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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rdf` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rdf`.

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#37
class OptionParser
  # Arguments remaining after extracting options
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#43
  def args; end

  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#44
  def args=(value); end

  # Actual parsed options
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#39
  def options; end

  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#40
  def options=(value); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#1
module RDF
  class << self
    # Alias for ``.
    # @param graph_name [RDF::Resource] The graph_name from the associated {RDF::Queryable} associated
    #   with this graph as provided with the `:data` option
    #   (only for {RDF::Queryable} instances supporting
    #   named graphs).
    # @param data [RDF::Queryable] (
    #   Storage behind this graph.
    # @return [RDF::Graph]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#153
    def Graph(**options, &block); end

    # @overload List
    # @overload List
    # @overload List
    # @overload List
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#172
    def List(*args); end

    # Alias for ``.
    # @param value [Object]
    # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
    #   Initial text direction.
    # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
    #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
    # @param lexical [String] (nil)
    #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
    #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
    # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
    # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
    # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
    # @return [RDF::Literal]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#141
    def Literal(literal, **options); end

    # Alias for ``.
    # @param id [#to_s]
    # @return [RDF::Node]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#116
    def Node(*args); end

    # Alias for ``.
    # @return [RDF::Resource]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#107
    def Resource(*args); end

    # @overload Statement
    # @overload Statement
    # @overload Statement
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#206
    def Statement(*args, **options); end

    # Alias for `RDF::StrictVocabulary.create`.
    # @param uri [RDF::URI, String, #to_s]
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#228
    def StrictVocabulary(uri); end

    # Cast to a URI. If already a URI, return the passed argument.
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#125
    def URI(*args); end

    # Alias for `RDF::Vocabulary.create`.
    # @param uri [RDF::URI, String, #to_s]
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#219
    def Vocabulary(uri); end

    # @return [#to_s] property
    # @return [URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#235
    def [](property); end

    # Configuration, used open for configuring constants used within the codebase.
    # Defaults:
    #   * `cache_size`: -1
    #   * `uri_cache_size`: `cache_size`
    #   * `node_cache_size`: `cache_size`
    # @example set default cache size to be at most 10,000 entries
    #   RDF.config.cache_size = 10_000
    # @example set cache size for interned URIs to 5,000 entries
    #   RDF.config.uri_cache_size = 5_000
    # @note cache configurations must be set before initial use, when the caches are allocated.
    # @return [Object]
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#98
    def config; end

    # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary.
    # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator]
    # @see Object#enum_for
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#243
    def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

    # Delegate other methods to RDF::RDFV
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#263
    def method_missing(property, *args, &block); end

    # respond to module or RDFV
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#255
    def respond_to?(method, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary.
    # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator]
    # @see Object#enum_for
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#243
    def to_enum(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

# Individual formats can modify options by updating {Reader.options} or {Writer.options}. Format-specific commands are taken from {Format.cli_commands} for each loaded format, which returns an array of lambdas taking arguments and options.
# Status updates should be logged to `opts[:logger].info`. More complicated information can be added to `:messages` key within `opts`, if present.
# Other than `help`, all commands parse an input file.
# Multiple commands may be added in sequence to execute a pipeline.
# Format-specific commands should verify that the reader and/or output format are appropriate for the command.
# @example Creating Reader-specific options:
#   class Reader
#   def self.options
#   [
#   symbol: :canonicalize,
#   on: ["--canonicalize"],
#   description: "Canonicalize URI/literal forms.") {true},
#   symbol: :uri,
#   on: ["--uri STRING"],
#   description: "URI.") {|v| RDF::URI(v)},
#   ]
#   end
# @example Creating Format-specific commands:
#   class Format
#   def self.cli_commands
#   {
#   count: {
#   description: "",
#   parse: true,
#   lambda: ->(argv, opts) {}
#   },
#   }
#   end
# @example Adding a command manually
#   class MyCommand
#   RDF::CLI.add_command(:count, description: "Count statements") do |argv, opts|
#   count = 0
#   RDF::CLI.parse(argv, opts) do |reader|
#   reader.each_statement do |statement|
#   count += 1
#   end
#   end
#   options[:logger].info "Parsed #{count} statements"
#   end
#   end
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#97
class RDF::CLI
  class << self
    # @param msg [String]
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#719
    def abort(msg); end

    # Add a command.
    # @option options
    # @option options
    # @option options
    # @option options
    # @param command [#to_sym]
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => String}]
    # @yield argv, opts
    # @yieldparam argv [Array<String>]
    # @yieldparam opts [Hash]
    # @yieldreturn [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#661
    def add_command(command, **options, &block); end

    # @return [String]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#380
    def basename; end

    # @overload commands
    # @overload commands
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#597
    def commands(format: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

    # Execute one or more commands, parsing input as necessary
    # @param args [Array<String>]
    # @param output [IO]
    # @param option_parser [OptionParser]
    # @param messages [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => Array[String]}}] used for conveying non primary-output which is structured.
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#483
    def exec(args, output: T.unsafe(nil), option_parser: T.unsafe(nil), messages: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

    # @return [Array<String>] list of available formats
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#668
    def formats(reader: T.unsafe(nil), writer: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Load commands from formats
    # @return [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => Object}}]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#635
    def load_commands; end

    # Return OptionParser set with appropriate options
    # The yield return should provide one or more commands from which additional options will be extracted.
    # @overload options
    # @overload options
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#394
    def options(argv, format: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Parse each file, $stdin or specified string in `options[:evaluate]`
    # yielding a reader
    # @param files [Array<String>]
    # @param evaluate [String] from command-line, rather than referenced file
    # @param format [Symbol] (:ntriples) Reader symbol for finding reader
    # @param encoding [Encoding] set on the input
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] sent to reader
    # @return [nil]
    # @yield [reader]
    # @yieldparam [RDF::Reader]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#690
    def parse(files, evaluate: T.unsafe(nil), format: T.unsafe(nil), encoding: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

    # Repository containing parsed statements
    # @return [RDF::Repository]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#375
    def repository; end

    # Repository containing parsed statements
    # @return [RDF::Repository]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#375
    def repository=(_arg0); end

    # Output usage message
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#466
    def usage(options, cmd_opts: T.unsafe(nil), banner: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Built-in commands. Other commands are imported from the Format class of different readers/writers using {RDF::Format#cli_commands}. `COMMANDS` is a Hash who's keys are commands that may be executed by {RDF::CLI.exec}. The value is a hash containing the following keys:
# * `description` used for providing information about the command.
# * `parse` Boolean value to determine if input files should automatically be parsed into `repository`.
# * `help` used for the CLI help output.
# * `lambda` code run to execute command.
# * `filter` value is a Hash whose keys are matched against selected command options. All specified `key/value` pairs are compared against the equivalent key in the current invocation.
#            If an Array, option value (as a string) must match any value of the array (as a string)
#            If a Proc, it is passed the option value and must return `true`.
#            Otherwise, the option value (as a string) must equal the  `value` (as a string).
# * `control` Used to indicate how (if) command is displayed
# * `repository` Use this repository, if set
# * `options` an optional array of `RDF::CLI::Option` describing command-specific options.
# * `option_use`: A hash of option symbol to option usage, used for overriding the default status of an option for this command.
# @return [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => Object}}]
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#190
RDF::CLI::COMMANDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Options to setup, may be modified by selected command. Options are also read from {RDF::Reader#options} and {RDF::Writer#options}. When a specific input- or ouput-format is selected, options are also discovered from the associated subclass reader or writer.
# @return [Array<RDF::CLI::Option>]
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#296
RDF::CLI::OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# Option description for use within Readers/Writers. See {RDF::Reader.options} and {RDF::Writer.options} for example usage.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#100
class RDF::CLI::Option
  # Create a new option with optional callback.
  # @param symbol [Symbol]
  # @param on [Array<String>]
  # @param datatype [String]
  # @param default [Object]
  # @param control [String]
  # @param description [String]
  # @param use [[:optional, :disabled, :removed, :required]]
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # @return [Option] a new instance of Option
  # @yield value which may be used within `OptionParser#on`
  # @yieldparam value [Object] The option value as parsed using `on` argument
  # @yieldparam options [OptionParser] (nil) optional OptionParser
  # @yieldreturn [Object] a possibly modified input value
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#143
  def initialize(symbol: T.unsafe(nil), on: T.unsafe(nil), datatype: T.unsafe(nil), control: T.unsafe(nil), description: T.unsafe(nil), use: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#150
  def call(arg, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Associated HTML form control
  # @return [:text, :textarea, :radio, :checkbox, :select, :url, :url2, :none]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#123
  def control; end

  # Potential values (for select or radio) or Ruby datatype
  # @return [Class, Array<String>]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#119
  def datatype; end

  # Default value for this option
  # @return [Object]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#115
  def default; end

  # Description of this option (optional)
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#111
  def description; end

  # Arguments passed to OptionParser#on
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#107
  def on; end

  # Symbol used for this option when calling ``
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#103
  def symbol; end

  # Return version of commands appropriate for use in JSON
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#164
  def to_hash; end

  # Use of this option
  # @return [:optional, :disabled, :removed, :required]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#127
  def use; end

  # Use of this option
  # @return [:optional, :disabled, :removed, :required]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/cli.rb#127
  def use=(_arg0); end

# An RDF changeset that can be applied to an {RDF::Mutable}.
# Changesets consist of a sequence of RDF statements to delete from and a
# sequence of RDF statements to insert into a target dataset.
# @example Applying a Changeset with block syntax
#   graph =
#   graph << [RDF::URI('s_del'), RDF::URI('p_del'), RDF::URI('o_del')]
#   RDF::Changeset.apply(graph) do |c|
#   c.insert [RDF::URI('s1'), RDF::URI('p1'), RDF::URI('o1')]
#   c.insert [RDF::URI('s2'), RDF::URI('p2'), RDF::URI('o2')]
#   c.delete [RDF::URI('s_del'), RDF::URI('p_del'), RDF::URI('o_del')]
#   end
# @example Defining a changeset for later application to a Mutable
#   changes = do |c|
#   c.insert [RDF::URI('s1'), RDF::URI('p1'), RDF::URI('o1')]
#   c.insert [RDF::URI('s2'), RDF::URI('p2'), RDF::URI('o2')]
#   c.delete [RDF::URI('s_del'), RDF::URI('p_del'), RDF::URI('o_del')]
#   end
#   graph =
#   graph << [RDF::URI('s_del'), RDF::URI('p_del'), RDF::URI('o_del')]
#   changes.apply(graph) # or graph.apply_changeset(changes)
# @note When applying a Changeset, deletes are resolved before inserts.
# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#33
class RDF::Changeset
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions

  # Initializes this changeset.
  # @param insert [RDF::Enumerable] (
  # @param delete [RDF::Enumerable] (
  # @return [Changeset] a new instance of Changeset
  # @since 2.0.0
  # @yield [changes]
  # @yieldparam changes [RDF::Changeset]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#74
  def initialize(insert: T.unsafe(nil), delete: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Append statements to `inserts`. Statements _should_ be constant
  # as variable statements will at best be ignored or at worst raise
  # an error when applied.
  # @param statements [Enumerable, RDF::Statement] Some statements
  # @return [self]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#170
  def <<(*statements); end

  # Append statements to `deletes`. Statements _may_ contain
  # variables, although support will depend on the {RDF::Mutable}
  # target.
  # @param statements [Enumerable, RDF::Statement] Some statements
  # @return [self]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#186
  def >>(*statements); end

  # Applies this changeset to the given mutable RDF::Enumerable.
  # This operation executes as a single write transaction.
  # @param mutable [RDF::Mutable]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [void]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#128
  def apply(mutable, **options); end

  # Returns the sum of both the `inserts` and `deletes` counts.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#160
  def count; end

  # Append statements to `deletes`. Statements _may_ contain
  # variables, although support will depend on the {RDF::Mutable}
  # target.
  # @param statements [Enumerable, RDF::Statement] Some statements
  # @return [self]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#186
  def delete(*statements); end

  # Append statements to `deletes`. Statements _may_ contain
  # variables, although support will depend on the {RDF::Mutable}
  # target.
  # @param statements [Enumerable, RDF::Statement] Some statements
  # @return [self]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#186
  def delete!(*statements); end

  # RDF statements to delete when applied.
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#53
  def deletes; end

  # @return [Boolean] `true` iff inserts and deletes are both empty
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#134
  def empty?; end

  # Append statements to `inserts`. Statements _should_ be constant
  # as variable statements will at best be ignored or at worst raise
  # an error when applied.
  # @param statements [Enumerable, RDF::Statement] Some statements
  # @return [self]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#170
  def insert(*statements); end

  # Append statements to `inserts`. Statements _should_ be constant
  # as variable statements will at best be ignored or at worst raise
  # an error when applied.
  # @param statements [Enumerable, RDF::Statement] Some statements
  # @return [self]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#170
  def insert!(*statements); end

  # RDF statements to insert when applied.
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#59
  def inserts; end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this changeset.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#142
  def inspect; end

  # Outputs a developer-friendly representation of this changeset to
  # `$stderr`.
  # @return [void]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#152
  def inspect!; end

  # Returns `false` as changesets are not {RDF::Mutable}.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Mutable#mutable?
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#116
  def mutable?; end

  # Any additional options for this changeset.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#65
  def options; end

  # Returns `false` to indicate that this changeset is append-only.
  # Changesets do not support the `RDF::Enumerable` protocol directly.
  # To enumerate the RDF statements to be inserted or deleted, use the
  # {RDF::Changeset#inserts} and {RDF::Changeset#deletes} accessors.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Readable#readable?
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#98
  def readable?; end

  # Returns `false` as changesets are not {RDF::Writable}.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Writable#writable?
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#107
  def writable?; end


  # Append statements to the appropriate target. This is a little
  # shim to go in between the other shim and the target.
  # @param target [Symbol] the method to send
  # @param arg [Enumerable, RDF::Statement]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#205
  def append_statements(target, arg); end

  # This simply returns its argument as a query in order to trick
  # {RDF::Mutable#delete} into working.
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#223
  def query(stmt); end

  class << self
    # Applies a changeset to the given {RDF::Mutable} object.
    # @param mutable [RDF::Mutable]
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
    # @return [void]
    # @since 2.0.0
    # @yield [changes]
    # @yieldparam changes [RDF::Changeset]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/changeset.rb#45
    def apply(mutable, **options, &block); end

# @since 0.2.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/countable.rb#4
module RDF::Countable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Returns the number of RDF statements in `self`.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/countable.rb#25
  def count; end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains no RDF statements.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/countable.rb#16
  def empty?; end

  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/countable.rb#37
  def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

  # Returns the number of RDF statements in `self`.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def size(*args, &block); end

  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def to_enum(*args, &block); end

# Extends Enumerator with {Countable}, which is used by {Countable#enum_for}
# @since 0.2.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/countable.rb#8
class RDF::Countable::Enumerator < ::Enumerator
  include ::RDF::Countable

# An RDF Dataset
# Datasets are immutable by default. {RDF::Repository} provides an interface
# for mutable Datasets.
# A Dataset functions as an a set of named RDF graphs with a default graph.
# It implements {RDF::Enumerable} and {RDF::Queryable} over the whole set;
# if no specific graph name is queried, enumerating and querying takes place
# over the intersection of all the graphs in the Dataset.
# The default graph is named with a constant `DEFAULT_GRAPH`.
# @example initializing an RDF::Dataset with existing data
#   statements = [, RDF::URI(:p), :o)]
#   dataset    = statements)
#   dataset.count # => 1
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#22
class RDF::Dataset
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Durable
  include ::RDF::Queryable

  # @param statements [RDF::Enumerable, Array<RDF::Statement>] the initial
  #   contents of the dataset
  # @return [Dataset] a new instance of Dataset
  # @yield [dataset] yields itself when a block is given
  # @yieldparam dataset [RDF::Dataset]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#40
  def initialize(statements: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Durable#durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#58
  def durable?; end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#65
  def each; end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this object.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#81
  def inspect; end

  # Outputs a developer-friendly representation of this object to
  # `stderr`.
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#90
  def inspect!; end

  # `:snapshot`, or `:serializable`.
  # @return [Symbol] a representation of the isolation level for reads of this
  #   Dataset. One of `:read_uncommitted`, `:read_committed`, `:repeatable_read`,
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#99
  def isolation_level; end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#supports?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#106
  def supports?(feature); end


  # Implements basic query pattern matching over the Dataset, with handling
  # for a default graph.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#117
  def query_pattern(pattern, **options, &block); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#27
RDF::Dataset::DEFAULT_GRAPH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/dataset.rb#29
RDF::Dataset::ISOLATION_LEVELS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/durable.rb#3
module RDF::Durable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Returns `true` if `self` is durable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #nondurable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/durable.rb#11
  def durable?; end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is nondurable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def ephemeral?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is nondurable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/durable.rb#22
  def nondurable?; end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is nondurable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def nonpersistent?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is durable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #nondurable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def persistent?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is nondurable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def transient?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is nondurable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def volatile?(*args, &block); end

# An RDF statement enumeration mixin.
# Classes that include this module must implement an `#each` method that
# yields {RDF::Statement RDF statements}.
# @example Checking whether any statements exist
#   enumerable.empty?
# @example Checking how many statements exist
#   enumerable.count
# @example Checking whether a specific statement exists
#   enumerable.statement?(RDF::Statement(subject, predicate, object))
#   enumerable.triple?([subject, predicate, object])
#   enumerable.quad?([subject, predicate, object, graph_name])
# @example Checking whether a specific value exists
#   enumerable.subject?(RDF::URI(""))
#   enumerable.predicate?(RDF::RDFS.label)
#   enumerable.object?(RDF::Literal("A Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.", language: :en))
#   enumerable.graph?(RDF::URI(""))
# @example Enumerating all statements
#   enumerable.each_statement do |statement|
#   puts statement.inspect
#   end
# @example Enumerating all statements in the form of triples
#   enumerable.each_triple do |subject, predicate, object|
#   puts [subject, predicate, object].inspect
#   end
# @example Enumerating all statements in the form of quads
#   enumerable.each_quad do |subject, predicate, object, graph_name|
#   puts [subject, predicate, object, graph_name].inspect
#   end
# @example Enumerating all terms
#   enumerable.each_subject   { |term| puts term.inspect }
#   enumerable.each_predicate { |term| puts term.inspect }
#   enumerable.each_object    { |term| puts term.inspect }
#   enumerable.each_term      { |term| puts term.inspect }
# @example Obtaining all statements
#   enumerable.statements  #=> [RDF::Statement(subject1, predicate1, object1), ...]
#   enumerable.triples     #=> [[subject1, predicate1, object1], ...]
#   enumerable.quads       #=> [[subject1, predicate1, object1, graph_name1], ...]
# @example Obtaining all unique values
#   enumerable.subjects(unique: true)    #=> [subject1, subject2, subject3, ...]
#   enumerable.predicates(unique: true)  #=> [predicate1, predicate2, predicate3, ...]
#   enumerable.objects(unique: true)     #=> [object1, object2, object3, ...]
#   enumerable.graph_names(unique: true) #=> [graph_name1, graph_name2, graph_name3, ...]
# @see RDF::Graph
# @see RDF::Repository
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#59
module RDF::Enumerable
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder
  include ::RDF::Countable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Enumerates each statement using its canonical representation.
  # @note This is updated by `RDF::Normalize` to also canonicalize blank nodes.
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#731
  def canonicalize; end

  # Mutating canonicalization not supported
  # @raise NotImplementedError
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#742
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns a serialized string representation of `self`.
  # Before calling this method you may need to explicitly require a
  # serialization extension for the specified format.
  # @example Serializing into N-Triples format
  #   require 'rdf/ntriples'
  #   ntriples = enumerable.dump(:ntriples)
  # @param args [Array<Object>] if the last argument is a hash, it is passed as options to
  #   {RDF::Writer.dump}.
  # @raise [RDF::WriterError] if no writer found
  # @return [String]
  # @see RDF::Writer.dump
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#803
  def dump(*args, **options); end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF graph in `self`.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which graphs are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_graph
  # @overload each_graph
  # @see #enum_graph
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#701
  def each_graph; end

  # Iterates the given block for each unique RDF object term.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which values are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_object
  # @overload each_object
  # @see #enum_object
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#506
  def each_object; end

  # Iterates the given block for each unique RDF predicate term.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which values are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_predicate
  # @overload each_predicate
  # @see #enum_predicate
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#439
  def each_predicate; end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF quad.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which quads are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_quad
  # @overload each_quad
  # @see #enum_quad
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#310
  def each_quad; end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF statement.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which statements are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_statement
  # @overload each_statement
  # @see #enum_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#182
  def each_statement(&block); end

  # Iterates the given block for each unique RDF subject term.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which values are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_subject
  # @overload each_subject
  # @see #enum_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#373
  def each_subject; end

  # Iterates the given block for each unique RDF term (subject, predicate, object, or graph_name).
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which values are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_term
  # @overload each_term
  # @see #enum_term
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#590
  def each_term; end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF triple.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which triples are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload each_triple
  # @overload each_triple
  # @see #enum_triple
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#247
  def each_triple; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_graph}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Graph>]
  # @see #each_graph
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#720
  def enum_graph; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_graph}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Graph>]
  # @see #each_graph
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_graphs(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_object}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Term>]
  # @see #each_object
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#525
  def enum_object; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_object}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Term>]
  # @see #each_object
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_objects(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_predicate}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::URI>]
  # @see #each_predicate
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#458
  def enum_predicate; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_predicate}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::URI>]
  # @see #each_predicate
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_predicates(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_quad}.
  # @return [Enumerator<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term, RDF::Resource)>]
  # @see #each_quad
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#324
  def enum_quad; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_quad}.
  # @return [Enumerator<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term, RDF::Resource)>]
  # @see #each_quad
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_quads(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_statement}.
  # FIXME: enum_for doesn't seem to be working properly
  # in JRuby 1.7, so specs are marked pending
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Statement>]
  # @see #each_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#197
  def enum_statement; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_statement}.
  # FIXME: enum_for doesn't seem to be working properly
  # in JRuby 1.7, so specs are marked pending
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Statement>]
  # @see #each_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_statements(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_subject}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#392
  def enum_subject; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_subject}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_subjects(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_term}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Term>]
  # @see #each_term
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#611
  def enum_term; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_term}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Term>]
  # @see #each_term
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_terms(*args, &block); end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_triple}.
  # @return [Enumerator<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term)>]
  # @see #each_triple
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#261
  def enum_triple; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {RDF::Enumerable#each_triple}.
  # @return [Enumerator<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term)>]
  # @see #each_triple
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def enum_triples(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF graph_name.
  # @param graph_name [RDF::Resource, false] Use value `false` to query for the default graph_name
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#638
  def graph?(graph_name); end

  # Returns all unique RDF graph names, other than the default graph.
  # @param unique [true]
  # @return [Array<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_graph
  # @see #enum_graph
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#624
  def graph_names(unique: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF graph_name.
  # @param graph_name [RDF::Resource, false] Use value `false` to query for the default graph_name
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_graph?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF object term.
  # @param value [RDF::Term]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_object?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF predicate term.
  # @param value [RDF::URI]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_predicate?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF quad.
  # @param quad [Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term, RDF::Resource)]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_quad?(*args, &block); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_statement?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF subject term.
  # @param value [RDF::Resource]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_subject?(*args, &block); end

  # @overload term?
  # @overload term?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_term?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF triple.
  # @param triple [Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term)]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def has_triple?(*args, &block); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def include?(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if value is not valid
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless enumerable supports validation
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#117
  def invalid?; end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF object term.
  # @param value [RDF::Term]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#483
  def object?(value); end

  # Returns all unique RDF object terms.
  # @param unique [true]
  # @return [Array<RDF::Term>]
  # @see #each_object
  # @see #enum_object
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#470
  def objects(unique: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF predicate term.
  # @param value [RDF::URI]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#417
  def predicate?(value); end

  # Returns all unique RDF predicate terms.
  # @param unique [true]
  # @return [Array<RDF::URI>]
  # @see #each_predicate
  # @see #enum_predicate
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#404
  def predicates(unique: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Limits statements to be from a specific graph.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # The order in which statements are yielded is undefined.
  # @overload project_graph
  # @overload project_graph
  # @see #each_statement
  # @since 3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#668
  def project_graph(graph_name); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF quad.
  # @param quad [Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term, RDF::Resource)]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#284
  def quad?(quad); end

