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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rack-protection` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rack-protection`.

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/version.rb#3
module Rack
  class << self
    # source://rack/3.1.7/lib/rack/version.rb#18
    def release; end

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/version.rb#4
module Rack::Protection
  class << self
    # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection.rb#26
    def new(app, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Prevented attack::   CSRF
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# This middleware only accepts requests other than <tt>GET</tt>,
# <tt>HEAD</tt>, <tt>OPTIONS</tt>, <tt>TRACE</tt> if their given access
# token matches the token included in the session.
# It checks the <tt>X-CSRF-Token</tt> header and the <tt>POST</tt> form
# data.
# It is not OOTB-compatible with the {rack-csrf}[] gem.
# For that, the following patch needs to be applied:
#   Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken.default_options(key: "csrf.token", authenticity_param: "_csrf")
# == Options
# [<tt>:authenticity_param</tt>] the name of the param that should contain
#                                the token on a request. Default value:
#                                <tt>"authenticity_token"</tt>
# [<tt>:key</tt>] the name of the param that should contain
#                                the token in the session. Default value:
#                                <tt>:csrf</tt>
# [<tt>:allow_if</tt>] a proc for custom allow/deny logic. Default value:
#                                <tt>nil</tt>
# == Example: Forms application
# To show what the AuthenticityToken does, this section includes a sample
# program which shows two forms. One with, and one without a CSRF token
# The one without CSRF token field will get a 403 Forbidden response.
# Install the gem, then run the program:
#   gem install 'rack-protection'
#   ruby server.rb
# Here is <tt>server.rb</tt>:
#   require 'rack/protection'
#   require 'rack/session'
#   app = do
#     use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: 'secret'
#     use Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken
#     run -> (env) do
#       [200, {}, [
#         <<~EOS
#           <!DOCTYPE html>
#           <html lang="en">
#           <head>
#             <meta charset="UTF-8" />
#             <title>rack-protection minimal example</title>
#           </head>
#           <body>
#             <h1>Without Authenticity Token</h1>
#             <p>This takes you to <tt>Forbidden</tt></p>
#             <form action="" method="post">
#               <input type="text" name="foo" />
#               <input type="submit" />
#             </form>
#             <h1>With Authenticity Token</h1>
#             <p>This successfully takes you to back to this form.</p>
#             <form action="" method="post">
#               <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="#{Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken.token(env['rack.session'])}" />
#               <input type="text" name="foo" />
#               <input type="submit" />
#             </form>
#           </body>
#           </html>
#         EOS
#       ]]
#     end
#   end
# app
# == Example: Customize which POST parameter holds the token
# To customize the authenticity parameter for form data, use the
# <tt>:authenticity_param</tt> option:
#   use Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken, authenticity_param: 'your_token_param_name'
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#98
class Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#113
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#125
  def mask_authenticity_token(session, path: T.unsafe(nil), method: T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#207
  def compare_with_global_token(token, session); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#211
  def compare_with_per_form_token(token, session, request); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#203
  def compare_with_real_token(token, session); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#232
  def decode_token(token); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#228
  def encode_token(token); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#220
  def global_token(session); end

  # Creates a masked version of the authenticity token that varies
  # on each request. The masking is used to mitigate SSL attacks
  # like BREACH.
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#178
  def mask_token(token); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#199
  def masked_token?(token); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#224
  def per_form_token(session, path, method); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#216
  def real_token(session); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#142
  def set_token(session); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#236
  def token_hmac(session, identifier); end

  # Essentially the inverse of +mask_token+.
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#186
  def unmask_token(masked_token); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#195
  def unmasked_token?(token); end

  # Checks the client's masked token to see if it matches the
  # session token.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#148
  def valid_token?(env, token); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#244
  def xor_byte_strings(s1, s2); end

  class << self
    # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#109
    def random_token; end

    # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#105
    def token(session, path: T.unsafe(nil), method: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#137
Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken::GLOBAL_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/authenticity_token.rb#99
Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken::TOKEN_LENGTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#11
class Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Base] a new instance of Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#35
  def initialize(app, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#44
  def accepts?(env); end

  # Returns the value of attribute app.
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#21
  def app; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#48
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#31
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def default_reaction(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def deny(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#95
  def drop_session(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#123
  def encrypt(value); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#133
  def html?(headers); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#68
  def instrument(env); end

