -> raises because the constant path is missing the last part
# source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#163
class Prism::ConstantPathNode::MissingNodesInConstantPathError < ::StandardError; end

# Represents assigning to a constant path using an operator that isn't `=`.
#     Parent::Child += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5016
class Prism::ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ConstantPathNode target, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol binary_operator, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5018
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, target, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5111
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5028
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5074
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5064
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5033
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5043
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5038
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?target: ConstantPathNode, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5048
  sig do
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(target: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5033
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { target: ConstantPathNode, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, binary_operator: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5056
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5077
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#371
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#378
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader target: ConstantPathNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5061
  sig { returns(Prism::ConstantPathNode) }
  def target; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5095
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5071
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5105
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator for assignment to a constant path.
#     Parent::Child ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5124
class Prism::ConstantPathOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ConstantPathNode target, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantPathOrWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantPathOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5126
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, target, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5220
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5135
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5140
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5150
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5145
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?target: ConstantPathNode, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ConstantPathOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5155
  sig do
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(target: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5140
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { target: ConstantPathNode, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5163
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5186
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5181
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5171
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader target: ConstantPathNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5168
  sig { returns(Prism::ConstantPathNode) }
  def target; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5204
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5178
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5214
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a constant path in a context that doesn't have an explicit value.
#     Foo::Foo, Bar::Bar = baz
#     ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5232
class Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? parent, Symbol? name, Location delimiter_loc, Location name_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantPathTargetNode] a new instance of ConstantPathTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5234
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      parent: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      delimiter_loc: Prism::Location,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, parent, name, delimiter_loc, name_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5338
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5244
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # Previously, we had a child node on this class that contained either a
  # constant read or a missing node. To not cause a breaking change, we
  # continue to supply that API.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#232
  def child; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5249
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5261
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5254
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?parent: Prism::node?, ?name: Symbol?, ?delimiter_loc: Location, ?name_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> ConstantPathTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5266
  sig do
      parent: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      delimiter_loc: Prism::Location,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(parent: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), delimiter_loc: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5249
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { parent: Prism::node?, name: Symbol?, delimiter_loc: Location, name_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5274
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def delimiter: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5299
  sig { returns(String) }
  def delimiter; end

  # attr_reader delimiter_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5285
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def delimiter_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Returns the full name of this constant path. For example: "Foo::Bar"
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#225
  sig { returns(String) }
  def full_name; end

  # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant path.
  # For example: [:Foo, :Bar]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#205
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def full_name_parts; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5304
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5282
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Symbol)) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5292
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # attr_reader parent: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5279
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def parent; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5322
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5332
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a constant path.
#     ::Foo = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^^
#     Foo::Bar = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     ::Foo::Bar = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5357
class Prism::ConstantPathWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ConstantPathNode target, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantPathWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantPathWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5359
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, target, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5465
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5368
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5373
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5383
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5378
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?target: ConstantPathNode, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ConstantPathWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5388
  sig do
      target: Prism::ConstantPathNode,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(target: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5373
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { target: ConstantPathNode, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5396
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5431
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5426
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=` operator.
  #     ::ABC = 123
  #           ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5413
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # A node representing the constant path being written to.
  #     Foo::Bar = 1
  #     ^^^^^^^^
  #     ::Foo = :abc
  #     ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5407
  sig { returns(Prism::ConstantPathNode) }
  def target; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5449
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to write to the constant path. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     FOO::BAR = :abc
  #                ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5423
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5459
    def type; end

# Represents referencing a constant.
#     Foo
#     ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5477
class Prism::ConstantReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantReadNode] a new instance of ConstantReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5479
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5560
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5486
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5491
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5501
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5496
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ConstantReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5506
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ConstantReadNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5491
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5514
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Returns the full name of this constant. For example: "Foo"
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#133
  sig { returns(String) }
  def full_name; end

  # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant.
  # For example: [:Foo]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#128
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def full_name_parts; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5526
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the [constant](
  #     X              # name `:X`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5523
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5544
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5554
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a constant in a context that doesn't have an explicit value.
#     Foo, Bar = baz
#     ^^^  ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5570
class Prism::ConstantTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantTargetNode] a new instance of ConstantTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5572
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5649
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5579
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5584
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5594
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5589
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ConstantTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5599
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ConstantTargetNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5584
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5607
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Returns the full name of this constant. For example: "Foo"
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#246
  sig { returns(String) }
  def full_name; end

  # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant.
  # For example: [:Foo]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#241
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def full_name_parts; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5615
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5612
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5633
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5643
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a constant.
#     Foo = 1
#     ^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5659
class Prism::ConstantWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Prism::node value, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ConstantWriteNode] a new instance of ConstantWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5661
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5779
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5671
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5676
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5686
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5681
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> ConstantWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5691
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5676
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5699
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Returns the full name of this constant. For example: "Foo"
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#146
  sig { returns(String) }
  def full_name; end

  # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant.
  # For example: [:Foo]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#141
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def full_name_parts; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5745
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the [constant](
  #     Foo = :bar # name `:Foo`
  #     XYZ = 1    # name `:XYZ`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5708
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # The location of the constant name.
  #     FOO = 1
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5714
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5740
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=` operator.
  #     FOO = :bar
  #         ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5733
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5763
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to write to the constant. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     FOO = :bar
  #           ^^^^
  #     MyClass =
  #               ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5727
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5773
    def type; end

# The DSL module provides a set of methods that can be used to create prism
# nodes in a more concise manner. For example, instead of writing:
#     source = Prism::Source.for("[1]")
#       [
#           Prism::IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL,
#           1,
# , 1, 1),
#           source
#         )
#       ],
#, 0, 1),
#, 2, 1),
#       source
#     )
# you could instead write:
#     source = Prism::Source.for("[1]")
#     ArrayNode(
#       IntegerNode(Prism::IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL, 1, Location(source, 1, 1)), source),
#       Location(source, 0, 1),
#       Location(source, 2, 1),
#       source
#     )
# This is mostly helpful in the context of writing tests, but can also be used
# to generate trees programmatically.
# source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#42
module Prism::DSL

  # Create a new AliasGlobalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#51
  def AliasGlobalVariableNode(new_name, old_name, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new AliasMethodNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#56
  def AliasMethodNode(new_name, old_name, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new AlternationPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#61
  def AlternationPatternNode(left, right, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new AndNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#66
  def AndNode(left, right, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#71
  def ArgumentsNode(flags, arguments, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ArrayNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#76
  def ArrayNode(flags, elements, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ArrayPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#81
  def ArrayPatternNode(constant, requireds, rest, posts, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new AssocNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#86
  def AssocNode(key, value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new AssocSplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#91
  def AssocSplatNode(value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BackReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#96
  def BackReferenceReadNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BeginNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#101
  def BeginNode(begin_keyword_loc, statements, rescue_clause, else_clause, ensure_clause, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BlockArgumentNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#106
  def BlockArgumentNode(expression, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BlockLocalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#111
  def BlockLocalVariableNode(flags, name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BlockNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#116
  def BlockNode(locals, parameters, body, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BlockParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#121
  def BlockParameterNode(flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BlockParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#126
  def BlockParametersNode(parameters, locals, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new BreakNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#131
  def BreakNode(arguments, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CallAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#136
  def CallAndWriteNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, message_loc, read_name, write_name, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CallNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#141
  def CallNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, name, message_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CallOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#146
  def CallOperatorWriteNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, message_loc, read_name, write_name, binary_operator, binary_operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CallOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#151
  def CallOrWriteNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, message_loc, read_name, write_name, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CallTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#156
  def CallTargetNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, name, message_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CapturePatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#161
  def CapturePatternNode(value, target, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CaseMatchNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#166
  def CaseMatchNode(predicate, conditions, consequent, case_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new CaseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#171
  def CaseNode(predicate, conditions, consequent, case_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#176
  def ClassNode(locals, class_keyword_loc, constant_path, inheritance_operator_loc, superclass, body, end_keyword_loc, name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#181
  def ClassVariableAndWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#186
  def ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode(name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#191
  def ClassVariableOrWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#196
  def ClassVariableReadNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#201
  def ClassVariableTargetNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ClassVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#206
  def ClassVariableWriteNode(name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#211
  def ConstantAndWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#216
  def ConstantOperatorWriteNode(name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#221
  def ConstantOrWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantPathAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#226
  def ConstantPathAndWriteNode(target, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantPathNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#231
  def ConstantPathNode(parent, name, delimiter_loc, name_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#236
  def ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode(target, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantPathOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#241
  def ConstantPathOrWriteNode(target, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantPathTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#246
  def ConstantPathTargetNode(parent, name, delimiter_loc, name_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantPathWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#251
  def ConstantPathWriteNode(target, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#256
  def ConstantReadNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#261
  def ConstantTargetNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ConstantWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#266
  def ConstantWriteNode(name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new DefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#271
  def DefNode(name, name_loc, receiver, parameters, body, locals, def_keyword_loc, operator_loc, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, equal_loc, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new DefinedNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#276
  def DefinedNode(lparen_loc, value, rparen_loc, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ElseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#281
  def ElseNode(else_keyword_loc, statements, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new EmbeddedStatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#286
  def EmbeddedStatementsNode(opening_loc, statements, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new EmbeddedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#291
  def EmbeddedVariableNode(operator_loc, variable, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new EnsureNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#296
  def EnsureNode(ensure_keyword_loc, statements, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new FalseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#301
  def FalseNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new FindPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#306
  def FindPatternNode(constant, left, requireds, right, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new FlipFlopNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#311
  def FlipFlopNode(flags, left, right, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new FloatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#316
  def FloatNode(value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ForNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#321
  def ForNode(index, collection, statements, for_keyword_loc, in_keyword_loc, do_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ForwardingArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#326
  def ForwardingArgumentsNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ForwardingParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#331
  def ForwardingParameterNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ForwardingSuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#336
  def ForwardingSuperNode(block, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new GlobalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#341
  def GlobalVariableAndWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#346
  def GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode(name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new GlobalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#351
  def GlobalVariableOrWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new GlobalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#356
  def GlobalVariableReadNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new GlobalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#361
  def GlobalVariableTargetNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new GlobalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#366
  def GlobalVariableWriteNode(name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new HashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#371
  def HashNode(opening_loc, elements, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new HashPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#376
  def HashPatternNode(constant, elements, rest, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new IfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#381
  def IfNode(if_keyword_loc, predicate, then_keyword_loc, statements, consequent, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ImaginaryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#386
  def ImaginaryNode(numeric, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ImplicitNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#391
  def ImplicitNode(value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ImplicitRestNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#396
  def ImplicitRestNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#401
  def InNode(pattern, statements, in_loc, then_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new IndexAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#406
  def IndexAndWriteNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new IndexOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#411
  def IndexOperatorWriteNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, binary_operator, binary_operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new IndexOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#416
  def IndexOrWriteNode(flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new IndexTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#421
  def IndexTargetNode(flags, receiver, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InstanceVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#426
  def InstanceVariableAndWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#431
  def InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode(name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InstanceVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#436
  def InstanceVariableOrWriteNode(name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InstanceVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#441
  def InstanceVariableReadNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InstanceVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#446
  def InstanceVariableTargetNode(name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InstanceVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#451
  def InstanceVariableWriteNode(name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new IntegerNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#456
  def IntegerNode(flags, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#461
  def InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode(flags, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#466
  def InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode(flags, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InterpolatedStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#471
  def InterpolatedStringNode(flags, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InterpolatedSymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#476
  def InterpolatedSymbolNode(opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new InterpolatedXStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#481
  def InterpolatedXStringNode(opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ItLocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#486
  def ItLocalVariableReadNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ItParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#491
  def ItParametersNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new KeywordHashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#496
  def KeywordHashNode(flags, elements, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new KeywordRestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#501
  def KeywordRestParameterNode(flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LambdaNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#506
  def LambdaNode(locals, operator_loc, opening_loc, closing_loc, parameters, body, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LocalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#511
  def LocalVariableAndWriteNode(name_loc, operator_loc, value, name, depth, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#516
  def LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode(name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, name, binary_operator, depth, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LocalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#521
  def LocalVariableOrWriteNode(name_loc, operator_loc, value, name, depth, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#526
  def LocalVariableReadNode(name, depth, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LocalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#531
  def LocalVariableTargetNode(name, depth, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new LocalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#536
  def LocalVariableWriteNode(name, depth, name_loc, value, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new Location object
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#46
  def Location(source = T.unsafe(nil), start_offset = T.unsafe(nil), length = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#541
  def MatchLastLineNode(flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MatchPredicateNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#546
  def MatchPredicateNode(value, pattern, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MatchRequiredNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#551
  def MatchRequiredNode(value, pattern, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MatchWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#556
  def MatchWriteNode(call, targets, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MissingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#561
  def MissingNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ModuleNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#566
  def ModuleNode(locals, module_keyword_loc, constant_path, body, end_keyword_loc, name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MultiTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#571
  def MultiTargetNode(lefts, rest, rights, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new MultiWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#576
  def MultiWriteNode(lefts, rest, rights, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new NextNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#581
  def NextNode(arguments, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new NilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#586
  def NilNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new NoKeywordsParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#591
  def NoKeywordsParameterNode(operator_loc, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new NumberedParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#596
  def NumberedParametersNode(maximum, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new NumberedReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#601
  def NumberedReferenceReadNode(number, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new OptionalKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#606
  def OptionalKeywordParameterNode(flags, name, name_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new OptionalParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#611
  def OptionalParameterNode(flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new OrNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#616
  def OrNode(left, right, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#621
  def ParametersNode(requireds, optionals, rest, posts, keywords, keyword_rest, block, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ParenthesesNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#626
  def ParenthesesNode(body, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new PinnedExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#631
  def PinnedExpressionNode(expression, operator_loc, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new PinnedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#636
  def PinnedVariableNode(variable, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new PostExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#641
  def PostExecutionNode(statements, keyword_loc, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new PreExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#646
  def PreExecutionNode(statements, keyword_loc, opening_loc, closing_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ProgramNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#651
  def ProgramNode(locals, statements, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RangeNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#656
  def RangeNode(flags, left, right, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RationalNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#661
  def RationalNode(flags, numerator, denominator, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RedoNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#666
  def RedoNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#671
  def RegularExpressionNode(flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RequiredKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#676
  def RequiredKeywordParameterNode(flags, name, name_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RequiredParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#681
  def RequiredParameterNode(flags, name, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RescueModifierNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#686
  def RescueModifierNode(expression, keyword_loc, rescue_expression, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RescueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#691
  def RescueNode(keyword_loc, exceptions, operator_loc, reference, statements, consequent, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#696
  def RestParameterNode(flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new RetryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#701
  def RetryNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ReturnNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#706
  def ReturnNode(flags, keyword_loc, arguments, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SelfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#711
  def SelfNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new ShareableConstantNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#716
  def ShareableConstantNode(flags, write, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SingletonClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#721
  def SingletonClassNode(locals, class_keyword_loc, operator_loc, expression, body, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SourceEncodingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#726
  def SourceEncodingNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SourceFileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#731
  def SourceFileNode(flags, filepath, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SourceLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#736
  def SourceLineNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#741
  def SplatNode(operator_loc, expression, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new StatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#746
  def StatementsNode(body, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new StringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#751
  def StringNode(flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#756
  def SuperNode(keyword_loc, lparen_loc, arguments, rparen_loc, block, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new SymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#761
  def SymbolNode(flags, opening_loc, value_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new TrueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#766
  def TrueNode(source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new UndefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#771
  def UndefNode(names, keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new UnlessNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#776
  def UnlessNode(keyword_loc, predicate, then_keyword_loc, statements, consequent, end_keyword_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new UntilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#781
  def UntilNode(flags, keyword_loc, closing_loc, predicate, statements, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new WhenNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#786
  def WhenNode(keyword_loc, conditions, then_keyword_loc, statements, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new WhileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#791
  def WhileNode(flags, keyword_loc, closing_loc, predicate, statements, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new XStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#796
  def XStringNode(flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a new YieldNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dsl.rb#801
  def YieldNode(keyword_loc, lparen_loc, arguments, rparen_loc, source = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Represents a method definition.
#     def method
#     end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5793
class Prism::DefNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Prism::node? receiver, ParametersNode? parameters, Prism::node? body, Array[Symbol] locals, Location def_keyword_loc, Location? operator_loc, Location? lparen_loc, Location? rparen_loc, Location? equal_loc, Location? end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [DefNode] a new instance of DefNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5795
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::ParametersNode),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      def_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      equal_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, receiver, parameters, body, locals, def_keyword_loc, operator_loc, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, equal_loc, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6008
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5813
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5866
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5818
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5832
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5823
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?parameters: ParametersNode?, ?body: Prism::node?, ?locals: Array[Symbol], ?def_keyword_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location?, ?lparen_loc: Location?, ?rparen_loc: Location?, ?equal_loc: Location?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> DefNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5837
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::ParametersNode),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      def_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      equal_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), parameters: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil), locals: T.unsafe(nil), def_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), equal_loc: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5818
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, receiver: Prism::node?, parameters: ParametersNode?, body: Prism::node?, locals: Array[Symbol], def_keyword_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location?, lparen_loc: Location?, rparen_loc: Location?, equal_loc: Location?, end_keyword_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5845
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def def_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5944
  sig { returns(String) }
  def def_keyword; end

  # attr_reader def_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5872
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def def_keyword_loc; end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5969
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5931
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  # def equal: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5964
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def equal; end

  # attr_reader equal_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5918
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def equal_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5974
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5869
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # def lparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5954
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5892
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5850
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5853
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5949
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5879
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader parameters: ParametersNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5863
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ParametersNode)) }
  def parameters; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5860
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def rparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5959
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5905
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#5992
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6002
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `defined?` keyword.
#     defined?(a)
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6030
class Prism::DefinedNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location? lparen_loc, Prism::node value, Location? rparen_loc, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [DefinedNode] a new instance of DefinedNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6032
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      value: Prism::Node,
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, lparen_loc, value, rparen_loc, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6160
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6042
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6047
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6057
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6052
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?lparen_loc: Location?, ?value: Prism::node, ?rparen_loc: Location?, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> DefinedNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6062
  sig do
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      value: Prism::Node,
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6047
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { lparen_loc: Location?, value: Prism::node, rparen_loc: Location?, keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6070
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6126
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6121
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6104
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def lparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6111
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6075
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # def rparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6116
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6091
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6144
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6088
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6154
    def type; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#4
class Prism::DesugarAndWriteNode
  # @return [DesugarAndWriteNode] a new instance of DesugarAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#7
  def initialize(node, source, read_class, write_class, *arguments); end

  # Returns the value of attribute arguments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#5
  def arguments; end

  # Desugar `x &&= y` to `x && x = y`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#16
  def compile; end

  # Returns the value of attribute node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#5
  def node; end

  # Returns the value of attribute read_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#5
  def read_class; end

  # Returns the value of attribute source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#5
  def source; end

  # Returns the value of attribute write_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#5
  def write_class; end

# DesugarCompiler is a compiler that desugars Ruby code into a more primitive
# form. This is useful for consumers that want to deal with fewer node types.
# source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#218
class Prism::DesugarCompiler < ::Prism::MutationCompiler
  # @@foo &&= bar
  # becomes
  # @@foo && @@foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#224
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo += bar
  # becomes
  # @@foo = @@foo + bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#242
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo ||= bar
  # becomes
  # defined?(@@foo) ? @@foo : @@foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#233
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo &&= bar
  # becomes
  # Foo && Foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#251
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo += bar
  # becomes
  # Foo = Foo + bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#269
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo ||= bar
  # becomes
  # defined?(Foo) ? Foo : Foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#260
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # $foo &&= bar
  # becomes
  # $foo && $foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#278
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # $foo += bar
  # becomes
  # $foo = $foo + bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#296
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # $foo ||= bar
  # becomes
  # defined?($foo) ? $foo : $foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#287
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # becomes
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#305
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # becomes
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#323
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # becomes
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#314
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo &&= bar
  # becomes
  # foo && foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#332
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo += bar
  # becomes
  # foo = foo + bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#350
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo ||= bar
  # becomes
  # foo || foo = bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#341
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

# source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#63
class Prism::DesugarOperatorWriteNode
  # @return [DesugarOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of DesugarOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#66
  def initialize(node, source, read_class, write_class, *arguments); end

  # Returns the value of attribute arguments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#64
  def arguments; end

  # Desugar `x += y` to `x = x + y`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#75
  def compile; end

  # Returns the value of attribute node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#64
  def node; end

  # Returns the value of attribute read_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#64
  def read_class; end

  # Returns the value of attribute source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#64
  def source; end

  # Returns the value of attribute write_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#64
  def write_class; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#27
class Prism::DesugarOrWriteDefinedNode
  # @return [DesugarOrWriteDefinedNode] a new instance of DesugarOrWriteDefinedNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#30
  def initialize(node, source, read_class, write_class, *arguments); end

  # Returns the value of attribute arguments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#28
  def arguments; end

  # Desugar `x ||= y` to `defined?(x) ? x : x = y`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#39
  def compile; end

  # Returns the value of attribute node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#28
  def node; end

  # Returns the value of attribute read_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#28
  def read_class; end

  # Returns the value of attribute source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#28
  def source; end

  # Returns the value of attribute write_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#28
  def write_class; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#101
class Prism::DesugarOrWriteNode
  # @return [DesugarOrWriteNode] a new instance of DesugarOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#104
  def initialize(node, source, read_class, write_class, *arguments); end

  # Returns the value of attribute arguments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#102
  def arguments; end

  # Desugar `x ||= y` to `x || x = y`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#113
  def compile; end

  # Returns the value of attribute node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#102
  def node; end

  # Returns the value of attribute read_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#102
  def read_class; end

  # Returns the value of attribute source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#102
  def source; end

  # Returns the value of attribute write_class.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#102
  def write_class; end

# The dispatcher class fires events for nodes that are found while walking an
# AST to all registered listeners. It's useful for performing different types
# of analysis on the AST while only having to walk the tree once.
# To use the dispatcher, you would first instantiate it and register listeners
# for the events you're interested in:
#     class OctalListener
#       def on_integer_node_enter(node)
#         if node.octal? && !node.slice.start_with?("0o")
#           warn("Octal integers should be written with the 0o prefix")
#         end
#       end
#     end
#     dispatcher =
#     dispatcher.register(listener, :on_integer_node_enter)
# Then, you can walk any number of trees and dispatch events to the listeners:
#     result = Prism.parse("001 + 002 + 003")
#     dispatcher.dispatch(result.value)
# Optionally, you can also use `#dispatch_once` to dispatch enter and leave
# events for a single node without recursing further down the tree. This can
# be useful in circumstances where you want to reuse the listeners you already
# have registers but want to stop walking the tree at a certain point.
#     integer = result.value.statements.body.first.receiver.receiver
#     dispatcher.dispatch_once(integer)
# source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#41
class Prism::Dispatcher < ::Prism::Visitor
  # Initialize a new dispatcher.
  # @return [Dispatcher] a new instance of Dispatcher
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#46
  def initialize; end

  # Walks `root` dispatching events to all registered listeners.
  # def dispatch: (Node) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#17
  def dispatch(node); end

  # Dispatches a single event for `node` to all registered listeners.
  # def dispatch_once: (Node) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#65
  def dispatch_once(node); end

  # attr_reader listeners: Hash[Symbol, Array[Listener]]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#43
  def listeners; end

  # Register a listener for one or more events.
  # def register: (Listener, *Symbol) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#53
  def register(listener, *events); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AliasGlobalVariableNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#71
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AliasMethodNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#79
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AlternationPatternNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#87
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AndNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#95
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ArgumentsNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#103
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ArrayNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#111
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ArrayPatternNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#119
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AssocNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#127
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AssocSplatNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#135
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BackReferenceReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#143
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BeginNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#151
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockArgumentNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#159
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockLocalVariableNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#167
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#175
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#183
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockParametersNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#191
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BreakNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#199
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#207
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#215
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#223
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#231
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#239
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CapturePatternNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#247
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CaseMatchNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#255
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CaseNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#263
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#271
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#279
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#287
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#295
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#303
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#311
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#319
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#327
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#335
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#343
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#351
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#359
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#367
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#375
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#383
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#391
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#399
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#407
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#415
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for DefNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#423
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for DefinedNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#431
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ElseNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#439
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for EmbeddedStatementsNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#447
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for EmbeddedVariableNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#455
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for EnsureNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#463
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FalseNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#471
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FindPatternNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#479
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FlipFlopNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#487
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FloatNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#495
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#503
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingArgumentsNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#511
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#519
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingSuperNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#527
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#535
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#543
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#551
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#559
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#567
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#575
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for HashNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#583
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for HashPatternNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#591
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IfNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#599
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ImaginaryNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#607
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ImplicitNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#615
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ImplicitRestNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#623
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#631
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#639
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#647
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#655
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#663
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#671
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#679
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#687
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#695
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#703
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#711
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IntegerNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#719
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#727
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#735
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedStringNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#743
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedSymbolNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#751
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedXStringNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#759
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ItLocalVariableReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#767
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ItParametersNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#775
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for KeywordHashNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#783
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for KeywordRestParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#791
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LambdaNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#799
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableAndWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#807
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#815
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableOrWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#823
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#831
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#839
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#847
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchLastLineNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#855
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchPredicateNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#863
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchRequiredNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#871
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#879
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MissingNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#887
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ModuleNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#895
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MultiTargetNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#903
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MultiWriteNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#911
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NextNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#919
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NilNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#927
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NoKeywordsParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#935
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NumberedParametersNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#943
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NumberedReferenceReadNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#951
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for OptionalKeywordParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#959
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for OptionalParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#967
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for OrNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#975
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ParametersNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#983
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ParenthesesNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#991
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PinnedExpressionNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#999
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PinnedVariableNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1007
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PostExecutionNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1015
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PreExecutionNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1023
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ProgramNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1031
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RangeNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1039
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RationalNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1047
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RedoNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1055
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RegularExpressionNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1063
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RequiredKeywordParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1071
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RequiredParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1079
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RescueModifierNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1087
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RescueNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1095
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RestParameterNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1103
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RetryNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1111
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ReturnNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1119
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SelfNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1127
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ShareableConstantNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1135
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SingletonClassNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1143
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceEncodingNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1151
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceFileNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1159
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceLineNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1167
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SplatNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1175
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for StatementsNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1183
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for StringNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1191
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SuperNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1199
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SymbolNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1207
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for TrueNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1215
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for UndefNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1223
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for UnlessNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1231
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for UntilNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1239
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for WhenNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1247
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for WhileNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1255
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for XStringNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1263
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for YieldNode nodes and continue
  # walking the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1271
  def visit_yield_node(node); end

# source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1277
class Prism::Dispatcher::DispatchOnce < ::Prism::Visitor
  # @return [DispatchOnce] a new instance of DispatchOnce
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1280
  def initialize(listeners); end

  # Returns the value of attribute listeners.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1278
  def listeners; end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AliasGlobalVariableNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1285
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AliasMethodNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1291
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AlternationPatternNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1297
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AndNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1303
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ArgumentsNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1309
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ArrayNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1315
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ArrayPatternNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1321
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AssocNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1327
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for AssocSplatNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1333
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BackReferenceReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1339
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BeginNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1345
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockArgumentNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1351
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockLocalVariableNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1357
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1363
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1369
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockParametersNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1375
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for BreakNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1381
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1387
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1393
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1399
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1405
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CallTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1411
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CapturePatternNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1417
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CaseMatchNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1423
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for CaseNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1429
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1435
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1441
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1447
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1453
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1459
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1465
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ClassVariableWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1471
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1477
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1483
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1489
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1495
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1501
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1507
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1513
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1519
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantPathWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1525
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1531
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1537
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ConstantWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1543
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for DefNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1549
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for DefinedNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1555
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ElseNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1561
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for EmbeddedStatementsNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1567
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for EmbeddedVariableNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1573
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for EnsureNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1579
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FalseNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1585
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FindPatternNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1591
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FlipFlopNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1597
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for FloatNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1603
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1609
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingArgumentsNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1615
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1621
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingSuperNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1627
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1633
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1639
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1645
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1651
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1657
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for GlobalVariableWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1663
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for HashNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1669
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for HashPatternNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1675
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IfNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1681
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ImaginaryNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1687
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ImplicitNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1693
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ImplicitRestNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1699
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1705
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1711
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1717
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1723
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1729
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1735
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1741
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1747
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1753
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1759
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InstanceVariableWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1765
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for IntegerNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1771
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1777
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1783
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedStringNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1789
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedSymbolNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1795
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedXStringNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1801
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ItLocalVariableReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1807
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ItParametersNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1813
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for KeywordHashNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1819
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for KeywordRestParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1825
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LambdaNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1831
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableAndWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1837
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1843
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableOrWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1849
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1855
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1861
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for LocalVariableWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1867
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchLastLineNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1873
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchPredicateNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1879
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchRequiredNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1885
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1891
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MissingNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1897
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ModuleNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1903
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MultiTargetNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1909
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for MultiWriteNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1915
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NextNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1921
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NilNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1927
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NoKeywordsParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1933
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NumberedParametersNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1939
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for NumberedReferenceReadNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1945
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for OptionalKeywordParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1951
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for OptionalParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1957
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for OrNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1963
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ParametersNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1969
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ParenthesesNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1975
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PinnedExpressionNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1981
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PinnedVariableNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1987
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PostExecutionNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1993
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for PreExecutionNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#1999
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ProgramNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2005
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RangeNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2011
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RationalNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2017
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RedoNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2023
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RegularExpressionNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2029
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RequiredKeywordParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2035
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RequiredParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2041
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RescueModifierNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2047
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RescueNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2053
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RestParameterNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2059
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for RetryNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2065
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ReturnNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2071
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SelfNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2077
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for ShareableConstantNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2083
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SingletonClassNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2089
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceEncodingNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2095
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceFileNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2101
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceLineNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2107
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SplatNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2113
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for StatementsNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2119
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for StringNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2125
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SuperNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2131
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for SymbolNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2137
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for TrueNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2143
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for UndefNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2149
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for UnlessNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2155
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for UntilNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2161
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for WhenNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2167
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for WhileNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2173
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for XStringNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2179
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Dispatch enter and leave events for YieldNode nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dispatcher.rb#2185
  def visit_yield_node(node); end