  # Returns all RDF quads.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}]
  # @return [Array<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term, RDF::Resource)>]
  # @see #each_quad
  # @see #enum_quad
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#275
  def quads(**options); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#153
  def statement?(*args); end

  # Returns all RDF statements.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}]
  # @return [Array<RDF::Statement>]
  # @see #each_statement
  # @see #enum_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#139
  def statements(**options); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF subject term.
  # @param value [RDF::Resource]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#351
  def subject?(value); end

  # Returns all unique RDF subject terms.
  # @param unique [true]
  # @return [Array<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # @see #enum_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#338
  def subjects(unique: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns `true` if this enumerable supports the given `feature`.
  # Supported features include:
  #   * `:graph_name` supports statements with a graph_name, allowing multiple named graphs
  #   * `:inference` supports RDFS inferrence of queryable contents.
  #   * `:literal_equality' preserves [term-equality]( for literals. Literals are equal only if their lexical values and datatypes are equal, character by character. Literals may be "inlined" to value-space for efficiency only if `:literal_equality` is `false`.
  #   * `:validity` allows a concrete Enumerable implementation to indicate that it does or does not support valididty checking. By default implementations are assumed to support validity checking.
  #   * `:skolemize` supports [Skolemization]( of an `Enumerable`. Implementations supporting this feature must implement a `#skolemize` method, taking a base URI used for minting URIs for BNodes as stable identifiers and a `#deskolemize` method, also taking a base URI used for turning URIs having that prefix back into the same BNodes which were originally skolemized.
  #   * `:rdf_full` supports RDF 1.2 Full profile, including support for embedded Triple Terms.
  #   * `:quoted_triples` supports RDF-star quoted triples.
  #   * `:base_direction` supports RDF 1.2 directional language-tagged strings.
  # @param feature [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.5
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#93
  def supports?(feature); end

  # @overload term?
  # @overload term?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#563
  def term?(*args); end

  # Returns all unique RDF terms (subjects, predicates, objects, and graph_names).
  # @example finding all Blank Nodes used within an enumerable
  # @param unique [true]
  # @return [Array<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_resource
  # @see #enum_resource
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#541
  def terms(unique: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns all RDF statements in `self` as an array.
  # Mixes in `RDF::Enumerable` into the returned object.
  # @return [Array]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#752
  def to_a; end

  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def to_enum(*args, &block); end

  # Returns all RDF object terms indexed by their subject and predicate
  # terms.
  # The return value is a `Hash` instance that has the structure:
  # `{subject => {predicate => [*objects]}}`.
  # @return [Hash]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#776
  def to_h; end

  # Returns all RDF statements in `self` as a set.
  # Mixes in `RDF::Enumerable` into the returned object.
  # @return [Set]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#763
  def to_set; end

  # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF triple.
  # @param triple [Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term)]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#222
  def triple?(triple); end

  # Returns all RDF triples.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Boolean}]
  # @return [Array<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term)>]
  # @see #each_triple
  # @see #enum_triple
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#213
  def triples(**options); end

  # Returns `true` if all statements are valid
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless enumerable supports validation
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.11
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#103
  def valid?; end

  # Default validate! implementation, overridden in concrete classes
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the value is invalid
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable] `self`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def validate(*args, &block); end

  # Default validate! implementation, overridden in concrete classes
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the value is invalid
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable] `self`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#126
  def validate!; end


  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#841
  def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

  # @overload
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#818
  def method_missing(meth, *args); end


  # @note this instantiates an writer; it could probably be done more
  #   efficiently by refactoring `RDF::Reader` and/or `RDF::Format` to expose
  #   a list of valid format symbols.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#831
  def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Extends Enumerator with {Queryable} and {Enumerable}, which is used by {Enumerable#each_statement} and {Queryable#enum_for}
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#65
class RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator < ::Enumerator
  include ::RDF::Queryable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable

  # @note Make sure returned arrays are also queryable
  # @return [Array]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/enumerable.rb#72
  def to_a; end

# The base class for RDF serialization formats.
# @abstract
# @example Loading an RDF serialization format implementation
#   require 'rdf/ntriples'
# @example Iterating over known RDF serialization formats
#   RDF::Format.each { |klass| puts }
# @example Getting a serialization format class
#   RDF::Format.for(:ntriples)     #=> RDF::NTriples::Format
#   RDF::Format.for("etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Format.for(file_name: "etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Format.for(file_extension: "nt")
#   RDF::Format.for(content_type: "application/n-triples")
# @example Obtaining serialization format MIME types
#   RDF::Format.content_types      #=> {"application/n-triples" => [RDF::NTriples::Format]}
# @example Obtaining serialization format file extension mappings
#   RDF::Format.file_extensions    #=> {nt: [RDF::NTriples::Format]}
# @example Defining a new RDF serialization format class
#   class RDF::NTriples::Format < RDF::Format
#   content_type     'application/n-triples',
#   extension: :nt,
#   uri: RDF::URI("")
#   content_encoding 'utf-8'
#   reader RDF::NTriples::Reader
#   writer RDF::NTriples::Writer
#   end
# @example Instantiating an RDF reader or writer class (1)
#   RDF::Format.for(:ntriples)$stdin)  { |reader| ... }
#   RDF::Format.for(:ntriples)$stdout) { |writer| ... }
# @example Instantiating an RDF reader or writer class (2)
#   RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples).new($stdin)  { |reader| ... }
#   RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples).new($stdout) { |writer| ... }
# @see RDF::Reader
# @see RDF::Writer
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#47
class RDF::Format
  extend ::Enumerable

  class << self
    # Returns an array of values appropriate for an Accept header.
    # Same as `self.content_type`, if no parameter is given when defined.
    # @return [Array<String>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#535
    def accept_type; end

    # Returns the set of content types with quality for available RDF::Reader subclasses.
    # @example
    #   accept_types = RDF::Format.accept_types
    #   # => %w(text/html;q=0.5 text/turtle ...)
    # @return [Array<String>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#275
    def accept_types; end

    # Hash of CLI commands appropriate for this format
    # @return [Hash{Symbol => {description: String, lambda: Lambda(Array, Hash)}}]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#434
    def cli_commands; end

    # Defines the content encoding for this RDF serialization format.
    # When called without an encoding, it returns the currently defined
    # content encoding for this format
    # @param encoding [#to_sym]
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#584
    def content_encoding(encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Retrieves or defines MIME content types for this RDF serialization format.
    # @overload content_type
    # @overload content_type
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#493
    def content_type(type = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Returns MIME content types for known RDF serialization formats.
    # @example retrieving a list of supported Mime types
    #   RDF::Format.content_types.keys
    # @return [Hash{String => Array<Class>}]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#211
    def content_types; end

    # Use a text sample to detect the format of an input file. Sub-classes implement
    # a matcher sufficient to detect probably format matches, including disambiguating
    # between other similar formats.
    # Used to determine format class from loaded formats by {RDF::Format.for} when a
    # match cannot be unambigiously found otherwise.
    # @example
    #   RDF::NTriples::Format.detect("<a> <b> <c> .") #=> true
    # @param sample [String] Beginning several bytes (~ 1K) of input.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#451
    def detect(sample); end

    # Enumerates known RDF serialization format classes.
    # Given options from {Format.for}, it returns just those formats that match the specified criteria.
    # @example finding all formats that have a writer supporting text/html
    #   RDF::Format.each(content_type: 'text/html', has_writer: true).to_a
    #   #=> RDF::RDFa::Format
    # @param file_name [String, #to_s] (nil)
    # @param file_extension [Symbol, #to_sym] (nil)
    # @param content_type [String, #to_s] (nil)
    #   Content type may include wildcard characters, which will select among matching formats.
    #   Note that content_type will be taken from a URL opened using {RDF::Util::File.open_file}.
    # @param has_reader [Boolean] (false)
    #   Only return a format having a reader.
    # @param has_writer [Boolean] (false)
    #   Only return a format having a writer.
    # @param sample [String, Proc] (nil)
    #   A sample of input used for performing format detection. If we find no formats, or we find more than one, and we have a sample, we can perform format detection to find a specific format to use, in which case we pick the last one we find
    # @param all_if_none [Boolean] (true)
    #   Returns all formats if none match, otherwise no format. Note that having a `sample` overrides this, and will search through all formats, or all those filtered to find a sample that matches
    # @return [Enumerator]
    # @yield [klass]
    # @yieldparam [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#75
    def each(file_name: T.unsafe(nil), file_extension: T.unsafe(nil), content_type: T.unsafe(nil), has_reader: T.unsafe(nil), has_writer: T.unsafe(nil), sample: T.unsafe(nil), all_if_none: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

    # Retrieves file extensions for this RDF serialization format.
    # The return is an array where the first element is the cannonical
    # file extension for the format and following elements are alias file extensions.
    # @return [Array<String>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#546
    def file_extension; end

    # Returns file extensions for known RDF serialization formats.
    # @example retrieving a list of supported file extensions
    #   RDF::Format.file_extensions.keys
    # @return [Hash{Symbol => Array<Class>}]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#223
    def file_extensions; end

    # Finds an RDF serialization format class based on the given criteria. If multiple formats are identified, the last one found is returned; this allows descrimination of equivalent formats based on load order.
    # @overload for
    # @overload for
    # @overload for
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#169
    def for(*arg, &block); end

    # @private
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#607
    def inherited(child); end

    # Returns a human-readable name for the format.
    # Subclasses should override this to use something
    # difererent than the Class name.
    # @example
    # => "N-Triples"
    # @return [Symbol]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#338
    def name; end

    # Retrieves or defines the reader class for this RDF serialization
    # format.
    # @overload reader
    # @overload reader
    # @overload reader
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#375
    def reader(klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # Retrieves or defines the reader class for this RDF serialization
    # format.
    # @overload reader
    # @overload reader
    # @overload reader
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#375
    def reader_class(klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # Returns the set of format symbols for available RDF::Reader subclasses.
    # @example
    #   symbols = RDF::Format.reader_symbols
    #   format = RDF::Format.for(symbols.first)
    # @return [Array<Symbol>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#249
    def reader_symbols; end

    # Returns the set of content types for available RDF::Reader subclasses.
    # @example
    #   content_types = RDF::Format.reader_types
    #   format = RDF::Format.for(content_type: content_types.first)
    # @return [Array<String>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#262
    def reader_types; end

    # Defines a required Ruby library for this RDF serialization format.
    # The given library will be required lazily, i.e. only when it is
    # actually first needed, such as when instantiating a reader or parser
    # instance for this format.
    # @param library [String, #to_s]
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#572
    def require(library); end

    # Returns the set of symbols for a writer appropriate for use with with `RDF::Format.for()`
    # @note Individual formats can override this to provide an array of symbols; otherwise, it uses `self.to_sym`
    # @return [Array<Symbol>]
    # @see to_sym
    # @since 2.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#324
    def symbols; end

    # Returns a symbol appropriate to use with `RDF::Format.for()`
    # @note Defaults to the last element of the class name before `Format` downcased and made a symbol. Individual formats can override this.
    # @return [Symbol]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#310
    def to_sym; end

    # Retrieves any format URI defined for this format..
    # @return [URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#554
    def to_uri; end

    # Retrieves any format URI defined for this format..
    # @return [URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#554
    def uri; end

    # Returns the unique URI for the format.
    # @example retrieving a list of supported file format URIs
    #   RDF::Format.uris.keys
    # @return [Hash{Symbol => URI}]
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#236
    def uris; end

    # Retrieves or defines the writer class for this RDF serialization
    # format.
    # @overload writer
    # @overload writer
    # @overload writer
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#418
    def writer(klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # Retrieves or defines the writer class for this RDF serialization
    # format.
    # @overload writer
    # @overload writer
    # @overload writer
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#418
    def writer_class(klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # Returns the set of format symbols for available RDF::Writer subclasses.
    # @example
    #   symbols = RDF::Format.writer_symbols
    #   format = RDF::Format.for(symbols.first)
    # @return [Array<Symbol>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#288
    def writer_symbols; end

    # Returns the set of content types for available RDF::Writer subclasses.
    # @example
    #   content_types = RDF::Format.writer_types
    #   format = RDF::Format.for(content_type: content_types.first)
    # @return [Array<String>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#301
    def writer_types; end


    def new(*_arg0); end

# The base class for RDF serialization format errors.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/format.rb#615
class RDF::FormatError < ::IOError; end

# An RDF graph.
# An {RDF::Graph} contains a unique set of {RDF::Statement}. It is
# based on an underlying data object, which may be specified when the
# graph is initialized, and will default to a {RDF::Repository} without
# support for named graphs otherwise.
# Note that in RDF 1.1, graphs are not named, but are associated with
# a graph name in a Dataset, as a pair of <name, graph>.
# This class allows a name to be associated with a graph when it is
# a projection of an underlying {RDF::Repository} supporting graph_names.
# @example Creating an empty unnamed graph
#   graph =
# @example Loading graph data from a URL
#   graph = RDF::Graph.load("")
# @example Loading graph data from a URL
#   require 'rdf/rdfxml'  # for RDF/XML support
#   graph = RDF::Graph.load("")
# @example Accessing a specific named graph within a {RDF::Repository}
#   require 'rdf/trig'  # for TriG support
#   repository = graph = RDF::Repository.load("", format: :trig))
#   graph = RDF::URI(""), data: repository)
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#31
class RDF::Graph
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Durable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Queryable
  include ::RDF::Readable
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions
  include ::RDF::Writable
  include ::RDF::Mutable
  include ::RDF::Transactable

  # @note Graph names are only useful when used as a projection
  #   on a `:data` which supports named graphs. Otherwise, there is no
  #   such thing as a named graph in RDF 1.1, a repository may have
  #   graphs which are named, but the name is not a property of the graph.
  # @param graph_name [RDF::Resource] The graph_name from the associated {RDF::Queryable} associated
  #   with this graph as provided with the `:data` option
  #   (only for {RDF::Queryable} instances supporting
  #   named graphs).
  # @param data [RDF::Queryable] (
  #   Storage behind this graph.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if a `data` does not support named graphs.
  # @return [Graph] a new instance of Graph
  # @yield [graph]
  # @yieldparam [Graph]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#106
  def initialize(graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), data: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Graph equivalence based on the contents of each graph being _exactly_
  # the same. To determine if the have the same _meaning_, consider
  # [rdf-isomorphic](
  # @param other [RDF::Graph]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#289
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this graph has an anonymous graph, `false` otherwise.
  # @note The next release, graphs will not be named, this will return true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#215
  def anonymous?; end

  # Returns the number of RDF statements in this graph.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#count
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#224
  def count; end

  # {RDF::Queryable} backing this graph.
  # @return [RDF::Queryable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#61
  def data; end

  # {RDF::Queryable} backing this graph.
  # @return [RDF::Queryable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#61
  def data=(_arg0); end

  # A graph is durable if it's underlying data model is durable
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Durable#durable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#182
  def durable?; end

  # Enumerates each RDF statement in this graph.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # @yield [statement]
  # @yieldparam statement [Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#260
  def each(&block); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_graph
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#377
  def each_graph; end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#151
  def graph?(*args); end

  # Name of this graph, if it is part of an {RDF::Repository}
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 1.1.18
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#52
  def graph_name; end

  # Name of this graph, if it is part of an {RDF::Repository}
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 1.1.18
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#52
  def graph_name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns all unique RDF names for this graph.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#190
  def graph_names(unique: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#graphs
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#369
  def graphs; end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#241
  def has_statement?(*args); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#insert_statements
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#323
  def insert_statements(statements); end

  # (re)loads the graph from the specified location, or from the location associated with the graph name, if any
  # @return [void]
  # @see RDF::Mutable#load
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#131
  def load!(*args); end

  # Name of this graph, if it is part of an {RDF::Repository}
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 1.1.18
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#52
  def name; end

  # Name of this graph, if it is part of an {RDF::Repository}
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 1.1.18
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#52
  def name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if this is a named graph.
  # @note The next release, graphs will not be named, this will return false
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#164
  def named?; end

  # Returns the options passed to this graph when it was constructed.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#45
  def options; end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#project_graph
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#273
  def project_graph(graph_name, &block); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#241
  def statement?(*args); end

  # Returns a string representation of this graph.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#206
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the {RDF::Resource} representation of this graph.
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#198
  def to_uri; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a unnamed graph.
  # @note The next release, graphs will not be named, this will return true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#173
  def unnamed?; end


  # Opens a transaction over the graph
  # @private
  # @see RDF::Transactable#begin_transaction
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#355
  def begin_transaction(mutable: T.unsafe(nil), graph_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#clear
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#347
  def clear_statements; end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#delete
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#338
  def delete_statement(statement); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#307
  def insert_statement(statement); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Queryable#query_pattern
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#298
  def query_pattern(pattern, **options, &block); end

  class << self
    # Creates a new `Graph` instance populated by the RDF data returned by
    # dereferencing the given graph_name Resource.
    # @param url [String, #to_s]
    # @param graph_name [RDF::Resource] Set set graph name of each loaded statement
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] Options from {}
    # @return [Graph]
    # @since 0.1.7
    # @yield [graph]
    # @yieldparam graph [Graph]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/graph.rb#76
    def load(url, graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

# RDF::IRI is a synonym for RDF::URI
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1403

# A mixin that can be used to mark RDF repository implementations as
# indexable.
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/indexable.rb#7
module RDF::Indexable
  # Indexes `self`.
  # @abstract
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/indexable.rb#22
  def index!; end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is indexed at present.
  # @abstract
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/indexable.rb#13
  def indexed?; end

# An RDF list.
# @example Constructing a new list
#   RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
# @since 0.2.3
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#10
class RDF::List
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable

  # Initializes a newly-constructed list.
  # Instantiates a new list based at `subject`, which **should** be an RDF::Node. List may be initialized using passed `values`.
  # If a `values` initializer is set with an empty list, `subject`
  # will be used as the first element in the list. Otherwise,
  # if the list is not empty, `subject` identifies the first element
  # of the list to which `values` are prepended yielding a new `subject`.
  # Otherwise, if there are no initial `values`, and `subject` does
  # not identify an existing list in `graph`, the list remains
  # identified by `subject`, but will be invalid.
  # @example add constructed list to existing graph
  #   l = RDF::List(values: (1, 2, 3))
  #   g = << l
  #   g.count # => l.count
  # @example use a transaction for block initialization
  #   l = RDF::List(graph: graph, wrap_transaction: true) do |list|
  #   list << RDF::Literal(1)
  #   # list.graph.rollback will rollback all list changes within this block.
  #   end
  #   list.count #=> 1
  # @param subject [RDF::Resource] (RDF.nil)
  #   Subject should be an {RDF::Node}, not a {RDF::URI}. A list with an IRI head will not validate, but is commonly used to detect if a list is valid.
  # @param graph [RDF::Graph] (
  # @param values [Array<RDF::Term>] Any values which are not terms are coerced to `RDF::Literal`.
  # @param wrap_transaction [Boolean] (false)
  #   Wraps the callback in a transaction, and replaces the graph with that transaction for the duraction of the callback. This has the effect of allowing any list changes to be made atomically, or rolled back.
  # @return [List] a new instance of List
  # @since 0.2.3
  # @yield [list]
  # @yieldparam list [RDF::List]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#68
  def initialize(subject: T.unsafe(nil), graph: T.unsafe(nil), values: T.unsafe(nil), wrap_transaction: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Returns the set intersection of this list and `other`.
  # The resulting list contains the elements common to both lists, with no
  # duplicates.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] & RDF::List[1, 2]       #=> RDF::List[1, 2]
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] & RDF::List[2, 3]       #=> RDF::List[2]
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] & RDF::List[3, 4]       #=> RDF::List[]
  # @param other [RDF::List]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#202
  def &(other); end

  # Returns either a repeated list or a string concatenation of the
  # elements in this list.
  # @overload *
  # @overload *
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#276
  def *(int_or_str); end

  # Returns the concatenation of this list and `other`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] + RDF::List[3, 4]       #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3, 4]
  # @param other [RDF::List]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#233
  def +(other); end

  # Returns the difference between this list and `other`, removing any
  # elements that appear in both lists.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 2, 3] - RDF::List[2]    #=> RDF::List[1, 3]
  # @param other [RDF::List]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#247
  def -(other); end

  # Appends an element to the tail of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[] << 1 << 2 << 3              #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  # @param value [RDF::Term]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#438
  def <<(value); end

  # Compares this list to `other` for sorting purposes.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1] <=> RDF::List[1]           #=> 0
  #   RDF::List[1] <=> RDF::List[2]           #=> -1
  #   RDF::List[2] <=> RDF::List[1]           #=> 1
  # @param other [RDF::List]
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#480
  def <=>(other); end

  # @see RDF::Value#==
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#183
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns a slice of a list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].slice(0)    #=> RDF::Literal(1),
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].slice(0, 2) #=> RDF::List[1, 2],
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].slice(0..2) #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#540
  def [](*args); end

  # Element Assignment — Sets the element at `index`, or replaces a subarray from the `start` index for `length` elements, or replaces a subarray specified by the `range` of indices.
  # If indices are greater than the current capacity of the array, the array grows automatically. Elements are inserted into the array at `start` if length is zero.
  # Negative indices will count backward from the end of the array. For `start` and `range` cases the starting index is just before an element.
  # An `IndexError` is raised if a negative index points past the beginning of the array.
  # (see #unshift).
  # @example
  #   a =
  #   a[4] = "4";                 #=> [rdf:nil, rdf:nil, rdf:nil, rdf:nil, "4"]
  #   a[0, 3] = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] #=> ["a", "b", "c", rdf:nil, "4"]
  #   a[1..2] = [ 1, 2 ]          #=> ["a", 1, 2, rdf:nil, "4"]
  #   a[0, 2] = "?"               #=> ["?", 2, rdf:nil, "4"]
  #   a[0..2] = "A"               #=> ["A", "4"]
  #   a[-1]   = "Z"               #=> ["A", "Z"]
  #   a[1..-1] = nil              #=> ["A", rdf:nil]
  #   a[1..-1] = []               #=> ["A"]
  #   a[0, 0] = [ 1, 2 ]          #=> [1, 2, "A"]
  #   a[3, 0] = "B"               #=> [1, 2, "A", "B"]
  # @overload []=
  # @overload []=
  # @overload []=
  # @since 1.1.15
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#332
  def []=(*args); end

  # Returns the element at `index`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].at(0)                #=> 1
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].at(4)                #=> nil
  # @return [RDF::Term, nil]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#596
  def at(index); end

  # Empties this list
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 2, 3].clear    #=> RDF::List[]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#422
  def clear; end

  # Yields each element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].each do |value|
  #   puts value.inspect
  #   end
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#813
  def each; end

  # Yields each statement constituting this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].each_statement do |statement|
  #   puts statement.inspect
  #   end
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#833
  def each_statement(&block); end

  # Yields each subject term constituting this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].each_subject do |subject|
  #   puts subject.inspect
  #   end
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each
  # @since 0.2.3
  # @yield [subject]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#790
  def each_subject; end

  # Returns the eighth element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].eighth              #=> RDF::Literal(8)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#687
  def eighth; end

  # Returns `true` if this list is empty.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].empty?                      #=> true
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].empty?               #=> false
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#493
  def empty?; end

  # Compares this list to `other` using eql? on each component.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].eql? RDF::List[1, 2, 3]  #=> true
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].eql? [1, 2, 3]           #=> true
  # @param other [RDF::List]
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#465
  def eql?(other); end

  # Returns element at `index` with default.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].fetch(0)             #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].fetch(4)             #=> IndexError
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].fetch(4, nil)        #=> nil
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].fetch(4) { |n| n*n } #=> 16
  # @return [RDF::Term, nil]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#576
  def fetch(index, default = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the fifth element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].fifth               #=> RDF::Literal(5)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#654
  def fifth; end

  # Returns the first element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].first               #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#610
  def first; end

  # Returns the first subject term constituting this list.
  # This is equivalent to `subject`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].first_subject        #=> RDF::Node(...)
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#756
  def first_subject; end

  # Returns the fourth element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].fourth              #=> RDF::Literal(4)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#643
  def fourth; end

  # @return [RDF::Graph] the underlying graph storing the statements that constitute this list
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#179
  def graph; end