  # Returns the value of attribute options.
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#21
  def options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#113
  def origin(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#117
  def random_string(secure = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#56
  def react(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#105
  def referrer(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#80
  def report(env); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#40
  def safe?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#127
  def secure_compare(a, b); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#89
  def session(env); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#85
  def session?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#61
  def warn(env, message); end

  class << self
    # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#23
    def default_options(options); end

    # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#27
    def default_reaction(reaction); end

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#12
Rack::Protection::Base::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Prevented attack::   XSS and others
# Supported browsers:: Firefox 23+, Safari 7+, Chrome 25+, Opera 15+
# Description:: Content Security Policy, a mechanism web applications
#               can use to mitigate a broad class of content injection
#               vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS).
#               Content Security Policy is a declarative policy that lets
#               the authors (or server administrators) of a web application
#               inform the client about the sources from which the
#               application expects to load resources.
# More info::   W3C CSP Level 1 : (deprecated)
#               W3C CSP Level 2 : (current)
#               W3C CSP Level 3 : (draft)
# Sets the 'content-security-policy[-report-only]' header.
# Options: ContentSecurityPolicy configuration is a complex topic with
#          several levels of support that has evolved over time.
#          See the W3C documentation and the links in the more info
#          section for CSP usage examples and best practices. The
#          CSP3 directives in the 'NO_ARG_DIRECTIVES' constant need to be
#          presented in the options hash with a boolean 'true' in order
#          to be used in a policy.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/content_security_policy.rb#39
class Rack::Protection::ContentSecurityPolicy < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/content_security_policy.rb#72
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/content_security_policy.rb#53
  def csp_policy; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/content_security_policy.rb#42
Rack::Protection::ContentSecurityPolicy::DIRECTIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/content_security_policy.rb#50
Rack::Protection::ContentSecurityPolicy::NO_ARG_DIRECTIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# Prevented attack::   Cookie Tossing
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Does not accept HTTP requests if the HTTP_COOKIE header contains more than one
# session cookie. This does not protect against a cookie overflow attack.
# Options:
# session_key:: The name of the session cookie (default: 'rack.session')
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#19
class Rack::Protection::CookieTossing < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#30
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#57
  def bad_cookies; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#22
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#61
  def cookie_paths(path); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def default_reaction(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#68
  def empty_cookie(host, path); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#51
  def redirect(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#42
  def remove_bad_cookies(request, response); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/cookie_tossing.rb#72
  def session_key; end

# Prevented attack::   XSS
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Automatically escapes Rack::Request#params so they can be embedded in HTML
# or JavaScript without any further issues.
# Options:
# escape:: What escaping modes to use, should be Symbol or Array of Symbols.
#          Available: :html (default), :javascript, :url
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#25
class Rack::Protection::EscapedParams < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  extend ::Rack::Utils

  # @return [EscapedParams] a new instance of EscapedParams
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#36
  def initialize(*_arg0); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#50
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#70
  def escape(object); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#79
  def escape_hash(hash); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#85
  def escape_string(str); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/escaped_params.rb#64
  def handle(hash); end

  class << self
    def escape_html(_arg0); end


    # source://rack/3.1.7/lib/rack/utils.rb#39
    def escape_url(s); end

# Prevented attack::   CSRF
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Only accepts submitted forms if a given access token matches the token
# included in the session. Does not expect such a token from Ajax request.
# This middleware is not used when using the Rack::Protection collection,
# since it might be a security issue, depending on your application
# Compatible with rack-csrf.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/form_token.rb#19
class Rack::Protection::FormToken < ::Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/form_token.rb#20
  def accepts?(env); end

# Prevented attack::   Clickjacking
# Supported browsers:: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.6.9, Opera 10.50,
#                      Safari 4.0, Chrome and later
# More infos::
# Sets X-Frame-Options header to tell the browser avoid embedding the page
# in a frame.
# Options:
# frame_options:: Defines who should be allowed to embed the page in a
#                 frame. Use :deny to forbid any embedding, :sameorigin
#                 to allow embedding from the same origin (default).
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/frame_options.rb#21
class Rack::Protection::FrameOptions < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/frame_options.rb#32
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/frame_options.rb#24
  def frame_options; end