# This visitor provides the ability to call Node#to_dot, which converts a
# subtree into a graphviz dot graph.
# source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#14
class Prism::DotVisitor < ::Prism::Visitor
  # Initialize a new dot visitor.
  # @return [DotVisitor] a new instance of DotVisitor
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#106
  def initialize; end

  # The digraph that is being built.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#103
  def digraph; end

  # Convert this visitor into a graphviz dot graph string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#111
  def to_dot; end

  # Visit a AliasGlobalVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#116
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a AliasMethodNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#141
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Visit a AlternationPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#166
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a AndNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#191
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Visit a ArgumentsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#216
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Visit a ArrayNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#246
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Visit a ArrayPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#286
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a AssocNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#348
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Visit a AssocSplatNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#375
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Visit a BackReferenceReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#398
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a BeginNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#415
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockArgumentNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#463
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockLocalVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#486
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#506
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#541
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#569
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a BreakNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#612
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#635
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#681
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#739
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#788
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#834
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a CapturePatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#864
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a CaseMatchNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#889
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Visit a CaseNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#934
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#979
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1026
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1053
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1083
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1110
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1127
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1144
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1171
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1198
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1228
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1255
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1280
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1309
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1337
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1362
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1391
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1416
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1433
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1450
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a DefNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1477
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Visit a DefinedNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1546
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Visit a ElseNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1577
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Visit a EmbeddedStatementsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1605
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Visit a EmbeddedVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1631
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a EnsureNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1652
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Visit a FalseNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1678
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Visit a FindPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1692
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a FlipFlopNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1743
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Visit a FloatNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1775
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1792
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForwardingArgumentsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1834
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForwardingParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1848
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForwardingSuperNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1862
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1882
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1909
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1939
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1966
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#1983
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2000
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a HashNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2027
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Visit a HashPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2060
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a IfNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2109
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Visit a ImaginaryNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2154
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Visit a ImplicitNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2172
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Visit a ImplicitRestNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2190
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Visit a InNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2204
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2236
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2289
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2345
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2398
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2437
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2464
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2494
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2521
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2538
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2555
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IntegerNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2582
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2602
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2638
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedStringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2674
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedSymbolNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2714
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedXStringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2751
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a ItLocalVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2784
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a ItParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2798
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a KeywordHashNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2812
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Visit a KeywordRestParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2842
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a LambdaNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2870
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2908
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2938
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#2971
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3001
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3021
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3041
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchLastLineNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3071
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchPredicateNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3100
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchRequiredNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3125
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3150
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a MissingNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3181
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Visit a ModuleNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3195
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Visit a MultiTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3231
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a MultiWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3287
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a NextNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3350
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Visit a NilNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3373
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Visit a NoKeywordsParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3387
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a NumberedParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3407
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a NumberedReferenceReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3424
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a OptionalKeywordParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3441
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a OptionalParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3468
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a OrNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3498
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Visit a ParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3523
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a ParenthesesNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3607
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Visit a PinnedExpressionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3633
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit a PinnedVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3660
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a PostExecutionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3681
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Visit a PreExecutionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3710
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Visit a ProgramNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3739
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Visit a RangeNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3760
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Visit a RationalNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3792
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Visit a RedoNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3815
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Visit a RegularExpressionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3829
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit a RequiredKeywordParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3858
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a RequiredParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3881
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a RescueModifierNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3901
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Visit a RescueNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3926
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Visit a RestParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#3979
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a RetryNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4007
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Visit a ReturnNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4021
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Visit a SelfNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4047
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Visit a ShareableConstantNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4061
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Visit a SingletonClassNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4082
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Visit a SourceEncodingNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4118
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Visit a SourceFileNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4132
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Visit a SourceLineNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4152
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Visit a SplatNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4166
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Visit a StatementsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4189
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Visit a StringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4216
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a SuperNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4249
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Visit a SymbolNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4288
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Visit a TrueNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4323
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Visit a UndefNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4337
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Visit a UnlessNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4367
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Visit a UntilNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4410
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Visit a WhenNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4445
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Visit a WhileNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4486
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Visit a XStringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4521
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a YieldNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4550
  def visit_yield_node(node); end


  # Inspect a node that has arguments_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4596
  def arguments_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has array_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4605
  def array_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has call_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4613
  def call_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has encoding_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4624
  def encoding_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has integer_base_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4633
  def integer_base_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has interpolated_string_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4644
  def interpolated_string_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has keyword_hash_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4653
  def keyword_hash_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a location to display the start and end line and column numbers.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4590
  def location_inspect(location); end

  # Inspect a node that has loop_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4661
  def loop_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Generate a unique node ID for a node throughout the digraph.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4585
  def node_id(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has parameter_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4669
  def parameter_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has range_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4677
  def range_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has regular_expression_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4685
  def regular_expression_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has return_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4703
  def return_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has shareable_constant_node_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4711
  def shareable_constant_node_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has string_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4721
  def string_flags_inspect(node); end

  # Inspect a node that has symbol_flags flags to display the flags as a
  # comma-separated list.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#4732
  def symbol_flags_inspect(node); end

# source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#59
class Prism::DotVisitor::Digraph
  # @return [Digraph] a new instance of Digraph
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#62
  def initialize; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#76
  def edge(value); end

  # Returns the value of attribute edges.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#60
  def edges; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#68
  def node(value); end

  # Returns the value of attribute nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#60
  def nodes; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#80
  def to_dot; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#72
  def waypoint(value); end

  # Returns the value of attribute waypoints.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#60
  def waypoints; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#15
class Prism::DotVisitor::Field
  # @return [Field] a new instance of Field
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#18
  def initialize(name, value, port); end

  # Returns the value of attribute name.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#16
  def name; end

  # Returns the value of attribute port.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#16
  def port; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#24
  def to_dot; end

  # Returns the value of attribute value.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#16
  def value; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#33
class Prism::DotVisitor::Table
  # @return [Table] a new instance of Table
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#36
  def initialize(name); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#41
  def field(name, value = T.unsafe(nil), port: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute fields.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#34
  def fields; end

  # Returns the value of attribute name.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#34
  def name; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/dot_visitor.rb#45
  def to_dot; end

# Represents an `else` clause in a `case`, `if`, or `unless` statement.
#     if a then b else c end
#                 ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6173
class Prism::ElseNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location else_keyword_loc, StatementsNode? statements, Location? end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ElseNode] a new instance of ElseNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6175
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      else_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, else_keyword_loc, statements, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6286
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6184
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6189
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6201
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6194
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?else_keyword_loc: Location, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> ElseNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6206
  sig do
      else_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(else_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6189
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { else_keyword_loc: Location, statements: StatementsNode?, end_keyword_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6214
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def else_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6242
  sig { returns(String) }
  def else_keyword; end

  # attr_reader else_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6219
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def else_keyword_loc; end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6247
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6229
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6252
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6226
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6270
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6280
    def type; end

# EmbDocComment objects correspond to comments that are surrounded by =begin
# and =end.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#403
class Prism::EmbDocComment < ::Prism::Comment
  # Returns a string representation of this comment.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#410
  sig { returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # This can only be true for inline comments.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#405
  sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
  def trailing?; end

# Represents an interpolated set of statements.
#     "foo #{bar}"
#          ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6298
class Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location opening_loc, StatementsNode? statements, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [EmbeddedStatementsNode] a new instance of EmbeddedStatementsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6300
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, opening_loc, statements, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6405
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6309
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6314
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6366
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6354
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6326
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6319
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?opening_loc: Location, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> EmbeddedStatementsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6331
  sig do
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6314
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { opening_loc: Location, statements: StatementsNode?, closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6339
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6371
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6361
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6344
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6351
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6389
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6399
    def type; end

# Represents an interpolated variable.
#     "foo #@bar"
#          ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6417
class Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location operator_loc, Prism::node variable, Location location) -> void
  # @return [EmbeddedVariableNode] a new instance of EmbeddedVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6419
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      variable: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, operator_loc, variable, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6509
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6427
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6432
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6442
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6437
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?operator_loc: Location, ?variable: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> EmbeddedVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6447
  sig do
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      variable: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), variable: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6432
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { operator_loc: Location, variable: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6455
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6475
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6470
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6460
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6493
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader variable: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6467
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def variable; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6503
    def type; end

# Flags for nodes that have unescaped content.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19157
module Prism::EncodingFlags; end

# internal bytes forced the encoding to binary
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19162
Prism::EncodingFlags::FORCED_BINARY_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to UTF-8
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19159
Prism::EncodingFlags::FORCED_UTF8_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents an `ensure` clause in a `begin` statement.
#     begin
#       foo
#     ensure
#     ^^^^^^
#       bar
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6524
class Prism::EnsureNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location ensure_keyword_loc, StatementsNode? statements, Location end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [EnsureNode] a new instance of EnsureNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6526
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      ensure_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, ensure_keyword_loc, statements, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6631
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6535
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6540
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6552
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6545
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?ensure_keyword_loc: Location, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> EnsureNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6557
  sig do
      ensure_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(ensure_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6540
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { ensure_keyword_loc: Location, statements: StatementsNode?, end_keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6565
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6592
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6580
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  # def ensure_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6587
  sig { returns(String) }
  def ensure_keyword; end

  # attr_reader ensure_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6570
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def ensure_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6597
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6577
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6615
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6625
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the literal `false` keyword.
#     false
#     ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6643
class Prism::FalseNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [FalseNode] a new instance of FalseNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6645
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6718
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6651
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6656
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6666
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6661
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> FalseNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6671
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::FalseNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6656
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6679
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6684
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6702
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6712
    def type; end

# Represents a find pattern in pattern matching.
#     foo in *bar, baz, *qux
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo in [*bar, baz, *qux]
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo in Foo(*bar, baz, *qux)
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6733
class Prism::FindPatternNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? constant, Prism::node left, Array[Prism::node] requireds, Prism::node right, Location? opening_loc, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [FindPatternNode] a new instance of FindPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6735
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      constant: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      left: Prism::Node,
      requireds: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      right: Prism::Node,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, constant, left, requireds, right, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6867
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6747
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6752
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6828
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6810
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6767
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6757
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader constant: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6785
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def constant; end

  # def copy: (?constant: Prism::node?, ?left: Prism::node, ?requireds: Array[Prism::node], ?right: Prism::node, ?opening_loc: Location?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> FindPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6772
  sig do
      constant: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      left: Prism::Node,
      requireds: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      right: Prism::Node,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(constant: T.unsafe(nil), left: T.unsafe(nil), requireds: T.unsafe(nil), right: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6752
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { constant: Prism::node?, left: Prism::node, requireds: Array[Prism::node], right: Prism::node, opening_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6780
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6833
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader left: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6788
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def left; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6823
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6797
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader requireds: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6791
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def requireds; end

  # attr_reader right: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6794
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def right; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6851
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6861
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `..` or `...` operators to create flip flops.
#     baz if foo .. bar
#            ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6883
class Prism::FlipFlopNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? left, Prism::node? right, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [FlipFlopNode] a new instance of FlipFlopNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6885
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      left: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      right: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, left, right, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6992
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6895
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6900
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6913
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6905
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?left: Prism::node?, ?right: Prism::node?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> FlipFlopNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6918
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      left: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      right: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), left: T.unsafe(nil), right: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6900
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, left: Prism::node?, right: Prism::node?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6926
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def exclude_end?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6948
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def exclude_end?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6958
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader left: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6935
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def left; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6953
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6941
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader right: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6938
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def right; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6976
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6931
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#6986
    def type; end

# Represents a floating point number literal.
#     1.0
#     ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7005
class Prism::FloatNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Float value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [FloatNode] a new instance of FloatNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7007
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, value: Float, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7084
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7014
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7019
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7029
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7024
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?value: Float, ?location: Location) -> FloatNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7034
  sig { params(value: Float, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::FloatNode) }
  def copy(value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7019
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { value: Float, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7042
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7050
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7068
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value of the floating point number as a Float.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7047
  sig { returns(Float) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7078
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `for` keyword.
#     for i in a end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7094
class Prism::ForNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node index, Prism::node collection, StatementsNode? statements, Location for_keyword_loc, Location in_keyword_loc, Location? do_keyword_loc, Location end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ForNode] a new instance of ForNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7096
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      index: Prism::Node,
      collection: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      for_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      in_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      do_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, index, collection, statements, for_keyword_loc, in_keyword_loc, do_keyword_loc, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7266
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7109
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7114
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # The collection to iterate over.
  #     for i in a end
  #              ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7155
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def collection; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7128
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7119
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?index: Prism::node, ?collection: Prism::node, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?for_keyword_loc: Location, ?in_keyword_loc: Location, ?do_keyword_loc: Location?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> ForNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7133
  sig do
      index: Prism::Node,
      collection: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      for_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      in_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      do_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(index: T.unsafe(nil), collection: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), for_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), in_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), do_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7114
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { index: Prism::node, collection: Prism::node, statements: StatementsNode?, for_keyword_loc: Location, in_keyword_loc: Location, do_keyword_loc: Location?, end_keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7141
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def do_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7222
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def do_keyword; end

  # The location of the `do` keyword, if present.
  #     for i in a do end
  #                ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7189
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def do_keyword_loc; end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7227
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # The location of the `end` keyword.
  #     for i in a end
  #                ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7205
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def for_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7212
  sig { returns(String) }
  def for_keyword; end

  # The location of the `for` keyword.
  #     for i in a end
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7169
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def for_keyword_loc; end

  # def in_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7217
  sig { returns(String) }
  def in_keyword; end

  # The location of the `in` keyword.
  #     for i in a end
  #           ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7179
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def in_keyword_loc; end

  # The index expression for `for` loops.
  #     for i in a end
  #         ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7149
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def index; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7232
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Represents the body of statements to execute for each iteration of the loop.
  #     for i in a
  #       foo(i)
  #       ^^^^^^
  #     end
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7163
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7250
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7260
    def type; end

# Represents forwarding all arguments to this method to another method.
#     def foo(...)
#       bar(...)
#           ^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7284
class Prism::ForwardingArgumentsNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [ForwardingArgumentsNode] a new instance of ForwardingArgumentsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7286
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7359
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7292
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7297
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7307
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7302
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> ForwardingArgumentsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7312
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ForwardingArgumentsNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7297
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7320
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7325
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7343
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7353
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the forwarding parameter in a method, block, or lambda declaration.
#     def foo(...)
#             ^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7369
class Prism::ForwardingParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [ForwardingParameterNode] a new instance of ForwardingParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7371
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7444
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7377
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7382
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7392
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7387
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> ForwardingParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7397
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ForwardingParameterNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7382
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7405
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7410
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7428
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7438
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `super` keyword without parentheses or arguments.
#     super
#     ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7453
class Prism::ForwardingSuperNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (BlockNode? block, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ForwardingSuperNode] a new instance of ForwardingSuperNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7455
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, block: T.nilable(Prism::BlockNode), location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, block, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7534
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7462
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader block: BlockNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7497
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::BlockNode)) }
  def block; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7467
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7479
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7472
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?block: BlockNode?, ?location: Location) -> ForwardingSuperNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7484
  sig { params(block: T.nilable(Prism::BlockNode), location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ForwardingSuperNode) }
  def copy(block: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7467
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { block: BlockNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7492
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7500
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7518
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7528
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator for assignment to a global variable.
#     $target &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7544
class Prism::GlobalVariableAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [GlobalVariableAndWriteNode] a new instance of GlobalVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7546
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7648
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7556
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7561
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7571
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7566
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> GlobalVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7576
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7561
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7584
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#163
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7614
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7589
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7592
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7609
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7599
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7632
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7606
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7642
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to a global variable using an operator that isn't `=`.
#     $target += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7661
class Prism::GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol binary_operator, Location location) -> void
  # @return [GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7663
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7764
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7674
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7727
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7717
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7679
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7689
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7684
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7694
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7679
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, binary_operator: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7702
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#175
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7730
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7707
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7710
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#387
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#394
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7748
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7724
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7758
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator for assignment to a global variable.
#     $target ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7778
class Prism::GlobalVariableOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [GlobalVariableOrWriteNode] a new instance of GlobalVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7780
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7882
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7790
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7795
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7805
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7800
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> GlobalVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7810
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7795
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7818
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#169
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7848
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7823
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7826
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7843
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7833
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7866
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7840
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7876
    def type; end

# Represents referencing a global variable.
#     $foo
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7895
class Prism::GlobalVariableReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [GlobalVariableReadNode] a new instance of GlobalVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7897
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7978
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7904
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7909
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7919
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7914
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> GlobalVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7924
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::GlobalVariableReadNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7909
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7932
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7944
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the global variable, which is a `$` followed by an [identifier]( Alternatively, it can be one of the special global variables designated by a symbol.
  #     $foo   # name `:$foo`
  #     $_Test # name `:$_Test`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7941
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7962
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7972
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a global variable in a context that doesn't have an explicit value.
#     $foo, $bar = baz
#     ^^^^  ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7988
class Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [GlobalVariableTargetNode] a new instance of GlobalVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7990
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8067
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#7997
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8002
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8012
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8007
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> GlobalVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8017
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8002
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8025
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8033
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8030
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8051
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8061
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a global variable.
#     $foo = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8077
class Prism::GlobalVariableWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Prism::node value, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [GlobalVariableWriteNode] a new instance of GlobalVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8079
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8197
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8089
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8094
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8104
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8099
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> GlobalVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8109
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8094
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8117
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8163
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the global variable, which is a `$` followed by an [identifier]( Alternatively, it can be one of the special global variables designated by a symbol.
  #     $foo = :bar  # name `:$foo`
  #     $_Test = 123 # name `:$_Test`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8126
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # The location of the global variable's name.
  #     $foo = :bar
  #     ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8132
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8158
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=` operator.
  #     $foo = :bar
  #          ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8151
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8181
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to write to the global variable. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     $foo = :bar
  #            ^^^^
  #     $-xyz = 123
  #             ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8145
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8191
    def type; end

# Represents a hash literal.
#     { a => b }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8210
class Prism::HashNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location opening_loc, Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode] elements, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [HashNode] a new instance of HashNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8212
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      elements: T::Array[T.any(Prism::AssocNode, Prism::AssocSplatNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, opening_loc, elements, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8327
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8221
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8226
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8288
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # The location of the closing brace.
  #     { a => b }
  #              ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8276
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8236
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8231
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?opening_loc: Location, ?elements: Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode], ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> HashNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8241
  sig do
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      elements: T::Array[T.any(Prism::AssocNode, Prism::AssocSplatNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), elements: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8226
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { opening_loc: Location, elements: Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode], closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8249
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The elements of the hash. These can be either `AssocNode`s or `AssocSplatNode`s.
  #     { a: b }
  #       ^^^^
  #     { **foo }
  #       ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8270
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::AssocNode, Prism::AssocSplatNode)]) }
  def elements; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8293
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8283
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # The location of the opening brace.
  #     { a => b }
  #     ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8257
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8311
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8321
    def type; end

# Represents a hash pattern in pattern matching.
#     foo => { a: 1, b: 2 }
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo => { a: 1, b: 2, **c }
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8343
class Prism::HashPatternNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? constant, Array[AssocNode] elements, AssocSplatNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil rest, Location? opening_loc, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [HashPatternNode] a new instance of HashPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8345
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      constant: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      elements: T::Array[Prism::AssocNode],
      rest: T.nilable(T.any(Prism::AssocSplatNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode)),
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, constant, elements, rest, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8472
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8356
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8361
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8433
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8415
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8375
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8366
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader constant: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8393
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def constant; end

  # def copy: (?constant: Prism::node?, ?elements: Array[AssocNode], ?rest: AssocSplatNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil, ?opening_loc: Location?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> HashPatternNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8380
  sig do
      constant: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      elements: T::Array[Prism::AssocNode],
      rest: T.nilable(T.any(Prism::AssocSplatNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode)),
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(constant: T.unsafe(nil), elements: T.unsafe(nil), rest: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8361
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { constant: Prism::node?, elements: Array[AssocNode], rest: AssocSplatNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil, opening_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8388
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader elements: Array[AssocNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8396
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::AssocNode]) }
  def elements; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8438
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8428
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8402
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader rest: AssocSplatNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8399
  sig { returns(T.nilable(T.any(Prism::AssocSplatNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode))) }
  def rest; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8456
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8466
    def type; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#49
module Prism::HeredocQuery
  # Returns true if this node was represented as a heredoc in the source code.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#51
  def heredoc?; end

# Represents the use of the `if` keyword, either in the block form or the modifier form, or a ternary expression.
#     bar if foo
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
#     if foo then bar end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     foo ? bar : baz
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8493
class Prism::IfNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location? if_keyword_loc, Prism::node predicate, Location? then_keyword_loc, StatementsNode? statements, Prism::node? consequent, Location? end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [IfNode] a new instance of IfNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8495
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      if_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      then_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, if_keyword_loc, predicate, then_keyword_loc, statements, consequent, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8687
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8507
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8512
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8526
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8517
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # Represents an `ElseNode` or an `IfNode` when there is an `else` or an `elsif` in the `if` statement.
  #     if foo
  #       bar
  #     elsif baz
  #     ^^^^^^^^^
  #       qux
  #       ^^^
  #     end
  #     ^^^
  #     if foo then bar else baz end
  #                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8617
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def consequent; end

  # def copy: (?if_keyword_loc: Location?, ?predicate: Prism::node, ?then_keyword_loc: Location?, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?consequent: Prism::node?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> IfNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8531
  sig do
      if_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      then_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(if_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), predicate: T.unsafe(nil), then_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), consequent: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8512
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { if_keyword_loc: Location?, predicate: Prism::node, then_keyword_loc: Location?, statements: StatementsNode?, consequent: Prism::node?, end_keyword_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8539
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8648
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # The location of the `end` keyword if present, `nil` otherwise.
  #     if foo
  #       bar
  #     end
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8625
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def if_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8638
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def if_keyword; end

  # The location of the `if` keyword if present.
  #     bar if foo
  #         ^^
  # The `if_keyword_loc` field will be `nil` when the `IfNode` represents a ternary expression.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8549
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def if_keyword_loc; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8653
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#91
  def newline!(lines); end

  # The node for the condition the `IfNode` is testing.
  #     if foo
  #        ^^^
  #       bar
  #     end
  #     bar if foo
  #            ^^^
  #     foo ? bar : baz
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8573
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def predicate; end

  # Represents the body of statements that will be executed when the predicate is evaluated as truthy. Will be `nil` when no body is provided.
  #     if foo
  #       bar
  #       ^^^
  #       baz
  #       ^^^
  #     end
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8602
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # def then_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8643
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def then_keyword; end

  # The location of the `then` keyword (if present) or the `?` in a ternary expression, `nil` otherwise.
  #     if foo then bar end
  #            ^^^^
  #     a ? b : c
  #       ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8582
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def then_keyword_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8671
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8681
    def type; end

# Represents an imaginary number literal.
#     1.0i
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8702
class Prism::ImaginaryNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (FloatNode | IntegerNode | RationalNode numeric, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ImaginaryNode] a new instance of ImaginaryNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8704
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      numeric: T.any(Prism::FloatNode, Prism::IntegerNode, Prism::RationalNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, numeric, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8781
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8711
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8716
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8726
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8721
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?numeric: FloatNode | IntegerNode | RationalNode, ?location: Location) -> ImaginaryNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8731
  sig do
      numeric: T.any(Prism::FloatNode, Prism::IntegerNode, Prism::RationalNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(numeric: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8716
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { numeric: FloatNode | IntegerNode | RationalNode, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8739
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8747
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader numeric: FloatNode | IntegerNode | RationalNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8744
  sig { returns(T.any(Prism::FloatNode, Prism::IntegerNode, Prism::RationalNode)) }
  def numeric; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8765
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Complex.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#101
  sig { returns(Complex) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8775
    def type; end

# Represents a node that is implicitly being added to the tree but doesn't correspond directly to a node in the source.
#     { foo: }
#       ^^^^
#     { Foo: }
#       ^^^^
#     foo in { bar: }
#              ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8797
class Prism::ImplicitNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ImplicitNode] a new instance of ImplicitNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8799
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, value: Prism::Node, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8876
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8806
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8811
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8821
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8816
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> ImplicitNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8826
  sig { params(value: Prism::Node, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ImplicitNode) }
  def copy(value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8811
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8834
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8842
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8860
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8839
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8870
    def type; end

# Represents using a trailing comma to indicate an implicit rest parameter.
#     foo { |bar,| }
#               ^
#     foo in [bar,]
#                ^
#     for foo, in bar do end
#            ^
#     foo, = bar
#        ^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8895
class Prism::ImplicitRestNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [ImplicitRestNode] a new instance of ImplicitRestNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8897
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8970
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8903
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8908
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8918
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8913
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> ImplicitRestNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8923
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ImplicitRestNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8908
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8931
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8936
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8954
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8964
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `in` keyword in a case statement.
#     case a; in b then c end
#             ^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8979
class Prism::InNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node pattern, StatementsNode? statements, Location in_loc, Location? then_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InNode] a new instance of InNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8981
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      pattern: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      in_loc: Prism::Location,
      then_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, pattern, statements, in_loc, then_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9097
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8991
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8996
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9009
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9001
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?pattern: Prism::node, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?in_loc: Location, ?then_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> InNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9014
  sig do
      pattern: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      in_loc: Prism::Location,
      then_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(pattern: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), in_loc: T.unsafe(nil), then_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#8996
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { pattern: Prism::node, statements: StatementsNode?, in_loc: Location, then_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9022
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def in: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9053
  sig { returns(String) }
  def in; end

  # attr_reader in_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9033
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def in_loc; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9063
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader pattern: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9027
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def pattern; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9030
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # def then: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9058
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def then; end

  # attr_reader then_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9040
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def then_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9081
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9091
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator on a call to the `[]` method.
#[baz] &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9110
class Prism::IndexAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Location opening_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location closing_loc, Prism::node? block, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [IndexAndWriteNode] a new instance of IndexAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9112
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9289
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9127
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9192
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9225
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # attr_reader block: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9202
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def block; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9235
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9172
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9132
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9245
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9195
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9147
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9137
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?opening_loc: Location, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?closing_loc: Location, ?block: Prism::node?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> IndexAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9152
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9132
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, opening_loc: Location, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, closing_loc: Location, block: Prism::node?, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9160
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9230
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9255
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9240
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9185
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9250
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9205
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9169
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9215
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9273
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9212
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9220
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9165
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9283
    def type; end

# Represents the use of an assignment operator on a call to `[]`.
#[baz] += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9307
class Prism::IndexOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Location opening_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location closing_loc, Prism::node? block, Symbol binary_operator, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [IndexOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of IndexOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9309
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, binary_operator, binary_operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9485
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9325
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9390
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9426
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9403
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9406
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader block: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9400
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def block; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9436
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9370
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9330
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9446
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9393
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9345
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9335
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?opening_loc: Location, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?closing_loc: Location, ?block: Prism::node?, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> IndexOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9350
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9330
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, opening_loc: Location, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, closing_loc: Location, block: Prism::node?, binary_operator: Symbol, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9358
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9431
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9451
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9441
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9383
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#403
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#410
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9367
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9416
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9469
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9413
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9421
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9363
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9479
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator on a call to `[]`.
#[baz] ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9504
class Prism::IndexOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? receiver, Location? call_operator_loc, Location opening_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location closing_loc, Prism::node? block, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [IndexOrWriteNode] a new instance of IndexOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9506
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, call_operator_loc, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9683
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9521
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9586
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9619
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # attr_reader block: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9596
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def block; end