  # Returns the index of the first element equal to `value`, or `nil` if
  # no match was found.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List['a', 'b', 'c'].index('a')     #=> 0
  #   RDF::List['a', 'b', 'c'].index('d')     #=> nil
  # @param value [RDF::Term]
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#523
  def index(value); end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].inspect                     #=> "#<RDF::List(_:g2163790380)>"
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#960
  def inspect; end

  # Returns a string created by converting each element of this list into
  # a string, separated by `sep`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].join                 #=> "123"
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].join(", ")           #=> "1, 2, 3"
  # @param sep [String]
  # @return [String]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#853
  def join(sep = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the last element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].last                 #=> RDF::Literal(10)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#721
  def last; end

  # Returns the last subject term constituting this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].last_subject         #=> RDF::Node(...)
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#776
  def last_subject; end

  # Returns the length of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].length                      #=> 0
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].length               #=> 3
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#506
  def length; end

  # Is this a {RDF::List}?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#122
  def list?; end

  # Returns the ninth element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].ninth               #=> RDF::Literal(9)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#698
  def ninth; end

  # Returns the element at `index`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].at(0)                #=> 1
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].at(4)                #=> nil
  # @return [RDF::Term, nil]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#596
  def nth(index); end

  # Returns a list containing all but the first element of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].rest                 #=> RDF::List[2, 3]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#732
  def rest; end

  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].rest_subject         #=> RDF::Node(...)
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#765
  def rest_subject; end

  # Returns the elements in this list in reversed order.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].reverse              #=> RDF::List[3, 2, 1]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#865
  def reverse; end

  # Returns the second element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].second              #=> RDF::Literal(2)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#621
  def second; end

  # Returns the seventh element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].seventh             #=> RDF::Literal(7)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#676
  def seventh; end

  # Removes and returns the element at the head of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1,2,3].shift              #=> 1
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#401
  def shift; end

  # Returns the sixth element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].sixth               #=> RDF::Literal(6)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#665
  def sixth; end

  # Returns the length of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].length                      #=> 0
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].length               #=> 3
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#506
  def size; end

  # Returns a slice of a list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].slice(0)    #=> RDF::Literal(1),
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].slice(0, 2) #=> RDF::List[1, 2],
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].slice(0..2) #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#540
  def slice(*args); end

  # Returns the elements in this list in sorted order.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[2, 3, 1].sort                 #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#877
  def sort(&block); end

  # Returns the elements in this list in sorted order.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[2, 3, 1].sort_by(&:to_i)      #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#889
  def sort_by(&block); end

  # @return [RDF::Resource] the subject term of this list.
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#175
  def subject; end

  # Returns a list containing the last element of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].tail                 #=> RDF::List[3]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#743
  def tail; end

  # Returns the tenth element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].tenth               #=> RDF::Literal(10)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#709
  def tenth; end

  # Returns the third element in this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[*(1..10)].third               #=> RDF::Literal(4)
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#632
  def third; end

  # Returns the elements in this list as an array.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].to_a                        #=> []
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].to_a                 #=> [RDF::Literal(1), RDF::Literal(2), RDF::Literal(3)]
  # @return [Array]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#913
  def to_a; end

  # Yields each statement constituting this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].each_statement do |statement|
  #   puts statement.inspect
  #   end
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#833
  def to_rdf(&block); end

  # Returns a string representation of this list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].to_s                        #=> "RDF::List[]"
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].to_s                 #=> "RDF::List[1, 2, 3]"
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#949
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the elements in this list as a set.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].to_set               #=> Set[RDF::Literal(1), RDF::Literal(2), RDF::Literal(3)]
  # @return [Set]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#924
  def to_set; end

  # Returns the subject of the list.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].to_term                     #=> "RDF[:nil]"
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3].to_term              #=> "RDF::Node"
  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#937
  def to_term; end

  # Returns a new list with the duplicates in this list removed.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2, 2, 3].uniq              #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#901
  def uniq; end

  # Appends an element to the head of this list. Existing references are not updated, as the list subject changes as a side-effect.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[].unshift(1).unshift(2).unshift(3) #=> RDF::List[3, 2, 1]
  # @param value [RDF::Term, Array<RDF::Term>, RDF::List] A non-RDF::Term is coerced to a Literal
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#380
  def unshift(value); end

  # Validate the list ensuring that
  # * each node is referenced exactly once (except for the head, which may have no reference)
  # * rdf:rest values are all BNodes are nil
  # * each subject has exactly one value for `rdf:first` and
  #   `rdf:rest`.
  # * The value of `rdf:rest` must be either a BNode or `rdf:nil`.
  # * only the list head may have any other properties
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#135
  def valid?; end

  # Returns the set union of this list and `other`.
  # The resulting list contains the elements from both lists, with no
  # duplicates.
  # @example
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] | RDF::List[1, 2]       #=> RDF::List[1, 2]
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] | RDF::List[2, 3]       #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
  #   RDF::List[1, 2] | RDF::List[3, 4]       #=> RDF::List[1, 2, 3, 4]
  # @param other [RDF::List]
  # @return [RDF::List]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#220
  def |(other); end


  # @private
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#558
  def slice_with_range(range); end

  # @private
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#552
  def slice_with_start_and_length(start, length); end


  # Normalizes `Array` to `RDF::List` and `nil` to `RDF.nil`.
  # @param value [Object]
  # @return [RDF::Value, Object] normalized value
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#975
  def normalize_value(value); end

  class << self
    # Constructs a new list from the given `values`.
    # The list will be identified by a new autogenerated blank node, and
    # backed by an initially empty in-memory graph.
    # @example
    #   RDF::List[]
    #   RDF::List[*(1..10)]
    #   RDF::List[1, 2, 3]
    #   RDF::List["foo", "bar"]
    #   RDF::List["a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3]
    # @param values [Array<RDF::Term>]
    # @return [RDF::List]
    # @since 0.2.3
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#30
    def [](*values); end

# The canonical empty list.
# @since 0.2.3
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#116
RDF::List::NIL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::List)

# @private
# @since 0.2.3
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/list.rb#113
RDF::List::UNSET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# An RDF literal.
# Subclasses of {RDF::Literal} should define DATATYPE and GRAMMAR constants, which are used for identifying the appropriate class to use for a datatype URI and to perform lexical matching on the value.
# Literal comparison with other {RDF::Value} instances call {RDF::Value#type_error}, which, returns false. Implementations wishing to have {RDF::TypeError} raised should mix-in {RDF::TypeCheck}. This is required for strict SPARQL conformance.
# Specific typed literals may have behavior different from the default implementation. See the following defined sub-classes for specific documentation. Additional sub-classes may be defined, and will interoperate by defining `DATATYPE` and `GRAMMAR` constants, in addition other required overrides of RDF::Literal behavior.
# In RDF 1.1, all literals are typed, including plain literals and language-tagged strings. Internally, plain literals are given the `xsd:string` datatype and language-tagged strings are given the `rdf:langString` datatype. Creating a plain literal, without a datatype or language, will automatically provide the `xsd:string` datatype; similar for language-tagged strings. Note that most serialization formats will remove this datatype. Code which depends on a literal having the `xsd:string` datatype being different from a plain literal (formally, without a datatype) may break. However note that the `#has\_datatype?` will continue to return `false` for plain or language-tagged strings.
# RDF 1.2 adds **directional language-tagged strings** which are effectively a subclass of **language-tagged strings** contining an additional **direction** component with value either **ltr** or **rtl** for Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left. This determines the general direction of a string when presented in n a user agent, where it might be in conflict with the inherent direction of the leading Unicode code points. Directional language-tagged strings are given the `rdf:langString` datatype.
# * {RDF::Literal::Boolean}
# * {RDF::Literal::Date}
# * {RDF::Literal::DateTime}
# * {RDF::Literal::Decimal}
# * {RDF::Literal::Double}
# * {RDF::Literal::Integer}
# * {RDF::Literal::Time}
# @example Creating a plain literal
#   value ="Hello, world!")
#   value.plain?                                   #=> true`
# @example Creating a language-tagged string (1)
#   value ="Hello!", language: :en)
#   value.language?                                #=> true
#   value.language                                 #=> :en
# @example Creating a language-tagged string (2)
#"Wazup?", language: :"en-US")
#"Hej!",   language: :sv)
#"¡Hola!", language: :es)
# @example Creating a directional language-tagged string
#   value ="Hello!", language: :en, direction: :ltr)
#   value.language?                                #=> true
#   value.language                                 #=> :en
#   value.direction?                               #=> true
#   value.direction                                #=> :ltr
# @example Creating an explicitly datatyped literal
#   value ="2009-12-31", datatype:
#   value.datatype?                                #=> true
#   value.datatype                                 #=>
# @example Creating an implicitly datatyped literal
#   value =
#   value.datatype?                                #=> true
#   value.datatype                                 #=>
# @example Creating implicitly datatyped literals
#               #=> XSD.boolean
#                #=> XSD.boolean
#                 #=> XSD.integer
# #=> XSD.integer
#              #=> XSD.double
#            #=> XSD.dateTime
#      #=>
#  #=> XSD.dateTime
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#70
class RDF::Literal
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term

  # Literals without a datatype are given either `xsd:string`, `rdf:langString`, or `rdf:dirLangString`,
  # depending on if there is `language` and/or `direction`.
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if there is a language and datatype is no rdf:langString
  #   or datatype is rdf:langString and there is no language
  # @return [Literal] a new instance of Literal
  # @see
  # @see
  # @see #to_s
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#190
  def initialize(value, language: T.unsafe(nil), datatype: T.unsafe(nil), direction: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), validate: T.unsafe(nil), canonicalize: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Compares `self` to `other` for sorting purposes (with type check).
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#353
  def <=>(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this literal is equivalent to `other` (with type check).
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1) == RDF::Literal(1.0)     #=> true
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#320
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this literal is equivalent to `other` (with type check).
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1) == RDF::Literal(1.0)     #=> true
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#320
  def ===(other); end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # Subclasses should override this as needed and appropriate.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#523
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Term compatibility according to SPARQL
  # Compatibility of two arguments is defined as:
  # * The arguments are simple literals or literals typed as xsd:string
  # * The arguments are plain literals with identical language-tags and directions
  # * The first argument is a plain literal with language-tag and the second argument is a simple literal or literal typed as xsd:string
  # @example
  #   compatible?("abc"    "b")                         #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"    "b"^^xsd:string)             #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"^^xsd:string    "b")             #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"^^xsd:string    "b"^^xsd:string) #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"@en    "b")                     #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"@en    "b"^^xsd:string)         #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"@en    "b"@en)                  #=> true
  #   compatible?("abc"@fr    "b"@ja)                  #=> false
  #   compatible?("abc"    "b"@ja)                      #=> false
  #   compatible?("abc"    "b"@en)                      #=> false
  #   compatible?("abc"^^xsd:string    "b"@en)          #=> false
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#255
  def compatible?(other); end

  # Returns `true` if the literals are comperable.
  # Used for <=> operator.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#502
  def comperable_datatype2?(other); end

  # Returns `true` if the literal has a datatype and the comparison should
  # return false instead of raise a type error.
  # This behavior is intuited from SPARQL data-r2/expr-equal/eq-2-2
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#482
  def comperable_datatype?(other); end

  # @return [URI] The XML Schema datatype URI (optional).
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#167
  def datatype; end

  # @return [URI] The XML Schema datatype URI (optional).
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#167
  def datatype=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if this is a datatyped literal.
  # For historical reasons, this excludes xsd:string and rdf:langString
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#431
  def datatype?; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a datatyped literal.
  # For historical reasons, this excludes xsd:string and rdf:langString
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#431
  def datatyped?; end

  # @return [Symbol] The base direction (optional). Implies `datatype` is `rdf:dirLangString`.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#164
  def direction; end

  # @return [Symbol] The base direction (optional). Implies `datatype` is `rdf:dirLangString`.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#164
  def direction=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if this is a directional language-tagged string.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#420
  def direction?; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a language-tagged literal in the English
  # language.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 3.3.2
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#460
  def english?; end

  # Determins if `self` is the same term as `other`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1).eql?(RDF::Literal(1.0))  #=> false
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#299
  def eql?(other); end

  # Escape a literal using ECHAR escapes.
  #    ECHAR ::= '\' [tbnrf"'\]
  # @note N-Triples only requires '\"\n\r' to be escaped.
  # @param string [String]
  # @return [String]
  # @see RDF::Term#escape
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#561
  def escape(string); end

  # @private
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#285
  def freeze; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a datatyped literal.
  # For historical reasons, this excludes xsd:string and rdf:langString
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#431
  def has_datatype?; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a language-tagged string.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#410
  def has_language?; end

  # Returns a hash code for this literal.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#270
  def hash; end

  # Returns a human-readable value for the literal
  # @return [String]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#585
  def humanize(lang = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of `self`.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#593
  def inspect; end

  # @return [Symbol] The language-tag (optional). Implies `datatype` is `rdf:langString`.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#161
  def language; end

  # @return [Symbol] The language-tag (optional). Implies `datatype` is `rdf:langString`.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#161
  def language=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if this is a language-tagged string.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#410
  def language?; end

  # Returns `true`.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#228
  def literal?; end

  # @return [Object]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#220
  def object; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a plain literal. A plain literal
  # may have a language and direction, but may not have a datatype. For
  # all practical purposes, this includes xsd:string literals
  # too.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#387
  def plain?; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a simple literal.
  # A simple literal has no datatype or language.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#401
  def simple?; end

  # Returns the literal, first removing all whitespace on both ends of the value, and then changing remaining consecutive whitespace groups into one space each.
  # Note that it handles both ASCII and Unicode whitespace.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] a new literal based on `self`.
  # @see [String#squish](
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#534
  def squish(*other_string); end

  # Performs a destructive {#squish}.
  # @return self
  # @see [String#squish!](
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#543
  def squish!; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#576
  def to_s; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a datatyped literal.
  # For historical reasons, this excludes xsd:string and rdf:langString
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#431
  def typed?; end

  # Returns `true` if the value adheres to the defined grammar of the
  # datatype.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#444
  def valid?; end

  # Validates the value using {RDF::Value#valid?}, raising an error if the value is
  # invalid.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the value is invalid
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#471
  def validate!; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#214
  def value; end

  # Returns a hash code for the value.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#279
  def value_hash; end


  # @overload
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#603
  def method_missing(name, *args); end


  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#611
  def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # Return Hash mapping from datatype URI to class
    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#103
    def datatype_map; end

    # Return datatype class for uri, or nil if none is found
    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#114
    def datatyped_class(uri); end

    # @private
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#79
    def inherited(child); end

    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#120
    def new(value, language: T.unsafe(nil), datatype: T.unsafe(nil), direction: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), validate: T.unsafe(nil), canonicalize: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# A boolean literal.
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#7
class RDF::Literal::Boolean < ::RDF::Literal
  # @param value [String, Boolean]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Boolean] a new instance of Boolean
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#16
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Compares this literal to `other` for sorting purposes.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#44
  def <=>(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this literal is equivalent to `other`.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#60
  def ==(other); end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#33
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns `true` if this value is `false`.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#104
  def false?; end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of `self`.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#112
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the value as an integer.
  # @return [Integer] `0` or `1`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#88
  def to_i; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#79
  def to_s; end

  # Returns `true` if this value is `true`.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#96
  def true?; end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#8
RDF::Literal::Boolean::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#11
RDF::Literal::Boolean::FALSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#9
RDF::Literal::Boolean::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/boolean.rb#10
RDF::Literal::Boolean::TRUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# A date literal.
# @see
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/date.rb#8
class RDF::Literal::Date < ::RDF::Literal::Temporal
  # Internally, a `Date` is represented using a native `::DateTime` object at midnight. If initialized from a `::Date`, there is no timezone component, If initialized from a `::DateTime`, the timezone is taken from that native object, otherwise, a timezone (or no timezone) is taken from the string representation having a matching `zzzzzz` component.
  # @note If initialized using the `#to_datetime` method, time component is unchanged. Otherewise, it is set to 00:00 (midnight).
  # @param value [String, Date, #to_datetime]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Date] a new instance of Date
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/date.rb#20
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Returns a human-readable value for the literal
  # @return [String]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/date.rb#50
  def humanize(lang = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/date.rb#9
RDF::Literal::Date::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/date.rb#11
RDF::Literal::Date::FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/date.rb#10
RDF::Literal::Date::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# A date/time literal.
# @see
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/datetime.rb#8
class RDF::Literal::DateTime < ::RDF::Literal::Temporal
  # Internally, a `DateTime` is represented using a native `::DateTime`. If initialized from a `::Date`, there is no timezone component, If initialized from a `::DateTime`, the timezone is taken from that native object, otherwise, a timezone (or no timezone) is taken from the string representation having a matching `zzzzzz` component.
  # @option options
  # @param value [DateTime]
  # @param options [Hash] a customizable set of options
  # @return [DateTime] a new instance of DateTime
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/datetime.rb#29
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Returns a human-readable value for the literal
  # @return [String]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/datetime.rb#56
  def humanize(lang = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/datetime.rb#9
RDF::Literal::DateTime::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/datetime.rb#22
RDF::Literal::DateTime::FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/datetime.rb#10
RDF::Literal::DateTime::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# A decimal literal.
# @example Arithmetic with decimal literals
#   RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('1.0')) + 0.5   #=> RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('1.5'))
#   RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('1.0')) - 0.5   #=> RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('0.5'))
#   RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('1.0')) * 0.5   #=> RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('0.5'))
#   RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('1.0')) / 0.5   #=> RDF::Literal(BigDecimal('2.0'))
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#13
class RDF::Literal::Decimal < ::RDF::Literal::Numeric
  # @param value [String, BidDecimal, Numeric]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Decimal] a new instance of Decimal
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#20
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Returns the absolute value of `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:abs](
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#62
  def abs; end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#39
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:ceil](
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1).ceil            #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#93
  def ceil; end

  # Returns the largest integer less than or equal to `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:floor](
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1).floor            #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#107
  def floor; end

  # Returns `self` if the value is not zero, `nil` otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#125
  def nonzero?; end

  # Returns the number with no fractional part that is closest to the argument. If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned. An error is raised if arg is not a numeric value.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:round](
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Decimal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#73
  def round; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @see BigDecimal#to_s
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#134
  def to_s; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is zero.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#116
  def zero?; end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#14
RDF::Literal::Decimal::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/decimal.rb#15
RDF::Literal::Decimal::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# An floating point number literal.
# @example Arithmetic with floating point literals
#   RDF::Literal(1.0) + 0.5                 #=> RDF::Literal(1.5)
#   RDF::Literal(3.0) - 6                   #=> RDF::Literal(-3.0)
#   RDF::Literal(Math::PI) * 2              #=> RDF::Literal(Math::PI * 2)
#   RDF::Literal(Math::PI) / 2              #=> RDF::Literal(Math::PI / 2)
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#13
class RDF::Literal::Double < ::RDF::Literal::Numeric
  # @param value [String, Float, #to_f]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Double] a new instance of Double
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#20
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Compares this literal to `other` for sorting purposes.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#97
  def <=>(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this literal is equal to `other`.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#82
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns the absolute value of `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:abs](
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#197
  def abs; end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#50
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:ceil](
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1.2).ceil            #=> RDF::Literal(2)
  #   RDF::Literal(-1.2).ceil           #=> RDF::Literal(-1)
  #   RDF::Literal(2.0).ceil            #=> RDF::Literal(2)
  #   RDF::Literal(-2.0).ceil           #=> RDF::Literal(-2)
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#167
  def ceil; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is a valid IEEE floating point number (it
  # is not infinite, and `nan?` is `false`).
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(-1.0).finite?        #=> true
  #   RDF::Literal(1.0/0.0).finite?     #=> false
  #   RDF::Literal(0.0/0.0).finite?     #=> false
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#134
  def finite?; end

  # Returns the largest integer less than or equal to `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:floor](
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1.2).floor           #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  #   RDF::Literal(-1.2).floor          #=> RDF::Literal(-2)
  #   RDF::Literal(2.0).floor           #=> RDF::Literal(2)
  #   RDF::Literal(-2.0).floor          #=> RDF::Literal(-2)
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#185
  def floor; end

  # Returns `nil`, `-1`, or `+1` depending on whether the value is finite,
  # `-INF`, or `+INF`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(0.0/0.0).infinite?   #=> nil
  #   RDF::Literal(-1.0/0.0).infinite?  #=> -1
  #   RDF::Literal(+1.0/0.0).infinite?  #=> 1
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#149
  def infinite?; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is an invalid IEEE floating point number.
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(-1.0).nan?           #=> false
  #   RDF::Literal(1.0/0.0).nan?        #=> false
  #   RDF::Literal(0.0/0.0).nan?        #=> true
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#119
  def nan?; end

  # Returns `self` if the value is not zero, `nil` otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#226
  def nonzero?; end

  # Returns the number with no fractional part that is closest to the argument. If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned. An error is raised if arg is not a numeric value.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:round](
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#208
  def round; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#234
  def to_s; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is zero.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#217
  def zero?; end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#14
RDF::Literal::Double::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#15
RDF::Literal::Double::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Approximation of the mathematical constant π
# From the XQuery function [math:pi](
# @return [Double]
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/double.rb#43
RDF::Literal::Double::PI = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::Literal::Double)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#156
RDF::Literal::FALSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::Literal::Boolean)

# An integer literal.
# @example Arithmetic with integer literals
#   RDF::Literal(40) + 2                    #=> RDF::Literal(42)
#   RDF::Literal(45) - 3                    #=> RDF::Literal(42)
#   RDF::Literal(6) * 7                     #=> RDF::Literal(42)
#   RDF::Literal(84) / 2                    #=> RDF::Literal(42)
# @see
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#14
class RDF::Literal::Integer < ::RDF::Literal::Decimal
  # @param value [String, Integer, #to_i]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Integer] a new instance of Integer
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#21
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Returns the absolute value of `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:abs](
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#86
  def abs; end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#36
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is even.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#65
  def even?; end

  # Returns the successor value of `self`.
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#55
  def next; end

  # Returns `self` if the value is not zero, `nil` otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#115
  def nonzero?; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is odd.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#74
  def odd?; end

  # Returns the predecessor value of `self`.
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#46
  def pred; end

  # Returns `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:round](
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#97
  def round; end

  # Returns the successor value of `self`.
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#55
  def succ; end

  # Returns the value as an `OpenSSL::BN` instance.
  # @return [OpenSSL::BN]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#133
  def to_bn; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#123
  def to_s; end

  # Returns `true` if the value is zero.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#106
  def zero?; end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#15
RDF::Literal::Integer::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/integer.rb#16
RDF::Literal::Integer::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Shared methods and class ancestry for numeric literal classes.
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#6
class RDF::Literal::Numeric < ::RDF::Literal
  # Exponent − Performs remainder of `self` divided by `other`.
  # From the XQuery function [math:mod](
  # @param other [Literal::Numeric, #to_i, #to_f, #to_d]
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#157
  def %(other); end

  # Returns the product of `self` times `other`.
  # From the XQuery function [op:numeric-multiply](
  # @param other [Literal::Numeric, #to_i, #to_f, #to_d]
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#119
  def *(other); end

  # Exponent − Performs exponential (power) calculation on operators.
  # Promotes values, as necessary, with the result type depending on the input values.
  # From the XQuery function [math:pow](
  # @param other [Literal::Numeric, #to_i, #to_f, #to_d]
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#142
  def **(other); end

  # Returns the sum of `self` plus `other`.
  # From the XQuery function [op:numeric-add](
  # @note For `xs:float` or `xs:double` values, if one of the operands is a zero or a finite number and the other is `INF` or `-INF`, `INF` or `-INF` is returned. If both operands are `INF`, `INF` is returned. If both operands are `-INF`, `-INF` is returned. If one of the operands is `INF` and the other is `-INF`, `NaN` is returned.
  # @param other [Literal::Numeric, #to_i, #to_f, #to_d]
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#77
  def +(other); end

  # Returns `self`.
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#54
  def +@; end

  # Returns the difference of `self` minus `other`.
  # From the XQuery function [op:numeric-subtract](
  # @param other [Literal::Numeric, #to_i, #to_f, #to_d]
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#98
  def -(other); end