# Prevented attack::   CSRF
# Supported browsers:: Google Chrome 2, Safari 4 and later
# More infos::
# Does not accept unsafe HTTP requests when value of Origin HTTP request header
# does not match default or permitted URIs.
# If you want to permit a specific domain, you can pass in as the `:permitted_origins` option:
#     use Rack::Protection, permitted_origins: ["http://localhost:3000", "http://127.0.01:3000"]
# The `:allow_if` option can also be set to a proc to use custom allow/deny logic.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/http_origin.rb#21
class Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/http_origin.rb#32
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/http_origin.rb#26
  def base_url(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def default_reaction(env); end

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/http_origin.rb#22
Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin::DEFAULT_PORTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Prevented attack::   IP spoofing
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Detect (some) IP spoofing attacks.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/ip_spoofing.rb#13
class Rack::Protection::IPSpoofing < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/ip_spoofing.rb#16
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def default_reaction(env); end

# Prevented attack::   CSRF
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# JSON GET APIs are vulnerable to being embedded as JavaScript when the
# Array prototype has been patched to track data. Checks the referrer
# even on GET requests if the content type is JSON.
# If request includes Origin HTTP header, defers to HttpOrigin to determine
# if the request is safe. Please refer to the documentation for more info.
# The `:allow_if` option can be set to a proc to use custom allow/deny logic.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/json_csrf.rb#21
class Rack::Protection::JsonCsrf < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/json_csrf.rb#26
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/json_csrf.rb#55
  def close_body(body); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/json_csrf.rb#39
  def has_vector?(request, headers); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def react(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/json_csrf.rb#47
  def react_and_close(env, body); end

# Prevented attack::   Directory traversal
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Unescapes '/' and '.', expands +path_info+.
# Thus <tt>GET /foo/%2e%2e%2fbar</tt> becomes <tt>GET /bar</tt>.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/path_traversal.rb#14
class Rack::Protection::PathTraversal < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/path_traversal.rb#15
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/path_traversal.rb#23
  def cleanup(path); end

# Prevented attack::   Secret leakage, third party tracking
# Supported browsers:: mixed support
# More infos::
# Sets Referrer-Policy header to tell the browser to limit the Referer header.
# Options:
# referrer_policy:: The policy to use (default: 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin')
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/referrer_policy.rb#17
class Rack::Protection::ReferrerPolicy < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/referrer_policy.rb#20
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

# Prevented attack::   CSRF
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Does not accept unsafe HTTP requests if the Referer [sic] header is set to
# a different host.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/remote_referrer.rb#14
class Rack::Protection::RemoteReferrer < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/remote_referrer.rb#17
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def default_reaction(env); end

# Prevented attack::   CSRF
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Only accepts unsafe HTTP requests if a given access token matches the token
# included in the session *or* the request comes from the same origin.
# Compatible with rack-csrf.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/remote_token.rb#16
class Rack::Protection::RemoteToken < ::Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/remote_token.rb#19
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#75
  def default_reaction(env); end

# Prevented attack::   Session Hijacking
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# Tracks request properties like the user agent in the session and empties
# the session if those properties change. This essentially prevents attacks
# from Firesheep. Since all headers taken into consideration can be
# spoofed, too, this will not prevent determined hijacking attempts.
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/session_hijacking.rb#16
class Rack::Protection::SessionHijacking < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/session_hijacking.rb#21
  def accepts?(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#95
  def default_reaction(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/session_hijacking.rb#32
  def encode(value); end

# Prevented attack::   Protects against against protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking.
# Supported browsers:: all
# More infos::
# browser will prevent any communications from being sent over HTTP
# to the specified domain and will instead send all communications over HTTPS.
# It also prevents HTTPS click through prompts on browsers.
# Options:
# max_age:: How long future requests to the domain should go over HTTPS; specified in seconds
# include_subdomains:: If all present and future subdomains will be HTTPS
# preload:: Allow this domain to be included in browsers HSTS preload list. See
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/strict_transport.rb#22
class Rack::Protection::StrictTransport < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/strict_transport.rb#34
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/strict_transport.rb#25
  def strict_transport; end

# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/version.rb#5
Rack::Protection::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Prevented attack::   Non-permanent XSS
# Supported browsers:: Internet Explorer 8+ and Chrome
# More infos::
# Sets X-XSS-Protection header to tell the browser to block attacks.
# Options:
# xss_mode:: How the browser should prevent the attack (default: :block)
# source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/xss_header.rb#16
class Rack::Protection::XSSHeader < ::Rack::Protection::Base
  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/xss_header.rb#19
  def call(env); end

  # source://rack-protection//lib/rack/protection/base.rb#24
  def default_options; end