  # def call_operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9629
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def call_operator; end

  # attr_reader call_operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9566
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def call_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9526
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9639
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9589
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9541
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9531
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node?, ?call_operator_loc: Location?, ?opening_loc: Location, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?closing_loc: Location, ?block: Prism::node?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> IndexOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9546
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      call_operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), call_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9526
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node?, call_operator_loc: Location?, opening_loc: Location, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, closing_loc: Location, block: Prism::node?, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9554
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9624
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9649
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9634
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9579
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9644
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9599
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9563
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9609
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9667
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9606
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9614
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9559
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9677
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to an index.
#     foo[bar], = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^
#     begin
#     rescue => foo[bar]
#               ^^^^^^^^
#     end
#     for foo[bar] in baz do end
#         ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9709
class Prism::IndexTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node receiver, Location opening_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location closing_loc, Prism::node? block, Location location) -> void
  # @return [IndexTargetNode] a new instance of IndexTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9711
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: Prism::Node,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, receiver, opening_loc, arguments, closing_loc, block, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9851
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9723
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9774
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def attribute_write?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9797
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def attribute_write?; end

  # attr_reader block: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9784
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def block; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9728
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9812
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9777
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9742
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9733
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?receiver: Prism::node, ?opening_loc: Location, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?closing_loc: Location, ?block: Prism::node?, ?location: Location) -> IndexTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9747
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      receiver: Prism::Node,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), receiver: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9728
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, receiver: Prism::node, opening_loc: Location, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, closing_loc: Location, block: Prism::node?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9755
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def ignore_visibility?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9802
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_visibility?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9817
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9807
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9767
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader receiver: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9764
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def receiver; end

  # def safe_navigation?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9787
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def safe_navigation?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9835
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # def variable_call?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9792
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def variable_call?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9760
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9845
    def type; end

# InlineComment objects are the most common. They correspond to comments in
# the source file like this one that start with #.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#388
class Prism::InlineComment < ::Prism::Comment
  # Returns a string representation of this comment.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#396
  sig { returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Returns true if this comment happens on the same line as other code and
  # false if the comment is by itself.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#391
  sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
  def trailing?; end

# This visitor is responsible for composing the strings that get returned by
# the various #inspect methods defined on each of the nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#12
class Prism::InspectVisitor < ::Prism::Visitor
  # Initializes a new instance of the InspectVisitor.
  # @return [InspectVisitor] a new instance of InspectVisitor
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#35
  sig { params(indent: String).void }
  def initialize(indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The list of commands that we need to execute in order to compose the
  # final string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#32
  def commands; end

  # Compose the final string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#48
  sig { returns(String) }
  def compose; end

  # The current prefix string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#28
  def indent; end

  # Inspect a AliasGlobalVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#77
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Inspect a AliasMethodNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#87
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Inspect a AlternationPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#97
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Inspect a AndNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#107
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ArgumentsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#117
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ArrayNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#133
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ArrayPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#151
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Inspect a AssocNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#188
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Inspect a AssocSplatNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#198
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BackReferenceReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#210
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BeginNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#216
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BlockArgumentNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#247
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BlockLocalVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#259
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BlockNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#267
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BlockParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#287
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BlockParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#301
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Inspect a BreakNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#323
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CallAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#335
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CallNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#355
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CallOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#385
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CallOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#406
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CallTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#426
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CapturePatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#438
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CaseMatchNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#448
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Inspect a CaseNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#476
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#504
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#528
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#538
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#549
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#559
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#565
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ClassVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#571
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#581
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#591
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#602
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantPathAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#612
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantPathNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#622
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#640
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantPathOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#651
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantPathTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#661
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantPathWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#679
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#689
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#695
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ConstantWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#701
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a DefNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#711
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Inspect a DefinedNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#743
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ElseNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#753
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Inspect a EmbeddedStatementsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#766
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Inspect a EmbeddedVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#779
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Inspect a EnsureNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#787
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Inspect a FalseNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#800
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Inspect a FindPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#805
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Inspect a FlipFlopNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#831
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Inspect a FloatNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#851
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ForNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#857
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ForwardingArgumentsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#876
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ForwardingParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#881
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ForwardingSuperNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#886
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Inspect a GlobalVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#897
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#907
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a GlobalVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#918
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a GlobalVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#928
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a GlobalVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#934
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a GlobalVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#940
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a HashNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#950
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Inspect a HashPatternNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#966
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Inspect a IfNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#994
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ImaginaryNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1016
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ImplicitNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1023
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ImplicitRestNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1030
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1035
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Inspect a IndexAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1050
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a IndexOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1081
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a IndexOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1113
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a IndexTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1144
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InstanceVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1167
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1177
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InstanceVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1188
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InstanceVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1198
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InstanceVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1204
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InstanceVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1210
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a IntegerNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1220
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1228
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1246
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InterpolatedStringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1264
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InterpolatedSymbolNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1282
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Inspect a InterpolatedXStringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1298
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ItLocalVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1314
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ItParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1319
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Inspect a KeywordHashNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1324
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Inspect a KeywordRestParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1340
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LambdaNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1354
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LocalVariableAndWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1375
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1386
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LocalVariableOrWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1398
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LocalVariableReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1409
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LocalVariableTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1416
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a LocalVariableWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1423
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MatchLastLineNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1434
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MatchPredicateNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1445
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MatchRequiredNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1455
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MatchWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1465
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MissingNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1481
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ModuleNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1486
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MultiTargetNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1503
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Inspect a MultiWriteNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1534
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Inspect a NextNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1568
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Inspect a NilNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1580
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Inspect a NoKeywordsParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1585
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a NumberedParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1592
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Inspect a NumberedReferenceReadNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1598
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Inspect a OptionalKeywordParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1604
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a OptionalParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1615
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a OrNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1627
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ParametersNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1637
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ParenthesesNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1696
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Inspect a PinnedExpressionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1709
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Inspect a PinnedVariableNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1719
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Inspect a PostExecutionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1727
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Inspect a PreExecutionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1741
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ProgramNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1755
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RangeNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1763
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RationalNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1783
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RedoNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1792
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RegularExpressionNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1797
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RequiredKeywordParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1808
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RequiredParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1817
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RescueModifierNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1825
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RescueNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1835
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RestParameterNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1869
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Inspect a RetryNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1883
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ReturnNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1888
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SelfNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1902
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Inspect a ShareableConstantNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1907
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SingletonClassNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1916
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SourceEncodingNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1933
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SourceFileNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1938
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SourceLineNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1946
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SplatNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1951
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Inspect a StatementsNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1963
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Inspect a StringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1977
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SuperNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#1988
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Inspect a SymbolNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2008
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Inspect a TrueNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2019
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Inspect a UndefNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2024
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Inspect a UnlessNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2039
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Inspect a UntilNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2061
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Inspect a WhenNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2078
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Inspect a WhileNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2100
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Inspect a XStringNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2117
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Inspect a YieldNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2128
  def visit_yield_node(node); end


  # Compose a string representing the given inner location field.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2150
  def inspect_location(location); end

  # Compose a header for the given node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#2144
  def inspect_node(name, node); end

  class << self
    # Compose an inspect string for the given node.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#41
    sig { params(node: Prism::Node).returns(String) }
    def compose(node); end

# Most of the time, we can simply pass down the indent to the next node.
# However, when we are inside a list we want some extra special formatting
# when we hit an element in that list. In this case, we have a special
# command that replaces the subsequent indent with the given value.
# source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#17
class Prism::InspectVisitor::Replace
  # @return [Replace] a new instance of Replace
  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#20
  def initialize(value); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/inspect_visitor.rb#18
  def value; end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator for assignment to an instance variable.
#     @target &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9866
class Prism::InstanceVariableAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InstanceVariableAndWriteNode] a new instance of InstanceVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9868
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9970
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9878
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9883
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9893
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9888
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> InstanceVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9898
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9883
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9906
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#181
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9936
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9911
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9914
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9931
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9921
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9954
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9928
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9964
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to an instance variable using an operator that isn't `=`.
#     @target += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9983
class Prism::InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol binary_operator, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9985
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, binary_operator, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10086
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#9996
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10049
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10039
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10001
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10011
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10006
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10016
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10001
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, binary_operator: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10024
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#193
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10052
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10029
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10032
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#419
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#426
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10070
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10046
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10080
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator for assignment to an instance variable.
#     @target ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10100
class Prism::InstanceVariableOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InstanceVariableOrWriteNode] a new instance of InstanceVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10102
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10204
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10112
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10117
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10127
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10122
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> InstanceVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10132
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10117
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10140
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#187
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10170
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10145
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10148
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10165
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10155
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10188
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10162
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10198
    def type; end

# Represents referencing an instance variable.
#     @foo
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10217
class Prism::InstanceVariableReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InstanceVariableReadNode] a new instance of InstanceVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10219
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10300
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10226
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10231
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10241
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10236
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> InstanceVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10246
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::InstanceVariableReadNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10231
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10254
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10266
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the instance variable, which is a `@` followed by an [identifier](
  #     @x     # name `:@x`
  #     @_test # name `:@_test`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10263
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10284
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10294
    def type; end

# Represents writing to an instance variable in a context that doesn't have an explicit value.
#     @foo, @bar = baz
#     ^^^^  ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10310
class Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InstanceVariableTargetNode] a new instance of InstanceVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10312
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10389
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10319
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10324
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10334
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10329
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> InstanceVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10339
  sig { params(name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10324
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10347
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10355
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10352
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10373
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10383
    def type; end

# Represents writing to an instance variable.
#     @foo = 1
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10399
class Prism::InstanceVariableWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Location name_loc, Prism::node value, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InstanceVariableWriteNode] a new instance of InstanceVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10401
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, name_loc, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10519
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10411
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10416
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10426
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10421
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> InstanceVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10431
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10416
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10439
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10485
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the instance variable, which is a `@` followed by an [identifier](
  #     @x = :y       # name `:@x`
  #     @_foo = "bar" # name `@_foo`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10448
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # The location of the variable name.
  #     @_x = 1
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10454
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10480
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=` operator.
  #     @x = y
  #        ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10473
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10503
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to write to the instance variable. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     @foo = :bar
  #            ^^^^
  #     @_x = 1234
  #           ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10467
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10513
    def type; end

# Flags for integer nodes that correspond to the base of the integer.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19166
module Prism::IntegerBaseFlags; end

# 0b prefix
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19168
Prism::IntegerBaseFlags::BINARY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# 0d or no prefix
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19171
Prism::IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# 0x prefix
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19177
Prism::IntegerBaseFlags::HEXADECIMAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# 0o or 0 prefix
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19174
Prism::IntegerBaseFlags::OCTAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents an integer number literal.
#     1
#     ^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10532
class Prism::IntegerNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Integer value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [IntegerNode] a new instance of IntegerNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10534
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, flags: Integer, value: Integer, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, flags, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10636
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10542
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def binary?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10582
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def binary?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10547
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10557
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10552
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?value: Integer, ?location: Location) -> IntegerNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10562
  sig { params(flags: Integer, value: Integer, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::IntegerNode) }
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def decimal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10587
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def decimal?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10547
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, value: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10570
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def hexadecimal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10597
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def hexadecimal?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10602
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def octal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10592
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def octal?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10620
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value of the integer literal as a number.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10579
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def value; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10575
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10630
    def type; end

# Represents a regular expression literal that contains interpolation that is being used in the predicate of a conditional to implicitly match against the last line read by an IO object.
#     if /foo #{bar} baz/ then end
#        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10647
class Prism::InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::RegularExpressionOptions

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location opening_loc, Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode] parts, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode] a new instance of InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10649
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10812
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10659
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def ascii_8bit?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10738
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ascii_8bit?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10664
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10773
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10706
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10674
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10669
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location, ?parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10679
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), parts: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10664
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location, parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10687
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def euc_jp?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10733
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def euc_jp?; end

  # def extended?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10718
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def extended?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10758
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_us_ascii_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10763
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_us_ascii_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10753
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def ignore_case?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10713
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_case?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10778
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def multi_line?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10723
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def multi_line?; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#121
  def newline!(lines); end

  # def once?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10728
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def once?; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10768
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10696
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def options; end

  # attr_reader parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10703
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)]) }
  def parts; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10796
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # def utf_8?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10748
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def utf_8?; end

  # def windows_31j?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10743
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def windows_31j?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10692
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10806
    def type; end

# Represents a regular expression literal that contains interpolation.
#     /foo #{bar} baz/
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10826
class Prism::InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::RegularExpressionOptions

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location opening_loc, Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode] parts, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode] a new instance of InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10828
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10991
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10838
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def ascii_8bit?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10917
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ascii_8bit?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10843
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10952
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10885
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10853
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10848
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location, ?parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10858
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), parts: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10843
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location, parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10866
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def euc_jp?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10912
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def euc_jp?; end

  # def extended?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10897
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def extended?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10937
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_us_ascii_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10942
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_us_ascii_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10932
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def ignore_case?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10892
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_case?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10957
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def multi_line?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10902
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def multi_line?; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#128
  def newline!(lines); end

  # def once?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10907
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def once?; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10947
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10875
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def options; end

  # attr_reader parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10882
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)]) }
  def parts; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10975
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # def utf_8?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10927
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def utf_8?; end

  # def windows_31j?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10922
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def windows_31j?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10871
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#10985
    def type; end

# Represents a string literal that contains interpolation.
#     "foo #{bar} baz"
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11005
class Prism::InterpolatedStringNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::HeredocQuery

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location? opening_loc, Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode | InterpolatedStringNode] parts, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InterpolatedStringNode] a new instance of InterpolatedStringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11007
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode, Prism::InterpolatedStringNode)],
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11137
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11017
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11022
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11098
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11070
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11032
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11027
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location?, ?parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode | InterpolatedStringNode], ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> InterpolatedStringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11037
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode, Prism::InterpolatedStringNode)],
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), parts: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11022
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location?, parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode | InterpolatedStringNode], closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11045
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def frozen?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11083
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def frozen?; end

  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def heredoc?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11103
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def mutable?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11088
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def mutable?; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#135
  def newline!(lines); end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11093
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11054
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode | InterpolatedStringNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11067
  sig do
    returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode, Prism::InterpolatedStringNode)])
  def parts; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11121
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11050
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11131
    def type; end

# Flags for interpolated string nodes that indicated mutability if they are also marked as literals.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19181
module Prism::InterpolatedStringNodeFlags; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19183
Prism::InterpolatedStringNodeFlags::FROZEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19186
Prism::InterpolatedStringNodeFlags::MUTABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a symbol literal that contains interpolation.
#     :"foo #{bar} baz"
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11151
class Prism::InterpolatedSymbolNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location? opening_loc, Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode] parts, Location? closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InterpolatedSymbolNode] a new instance of InterpolatedSymbolNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11153
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11268
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11162
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11167
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11229
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11211
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11177
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11172
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?opening_loc: Location?, ?parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], ?closing_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> InterpolatedSymbolNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11182
  sig do
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), parts: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11167
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { opening_loc: Location?, parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], closing_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11190
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11234
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#142
  def newline!(lines); end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11224
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11195
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11208
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)]) }
  def parts; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11252
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11262
    def type; end

# Represents an xstring literal that contains interpolation.
#     `foo #{bar} baz`
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11281
class Prism::InterpolatedXStringNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::HeredocQuery

  # def initialize: (Location opening_loc, Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode] parts, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [InterpolatedXStringNode] a new instance of InterpolatedXStringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11283
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11386
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11292
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11297
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11347
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11335
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11307
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11302
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?opening_loc: Location, ?parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> InterpolatedXStringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11312
  sig do
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      parts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)],
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), parts: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11297
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { opening_loc: Location, parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode], closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11320
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def heredoc?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11352
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#149
  def newline!(lines); end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11342
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11325
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader parts: Array[StringNode | EmbeddedStatementsNode | EmbeddedVariableNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11332
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::StringNode, Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode, Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode)]) }
  def parts; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11370
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11380
    def type; end

# Represents reading from the implicit `it` local variable.
#     -> { it }
#          ^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11399
class Prism::ItLocalVariableReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [ItLocalVariableReadNode] a new instance of ItLocalVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11401
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11474
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11407
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11412
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11422
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11417
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> ItLocalVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11427
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ItLocalVariableReadNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11412
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11435
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11440
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11458
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11468
    def type; end

# Represents an implicit set of parameters through the use of the `it` keyword within a block or lambda.
#     -> { it + it }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11483
class Prism::ItParametersNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [ItParametersNode] a new instance of ItParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11485
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11558
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11491
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11496
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11506
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11501
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> ItParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11511
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::ItParametersNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11496
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11519
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11524
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11542
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11552
    def type; end

# Represents a hash literal without opening and closing braces.
#     foo(a: b)
#         ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11567
class Prism::KeywordHashNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode] elements, Location location) -> void
  # @return [KeywordHashNode] a new instance of KeywordHashNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11569
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      elements: T::Array[T.any(Prism::AssocNode, Prism::AssocSplatNode)],
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, elements, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11656
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11577
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11582
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11592
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11587
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?elements: Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode], ?location: Location) -> KeywordHashNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11597
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      elements: T::Array[T.any(Prism::AssocNode, Prism::AssocSplatNode)],
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), elements: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11582
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, elements: Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode], location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11605
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader elements: Array[AssocNode | AssocSplatNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11614
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::AssocNode, Prism::AssocSplatNode)]) }
  def elements; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11622
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def symbol_keys?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11617
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def symbol_keys?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11640
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11610
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11650
    def type; end

# Flags for keyword hash nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19190
module Prism::KeywordHashNodeFlags; end

# a keyword hash which only has `AssocNode` elements all with symbol keys, which means the elements can be treated as keyword arguments
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19192
Prism::KeywordHashNodeFlags::SYMBOL_KEYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a keyword rest parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(**b)
#           ^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11669
class Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol? name, Location? name_loc, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [KeywordRestParameterNode] a new instance of KeywordRestParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11671
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      name_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11785
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11681
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11686
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11696
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11691
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol?, ?name_loc: Location?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> KeywordRestParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11701
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      name_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11686
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol?, name_loc: Location?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11709
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11751
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11718
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Symbol)) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11721
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11746
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11734
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11741
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11769
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11714
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11779
    def type; end

# Represents using a lambda literal (not the lambda method call).
#     ->(value) { value * 2 }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11798
class Prism::LambdaNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Symbol] locals, Location operator_loc, Location opening_loc, Location closing_loc, Prism::node? parameters, Prism::node? body, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LambdaNode] a new instance of LambdaNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11800
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, locals, operator_loc, opening_loc, closing_loc, parameters, body, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11927
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11812
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11875
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11817
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11888
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11865
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11830
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11822
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?locals: Array[Symbol], ?operator_loc: Location, ?opening_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?parameters: Prism::node?, ?body: Prism::node?, ?location: Location) -> LambdaNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11835
  sig do
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      parameters: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(locals: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), parameters: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11817
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { locals: Array[Symbol], operator_loc: Location, opening_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, parameters: Prism::node?, body: Prism::node?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11843
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11893
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11848
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11883
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11858
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11878
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11851
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader parameters: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11872
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def parameters; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11911
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11921
    def type; end

# This class is responsible for lexing the source using prism and then
# converting those tokens to be compatible with Ripper. In the vast majority
# of cases, this is a one-to-one mapping of the token type. Everything else
# generally lines up. However, there are a few cases that require special
# handling.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#12
class Prism::LexCompat
  # @return [LexCompat] a new instance of LexCompat
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#619
  def initialize(source, **options); end

  # Returns the value of attribute options.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#617
  def options; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#624
  def result; end

  # Returns the value of attribute source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#617
  def source; end

# Ripper doesn't include the rest of the token in the event, so we need to
# trim it down to just the content on the first line when comparing.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#230
class Prism::LexCompat::EndContentToken < ::Prism::LexCompat::Token
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#231
  def ==(other); end

# A heredoc in this case is a list of tokens that belong to the body of the
# heredoc that should be appended onto the list of tokens when the heredoc
# closes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#291
module Prism::LexCompat::Heredoc
  class << self
    # Here we will split between the two types of heredocs and return the
    # object that will store their tokens.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#603
    def build(opening); end

# Dash heredocs are a little more complicated. They are a list of tokens
# that need to be split on "\\\n" to mimic Ripper's behavior. We also need
# to keep track of the state that the heredoc was opened in.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#315
class Prism::LexCompat::Heredoc::DashHeredoc
  # @return [DashHeredoc] a new instance of DashHeredoc
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#318
  def initialize(split); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#323
  def <<(token); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#316
  def split; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#327
  def to_a; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#316
  def tokens; end

# Heredocs that are dedenting heredocs are a little more complicated.
# Ripper outputs on_ignored_sp tokens for the whitespace that is being
# removed from the output. prism only modifies the node itself and keeps
# the token the same. This simplifies prism, but makes comparing against
# Ripper much harder because there is a length mismatch.
# Fortunately, we already have to pull out the heredoc tokens in order to
# insert them into the stream in the correct order. As such, we can do
# some extra manipulation on the tokens to make them match Ripper's
# output by mirroring the dedent logic that Ripper uses.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#374
class Prism::LexCompat::Heredoc::DedentingHeredoc
  # @return [DedentingHeredoc] a new instance of DedentingHeredoc
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#379
  def initialize; end

  # As tokens are coming in, we track the minimum amount of common leading
  # whitespace on plain string content tokens. This allows us to later
  # remove that amount of whitespace from the beginning of each line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#390
  def <<(token); end

  # Returns the value of attribute dedent.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#377
  def dedent; end

  # Returns the value of attribute dedent_next.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#377
  def dedent_next; end

  # Returns the value of attribute embexpr_balance.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#377
  def embexpr_balance; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#427
  def to_a; end

  # Returns the value of attribute tokens.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#377
  def tokens; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#375
Prism::LexCompat::Heredoc::DedentingHeredoc::TAB_WIDTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Heredocs that are no dash or tilde heredocs are just a list of tokens.
# We need to keep them around so that we can insert them in the correct
# order back into the token stream and set the state of the last token to
# the state that the heredoc was opened in.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#296
class Prism::LexCompat::Heredoc::PlainHeredoc
  # @return [PlainHeredoc] a new instance of PlainHeredoc
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#299
  def initialize; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#303
  def <<(token); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#307
  def to_a; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#297
  def tokens; end

# Ident tokens for the most part are exactly the same, except sometimes we
# know an ident is a local when ripper doesn't (when they are introduced
# through named captures in regular expressions). In that case we don't
# compare the state.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#248
class Prism::LexCompat::IdentToken < ::Prism::LexCompat::Token
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#249
  def ==(other); end

# Tokens where state should be ignored
# used for :on_comment, :on_heredoc_end, :on_embexpr_end
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#238
class Prism::LexCompat::IgnoreStateToken < ::Prism::LexCompat::Token
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#239
  def ==(other); end

# Ignored newlines can occasionally have a LABEL state attached to them, so
# we compare the state differently here.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#259
class Prism::LexCompat::IgnoredNewlineToken < ::Prism::LexCompat::Token
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#260
  def ==(other); end

# If we have an identifier that follows a method name like:
#     def foo bar
# then Ripper will mark bar as END|LABEL if there is a local in a parent
# scope named bar because it hasn't pushed the local table yet. We do this
# more accurately, so we need to allow comparing against both END and
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#279
class Prism::LexCompat::ParamToken < ::Prism::LexCompat::Token
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#280
  def ==(other); end

# This is a mapping of prism token types to Ripper token types. This is a
# many-to-one mapping because we split up our token types, whereas Ripper
# tends to group them.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#33
Prism::LexCompat::RIPPER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# A result class specialized for holding tokens produced by the lexer.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#14
class Prism::LexCompat::Result < ::Prism::Result
  # Create a new lex compat result object with the given values.
  # @return [Result] a new instance of Result
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#19
  def initialize(value, comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Result.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#25
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The list of tokens that were produced by the lexer.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#16
  def value; end

# When we produce tokens, we produce the same arrays that Ripper does.
# However, we add a couple of convenience methods onto them to make them a
# little easier to work with. We delegate all other methods to the array.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#204
class Prism::LexCompat::Token < ::SimpleDelegator
  # The type of the token.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#213
  def event; end

  # The location of the token in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#208
  def location; end

  # The state of the lexer when this token was produced.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#223
  def state; end

  # The slice of the source that this token represents.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#218
  def value; end

# This is a result specific to the `lex` and `lex_file` methods.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#610
class Prism::LexResult < ::Prism::Result
  # Create a new lex result object with the given values.
  # @return [LexResult] a new instance of LexResult
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#615
  sig do
      value: T::Array[T.untyped],
      comments: T::Array[Prism::Comment],
      magic_comments: T::Array[Prism::MagicComment],
      data_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      errors: T::Array[Prism::ParseError],
      warnings: T::Array[Prism::ParseWarning],
      source: Prism::Source
  def initialize(value, comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for LexResult.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#621
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The list of tokens that were parsed from the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#612
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.untyped]) }
  def value; end

# This is a class that wraps the Ripper lexer to produce almost exactly the
# same tokens.
# source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#872
class Prism::LexRipper
  # @return [LexRipper] a new instance of LexRipper
  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#875
  def initialize(source); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#879
  def result; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#873
  def source; end


  # source://prism//lib/prism/lex_compat.rb#913
  def lex(source); end

# Represents the use of the `&&=` operator for assignment to a local variable.
#     target &&= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11943
class Prism::LocalVariableAndWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol name, Integer depth, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LocalVariableAndWriteNode] a new instance of LocalVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11945
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      name: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name_loc, operator_loc, value, name, depth, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12051
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11956
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11961
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11971
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11966
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?name: Symbol, ?depth: Integer, ?location: Location) -> LocalVariableAndWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11976
  sig do
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      name: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), depth: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11961
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11984
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader depth: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12009
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def depth; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#199
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12017
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12006
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11989
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12012
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#11996
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12035
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12003
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12045
    def type; end

# Represents assigning to a local variable using an operator that isn't `=`.
#     target += value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12065
class Prism::LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location name_loc, Location binary_operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol name, Symbol binary_operator, Integer depth, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode] a new instance of LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12067
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      name: Symbol,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name_loc, binary_operator_loc, value, name, binary_operator, depth, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12172
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12079
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader binary_operator: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12132
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def binary_operator; end

  # attr_reader binary_operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12119
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def binary_operator_loc; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12084
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12094
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12089
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name_loc: Location, ?binary_operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?name: Symbol, ?binary_operator: Symbol, ?depth: Integer, ?location: Location) -> LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12099
  sig do
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      binary_operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      name: Symbol,
      binary_operator: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), binary_operator: T.unsafe(nil), depth: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12084
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name_loc: Location, binary_operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, name: Symbol, binary_operator: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12107
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader depth: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12135
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def depth; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#211
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12138
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12129
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12112
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
  # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#435
  def operator; end

  # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
  # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#442
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12156
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12126
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12166
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||=` operator for assignment to a local variable.
#     target ||= value
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12187
class Prism::LocalVariableOrWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Symbol name, Integer depth, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LocalVariableOrWriteNode] a new instance of LocalVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12189
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      name: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name_loc, operator_loc, value, name, depth, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12295
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12200
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12205
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12215
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12210
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?name: Symbol, ?depth: Integer, ?location: Location) -> LocalVariableOrWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12220
  sig do
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      name: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), depth: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12205
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12228
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader depth: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12253
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def depth; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/desugar_compiler.rb#205
  def desugar; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12261
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12250
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12233
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12256
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12240
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12279
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12247
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12289
    def type; end

# Represents reading a local variable. Note that this requires that a local variable of the same name has already been written to in the same scope, otherwise it is parsed as a method call.
#     foo
#     ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12309
class Prism::LocalVariableReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Integer depth, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LocalVariableReadNode] a new instance of LocalVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12311
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, depth, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12406
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12319
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12324
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12334
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12329
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?depth: Integer, ?location: Location) -> LocalVariableReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12339
  sig { params(name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::LocalVariableReadNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), depth: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12324
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12347
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The number of visible scopes that should be searched to find the origin of this local variable.
  #     foo = 1; foo # depth 0
  #     bar = 2; tap { bar } # depth 1
  # The specific rules for calculating the depth may differ from individual Ruby implementations, as they are not specified by the language. For more information, see [the Prism documentation](
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12369
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def depth; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12372
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the local variable, which is an [identifier](
  #     x      # name `:x`
  #     _Test  # name `:_Test`
  # Note that this can also be an underscore followed by a number for the default block parameters.
  #     _1     # name `:_1`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12360
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12390
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12400
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a local variable in a context that doesn't have an explicit value.
#     foo, bar = baz
#     ^^^  ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12417
class Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Integer depth, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LocalVariableTargetNode] a new instance of LocalVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12419
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, name, depth, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12500
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12427
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12432
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12442
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12437
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?depth: Integer, ?location: Location) -> LocalVariableTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12447
  sig { params(name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode) }
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), depth: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12432
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, depth: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12455
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader depth: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12463
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def depth; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12466
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12460
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12484
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12494
    def type; end