  # Returns `self` negated.
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#63
  def -@; end

  # Returns the quotient of `self` divided by `other`.
  # As a special case, if the types of both $arg1 and $arg2 are xsd:integer,
  # then the return type is xsd:decimal.
  # From the XQuery function [op:numeric-divide](
  # @param other [Literal::Numeric, #to_i, #to_f, #to_d]
  # @raise [ZeroDivisionError] if divided by zero
  # @return [RDF::Literal::Numeric]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#182
  def /(other); end

  # Compares this literal to `other` for sorting purposes.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#13
  def <=>(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this literal is equal to `other`.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#34
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns the absolute value of `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:abs](
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#200
  def abs; end

  # Returns the arc cosine of the argument.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#344
  def acos; end

  # Returns the arc sine of the argument.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#333
  def asin; end

  # Returns the arc tangent of the argument.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#355
  def atan; end

  # Returns the angle in radians subtended at the origin by the point on a plane with coordinates (x, y) and the positive x-axis.
  # @param arg [#to_f]
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#367
  def atan2(arg); end

  # Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:ceil](
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1).ceil            #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#226
  def ceil; end

  # Returns the cosine of the argument. The argument is an angle in radians.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#311
  def cos; end

  # Returns the value of `e`<sup>`x`</sup>.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#249
  def exp; end

  # Returns the value of `10`<sup>`x`</sup>.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#258
  def exp10; end

  # Returns the largest integer less than or equal to `self`.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:floor](
  # @example
  #   RDF::Literal(1).floor            #=> RDF::Literal(1)
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#240
  def floor; end

  # Returns the natural logarithm of the argument.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#267
  def log; end

  # Returns the base-ten logarithm of the argument.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#278
  def log10; end

  # Returns the value as an integer.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#377
  def ord; end

  # Returns the number with no fractional part that is closest to the argument. If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned. An error is raised if arg is not a numeric value.
  # From the XQuery function [fn:round](
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#212
  def round; end

  # Returns the sine of the argument. The argument is an angle in radians.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#300
  def sin; end

  # Returns the non-negative square root of the argument.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#289
  def sqrt; end

  # Returns the tangent of the argument. The argument is an angle in radians.
  # @return [Double]
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#322
  def tan; end

  # Returns the value as a decimal number.
  # @return [BigDecimal]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#398
  def to_d; end

  # Returns the value as a floating point number.
  # The usual accuracy limits and errors of binary float arithmetic apply.
  # @return [Float]
  # @see BigDecimal#to_f
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#390
  def to_f; end

  # Returns the value as an integer.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#377
  def to_i; end

  # Returns the value as an integer.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#377
  def to_int; end

  # Returns the value as a rational number.
  # @return [Rational]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/numeric.rb#408
  def to_r; end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#155
RDF::Literal::TRUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::Literal::Boolean)

# Shared methods and class ancestry for date, time, and dateTime literal classes.
# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#6
class RDF::Literal::Temporal < ::RDF::Literal
  # Add a Duration to a Temporal.
  # For YearMonthDuration, turns duration into months and adds to internal DateTime object.
  # For DayTimeDuration, turns duration into rational days, and adds to internal DateTime object.
  # @note This depends on the parameter responding to `#to_i` or `#to_r`, which for Duration types, is implemented in the rdf-xsd gem.
  # @param other [YearMonthDuration, DayTimeDuration]
  # @return [Temporal]
  # @see
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#217
  def +(other); end

  # Subtract times or durations from a temporal.
  # @overload +
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#249
  def -(other); end

  # Compares this literal to `other` for sorting purposes.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#27
  def <=>(other); end

  # Returns `true` if this literal is equal to `other`.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#40
  def ==(other); end

  # Functional version of `#adjust_to_timezone!`.
  # @overload adjust_to_timezone
  # @overload adjust_to_timezone
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#200
  def adjust_to_timezone(*args); end

  # Adjust the timezone.
  # From [fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone](
  # @overload adjust_to_timezone!
  # @overload adjust_to_timezone!
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#162
  def adjust_to_timezone!(*args); end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # with date and time normalized to UTC.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#60
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Days
  # From the XQuery function [fn:day-from-dateTime](
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#293
  def day; end

  # Does the literal representation include millisectonds?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#126
  def has_milliseconds?; end

  # Does the literal representation include millisectonds?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#126
  def has_ms?; end

  # Does the literal representation include a timezone? Note that this is only possible if initialized using a string, or `:lexical` option.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#82
  def has_timezone?; end

  # Does the literal representation include a timezone? Note that this is only possible if initialized using a string, or `:lexical` option.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#82
  def has_tz?; end

  # Hours
  # From the XQuery function [fn:hours-from-dateTime](
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#301
  def hours; end

  # Does the literal representation include millisectonds?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#126
  def milliseconds?; end

  # Minutes
  # From the XQuery function [fn:minutes-from-dateTime](
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#309
  def minutes; end

  # Months
  # From the XQuery function [fn:month-from-dateTime](
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#285
  def month; end

  # Does the literal representation include millisectonds?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#126
  def ms?; end

  # Seconds
  # From the XQuery function [fn:seconds-from-dateTime](
  # @return [Decimal]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#317
  def seconds; end

  # Returns the timezone part of arg as an xsd:dayTimeDuration, or `nil`
  # if lexical form of literal does not include a timezone.
  # From [fn:timezone-from-date](
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#99
  def timezone; end

  # Does the literal representation include a timezone? Note that this is only possible if initialized using a string, or `:lexical` option.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#82
  def timezone?; end

  # Returns the `timezone` of the literal. If the
  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#139
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the timezone part of arg as a simple literal. Returns the empty string if there is no timezone.
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#73
  def tz; end

  # Does the literal representation include a timezone? Note that this is only possible if initialized using a string, or `:lexical` option.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#82
  def tz?; end

  # Returns `true` if the value adheres to the defined grammar of the
  # datatype.
  # Special case for date and dateTime, for which '0000' is not a valid year
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#117
  def valid?; end

  # Years
  # From the XQuery function [fn:year-from-dateTime](
  # @return [Integer]
  # @see
  # @since 3.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#277
  def year; end

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#15
RDF::Literal::Temporal::DAYFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#19
RDF::Literal::Temporal::EODFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#16
RDF::Literal::Temporal::HOURFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#17
RDF::Literal::Temporal::MINUTEFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#14
RDF::Literal::Temporal::MONTHFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#18
RDF::Literal::Temporal::SECONDFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#20
RDF::Literal::Temporal::TZFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#13
RDF::Literal::Temporal::YEARFRAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Matches either -10:00 or -P1H0M forms
# @since 3.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/temporal.rb#8
RDF::Literal::Temporal::ZONE_GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# A time literal.
# The lexical representation for time is the left truncated lexical
# representation for `xsd:dateTime`: "hh:mm:ss.sss" with an optional
# following time zone indicator.
# @see
# @see
# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/time.rb#13
class RDF::Literal::Time < ::RDF::Literal::Temporal
  # Internally, a `DateTime` is represented using a native `::DateTime`. If initialized from a `::DateTime`, the timezone is taken from that native object, otherwise, a timezone (or no timezone) is taken from the string representation having a matching `zzzzzz` component.
  # @param value [String, DateTime, #to_datetime]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Time] a new instance of Time
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/time.rb#23
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Returns a human-readable value for the literal
  # @return [String]
  # @since 1.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/time.rb#58
  def humanize(lang = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/time.rb#14
RDF::Literal::Time::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/time.rb#16
RDF::Literal::Time::FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# @since 0.2.1
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/time.rb#15
RDF::Literal::Time::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# A token literal.
# @see
# @since 0.2.3
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#7
class RDF::Literal::Token < ::RDF::Literal
  # @param value [String, Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @param direction [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Initial text direction.
  # @param language [Symbol] (nil)
  #   Language is downcased to ensure proper matching
  # @param lexical [String] (nil)
  #   Supplied lexical representation of this literal,
  #   otherwise it comes from transforming `value` to a string form..
  # @param datatype [URI] (nil)
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  # @return [Token] a new instance of Token
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#14
  def initialize(value, datatype: T.unsafe(nil), lexical: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Converts this literal into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::Literal] `self`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#25
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns the value as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#42
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the value as a symbol.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#34
  def to_sym; end

# @since 0.2.3
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#8
RDF::Literal::Token::DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# @since 0.2.3
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal/token.rb#9
RDF::Literal::Token::GRAMMAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#158
RDF::Literal::XSD_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::URI)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/literal.rb#157
RDF::Literal::ZERO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RDF::Literal::Integer)

# Classes that include this module must implement the methods
# `#insert_statement`, `#delete_statement` and `#each_statement`.
# @see RDF::Graph
# @see RDF::Repository
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#8
module RDF::Mutable
  include ::RDF::Readable
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions
  include ::RDF::Writable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Inserts RDF data into `self`.
  # @param data [RDF::Enumerable, RDF::Statement, #to_rdf]
  # @raise [TypeError] if `self` is immutable
  # @return [Mutable]
  # @see RDF::Writable#<<
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#69
  def <<(data); end

  # Applies the given changeset
  # If `#supports?(:atomic_write)` is `true`, this must apply the changeset
  # atomically. Otherwise, it should offer an efficient implementation of a
  # combined delete/insert of the changeset.
  # @param changeset [RDF::Changeset] the changeset to apply
  # @return [Boolean] true if the changeset has been applied
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#200
  def apply_changeset(changeset); end

  # Deletes all RDF statements from `self`.
  # @raise [TypeError] if `self` is immutable
  # @return [Mutable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#222
  def clear; end

  # Deletes all RDF statements from `self`.
  # @raise [TypeError] if `self` is immutable
  # @return [Mutable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def clear!(*args, &block); end

  # Deletes RDF statements from `self`.
  # If any statement contains a {Query::Variable}, it is
  # considered to be a pattern, and used to query
  # self to find matching statements to delete.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload delete
  # @overload delete
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#155
  def delete(*statements); end

  # Deletes RDF statements from `self`.
  # If any statement contains a {Query::Variable}, it is
  # considered to be a pattern, and used to query
  # self to find matching statements to delete.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload delete
  # @overload delete
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def delete!(*args, &block); end

  # Performs a set of deletes and inserts as a combined operation.
  # @note in the base implementation, this is equivalent to calling `#delete`
  #   and `#insert` sequentially. This method is preferred to take advantage
  #   of (e.g.) `RDF::Repositories` that can execute the operation in a single
  #   request.
  # @param deletes [Enumerable<RDF::Statement>, Array<RDF::Statement>]
  # @param inserts [Enumerable<RDF::Statement>, Array<RDF::Statement>]
  # @raise [TypeError] if `self` is immutable
  # @return [Mutable] self
  # @see #delete
  # @see #insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#182
  def delete_insert(deletes, inserts); end

  # Performs a set of deletes and inserts as a combined operation.
  # @note in the base implementation, this is equivalent to calling `#delete`
  #   and `#insert` sequentially. This method is preferred to take advantage
  #   of (e.g.) `RDF::Repositories` that can execute the operation in a single
  #   request.
  # @param deletes [Enumerable<RDF::Statement>, Array<RDF::Statement>]
  # @param inserts [Enumerable<RDF::Statement>, Array<RDF::Statement>]
  # @raise [TypeError] if `self` is immutable
  # @return [Mutable] self
  # @see #delete
  # @see #insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def delete_insert!(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is immutable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #mutable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#28
  def immutable?; end

  # Inserts RDF statements into `self`.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload insert
  # @overload insert
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # @see RDF::Writable#insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#93
  def insert(*statements); end

  # Loads RDF statements from the given file or URL into `self`.
  # @option options
  # @param url [String, #to_s]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] Options from {}
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#41
  def load(url, graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Loads RDF statements from the given file or URL into `self`.
  # @option options
  # @param url [String, #to_s]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] Options from {}
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def load!(*args, &block); end

  # @overload
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#245
  def method_missing(meth, *args); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is mutable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #immutable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#19
  def mutable?; end

  # A readable & queryable snapshot of the repository for isolated reads.
  # This method must be implemented when `#supports(:snapshots)` is `true`.
  # @raise [NotImplementederror] when snapshots aren't implemented for the
  #   class
  # @return [Dataset] an immutable Dataset containing a current snapshot of
  #   the Repository contents.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#213
  def snapshot; end

  # Updates RDF statements in `self`.
  # `#update([subject, predicate, object])` is equivalent to
  # `#delete([subject, predicate, nil])` followed by
  # `#insert([subject, predicate, object])` unless `object` is `nil`.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload update
  # @overload update
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#119
  def update(*statements); end

  # Updates RDF statements in `self`.
  # `#update([subject, predicate, object])` is equivalent to
  # `#delete([subject, predicate, nil])` followed by
  # `#insert([subject, predicate, object])` unless `object` is `nil`.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload update
  # @overload update
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def update!(*args, &block); end


  # Deletes an RDF statement from the underlying storage.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Repository} must implement this method, except if
  # they are immutable.
  # @abstract
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#292
  def delete_statement(statement); end

  # Deletes the given RDF statements from the underlying storage.
  # Defaults to invoking {RDF::Mutable#delete_statement} for each given statement.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Repository} may wish to override this method if
  # they are capable of more efficiently deleting multiple statements at
  # once.
  # @param statements [RDF::Enumerable]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#276
  def delete_statements(statements); end


  # @note this instantiates an entire reader; it could probably be done more
  #   efficiently by refactoring `RDF::Reader` and/or `RDF::Format` to expose
  #   a list of valid format symbols.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/mutable.rb#258
  def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# **`RDF::NQuads`** provides support for the N-Quads serialization format.
# This has not yet been implemented as of RDF.rb 0.3.x.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#7
module RDF::NQuads
  include ::RDF::NTriples

  class << self
    # Returns the serialized N-Triples representation of the given RDF
    # value.
    # @param value [RDF::Value]
    # @return [String]
    # @see RDF::NTriples::Writer.serialize
    # @since 0.1.5
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#152
    def serialize(value); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @param data [String]
    # @return [RDF::Value]
    # @see RDF::NTriples::Reader.unserialize
    # @since 0.1.5
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#140
    def unserialize(data); end

# N-Quads format specification.
# @example Obtaining an NQuads format class
#   RDF::Format.for(:nquads)     #=> RDF::NQuads::Format
#   RDF::Format.for("etc/doap.nq")
#   RDF::Format.for(file_name:      "etc/doap.nq")
#   RDF::Format.for(file_extension: "nq")
#   RDF::Format.for(content_type:   "application/n-quads")
# @see
# @since 0.4.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#22
class RDF::NQuads::Format < ::RDF::Format
  class << self
    # Sample detection to see if it matches N-Quads (or N-Triples)
    # Use a text sample to detect the format of an input file. Sub-classes implement
    # a matcher sufficient to detect probably format matches, including disambiguating
    # between other similar formats.
    # @param sample [String] Beginning several bytes (about 1K) of input.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # @since 0.4.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#40
    def detect(sample); end

    # Human readable name for this format
    # @since 0.4.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#57
    def name; end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#60
class RDF::NQuads::Reader < ::RDF::NTriples::Reader
  # Read a Quad, where the graph_name is optional
  # @return [Array]
  # @see
  # @since 0.4.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#67
  def read_triple; end

# Reader
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#93
class RDF::NQuads::Writer < ::RDF::NTriples::Writer
  # Returns the N-Triples representation of a triple.
  # @param subject [RDF::Resource]
  # @param predicate [RDF::URI]
  # @param object [RDF::Term]
  # @param graph_name [RDF::Term]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#125
  def format_quad(subject, predicate, object, graph_name, **options); end

  # Returns the N-Quads representation of a statement.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.4.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#112
  def format_statement(statement, **options); end

  # Outputs the N-Quads representation of a statement.
  # @param subject [RDF::Resource]
  # @param predicate [RDF::URI]
  # @param object [RDF::Term]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#101
  def write_quad(subject, predicate, object, graph_name); end

# ## Quoted Triples (Deprecated)
# Supports statements as resources using `<<s p o>>`.
# ## Installation
# This is the only RDF serialization format that is directly supported by
# RDF.rb. Support for other formats is available in the form of add-on
# gems, e.g. 'rdf-xml' or 'rdf-json'.
# ## Documentation
# * {RDF::NTriples::Format}
# * {RDF::NTriples::Reader}
# * {RDF::NTriples::Writer}
# @author [Arto Bendiken](
# @example Requiring the `RDF::NTriples` module explicitly
#   require 'rdf/ntriples'
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples.rb#45
module RDF::NTriples
  class << self
    # @param string [String]
    # @return [String]
    # @see RDF::NTriples::Writer.escape
    # @since 0.2.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples.rb#88
    def escape(string); end

    # Returns the serialized N-Triples representation of the given RDF
    # value.
    # @param value [RDF::Value]
    # @return [String]
    # @see RDF::NTriples::Writer.serialize
    # @since 0.1.5
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples.rb#70
    def serialize(value); end

    # @param string [String]
    # @return [String]
    # @see RDF::NTriples::Reader.unescape
    # @since 0.2.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples.rb#79
    def unescape(string); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @param data [String]
    # @return [RDF::Value]
    # @see RDF::NTriples::Reader.unserialize
    # @since 0.1.5
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples.rb#58
    def unserialize(data); end

# N-Triples format specification.
# Note: Latest standards activities treat N-Triples as a subset
# of Turtle. This includes application/n-triples mime type and a
# new default encoding of utf-8.
# @example Obtaining an NTriples format class
#   RDF::Format.for(:ntriples)     #=> RDF::NTriples::Format
#   RDF::Format.for("etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Format.for(file_name:      "etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Format.for(file_extension: "nt")
#   RDF::Format.for(content_type:   "application/n-triples")
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/format.rb#18
class RDF::NTriples::Format < ::RDF::Format
  class << self
    # Sample detection to see if it matches N-Triples
    # Use a text sample to detect the format of an input file. Sub-classes implement
    # a matcher sufficient to detect probably format matches, including disambiguating
    # between other similar formats.
    # @param sample [String] Beginning several bytes (about 1K) of input.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/format.rb#36
    def detect(sample); end

    # Human readable name for this format
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/format.rb#51
    def name; end

# N-Triples parser.
# ** RDF=star
# Supports statements as resources using `<<s p o>>`.
# @example Obtaining an NTriples reader class
#   RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples)     #=> RDF::NTriples::Reader
#   RDF::Reader.for("etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Reader.for(file_name:      "etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Reader.for(file_extension: "nt")
#   RDF::Reader.for(content_type:   "application/n-triples")
# @example Parsing RDF statements from an NTriples file
#"etc/doap.nt") do |reader|
#   reader.each_statement do |statement|
#   puts statement.inspect
#   end
#   end
# @example Parsing RDF statements from an NTriples string
#   data ="etc/doap.nt"))
# do |reader|
#   reader.each_statement do |statement|
#   puts statement.inspect
#   end
#   end
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#37
class RDF::NTriples::Reader < ::RDF::Reader
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see (comment)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#280
  def read_comment; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see (triple)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#339
  def read_eos; end

  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @see (literal)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#313
  def read_literal; end

  # @return [RDF::Node]
  # @see (nodeID)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#303
  def read_node; end

  # @deprecated Quoted triples are now deprecated
  # @return [RDF::Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#263
  def read_quotedTriple; end

  # @return [Array]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#223
  def read_triple; end

  # @return [RDF::Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#248
  def read_tripleTerm; end

  # @param intern [Boolean] (false) Use Interned Node
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @see (uriref)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#288
  def read_uriref(intern: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#210
  def read_value; end

  class << self
    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # @return [RDF::Literal]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#154
    def parse_literal(input, **options); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # @return [RDF::Node]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#135
    def parse_node(input, **options); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#128
    def parse_object(input, **options); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#122
    def parse_predicate(input, **options); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # @return [RDF::Resource]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#115
    def parse_subject(input, **options); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @param intern [Boolean] (false) Use Interned URI
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#145
    def parse_uri(input, intern: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

    # @param string [String]
    # @return [String]
    # @see
    # @see
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#186
    def unescape(string); end

    # Reconstructs an RDF value from its serialized N-Triples
    # representation.
    # @option options
    # @param input [String]
    # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] From {RDF::Reader#initialize}
    # @return [RDF::Term]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#105
    def unserialize(input, **options); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#69
RDF::NTriples::Reader::BLANK_NODE_LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#80
RDF::NTriples::Reader::COMMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#86
RDF::NTriples::Reader::DATATYPE_URI = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#66
RDF::NTriples::Reader::ECHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#91
RDF::NTriples::Reader::END_OF_STATEMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#42
RDF::NTriples::Reader::ESCAPE_CHARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# cache constants to optimize escaping the escape chars in self.unescape
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#166
RDF::NTriples::Reader::ESCAPE_CHARS_ESCAPED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#176
RDF::NTriples::Reader::ESCAPE_CHARS_ESCAPED_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#68
RDF::NTriples::Reader::IRIREF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#61
RDF::NTriples::Reader::IRI_RANGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# LANGTAG is deprecated
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#94
RDF::NTriples::Reader::LANGTAG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#70
RDF::NTriples::Reader::LANG_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#87
RDF::NTriples::Reader::LITERAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#83
RDF::NTriples::Reader::LITERAL_PLAIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#85
RDF::NTriples::Reader::LITERAL_WITH_DATATYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#84
RDF::NTriples::Reader::LITERAL_WITH_LANGUAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#81
RDF::NTriples::Reader::NODEID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#90
RDF::NTriples::Reader::OBJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#65
RDF::NTriples::Reader::PN_CHARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#63
RDF::NTriples::Reader::PN_CHARS_BASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#64
RDF::NTriples::Reader::PN_CHARS_U = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#89
RDF::NTriples::Reader::PREDICATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#77
RDF::NTriples::Reader::QT_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#76
RDF::NTriples::Reader::QT_START = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#71
RDF::NTriples::Reader::STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#88
RDF::NTriples::Reader::SUBJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#74
RDF::NTriples::Reader::TT_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#73
RDF::NTriples::Reader::TT_START = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#45
RDF::NTriples::Reader::UCHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#43
RDF::NTriples::Reader::UCHAR4 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#44
RDF::NTriples::Reader::UCHAR8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#82
RDF::NTriples::Reader::URIREF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Terminals from rdf-turtle.
# Unicode regular expressions.
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#54
RDF::NTriples::Reader::U_CHARS1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/reader.rb#60
RDF::NTriples::Reader::U_CHARS2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# N-Triples serializer.
# Output is serialized for UTF-8, to serialize as ASCII
# an option to {RDF::NTriples::Writer#initialize}.
# @example Obtaining an NTriples writer class
#   RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples)     #=> RDF::NTriples::Writer
#   RDF::Writer.for("etc/test.nt")
#   RDF::Writer.for(file_name:      "etc/test.nt")
#   RDF::Writer.for(file_extension: "nt")
#   RDF::Writer.for(content_type:   "application/n-triples")
# @example Serializing RDF statements into an NTriples file
#"etc/test.nt") do |writer|
#   graph.each_statement do |statement|
#   writer << statement
#   end
#   end
# @example Serializing RDF statements into an NTriples string
#   RDF::NTriples::Writer.buffer do |writer|
#   graph.each_statement do |statement|
#   writer << statement
#   end
#   end
# @example Serializing RDF statements into an NTriples string with escaped UTF-8
#   RDF::NTriples::Writer.buffer(encoding: Encoding::ASCII) do |writer|
#   graph.each_statement do |statement|
#   writer << statement
#   end
#   end
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#40
class RDF::NTriples::Writer < ::RDF::Writer
  # Initializes the writer.
  # @param output [IO, File] the output stream
  # @param validate [Boolean] (true)
  #   whether to validate terms when serializing
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  #   any additional options. See {RDF::Writer#initialize}
  # @return [Writer] a new instance of Writer
  # @yield [writer] `self`
  # @yieldparam writer [RDF::Writer]
  # @yieldreturn [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#192
  def initialize(output = T.unsafe(nil), validate: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # @private
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#338
  def escaped(string); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of a literal.
  # @param literal [RDF::Literal, String, #to_s]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#322
  def format_literal(literal, **options); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of a blank node.
  # @param node [RDF::Node]
  # @param unique_bnodes [Boolean] (false)
  #   Serialize node using unique identifier, rather than any used to create the node.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#268
  def format_node(node, unique_bnodes: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of an RDF-star quoted triple.
  # @deprecated Quoted triples are now deprecated
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#243
  def format_quotedTriple(statement, **options); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of a statement.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#222
  def format_statement(statement, **options); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of a triple.
  # @param subject [RDF::Resource]
  # @param predicate [RDF::URI]
  # @param object [RDF::Term]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#256
  def format_triple(subject, predicate, object, **options); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of an RDF 1.2 triple term.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#232
  def format_tripleTerm(statement, **options); end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of a URI reference using write encoding.
  # @param uri [RDF::URI]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#278
  def format_uri(uri, **options); end

  # Outputs an N-Triples comment line.
  # @param text [String]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#201
  def write_comment(text); end

  # Outputs the N-Triples representation of a triple.
  # @param subject [RDF::Resource]
  # @param predicate [RDF::URI]
  # @param object [RDF::Term]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#212
  def write_triple(subject, predicate, object); end

  class << self
    # Escape Literal and URI content. If encoding is ASCII, all unicode
    # is escaped, otherwise only ASCII characters that must be escaped are
    # escaped.
    # @param string [String]
    # @param encoding [Encoding]
    # @return [String]
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#57
    def escape(string, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Standard ASCII escape sequences. If encoding is ASCII, use Test-Cases
    # sequences, otherwise, assume the test-cases escape sequences. Otherwise,
    # the N-Triples recommendation includes `\b` and `\f` escape sequences.
    # Within STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, only the characters `U+0022`, `U+005C`, `U+000A`, `U+000D` are encoded using `ECHAR`. `ECHAR` must not be used for characters that are allowed directly in STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE.
    # @param u [Integer, #ord]
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if `u` is not a valid Unicode codepoint
    # @return [String]
    # @see
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#126
    def escape_ascii(u, encoding); end

    # Escape ascii and unicode characters.
    # If encoding is UTF_8, only ascii characters are escaped.
    # @param u [Integer, #ord]
    # @param encoding [Encoding]
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if `u` is not a valid Unicode codepoint
    # @return [String]
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#101
    def escape_unicode(u, encoding); end

    # @param u [Integer, #ord]
    # @return [String]
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#147
    def escape_utf16(u); end

    # @param u [Integer, #ord]
    # @return [String]
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#155
    def escape_utf32(u); end

    # Returns the serialized N-Triples representation of the given RDF
    # value.
    # @param value [RDF::Value]
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if `value` is not an `RDF::Statement` or `RDF::Term`
    # @return [String]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#166
    def serialize(value); end

# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#45
RDF::NTriples::Writer::ESCAPE_PLAIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples/writer.rb#46
RDF::NTriples::Writer::ESCAPE_PLAIN_U = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# An RDF blank node, also known as an anonymous or unlabeled node.
# @example Creating a blank node with an implicit identifier
#   bnode =
# @example Creating a blank node with an UUID identifier
#   bnode = RDF::Node.uuid
#   bnode.to_s #=> "_:504c0a30-0d11-012d-3f50-001b63cac539"
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#12
class RDF::Node
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term
  include ::RDF::Resource

  # @param id [#to_s]
  # @return [Node] a new instance of Node
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#77
  def initialize(id = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Checks whether this blank node is equal to `other` (type checking).
  # In this case, different nodes having the same id are considered the same.
  # Per SPARQL data-r2/expr-equal/eq-2-2, numeric can't be compared with other types
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#137
  def ==(other); end

  # Checks whether this blank node is equal to `other` (type checking).
  # In this case, different nodes having the same id are considered the same.
  # Per SPARQL data-r2/expr-equal/eq-2-2, numeric can't be compared with other types
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#137
  def ===(other); end

  # Returns `true`.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#94
  def anonymous?; end

  # Override #dup to remember original object.
  # This allows .eql? to determine that two nodes
  # are the same thing, and not different nodes
  # instantiated with the same identifier.
  # @return [RDF::Node]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#61
  def dup; end

  # Determines if `self` is the same term as `other`.
  # In this case, nodes must be the same object
  # @param other [Node]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#123
  def eql?(other); end

  # Returns a hash code for this blank node.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#112
  def hash; end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#73
  def id; end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#73
  def id=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `false`.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#104
  def labeled?; end

  # Make this term identifier unique, if it is found to be shared with another node having the same identifier
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#160
  def make_unique!; end

  # Returns `true`.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#86
  def node?; end

  # Originally instantiated node, if any
  # @return [RDF::Node]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#70
  def original; end

  # Originally instantiated node, if any
  # @return [RDF::Node]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#70
  def original=(_arg0); end

  # Returns a string representation of this blank node.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#169
  def to_s; end

  # Returns a symbol representation of this blank node.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#178
  def to_sym; end

  # Returns a representation of this node independent of any identifier used to initialize it
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#153
  def to_unique_base; end

  # Returns `true`.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#94
  def unlabeled?; end

  class << self
    # Cache size may be set through {RDF.config} using `node_cache_size`.
    # @note caching interned nodes means that two different invocations using the same symbol will result in the same node, which may not be appropriate depending on the graph from which it is used. RDF requires that bnodes with the same label are, in fact, different bnodes, unless they are used within the same document.
    # @private
    # @return [RDF::Util::Cache]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#21
    def cache; end

    # Alias for ``, at the moment.
    # @param id [#to_s]
    # @private
    # @return [RDF::Node]
    # @since 0.2.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#51
    def intern(id); end

    # Returns a blank node with a random UUID-based identifier.
    # (Depends on availability of either `uuid` or `uuidtools` gems).
    # Formats supported by the UUID generator:
    #   * `:default` Produces 36 characters, including hyphens separating the UUID value parts
    #   * `:compact` Produces a 32 digits (hexadecimal) value with no hyphens
    #   * `:urn` Adds the prefix urn:uuid: to the default format
    # Requires that the `uuid` gem be loadable to use `format`
    # @param format [:default, :compact] (:default)
    # @return [RDF::Node]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/node.rb#39
    def uuid(format: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Vocabulary for <>
# The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary (OWL 2)
#  This ontology partially describes the built-in classes and properties that together form the basis of the RDF/XML syntax of OWL 2. The content of this ontology is based on Tables 6.1 and 6.2 in Section 6.4 of the OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics specification, available at Please note that those tables do not include the different annotations (labels, comments and rdfs:isDefinedBy links) used in this file. Also note that the descriptions provided in this ontology do not provide a complete and correct formal description of either the syntax or the semantics of the introduced terms (please see the OWL 2 recommendations for the complete and normative specifications). Furthermore, the information provided by this ontology may be misleading if not used with care. This ontology SHOULD NOT be imported into OWL ontologies. Importing this file into an OWL 2 DL ontology will cause it to become an OWL 2 Full ontology and may have other, unexpected, consequences.
# @see
# @see
# @version $Date: 2009/11/15 10:54:12 $
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/owl.rb#325
class RDF::OWL < ::RDF::StrictVocabulary
  class << self
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def AllDifferent; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def AllDisjointClasses; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def AllDisjointProperties; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Annotation; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def AnnotationProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def AsymmetricProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Axiom; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Class; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def DataRange; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def DatatypeProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def DeprecatedClass; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def DeprecatedProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def FunctionalProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def InverseFunctionalProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def IrreflexiveProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def NamedIndividual; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def NegativePropertyAssertion; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Nothing; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ObjectProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Ontology; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def OntologyProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ReflexiveProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Restriction; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def SymmetricProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Thing; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def TransitiveProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def allValuesFrom; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def annotatedProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def annotatedSource; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def annotatedTarget; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def assertionProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def backwardCompatibleWith; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def bottomDataProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def bottomObjectProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def cardinality; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def complementOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def datatypeComplementOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def deprecated; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def differentFrom; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def disjointUnionOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def disjointWith; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def distinctMembers; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def equivalentClass; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def equivalentProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def hasKey; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def hasSelf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def hasValue; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def imports; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def incompatibleWith; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def intersectionOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def inverseOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def maxCardinality; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def maxQualifiedCardinality; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def members; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def minCardinality; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def minQualifiedCardinality; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def onClass; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def onDataRange; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def onDatatype; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def onProperties; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def onProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def oneOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def priorVersion; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def propertyChainAxiom; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def propertyDisjointWith; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def qualifiedCardinality; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def sameAs; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def someValuesFrom; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def sourceIndividual; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def targetIndividual; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def targetValue; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def topDataProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def topObjectProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def unionOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def versionIRI; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def versionInfo; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def withRestrictions; end


    def new(*_arg0); end

# An RDF basic graph pattern (BGP) query.
# Named queries either match against a specifically named
# graph if the name is an RDF::Resource or bound RDF::Query::Variable.
# Names that are against unbound variables match either default
# or named graphs.
# The name of `false` will only match against the default graph.
# Variable names cause the variable to be added to the solution set
# elements.
# @example Constructing a basic graph pattern query (1)
#   query = do
#   pattern [:person, RDF.type,  FOAF.Person]
#   pattern [:person,, :name]
#   pattern [:person, FOAF.mbox, :email]
#   end
# @example Constructing a basic graph pattern query (2)
#   query ={
#   person: {
#   RDF.type  => FOAF.Person,
# => :name,
#   FOAF.mbox => :email,
#   }
#   })
# @example Executing a basic graph pattern query
#   graph = RDF::Graph.load('etc/doap.nt')
#   query.execute(graph).each do |solution|
#   puts solution.inspect
#   end
# @example Constructing and executing a query in one go (1)
#   solutions = RDF::Query.execute(graph) do
#   pattern [:person, RDF.type, FOAF.Person]
#   end
# @example Constructing and executing a query in one go (2)
#   solutions = RDF::Query.execute(graph, {
#   person: {
#   RDF.type => FOAF.Person,
#   }
#   })
# @example In this example, the default graph contains the names of the publishers of two named graphs. The triples in the named graphs are not visible in the default graph in this example.
#   # default graph
#   @prefix dc: <
#   <>    dc:publisher  "Bob" .
#   <>  dc:publisher  "Alice" .
#   # Named graph:
#   @prefix foaf: <> .
#   _:a foaf:name "Bob" .
#   _:a foaf:mbox <> .
#   # Named graph:
#   @prefix foaf: <> .
#   _:a foaf:name "Alice" .
#   _:a foaf:mbox <> .
# @see
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#69
class RDF::Query
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable

  # Initializes a new basic graph pattern query.
  # @option options
  # @overload initialize
  # @overload initialize
  # @param options [Hash] a customizable set of options
  # @return [Query] a new instance of Query
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#183
  def initialize(*patterns, solutions: T.unsafe(nil), graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), validate: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Add patterns from another query to form a new Query
  # @param other [RDF::Query]
  # @return [RDF::Query]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#413
  def +(other); end

  # Appends the given query `pattern` to this query.
  # @param pattern [RDF::Query::Pattern] a triple query pattern
  # @return [void] self
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#213
  def <<(pattern); end

  # Apply the graph name specified (or configured) to all patterns that have no graph name
  # @param graph_name [RDF::IRI, RDF::Query::Variable] (self.graph_name)
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#438
  def apply_graph_name(graph_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Is this query scoped to the default graph?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#425
  def default?; end

  # Duplicate query, including patterns and solutions
  # @return [RDF::Query]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#525
  def dup; end

  # Enumerates over each matching query solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#506
  def each(&block); end

  # Enumerates over each matching query solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#506
  def each_solution(&block); end

  # Enumerates over each statement (pattern).
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [RDF::Query::Pattern]
  # @yieldparam pattern [::Query::Pattern]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#517
  def each_statement(&block); end

  # Query has no patterns
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#495
  def empty?; end

  # Executes this query on the given `queryable` graph or repository.
  # Named queries either match against a specifically named
  # graphs if the name is an RDF::Resource or bound RDF::Query::Variable.
  # Names that are against unbound variables match either detault
  # or named graphs.
  # The name of `false` will only match against the default graph.
  # If the query nas no patterns, it returns a single empty solution as
  # per SPARQL 1.1 _Empty Group Pattern_.
  # @note solutions could be an Iterator, but this algorithm cycles over solutions, which requires them to be an array internally.
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @param queryable [RDF::Queryable] the graph or repository to query
  # @param solutions [RDF::Query::Solutions] (
  # @param graph_name [RDF::Resource, RDF::Query::Variable, false] (nil)
  #   Default graph name for matching against queryable.
  #   Queries with a graph name match against a specifically named
  #   graphs if the name is an {RDF::Resource} or bound {RDF::Query::Variable}.
  #   Queries using an unbound variable as a graph name only match against named graphs, and will not match the default graph.
  #   The name of `false` will only match against the default graph.
  # @param name [RDF::Resource, RDF::Query::Variable, false] (nil)
  #   Alias for `:graph_name`.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional keyword options
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] the resulting solution sequence
  # @see
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution] each matching solution
  # @yieldparam solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#308
  def execute(queryable, bindings: T.unsafe(nil), solutions: T.unsafe(nil), graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if this query did not match when last executed.
  # When the solution sequence is empty, this method can be used to
  # determine whether the query failed to match or not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #matched?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#394
  def failed?; end

  # Scope the query to named graphs matching value
  # @return [RDF::Resource, RDF::Query::Variable, false] graph_name
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#141
  def graph_name; end

  # Scope the query to named graphs matching value
  # @return [RDF::Resource, RDF::Query::Variable, false] graph_name
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#141
  def graph_name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if any pattern contains a blank node.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#489
  def has_blank_nodes?; end

  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#453
  def has_variables?(*args); end

  # Returns `true` if this query matched when last executed.
  # When the solution sequence is empty, this method can be used to
  # determine whether the query matched successfully or not.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #failed?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#406
  def matched?; end

  # Is this query scoped to a named graph?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#419
  def named?; end

  # Returns `true` if any pattern contains a blank node.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#489
  def node?; end

  # Returns an optimized copy of this query.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional options for optimization
  # @return [RDF::Query] a copy of `self`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#240
  def optimize(**options); end

  # Optimizes this query by reordering its constituent triple patterns
  # according to their cost estimates.
  # Optional patterns have greater cost than non-optional patterns so they will always come after non-optional patterns
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional options for optimization
  # @return [self]
  # @see RDF::Query::Pattern#cost
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#255
  def optimize!(**options); end

  # Any additional options for this query.
  # @return [Hash]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#135
  def options; end

  # Appends the given query `pattern` to this query.
  # @option options
  # @param pattern [RDF::Query::Pattern] a triple query pattern
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional keyword options
  # @return [void] self
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#228
  def pattern(pattern, **options); end

  # The patterns that constitute this query.
  # @return [Array<RDF::Query::Pattern>]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#123
  def patterns; end

  # The solution sequence for this query.
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#129
  def solutions; end

  # Is this query unscoped? This indicates that it can return results from
  # either a named graph or the default graph.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#432
  def unnamed?; end

  # Determine if the query containts valid patterns
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#535
  def valid?; end

  # Validate this query, making sure it can be executed by our query engine.
  # This method is public so that it may be called by implementations of
  # RDF::Queryable#query_execute that bypass our built-in query engine.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] This query cannot be executed.
  # @return [RDF::Query] `self`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#548
  def validate!; end

  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#453
  def variable?(*args); end

  # Returns the number of variables in this query.
  # @return [Integer] (0..3)
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#480
  def variable_count; end

  # The variables used in this query. This includes variables used in patterns along with the graph_name itself, if it is a variable.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Query::Variable}]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#468
  def variables; end

  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#453
  def variables?(*args); end


  # @private
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#566
  def compile_hash_patterns(hash_patterns); end

  class << self
    # Cast values as Solutions
    # @overload Solutions
    # @overload Solutions
    # @overload Solutions
    # @overload Solutions
    # @since 0.3.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#111
    def Solutions(*args); end

    # Executes a query on the given `queryable` graph or repository.
    # @param queryable [RDF::Queryable] the graph or repository to query
    # @param patterns [Hash{Object => Object}] optional hash patterns to initialize the query with
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional keyword options (see {RDF::Query#initialize})
    # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] the resulting solution sequence
    # @see RDF::Query#execute
    # @since 0.3.0
    # @yield [query]
    # @yieldparam query [RDF::Query]
    # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query.rb#92
    def execute(queryable, patterns = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

# An RDF query pattern normalizer.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#4
class RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer
  # @option options
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] (
  #   any additional normalization options.
  # @return [HashPatternNormalizer] a new instance of HashPatternNormalizer
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#178
  def initialize(**options); end

  # Equivalent to calling `self.class.normalize!(hash_pattern, self.options)`.
  # @param hash_pattern [Hash{Symbol => Object}] the query pattern as a hash.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] the resulting query pattern as a normalized hash.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#189
  def normalize!(hash_pattern); end

  # The options for this hash pattern normalizer.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#171
  def options; end

  class << self
    # Returns the normalization of the specified `hash_pattern`.
    # @overload normalize!
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#89
    def normalize!(*args); end


    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#113
    def ensure_absence_of_duplicate_subjects!(acc, subject); end

    # @private
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#121
    def normalize_array!(array, *args); end

    # @private
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#131
    def normalize_hash!(hash, *args); end

    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#142
    def normalize_object!(object, *args); end

    # @private
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#152
    def replace_hash_with_anonymous_subject!(hash, acc, counter, anonymous_subject_format); end

# A counter that can be incremented and decremented.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#7
class RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer::Counter
  # @param offset [Numeric] the offset (or initial value) for this counter.
  # @param increment [Numeric] the increment for this counter.
  # @return [Counter] a new instance of Counter
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#25
  def initialize(offset = T.unsafe(nil), increment = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Decrements this counter, and returns the new value.
  # @return [RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer::Counter]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#36
  def decrement!; end

  # The increment for this counter.
  # @return [Numeric]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#18
  def increment; end

  # Increments this counter, and returns the new value.
  # @return [RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer::Counter]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#46
  def increment!; end

  # The offset (or initial value) for this counter.
  # @return [Numeric]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#12
  def offset; end

  # Returns a floating point representation of this counter.
  # @return [Float]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#56
  def to_f; end

  # Returns an integer representation of this counter.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#64
  def to_i; end

  # Returns a string representation of this counter.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/hash_pattern_normalizer.rb#71
  def to_s; end

# An RDF query pattern.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#4
class RDF::Query::Pattern < ::RDF::Statement
  # @note {Statement} treats symbols as interned {Node} instances, in a {Pattern}, they are treated as {Variable}.
  # @overload initialize
  # @overload initialize
  # @return [Pattern] a new instance of Pattern
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#39
  def initialize(subject = T.unsafe(nil), predicate = T.unsafe(nil), object = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the number of variables in this pattern.
  # Note: this does not count distinct variables, and will therefore e.g.
  # return 3 even if two terms are actually the same variable.
  # @return [Integer] (0..3)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#272
  def arity; end

  # Binds the pattern to a solution, making it no longer variable if all variables are resolved to bound variables
  # @param solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#298
  def bind(solution); end

  # Returns the number of bindings in this pattern.
  # @return [Integer] (0..3)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#321
  def binding_count; end

  # Returns all bindings in this pattern.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Term}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#329
  def bindings; end

  # Returns `true` if this pattern contains bindings.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#313
  def bindings?; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a blank pattern, with all terms being `nil`.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#85
  def blank?; end

  # Returns `true` if all variables in this pattern are bound.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#342
  def bound?; end

  # Returns all bound variables in this pattern.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Variable}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#350
  def bound_variables; end

  # Returns the number of variables in this pattern.
  # Note: this does not count distinct variables, and will therefore e.g.
  # return 3 even if two terms are actually the same variable.
  # @return [Integer] (0..3)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#272
  def cardinality; end

  # The estimated cost of this pattern (for query optimization).
  # @return [Numeric]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#78
  def cost; end

  # The estimated cost of this pattern (for query optimization).
  # @return [Numeric]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#78
  def cost=(_arg0); end

  # Create a new pattern from the quads, recursivly dupping sub-patterns.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#64
  def dup; end

  # Checks pattern equality against a statement, considering nesting.
  # * A pattern which has a pattern as a subject or an object, matches
  #   a statement having a statement as a subject or an object using {#eql?}.
  # @param other [Statement]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::URI#==
  # @see RDF::Node#==
  # @see RDF::Literal#==
  # @see RDF::Query::Variable#==
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#141
  def eql?(other); end

  # Executes this query pattern on the given `queryable` object.
  # Values are matched using using Queryable#query_pattern.
  # If the optional `bindings` are given, variables will be substituted with their values when executing the query.
  # To match triples only in the default graph, set graph_name to `false`.
  # @example
  #, :p, :o).execute(RDF::Repository.load('etc/doap.nt'))
  # @param queryable [RDF::Queryable] the graph or repository to query
  # @param bindings [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Term}, RDF::Query::Solution] optional variable bindings to use
  # @return [Enumerable<RDF::Query::Pattern>] an enumerator yielding matching statements
  # @see RDF::Queryable#query
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [statement] each matching statement
  # @yieldparam statement [RDF::Statement] an RDF statement matching this pattern
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#173
  def execute(queryable, bindings = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Returns `true` if this pattern contains any variables.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#94
  def has_variables?; end

  # @private
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#45
  def initialize!; end

  # Returns `true` if this is an optional pattern.
  # @example
  #, :p, :o).optional?                     #=> false
  #, :p, :o, optional: true).optional?  #=> true
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#111
  def optional?; end

  # Any additional options for this pattern.
  # @return [Hash]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#72
  def options; end

  # Returns a query solution constructed by binding any variables in this
  # pattern with the corresponding terms in the given `statement`.
  # @example
  #   pattern =, :p, :o)
  #   solution = pattern.solution(statement)
  #   pattern[:s] #=> statement.subject
  #   pattern[:p] #=> statement.predicate
  #   pattern[:o] #=> statement.object
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement] an RDF statement to bind terms from
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#218
  def solution(statement); end

  # Returns a string representation of this pattern.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#374
  def to_s; end

  # Returns `true` if all variables in this pattern are unbound.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#358
  def unbound?; end

  # Returns all unbound variables in this pattern.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Variable}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#366
  def unbound_variables; end

  # Is this pattern composed only of valid components?
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#119
  def valid?; end

  # Returns all values the statement in the same pattern position
  # @param var [Symbol]
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @return [Array<RDF::Term>]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#257
  def var_values(var, statement); end

  # Returns the number of variables in this pattern.
  # Note: this does not count distinct variables, and will therefore e.g.
  # return 3 even if two terms are actually the same variable.
  # @return [Integer] (0..3)
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#272
  def variable_count; end

  # Returns the variable terms in this pattern.
  # @deprecated use {#var_values} instead
  # @example
  #, :p, 123).variable_terms    #=> [:predicate]
  # @param name [Symbol, #to_sym] an optional variable name
  # @return [Array<Symbol>]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#240
  def variable_terms(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns all variables in this pattern.
  # Note: this returns a hash containing distinct variables only.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Variable}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#287
  def variables; end

  # Returns `true` if this pattern contains any variables.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#94
  def variables?; end

  class << self
    # @private
    # @since 0.2.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/pattern.rb#8
    def from(pattern, graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# An RDF query solution.
# @example Iterating over every binding in the solution
#   solution.each_binding  { |name, value| puts value.inspect }
#   solution.each_variable { |variable| puts variable.value.inspect }
# @example Iterating over every value in the solution
#   solution.each_value    { |value| puts value.inspect }
# @example Checking whether a variable is bound or unbound
#   solution.bound?(:title)
#   solution.unbound?(:mbox)
# @example Retrieving the value of a bound variable
#   solution[:mbox]
#   solution.mbox
# @example Retrieving all bindings in the solution as a `Hash`
#   solution.to_h       #=> {mbox: "", ...}
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#23
class RDF::Query::Solution
  include ::Enumerable

  # Initializes the query solution.
  # @param bindings [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Term}]
  # @return [Solution] a new instance of Solution
  # @yield [solution]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#42
  def initialize(bindings = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Equals of solution
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#329
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns the value of the variable `name`.
  # @param name [Symbol, #to_sym] the variable name
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#192
  def [](name); end

  # Binds or rebinds the variable `name` to the given `value`.
  # @param name [Symbol, #to_sym] the variable name
  # @param value [RDF::Term]
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#204
  def []=(name, value); end

  # Undefine all superfluous instance methods:
  def __send(*_arg0); end

  # @private
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#54
  def bindings; end

  # Returns `true` if the variable `name` is bound in this solution.
  # @param name [Symbol, #to_sym] the variable name
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#172
  def bound?(name); end