# Represents writing to a local variable.
#     foo = 1
#     ^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12511
class Prism::LocalVariableWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Symbol name, Integer depth, Location name_loc, Prism::node value, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [LocalVariableWriteNode] a new instance of LocalVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12513
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      name: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, name, depth, name_loc, value, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12645
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12524
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12529
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12539
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12534
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?name: Symbol, ?depth: Integer, ?name_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> LocalVariableWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12544
  sig do
      name: Symbol,
      depth: Integer,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(name: T.unsafe(nil), depth: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12529
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { name: Symbol, depth: Integer, name_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12552
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The number of semantic scopes we have to traverse to find the declaration of this variable.
  #     foo = 1         # depth 0
  #     tap { foo = 1 } # depth 1
  # The specific rules for calculating the depth may differ from individual Ruby implementations, as they are not specified by the language. For more information, see [the Prism documentation](
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12570
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def depth; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12611
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The name of the local variable, which is an [identifier](
  #     foo = :bar # name `:foo`
  #     abc = 123  # name `:abc`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12561
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # The location of the variable name.
  #     foo = :bar
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12576
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12606
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `=` operator.
  #     x = :y
  #       ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12599
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12629
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The value to write to the local variable. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     foo = :bar
  #           ^^^^
  #     abc = 1234
  #           ^^^^
  # Note that since the name of a local variable is known before the value is parsed, it is valid for a local variable to appear within the value of its own write.
  #     foo = foo
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12593
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12639
    def type; end

# This represents a location in the source.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#156
class Prism::Location
  # Create a new location object with the given source, start byte offset, and
  # byte length.
  # @return [Location] a new instance of Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#171
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, start_offset: Integer, length: Integer).void }
  def initialize(source, start_offset, length); end

  # Returns true if the given other location is equal to this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#335
  sig { params(other: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ==(other); end

  # Join this location with the first occurrence of the string in the source
  # that occurs after this location on the same line, and return the new
  # location. This will raise an error if the string does not exist.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#354
  sig { params(string: String).returns(Prism::Location) }
  def adjoin(string); end

  # Returns a new location that is the result of chopping off the last byte.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#217
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def chop; end

  # Returns all comments that are associated with this location (both leading
  # and trailing comments).
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#207
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Comment]) }
  def comments; end

  # Create a new location object with the given options.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#212
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, start_offset: Integer, length: Integer).returns(Prism::Location) }
  def copy(source: T.unsafe(nil), start_offset: T.unsafe(nil), length: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#325
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The column number in characters where this location ends from the start of
  # the line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#314
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def end_character_column; end

  # The character offset from the beginning of the source where this location
  # ends.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#263
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def end_character_offset; end

  # The column number in code units of the given encoding where this location
  # ends from the start of the line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#320
  sig { params(encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def end_code_units_column(encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The offset from the start of the file in code units of the given encoding.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#268
  sig { params(encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def end_code_units_offset(encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The column number in bytes where this location ends from the start of the
  # line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#308
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def end_column; end

  # The line number where this location ends.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#284
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def end_line; end

  # The byte offset from the beginning of the source where this location ends.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#257
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def end_offset; end

  # Returns a string representation of this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#222
  sig { returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Returns a new location that stretches from this location to the given
  # other location. Raises an error if this location is not before the other
  # location or if they don't share the same source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#344
  sig { params(other: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::Location) }
  def join(other); end

  # Attach a comment to the leading comments of this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#190
  sig { params(comment: Prism::Comment).void }
  def leading_comment(comment); end

  # These are the comments that are associated with this location that exist
  # before the start of this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#185
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Comment]) }
  def leading_comments; end

  # The length of this location in bytes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#167
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def length; end

  # Implement the pretty print interface for Location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#330
  sig { params(q: T.untyped).void }
  def pretty_print(q); end

  # The source code that this location represents.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#232
  sig { returns(String) }
  def slice; end

  # The source code that this location represents starting from the beginning
  # of the line that this location starts on to the end of the line that this
  # location ends on.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#239
  def slice_lines; end

  # Returns all of the lines of the source code associated with this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#227
  sig { returns(T::Array[String]) }
  def source_lines; end

  # The column number in characters where this location ends from the start of
  # the line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#296
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_character_column; end

  # The character offset from the beginning of the source where this location
  # starts.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#247
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_character_offset; end

  # The column number in code units of the given encoding where this location
  # starts from the start of the line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#302
  sig { params(encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def start_code_units_column(encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The offset from the start of the file in code units of the given encoding.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#252
  sig { params(encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def start_code_units_offset(encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The column number in bytes where this location starts from the start of
  # the line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#290
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_column; end

  # The line number where this location starts.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#273
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_line; end

  # The content of the line where this location starts before this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#278
  sig { returns(String) }
  def start_line_slice; end

  # The byte offset from the beginning of the source where this location
  # starts.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#164
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_offset; end

  # Attach a comment to the trailing comments of this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#201
  sig { params(comment: Prism::Comment).void }
  def trailing_comment(comment); end

  # These are the comments that are associated with this location that exist
  # after the end of this location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#196
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Comment]) }
  def trailing_comments; end


  # A Source object that is used to determine more information from the given
  # offset and length.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#159
  sig { returns(Prism::Source) }
  def source; end

# Flags for while and until loop nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19196
module Prism::LoopFlags; end

# a loop after a begin statement, so the body is executed first before the condition
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19198
Prism::LoopFlags::BEGIN_MODIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# This represents a magic comment that was encountered during parsing.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#416
class Prism::MagicComment
  # Create a new magic comment object with the given key and value locations.
  # @return [MagicComment] a new instance of MagicComment
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#424
  sig { params(key_loc: Prism::Location, value_loc: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(key_loc, value_loc); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for MagicComment.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#440
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # Returns a string representation of this magic comment.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#445
  sig { returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the key of the magic comment by slicing it from the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#430
  sig { returns(String) }
  def key; end

  # A Location object representing the location of the key in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#418
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def key_loc; end

  # Returns the value of the magic comment by slicing it from the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#435
  sig { returns(String) }
  def value; end

  # A Location object representing the location of the value in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#421
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def value_loc; end

# Represents a regular expression literal used in the predicate of a conditional to implicitly match against the last line read by an IO object.
#     if /foo/i then end
#        ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12659
class Prism::MatchLastLineNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::RegularExpressionOptions

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location opening_loc, Location content_loc, Location closing_loc, String unescaped, Location location) -> void
  # @return [MatchLastLineNode] a new instance of MatchLastLineNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12661
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12837
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12672
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def ascii_8bit?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12758
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ascii_8bit?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12677
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12798
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12723
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12687
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12682
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def content: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12793
  sig { returns(String) }
  def content; end

  # attr_reader content_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12716
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def content_loc; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location, ?content_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?unescaped: String, ?location: Location) -> MatchLastLineNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12692
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), content_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), unescaped: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12677
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location, content_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, unescaped: String, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12700
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def euc_jp?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12753
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def euc_jp?; end

  # def extended?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12738
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def extended?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12778
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_us_ascii_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12783
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_us_ascii_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12773
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def ignore_case?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12733
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_case?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12803
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def multi_line?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12743
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def multi_line?; end

  # def once?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12748
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def once?; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12788
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12709
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def options; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12821
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader unescaped: String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12730
  sig { returns(String) }
  def unescaped; end

  # def utf_8?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12768
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def utf_8?; end

  # def windows_31j?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12763
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def windows_31j?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12705
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12831
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the modifier `in` operator.
#     foo in bar
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12851
class Prism::MatchPredicateNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node value, Prism::node pattern, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [MatchPredicateNode] a new instance of MatchPredicateNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12853
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      value: Prism::Node,
      pattern: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, value, pattern, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12947
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12862
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12867
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12877
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12872
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?value: Prism::node, ?pattern: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> MatchPredicateNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12882
  sig do
      value: Prism::Node,
      pattern: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(value: T.unsafe(nil), pattern: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12867
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { value: Prism::node, pattern: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12890
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12913
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12908
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12901
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader pattern: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12898
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def pattern; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12931
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12895
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12941
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `=>` operator.
#     foo => bar
#     ^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12959
class Prism::MatchRequiredNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node value, Prism::node pattern, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [MatchRequiredNode] a new instance of MatchRequiredNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12961
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      value: Prism::Node,
      pattern: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, value, pattern, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13055
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12970
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12975
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12985
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12980
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?value: Prism::node, ?pattern: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> MatchRequiredNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12990
  sig do
      value: Prism::Node,
      pattern: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(value: T.unsafe(nil), pattern: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12975
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { value: Prism::node, pattern: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12998
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13021
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13016
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13009
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader pattern: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13006
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def pattern; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13039
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13003
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13049
    def type; end

# Represents writing local variables using a regular expression match with named capture groups.
#     /(?<foo>bar)/ =~ baz
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13067
class Prism::MatchWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (CallNode call, Array[LocalVariableTargetNode] targets, Location location) -> void
  # @return [MatchWriteNode] a new instance of MatchWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13069
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      call: Prism::CallNode,
      targets: T::Array[Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode],
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, call, targets, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13150
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13077
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader call: CallNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13110
  sig { returns(Prism::CallNode) }
  def call; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13082
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13092
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13087
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?call: CallNode, ?targets: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode], ?location: Location) -> MatchWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13097
  sig do
      call: Prism::CallNode,
      targets: T::Array[Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode],
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(call: T.unsafe(nil), targets: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13082
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { call: CallNode, targets: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode], location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13105
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13116
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader targets: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13113
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode]) }
  def targets; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13134
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13144
    def type; end

# Represents a node that is missing from the source and results in a syntax error.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13159
class Prism::MissingNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [MissingNode] a new instance of MissingNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13161
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13234
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13167
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13172
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13182
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13177
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> MissingNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13187
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::MissingNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13172
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13195
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13200
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13218
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13228
    def type; end

# Represents a module declaration involving the `module` keyword.
#     module Foo end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13243
class Prism::ModuleNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Symbol] locals, Location module_keyword_loc, Prism::node constant_path, Prism::node? body, Location end_keyword_loc, Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ModuleNode] a new instance of ModuleNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13245
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      module_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      constant_path: Prism::Node,
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      name: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, locals, module_keyword_loc, constant_path, body, end_keyword_loc, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13363
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13257
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13306
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13262
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13275
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13267
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader constant_path: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13303
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def constant_path; end

  # def copy: (?locals: Array[Symbol], ?module_keyword_loc: Location, ?constant_path: Prism::node, ?body: Prism::node?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> ModuleNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13280
  sig do
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      module_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      constant_path: Prism::Node,
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      name: Symbol,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(locals: T.unsafe(nil), module_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), constant_path: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13262
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { locals: Array[Symbol], module_keyword_loc: Location, constant_path: Prism::node, body: Prism::node?, end_keyword_loc: Location, name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13288
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13324
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13309
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13329
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13293
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # def module_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13319
  sig { returns(String) }
  def module_keyword; end

  # attr_reader module_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13296
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def module_keyword_loc; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13316
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13347
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13357
    def type; end

# Represents a multi-target expression.
#     a, (b, c) = 1, 2, 3
#        ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13379
class Prism::MultiTargetNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode | NumberedReferenceReadNode] lefts, Prism::node? rest, Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode] rights, Location? lparen_loc, Location? rparen_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [MultiTargetNode] a new instance of MultiTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13381
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      lefts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::BackReferenceReadNode, Prism::NumberedReferenceReadNode)],
      rest: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      rights: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::BackReferenceReadNode)],
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, lefts, rest, rights, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13508
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13392
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13397
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13411
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13402
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?lefts: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode | NumberedReferenceReadNode], ?rest: Prism::node?, ?rights: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode], ?lparen_loc: Location?, ?rparen_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> MultiTargetNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13416
  sig do
      lefts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::BackReferenceReadNode, Prism::NumberedReferenceReadNode)],
      rest: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      rights: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::BackReferenceReadNode)],
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(lefts: T.unsafe(nil), rest: T.unsafe(nil), rights: T.unsafe(nil), lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13397
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { lefts: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode | NumberedReferenceReadNode], rest: Prism::node?, rights: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode], lparen_loc: Location?, rparen_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13424
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13474
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader lefts: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode | NumberedReferenceReadNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13429
  sig do
    returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::BackReferenceReadNode, Prism::NumberedReferenceReadNode)])
  def lefts; end

  # def lparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13464
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13438
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # attr_reader rest: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13432
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def rest; end

  # attr_reader rights: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode | RequiredParameterNode | BackReferenceReadNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13435
  sig do
    returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::BackReferenceReadNode)])
  def rights; end

  # def rparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13469
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13451
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13492
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13502
    def type; end

# Represents a write to a multi-target expression.
#     a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13524
class Prism::MultiWriteNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode] lefts, Prism::node? rest, Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode] rights, Location? lparen_loc, Location? rparen_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [MultiWriteNode] a new instance of MultiWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13526
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      lefts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)],
      rest: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      rights: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)],
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, lefts, rest, rights, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13671
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13539
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13544
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13559
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13549
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?lefts: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode], ?rest: Prism::node?, ?rights: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode], ?lparen_loc: Location?, ?rparen_loc: Location?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> MultiWriteNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13564
  sig do
      lefts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)],
      rest: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      rights: T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)],
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(lefts: T.unsafe(nil), rest: T.unsafe(nil), rights: T.unsafe(nil), lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13544
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { lefts: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode], rest: Prism::node?, rights: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode], lparen_loc: Location?, rparen_loc: Location?, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13572
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13637
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader lefts: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13577
  sig do
    returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)])
  def lefts; end

  # def lparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13622
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13586
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13632
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13612
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader rest: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13580
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def rest; end

  # attr_reader rights: Array[LocalVariableTargetNode | InstanceVariableTargetNode | ClassVariableTargetNode | GlobalVariableTargetNode | ConstantTargetNode | ConstantPathTargetNode | CallTargetNode | IndexTargetNode | MultiTargetNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13583
  sig do
    returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode, Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode, Prism::CallTargetNode, Prism::IndexTargetNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)])
  def rights; end

  # def rparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13627
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13599
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13655
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13619
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13665
    def type; end

# This visitor walks through the tree and copies each node as it is being
# visited. This is useful for consumers that want to mutate the tree, as you
# can change subtrees in place without effecting the rest of the tree.
# source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#13
class Prism::MutationCompiler < ::Prism::Compiler
  # Copy a AliasGlobalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#15
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Copy a AliasMethodNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#20
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Copy a AlternationPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#25
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Copy a AndNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#30
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Copy a ArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#35
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Copy a ArrayNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#40
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Copy a ArrayPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#45
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Copy a AssocNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#50
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Copy a AssocSplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#55
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Copy a BackReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#60
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a BeginNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#65
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Copy a BlockArgumentNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#70
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Copy a BlockLocalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#75
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Copy a BlockNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#80
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Copy a BlockParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#85
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a BlockParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#90
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Copy a BreakNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#95
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Copy a CallAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#100
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a CallNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#105
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Copy a CallOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#110
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a CallOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#115
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a CallTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#120
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a CapturePatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#125
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Copy a CaseMatchNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#130
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Copy a CaseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#135
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#140
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#145
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#150
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#155
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#160
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#165
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a ClassVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#170
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#175
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#180
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#185
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantPathAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#190
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantPathNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#195
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#200
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantPathOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#205
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantPathTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#210
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantPathWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#215
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#220
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#225
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a ConstantWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#230
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a DefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#235
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Copy a DefinedNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#240
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Copy a ElseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#245
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Copy a EmbeddedStatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#250
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Copy a EmbeddedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#255
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Copy a EnsureNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#260
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Copy a FalseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#265
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Copy a FindPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#270
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Copy a FlipFlopNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#275
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Copy a FloatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#280
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Copy a ForNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#285
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Copy a ForwardingArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#290
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Copy a ForwardingParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#295
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a ForwardingSuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#300
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Copy a GlobalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#305
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#310
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a GlobalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#315
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a GlobalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#320
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a GlobalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#325
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a GlobalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#330
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a HashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#335
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Copy a HashPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#340
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Copy a IfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#345
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Copy a ImaginaryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#350
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Copy a ImplicitNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#355
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Copy a ImplicitRestNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#360
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Copy a InNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#365
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Copy a IndexAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#370
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a IndexOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#375
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a IndexOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#380
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a IndexTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#385
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a InstanceVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#390
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#395
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a InstanceVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#400
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a InstanceVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#405
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a InstanceVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#410
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a InstanceVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#415
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a IntegerNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#420
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Copy a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#425
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Copy a InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#430
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Copy a InterpolatedStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#435
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Copy a InterpolatedSymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#440
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Copy a InterpolatedXStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#445
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Copy a ItLocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#450
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a ItParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#455
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Copy a KeywordHashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#460
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Copy a KeywordRestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#465
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a LambdaNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#470
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Copy a LocalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#475
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#480
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a LocalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#485
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a LocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#490
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a LocalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#495
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a LocalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#500
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a MatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#505
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Copy a MatchPredicateNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#510
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Copy a MatchRequiredNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#515
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Copy a MatchWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#520
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a MissingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#525
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Copy a ModuleNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#530
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Copy a MultiTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#535
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Copy a MultiWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#540
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Copy a NextNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#545
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Copy a NilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#550
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Copy a NoKeywordsParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#555
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a NumberedParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#560
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Copy a NumberedReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#565
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Copy a OptionalKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#570
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a OptionalParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#575
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a OrNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#580
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Copy a ParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#585
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Copy a ParenthesesNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#590
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Copy a PinnedExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#595
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Copy a PinnedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#600
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Copy a PostExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#605
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Copy a PreExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#610
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Copy a ProgramNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#615
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Copy a RangeNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#620
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Copy a RationalNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#625
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Copy a RedoNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#630
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Copy a RegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#635
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Copy a RequiredKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#640
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a RequiredParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#645
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a RescueModifierNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#650
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Copy a RescueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#655
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Copy a RestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#660
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Copy a RetryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#665
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Copy a ReturnNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#670
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Copy a SelfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#675
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Copy a ShareableConstantNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#680
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Copy a SingletonClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#685
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Copy a SourceEncodingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#690
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Copy a SourceFileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#695
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Copy a SourceLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#700
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Copy a SplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#705
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Copy a StatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#710
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Copy a StringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#715
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Copy a SuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#720
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Copy a SymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#725
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Copy a TrueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#730
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Copy a UndefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#735
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Copy a UnlessNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#740
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Copy a UntilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#745
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Copy a WhenNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#750
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Copy a WhileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#755
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Copy a XStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#760
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Copy a YieldNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb#765
  def visit_yield_node(node); end

# Represents the use of the `next` keyword.
#     next 1
#     ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13689
class Prism::NextNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [NextNode] a new instance of NextNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13691
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, arguments, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13783
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13699
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13734
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13704
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13716
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13709
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> NextNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13721
  sig do
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(arguments: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13704
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { arguments: ArgumentsNode?, keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13729
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13749
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13744
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13737
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13767
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13777
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `nil` keyword.
#     nil
#     ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13794
class Prism::NilNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [NilNode] a new instance of NilNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13796
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13869
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13802
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13807
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13817
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13812
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> NilNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13822
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::NilNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13807
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13830
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13835
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13853
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13863
    def type; end

# Represents the use of `**nil` inside method arguments.
#     def a(**nil)
#           ^^^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13879
class Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location operator_loc, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [NoKeywordsParameterNode] a new instance of NoKeywordsParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13881
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, operator_loc, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13980
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13889
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13894
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13904
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13899
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?operator_loc: Location, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> NoKeywordsParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13909
  sig do
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13894
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { operator_loc: Location, keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13917
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13946
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13941
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13929
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13936
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13922
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13964
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13974
    def type; end

# This represents a node in the tree. It is the parent class of all of the
# various node types.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#12
class Prism::Node

  # Accepts a visitor and calls back into the specialized visit function.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#131
  sig { abstract.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # Returns an array of child nodes, including `nil`s in the place of optional
  # nodes that were not present.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#137
  sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # Returns an array of child nodes and locations that could potentially have
  # comments attached to them.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#151
  sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # Returns an array of child nodes, excluding any `nil`s in the place of
  # optional nodes that were not present.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#145
  sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # Returns an array of child nodes, including `nil`s in the place of optional
  # nodes that were not present.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#137
  sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#7
  def deprecated(*replacements); end

  # The end offset of the node in the source. This method is effectively a
  # delegate method to the location object.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#34
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def end_offset; end

  sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Returns a string representation of the node.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#162
  sig { abstract.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # A Location instance that represents the location of this node in the
  # source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def location; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#69
  def newline!(lines); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#65
  def newline?; end

  # Similar to inspect, but respects the current level of indentation given by
  # the pretty print object.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#62
  sig { params(q: T.untyped).void }
  def pretty_print(q); end

  # Returns all of the lines of the source code associated with this node.
  # An alias for source_lines, used to mimic the API from
  # RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree to make it easier to migrate.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#40
  sig { returns(T::Array[String]) }
  def script_lines; end

  # Slice the location of the node from the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#49
  sig { returns(String) }
  def slice; end

  # Slice the location of the node from the source, starting at the beginning
  # of the line that the location starts on, ending at the end of the line
  # that the location ends on.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#56
  sig { returns(String) }
  def slice_lines; end

  # Returns all of the lines of the source code associated with this node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#40
  sig { returns(T::Array[String]) }
  def source_lines; end

  # The start offset of the node in the source. This method is effectively a
  # delegate method to the location object.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#27
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_offset; end

  # Convert this node into a graphviz dot graph string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#70
  sig { returns(String) }
  def to_dot; end

  # Returns a list of nodes that are descendants of this node that contain the
  # given line and column. This is useful for locating a node that is selected
  # based on the line and column of the source code.
  # Important to note is that the column given to this method should be in
  # bytes, as opposed to characters or code units.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#81
  sig { params(line: Integer, column: Integer).returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def tunnel(line, column); end

  # Returns a symbol symbolizing the type of node that this represents. This
  # is particularly useful for case statements and array comparisons.
  # @raise [NoMethodError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#157
  sig { abstract.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # A pointer to the source that this node was created from.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14
  sig { returns(Prism::Source) }
  def source; end

  class << self
    # Returns a list of the fields that exist for this node class. Fields
    # describe the structure of the node. This kind of reflection is useful for
    # things like recursively visiting each node _and_ field in the tree.
    # @raise [NoMethodError]
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#115
    def fields; end

    # Returns the type of the node as a symbol.
    # @raise [NoMethodError]
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#167
    def type; end

# Represents an implicit set of parameters through the use of numbered parameters within a block or lambda.
#     -> { _1 + _2 }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13991
class Prism::NumberedParametersNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer maximum, Location location) -> void
  # @return [NumberedParametersNode] a new instance of NumberedParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#13993
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, maximum: Integer, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, maximum, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14070
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14000
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14005
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14015
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14010
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?maximum: Integer, ?location: Location) -> NumberedParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14020
  sig { params(maximum: Integer, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::NumberedParametersNode) }
  def copy(maximum: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14005
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { maximum: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14028
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14036
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader maximum: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14033
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def maximum; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14054
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14064
    def type; end

# Represents reading a numbered reference to a capture in the previous match.
#     $1
#     ^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14080
class Prism::NumberedReferenceReadNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer number, Location location) -> void
  # @return [NumberedReferenceReadNode] a new instance of NumberedReferenceReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14082
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, number: Integer, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, number, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14165
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14089
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14094
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14104
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14099
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?number: Integer, ?location: Location) -> NumberedReferenceReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14109
  sig { params(number: Integer, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::NumberedReferenceReadNode) }
  def copy(number: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14094
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { number: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14117
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14131
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The (1-indexed, from the left) number of the capture group. Numbered references that are too large result in this value being `0`.
  #     $1          # number `1`
  #     $5432       # number `5432`
  #     $4294967296 # number `0`
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14128
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def number; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14149
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14159
    def type; end

# Represents an optional keyword parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(b: 1)
#           ^^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14176
class Prism::OptionalKeywordParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol name, Location name_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [OptionalKeywordParameterNode] a new instance of OptionalKeywordParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14178
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, name, name_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14277
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14188
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14193
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14203
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14198
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> OptionalKeywordParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14208
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14193
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14216
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14243
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14225
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14228
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14238
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14261
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14235
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14221
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14271
    def type; end

# Represents an optional parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(b = 1)
#           ^^^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14291
class Prism::OptionalParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node value, Location location) -> void
  # @return [OptionalParameterNode] a new instance of OptionalParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14293
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, value, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14405
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14304
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14309
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14319
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14314
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?value: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> OptionalParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14324
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      value: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14309
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, value: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14332
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14371
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14341
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14344
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14366
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14351
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14361
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14389
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader value: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14358
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def value; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14337
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14399
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `||` operator or the `or` keyword.
#     left or right
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14419
class Prism::OrNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node left, Prism::node right, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [OrNode] a new instance of OrNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14421
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      left: Prism::Node,
      right: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, left, right, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14530
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14430
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14435
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14445
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14440
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?left: Prism::node, ?right: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> OrNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14450
  sig do
      left: Prism::Node,
      right: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(left: T.unsafe(nil), right: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14435
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { left: Prism::node, right: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14458
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14496
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Represents the left side of the expression. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     left or right
  #     ^^^^
  #     1 || 2
  #     ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14469
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def left; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14491
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `or` keyword or the `||` operator.
  #     left or right
  #          ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14484
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Represents the right side of the expression. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     left || right
  #             ^^^^^
  #     1 or 2
  #          ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14478
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def right; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14514
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14524
    def type; end

# A parser for the pack template language.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#6
module Prism::Pack
  class << self
    def parse(_arg0, _arg1, _arg2); end

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::AGNOSTIC_ENDIAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::BACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::BER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::BIG_ENDIAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::COMMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# A directive in the pack template language.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#60
class Prism::Pack::Directive
  # Initialize a new directive with the given values.
  # @return [Directive] a new instance of Directive
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#89
  def initialize(version, variant, source, type, signed, endian, size, length_type, length); end

  # Provide a human-readable description of the directive.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#131
  def describe; end

  # The type of endianness of the directive.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#77
  def endian; end

  # The length of this directive (used for integers).
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#86
  def length; end

  # The length type of this directive (used for integers).
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#83
  def length_type; end

  # The type of signedness of the directive.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#74
  def signed; end

  # The size of the directive.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#80
  def size; end

  # A byteslice of the source string that this directive represents.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#68
  def source; end

  # The type of the directive.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#71
  def type; end

  # A symbol representing whether or not we are packing or unpacking.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#65
  def variant; end

  # A symbol representing the version of Ruby.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#62
  def version; end

# The descriptions of the various types of endianness.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#102
Prism::Pack::Directive::ENDIAN_DESCRIPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# The descriptions of the various types of signedness.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#111
Prism::Pack::Directive::SIGNED_DESCRIPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# The descriptions of the various types of sizes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#118
Prism::Pack::Directive::SIZE_DESCRIPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::ENDIAN_NA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::FLOAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# The result of parsing a pack template.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#198
class Prism::Pack::Format
  # Create a new Format with the given directives and encoding.
  # @return [Format] a new instance of Format
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#206
  def initialize(directives, encoding); end

  # Provide a human-readable description of the format.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#212
  def describe; end

  # A list of the directives in the template.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#200
  def directives; end

  # The encoding of the template.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#203
  def encoding; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::INTEGER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::LENGTH_FIXED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::LENGTH_MAX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::LENGTH_NA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::LENGTH_RELATIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::LITTLE_ENDIAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::MOVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::NATIVE_ENDIAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::NULL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIGNED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIGNED_NA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_32 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_64 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_INT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_LONG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_LONG_LONG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_NA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_P = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SIZE_SHORT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::SPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_BASE64 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_FIXED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_HEX_HIGH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_HEX_LOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_LSB = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_MIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_MSB = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_NULL_PADDED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_NULL_TERMINATED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_POINTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_SPACE_PADDED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::STRING_UU = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::UNSIGNED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# source://prism//lib/prism/pack.rb#56
Prism::Pack::UTF8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# Flags for parameter nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19202
module Prism::ParameterFlags; end