  # Compatible Mappings
  # Two solution mappings u1 and u2 are compatible if, for every variable v in dom(u1) and in dom(u2), u1(v) = u2(v).
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solution, #to_h] another query solution or hash bindings
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#268
  def compatible?(other); end

  # Disjoint mapping
  # A solution is disjoint with another solution if it shares no common variables in their domains.
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#282
  def disjoint?(other); end

  # Duplicate solution, preserving patterns
  # @return [RDF::Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#255
  def dup; end

  # Enumerates over every variable binding in this solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @yield [name, value]
  # @yieldparam name [Symbol]
  # @yieldparam value [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#63
  def each(&block); end

  # Enumerates over every variable binding in this solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @yield [name, value]
  # @yieldparam name [Symbol]
  # @yieldparam value [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#63
  def each_binding(&block); end

  # Enumerates over every variable name in this solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @yield [name]
  # @yieldparam name [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#84
  def each_key(&block); end

  # Enumerates over every variable name in this solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @yield [name]
  # @yieldparam name [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#84
  def each_name(&block); end

  # Enumerates over every variable value in this solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @yield [value]
  # @yieldparam value [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#105
  def each_value(&block); end

  # Enumerates over every variable in this solution.
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @yield [variable]
  # @yieldparam [Variable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#148
  def each_variable; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {#each_binding}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#74
  def enum_binding; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {#each_name}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#95
  def enum_name; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {#each_value}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#115
  def enum_value; end

  # Returns an enumerator for {#each_variable}.
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Resource>]
  # @see #each_subject
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#162
  def enum_variable; end

  # Equivalence of solution
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#323
  def eql?(other); end

  # `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#131
  def has_variables?(*args); end

  # Integer hash of this solution
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#317
  def hash; end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#335
  def inspect; end

  # Isomorphic Mappings
  # Two solution mappings u1 and u2 are isomorphic if,
  # for every variable v in dom(u1) and in dom(u2), u1(v) = u2(v).
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solution, #to_h] another query solution or hash bindings
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#296
  def isomorphic_with?(other); end

  # Merges the bindings from the given `other` query solution with a copy
  # of this one.
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solution, #to_h] another query solution or hash bindings
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#248
  def merge(other); end

  # Merges the bindings from the given `other` query solution into this
  # one, overwriting any existing ones having the same name.
  # ## RDF-star
  # If merging a binding for a statement to a pattern,
  # merge their embedded solutions.
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solution, #to_h] another query solution or hash bindings
  # @return [void] self
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#221
  def merge!(other); end

  # @return [Array<Array(Symbol, RDF::Term)>]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#304
  def to_a; end

  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Term}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#310
  def to_h; end

  # Returns `true` if the variable `name` is unbound in this solution.
  # @param name [Symbol, #to_sym] the variable name
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#182
  def unbound?(name); end

  # `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#131
  def variable?(*args); end

  # `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#131
  def variables?(*args); end


  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#372
  def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @overload binding
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#347
  def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end

  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#372
  def to_enum(method = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#363
  def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Temporarily remember instance method for deprecation message in `method_missing`.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solution.rb#28
RDF::Query::Solution::INSTANCE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# An RDF basic graph pattern (BGP) query solution sequence.
# @example Filtering solutions using a hash
#   solutions.filter(author:  RDF::URI(""))
#   solutions.filter(author:  "Gregg Kellogg")
#   solutions.filter(author:  [RDF::URI(""), "Gregg Kellogg"])
#   solutions.filter(updated: RDF::Literal(
# @example Filtering solutions using a block
#   solutions.filter { |solution| }
#   solutions.filter { |solution| solution.title.to_s =~ /^SPARQL/ }
#   solutions.filter { |solution| solution.price < 30.5 }
#   solutions.filter { |solution| solution.bound?(:date) }
#   solutions.filter { |solution| solution.age.datatype == RDF::XSD.integer }
#   solutions.filter { |solution| == :es }
# @example Reordering solutions based on a variable or proc
#   solutions.order_by(:updated)
#   solutions.order_by(:updated, :created)
#   solutions.order_by(:updated, lambda {|a, b| b <=> a})
# @example Selecting/Projecting particular variables only
#, :description)
#   solutions.project(:title)
# @example Eliminating duplicate solutions
#   solutions.distinct
# @example Limiting the number of solutions
#   solutions.offset(20).limit(10)
# @example Counting the number of matching solutions
#   solutions.count
#   solutions.count { |solution| solution.price < 30.5 }
# @example Iterating over all found solutions
#   solutions.each { |solution| puts solution.inspect }
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#43
class RDF::Query::Solutions < ::Array
  # Equals of solution
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#315
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns hash of bindings from each solution. Each bound variable will have
  # an array of bound values representing those from each solution, where a given
  # solution will have just a single value for each bound variable
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Array<RDF::Term>}]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#119
  def bindings; end

  # Returns the number of matching query solutions.
  # @overload count
  # @overload count
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#59
  def count(&block); end

  # Ensures that the solutions in this solution sequence are unique.
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#264
  def distinct; end

  # Ensures that the solutions in this solution sequence are unique.
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#264
  def distinct!; end

  # Duplicates each solution.
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#133
  def dup; end

  # @since 0.3.0
  def each_solution; end

  # Equivalence of solution
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#309
  def eql?(other); end

  # Filters this solution sequence by the given `criteria`.
  # @param criteria [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldreturn [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#160
  def filter(criteria = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Filters this solution sequence by the given `criteria`.
  # @param criteria [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldreturn [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#160
  def filter!(criteria = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # the given `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @see RDF::Query::Solution#variable?
  # @see RDF::Query#execute
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#102
  def has_variables?(*args); end

  # the given `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @see RDF::Query::Solution#variable?
  # @see RDF::Query#execute
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#102
  def have_variables?(*args); end

  # Limits the number of solutions in this solution sequence to a maximum
  # of `length`.
  # @param length [Integer, #to_i] zero or a positive integer
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if `length` is negative
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#296
  def limit(length); end

  # Limits the number of solutions in this solution sequence to a maximum
  # of `length`.
  # @param length [Integer, #to_i] zero or a positive integer
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if `length` is negative
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#296
  def limit!(length); end

  # Merge solutions in `other` into a new solutions instance. Each solution in `other` is merged into those solutions in `self` that are compatible.
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solutions]
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#142
  def merge(other); end

  # Difference between solution sets, from SPARQL 1.1.
  # The `minus` operation on solutions returns those solutions which either have no compatible solution in `other`, or the solution domains are disjoint.
  # @param other [RDF::Query::Solutions]
  # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] a new solution set
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#191
  def minus(other); end

  # Limits this solution sequence to bindings starting from the `start`
  # offset in the overall solution sequence.
  # @param start [Integer, #to_i] zero or a positive or negative integer
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#279
  def offset(start); end

  # Limits this solution sequence to bindings starting from the `start`
  # offset in the overall solution sequence.
  # @param start [Integer, #to_i] zero or a positive or negative integer
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#279
  def offset!(start); end

  # Reorders this solution sequence by the given `variables`.
  # Variables may be symbols or {Query::Variable} instances.
  # A variable may also be a Procedure/Lambda, compatible with `::Enumerable#sort`.
  # This takes two arguments (solutions) and returns -1, 0, or 1 equivalently to <=>.
  # If called with a block, variables are ignored, and the block is invoked with
  # pairs of solutions. The block is expected to return -1, 0, or 1 equivalently to <=>.
  # @param variables [Array<Proc, Query::Variable, Symbol, #to_sym>]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam q [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldparam b [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldreturn [Integer] -1, 0, or 1 depending on value of comparator
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#213
  def order(*variables); end

  # Reorders this solution sequence by the given `variables`.
  # Variables may be symbols or {Query::Variable} instances.
  # A variable may also be a Procedure/Lambda, compatible with `::Enumerable#sort`.
  # This takes two arguments (solutions) and returns -1, 0, or 1 equivalently to <=>.
  # If called with a block, variables are ignored, and the block is invoked with
  # pairs of solutions. The block is expected to return -1, 0, or 1 equivalently to <=>.
  # @param variables [Array<Proc, Query::Variable, Symbol, #to_sym>]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam q [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldparam b [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldreturn [Integer] -1, 0, or 1 depending on value of comparator
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#213
  def order_by(*variables); end

  # Restricts this solution sequence to the given `variables` only.
  # @param variables [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#240
  def project(*variables); end

  # Ensures that the solutions in this solution sequence are unique.
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#264
  def reduced; end

  # Ensures that the solutions in this solution sequence are unique.
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#264
  def reduced!; end

  # Restricts this solution sequence to the given `variables` only.
  # @param variables [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>]
  # @return [self]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#240
  def select(*variables); end

  # the given `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @see RDF::Query::Solution#variable?
  # @see RDF::Query#execute
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#102
  def variable?(*args); end

  # Returns an array of the distinct variable names used in this solution
  # sequence.
  # @return [Array<Symbol>]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#68
  def variable_names; end

  # Sets variable names used in these solutions. If not set, the default is determined by the variables used in each solution.
  # @param vars [Array<Symbol, RDF::Query::Variable>]
  # @return [Array<Symbol>]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#85
  def variable_names=(vars); end

  # the given `variables`.
  #   @param  [Array<Symbol, #to_sym>] variables
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @see RDF::Query::Solution#variable?
  # @see RDF::Query#execute
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/solutions.rb#102
  def variables?(*args); end

# An RDF query variable.
# @example Creating a named unbound variable
#   var =
#   var.unbound?   #=> true
#   var.value      #=> nil
# @example Creating an anonymous unbound variable
#   var =
#       #=> :g2166151240
# @example Unbound variables match any value
#   var === RDF::Literal(42)     #=> true
# @example Creating a bound variable
#   var =, 123)
#   var.bound?     #=> true
#   var.value      #=> 123
# @example Bound variables match only their actual value
#   var =, 123)
#   var === 42     #=> false
#   var === 123    #=> true
# @example Getting the variable name
#   var =, 123)
#   var.named?     #=> true
#       #=> :y
#   var.to_sym     #=> :y
# @example Rebinding a variable returns the previous value
#   var.bind!(456) #=> 123
#   var.value      #=> 456
# @example Unbinding a previously bound variable
#   var.unbind!
#   var.unbound?   #=> true
# @example Getting the string representation of a variable
#   var =
#   var.to_s       #=> "?x"
#   var =, 123)
#   var.to_s       #=> "?y=123"
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#47
class RDF::Query::Variable
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term

  # @param name [Symbol, #to_sym] the variable name
  # @param value [RDF::Term] an optional variable value
  # @param distinguished [Boolean] (true) Also interpreted by leading '?' or '$' in name. If non-distinguished, '??' or '$$'.
  # @param existential [Boolean] (true) Also interpreted by leading '$' in name
  # @return [Variable] a new instance of Variable
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#70
  def initialize(name = T.unsafe(nil), value = T.unsafe(nil), distinguished: T.unsafe(nil), existential: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns `true` if this variable is equivalent to a given `other`
  # variable. Or, to another Term if bound, or to any other Term
  # @note when comparing against the default graph in an {RDF::Dataset}, `other` will be `false` and not be equal to an unbound variable.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#241
  def ==(other); end

  # Compares this variable with the given value.
  # @param other [RDF::Term]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#257
  def ===(other); end

  # Rebinds this variable to the given `value`.
  # @overload bind
  # @overload bind
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#181
  def bind(value); end

  # Rebinds this variable to the given `value`.
  # @overload bind
  # @overload bind
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#181
  def bind!(value); end

  # Returns this variable's bindings (if any) as a `Hash`.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Term}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#219
  def bindings; end

  # Returns `true` if this variable is bound.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#125
  def bound?; end

  # Sets if variable is distinguished or non-distinguished.
  # By default, variables are distinguished
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#150
  def distinguished=(value); end

  # Returns `true` if this variable is distinguished.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#141
  def distinguished?; end

  # Returns `true` if this variable is equivalent to a given `other`
  # variable. Or, to another Term if bound, or to any other Term
  # @note when comparing against the default graph in an {RDF::Dataset}, `other` will be `false` and not be equal to an unbound variable.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#241
  def eql?(other); end

  # Sets if variable is existential or univeresal.
  # By default, variables are universal
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#167
  def existential=(value); end

  # Returns `true` if this variable is existential.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#158
  def existential?; end

  # Returns a hash code for this variable.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#228
  def hash; end

  # The variable's name.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#54
  def name; end

  # The variable's name.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#54
  def name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if this variable has a name.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#117
  def named?; end

  # Returns a string representation of this variable.
  # Distinguished variables are indicated with a single `?`.
  # Non-distinguished variables are indicated with a double `??`
  # Existential variables are indicated using a single `$`, or with `$$` if also non-distinguished
  # @example
  #   v ="a")
  #   v.to_s => '?a'
  #   v.distinguished = false
  #   v.to_s => '??a'
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#290
  def to_base; end

  # Returns this variable as `Hash`.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Query::Variable}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#210
  def to_h; end

  # Returns a string representation of this variable.
  # Distinguished variables are indicated with a single `?`.
  # Non-distinguished variables are indicated with a double `??`
  # Existential variables are indicated using a single `$`, or with `$$` if also non-distinguished
  # @example
  #   v ="a")
  #   v.to_s => '?a'
  #   v.distinguished = false
  #   v.to_s => '??a'
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#290
  def to_s; end

  # The variable's name.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#54
  def to_sym; end

  # Unbinds this variable, discarding any currently bound value.
  # @return [RDF::Term] the previous value, if any.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#199
  def unbind; end

  # Unbinds this variable, discarding any currently bound value.
  # @return [RDF::Term] the previous value, if any.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#199
  def unbind!; end

  # Returns `true` if this variable is unbound.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#133
  def unbound?; end

  # The variable's value.
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#61
  def value; end

  # The variable's value.
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#61
  def value=(_arg0); end

  # Returns term if var is the same as this variable.
  # @param var [Symbol]
  # @param term [RDF::Term]
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#271
  def var_values(var, term); end

  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.1.7
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#100
  def variable?(*args); end

  # Returns this variable as `Hash`.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Query::Variable}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/query/variable.rb#210
  def variables; end

# An RDF query mixin.
# Classes that include this module should implement a `#query_pattern` method that
# yields {RDF::Statement RDF statements}. Classes may also implement an optimized
# `#query_execute` method that yields {RDF::Statement RDF statements}.
# @see RDF::Graph
# @see RDF::Repository
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#11
module RDF::Queryable
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder

  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Statement, RDF::Query::Pattern>]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#309
  def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

  # Queries `self` for an RDF statement matching the given `pattern` and
  # returns that statement if found.
  # Returns `nil` if no statements match `pattern`.
  # @overload first
  # @overload first
  # @return [RDF::Statement]
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#188
  def first(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Queries `self` for RDF statements matching the given `pattern` and
  # returns the first found object literal.
  # Returns `nil` if no statements match `pattern` or if none of the found
  # statements have a literal as their object term.
  # @overload first_literal
  # @overload first_literal
  # @return [RDF::Literal]
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#279
  def first_literal(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Queries `self` for an RDF statement matching the given `pattern` and
  # returns the statement's object term.
  # Returns `nil` if no statements match `pattern`.
  # @overload first_object
  # @overload first_object
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#256
  def first_object(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Queries `self` for an RDF statement matching the given `pattern` and
  # returns the statement's predicate term.
  # Returns `nil` if no statements match `pattern`.
  # @overload first_predicate
  # @overload first_predicate
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#236
  def first_predicate(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Queries `self` for an RDF statement matching the given `pattern` and
  # returns the statement's subject term.
  # Returns `nil` if no statements match `pattern`.
  # @overload first_subject
  # @overload first_subject
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#216
  def first_subject(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Queries `self` for RDF statements matching the given `pattern` and
  # returns the value of the first found object literal.
  # Returns `nil` if no statements match `pattern` or if none of the found
  # statements have a literal as their object term.
  # @overload first_value
  # @overload first_value
  # @since 0.1.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#300
  def first_value(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Queries `self` for RDF statements matching the given `pattern`.
  # This method delegates to the protected {RDF::Queryable#query_pattern} method for the actual lower-level query pattern matching implementation.
  # @example Querying for statements having a given predicate
  #   queryable.query([nil, RDF::Vocab::DOAP.developer, nil])
  #   queryable.query({predicate: RDF::Vocab::DOAP.developer}) do |statement|
  #   puts statement.inspect
  #   end
  # @example Querying for solutions from a BGP
  #   query = {pattern [:s, :p, :o]}
  #   queryable.query(query) do |solution|
  #   puts solution.inspect
  #   end
  # @note Since 2.0, this may return an Enumerable or an Enumerator in addition to Solutions
  # @param pattern [RDF::Query, RDF::Statement, Array(RDF::Term), Hash]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  #   Any other options passed to {#query_pattern} or {#query_execute}
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Statement>, RDF::Enumerable, Query::Solutions] Returns an enumerable of statements (may be an enumerator) or query solutions, if passed an {RDF::Query}
  # @see RDF::Queryable#query_pattern
  # @yield [statement] each matching statement
  # @yieldparam statement [RDF::Statement, RDF::Query::Solution] Statement or Solution
  # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#56
  def query(pattern, **options, &block); end

  # @param method [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @private
  # @return [Enumerator<RDF::Statement, RDF::Query::Pattern>]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#309
  def to_enum(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end


  # Queries `self` using the given basic graph pattern (BGP) query,
  # yielding each matched solution to the given block.
  # Since RDF.rb 0.3.0, repository implementations can override this
  # method in order to provide for storage-specific optimized graph
  # pattern query execution.
  # @param query [RDF::Query] the query to execute
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  #   Any other options passed to `query.execute`
  # @return [void] ignored
  # @see RDF::Queryable#query
  # @see RDF::Query#execute
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [solution]
  # @yieldparam solution [RDF::Query::Solution]
  # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#126
  def query_execute(query, **options, &block); end

  # Queries `self` for RDF statements matching the given `pattern`,
  # yielding each matched statement to the given block.
  # Since RDF.rb 0.2.0, repository implementations should override this
  # method in order to provide for storage-specific optimized triple
  # pattern matching.
  # ## RDF-star
  # Statements may have embedded statements as either a subject or object, recursively.
  # Patterns may also have embedded patterns as either a subject or object, recursively.
  # Patterns with a variable `graph_name` do not match the default graph.
  # When matching, match an embedded pattern against embedded statements, recursively. (see {RDF::Query::Pattern#eql?})
  # @param pattern [RDF::Query::Pattern] the query pattern to match
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] ({})
  #   Any other options
  # @return [void] ignored
  # @see RDF::Queryable#query
  # @see RDF::Query::Pattern#execute
  # @since 0.2.0
  # @yield [statement]
  # @yieldparam statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#164
  def query_pattern(pattern, **options, &block); end

# Extends Enumerator with {Queryable} and {Enumerable}, which is used by {Enumerable#each_statement} and {Queryable#enum_for}
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#15
class RDF::Queryable::Enumerator < ::Enumerator
  include ::RDF::Queryable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable

  # @note Make sure returned arrays are also queryable
  # @return [Array]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/queryable.rb#22
  def to_a; end

# Vocabulary for <>
# The RDF Schema vocabulary (RDFS)
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/rdfs.rb#73
class RDF::RDFS < ::RDF::StrictVocabulary
  class << self
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Class; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Container; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ContainerMembershipProperty; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Datatype; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Literal; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Resource; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def comment; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def domain; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def isDefinedBy; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def label; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def member; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def range; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def seeAlso; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def subClassOf; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def subPropertyOf; end


    def new(*_arg0); end

# Vocabulary for <>
# This is the RDF Schema for the RDF vocabulary terms in the RDF Namespace, defined in RDF 1.1 Concepts.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/rdfv.rb#139
class RDF::RDFV < ::RDF::StrictVocabulary
  class << self
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Alt; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Bag; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def CompoundLiteral; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Description; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def HTML; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ID; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def JSON; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def List; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def PlainLiteral; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Property; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Seq; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Statement; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def XMLLiteral; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/rdfv.rb#142
    def __name__; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def about; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def datatype; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def dirLangString; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def direction; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def first; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def langString; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def language; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def li; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/rdfv.rb#142
    def name; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def nil; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def nodeID; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def object; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def parseType; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def predicate; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def reifies; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def resource; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def rest; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def subject; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def type; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def value; end


    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#259
RDF::RDF_N_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/readable.rb#3
module RDF::Readable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Returns `true` if `self` is readable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Writable#writable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/readable.rb#11
  def readable?; end

# The base class for RDF parsers.
# @abstract
# @example Loading an RDF reader implementation
#   require 'rdf/ntriples'
# @example Iterating over known RDF reader classes
#   RDF::Reader.each { |klass| puts }
# @example Obtaining an RDF reader class
#   RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples)     #=> RDF::NTriples::Reader
#   RDF::Reader.for("etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Reader.for(file_name:      "etc/doap.nt")
#   RDF::Reader.for(file_extension: "nt")
#   RDF::Reader.for(content_type:   "application/n-triples")
# @example Instantiating an RDF reader class
#   RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples).new($stdin) { |reader| ... }
# @example Parsing RDF statements from a file
#"etc/doap.nt") do |reader|
#   reader.each_statement do |statement|
#   puts statement.inspect
#   end
#   end
# @example Parsing RDF statements from a string
#   data ="etc/doap.nt"))
#   RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples).new(data) do |reader|
#   reader.each_statement do |statement|
#   puts statement.inspect
#   end
#   end
# @see RDF::Format
# @see RDF::Writer
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#40
class RDF::Reader
  include ::RDF::Util::Logger
  include ::RDF::Readable
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable
  extend ::Enumerable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Initializes the reader.
  # @param input [IO, File, String] the input stream to read
  # @param base_uri [#to_s] (nil)
  #   the base URI to use when resolving relative URIs (not supported by
  #   all readers)
  # @param canonicalize [Boolean] (false)
  #   whether to canonicalize parsed URIs and Literals.
  # @param encoding [Encoding] (Encoding::UTF_8)
  #   the encoding of the input stream
  # @param intern [Boolean] (true)
  #   whether to intern all parsed URIs
  # @param rdfstar [Boolean] (false)
  #   Preliminary support for RDF 1.2.
  # @param prefixes [Hash] (
  #   the prefix mappings to use (not supported by all readers)
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional options
  # @param validate [Boolean] (false)
  #   whether to validate the parsed statements and values
  # @return [Reader] a new instance of Reader
  # @yield [reader] `self`
  # @yieldparam reader [RDF::Reader]
  # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#290
  def initialize(input = T.unsafe(nil), base_uri: T.unsafe(nil), canonicalize: T.unsafe(nil), encoding: T.unsafe(nil), intern: T.unsafe(nil), prefixes: T.unsafe(nil), rdfstar: T.unsafe(nil), validate: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Returns the base URI determined by this reader.
  # @example
  #   reader.prefixes[:dc]  #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#340
  def base_uri; end

  # Returns `true` if parsed values should be in canonical form.
  # @note This is for term canonicalization, for graph/dataset canonicalization use `RDF::Normalize`.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#617
  def canonicalize?; end

  # Closes the input stream, after which an `IOError` will be raised for
  # further read attempts.
  # If the input stream is already closed, does nothing.
  # @return [void]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.2
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#486
  def close; end

  # Closes the input stream, after which an `IOError` will be raised for
  # further read attempts.
  # If the input stream is already closed, does nothing.
  # @return [void]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.2
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def close!(*args, &block); end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF statement.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # Statements are yielded in the order that they are read from the input
  # stream.
  # @overload each_statement
  # @overload each_statement
  # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] on invalid data
  # @return [void]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def each(*args, &block); end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF statement.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # Statements are yielded in the order that they are read from the input
  # stream.
  # @overload each_statement
  # @overload each_statement
  # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] on invalid data
  # @return [void]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#415
  def each_statement(&block); end

  # Iterates the given block for each RDF triple.
  # If no block was given, returns an enumerator.
  # Triples are yielded in the order that they are read from the input
  # stream.
  # @overload each_triple
  # @overload each_triple
  # @return [void]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_triple
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#452
  def each_triple(&block); end

  # Returns the encoding of the input stream.
  # @return [Encoding]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#590
  def encoding; end