# a parameter name that has been repeated in the method signature
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19204
Prism::ParameterFlags::REPEATED_PARAMETER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents the list of parameters on a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(b, c, d)
#           ^^^^^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14543
class Prism::ParametersNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode] requireds, Array[OptionalParameterNode] optionals, RestParameterNode | ImplicitRestNode | nil rest, Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode | KeywordRestParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode] posts, Array[RequiredKeywordParameterNode | OptionalKeywordParameterNode] keywords, KeywordRestParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil keyword_rest, BlockParameterNode? block, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ParametersNode] a new instance of ParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14545
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      requireds: T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)],
      optionals: T::Array[Prism::OptionalParameterNode],
      rest: T.nilable(T.any(Prism::RestParameterNode, Prism::ImplicitRestNode)),
      posts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode, Prism::ForwardingParameterNode)],
      keywords: T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredKeywordParameterNode, Prism::OptionalKeywordParameterNode)],
      keyword_rest: T.nilable(T.any(Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode, Prism::ForwardingParameterNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode)),
      block: T.nilable(Prism::BlockParameterNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, requireds, optionals, rest, posts, keywords, keyword_rest, block, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14654
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14558
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader block: BlockParameterNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14617
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::BlockParameterNode)) }
  def block; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14563
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14581
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14568
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?requireds: Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode], ?optionals: Array[OptionalParameterNode], ?rest: RestParameterNode | ImplicitRestNode | nil, ?posts: Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode | KeywordRestParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode], ?keywords: Array[RequiredKeywordParameterNode | OptionalKeywordParameterNode], ?keyword_rest: KeywordRestParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil, ?block: BlockParameterNode?, ?location: Location) -> ParametersNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14586
  sig do
      requireds: T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)],
      optionals: T::Array[Prism::OptionalParameterNode],
      rest: T.nilable(T.any(Prism::RestParameterNode, Prism::ImplicitRestNode)),
      posts: T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode, Prism::ForwardingParameterNode)],
      keywords: T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredKeywordParameterNode, Prism::OptionalKeywordParameterNode)],
      keyword_rest: T.nilable(T.any(Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode, Prism::ForwardingParameterNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode)),
      block: T.nilable(Prism::BlockParameterNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(requireds: T.unsafe(nil), optionals: T.unsafe(nil), rest: T.unsafe(nil), posts: T.unsafe(nil), keywords: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_rest: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14563
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { requireds: Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode], optionals: Array[OptionalParameterNode], rest: RestParameterNode | ImplicitRestNode | nil, posts: Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode | KeywordRestParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode], keywords: Array[RequiredKeywordParameterNode | OptionalKeywordParameterNode], keyword_rest: KeywordRestParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil, block: BlockParameterNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14594
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14620
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader keyword_rest: KeywordRestParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | nil
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14614
  sig do
    returns(T.nilable(T.any(Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode, Prism::ForwardingParameterNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode)))
  def keyword_rest; end

  # attr_reader keywords: Array[RequiredKeywordParameterNode | OptionalKeywordParameterNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14611
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredKeywordParameterNode, Prism::OptionalKeywordParameterNode)]) }
  def keywords; end

  # attr_reader optionals: Array[OptionalParameterNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14602
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::OptionalParameterNode]) }
  def optionals; end

  # attr_reader posts: Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode | KeywordRestParameterNode | NoKeywordsParameterNode | ForwardingParameterNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14608
  sig do
    returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode, Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode, Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode, Prism::ForwardingParameterNode)])
  def posts; end

  # attr_reader requireds: Array[RequiredParameterNode | MultiTargetNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14599
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::RequiredParameterNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode)]) }
  def requireds; end

  # attr_reader rest: RestParameterNode | ImplicitRestNode | nil
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14605
  sig { returns(T.nilable(T.any(Prism::RestParameterNode, Prism::ImplicitRestNode))) }
  def rest; end

  # Mirrors the Method#parameters method.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#253
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any([Symbol, Symbol], [Symbol])]) }
  def signature; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14638
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14648
    def type; end

# Represents a parenthesized expression
#     (10 + 34)
#     ^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14674
class Prism::ParenthesesNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node? body, Location opening_loc, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ParenthesesNode] a new instance of ParenthesesNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14676
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, body, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14781
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14685
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14720
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14690
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14742
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14730
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14702
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14695
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?body: Prism::node?, ?opening_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> ParenthesesNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14707
  sig do
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(body: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14690
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { body: Prism::node?, opening_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14715
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14747
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#85
  def newline!(lines); end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14737
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14723
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14765
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14775
    def type; end

# This represents an error that was encountered during parsing.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#451
class Prism::ParseError
  # Create a new error object with the given message and location.
  # @return [ParseError] a new instance of ParseError
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#466
  sig { params(type: Symbol, message: String, location: Prism::Location, level: Symbol).void }
  def initialize(type, message, location, level); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseError.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#474
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # Returns a string representation of this error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#479
  sig { returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The level of this error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#463
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def level; end

  # A Location object representing the location of this error in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#460
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def location; end

  # The message associated with this error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#457
  sig { returns(String) }
  def message; end

  # The type of error. This is an _internal_ symbol that is used for
  # communicating with translation layers. It is not meant to be public API.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#454
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

# This is a result specific to the `parse_lex` and `parse_lex_file` methods.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#627
class Prism::ParseLexResult < ::Prism::Result
  # Create a new parse lex result object with the given values.
  # @return [ParseLexResult] a new instance of ParseLexResult
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#633
  sig do
      value: [Prism::ProgramNode, T::Array[T.untyped]],
      comments: T::Array[Prism::Comment],
      magic_comments: T::Array[Prism::MagicComment],
      data_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      errors: T::Array[Prism::ParseError],
      warnings: T::Array[Prism::ParseWarning],
      source: Prism::Source
  def initialize(value, comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseLexResult.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#639
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # A tuple of the syntax tree and the list of tokens that were parsed from
  # the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#630
  sig { returns([Prism::ProgramNode, T::Array[T.untyped]]) }
  def value; end

# This is a result specific to the `parse` and `parse_file` methods.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#576
class Prism::ParseResult < ::Prism::Result
  # Create a new parse result object with the given values.
  # @return [ParseResult] a new instance of ParseResult
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#587
  sig do
      value: Prism::ProgramNode,
      comments: T::Array[Prism::Comment],
      magic_comments: T::Array[Prism::MagicComment],
      data_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      errors: T::Array[Prism::ParseError],
      warnings: T::Array[Prism::ParseWarning],
      source: Prism::Source
  def initialize(value, comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source); end

  # Attach the list of comments to their respective locations in the tree.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#598
  def attach_comments!; end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseResult.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#593
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # Walk the tree and mark nodes that are on a new line, loosely emulating
  # the behavior of CRuby's `:line` tracepoint event.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#604
  def mark_newlines!; end

  # The syntax tree that was parsed from the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#584
  sig { returns(Prism::ProgramNode) }
  def value; end

# When we've parsed the source, we have both the syntax tree and the list of
# comments that we found in the source. This class is responsible for
# walking the tree and finding the nearest location to attach each comment.
# It does this by first finding the nearest locations to each comment.
# Locations can either come from nodes directly or from location fields on
# nodes. For example, a `ClassNode` has an overall location encompassing the
# entire class, but it also has a location for the `class` keyword.
# Once the nearest locations are found, it determines which one to attach
# to. If it's a trailing comment (a comment on the same line as other source
# code), it will favor attaching to the nearest location that occurs before
# the comment. Otherwise it will favor attaching to the nearest location
# that is after the comment.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#19
class Prism::ParseResult::Comments
  # Create a new Comments object that will attach comments to the given
  # parse result.
  # @return [Comments] a new instance of Comments
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#86
  def initialize(parse_result); end

  # Attach the comments to their respective locations in the tree by
  # mutating the parse result.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#92
  def attach!; end

  # The parse result that we are attaching comments to.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#82
  def parse_result; end


  # Responsible for finding the nearest targets to the given comment within
  # the context of the given encapsulating node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#119
  def nearest_targets(node, comment); end

# A target for attaching comments that is based on a location field on a
# node. For example, the `end` token of a ClassNode.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#53
class Prism::ParseResult::Comments::LocationTarget
  # @return [LocationTarget] a new instance of LocationTarget
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#56
  def initialize(location); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#68
  def encloses?(comment); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#64
  def end_offset; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#72
  def leading_comment(comment); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#54
  def location; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#60
  def start_offset; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#76
  def trailing_comment(comment); end

# A target for attaching comments that is based on a specific node's
# location.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#22
class Prism::ParseResult::Comments::NodeTarget
  # @return [NodeTarget] a new instance of NodeTarget
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#25
  def initialize(node); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#37
  def encloses?(comment); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#33
  def end_offset; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#42
  def leading_comment(comment); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#23
  def node; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#29
  def start_offset; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/comments.rb#46
  def trailing_comment(comment); end

# The :line tracepoint event gets fired whenever the Ruby VM encounters an
# expression on a new line. The types of expressions that can trigger this
# event are:
# * if statements
# * unless statements
# * nodes that are children of statements lists
# In order to keep track of the newlines, we have a list of offsets that
# come back from the parser. We assign these offsets to the first nodes that
# we find in the tree that are on those lines.
# Note that the logic in this file should be kept in sync with the Java
# MarkNewlinesVisitor, since that visitor is responsible for marking the
# newlines for JRuby/TruffleRuby.
# This file is autoloaded only when `mark_newlines!` is called, so the
# re-opening of the various nodes in this file will only be performed in
# that case. We do that to avoid storing the extra `@newline` instance
# variable on every node if we don't need it.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#25
class Prism::ParseResult::Newlines < ::Prism::Visitor
  # Create a new Newlines visitor with the given newline offsets.
  # @return [Newlines] a new instance of Newlines
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#27
  def initialize(lines); end

  # Permit block/lambda nodes to mark newlines within themselves.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#33
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Mark if/unless nodes as newlines.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#47
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Permit block/lambda nodes to mark newlines within themselves.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#33
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Permit statements lists to mark newlines within themselves.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#55
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Mark if/unless nodes as newlines.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#47
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

# This represents a warning that was encountered during parsing.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#485
class Prism::ParseWarning
  # Create a new warning object with the given message and location.
  # @return [ParseWarning] a new instance of ParseWarning
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#500
  sig { params(type: Symbol, message: String, location: Prism::Location, level: Symbol).void }
  def initialize(type, message, location, level); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for ParseWarning.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#508
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # Returns a string representation of this warning.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#513
  sig { returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The level of this warning.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#497
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def level; end

  # A Location object representing the location of this warning in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#494
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def location; end

  # The message associated with this warning.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#491
  sig { returns(String) }
  def message; end

  # The type of warning. This is an _internal_ symbol that is used for
  # communicating with translation layers. It is not meant to be public API.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#488
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

# A pattern is an object that wraps a Ruby pattern matching expression. The
# expression would normally be passed to an `in` clause within a `case`
# expression or a rightward assignment expression. For example, in the
# following snippet:
#     case node
#     in ConstantPathNode[ConstantReadNode[name: :Prism], ConstantReadNode[name: :Pattern]]
#     end
# the pattern is the <tt>ConstantPathNode[...]</tt> expression.
# The pattern gets compiled into an object that responds to #call by running
# the #compile method. This method itself will run back through Prism to
# parse the expression into a tree, then walk the tree to generate the
# necessary callable objects. For example, if you wanted to compile the
# expression above into a callable, you would:
#     callable ="ConstantPathNode[ConstantReadNode[name: :Prism], ConstantReadNode[name: :Pattern]]").compile
# The callable object returned by #compile is guaranteed to respond to #call
# with a single argument, which is the node to match against. It also is
# guaranteed to respond to #===, which means it itself can be used in a `case`
# expression, as in:
#     case node
#     when callable
#     end
# If the query given to the initializer cannot be compiled into a valid
# matcher (either because of a syntax error or because it is using syntax we
# do not yet support) then a Prism::Pattern::CompilationError will be
# raised.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#37
class Prism::Pattern
  # Create a new pattern with the given query. The query should be a string
  # containing a Ruby pattern matching expression.
  # @return [Pattern] a new instance of Pattern
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#63
  def initialize(query); end

  # Compile the query into a callable object that can be used to match against
  # nodes.
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#70
  def compile; end

  # The query that this pattern was initialized with.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#59
  def query; end

  # Scan the given node and all of its children for nodes that match the
  # pattern. If a block is given, it will be called with each node that
  # matches the pattern. If no block is given, an enumerator will be returned
  # that will yield each node that matches the pattern.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#86
  def scan(root); end


  # Shortcut for combining two procs into one that returns true if both return
  # true.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#102
  def combine_and(left, right); end

  # Shortcut for combining two procs into one that returns true if either
  # returns true.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#108
  def combine_or(left, right); end

  # in foo | bar
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#143
  def compile_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # in [foo, bar, baz]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#118
  def compile_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Compile a name associated with a constant.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#168
  def compile_constant_name(node, name); end

  # in Prism::ConstantReadNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#148
  def compile_constant_path_node(node); end

  # in ConstantReadNode
  # in String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#163
  def compile_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Raise an error because the given node is not supported.
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#113
  def compile_error(node); end

  # in InstanceVariableReadNode[name: Symbol]
  # in { name: Symbol }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#184
  def compile_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # in nil
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#214
  def compile_nil_node(node); end

  # Compile any kind of node. Dispatch out to the individual compilation
  # methods based on the type of node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#243
  def compile_node(node); end

  # in /foo/
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#219
  def compile_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # in ""
  # in "foo"
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#227
  def compile_string_node(node); end

  # in :+
  # in :foo
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#235
  def compile_symbol_node(node); end

# Raised when the query given to a pattern is either invalid Ruby syntax or
# is using syntax that we don't yet support.
# source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#40
class Prism::Pattern::CompilationError < ::StandardError
  # Create a new CompilationError with the given representation of the node
  # that caused the error.
  # @return [CompilationError] a new instance of CompilationError
  # source://prism//lib/prism/pattern.rb#43
  def initialize(repr); end

# Represents the use of the `^` operator for pinning an expression in a pattern matching expression.
#     foo in ^(bar)
#            ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14793
class Prism::PinnedExpressionNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node expression, Location operator_loc, Location lparen_loc, Location rparen_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [PinnedExpressionNode] a new instance of PinnedExpressionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14795
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      expression: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      lparen_loc: Prism::Location,
      rparen_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, expression, operator_loc, lparen_loc, rparen_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14911
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14805
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14810
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14820
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14815
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?expression: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?lparen_loc: Location, ?rparen_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> PinnedExpressionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14825
  sig do
      expression: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      lparen_loc: Prism::Location,
      rparen_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(expression: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14810
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { expression: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, lparen_loc: Location, rparen_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14833
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader expression: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14838
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def expression; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14877
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def lparen: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14867
  sig { returns(String) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14848
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14862
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14841
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # def rparen: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14872
  sig { returns(String) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14855
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14895
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14905
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `^` operator for pinning a variable in a pattern matching expression.
#     foo in ^bar
#            ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14924
class Prism::PinnedVariableNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node variable, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [PinnedVariableNode] a new instance of PinnedVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14926
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      variable: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, variable, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15016
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14934
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14939
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14949
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14944
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?variable: Prism::node, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> PinnedVariableNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14954
  sig do
      variable: Prism::Node,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(variable: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14939
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { variable: Prism::node, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14962
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14982
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14977
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14970
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15000
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader variable: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#14967
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def variable; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15010
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `END` keyword.
#     END { foo }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15027
class Prism::PostExecutionNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (StatementsNode? statements, Location keyword_loc, Location opening_loc, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [PostExecutionNode] a new instance of PostExecutionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15029
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, statements, keyword_loc, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15147
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15039
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15044
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15108
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15091
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15056
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15049
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?statements: StatementsNode?, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?opening_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> PostExecutionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15061
  sig do
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(statements: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15044
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { statements: StatementsNode?, keyword_loc: Location, opening_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15069
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15113
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15098
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15077
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15103
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15084
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15074
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15131
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15141
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `BEGIN` keyword.
#     BEGIN { foo }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15160
class Prism::PreExecutionNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (StatementsNode? statements, Location keyword_loc, Location opening_loc, Location closing_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [PreExecutionNode] a new instance of PreExecutionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15162
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, statements, keyword_loc, opening_loc, closing_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15280
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15172
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15177
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15241
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15224
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15189
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15182
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?statements: StatementsNode?, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?opening_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> PreExecutionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15194
  sig do
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(statements: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15177
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { statements: StatementsNode?, keyword_loc: Location, opening_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15202
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15246
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15231
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15210
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15236
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15217
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15207
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15264
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15274
    def type; end

# The top level node of any parse tree.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15290
class Prism::ProgramNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Symbol] locals, StatementsNode statements, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ProgramNode] a new instance of ProgramNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15292
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      statements: Prism::StatementsNode,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, locals, statements, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15373
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15300
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15305
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15315
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15310
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?locals: Array[Symbol], ?statements: StatementsNode, ?location: Location) -> ProgramNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15320
  sig do
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      statements: Prism::StatementsNode,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(locals: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15305
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { locals: Array[Symbol], statements: StatementsNode, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15328
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15339
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15333
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15336
  sig { returns(Prism::StatementsNode) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15357
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15367
    def type; end

# Flags for range and flip-flop nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19208
module Prism::RangeFlags; end

# ... operator
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19210
Prism::RangeFlags::EXCLUDE_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents the use of the `..` or `...` operators.
#     1..2
#     ^^^^
#     c if a =~ /left/ ... b =~ /right/
#          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15388
class Prism::RangeNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Prism::node? left, Prism::node? right, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RangeNode] a new instance of RangeNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15390
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      left: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      right: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, left, right, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15510
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15400
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15405
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15418
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15410
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?left: Prism::node?, ?right: Prism::node?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> RangeNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15423
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      left: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      right: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), left: T.unsafe(nil), right: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15405
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, left: Prism::node?, right: Prism::node?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15431
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def exclude_end?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15466
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def exclude_end?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15476
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The left-hand side of the range, if present. It can be either `nil` or any [non-void expression](
  #     1...
  #     ^
  #     hello...goodbye
  #     ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15446
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def left; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15471
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # The location of the `..` or `...` operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15459
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # The right-hand side of the range, if present. It can be either `nil` or any [non-void expression](
  #     ..5
  #       ^
  #         ^^^
  # If neither right-hand or left-hand side was included, this will be a MissingNode.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15456
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def right; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15494
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15436
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15504
    def type; end

# Represents a rational number literal.
#     1.0r
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15523
class Prism::RationalNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Integer numerator, Integer denominator, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RationalNode] a new instance of RationalNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15525
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      numerator: Integer,
      denominator: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, numerator, denominator, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15635
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15534
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def binary?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15581
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def binary?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15539
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15549
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15544
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?numerator: Integer, ?denominator: Integer, ?location: Location) -> RationalNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15554
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      numerator: Integer,
      denominator: Integer,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), numerator: T.unsafe(nil), denominator: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def decimal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15586
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def decimal?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15539
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, numerator: Integer, denominator: Integer, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15562
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # The denominator of the rational number.
  #     1.5r # denominator 2
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15578
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def denominator; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def hexadecimal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15596
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def hexadecimal?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15601
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # The numerator of the rational number.
  #     1.5r # numerator 3
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15573
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def numerator; end

  # Returns the value of the node as an IntegerNode or a FloatNode. This
  # method is deprecated in favor of #value or #numerator/#denominator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#114
  def numeric; end

  # def octal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15591
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def octal?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15619
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Rational.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#108
  sig { returns(Rational) }
  def value; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15567
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15629
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `redo` keyword.
#     redo
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15647
class Prism::RedoNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [RedoNode] a new instance of RedoNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15649
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15722
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15655
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15660
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15670
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15665
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> RedoNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15675
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::RedoNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15660
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15683
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15688
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15706
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15716
    def type; end

# The Reflection module provides the ability to reflect on the structure of
# the syntax tree itself, as opposed to looking at a single syntax tree. This
# is useful in metaprogramming contexts.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#13
module Prism::Reflection
  class << self
    # Returns the fields for the given node.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#104
    sig { params(node: T.class_of(Prism::Node)).returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
    def fields_for(node); end

# A constant field represents a constant value on a node. Effectively, it
# represents an identifier found within the source. It resolves to a symbol
# in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#45
class Prism::Reflection::ConstantField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# A constant list field represents a list of constant values on a node. It
# resolves to an array of symbols in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#55
class Prism::Reflection::ConstantListField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# A field represents a single piece of data on a node. It is the base class
# for all other field types.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#16
class Prism::Reflection::Field
  # Initializes the field with the given name.
  # @return [Field] a new instance of Field
  # source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#21
  sig { params(name: Symbol).void }
  def initialize(name); end

  # The name of the field.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#18
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

# A flags field represents a bitset of flags on a node. It resolves to an
# integer in Ruby. Note that the flags cannot be accessed directly on the
# node because the integer is kept private. Instead, the various flags in
# the bitset should be accessed through their query methods.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#92
class Prism::Reflection::FlagsField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field
  # Initializes the flags field with the given name and flags.
  # @return [FlagsField] a new instance of FlagsField
  # source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#97
  sig { params(name: Symbol, flags: T::Array[Symbol]).void }
  def initialize(name, flags); end

  # The names of the flags in the bitset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#94
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def flags; end

# A float field represents a double-precision floating point value. It is
# used exclusively to represent the value of a floating point literal. It
# resolves to a Float in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#85
class Prism::Reflection::FloatField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# An integer field represents an integer value. It is used to represent the
# value of an integer literal, the depth of local variables, and the number
# of a numbered reference. It resolves to an Integer in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#79
class Prism::Reflection::IntegerField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# A location field represents the location of some part of the node in the
# source code. For example, the location of a keyword or an operator. It
# resolves to a Prism::Location in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#67
class Prism::Reflection::LocationField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# A node field represents a single child node in the syntax tree. It
# resolves to a Prism::Node in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#28
class Prism::Reflection::NodeField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# A node list field represents a list of child nodes in the syntax tree. It
# resolves to an array of Prism::Node instances in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#39
class Prism::Reflection::NodeListField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# An optional constant field represents a constant value on a node that may
# or may not be present. It resolves to either a symbol or nil in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#50
class Prism::Reflection::OptionalConstantField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# An optional location field represents the location of some part of the
# node in the source code that may or may not be present. It resolves to
# either a Prism::Location or nil in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#73
class Prism::Reflection::OptionalLocationField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# An optional node field represents a single child node in the syntax tree
# that may or may not be present. It resolves to either a Prism::Node or nil
# in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#34
class Prism::Reflection::OptionalNodeField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# A string field represents a string value on a node. It almost always
# represents the unescaped value of a string-like literal. It resolves to a
# string in Ruby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/reflection.rb#61
class Prism::Reflection::StringField < ::Prism::Reflection::Field; end

# Flags for regular expression and match last line nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19214
module Prism::RegularExpressionFlags; end

# n - forces the ASCII-8BIT encoding
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19231
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::ASCII_8BIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# e - forces the EUC-JP encoding
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19228
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::EUC_JP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# x - ignores whitespace and allows comments in regular expressions
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19219
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::EXTENDED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to binary
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19243
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::FORCED_BINARY_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to US-ASCII
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19246
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to UTF-8
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19240
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::FORCED_UTF8_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# i - ignores the case of characters when matching
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19216
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::IGNORE_CASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# m - allows $ to match the end of lines within strings
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19222
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::MULTI_LINE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# o - only interpolates values into the regular expression once
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19225
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::ONCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# u - forces the UTF-8 encoding
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19237
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::UTF_8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# s - forces the Windows-31J encoding
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19234
Prism::RegularExpressionFlags::WINDOWS_31J = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a regular expression literal with no interpolation.
#     /foo/i
#     ^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15731
class Prism::RegularExpressionNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::RegularExpressionOptions

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location opening_loc, Location content_loc, Location closing_loc, String unescaped, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RegularExpressionNode] a new instance of RegularExpressionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15733
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15909
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15744
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def ascii_8bit?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15830
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ascii_8bit?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15749
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15870
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15795
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15759
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15754
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def content: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15865
  sig { returns(String) }
  def content; end

  # attr_reader content_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15788
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def content_loc; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location, ?content_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?unescaped: String, ?location: Location) -> RegularExpressionNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15764
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), content_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), unescaped: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15749
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location, content_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, unescaped: String, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15772
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def euc_jp?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15825
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def euc_jp?; end

  # def extended?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15810
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def extended?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15850
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_us_ascii_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15855
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_us_ascii_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15845
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def ignore_case?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15805
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ignore_case?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15875
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def multi_line?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15815
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def multi_line?; end

  # def once?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15820
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def once?; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15860
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15781
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def options; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15893
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader unescaped: String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15802
  sig { returns(String) }
  def unescaped; end

  # def utf_8?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15840
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def utf_8?; end

  # def windows_31j?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15835
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def windows_31j?; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15777
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15903
    def type; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#20
module Prism::RegularExpressionOptions
  # Returns a numeric value that represents the flags that were used to create
  # the regular expression.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#23
  def options; end

# Represents a required keyword parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(b: )
#           ^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15924
class Prism::RequiredKeywordParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol name, Location name_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RequiredKeywordParameterNode] a new instance of RequiredKeywordParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15926
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, name, name_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16021
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15935
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15940
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15950
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15945
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol, ?name_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> RequiredKeywordParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15955
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      name: Symbol,
      name_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15940
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol, name_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15963
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15987
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15972
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15975
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15982
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16005
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#15968
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16015
    def type; end

# Represents a required parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(b)
#           ^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16034
class Prism::RequiredParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol name, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RequiredParameterNode] a new instance of RequiredParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16036
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, flags: Integer, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, flags, name, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16123
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16044
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16049
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16059
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16054
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol, ?location: Location) -> RequiredParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16064
  sig { params(flags: Integer, name: Symbol, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::RequiredParameterNode) }
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16049
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16072
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16089
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16081
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def name; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16084
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16107
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16077
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16117
    def type; end

# Represents an expression modified with a rescue.
#     foo rescue nil
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16134
class Prism::RescueModifierNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Prism::node expression, Location keyword_loc, Prism::node rescue_expression, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RescueModifierNode] a new instance of RescueModifierNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16136
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      expression: Prism::Node,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      rescue_expression: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, expression, keyword_loc, rescue_expression, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16230
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16145
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16150
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16160
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16155
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?expression: Prism::node, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?rescue_expression: Prism::node, ?location: Location) -> RescueModifierNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16165
  sig do
      expression: Prism::Node,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      rescue_expression: Prism::Node,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(expression: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), rescue_expression: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16150
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { expression: Prism::node, keyword_loc: Location, rescue_expression: Prism::node, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16173
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader expression: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16178
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def expression; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16196
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16191
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16181
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#115
  def newline!(lines); end

  # attr_reader rescue_expression: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16188
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def rescue_expression; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16214
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16224
    def type; end

# Represents a rescue statement.
#     begin
#     rescue Foo, *splat, Bar => ex
#       foo
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     end
# `Foo, *splat, Bar` are in the `exceptions` field. `ex` is in the `exception` field.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16247
class Prism::RescueNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location keyword_loc, Array[Prism::node] exceptions, Location? operator_loc, Prism::node? reference, StatementsNode? statements, RescueNode? consequent, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RescueNode] a new instance of RescueNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16249
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      exceptions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      reference: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::RescueNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, keyword_loc, exceptions, operator_loc, reference, statements, consequent, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16375
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16261
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16266
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16281
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16271
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader consequent: RescueNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16328
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::RescueNode)) }
  def consequent; end

  # def copy: (?keyword_loc: Location, ?exceptions: Array[Prism::node], ?operator_loc: Location?, ?reference: Prism::node?, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?consequent: RescueNode?, ?location: Location) -> RescueNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16286
  sig do
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      exceptions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      operator_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      reference: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::RescueNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), exceptions: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), reference: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), consequent: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16266
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, exceptions: Array[Prism::node], operator_loc: Location?, reference: Prism::node?, statements: StatementsNode?, consequent: RescueNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16294
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader exceptions: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16306
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def exceptions; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16341
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16331
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16299
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16336
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16309
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # attr_reader reference: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16322
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def reference; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16325
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16359
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16369
    def type; end

# Represents a rest parameter to a method, block, or lambda definition.
#     def a(*b)
#           ^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16392
class Prism::RestParameterNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Symbol? name, Location? name_loc, Location operator_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [RestParameterNode] a new instance of RestParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16394
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      name_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, name, name_loc, operator_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16508
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16404
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16409
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16419
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16414
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?name: Symbol?, ?name_loc: Location?, ?operator_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> RestParameterNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16424
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      name: T.nilable(Symbol),
      name_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), name_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16409
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, name: Symbol?, name_loc: Location?, operator_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16432
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16474
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader name: Symbol?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16441
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Symbol)) }
  def name; end

  # attr_reader name_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16444
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def name_loc; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16469
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16457
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # def repeated_parameter?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16464
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def repeated_parameter?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16492
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16437
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16502
    def type; end

# This represents the result of a call to ::parse or ::parse_file. It contains
# the requested structure, any comments that were encounters, and any errors
# that were encountered.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#521
class Prism::Result
  # Create a new result object with the given values.
  # @return [Result] a new instance of Result
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#543
  sig do
      comments: T::Array[Prism::Comment],
      magic_comments: T::Array[Prism::MagicComment],
      data_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      errors: T::Array[Prism::ParseError],
      warnings: T::Array[Prism::ParseWarning],
      source: Prism::Source
  def initialize(comments, magic_comments, data_loc, errors, warnings, source); end

  # The list of comments that were encountered during parsing.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#523
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Comment]) }
  def comments; end

  # An optional location that represents the location of the __END__ marker
  # and the rest of the content of the file. This content is loaded into the
  # DATA constant when the file being parsed is the main file being executed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#531
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def data_loc; end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Result.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#553
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # Returns the encoding of the source code that was parsed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#558
  sig { returns(Encoding) }
  def encoding; end

  # The list of errors that were generated during parsing.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#534
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::ParseError]) }
  def errors; end

  # Returns true if there were errors during parsing and false if there were
  # not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#570
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def failure?; end

  # The list of magic comments that were encountered during parsing.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#526
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::MagicComment]) }
  def magic_comments; end

  # A Source instance that represents the source code that was parsed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#540
  sig { returns(Prism::Source) }
  def source; end

  # Returns true if there were no errors during parsing and false if there
  # were.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#564
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def success?; end

  # The list of warnings that were generated during parsing.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#537
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::ParseWarning]) }
  def warnings; end

# Represents the use of the `retry` keyword.
#     retry
#     ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16521
class Prism::RetryNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [RetryNode] a new instance of RetryNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16523
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16596
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16529
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16534
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16544
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16539
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> RetryNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16549
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::RetryNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16534
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16557
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16562
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16580
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16590
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `return` keyword.
#     return 1
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16605
class Prism::ReturnNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location keyword_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ReturnNode] a new instance of ReturnNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16607
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, keyword_loc, arguments, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16709
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16616
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16662
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16621
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16633
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16626
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?location: Location) -> ReturnNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16638
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16621
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, keyword_loc: Location, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16646
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16675
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16670
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16655
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def redundant?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16665
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def redundant?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16693
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16651
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16703
    def type; end

# Flags for return nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19250
module Prism::ReturnNodeFlags; end

# a return statement that is redundant because it is the last statement in a method
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19252
Prism::ReturnNodeFlags::REDUNDANT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents the `self` keyword.
#     self
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16721
class Prism::SelfNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [SelfNode] a new instance of SelfNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16723
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16796
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16729
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16734
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16744
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16739
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> SelfNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16749
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::SelfNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16734
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16757
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16762
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16780
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16790
    def type; end

# A module responsible for deserializing parse results.
# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#14
module Prism::Serialize
  class << self
    # Deserialize the AST represented by the given string into a parse result.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#28
    def load(input, serialized); end

    # Deserialize the tokens represented by the given string into a parse
    # result.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#40
    def load_tokens(source, serialized); end

# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#44
class Prism::Serialize::Loader
  # @return [Loader] a new instance of Loader
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#80
  def initialize(source, serialized); end

  # Returns the value of attribute constant_pool.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#77
  def constant_pool; end

  # Returns the value of attribute constant_pool_offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#77
  def constant_pool_offset; end

  # Returns the value of attribute encoding.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#76
  def encoding; end

  # Returns the value of attribute input.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#76
  def input; end

  # Returns the value of attribute io.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#76
  def io; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#118
  def load_comments; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#104
  def load_encoding; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#95
  def load_header; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#114
  def load_line_offsets; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#438
  def load_metadata; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#472
  def load_nodes; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#486
  def load_result; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#110
  def load_start_line; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#447
  def load_tokens; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#460
  def load_tokens_result; end

  # Returns the value of attribute serialized.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#76
  def serialized; end

  # Returns the value of attribute source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#77
  def source; end

  # Returns the value of attribute start_line.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#78
  def start_line; end


  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#572
  def load_constant(index); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#525
  def load_double; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#540
  def load_embedded_string; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#602
  def load_error_level; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#514
  def load_integer; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#556
  def load_location; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#560
  def load_location_object; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#631
  def load_node; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#597
  def load_optional_constant; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#564
  def load_optional_location; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#568
  def load_optional_location_object; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#533
  def load_optional_node; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#593
  def load_required_constant; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#544
  def load_string; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#529
  def load_uint32; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#509
  def load_varsint; end

  # variable-length integer using
  # This is also what protobuf uses:
  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#495
  def load_varuint; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#617
  def load_warning_level; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#127
Prism::Serialize::Loader::DIAGNOSTIC_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# StringIO is synchronized and that adds a high overhead on TruffleRuby.
# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#72
Prism::Serialize::Loader::FastStringIO = StringIO

# The major version of prism that we are expecting to find in the serialized
# strings.
# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#17
Prism::Serialize::MAJOR_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The minor version of prism that we are expecting to find in the serialized
# strings.
# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#21
Prism::Serialize::MINOR_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The patch version of prism that we are expecting to find in the serialized
# strings.
# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#25
Prism::Serialize::PATCH_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The token types that can be indexed by their enum values.
# source://prism//lib/prism/serialize.rb#1863
Prism::Serialize::TOKEN_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# This node wraps a constant write to indicate that when the value is written, it should have its shareability state modified.
#     C = { a: 1 }
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16806
class Prism::ShareableConstantNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, ConstantWriteNode | ConstantAndWriteNode | ConstantOrWriteNode | ConstantOperatorWriteNode | ConstantPathWriteNode | ConstantPathAndWriteNode | ConstantPathOrWriteNode | ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode write, Location location) -> void
  # @return [ShareableConstantNode] a new instance of ShareableConstantNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16808
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      write: T.any(Prism::ConstantWriteNode, Prism::ConstantAndWriteNode, Prism::ConstantOrWriteNode, Prism::ConstantOperatorWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathAndWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathOrWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, write, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16905
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16816
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16821
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16831
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16826
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?write: ConstantWriteNode | ConstantAndWriteNode | ConstantOrWriteNode | ConstantOperatorWriteNode | ConstantPathWriteNode | ConstantPathAndWriteNode | ConstantPathOrWriteNode | ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode, ?location: Location) -> ShareableConstantNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16836
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      write: T.any(Prism::ConstantWriteNode, Prism::ConstantAndWriteNode, Prism::ConstantOrWriteNode, Prism::ConstantOperatorWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathAndWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathOrWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), write: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16821
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, write: ConstantWriteNode | ConstantAndWriteNode | ConstantOrWriteNode | ConstantOperatorWriteNode | ConstantPathWriteNode | ConstantPathAndWriteNode | ConstantPathOrWriteNode | ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16844
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def experimental_copy?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16866
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def experimental_copy?; end

  # def experimental_everything?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16861
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def experimental_everything?; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16871
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def literal?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16856
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def literal?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16889
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # The constant write that should be modified with the shareability state.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16853
  sig do
    returns(T.any(Prism::ConstantWriteNode, Prism::ConstantAndWriteNode, Prism::ConstantOrWriteNode, Prism::ConstantOperatorWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathAndWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathOrWriteNode, Prism::ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode))
  def write; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16849
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16899
    def type; end

# Flags for shareable constant nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19256
module Prism::ShareableConstantNodeFlags; end

# constant writes that should be modified with shareable constant value experimental copy
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19264
Prism::ShareableConstantNodeFlags::EXPERIMENTAL_COPY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# constant writes that should be modified with shareable constant value experimental everything
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19261
Prism::ShareableConstantNodeFlags::EXPERIMENTAL_EVERYTHING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# constant writes that should be modified with shareable constant value literal
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19258
Prism::ShareableConstantNodeFlags::LITERAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a singleton class declaration involving the `class` keyword.
#     class << self end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16916
class Prism::SingletonClassNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Symbol] locals, Location class_keyword_loc, Location operator_loc, Prism::node expression, Prism::node? body, Location end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [SingletonClassNode] a new instance of SingletonClassNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16918
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      class_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      expression: Prism::Node,
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, locals, class_keyword_loc, operator_loc, expression, body, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17045
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16930
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16986
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16935
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def class_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16996
  sig { returns(String) }
  def class_keyword; end

  # attr_reader class_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16969
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def class_keyword_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16948
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16940
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?locals: Array[Symbol], ?class_keyword_loc: Location, ?operator_loc: Location, ?expression: Prism::node, ?body: Prism::node?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> SingletonClassNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16953
  sig do
      locals: T::Array[Symbol],
      class_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      expression: Prism::Node,
      body: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      end_keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(locals: T.unsafe(nil), class_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), expression: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16935
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { locals: Array[Symbol], class_keyword_loc: Location, operator_loc: Location, expression: Prism::node, body: Prism::node?, end_keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16961
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17006
  sig { returns(String) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # attr_reader end_keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16989
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  # attr_reader expression: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16983
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def expression; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17011
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # attr_reader locals: Array[Symbol]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16966
  sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) }
  def locals; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17001
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#16976
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17029
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17039
    def type; end

# This represents a source of Ruby code that has been parsed. It is used in
# conjunction with locations to allow them to resolve line numbers and source
# ranges.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#7
class Prism::Source
  # Create a new source object with the given source code.
  # @return [Source] a new instance of Source
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#26
  sig { params(source: String, start_line: Integer, offsets: T::Array[Integer]).void }
  def initialize(source, start_line = T.unsafe(nil), offsets = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Return the column number in characters for the given byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#78
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def character_column(byte_offset); end

  # Return the character offset for the given byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#73
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def character_offset(byte_offset); end

  # Returns the column number in code units for the given encoding for the
  # given byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#95
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer, encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def code_units_column(byte_offset, encoding); end

  # Returns the offset from the start of the file for the given byte offset
  # counting in code units for the given encoding.
  # This method is tested with UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. If there is the
  # concept of code units that differs from the number of characters in other
  # encodings, it is not captured here.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#88
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer, encoding: Encoding).returns(Integer) }
  def code_units_offset(byte_offset, encoding); end

  # Return the column number for the given byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#68
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def column(byte_offset); end

  # Returns the encoding of the source code, which is set by parameters to the
  # parser or by the encoding magic comment.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#34
  sig { returns(Encoding) }
  def encoding; end

  # Binary search through the offsets to find the line number for the given
  # byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#51
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def line(byte_offset); end

  # Returns the byte offset of the end of the line corresponding to the given
  # byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#63
  def line_end(byte_offset); end

  # Return the byte offset of the start of the line corresponding to the given
  # byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#57
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer).returns(Integer) }
  def line_start(byte_offset); end

  # Returns the lines of the source code as an array of strings.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#39
  sig { returns(T::Array[String]) }
  def lines; end

  # The list of newline byte offsets in the source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#23
  sig { returns(T::Array[Integer]) }
  def offsets; end

  # Perform a byteslice on the source code using the given byte offset and
  # byte length.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#45
  sig { params(byte_offset: Integer, length: Integer).returns(String) }
  def slice(byte_offset, length); end

  # The source code that this source object represents.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#17
  sig { returns(String) }
  def source; end

  # The line number where this source starts.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#20
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def start_line; end


  # Binary search through the offsets to find the line number for the given
  # byte offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#103
  def find_line(byte_offset); end

  class << self
    # Create a new source object with the given source code. This method should
    # be used instead of `new` and it will return either a `Source` or a
    # specialized and more performant `ASCIISource` if no multibyte characters
    # are present in the source code.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#12
    def for(source, start_line = T.unsafe(nil), offsets = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Represents the use of the `__ENCODING__` keyword.
#     __ENCODING__
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17061
class Prism::SourceEncodingNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [SourceEncodingNode] a new instance of SourceEncodingNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17063
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17136
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17069
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17074
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17084
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17079
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> SourceEncodingNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17089
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::SourceEncodingNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17074
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17097
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17102
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17120
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17130
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `__FILE__` keyword.
#     __FILE__
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17145
class Prism::SourceFileNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, String filepath, Location location) -> void
  # @return [SourceFileNode] a new instance of SourceFileNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17147
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, flags: Integer, filepath: String, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, flags, filepath, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17249
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17155
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17160
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17170
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17165
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?filepath: String, ?location: Location) -> SourceFileNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17175
  sig { params(flags: Integer, filepath: String, location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::SourceFileNode) }
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), filepath: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17160
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, filepath: String, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17183
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # Represents the file path being parsed. This corresponds directly to the `filepath` option given to the various `Prism::parse*` APIs.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17192
  sig { returns(String) }
  def filepath; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17200
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17195
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def frozen?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17205
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def frozen?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17215
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def mutable?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17210
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def mutable?; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17233
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17188
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17243
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `__LINE__` keyword.
#     __LINE__
#     ^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17260
class Prism::SourceLineNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [SourceLineNode] a new instance of SourceLineNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17262
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17335
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17268
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17273
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17283
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17278
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> SourceLineNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17288
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::SourceLineNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17273
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17296
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17301
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17319
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17329
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the splat operator.
#     [*a]
#      ^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17344
class Prism::SplatNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location operator_loc, Prism::node? expression, Location location) -> void
  # @return [SplatNode] a new instance of SplatNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17346
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      expression: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, operator_loc, expression, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17438
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17354
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17359
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17371
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17364
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?operator_loc: Location, ?expression: Prism::node?, ?location: Location) -> SplatNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17376
  sig do
      operator_loc: Prism::Location,
      expression: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(operator_loc: T.unsafe(nil), expression: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17359
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { operator_loc: Location, expression: Prism::node?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17384
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # attr_reader expression: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17396
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def expression; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17404
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def operator: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17399
  sig { returns(String) }
  def operator; end

  # attr_reader operator_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17389
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def operator_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17422
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17432
    def type; end

# Represents a set of statements contained within some scope.
#     foo; bar; baz
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17449
class Prism::StatementsNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[Prism::node] body, Location location) -> void
  # @return [StatementsNode] a new instance of StatementsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17451
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, body: T::Array[Prism::Node], location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, body, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17528
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17458
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader body: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17491
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def body; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17463
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17473
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17468
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?body: Array[Prism::node], ?location: Location) -> StatementsNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17478
  sig { params(body: T::Array[Prism::Node], location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::StatementsNode) }
  def copy(body: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17463
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { body: Array[Prism::node], location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17486
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17494
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17512
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17522
    def type; end

# Flags for string nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19268
module Prism::StringFlags; end

# internal bytes forced the encoding to binary
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19273
Prism::StringFlags::FORCED_BINARY_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to UTF-8
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19270
Prism::StringFlags::FORCED_UTF8_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19276
Prism::StringFlags::FROZEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19279
Prism::StringFlags::MUTABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a string literal, a string contained within a `%w` list, or plain string content within an interpolated string.
#     "foo"
#     ^^^^^
#     %w[foo]
#        ^^^
#     "foo #{bar} baz"
#      ^^^^      ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17545
class Prism::StringNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::HeredocQuery

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location? opening_loc, Location content_loc, Location? closing_loc, String unescaped, Location location) -> void
  # @return [StringNode] a new instance of StringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17547
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17700
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17558
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17563
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17661
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17615
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17573
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17568
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def content: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17656
  sig { returns(String) }
  def content; end

  # attr_reader content_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17608
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def content_loc; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location?, ?content_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?unescaped: String, ?location: Location) -> StringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17578
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), content_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), unescaped: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17563
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location?, content_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location?, unescaped: String, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17586
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17636
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17631
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def frozen?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17641
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def frozen?; end

  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def heredoc?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17666
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def mutable?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17646
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def mutable?; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17651
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17595
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Occasionally it's helpful to treat a string as if it were interpolated so
  # that there's a consistent interface for working with strings.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#69
  sig { returns(Prism::InterpolatedStringNode) }
  def to_interpolated; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17684
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader unescaped: String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17628
  sig { returns(String) }
  def unescaped; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17591
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17694
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `super` keyword with parentheses or arguments.
#     super()
#     ^^^^^^^
#     super foo, bar
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17717
class Prism::SuperNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location keyword_loc, Location? lparen_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location? rparen_loc, Prism::node? block, Location location) -> void
  # @return [SuperNode] a new instance of SuperNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17719
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, keyword_loc, lparen_loc, arguments, rparen_loc, block, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17854
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17730
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17786
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # attr_reader block: Prism::node?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17802
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Node)) }
  def block; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17735
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17748
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17740
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?keyword_loc: Location, ?lparen_loc: Location?, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?rparen_loc: Location?, ?block: Prism::node?, ?location: Location) -> SuperNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17753
  sig do
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      block: T.nilable(Prism::Node),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), block: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17735
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, lparen_loc: Location?, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, rparen_loc: Location?, block: Prism::node?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17761
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17820
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17805
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17766
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def lparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17810
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17773
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # def rparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17815
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17789
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17838
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17848
    def type; end

# Flags for symbol nodes.
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19283
module Prism::SymbolFlags; end

# internal bytes forced the encoding to binary
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19288
Prism::SymbolFlags::FORCED_BINARY_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to US-ASCII
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19291
Prism::SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# internal bytes forced the encoding to UTF-8
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19285
Prism::SymbolFlags::FORCED_UTF8_ENCODING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a symbol literal or a symbol contained within a `%i` list.
#     :foo
#     ^^^^
#     %i[foo]
#        ^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17871
class Prism::SymbolNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location? opening_loc, Location? value_loc, Location? closing_loc, String unescaped, Location location) -> void
  # @return [SymbolNode] a new instance of SymbolNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17873
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      value_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, value_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18027
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17884
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17889
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17988
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17947
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17899
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17894
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location?, ?value_loc: Location?, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?unescaped: String, ?location: Location) -> SymbolNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17904
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      value_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), value_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), unescaped: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17889
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location?, value_loc: Location?, closing_loc: Location?, unescaped: String, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17912
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17968
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_us_ascii_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17973
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_us_ascii_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17963
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17993
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17978
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17921
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18011
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader unescaped: String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17960
  sig { returns(String) }
  def unescaped; end

  # def value: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17983
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def value; end

  # attr_reader value_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17934
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def value_loc; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#17917
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18021
    def type; end

# This represents a token from the Ruby source.
# source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#645
class Prism::Token
  # Create a new token object with the given type, value, and location.
  # @return [Token] a new instance of Token
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#657
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, type: Symbol, value: String, location: T.any(Integer, Prism::Location)).void }
  def initialize(source, type, value, location); end

  # Returns true if the given other token is equal to this token.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#692
  sig { params(other: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
  def ==(other); end

  # Implement the hash pattern matching interface for Token.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#665
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # A Location object representing the location of this token in the source.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#670
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def location; end

  # Implement the pretty print interface for Token.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#677
  sig { params(q: T.untyped).void }
  def pretty_print(q); end

  # The type of token that this token is.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#651
  sig { returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # A byteslice of the source that this token represents.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#654
  sig { returns(String) }
  def value; end


  # The Source object that represents the source this token came from.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result.rb#647
  sig { returns(Prism::Source) }
  def source; end

# This module is responsible for converting the prism syntax tree into other
# syntax trees.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation.rb#6
module Prism::Translation; end

# This class is the entry-point for converting a prism syntax tree into the
# whitequark/parser gem's syntax tree. It inherits from the base parser for
# the parser gem, and overrides the parse* methods to parse with prism and
# then translate.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#16
class Prism::Translation::Parser < ::Parser::Base
  # The default encoding for Ruby files is UTF-8.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#41
  def default_encoding; end

  # Parses a source buffer and returns the AST.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#49
  def parse(source_buffer); end

  # Parses a source buffer and returns the AST and the source code comments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#62
  def parse_with_comments(source_buffer); end

  # Parses a source buffer and returns the AST, the source code comments,
  # and the tokens emitted by the lexer.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#79
  def tokenize(source_buffer, recover = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Since prism resolves num params for us, we don't need to support this
  # kind of logic here.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#105
  def try_declare_numparam(node); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#36
  sig { overridable.returns(Integer) }
  def version; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#45
  def yyerror; end


  # Build the parser gem AST from the prism AST.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#263
  def build_ast(program, offset_cache); end

  # Build the parser gem comments from the prism comments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#268
  def build_comments(comments, offset_cache); end

  # Prism deals with offsets in bytes, while the parser gem deals with
  # offsets in characters. We need to handle this conversion in order to
  # build the parser gem AST.
  # If the bytesize of the source is the same as the length, then we can
  # just use the offset directly. Otherwise, we build an array where the
  # index is the byte offset and the value is the character offset.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#246
  def build_offset_cache(source); end

  # Build a range from a prism location.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#280
  def build_range(location, offset_cache); end

  # Build the parser gem tokens from the prism tokens.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#275
  def build_tokens(tokens, offset_cache); end

  # Converts the version format handled by Parser to the format handled by Prism.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#289
  def convert_for_prism(version); end

  # Build a diagnostic from the given prism parse error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#124
  def error_diagnostic(error, offset_cache); end

  # If there was a error generated during the parse, then raise an
  # appropriate syntax error. Otherwise return the result.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#224
  def unwrap(result, offset_cache); end

  # This is a hook to allow consumers to disable some errors if they don't
  # want them to block creating the syntax tree.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#113
  def valid_error?(error); end

  # This is a hook to allow consumers to disable some warnings if they don't
  # want them to block creating the syntax tree.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#119
  def valid_warning?(warning); end

  # Build a diagnostic from the given prism parse warning.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#197
  def warning_diagnostic(warning, offset_cache); end

# This class is the entry-point for Ruby 3.3 of `Prism::Translation::Parser`.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser33.rb#6
class Prism::Translation::Parser33 < ::Prism::Translation::Parser
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser33.rb#7
  sig { override.returns(Integer) }
  def version; end

# This class is the entry-point for Ruby 3.4 of `Prism::Translation::Parser`.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser34.rb#6
class Prism::Translation::Parser34 < ::Prism::Translation::Parser
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser34.rb#7
  sig { override.returns(Integer) }
  def version; end

# A visitor that knows how to convert a prism syntax tree into the
# whitequark/parser gem's syntax tree.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#8
class Prism::Translation::Parser::Compiler < ::Prism::Compiler
  # Initialize a new compiler with the given parser, offset cache, and
  # options.
  # @return [Compiler] a new instance of Compiler
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#39
  def initialize(parser, offset_cache, forwarding: T.unsafe(nil), in_destructure: T.unsafe(nil), in_pattern: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The Parser::Builders::Default instance that is being used to build the
  # AST.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#18
  def builder; end

  # The types of values that can be forwarded in the current scope.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#29
  def forwarding; end

  # Whether or not the current node is in a destructure.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#32
  def in_destructure; end

  # Whether or not the current node is in a pattern.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#35
  def in_pattern; end

  # The offset cache that is used to map between byte and character
  # offsets in the file.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#26
  def offset_cache; end

  # The Parser::Base instance that is being used to build the AST.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#14
  def parser; end

  # The Parser::Source::Buffer instance that is holding a reference to the
  # source code.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#22
  def source_buffer; end

  # alias $foo $bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#58
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # alias foo bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#52
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # foo => bar | baz
  #        ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#64
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # a and b
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#70
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # foo(bar)
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#105
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # []
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#76
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # foo => [bar]
  #        ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#82
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # { a: 1 }
  #   ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#111
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # def foo(**); bar(**); end
  #                  ^^
  # { **foo }
  #   ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#160
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # $+
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#172
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # begin end
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#178
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # foo(&bar)
  #     ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#216
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # foo { |; bar| }
  #          ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#222
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # A block on a keyword or method call.
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#227
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # def foo(&bar); end
  #         ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#233
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # A block's parameters.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#238
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # break
  # ^^^^^
  # break foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#247
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#352
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo
  # ^^^
  # ^^^^^^^
  # {}
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#259
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#333
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#371
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  #, = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#390
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # foo => bar => baz
  #        ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#402
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # case foo; in bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#421
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # case foo; when bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#408
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # class Foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#434
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # @@foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#473
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#463
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#483
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#447
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # @@foo, = bar
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#493
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # @@foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#453
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#524
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#514
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#534
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#590
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#550
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#580
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#600
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar, = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#610
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # Foo::Foo, Bar::Bar = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#570
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Foo
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#499
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Foo, = bar
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#544
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # Foo, Bar = 1
  # ^^^  ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#508
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # def foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # def; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#619
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # defined? a
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # defined?(a)
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#666
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # if foo then bar else baz end
  #                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#678
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # "foo #{bar}"
  #      ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#684
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # "foo #@bar"
  #      ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#694
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # begin; foo; ensure; bar; end
  #             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#700
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # false
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#706
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # foo => [*, bar, *]
  #        ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#712
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # 0..5
  # ^^^^
  # if foo .. bar; end
  #    ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1475
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # 1.0
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#724
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # for foo in bar do end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#730
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # def foo(...); bar(...); end
  #                   ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#748
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # def foo(...); end
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#754
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # super
  # ^^^^^
  # super {}
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#763
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # $foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#801
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # $foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#791
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # $foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#811
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # $foo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#775
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # $foo, = bar
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#821
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # $foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#781
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # {}
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#827
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # foo => {}
  #        ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#837
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # if foo then bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar if foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # foo ? bar : baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#855
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # 1i
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#897
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # { foo: }
  #   ^^^^
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#903
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # foo { |bar,| }
  #           ^
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#909
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # case foo; in bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#915
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#959
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#941
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#977
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar], = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#995
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1032
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1022
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1042
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1006
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # @foo, = bar
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1052
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1012
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # 1
  # ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1058
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # /foo #{bar}/
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # if /foo #{bar}/ then end
  #    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1064
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # /foo #{bar}/
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1064
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # "foo #{bar}"
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1079
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # :"foo #{bar}"
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1113
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # `foo #{bar}`
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1123
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # -> { it }
  #      ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1137
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # -> { it }
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1143
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # foo(bar: baz)
  #     ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1149
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # def foo(**bar); end
  #         ^^^^^
  # def foo(**); end
  #         ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1158
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # -> {}
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1167
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1219
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1209
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1229
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1193
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # foo, = bar
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1239
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1199
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # /foo/
  # ^^^^^
  # if /foo/ then end
  #    ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1509
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # foo in bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1249
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # foo => bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1259
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # /(?<foo>foo)/ =~ bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1269
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # A node that is missing from the syntax tree. This is only used in the
  # case of a syntax error. The parser gem doesn't have such a concept, so
  # we invent our own here.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1280
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # module Foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1286
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # foo, bar = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1297
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # foo, bar = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1307
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # next
  # ^^^^
  # next foo
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1330
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # nil
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1342
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # def foo(**nil); end
  #         ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1348
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # -> { _1 + _2 }
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1358
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # $1
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1364
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar: baz); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1370
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar = 1); end
  #         ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1376
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # a or b
  # ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1382
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar, *baz); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1388
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # ()
  # ^^
  # (1)
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1427
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # foo => ^(bar)
  #        ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1437
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # foo = 1 and bar => ^foo
  #                    ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1444
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # END {}
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1449
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # BEGIN {}
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1459
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # The top-level program node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1469
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # 0..5
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1475
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # 1r
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1497
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # redo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1503
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # /foo/
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1509
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar:); end
  #         ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1535
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar); end
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1541
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # foo rescue bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1547
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # begin; rescue; end
  #        ^^^^^^^
  # @raise [CompilationError]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1565
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # def foo(*bar); end
  #         ^^^^
  # def foo(*); end
  #         ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1574
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # retry
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1580
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # return
  # ^^^^^^
  # return 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1589
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # self
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1601
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # A shareable constant.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1606
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # class << self; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1612
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # __ENCODING__
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1624
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # __FILE__
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1630
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # __LINE__
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1636
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # foo(*bar)
  #     ^^^^
  # def foo((bar, *baz)); end
  #               ^^^^
  # def foo(*); bar(*); end
  #                 ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1648
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # A list of statements.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1661
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # "foo"
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1667
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # super(foo)
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1709
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # :foo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1732
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # true
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1764
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # undef foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1770
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # unless foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar unless foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1779
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # until foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar until foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1809
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # case foo; when bar; end
  #           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1831
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # while foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar while foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1849
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # `foo`
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1871
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # yield
  # ^^^^^
  # yield 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1902
  def visit_yield_node(node); end


  # The parser gem automatically converts \r\n to \n, meaning our offsets
  # need to be adjusted to always subtract 1 from the length.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#2045
  def chomped_bytesize(line); end

  # Initialize a new compiler with the given option overrides, used to
  # visit a subtree with the given options.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1916
  def copy_compiler(forwarding: T.unsafe(nil), in_destructure: T.unsafe(nil), in_pattern: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # When *, **, &, or ... are used as an argument in a method call, we
  # check if they were allowed by the current context. To determine that
  # we build this lookup table.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1923
  def find_forwarding(node); end

  # Returns the set of targets for a MultiTargetNode or a MultiWriteNode.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1936
  def multi_target_elements(node); end

  # Negate the value of a numeric node. This is a special case where you
  # have a negative sign on one line and then a number on the next line.
  # In normal Ruby, this will always be a method call. The parser gem,
  # however, marks this as a numeric literal. We have to massage the tree
  # here to get it into the correct form.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1948
  def numeric_negate(message_loc, receiver); end

  # Blocks can have a special set of parameters that automatically expand
  # when given arrays if they have a single required parameter and no
  # other parameters.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1962
  def procarg0?(parameters); end