  # Returns `true` if parsed URIs should be interned.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#626
  def intern?; end

  # Current line number being processed. For formats that can associate generated {Statement} with a particular line number from input, this value reflects that line number.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#494
  def lineno; end

  # Any additional options for this reader.
  # @return [Hash]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#330
  def options; end

  # Defines the given named URI prefix for this reader.
  # @example Defining a URI prefix
  #   reader.prefix :dc, RDF::URI('')
  # @example Returning a URI prefix
  #   reader.prefix(:dc)    #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @overload prefix
  # @overload prefix
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#388
  def prefix(name, uri = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Defines the given named URI prefix for this reader.
  # @example Defining a URI prefix
  #   reader.prefix :dc, RDF::URI('')
  # @example Returning a URI prefix
  #   reader.prefix(:dc)    #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @overload prefix
  # @overload prefix
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def prefix!(*args, &block); end

  # Returns the URI prefixes currently defined for this reader.
  # @example
  #   reader.prefixes[:dc]  #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#352
  def prefixes; end

  # Defines the given URI prefixes for this reader.
  # @example
  #   reader.prefixes = {
  #   dc: RDF::URI(''),
  #   }
  # @param prefixes [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#367
  def prefixes=(prefixes); end

  # Rewinds the input stream to the beginning of input.
  # @return [void]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#472
  def rewind; end

  # Rewinds the input stream to the beginning of input.
  # @return [void]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def rewind!(*args, &block); end

  # Returns a symbol appropriate to use with RDF::Reader.for()
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#261
  def to_sym; end

  # @example Parsing RDF statements from a file
  #"!!invalid input??") do |reader|
  #   reader.valid? # => false
  #   end
  # @note this parses the full input and is valid only in the reader block.
  #   Use `, validate: true)` if you intend to capture the
  #   result.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Value#validate! for Literal & URI validation relevant to
  #   error handling.
  # @see Enumerable#valid?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#513
  def valid?; end

  # Returns `true` if parsed statements and values should be validated.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#606
  def validate?; end


  # Recursively emit embedded statements in Property Graph mode
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#573
  def each_pg_statement(statement, &block); end

  # Raises an "expected object" parsing error on the current line.
  # @raise [RDF::ReaderError]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#565
  def fail_object; end

  # Raises an "expected predicate" parsing error on the current line.
  # @raise [RDF::ReaderError]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#556
  def fail_predicate; end

  # Raises an "expected subject" parsing error on the current line.
  # @raise [RDF::ReaderError]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#547
  def fail_subject; end

  # Reads a statement from the input stream.
  # @abstract
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [RDF::Statement] a statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#528
  def read_statement; end

  # Reads a triple from the input stream.
  # @abstract
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [Array(RDF::Term)] a triple
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#538
  def read_triple; end


  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#678
  def blank?; end

  # @private
  # @return [String] The most recently read line of the input
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#645
  def current_line; end

  # @param pattern [Regexp]
  # @return [Object]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#685
  def match(pattern); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#651
  def readline; end

  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#672
  def strip!; end

  class << self
    # Enumerates known RDF reader classes.
    # @return [Enumerator]
    # @yield [klass]
    # @yieldparam klass [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#53
    def each(&block); end

    # Finds an RDF reader class based on the given criteria.
    # If the reader class has a defined format, use that.
    # @overload for
    # @overload for
    # @overload for
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#91
    def for(*arg, &block); end

    # Retrieves the RDF serialization format class for this reader class.
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#108
    def format(klass = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Retrieves the RDF serialization format class for this reader class.
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#108
    def format_class(klass = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @private
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#637
    def inherited(child); end

    # Parses input from the given file name or URL.
    # @example Parsing RDF statements from a file
    #"etc/doap.nt") do |reader|
    #   reader.each_statement do |statement|
    #   puts statement.inspect
    #   end
    #   end
    # @note A reader returned via this method may not be readable depending on the processing model of the specific reader, as the file is only open during the scope of `open`. The reader is intended to be accessed through a block.
    # @param filename [String, #to_s]
    # @param format [Symbol]
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional options (see {RDF::Util::File.open_file}, {RDF::Reader#initialize} and {RDF::Format.for})
    # @raise [RDF::FormatError] if no reader found for the specified format
    # @yield [reader]
    # @yieldparam reader [RDF::Reader]
    # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#209
    def open(filename, format: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

    # Options suitable for automatic Reader provisioning.
    # @return [Array<RDF::CLI::Option>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#122
    def options; end

    # Returns a symbol appropriate to use with RDF::Reader.for()
    # @return [Symbol]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#254
    def to_sym; end

# The base class for RDF parsing errors.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#695
class RDF::ReaderError < ::IOError
  # Initializes a new lexer error instance.
  # @param message [String, #to_s]
  # @param token [String] (nil)
  # @param lineno [Integer] (nil)
  # @return [ReaderError] a new instance of ReaderError
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#714
  def initialize(message, token: T.unsafe(nil), lineno: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The line number where the error occurred.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#706
  def lineno; end

  # The invalid token which triggered the error.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/reader.rb#700
  def token; end

# An RDF repository.
# Repositories support transactions with a variety of ACID semantics:
# Atomicity is indicated by `#supports?(:atomic_write)`. When atomicity is
# supported, writes through {#transaction}, {#apply_changeset} and
# {#delete_insert} are applied atomically.
# Consistency should be guaranteed, in general. Repositories that don't
# support consistency, or that have specialized definitions of consistency
# above those declared by the RDF data model, should advertise this fact in
# their documentation.
# Isolation may be supported at various levels, indicated by
# {#isolation_level}:
#   - `:read_uncommitted`: Inserts & deletes in an uncommitted transaction
#      scope may be visible to other transactions (or via `#each`, etc...)
#   - `:read_committed`: Inserts & deletes may be visible to other
#      transactions once committed
#   - `:repeatable_read`: Phantom reads may be possible
#   - `:snapshot`: A transaction reads a consistent snapshot of the data.
#      Write skew anomalies may occur (for various definitions of consistency)
#   - `:serializable`: A transaction reads a consistent snapshot of the data.
#      When two or more transactions attempt conflicting writes, only one of
#      them may succeed.
# Durability is noted via {RDF::Durable} support and {#durable?}
# /{#nondurable?}.
# @example Creating a transient in-memory repository
#   repository =
# @example Checking whether a repository is readable/writable
#   repository.readable?
#   repository.writable?
# @example Checking whether a repository is persistent or transient
#   repository.persistent?
#   repository.transient?
# @example Checking whether a repository is empty
#   repository.empty?
# @example Checking how many statements a repository contains
#   repository.count
# @example Checking whether a repository contains a specific statement
#   repository.statement?(statement)
# @example Enumerating statements in a repository
#   repository.each_statement { |statement| statement.inspect! }
# @example Inserting statements into a repository
#   repository.insert(*statements)
#   repository.insert(statement)
#   repository.insert([subject, predicate, object])
#   repository << statement
#   repository << [subject, predicate, object]
# @example Deleting statements from a repository
#   repository.delete(*statements)
#   repository.delete(statement)
#   repository.delete([subject, predicate, object])
# @example Deleting all statements from a repository
#   repository.clear!
# @example Transational read from a repository
#   repository.transaction do |tx|
#   tx.statement?(statement)
#   tx.query([:s, :p, :o])
#   end
# @example Transational read/write of a repository
#   repository.transaction(mutable: true) do |tx|
#   tx.insert(*statements)
#   tx.insert(statement)
#   tx.insert([subject, predicate, object])
#   tx.delete(*statements)
#   tx.delete(statement)
#   tx.delete([subject, predicate, object])
#   end
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#86
class RDF::Repository < ::RDF::Dataset
  include ::RDF::Readable
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions
  include ::RDF::Writable
  include ::RDF::Mutable
  include ::RDF::Transactable

  # Initializes this repository instance.
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @param uri [URI, #to_s] (nil)
  # @param title [String, #to_s] (nil)
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [Repository] a new instance of Repository
  # @yield [repository]
  # @yieldparam repository [Repository]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#151
  def initialize(uri: T.unsafe(nil), title: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Performs a set of deletes and inserts as a combined operation within a
  # transaction. The Repository's transaction semantics apply to updates made
  # through this method.
  # @see RDF::Mutable#delete_insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#200
  def delete_insert(deletes, inserts); end

  # @see RDF::Dataset#isolation_level
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#220
  def isolation_level; end

  # Returns the options passed to this repository when it was constructed.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#97
  def options; end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#project_graph
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#212
  def project_graph(graph_name, &block); end

  # A queryable snapshot of the repository for isolated reads.
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [Dataset] an immutable Dataset containing a current snapshot of
  #   the Repository contents.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#229
  def snapshot; end

  # Returns `true` if this respository supports the given `feature`.
  # Supported features include those from {RDF::Enumerable#supports?} along
  #  with the following:
  #   * `:atomic_write` supports atomic write in transaction scopes
  #   * `:snapshots` supports creation of immutable snapshots of current
  #        contents via #snapshot.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#supports?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#178
  def supports?(feature); end

  # Returns the title of this repository.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#110
  def title; end

  # Returns the {URI} of this repository.
  # @return [URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#103
  def uri; end

  # Returns the {URI} of this repository.
  # @return [URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#103
  def url; end


  # @private
  # @see RDF::Transactable#begin_transaction
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#239
  def begin_transaction(mutable: T.unsafe(nil), graph_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # Loads one or more RDF files into a new transient in-memory repository.
    # @param urls [String, Array<String>]
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] Options from {RDF::Repository#initialize} and {RDF::Mutable#load}
    # @return [void]
    # @yield [repository]
    # @yieldparam [Repository]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#121
    def load(urls, **options, &block); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#91
RDF::Repository::DEFAULT_TX_CLASS = RDF::Transaction

# A default Repository implementation supporting atomic writes and
# serializable transactions.
# @see RDF::Repository
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#248
module RDF::Repository::Implementation
  # @see Mutable#apply_changeset
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#374
  def apply_changeset(changeset); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Countable#count
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#286
  def count; end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#356
  def each(&block); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_graph
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#326
  def each_graph(&block); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#356
  def each_statement(&block); end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#307
  def graph?(*args); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_graph
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#319
  def graph_names(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#307
  def has_graph?(*args); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#344
  def has_statement?(*args); end

  # @see RDF::Dataset#isolation_level
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#390
  def isolation_level; end

  # A readable & queryable snapshot of the repository for isolated reads.
  # @return [Dataset] an immutable Dataset containing a current snapshot of
  #   the Repository contents.
  # @see Mutable#snapshot
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#401
  def snapshot; end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#344
  def statement?(*args); end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Enumerable#supports?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#269
  def supports?(feature); end


  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#clear
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#480
  def clear_statements; end

  # @private
  # @return [Hamster::Hash]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#487
  def data; end

  # @private
  # @return [Hamster::Hash]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#494
  def data=(hash); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#delete
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#473
  def delete_statement(statement); end

  # @private
  # @see RDF::Mutable#insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#466
  def insert_statement(statement); end

  # Match elements with `eql?`, not `==`
  # `graph_name` of `false` matches default graph. Unbound variable matches
  # non-false graph name
  # @private
  # @see RDF::Queryable#query_pattern
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#415
  def query_pattern(pattern, **options, &block); end


  # @private
  # @return [Hamster::Hash] a new, updated hamster hash
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#535
  def delete_from(data, statement); end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#503
  def has_statement_in?(data, statement); end

  # @private
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # @return [Hamster::Hash] a new, updated hamster hash
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#517
  def insert_to(data, statement); end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see #statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#503
  def statement_in?(data, statement); end

  class << self
    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#257
    def extend_object(obj); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#249
RDF::Repository::Implementation::DEFAULT_GRAPH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)

# @deprecated moved to {RDF::Transaction::SerializedTransaction}
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/repository.rb#253
RDF::Repository::Implementation::SerializedTransaction = RDF::Transaction::SerializedTransaction

# An RDF resource.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/resource.rb#4
module RDF::Resource
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term

  # Returns `true` to indicate that this value is a resource.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/resource.rb#24
  def resource?; end

  class << self
    # Instantiates an {RDF::Node} or an {RDF::URI}, depending on the given
    # argument.
    # @return [RDF::Resource]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/resource.rb#12
    def new(*args, &block); end

# An RDF statement.
# @example Creating an RDF statement
#   s ="")
#   p = RDF::Vocab::DC.creator
#   o ="")
#   RDF::Statement(s, p, o)
# @example Creating an RDF statement with a graph_name
#   uri = RDF::URI("http://example/")
#   RDF::Statement(s, p, o, graph_name: uri)
# @example Creating an RDF statement from a `Hash`
#   RDF::Statement({
#   subject:""),
#   predicate: RDF::Vocab::DC.creator,
#   object:""),
#   })
# @example Creating an RDF statement with interned nodes
#   RDF::Statement(:s, p, :o)
# @example Creating an RDF statement with a string
#   RDF::Statement(s, p, "o")
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#28
class RDF::Statement
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term
  include ::RDF::Resource

  # @overload initialize
  # @overload initialize
  # @return [Statement] a new instance of Statement
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#91
  def initialize(subject = T.unsafe(nil), predicate = T.unsafe(nil), object = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Checks statement equality as a triple.
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::URI#==
  # @see RDF::Node#==
  # @see RDF::Literal#==
  # @see RDF::Query::Variable#==
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#335
  def ==(other); end

  # Checks statement equality with patterns.
  # Uses `#eql?` to compare each of `#subject`, `#predicate`, `#object`, and
  # `#graph_name` to those of `other`. Any statement part which is not
  # present in `self` is ignored.
  # @example
  #   statement ='s'), RDF::URI('p'), RDF::URI('o'))
  #   pattern   ='s'), RDF::URI('p'),
  #   # true
  #   statement === statement
  #   pattern   === statement
  #, nil, nil) === statement
  #   # false
  #   statement === pattern
  #   statement ===, nil, nil)
  # @param other [Statement]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::URI#eql?
  # @see RDF::Node#eql?
  # @see RDF::Literal#eql?
  # @see RDF::Query::Variable#eql?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#367
  def ===(other); end

  # @param index [Integer]
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#378
  def [](index); end

  # @param index [Integer]
  # @param value [RDF::Term]
  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#392
  def []=(index, value); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#210
  def asserted?; end

  # Returns a version of the statement with each position in canonical form
  # @return [RDF::Statement] `self` or nil if statement cannot be canonicalized
  # @since 1.0.8
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#443
  def canonicalize; end

  # Canonicalizes each unfrozen term in the statement.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if any element cannot be canonicalized.
  # @return [RDF::Statement] `self`
  # @since 1.0.8
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#428
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Determines if the statement is complete, vs. invalid. A complete statement is one in which none of `subject`, `predicate`, or `object`, are nil.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#247
  def complete?; end

  # New statement with duplicated components (other than blank nodes)
  # @return [RDF::Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#452
  def dup; end

  # Returns `true` if any element of the statement is, itself, a statement.
  # Note: Nomenclature is evolving, alternatives could include `#complex?` and `#nested?`
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#189
  def embedded?; end

  # Checks statement equality as a quad.
  # @param other [Statement]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::URI#==
  # @see RDF::Node#==
  # @see RDF::Literal#==
  # @see RDF::Query::Variable#==
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#315
  def eql?(other); end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#262
  def graph?(*args); end

  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#49
  def graph_name; end

  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#49
  def graph_name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns `true` if any resource of this statement is a blank node
  # or has an embedded statement including a blank node.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#300
  def has_blank_nodes?; end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#262
  def has_graph?(*args); end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#262
  def has_name?(*args); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#289
  def has_object?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#282
  def has_predicate?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#275
  def has_subject?; end

  # Generates a Integer hash value as a quad.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#321
  def hash; end

  # @return [Object]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#46
  def id; end

  # @return [Object]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#46
  def id=(_arg0); end

  # Determines if the statement is incomplete, vs. invalid. An incomplete statement is one in which any of `subject`, `predicate`, or `object`, are nil.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#238
  def incomplete?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#229
  def inferred?; end

  # @private
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#110
  def initialize!; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#195
  def invalid?; end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#262
  def name?(*args); end

  # Returns `true` if any resource of this statement is a blank node
  # or has an embedded statement including a blank node.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#300
  def node?; end

  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#58
  def object; end

  # @return [RDF::Term]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#58
  def object=(_arg0); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#289
  def object?; end

  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#61
  def options; end

  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#61
  def options=(_arg0); end

  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#55
  def predicate; end

  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#55
  def predicate=(_arg0); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#282
  def predicate?; end

  # @deprecated Quoted triples are now deprecated
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#223
  def quoted?; end

  # Returns a graph containing this statement in reified form.
  # @param subject [RDF::Term] (nil)
  #   Subject of reification.
  # @param id [RDF::Term] (nil)
  #   Node identifier, when subject is anonymous
  # @param graph_name [RDF::Term] (nil)
  #   Note, in RDF 1.1, a graph name MUST be an {Resource}.
  # @return [RDF::Graph]
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#499
  def reified(subject: T.unsafe(nil), id: T.unsafe(nil), graph_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#152
  def statement?(*args); end

  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#52
  def subject; end

  # @return [RDF::Resource]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#52
  def subject=(_arg0); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#275
  def subject?; end

  # Returns an array of all the non-nil non-statement terms.
  # @return [Array(RDF::Term)]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#418
  def terms; end

  # @return [Array(RDF::Term)]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#410
  def to_a; end

  # Returns the terms of this statement as a `Hash`.
  # @param subject_key [Symbol]
  # @param predicate_key [Symbol]
  # @param object_key [Symbol]
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::Term}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#468
  def to_h(subject_key = T.unsafe(nil), predicate_key = T.unsafe(nil), object_key = T.unsafe(nil), graph_key = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @return [Array(RDF::Term)]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#404
  def to_quad; end

  # Returns a string representation of this statement.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#476
  def to_s; end

  # @return [Array(RDF::Term)]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#410
  def to_triple; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#216
  def tripleTerm?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#201
  def valid?; end

  # URI, Node or Literal.
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#171
  def variable?(*args); end

  class << self
    # @private
    # @since 0.2.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/statement.rb#34
    def from(statement, graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# Represents an RDF Vocabulary. The difference from {RDF::Vocabulary} is that
# that every concept in the vocabulary is required to be declared. To assist
# in this, an existing RDF representation of the vocabulary can be loaded as
# the basis for concepts being available
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1308
class RDF::StrictVocabulary < ::RDF::Vocabulary
  class << self
    # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary.
    # @param name [#to_s]
    # @raise [KeyError] if property not defined in vocabulary
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1325
    def [](name); end

    def method_missing(*_arg0); end

    # Is this a strict vocabulary, or a liberal vocabulary allowing arbitrary properties?
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1317
    def strict?; end

# An RDF term.
# Terms can be used as subjects, predicates, objects, and graph names of
# statements.
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#9
module RDF::Term
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable

  # Compares `self` to `other` for sorting purposes.
  # Subclasses should override this to provide a more meaningful
  # implementation than the default which simply performs a string
  # comparison based on `#to_s`.
  # @abstract
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#23
  def <=>(other); end

  # Compares `self` to `other` to implement RDFterm-equal.
  # Subclasses should override this to provide a more meaningful
  # implementation than the default which simply performs a string
  # comparison based on `#to_s`.
  # @abstract
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#39
  def ==(other); end

  # Term compatibility according to SPARQL
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see
  # @since 2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#106
  def compatible?(other); end

  # Determins if `self` is the same term as `other`.
  # Subclasses should override this to provide a more meaningful
  # implementation than the default which simply performs a string
  # comparison based on `#to_s`.
  # @abstract
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Integer] `-1`, `0`, or `1`
  # @see
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#55
  def eql?(other); end

  # @overload term?
  # @overload term?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#69
  def term?(*args); end

  # Returns an array including just itself.
  # @return [Array<RDF::Value>]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#89
  def terms; end

  # Returns the base representation of this term.
  # @return [Sring]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#97
  def to_base; end

  # Returns itself.
  # @return [RDF::Value]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#81
  def to_term; end


  # Escape a term using escapes. This should be implemented as appropriate for the given type of term.
  # @param string [String]
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/term.rb#116
  def escape(string); end

# A transaction application mixin.
# Classes that include this module must provide a `#begin_transaction` method
# returning an {RDF::Transaction}.
# @example running a read/write transaction with block syntax
#   repository = # or other transactable
#   repository.transaction(mutable: true) do |tx|
#   tx.insert [:node, RDF.type, RDF::OWL.Thing]
#   # ...
#   end
# @see RDF::Transaction
# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/transactable.rb#18
module RDF::Transactable
  # Executes the given block in a transaction.
  # Raising an error within the transaction block causes automatic rollback.
  # @example running a transaction
  #   repository.transaction(mutable: true) do |tx|
  #   tx.insert [RDF::URI(""), RDF::RDFS.label, "RDF.rb"]
  #   end
  # @example manipulating a live transaction
  #   tx = repository.transaction(mutable: true)
  #   tx.insert [RDF::URI(""), RDF::RDFS.label, "RDF.rb"]
  #   tx.execute
  # @overload transaction
  # @overload transaction
  # @see RDF::Transaction
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/transactable.rb#50
  def transact(mutable: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Executes the given block in a transaction.
  # Raising an error within the transaction block causes automatic rollback.
  # @example running a transaction
  #   repository.transaction(mutable: true) do |tx|
  #   tx.insert [RDF::URI(""), RDF::RDFS.label, "RDF.rb"]
  #   end
  # @example manipulating a live transaction
  #   tx = repository.transaction(mutable: true)
  #   tx.insert [RDF::URI(""), RDF::RDFS.label, "RDF.rb"]
  #   tx.execute
  # @overload transaction
  # @overload transaction
  # @see RDF::Transaction
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/transactable.rb#50
  def transaction(mutable: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end


  # Begins a new transaction.
  # Subclasses implementing transaction-capable storage adapters may wish
  # to override this method in order to begin a transaction against the
  # underlying storage.
  # @param mutable [Boolean] Create a mutable or immutable transaction.
  # @param graph_name [Boolean] A default graph name for statements inserted
  #   or deleted (default: nil)
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [RDF::Transaction]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/transactable.rb#81
  def begin_transaction(mutable: T.unsafe(nil), graph_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Commits the given transaction.
  # Subclasses implementing transaction-capable storage adapters may wish
  # to override this method in order to commit the given transaction to
  # the underlying storage.
  # @param tx [RDF::Transaction]
  # @return [void] ignored
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/transactable.rb#105
  def commit_transaction(tx); end

  # Rolls back the given transaction.
  # @param tx [RDF::Transaction]
  # @return [void] ignored
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/transactable.rb#91
  def rollback_transaction(tx); end

# An RDF transaction.
# Transactions provide an ACID scope for queries and mutations.
# Repository implementations may provide support for transactional updates
# by providing an atomic implementation of {Mutable#apply_changeset} and
# responding to `#supports?(:atomic_write)` with `true`.
# We carefully distinguish between read-only and read/write transactions,
# in order to enable repository implementations to take out the
# appropriate locks for concurrency control. Transactions are read-only
# by default; mutability must be explicitly requested on construction in
# order to obtain a read/write transaction.
# Individual repositories may make their own sets of guarantees within the
# transaction's scope. In case repository implementations should be unable
# to provide full ACID guarantees for transactions, that must be clearly
# indicated in their documentation. If update atomicity is not provided,
# `#supports?(:atomic_write)` must respond `false`.
# The base class provides an atomic write implementation depending on
# {RDF::Changeset} and using {Changeset#apply}. Custom {Repository} classes
# can implement a minimial write-atomic transactions by overriding
# {#apply_changeset}.
# Reads within a transaction run against the live repository by default
# ({#isolation_level} is `:read_committed`). Repositories may provide support
# for snapshots by implementing {Repository#snapshot} and responding `true` to
# `#supports?(:snapshots)`. In this case, the transaction will use the
# {RDF::Dataset} returned by {#snapshot} for reads (`:repeatable_read`).
# For datastores that support transactions natively, implementation of a
# custom {Transaction} subclass is recommended. The {Repository} is
# responsible for specifying snapshot support and isolation level as
# appropriate. Note that repositories may provide the snapshot isolation level
# without implementing {#snapshot}.
# @example Executing a read-only transaction
#   repository =
#   RDF::Transaction.begin(repository) do |tx|
#   tx.query({predicate: RDF::Vocab::DOAP.developer}) do |statement|
#   puts statement.inspect
#   end
#   end
# @example Executing a read/write transaction
#   repository =
#   RDF::Transaction.begin(repository, mutable: true) do |tx|
#   subject = RDF::URI("")
#   tx.delete [subject, RDF::RDFS.label, "Old title"]
#   tx.insert [subject, RDF::RDFS.label, "New title"]
#   end
# @example A repository with a custom transaction class
#   class MyRepository < RDF::Repository
#   DEFAULT_TX_CLASS = MyTransaction
#   # ...
#   # custom repository logic
#   # ...
#   end
# @see RDF::Changeset
# @see RDF::Mutable#apply_changeset
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#69
class RDF::Transaction
  include ::RDF::Readable
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions
  include ::RDF::Writable
  include ::RDF::Mutable
  include ::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Countable
  include ::RDF::Enumerable
  include ::RDF::Queryable