  # Constructs a new source range from the given start and end offsets.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1979
  def srange(location); end

  # Constructs a new source range by finding the given tokens between the
  # given start offset and end offset. If the needle is not found, it
  # returns nil. Importantly it does not search past newlines or comments.
  # Note that end_offset is allowed to be nil, in which case this will
  # search until the end of the string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1994
  def srange_find(start_offset, end_offset, tokens); end

  # Constructs a new source range from the given start and end offsets.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1984
  def srange_offsets(start_offset, end_offset); end

  # Transform a location into a token that the parser gem expects.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#2004
  def token(location); end

  # Visit a block node on a call.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#2009
  def visit_block(call, block); end

  # Visit a heredoc that can be either a string or an xstring.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#2051
  def visit_heredoc(node); end

  # Visit a numeric node and account for the optional sign.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#2123
  def visit_numeric(node, value); end

  # Within the given block, track that we're within a pattern.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#2135
  def within_pattern; end

# Raised when the tree is malformed or there is a bug in the compiler.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#10
class Prism::Translation::Parser::Compiler::CompilationError < ::StandardError; end

# Locations in the parser gem AST are generated using this class. We
# store a reference to its constant to make it slightly faster to look
# up.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/compiler.rb#1976
Prism::Translation::Parser::Compiler::Range = Parser::Source::Range

# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#17
Prism::Translation::Parser::Diagnostic = Parser::Diagnostic

# Accepts a list of prism tokens and converts them into the expected
# format for the parser gem.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#8
class Prism::Translation::Parser::Lexer
  # Initialize the lexer with the given source buffer, prism tokens, and
  # offset cache.
  # @return [Lexer] a new instance of Lexer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#204
  def initialize(source_buffer, lexed, offset_cache); end

  # An array of tuples that contain prism tokens and their associated lex
  # state when they were lexed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#197
  def lexed; end

  # A hash that maps offsets in bytes to offsets in characters.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#200
  def offset_cache; end

  # The Parser::Source::Buffer that the tokens were lexed from.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#193
  def source_buffer; end

  # Convert the prism tokens into the expected format for the parser gem.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#214
  def to_a; end


  # Parse a complex from the string representation.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#387
  def parse_complex(value); end

  # Parse a float from the string representation.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#380
  def parse_float(value); end

  # Parse an integer from the string representation.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#373
  def parse_integer(value); end

  # Parse a rational from the string representation.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#402
  def parse_rational(value); end

# These constants represent flags in our lex state. We really, really
# don't want to be using them and we really, really don't want to be
# exposing them as part of our public API. Unfortunately, we don't have
# another way of matching the exact tokens that the parser gem expects
# without them. We should find another way to do this, but in the
# meantime we'll hide them from the documentation and mark them as
# private constants.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#187
Prism::Translation::Parser::Lexer::EXPR_BEG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#188
Prism::Translation::Parser::Lexer::EXPR_LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#210
Prism::Translation::Parser::Lexer::Range = Parser::Source::Range

# The direct translating of types between the two lexers.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser/lexer.rb#10
Prism::Translation::Parser::Lexer::TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# The parser gem has a list of diagnostics with a hard-coded set of error
# messages. We create our own diagnostic class in order to set our own
# error messages.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#23
class Prism::Translation::Parser::PrismDiagnostic < ::Parser::Diagnostic
  # Initialize a new diagnostic with the given message and location.
  # @return [PrismDiagnostic] a new instance of PrismDiagnostic
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#28
  def initialize(message, level, reason, location); end

  # This is the cached message coming from prism.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#25
  def message; end

# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/parser.rb#34
Prism::Translation::Parser::Racc_debug_parser = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)

# This class provides a compatibility layer between prism and Ripper. It
# functions by parsing the entire tree first and then walking it and
# executing each of the Ripper callbacks as it goes. To use this class, you
# treat `Prism::Translation::Ripper` effectively as you would treat the
# `Ripper` class.
# Note that this class will serve the most common use cases, but Ripper's
# API is extensive and undocumented. It relies on reporting the state of the
# parser at any given time. We do our best to replicate that here, but
# because it is a different architecture it is not possible to perfectly
# replicate the behavior of Ripper.
# The main known difference is that we may omit dispatching some events in
# some cases. This impacts the following events:
# - on_assign_error
# - on_comma
# - on_ignored_nl
# - on_ignored_sp
# - on_kw
# - on_label_end
# - on_lbrace
# - on_lbracket
# - on_lparen
# - on_nl
# - on_op
# - on_operator_ambiguous
# - on_rbrace
# - on_rbracket
# - on_rparen
# - on_semicolon
# - on_sp
# - on_symbeg
# - on_tstring_beg
# - on_tstring_end
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#43
class Prism::Translation::Ripper < ::Prism::Compiler
  # Create a new Translation::Ripper object with the given source.
  # @return [Ripper] a new instance of Ripper
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#444
  def initialize(source, filename = T.unsafe(nil), lineno = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The current column number of the parser.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#441
  def column; end

  # True if the parser encountered an error during parsing.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#457
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def error?; end

  # The filename of the source being parsed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#435
  def filename; end

  # The current line number of the parser.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#438
  def lineno; end

  # Parse the source and return the result.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#462
  sig { returns(T.untyped) }
  def parse; end

  # The source that is being parsed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#432
  def source; end

  # alias $foo $bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#561
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # alias foo bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#551
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # foo => bar | baz
  #        ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#585
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # a and b
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#605
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # foo(bar)
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#796
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # []
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#615
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # foo => [bar]
  #        ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#775
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # { a: 1 }
  #   ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#803
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # def foo(**); bar(**); end
  #                  ^^
  # { **foo }
  #   ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#816
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # $+
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#825
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # begin end
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#832
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # foo(&bar)
  #     ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#896
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # foo { |; bar| }
  #          ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#902
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockNode.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#908
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # def foo(&bar); end
  #         ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#944
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # A block's parameters.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#958
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # break
  # ^^^^^
  # break foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#982
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1194
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo
  # ^^^
  # ^^^^^^^
  # {}
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1002
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1172
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1216
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  #, = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1238
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # foo => bar => baz
  #        ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1263
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # case foo; in bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1286
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # case foo; when bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1273
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # class Foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1299
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # @@foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1352
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1338
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1366
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1317
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # @@foo, = bar
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1380
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # @@foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # @@foo, @@bar = 1
  # ^^^^^  ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1327
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1422
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1408
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1436
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1523
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1457
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1509
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1537
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar, = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1551
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # Foo::Foo, Bar::Bar = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1480
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Foo
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1387
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Foo, = bar
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1450
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # Foo, Bar = 1
  # ^^^  ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1397
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # def foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # def; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1560
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # defined? a
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # defined?(a)
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1607
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # if foo then bar else baz end
  #                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1614
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # "foo #{bar}"
  #      ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1630
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # "foo #@bar"
  #      ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1651
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit an EnsureNode node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1662
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # false
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1680
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # foo => [*, bar, *]
  #        ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1687
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # if foo .. bar; end
  #    ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1712
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # 1.0
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1726
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # for foo in bar do end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1732
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # def foo(...); bar(...); end
  #                   ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1749
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # def foo(...); end
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1756
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # super
  # ^^^^^
  # super {}
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1766
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # $foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1815
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # $foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1801
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # $foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1829
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # $foo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1780
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # $foo, = bar
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1843
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # $foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # $foo, $bar = 1
  # ^^^^  ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1790
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # {}
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1850
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # foo => {}
  #        ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1865
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # if foo then bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar if foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # foo ? bar : baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1907
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # 1i
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1943
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # { foo: }
  #   ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1949
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # foo { |bar,| }
  #           ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1954
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # case foo; in bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1961
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1996
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1979
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2013
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar], = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2030
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2072
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2058
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2086
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2040
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # @foo, = bar
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2100
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2047
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # 1
  # ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2107
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # if /foo #{bar}/ then end
  #    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2113
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # /foo #{bar}/
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2132
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # "foo #{bar}"
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2151
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # :"foo #{bar}"
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2179
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # `foo #{bar}`
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2192
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # -> { it }
  #      ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2222
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # -> { it }
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2229
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # foo(bar: baz)
  #     ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2234
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # def foo(**bar); end
  #         ^^^^^
  # def foo(**); end
  #         ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2246
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # -> {}
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2260
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2352
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2338
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2366
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2320
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # foo, = bar
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2380
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2327
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # if /foo/ then end
  #    ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2387
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # foo in bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2402
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # foo => bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2411
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # /(?<foo>foo)/ =~ bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2420
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # A node that is missing from the syntax tree. This is only used in the
  # case of a syntax error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2426
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # module Foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2432
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # (foo, bar), bar = qux
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2449
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # foo, bar = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2503
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # next
  # ^^^^
  # next foo
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2523
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # nil
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2537
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # def foo(**nil); end
  #         ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2544
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # -> { _1 + _2 }
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2553
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # $1
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2558
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar: baz); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2565
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar = 1); end
  #         ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2575
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # a or b
  # ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2585
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar, *baz); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2595
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # ()
  # ^^
  # (1)
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2622
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # foo => ^(bar)
  #        ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2636
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # foo = 1 and bar => ^foo
  #                    ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2645
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # END {}
  # ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2651
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # BEGIN {}
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2666
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # The top-level program node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2680
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # 0..5
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2691
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # 1r
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2705
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # redo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2711
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # /foo/
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2718
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar:); end
  #         ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2740
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar); end
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2747
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # foo rescue bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2754
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # begin; rescue; end
  #        ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2764
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # def foo(*bar); end
  #         ^^^^
  # def foo(*); end
  #         ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2822
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # retry
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2834
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # return
  # ^^^^^^
  # return 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2844
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # self
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2858
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # A shareable constant.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2864
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # class << self; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2870
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # __ENCODING__
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2880
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # __FILE__
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2887
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # __LINE__
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2894
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # foo(*bar)
  #     ^^^^
  # def foo((bar, *baz)); end
  #               ^^^^
  # def foo(*); bar(*); end
  #                 ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2907
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # A list of statements.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2912
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # "foo"
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2929
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # super(foo)
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3061
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # :foo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3082
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # true
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3106
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # undef foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3113
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # unless foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar unless foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3125
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # until foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar until foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3153
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # case foo; when bar; end
  #           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3177
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # while foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar while foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3198
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # `foo`
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3222
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # yield
  # ^^^^^
  # yield 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3245
  def visit_yield_node(node); end


  # :stopdoc:
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def _dispatch_0; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def _dispatch_1(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def _dispatch_2(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def _dispatch_3(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3393
  def _dispatch_4(_, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3394
  def _dispatch_5(_, _, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3395
  def _dispatch_7(_, _, _, _, _, _, _); end

  # This method is responsible for updating lineno and column information
  # to reflect the current node.
  # This method could be drastically improved with some caching on the start
  # of every line, but for now it's good enough.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3379
  def bounds(location); end

  # Returns true if the given node is a command node.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1163
  def command?(node); end

  # This method is called when the parser found syntax error.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3417
  def compile_error(msg); end

  # This method is provided by the Ripper C extension. It is called when a
  # string needs to be dedented because of a tilde heredoc. It is expected
  # that it will modify the string in place and return the number of bytes
  # that were removed.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3432
  def dedent_string(string, width); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_BEGIN(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_CHAR(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_END(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on___end__(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_alias(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_alias_error(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_aref(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_aref_field(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_arg_ambiguous(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_arg_paren(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_args_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_args_add_block(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_args_add_star(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_args_forward; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_args_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_array(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3393
  def on_aryptn(_, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_assign(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_assign_error(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_assoc_new(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_assoc_splat(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_assoclist_from_args(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_backref(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_backtick(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_bare_assoc_hash(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_begin(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_binary(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_block_var(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_blockarg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3393
  def on_bodystmt(_, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_brace_block(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_break(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_call(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_case(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_class(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_class_name_error(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_comma(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_command(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3393
  def on_command_call(_, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_comment(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_const(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_const_path_field(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_const_path_ref(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_const_ref(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_cvar(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_def(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_defined(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3394
  def on_defs(_, _, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_do_block(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_dot2(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_dot3(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_dyna_symbol(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_else(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_elsif(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_embdoc(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_embdoc_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_embdoc_end(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_embexpr_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_embexpr_end(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_embvar(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_ensure(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_excessed_comma; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_fcall(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_field(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_float(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3393
  def on_fndptn(_, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_for(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_gvar(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_hash(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_heredoc_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_heredoc_dedent(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_heredoc_end(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_hshptn(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_ident(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_if(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_if_mod(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_ifop(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_ignored_nl(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_ignored_sp(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_imaginary(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_in(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_int(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_ivar(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_kw(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_kwrest_param(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_label(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_label_end(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_lambda(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_lbrace(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_lbracket(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_lparen(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_magic_comment(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_massign(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_method_add_arg(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_method_add_block(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_mlhs_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_mlhs_add_post(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_mlhs_add_star(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_mlhs_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_mlhs_paren(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_module(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_mrhs_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_mrhs_add_star(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_mrhs_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_mrhs_new_from_args(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_next(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_nl(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_nokw_param(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_op(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_opassign(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_operator_ambiguous(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_param_error(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3395
  def on_params(_, _, _, _, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_paren(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_parse_error(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_period(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_program(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_qsymbols_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_qsymbols_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_qsymbols_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_qwords_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_qwords_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_qwords_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_rational(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_rbrace(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_rbracket(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_redo; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_regexp_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_regexp_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_regexp_end(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_regexp_literal(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_regexp_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3393
  def on_rescue(_, _, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_rescue_mod(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_rest_param(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_retry; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_return(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_return0; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_rparen(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_sclass(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_semicolon(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_sp(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_stmts_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_stmts_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_string_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_string_concat(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_string_content; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_string_dvar(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_string_embexpr(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_string_literal(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_super(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_symbeg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_symbol(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_symbol_literal(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_symbols_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_symbols_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_symbols_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_tlambda(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_tlambeg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_top_const_field(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_top_const_ref(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_tstring_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_tstring_content(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_tstring_end(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_unary(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_undef(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_unless(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_unless_mod(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_until(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_until_mod(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_var_alias(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_var_field(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_var_ref(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_vcall(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_void_stmt; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3392
  def on_when(_, _, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_while(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_while_mod(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_word_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_word_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_words_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_words_beg(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_words_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_words_sep(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3391
  def on_xstring_add(_, _); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_xstring_literal(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_xstring_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3390
  def on_yield(_); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_yield0; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3389
  def on_zsuper; end

  # Lazily initialize the parse result.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3271
  def result; end

  # Returns true if there is a comma between the two locations.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3284
  def trailing_comma?(left, right); end

  # Visit one side of an alias global variable node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#570
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node_value(node); end

  # Visit a list of elements, like the elements of an array or arguments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#756
  def visit_arguments(elements); end

  # Visit the clauses of a begin node to form an on_bodystmt call.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#840
  def visit_begin_node_clauses(location, node, allow_newline); end

  # Visit the body of a structure that can have either a set of statements
  # or statements wrapped in rescue/else/ensure.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#875
  def visit_body_node(location, node, allow_newline = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Visit the arguments and block of a call node and return the arguments
  # and block as they should be used.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1136
  def visit_call_node_arguments(arguments_node, block_node, trailing_comma); end

  # Visit a constant path that is part of a write node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#1489
  def visit_constant_path_write_node_target(node); end

  # Visit a destructured positional parameter node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2609
  def visit_destructured_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a string that is expressed using a <<~ heredoc.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2980
  def visit_heredoc_node(parts, base); end

  # Ripper gives back the escaped string content but strips out the common
  # leading whitespace. Prism gives back the unescaped string content and
  # a location for the escaped string content. Unfortunately these don't
  # work well together, so here we need to re-derive the common leading
  # whitespace.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2955
  def visit_heredoc_node_whitespace(parts); end

  # Visit a heredoc node that is representing a string.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3026
  def visit_heredoc_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a heredoc node that is representing an xstring.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3043
  def visit_heredoc_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit the targets of a multi-target node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2462
  def visit_multi_target_node_targets(lefts, rest, rights, skippable); end

  # Visit a node that represents a number. We need to explicitly handle the
  # unary - operator.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3323
  def visit_number_node(node); end

  # Visit a pattern within a pattern match. This is used to bypass the
  # parenthesis node that can be used to wrap patterns.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#595
  def visit_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit the list of statements of a statements node. We support nil
  # statements in the list. This would normally not be allowed by the
  # structure of the prism parse tree, but we manually add them here so that
  # we can mirror Ripper's void stmt.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2921
  def visit_statements_node_body(body); end

  # Visit an individual part of a string-like node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#2211
  def visit_string_content(part); end

  # Visit the string content of a particular node. This method is used to
  # split into the various token types.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3296
  def visit_token(token, allow_keywords = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Dispatch a words_sep event that contains the space between the elements
  # of list literals.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#745
  def visit_words_sep(opening_loc, previous, current); end

  # Visit a node that represents a write value. This is used to handle the
  # special case of an implicit array that is generated without brackets.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3341
  def visit_write_value(node); end

  # Returns true if there is a semicolon between the two locations.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3289
  def void_stmt?(left, right, allow_newline); end

  # This method is called when weak warning is produced by the parser.
  # +fmt+ and +args+ is printf style.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3408
  def warn(fmt, *args); end

  # This method is called when strong warning is produced by the parser.
  # +fmt+ and +args+ is printf style.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#3413
  def warning(fmt, *args); end

  class << self
    # Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array,
    # which is formatted like
    # <code>[[lineno, column], type, token, state]</code>.
    # The +filename+ argument is mostly ignored.
    # By default, this method does not handle syntax errors in +src+,
    # use the +raise_errors+ keyword to raise a SyntaxError for an error in +src+.
    #     require "ripper"
    #     require "pp"
    #     pp Ripper.lex("def m(a) nil end")
    #     #=> [[[1,  0], :on_kw,     "def", FNAME    ],
    #          [[1,  3], :on_sp,     " ",   FNAME    ],
    #          [[1,  4], :on_ident,  "m",   ENDFN    ],
    #          [[1,  5], :on_lparen, "(",   BEG|LABEL],
    #          [[1,  6], :on_ident,  "a",   ARG      ],
    #          [[1,  7], :on_rparen, ")",   ENDFN    ],
    #          [[1,  8], :on_sp,     " ",   BEG      ],
    #          [[1,  9], :on_kw,     "nil", END      ],
    #          [[1, 12], :on_sp,     " ",   END      ],
    #          [[1, 13], :on_kw,     "end", END      ]]
    # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#72
    def lex(src, filename = T.unsafe(nil), lineno = T.unsafe(nil), raise_errors: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Parses the given Ruby program read from +src+.
    # +src+ must be a String or an IO or a object with a #gets method.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#46
    def parse(src, filename = T.unsafe(nil), lineno = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Parses +src+ and create S-exp tree.
    # Returns more readable tree rather than Ripper.sexp_raw.
    # This method is mainly for developer use.
    # The +filename+ argument is mostly ignored.
    # By default, this method does not handle syntax errors in +src+,
    # returning +nil+ in such cases. Use the +raise_errors+ keyword
    # to raise a SyntaxError for an error in +src+.
    #     require "ripper"
    #     require "pp"
    #     pp Ripper.sexp("def m(a) nil end")
    #       #=> [:program,
    #            [[:def,
    #             [:@ident, "m", [1, 4]],
    #             [:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "a", [1, 6]]], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]],
    #             [:bodystmt, [[:var_ref, [:@kw, "nil", [1, 9]]]], nil, nil, nil]]]]
    # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#381
    def sexp(src, filename = T.unsafe(nil), lineno = T.unsafe(nil), raise_errors: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Parses +src+ and create S-exp tree.
    # This method is mainly for developer use.
    # The +filename+ argument is mostly ignored.
    # By default, this method does not handle syntax errors in +src+,
    # returning +nil+ in such cases. Use the +raise_errors+ keyword
    # to raise a SyntaxError for an error in +src+.
    #     require "ripper"
    #     require "pp"
    #     pp Ripper.sexp_raw("def m(a) nil end")
    #       #=> [:program,
    #            [:stmts_add,
    #             [:stmts_new],
    #             [:def,
    #              [:@ident, "m", [1, 4]],
    #              [:paren, [:params, [[:@ident, "a", [1, 6]]], nil, nil, nil]],
    #              [:bodystmt,
    #               [:stmts_add, [:stmts_new], [:var_ref, [:@kw, "nil", [1, 9]]]],
    #               nil,
    #               nil,
    #               nil]]]]
    # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#416
    def sexp_raw(src, filename = T.unsafe(nil), lineno = T.unsafe(nil), raise_errors: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A list of all of the Ruby binary operators.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#337
Prism::Translation::Ripper::BINARY_OPERATORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# This array contains name of all ripper events.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#289
Prism::Translation::Ripper::EVENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# A list of all of the Ruby keywords.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#292
Prism::Translation::Ripper::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# This array contains name of parser events.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#283
Prism::Translation::Ripper::PARSER_EVENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# This contains a table of all of the parser events and their
# corresponding arity.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#84
Prism::Translation::Ripper::PARSER_EVENT_TABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# This array contains name of scanner events.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#286
Prism::Translation::Ripper::SCANNER_EVENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# This contains a table of all of the scanner events and their
# corresponding arity.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper.rb#227
Prism::Translation::Ripper::SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# This class mirrors the ::Ripper::SexpBuilder subclass of ::Ripper that
# returns the arrays of [type, *children].
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#10
class Prism::Translation::Ripper::SexpBuilder < ::Prism::Translation::Ripper
  # :stopdoc:
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#13
  def error; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_BEGIN(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_CHAR(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_END(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on___end__(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_alias(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_alias_error(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_aref(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_aref_field(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_arg_ambiguous(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_arg_paren(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_args_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_args_add_block(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_args_add_star(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_args_forward(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_args_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_array(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_aryptn(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_assign(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_assign_error(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_assoc_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_assoc_splat(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_assoclist_from_args(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_backref(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_backtick(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_bare_assoc_hash(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_begin(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_binary(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_block_var(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_blockarg(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_bodystmt(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_brace_block(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_break(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_call(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_case(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_class(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_class_name_error(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_comma(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_command(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_command_call(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_comment(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_const(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_const_path_field(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_const_path_ref(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_const_ref(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_cvar(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_def(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_defined(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_defs(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_do_block(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_dot2(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_dot3(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_dyna_symbol(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_else(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_elsif(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_embdoc(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_embdoc_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_embdoc_end(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_embexpr_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_embexpr_end(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_embvar(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_ensure(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_excessed_comma(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_fcall(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_field(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_float(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_fndptn(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_for(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_gvar(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_hash(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_heredoc_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_heredoc_end(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_hshptn(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_ident(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_if(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_if_mod(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_ifop(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_ignored_nl(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_ignored_sp(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_imaginary(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_in(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_int(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_ivar(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_kw(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_kwrest_param(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_label(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_label_end(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_lambda(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_lbrace(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_lbracket(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_lparen(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_magic_comment(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_massign(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_method_add_arg(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_method_add_block(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mlhs_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mlhs_add_post(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mlhs_add_star(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mlhs_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mlhs_paren(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_module(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mrhs_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mrhs_add_star(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mrhs_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_mrhs_new_from_args(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_next(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_nl(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_nokw_param(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_op(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_opassign(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_operator_ambiguous(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_param_error(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_params(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_paren(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_period(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_program(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_qsymbols_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_qsymbols_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_qsymbols_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_qwords_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_qwords_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_qwords_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_rational(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_rbrace(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_rbracket(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_redo(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_regexp_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_regexp_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_regexp_end(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_regexp_literal(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_regexp_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_rescue(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_rescue_mod(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_rest_param(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_retry(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_return(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_return0(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_rparen(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_sclass(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_semicolon(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_sp(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_stmts_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_stmts_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_string_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_string_concat(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_string_content(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_string_dvar(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_string_embexpr(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_string_literal(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_super(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_symbeg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_symbol(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_symbol_literal(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_symbols_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_symbols_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_symbols_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_tlambda(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_tlambeg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_top_const_field(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_top_const_ref(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_tstring_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_tstring_content(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_tstring_end(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_unary(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_undef(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_unless(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_unless_mod(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_until(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_until_mod(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_var_alias(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_var_field(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_var_ref(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_vcall(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_void_stmt(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_when(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_while(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_while_mod(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_word_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_word_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_words_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_words_beg(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_words_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#55
  def on_words_sep(tok); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_xstring_add(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_xstring_literal(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_xstring_new(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_yield(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_yield0(*args); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#47
  def on_zsuper(*args); end


  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#61
  def compile_error(mesg); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#17
  def dedent_element(e, width); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#61
  def on_error(mesg); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#24
  def on_heredoc_dedent(val, width); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#61
  def on_parse_error(mesg); end

# This class mirrors the ::Ripper::SexpBuilderPP subclass of ::Ripper that
# returns the same values as ::Ripper::SexpBuilder except with a couple of
# niceties that flatten linked lists into arrays.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#74
class Prism::Translation::Ripper::SexpBuilderPP < ::Prism::Translation::Ripper::SexpBuilder

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def _dispatch_event_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def _dispatch_event_push(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_args_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_args_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#79
  def on_heredoc_dedent(val, width); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_mlhs_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#109
  def on_mlhs_add_post(list, post); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#105
  def on_mlhs_add_star(list, star); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_mlhs_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#101
  def on_mlhs_paren(list); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_mrhs_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_mrhs_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_qsymbols_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_qsymbols_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_qwords_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_qwords_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_regexp_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_regexp_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_stmts_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_stmts_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_string_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_symbols_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_symbols_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_word_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_word_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_words_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_words_new; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#96
  def on_xstring_add(list, item); end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ripper/sexp.rb#92
  def on_xstring_new; end

# This module is the entry-point for converting a prism syntax tree into the
# seattlerb/ruby_parser gem's syntax tree.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#14
class Prism::Translation::RubyParser
  # Parse the given source and translate it into the seattlerb/ruby_parser
  # gem's Sexp format.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1556
  def parse(source, filepath = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Parse the given file and translate it into the seattlerb/ruby_parser
  # gem's Sexp format.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1562
  def parse_file(filepath); end


  # Translate the given parse result and filepath into the
  # seattlerb/ruby_parser gem's Sexp format.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1584
  def translate(result, filepath); end

  class << self
    # Parse the given source and translate it into the seattlerb/ruby_parser
    # gem's Sexp format.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1569
    def parse(source, filepath = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Parse the given file and translate it into the seattlerb/ruby_parser
    # gem's Sexp format.
    # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1575
    def parse_file(filepath); end

# A prism visitor that builds Sexp objects.
# source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#16
class Prism::Translation::RubyParser::Compiler < ::Prism::Compiler
  # Initialize a new compiler with the given file name.
  # @return [Compiler] a new instance of Compiler
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#31
  def initialize(file, in_def: T.unsafe(nil), in_pattern: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # This is the name of the file that we are compiling. We set it on every
  # Sexp object that is generated, and also use it to compile __FILE__
  # nodes.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#20
  def file; end

  # Class variables will change their type based on if they are inside of
  # a method definition or not, so we need to track that state.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#24
  def in_def; end

  # Some nodes will change their representation if they are inside of a
  # pattern, so we need to track that state.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#28
  def in_pattern; end

  # alias $foo $bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#45
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # alias foo bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#39
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # foo => bar | baz
  #        ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#51
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # a and b
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#57
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # foo(bar)
  #     ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#96
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # []
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#63
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # foo => [bar]
  #        ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#73
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # { a: 1 }
  #   ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#102
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # def foo(**); bar(**); end
  #                  ^^
  # { **foo }
  #   ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#111
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # $+
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#121
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # begin end
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#127
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # foo(&bar)
  #     ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#160
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # foo { |; bar| }
  #          ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#168
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # A block on a keyword or method call.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#173
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # def foo(&bar); end
  #         ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#179
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # A block's parameters.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#184
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # break
  # ^^^^^
  # break foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#224
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#287
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo
  # ^^^
  # ^^^^^^^
  # {}
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#242
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#277
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#297
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  #, = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#320
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # foo => bar => baz
  #        ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#326
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # case foo; in bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#338
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # case foo; when bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#332
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # class Foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#344
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # @@foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#385
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#379
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#391
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # @@foo
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#364
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # @@foo, = bar
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#397
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # @@foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # @@foo, @@bar = 1
  # ^^^^^  ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#373
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#430
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#424
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#436
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#473
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#448
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#467
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#479
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar, = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#485
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Foo::Bar = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # Foo::Foo, Bar::Bar = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#461
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Foo
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#409
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Foo, = bar
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#442
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # Foo, Bar = 1
  # ^^^  ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#418
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # def foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # def; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#501
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # defined? a
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # defined?(a)
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#532
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # if foo then bar else baz end
  #                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#538
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # "foo #{bar}"
  #      ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#544
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # "foo #@bar"
  #      ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#552
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # begin; foo; ensure; bar; end
  #             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#558
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # false
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#564
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # foo => [*, bar, *]
  #        ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#570
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # if foo .. bar; end
  #    ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#576
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # 1.0
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#586
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # for foo in bar do end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#592
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # def foo(...); bar(...); end
  #                   ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#598
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # def foo(...); end
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#604
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # super
  # ^^^^^
  # super {}
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#613
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # $foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#640
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # $foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#634
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # $foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#646
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # $foo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#619
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # $foo, = bar
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#652
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # $foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # $foo, $bar = 1
  # ^^^^  ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#628
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # {}
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#658
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # foo => {}
  #        ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#664
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # if foo then bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar if foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # foo ? bar : baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#685
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # 1i
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#690
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # { foo: }
  #   ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#696
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # foo { |bar,| }
  #           ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#701
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # case foo; in bar; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#706
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] &&= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#732
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] += baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#719
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar] ||= baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#745
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo[bar], = 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#758
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#788
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#782
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#794
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#767
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # @foo, = bar
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#800
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # ^^^^^^^^
  # @foo, @bar = 1
  # ^^^^  ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#776
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # 1
  # ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#806
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # if /foo #{bar}/ then end
  #    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#812
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # /foo #{bar}/
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#829
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # "foo #{bar}"
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#844
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # :"foo #{bar}"
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#851
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # `foo #{bar}`
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#858
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # -> { it }
  #      ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#923
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # foo(bar: baz)
  #     ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#929
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # def foo(**bar); end
  #         ^^^^^
  # def foo(**); end
  #         ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#938
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # -> {}
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#943
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # foo &&= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#986
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # foo += bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#980
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # foo ||= bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#992
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # foo
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#961
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # foo, = bar
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#998
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # foo = 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # foo, bar = 1
  # ^^^  ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#974
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # if /foo/ then end
  #    ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1004
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # foo in bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1010
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # foo => bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1016
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # /(?<foo>foo)/ =~ bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1022
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # A node that is missing from the syntax tree. This is only used in the
  # case of a syntax error. The parser gem doesn't have such a concept, so
  # we invent our own here.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1029
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # module Foo; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1035
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # foo, bar = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1055
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # foo, bar = baz
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1065
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # next
  # ^^^^
  # next foo
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1089
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # nil
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1102
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # def foo(**nil); end
  #         ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1108
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # -> { _1 + _2 }
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1114
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # $1
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1120
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar: baz); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1126
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar = 1); end
  #         ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1132
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # a or b
  # ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1138
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar, *baz); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1144
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # ()
  # ^^
  # (1)
  # ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1182
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # foo => ^(bar)
  #        ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1192
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # foo = 1 and bar => ^foo
  #                    ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1198
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # END {}
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1207
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # BEGIN {}
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1212
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # The top-level program node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1217
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # 0..5
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1223
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # 1r
  # ^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1245
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # redo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1251
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # /foo/
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1257
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar:); end
  #         ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1263
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # def foo(bar); end
  #         ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1269
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # foo rescue bar
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1275
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # begin; rescue; end
  #        ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1281
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # def foo(*bar); end
  #         ^^^^
  # def foo(*); end
  #         ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1301
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # retry
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1307
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # return
  # ^^^^^^
  # return 1
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1316
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # self
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1329
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # A shareable constant.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1334
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # class << self; end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1340
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # __ENCODING__
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1348
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # __FILE__
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1355
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # __LINE__
  # ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1361
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # foo(*bar)
  #     ^^^^
  # def foo((bar, *baz)); end
  #               ^^^^
  # def foo(*); bar(*); end
  #                 ^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1373
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # A list of statements.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1382
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # "foo"
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1394
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # super(foo)
  # ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1400
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # :foo
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1414
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # true
  # ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1420
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # undef foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1426
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # unless foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar unless foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1436
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # until foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar until foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1445
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # case foo; when bar; end
  #           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1451
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # while foo; bar end
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # bar while foo
  # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1460
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # `foo`
  # ^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1466
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # yield
  # ^^^^^
  # yield 1
  # ^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1482
  def visit_yield_node(node); end


  # If a class variable is written within a method definition, it has a
  # different type than everywhere else.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#403
  def class_variable_write_type; end

  # Create a new compiler with the given options.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1489
  def copy_compiler(in_def: T.unsafe(nil), in_pattern: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Call nodes with operators following them will either be op_asgn or
  # op_asgn2 nodes. That is determined by their call operator and their
  # right-hand side.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#308
  def op_asgn?(node); end

  # Call nodes with operators following them can use &. as an operator,
  # which changes their type by prefixing "safe_".
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#314
  def op_asgn_type(node, type); end

  # Create a new Sexp object from the given prism node and arguments.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1494
  def s(node, *arguments); end

  # Visit a block node, which will modify the AST by wrapping the given
  # visited node in an iter node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1504
  def visit_block(node, sexp, block); end

  # def foo((bar, baz)); end
  #         ^^^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1159
  def visit_destructured_parameter(node); end

  # Visit the interpolated content of the string-like node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#865
  def visit_interpolated_parts(parts); end

  # Pattern constants get wrapped in another layer of :const.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1525
  def visit_pattern_constant(node); end

  # If the bounds of a range node are empty parentheses, then they do not
  # get replaced by their usual s(:nil), but instead are s(:begin).
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1235
  def visit_range_bounds_node(node); end

  # Visit the value of a write, which will be on the right-hand side of
  # a write operator. Because implicit arrays can have splats, those could
  # potentially be wrapped in an svalue node.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/translation/ruby_parser.rb#1539
  def visit_write_value(node); end

# Represents the use of the literal `true` keyword.
#     true
#     ^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18041
class Prism::TrueNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location location) -> void
  # @return [TrueNode] a new instance of TrueNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18043
  sig { params(source: Prism::Source, location: Prism::Location).void }
  def initialize(source, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18116
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18049
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18054
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18064
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18059
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?location: Location) -> TrueNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18069
  sig { params(location: Prism::Location).returns(Prism::TrueNode) }
  def copy(location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18054
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18077
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18082
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18100
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18110
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `undef` keyword.
#     undef :foo, :bar, :baz
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18125
class Prism::UndefNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Array[SymbolNode | InterpolatedSymbolNode] names, Location keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [UndefNode] a new instance of UndefNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18127
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      names: T::Array[T.any(Prism::SymbolNode, Prism::InterpolatedSymbolNode)],
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, names, keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18217
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18135
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18140
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18150
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18145
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?names: Array[SymbolNode | InterpolatedSymbolNode], ?keyword_loc: Location, ?location: Location) -> UndefNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18155
  sig do
      names: T::Array[T.any(Prism::SymbolNode, Prism::InterpolatedSymbolNode)],
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(names: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18140
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { names: Array[SymbolNode | InterpolatedSymbolNode], keyword_loc: Location, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18163
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18183
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18178
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18171
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # attr_reader names: Array[SymbolNode | InterpolatedSymbolNode]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18168
  sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::SymbolNode, Prism::InterpolatedSymbolNode)]) }
  def names; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18201
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18211
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `unless` keyword, either in the block form or the modifier form.
#     bar unless foo
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     unless foo then bar end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18232
class Prism::UnlessNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location keyword_loc, Prism::node predicate, Location? then_keyword_loc, StatementsNode? statements, ElseNode? consequent, Location? end_keyword_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [UnlessNode] a new instance of UnlessNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18234
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      then_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, keyword_loc, predicate, then_keyword_loc, statements, consequent, end_keyword_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18399
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18246
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18251
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18265
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18256
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # The else clause of the unless expression, if present.
  #     unless cond then bar else baz end
  #                          ^^^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18331
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode)) }
  def consequent; end

  # def copy: (?keyword_loc: Location, ?predicate: Prism::node, ?then_keyword_loc: Location?, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?consequent: ElseNode?, ?end_keyword_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> UnlessNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18270
  sig do
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      then_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      consequent: T.nilable(Prism::ElseNode),
      end_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), predicate: T.unsafe(nil), then_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), consequent: T.unsafe(nil), end_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18251
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, predicate: Prism::node, then_keyword_loc: Location?, statements: StatementsNode?, consequent: ElseNode?, end_keyword_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18278
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  # def end_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18360
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def end_keyword; end

  # The location of the `end` keyword, if present.
  #     unless cond then bar end
  #                          ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18337
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def end_keyword_loc; end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18365
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18350
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # The location of the `unless` keyword.
  #     unless cond then bar end
  #     ^^^^^^
  #     bar unless cond
  #         ^^^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18289
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#97
  def newline!(lines); end

  # The condition to be evaluated for the unless expression. It can be any [non-void expression](
  #     unless cond then bar end
  #            ^^^^
  #     bar unless cond
  #                ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18302
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def predicate; end

  # The body of statements that will executed if the unless condition is
  # falsey. Will be `nil` if no body is provided.
  #     unless cond then bar end
  #                      ^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18325
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # def then_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18355
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def then_keyword; end

  # The location of the `then` keyword, if present.
  #     unless cond then bar end
  #                 ^^^^
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18308
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def then_keyword_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18383
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18393
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `until` keyword, either in the block form or the modifier form.
#     bar until foo
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     until foo do bar end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18417
class Prism::UntilNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location keyword_loc, Location? closing_loc, Prism::node predicate, StatementsNode? statements, Location location) -> void
  # @return [UntilNode] a new instance of UntilNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18419
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, keyword_loc, closing_loc, predicate, statements, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18545
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18430
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def begin_modifier?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18496
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def begin_modifier?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18435
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18506
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18477
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18448
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18440
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?predicate: Prism::node, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?location: Location) -> UntilNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18453
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), predicate: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18435
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, keyword_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location?, predicate: Prism::node, statements: StatementsNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18461
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18511
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18501
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18470
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#103
  def newline!(lines); end

  # attr_reader predicate: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18490
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def predicate; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18493
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18529
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18466
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18539
    def type; end

# The version constant is set by reading the result of calling pm_version.
Prism::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# A visitor is a class that provides a default implementation for every accept
# method defined on the nodes. This means it can walk a tree without the
# caller needing to define any special handling. This allows you to handle a
# subset of the tree, while still walking the whole tree.
# For example, to find all of the method calls that call the `foo` method, you
# could write:
#     class FooCalls < Prism::Visitor
#       def visit_call_node(node)
#         if == "foo"
#           # Do something with the node
#         end
#         # Call super so that the visitor continues walking the tree
#         super
#       end
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#54
class Prism::Visitor < ::Prism::BasicVisitor
  # Visit a AliasGlobalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::AliasGlobalVariableNode).void }
  def visit_alias_global_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a AliasMethodNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::AliasMethodNode).void }
  def visit_alias_method_node(node); end

  # Visit a AlternationPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::AlternationPatternNode).void }
  def visit_alternation_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a AndNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::AndNode).void }
  def visit_and_node(node); end

  # Visit a ArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ArgumentsNode).void }
  def visit_arguments_node(node); end

  # Visit a ArrayNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ArrayNode).void }
  def visit_array_node(node); end

  # Visit a ArrayPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ArrayPatternNode).void }
  def visit_array_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a AssocNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::AssocNode).void }
  def visit_assoc_node(node); end

  # Visit a AssocSplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::AssocSplatNode).void }
  def visit_assoc_splat_node(node); end

  # Visit a BackReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BackReferenceReadNode).void }
  def visit_back_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a BeginNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BeginNode).void }
  def visit_begin_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockArgumentNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BlockArgumentNode).void }
  def visit_block_argument_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockLocalVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BlockLocalVariableNode).void }
  def visit_block_local_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BlockNode).void }
  def visit_block_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BlockParameterNode).void }
  def visit_block_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a BlockParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BlockParametersNode).void }
  def visit_block_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a BreakNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::BreakNode).void }
  def visit_break_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CallAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_call_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode).void }
  def visit_call_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CallOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_call_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CallOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_call_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a CallTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CallTargetNode).void }
  def visit_call_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a CapturePatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CapturePatternNode).void }
  def visit_capture_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a CaseMatchNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CaseMatchNode).void }
  def visit_case_match_node(node); end

  # Visit a CaseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::CaseNode).void }
  def visit_case_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassNode).void }
  def visit_class_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassVariableAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_class_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_class_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassVariableOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_class_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassVariableReadNode).void }
  def visit_class_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode).void }
  def visit_class_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a ClassVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ClassVariableWriteNode).void }
  def visit_class_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_path_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathNode).void }
  def visit_constant_path_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_path_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_path_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode).void }
  def visit_constant_path_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantPathWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_path_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantReadNode).void }
  def visit_constant_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantTargetNode).void }
  def visit_constant_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a ConstantWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantWriteNode).void }
  def visit_constant_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a DefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::DefNode).void }
  def visit_def_node(node); end

  # Visit a DefinedNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::DefinedNode).void }
  def visit_defined_node(node); end

  # Visit a ElseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ElseNode).void }
  def visit_else_node(node); end

  # Visit a EmbeddedStatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::EmbeddedStatementsNode).void }
  def visit_embedded_statements_node(node); end

  # Visit a EmbeddedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::EmbeddedVariableNode).void }
  def visit_embedded_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a EnsureNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::EnsureNode).void }
  def visit_ensure_node(node); end

  # Visit a FalseNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::FalseNode).void }
  def visit_false_node(node); end

  # Visit a FindPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::FindPatternNode).void }
  def visit_find_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a FlipFlopNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::FlipFlopNode).void }
  def visit_flip_flop_node(node); end

  # Visit a FloatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::FloatNode).void }
  def visit_float_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ForNode).void }
  def visit_for_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForwardingArgumentsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ForwardingArgumentsNode).void }
  def visit_forwarding_arguments_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForwardingParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ForwardingParameterNode).void }
  def visit_forwarding_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a ForwardingSuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ForwardingSuperNode).void }
  def visit_forwarding_super_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::GlobalVariableAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_global_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_global_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::GlobalVariableOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_global_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::GlobalVariableReadNode).void }
  def visit_global_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode).void }
  def visit_global_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a GlobalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::GlobalVariableWriteNode).void }
  def visit_global_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a HashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::HashNode).void }
  def visit_hash_node(node); end

  # Visit a HashPatternNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::HashPatternNode).void }
  def visit_hash_pattern_node(node); end

  # Visit a IfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::IfNode).void }
  def visit_if_node(node); end

  # Visit a ImaginaryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ImaginaryNode).void }
  def visit_imaginary_node(node); end

  # Visit a ImplicitNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ImplicitNode).void }
  def visit_implicit_node(node); end

  # Visit a ImplicitRestNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ImplicitRestNode).void }
  def visit_implicit_rest_node(node); end

  # Visit a InNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InNode).void }
  def visit_in_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::IndexAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_index_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::IndexOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_index_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::IndexOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_index_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IndexTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::IndexTargetNode).void }
  def visit_index_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_instance_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_instance_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_instance_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableReadNode).void }
  def visit_instance_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode).void }
  def visit_instance_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a InstanceVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableWriteNode).void }
  def visit_instance_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a IntegerNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::IntegerNode).void }
  def visit_integer_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode).void }
  def visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode).void }
  def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InterpolatedStringNode).void }
  def visit_interpolated_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedSymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InterpolatedSymbolNode).void }
  def visit_interpolated_symbol_node(node); end

  # Visit a InterpolatedXStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::InterpolatedXStringNode).void }
  def visit_interpolated_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a ItLocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ItLocalVariableReadNode).void }
  def visit_it_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a ItParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ItParametersNode).void }
  def visit_it_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a KeywordHashNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::KeywordHashNode).void }
  def visit_keyword_hash_node(node); end

  # Visit a KeywordRestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode).void }
  def visit_keyword_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a LambdaNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LambdaNode).void }
  def visit_lambda_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableAndWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LocalVariableAndWriteNode).void }
  def visit_local_variable_and_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode).void }
  def visit_local_variable_operator_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableOrWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LocalVariableOrWriteNode).void }
  def visit_local_variable_or_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LocalVariableReadNode).void }
  def visit_local_variable_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode).void }
  def visit_local_variable_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a LocalVariableWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::LocalVariableWriteNode).void }
  def visit_local_variable_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchLastLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MatchLastLineNode).void }
  def visit_match_last_line_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchPredicateNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MatchPredicateNode).void }
  def visit_match_predicate_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchRequiredNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MatchRequiredNode).void }
  def visit_match_required_node(node); end

  # Visit a MatchWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MatchWriteNode).void }
  def visit_match_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a MissingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MissingNode).void }
  def visit_missing_node(node); end

  # Visit a ModuleNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ModuleNode).void }
  def visit_module_node(node); end

  # Visit a MultiTargetNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MultiTargetNode).void }
  def visit_multi_target_node(node); end

  # Visit a MultiWriteNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::MultiWriteNode).void }
  def visit_multi_write_node(node); end

  # Visit a NextNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::NextNode).void }
  def visit_next_node(node); end

  # Visit a NilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::NilNode).void }
  def visit_nil_node(node); end

  # Visit a NoKeywordsParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode).void }
  def visit_no_keywords_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a NumberedParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::NumberedParametersNode).void }
  def visit_numbered_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a NumberedReferenceReadNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::NumberedReferenceReadNode).void }
  def visit_numbered_reference_read_node(node); end

  # Visit a OptionalKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::OptionalKeywordParameterNode).void }
  def visit_optional_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a OptionalParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::OptionalParameterNode).void }
  def visit_optional_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a OrNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::OrNode).void }
  def visit_or_node(node); end

  # Visit a ParametersNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ParametersNode).void }
  def visit_parameters_node(node); end

  # Visit a ParenthesesNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ParenthesesNode).void }
  def visit_parentheses_node(node); end

  # Visit a PinnedExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::PinnedExpressionNode).void }
  def visit_pinned_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit a PinnedVariableNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::PinnedVariableNode).void }
  def visit_pinned_variable_node(node); end

  # Visit a PostExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::PostExecutionNode).void }
  def visit_post_execution_node(node); end

  # Visit a PreExecutionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::PreExecutionNode).void }
  def visit_pre_execution_node(node); end

  # Visit a ProgramNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ProgramNode).void }
  def visit_program_node(node); end

  # Visit a RangeNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RangeNode).void }
  def visit_range_node(node); end

  # Visit a RationalNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RationalNode).void }
  def visit_rational_node(node); end

  # Visit a RedoNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RedoNode).void }
  def visit_redo_node(node); end

  # Visit a RegularExpressionNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RegularExpressionNode).void }
  def visit_regular_expression_node(node); end

  # Visit a RequiredKeywordParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RequiredKeywordParameterNode).void }
  def visit_required_keyword_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a RequiredParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RequiredParameterNode).void }
  def visit_required_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a RescueModifierNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RescueModifierNode).void }
  def visit_rescue_modifier_node(node); end

  # Visit a RescueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RescueNode).void }
  def visit_rescue_node(node); end

  # Visit a RestParameterNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RestParameterNode).void }
  def visit_rest_parameter_node(node); end

  # Visit a RetryNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::RetryNode).void }
  def visit_retry_node(node); end

  # Visit a ReturnNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ReturnNode).void }
  def visit_return_node(node); end

  # Visit a SelfNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SelfNode).void }
  def visit_self_node(node); end

  # Visit a ShareableConstantNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::ShareableConstantNode).void }
  def visit_shareable_constant_node(node); end

  # Visit a SingletonClassNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SingletonClassNode).void }
  def visit_singleton_class_node(node); end

  # Visit a SourceEncodingNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SourceEncodingNode).void }
  def visit_source_encoding_node(node); end

  # Visit a SourceFileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SourceFileNode).void }
  def visit_source_file_node(node); end

  # Visit a SourceLineNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SourceLineNode).void }
  def visit_source_line_node(node); end

  # Visit a SplatNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SplatNode).void }
  def visit_splat_node(node); end

  # Visit a StatementsNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::StatementsNode).void }
  def visit_statements_node(node); end

  # Visit a StringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::StringNode).void }
  def visit_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a SuperNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SuperNode).void }
  def visit_super_node(node); end

  # Visit a SymbolNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::SymbolNode).void }
  def visit_symbol_node(node); end

  # Visit a TrueNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::TrueNode).void }
  def visit_true_node(node); end

  # Visit a UndefNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::UndefNode).void }
  def visit_undef_node(node); end

  # Visit a UnlessNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::UnlessNode).void }
  def visit_unless_node(node); end

  # Visit a UntilNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::UntilNode).void }
  def visit_until_node(node); end

  # Visit a WhenNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::WhenNode).void }
  def visit_when_node(node); end

  # Visit a WhileNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::WhileNode).void }
  def visit_while_node(node); end

  # Visit a XStringNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::XStringNode).void }
  def visit_x_string_node(node); end

  # Visit a YieldNode node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/visitor.rb#29
  sig { params(node: Prism::YieldNode).void }
  def visit_yield_node(node); end

# Represents the use of the `when` keyword within a case statement.
#     case true
#     when true
#     ^^^^^^^^^
#     end
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18561
class Prism::WhenNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location keyword_loc, Array[Prism::node] conditions, Location? then_keyword_loc, StatementsNode? statements, Location location) -> void
  # @return [WhenNode] a new instance of WhenNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18563
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      conditions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      then_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, keyword_loc, conditions, then_keyword_loc, statements, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18679
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18573
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18578
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18591
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18583
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # attr_reader conditions: Array[Prism::node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18616
  sig { returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def conditions; end

  # def copy: (?keyword_loc: Location, ?conditions: Array[Prism::node], ?then_keyword_loc: Location?, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?location: Location) -> WhenNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18596
  sig do
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      conditions: T::Array[Prism::Node],
      then_keyword_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), conditions: T.unsafe(nil), then_keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18578
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, conditions: Array[Prism::node], then_keyword_loc: Location?, statements: StatementsNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18604
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18645
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18635
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18609
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18632
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # def then_keyword: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18640
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def then_keyword; end

  # attr_reader then_keyword_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18619
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def then_keyword_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18663
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18673
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `while` keyword, either in the block form or the modifier form.
#     bar while foo
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     while foo do bar end
#     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18696
class Prism::WhileNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location keyword_loc, Location? closing_loc, Prism::node predicate, StatementsNode? statements, Location location) -> void
  # @return [WhileNode] a new instance of WhileNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18698
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, keyword_loc, closing_loc, predicate, statements, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18824
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18709
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def begin_modifier?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18775
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def begin_modifier?; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18714
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18785
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18756
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18727
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18719
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?keyword_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location?, ?predicate: Prism::node, ?statements: StatementsNode?, ?location: Location) -> WhileNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18732
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      predicate: Prism::Node,
      statements: T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), predicate: T.unsafe(nil), statements: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18714
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, keyword_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location?, predicate: Prism::node, statements: StatementsNode?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18740
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18790
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18780
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18749
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # source://prism//lib/prism/parse_result/newlines.rb#109
  def newline!(lines); end

  # attr_reader predicate: Prism::node
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18769
  sig { returns(Prism::Node) }
  def predicate; end

  # attr_reader statements: StatementsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18772
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::StatementsNode)) }
  def statements; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18808
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18745
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18818
    def type; end

# Represents an xstring literal with no interpolation.
#     `foo`
#     ^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18838
class Prism::XStringNode < ::Prism::Node
  include ::Prism::HeredocQuery

  # def initialize: (Integer flags, Location opening_loc, Location content_loc, Location closing_loc, String unescaped, Location location) -> void
  # @return [XStringNode] a new instance of XStringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18840
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, flags, opening_loc, content_loc, closing_loc, unescaped, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18971
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18851
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18856
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def closing: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18932
  sig { returns(String) }
  def closing; end

  # attr_reader closing_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18902
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def closing_loc; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18866
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18861
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def content: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18927
  sig { returns(String) }
  def content; end

  # attr_reader content_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18895
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def content_loc; end

  # def copy: (?flags: Integer, ?opening_loc: Location, ?content_loc: Location, ?closing_loc: Location, ?unescaped: String, ?location: Location) -> XStringNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18871
  sig do
      flags: Integer,
      opening_loc: Prism::Location,
      content_loc: Prism::Location,
      closing_loc: Prism::Location,
      unescaped: String,
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(flags: T.unsafe(nil), opening_loc: T.unsafe(nil), content_loc: T.unsafe(nil), closing_loc: T.unsafe(nil), unescaped: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18856
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { flags: Integer, opening_loc: Location, content_loc: Location, closing_loc: Location, unescaped: String, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18879
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def forced_binary_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18917
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_binary_encoding?; end

  # def forced_utf8_encoding?: () -> bool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18912
  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def forced_utf8_encoding?; end

  sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
  def heredoc?; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18937
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def opening: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18922
  sig { returns(String) }
  def opening; end

  # attr_reader opening_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18888
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def opening_loc; end

  # Occasionally it's helpful to treat a string as if it were interpolated so
  # that there's a consistent interface for working with strings.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node_ext.rb#86
  sig { returns(Prism::InterpolatedXStringNode) }
  def to_interpolated; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18955
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  # attr_reader unescaped: String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18909
  sig { returns(String) }
  def unescaped; end


  # protected attr_reader flags: Integer
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18884
  sig { returns(Integer) }
  def flags; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18965
    def type; end

# Represents the use of the `yield` keyword.
#     yield 1
#     ^^^^^^^
# source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18985
class Prism::YieldNode < ::Prism::Node
  # def initialize: (Location keyword_loc, Location? lparen_loc, ArgumentsNode? arguments, Location? rparen_loc, Location location) -> void
  # @return [YieldNode] a new instance of YieldNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18987
  sig do
      source: Prism::Source,
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def initialize(source, keyword_loc, lparen_loc, arguments, rparen_loc, location); end

  # Implements case-equality for the node. This is effectively == but without
  # comparing the value of locations. Locations are checked only for presence.
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19117
  def ===(other); end

  # def accept: (Visitor visitor) -> void
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#18997
  sig { override.params(visitor: Prism::Visitor).returns(T.untyped) }
  def accept(visitor); end

  # attr_reader arguments: ArgumentsNode?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19052
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode)) }
  def arguments; end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19002
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def child_nodes; end

  # def comment_targets: () -> Array[Node | Location]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19014
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.any(Prism::Node, Prism::Location)]) }
  def comment_targets; end

  # def compact_child_nodes: () -> Array[Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19007
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Node]) }
  def compact_child_nodes; end

  # def copy: (?keyword_loc: Location, ?lparen_loc: Location?, ?arguments: ArgumentsNode?, ?rparen_loc: Location?, ?location: Location) -> YieldNode
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19019
  sig do
      keyword_loc: Prism::Location,
      lparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      arguments: T.nilable(Prism::ArgumentsNode),
      rparen_loc: T.nilable(Prism::Location),
      location: Prism::Location
  def copy(keyword_loc: T.unsafe(nil), lparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), arguments: T.unsafe(nil), rparen_loc: T.unsafe(nil), location: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # def child_nodes: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # def deconstruct: () -> Array[nil | Node]
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19002
  sig { override.returns(T::Array[T.nilable(Prism::Node)]) }
  def deconstruct; end

  # def deconstruct_keys: (Array[Symbol] keys) -> { keyword_loc: Location, lparen_loc: Location?, arguments: ArgumentsNode?, rparen_loc: Location?, location: Location }
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19027
  sig { params(keys: T.nilable(T::Array[Symbol])).returns(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]) }
  def deconstruct_keys(keys); end

  sig { override.returns(T::Array[Prism::Reflection::Field]) }
  def fields; end

  # def inspect -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19083
  sig { override.returns(String) }
  def inspect; end

  # def keyword: () -> String
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19068
  sig { returns(String) }
  def keyword; end

  # attr_reader keyword_loc: Location
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19032
  sig { returns(Prism::Location) }
  def keyword_loc; end

  # def lparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19073
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def lparen; end

  # attr_reader lparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19039
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def lparen_loc; end

  # def rparen: () -> String?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19078
  sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) }
  def rparen; end

  # attr_reader rparen_loc: Location?
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19055
  sig { returns(T.nilable(Prism::Location)) }
  def rparen_loc; end

  # Sometimes you want to check an instance of a node against a list of
  # classes to see what kind of behavior to perform. Usually this is done by
  # calling `[cls1, cls2].include?(node.class)` or putting the node into a
  # case statement and doing `case node; when cls1; when cls2; end`. Both of
  # these approaches are relatively slow because of the constant lookups,
  # method calls, and/or array allocations.
  # Instead, you can call #type, which will return to you a symbol that you
  # can use for comparison. This is faster than the other approaches because
  # it uses a single integer comparison, but also because if you're on CRuby
  # you can take advantage of the fact that case statements with all symbol
  # keys will use a jump table.
  # def type: () -> Symbol
  # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19101
  sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Similar to #type, this method returns a symbol that you can use for
    # splitting on the type of the node without having to do a long === chain.
    # Note that like #type, it will still be slower than using == for a single
    # class, but should be faster in a case statement or an array comparison.
    # def self.type: () -> Symbol
    # source://prism//lib/prism/node.rb#19111
    def type; end