  # Initializes this transaction.
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @param mutable [Boolean] (false)
  #   Whether this is a read-only or read/write transaction.
  # @raise [TransactionError]
  # @return [Transaction] a new instance of Transaction
  # @since 0.3.0
  # @yield [tx]
  # @yieldparam tx [RDF::Transaction]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#130
  def initialize(repository, graph_name: T.unsafe(nil), mutable: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # RDF statement mutations to apply when executed.
  # @return [RDF::Changeset]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#114
  def changes; end

  # @see RDF::Enumerable#each
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#76
  def each(*args, &block); end

  # Executes the transaction
  # @raise [TransactionError] if the transaction can't be applied
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the changes are successfully applied.
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#248
  def execute; end

  # The default graph name to apply to statements inserted or deleted by the
  # transaction.
  # @return [RDF::Resource, nil]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#107
  def graph_name; end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#216
  def has_statement?(*args); end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this transaction.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#229
  def inspect; end

  # Outputs a developer-friendly representation of this transaction to
  # `stderr`.
  # @return [void]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#239
  def inspect!; end

  # @see RDF::Dataset#isolation_level
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#154
  def isolation_level; end

  # Returns `true` if this is a read/write transaction, `false` otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Writable#mutable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#196
  def mutable?; end

  # Indicates whether the transaction includes changes relative to the target
  # repository's state at transaction start time.
  # The response is guaranteed to be `true` if executing the transaction
  # against the original repository state would cause a change. It may also
  # return `true` in cases where the repository would not change (e.g.
  # because the transaction would insert statements already present).
  # @note `Transaction` implementers may choose to `NotImplementedError`
  #   if the transaction implementation cannot be implemented efficiently.
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] if a mutation check is not implemented
  # @return [Boolean] true if the transaction has mutated (insert/delete)
  #   since transaction start time
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#175
  def mutated?; end

  # Any additional options for this transaction.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#120
  def options; end

  # Returns `true` to indicate that this transaction is readable.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Readable#readable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#205
  def readable?; end

  # The repository being operated upon.
  # @return [RDF::Repository]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#99
  def repository; end

  # Rolls back the transaction
  # @note: the base class simply replaces its current `Changeset` with a
  #   fresh one. Other implementations may need to explictly rollback
  #   at the supporting datastore.
  # @note: clients should not rely on using same transaction instance after
  #   rollback.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the changes are successfully applied.
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#265
  def rollback; end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#216
  def statement?(*args); end

  # Returns `true` if this is a read/write transaction, `false` otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Writable#writable?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#187
  def writable?; end


  # Appends an RDF statement to the sequence to delete when executed.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @return [void]
  # @see RDF::Mutable#delete_statement
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#288
  def delete_statement(statement); end

  # Appends an RDF statement to the sequence to insert when executed.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @return [void]
  # @see RDF::Writable#insert_statement
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#278
  def insert_statement(statement); end

  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#296
  def query_execute(*args, &block); end

  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#292
  def query_pattern(*args, &block); end


  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @private Adds the default graph_name to the statement, when one it does
  #   not already have one.
  # @return [RDF::Statement]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#310
  def process_statement(statement); end

  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#318
  def read_target; end

  class << self
    # Executes a transaction against the given RDF repository.
    # @param repository [RDF::Repository]
    # @param mutable [Boolean] (false)
    #   Whether this is a read-only or read/write transaction.
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
    # @return [void]
    # @since 0.3.0
    # @yield [tx]
    # @yieldparam tx [RDF::Transaction]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#90
    def begin(repository, mutable: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

# A transaction with full serializability.
# @see RDF::Transaction
# @since 0.3.0
# @todo refactor me!
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#331
class RDF::Transaction::SerializedTransaction < ::RDF::Transaction
  # @return [SerializedTransaction] a new instance of SerializedTransaction
  # @see Transaction#initialize
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#334
  def initialize(*args, **options, &block); end

  # Deletes the statement from the transaction's working snapshot.
  # @see Transaction#insert_statement
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#354
  def delete_statement(statement); end

  # Replaces repository data with the transaction's snapshot in a safely
  # serializable fashion.
  # @note this transaction uses a pessimistic merge strategy which
  #   fails the transaction if any data has changed in the repository
  #   since transaction start time. However, the specific guarantee is
  #   softer: multiple concurrent conflicting transactions will not
  #   succeed. We may choose to implement a less pessimistic merge
  #   strategy as a non-breaking change.
  # @raise [TransactionError] when the transaction can't be merged.
  # @see Transaction#execute
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#388
  def execute; end

  # Inserts the statement to the transaction's working snapshot.
  # @see Transaction#insert_statement
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#343
  def insert_statement(statement); end

  # @see RDF::Dataset#isolation_level
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#363
  def isolation_level; end

  # @note this is a simple object equality check.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @see RDF::Transaction#mutated?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#371
  def mutated?; end

# An error class for transaction failures.
# This error indicates that the transaction semantics have been violated in
# some way.
# @since 0.3.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/transaction.rb#405
class RDF::Transaction::TransactionError < ::RuntimeError; end

# An RDF type check mixin.
# This module implements #type_error, which will raise TypeError.
# @see RDF::Value
# @see RDF::Literal
# @see RDF::Literal
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/type_check.rb#10
module RDF::TypeCheck
  # Default implementation of type_error, which returns false.
  # Classes including RDF::TypeCheck will raise TypeError
  # instead.
  # @raise [TypeError]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/type_check.rb#17
  def type_error(message); end

# A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
# Also compatible with International Resource Identifier (IRI)
# @example Creating a URI reference (1)
#   uri ="")
# @example Creating a URI reference (2)
#   uri = 'http', host: '', path: '/gems/rdf')
#   #=>"")
# @example Creating an interned URI reference
#   uri = RDF::URI.intern("")
# @example Getting the string representation of a URI
#   uri.to_s #=> ""
# @see
# @see
# @see
# @see
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#28
class RDF::URI
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term
  include ::RDF::Resource

  # @overload initialize
  # @overload initialize
  # @return [URI] a new instance of URI
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#241
  def initialize(*args, validate: T.unsafe(nil), canonicalize: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # Simple concatenation operator.  Returns a URI formed from concatenating
  # the string form of two elements.
  # For building URIs from fragments, you may want to use the smart
  # separator, `#/`.  `#join` implements another set of URI building
  # semantics.
  # @example Concatenating a string to a URI
  #'') + 'test'
  #   #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @example Concatenating two URIs
  #'') +'test')
  #   #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @param other [Any]
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @see RDF::URI#/
  # @see RDF::URI#join
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#570
  def +(other); end

  # 'Smart separator' URI builder
  # This method attempts to use some understanding of the most common use
  # cases for URLs and URNs to create a simple method for building new URIs
  # from fragments.  This means that it will always insert a separator of
  # some sort, will remove duplicate seperators, will always assume that a
  # fragment argument represents a relative and not absolute path, and throws
  # an exception when an absolute URI is received for a fragment argument.
  # This is separate from the semantics for `#join`, which are well-defined by
  # RFC3986 section 5.2 as part of the merging and normalization process;
  # this method does not perform any normalization, removal of spurious
  # paths, or removal of parent directory references `(/../)`.
  # When `fragment` is a path segment containing a colon, best practice is to prepend a `./` and use {#join}, which resolves dot-segments.
  # See also `#+`, which concatenates the string forms of two URIs without
  # any sort of checking or processing.
  # For an up-to-date list of edge case behavior, see the shared examples for
  # RDF::URI in the rdf-spec project.
  # @example Building a HTTP URL
  #'') / 'jhacker' / 'foaf.ttl'
  #   #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @example Building a HTTP URL (absolute path components)
  #'') / '/jhacker/' / '/foaf.ttl'
  #   #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @example Using an anchored base URI
  #'') / 'jhacker'
  #   #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @example Building a URN
  #'urn:isbn') / 125235111
  #   #=> RDF::URI('urn:isbn:125235111')
  # @param fragment [Any] A URI fragment to be appended to this URI
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the URI is invalid
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @see RDF::URI#+
  # @see RDF::URI#join
  # @see <>
  # @see <>
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#515
  def /(fragment); end

  # Checks whether this URI is equal to `other` (type checking).
  # Per SPARQL data-r2/expr-equal/eq-2-2, numeric can't be compared with other types
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('') == RDF::URI('')    #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('') == ''              #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('') == RDF::RDFS        #=> true
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#775
  def ==(other); end

  # Checks for case equality to the given `other` object.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('') === /example/           #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('') === /foobar/            #=> false
  #   RDF::URI('') === RDF::URI('')   #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('') === ''             #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('') === RDF::RDFS       #=> true
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#799
  def ===(other); end

  # Performs a pattern match using the given regular expression.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('') =~ /example/            #=> 7
  #   RDF::URI('') =~ /foobar/             #=> nil
  # @param pattern [Regexp]
  # @return [Integer] the position the match starts
  # @see String#=~
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#817
  def =~(pattern); end

  # Dump of data needed to reconsitute this object using Marshal.load
  # This override is needed to avoid serializing @mutex.
  # @param level [Integer] The maximum depth of objects to dump.
  # @return [String] The dump of data needed to reconsitute this object.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1332
  def _dump(level); end

  # A URI is absolute when it has a scheme
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#321
  def absolute?; end

  # Authority is a combination of user, password, host and port
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1169
  def authority; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1178
  def authority=(value); end

  # Returns a copy of this URI converted into its canonical lexical
  # representation.
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#391
  def canonicalize; end

  # Converts this URI into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::URI] `self`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#401
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Returns a duplicate copy of `self`.
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#712
  def dup; end

  # Returns `true` if this URI ends with the given `string`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').end_with?('/')          #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('').end_with?('#')          #=> false
  # @param string [String, #to_s]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see String#end_with?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#743
  def end_with?(string); end

  # Returns `true` if this URI ends with the given `string`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').end_with?('/')          #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('').end_with?('#')          #=> false
  # @param string [String, #to_s]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see String#end_with?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#743
  def ends_with?(string); end

  # Checks whether this URI the same term as `other`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').eql?(RDF::URI(''))    #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('').eql?('')              #=> false
  #   RDF::URI('').eql?(RDF::RDFS) #=> false
  # @param other [RDF::URI]
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#758
  def eql?(other); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1145
  def fragment; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1154
  def fragment=(value); end

  # @private
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#718
  def freeze; end

  # Returns `true` if this URI is hierarchical and it's path component isn't equal to `/`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').parent?             #=> false
  #   RDF::URI('').parent?        #=> true
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#616
  def has_parent?; end

  # Returns a hash code for this URI.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#868
  def hash; end

  # Returns `true` if the URI scheme is hierarchical.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').hier?                    #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('urn:isbn:125235111').hier?                     #=> false
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # @since 1.0.10
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#301
  def hier?; end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#997
  def host; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1006
  def host=(value); end

  # Returns a <code>String</code> representation of the URI object's state.
  # @return [String] The URI object's state, as a <code>String</code>.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#846
  def inspect; end

  # Joins several URIs together.
  # This method conforms to join normalization semantics as per RFC3986,
  # section 5.2.  This method normalizes URIs, removes some duplicate path
  # information, such as double slashes, and other behavior specified in the
  # RFC.
  # Other URI building methods are `#/` and `#+`.
  # For an up-to-date list of edge case behavior, see the shared examples for
  # RDF::URI in the rdf-spec project.
  # @example Joining two URIs
  #   #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @param uris [Array<String, RDF::URI, #to_s>] absolute or relative URIs.
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @see <>
  # @see <>
  # @see RDF::URI#/
  # @see RDF::URI#+
  # @see
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#439
  def join(*uris); end

  # Returns the string length of this URI.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').length                  #=> 19
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#358
  def length; end

  # Returns a copy of this URI converted into its canonical lexical
  # representation.
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#391
  def normalize; end

  # Converts this URI into its canonical lexical representation.
  # @return [RDF::URI] `self`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#401
  def normalize!; end

  # Return normalized version of authority, if any
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1189
  def normalized_authority; end

  # Normalized version of fragment
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1163
  def normalized_fragment; end

  # Normalized version of host
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1016
  def normalized_host; end

  # Normalized version of password
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#989
  def normalized_password; end

  # Normalized version of path
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1077
  def normalized_path; end

  # Normalized version of port
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1044
  def normalized_port; end

  # Normalized version of query
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1139
  def normalized_query; end

  # Return normalized version of scheme, if any
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#937
  def normalized_scheme; end

  # Normalized version of user
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#963
  def normalized_user; end

  # Normalized version of userinfo
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1219
  def normalized_userinfo; end

  # Returns object representation of this URI, broken into components
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => String}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#876
  def object; end

  # Returns a copy of this URI with the path component ascended to the
  # parent directory, if any.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').parent                  #=> nil
  #   RDF::URI('').parent             #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#630
  def parent; end

  # Returns `true` if this URI is hierarchical and it's path component isn't equal to `/`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').parent?             #=> false
  #   RDF::URI('').parent?        #=> true
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#616
  def parent?; end

  # {
  # Parse a URI into it's components
  # @param value [String, to_s]
  # @return [Object{Symbol => String}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#886
  def parse(value); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#969
  def password; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#978
  def password=(value); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1053
  def path; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1062
  def path=(value); end

  # Returns a Prefixed Name (PName) or the full IRI with any [reserved characters]( in the suffix escaped.
  # @example Using a custom prefix for creating a PNname.
  #   RDF::URI('').
  #   pname(prefixes: {dcterms: ''})
  #   #=> "dcterms:creator"
  # @param prefixes [Hash{Symbol => String}] Explicit set of prefixes to look for matches, defaults to loaded vocabularies.
  # @return [String] or `nil`
  # @see #qname
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#699
  def pname(prefixes: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1025
  def port; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1034
  def port=(value); end

  # Returns a qualified name (QName) as a tuple of `[prefix, suffix]` for this URI based on available vocabularies, if possible.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').qname       #=> [:rdfs, nil]
  #   RDF::URI('').qname  #=> [:rdfs, :label]
  #   RDF::RDFS.label.qname                                         #=> [:rdfs, :label]
  #   RDF::Vocab::DC.title.qname(
  #   prefixes: {dcterms: ''})           #=> [:dcterms, :title]
  # @note within this software, the term QName is used to describe the tuple of prefix and suffix for a given IRI, where the prefix identifies some defined vocabulary. This somewhat contrasts with the notion of a [Qualified Name]( from XML, which are a subset of Prefixed Names.
  # @param prefixes [Hash{Symbol => String}] Explicit set of prefixes to look for matches, defaults to loaded vocabularies.
  # @return [Array(Symbol, Symbol)] or `nil` if no QName found. The suffix component will not have [reserved characters]( escaped.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#659
  def qname(prefixes: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1121
  def query; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1130
  def query=(value); end

  # Converts the query component to a Hash value.
  # @example
  #   #=> {"one" => "1", "two" => "2", "three" => "3"}
  #   #=> [["one", "two"], ["one", "three"]]
  #   #=> {"one" => ["two", "three"]}
  # @param return_type [Class] (Hash)
  #   The return type desired. Value must be either #   `Hash` or `Array`.
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # @return [Hash, Array] The query string parsed as a Hash or Array object.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1237
  def query_values(return_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the query component for this URI from a Hash object.
  # An empty Hash or Array will result in an empty query string.
  # @example Hash with single and array values
  #   uri.query_values = {a: "a", b: ["c", "d", "e"]}
  #   uri.query
  #   # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e"
  # @example Array with Array values including repeated variables
  #   uri.query_values = [['a', 'a'], ['b', 'c'], ['b', 'd'], ['b', 'e']]
  #   uri.query
  #   # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e"
  # @example Array with Array values including multiple elements
  #   uri.query_values = [['a', 'a'], ['b', ['c', 'd', 'e']]]
  #   uri.query
  #   # => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e"
  # @example Array with Array values having only one entry
  #   uri.query_values = [['flag'], ['key', 'value']]
  #   uri.query
  #   # => "flag&key=value"
  # @param value [Hash, #to_hash, Array] The new query values.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1285
  def query_values=(value); end

  # A URI is relative when it does not have a scheme
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#326
  def relative?; end

  # Attempt to make this URI relative to the provided `base_uri`. If successful, returns a relative URI, otherwise the original URI
  # @param base_uri [#to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#331
  def relativize(base_uri); end

  # The HTTP request URI for this URI.  This is the path and the
  # query string.
  # @return [String] The request URI required for an HTTP request.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1319
  def request_uri; end

  # Returns a copy of this URI with the path component set to `/`.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').root                    #=> RDF::URI('')
  #   RDF::URI('').root               #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#598
  def root; end

  # Returns `true` if this URI's scheme is not hierarchical,
  # or its path component is equal to `/`.
  # Protocols not using hierarchical components are always considered
  # to be at the root.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').root?                   #=> true
  #   RDF::URI('').root?              #=> false
  #   RDF::URI('urn:isbn').root?                              #=> true
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#586
  def root?; end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#919
  def scheme; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#928
  def scheme=(value); end

  # Returns the string length of this URI.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').length                  #=> 19
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#358
  def size; end

  # Returns object representation of this URI, broken into components
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => String}]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#876
  def to_h; end

  # Returns the string representation of this URI.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').to_str                  #=> ''
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#839
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the string representation of this URI.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').to_str                  #=> ''
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#839
  def to_str; end

  # Returns `self`.
  # @return [RDF::URI] `self`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#828
  def to_uri; end

  # Returns `true`.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#273
  def uri?; end

  # Returns `true` if this URI is a URL.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').url?                    #=> true
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#314
  def url?; end

  # Returns `true` if this URI is a URN.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').urn?                    #=> false
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#286
  def urn?; end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#943
  def user; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#952
  def user=(value); end

  # Userinfo is a combination of user and password
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1199
  def userinfo; end

  # @param value [String, #to_s]
  # @return [RDF::URI] self
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1208
  def userinfo=(value); end

  # Determine if the URI is a valid according to RFC3987
  # Note that RDF URIs syntactically can contain Unicode escapes, which are unencoded in the internal representation. To validate, %-encode specifically excluded characters from IRIREF
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#370
  def valid?; end

  # Validates this URI, raising an error if it is invalid.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the URI is invalid
  # @return [RDF::URI] `self`
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#380
  def validate!; end

  # lexical representation of URI, either absolute or relative
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#853
  def value; end


  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1372
  def format_authority; end

  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1364
  def format_userinfo(append = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Normalize a segment using a character range
  # @param value [String]
  # @param expr [Regexp] matches characters to be encoded
  # @param downcase [Boolean]
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1355
  def normalize_segment(value, expr, downcase = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # Load dumped data to reconsitute marshaled object
    # This override is needed to avoid serializing @mutex.
    # @param data [String] The dump of data needed to reconsitute this object.
    # @return [RDF::URI] The reconsituted object.
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1342
    def _load(data); end

    # Cache size may be set through {RDF.config} using `uri_cache_size`.
    # @private
    # @return [RDF::Util::Cache]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#140
    def cache; end

    # URI decode escape sequences in value
    # From URI gem, as this is now generally deprecated
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1395
    def decode(str); end

    # URI encode matching characters in value
    # From URI gem, as this is now generally deprecated
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1382
    def encode(str, expr); end

    # Returns an interned `RDF::URI` instance based on the given `uri`
    # string.
    # The maximum number of cached interned URI references is given by the
    # `CACHE_SIZE` constant. This value is unlimited by default, in which
    # case an interned URI object will be purged only when the last strong
    # reference to it is garbage collected (i.e., when its finalizer runs).
    # Excepting special memory-limited circumstances, it should always be
    # safe and preferred to construct new URI references using
    # `RDF::URI.intern` instead of ``, since if an interned
    # object can't be returned for some reason, this method will fall back
    # to returning a freshly-allocated one.
    # (see #initialize)
    # @return [RDF::URI] an immutable, frozen URI object
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#162
    def intern(str, *args, **options); end

    # Resolve paths to their simplest form.
    # @param path [String]
    # @return [String] normalized path
    # @see
    # @todo This process is correct, but overly iterative. It could be better done with a single regexp which handled most of the segment collapses all at once. Parent segments would still require iteration.
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#187
    def normalize_path(path); end

    # Creates a new `RDF::URI` instance based on the given `uri` string.
    # This is just an alias for {RDF::URI#initialize} for compatibity
    # with `Addressable::URI.parse`. Actual parsing is defered
    # until {#object} is accessed.
    # @param str [String, #to_s]
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#175
    def parse(str); end

# ifragment      = *( ipchar / "/" / "?" )
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#133
RDF::URI::ENCODE_IFRAGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# iquery         = *( ipchar / iprivate / "/" / "?" )
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#131
RDF::URI::ENCODE_IQUERY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# isegment = *ipchar
# ipchar = iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#127
RDF::URI::ENCODE_ISEGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# isegment-nz-nc = 1*( iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#129
RDF::URI::ENCODE_ISEGMENT_NC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#124
RDF::URI::ENCODE_PASSWORD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# For URI encoding
# iuserinfo = *( iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#123
RDF::URI::ENCODE_USER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#45
RDF::URI::GEN_DELIMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#993
RDF::URI::HOST_FROM_AUTHORITY_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#71
RDF::URI::IAUTHORITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#56
RDF::URI::IFRAGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#76
RDF::URI::IHIER_PART = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#69
RDF::URI::IHOST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#62
RDF::URI::IPATH_ABEMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#63
RDF::URI::IPATH_ABSOLUTE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#66
RDF::URI::IPATH_EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#64
RDF::URI::IPATH_NOSCHEME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#65
RDF::URI::IPATH_ROOTLESS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#52
RDF::URI::IPCHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#40
RDF::URI::IPRIVATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Simplified, no IPvFuture
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#43
RDF::URI::IP_literal = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#54
RDF::URI::IQUERY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#68
RDF::URI::IREG_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#73
RDF::URI::IRELATIVE_PART = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#74
RDF::URI::IRELATIVE_REF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#77
RDF::URI::IRI = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Split an IRI into it's component parts
# scheme, authority, path, query, fragment
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#81
RDF::URI::IRI_PARTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#58
RDF::URI::ISEGMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#59
RDF::URI::ISEGMENT_NZ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#60
RDF::URI::ISEGMENT_NZ_NC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#50
RDF::URI::IUNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#70
RDF::URI::IUSERINFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# List of schemes known not to be hierarchical
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#110
RDF::URI::NON_HIER_SCHEMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#44
RDF::URI::PCT_ENCODED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#119
RDF::URI::PN_ESCAPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Characters in a PName which must be escaped
# Note: not all reserved characters need to be escaped in SPARQL/Turtle, but they must be unescaped when encountered
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#118
RDF::URI::PN_ESCAPE_CHARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#42
RDF::URI::PORT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#1021
RDF::URI::PORT_FROM_AUTHORITY_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# Remove port, if it is standard for the scheme when normalizing
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#93
RDF::URI::PORT_MAPPING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Remove dot expressions regular expressions
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#84
RDF::URI::RDS_2A = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#85
RDF::URI::RDS_2B1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#86
RDF::URI::RDS_2B2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#87
RDF::URI::RDS_2C1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#88
RDF::URI::RDS_2C2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#89
RDF::URI::RDS_2D = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#90
RDF::URI::RDS_2E = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#47
RDF::URI::RESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#41
RDF::URI::SCHEME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#46
RDF::URI::SUB_DELIMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# IRI components
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#32
RDF::URI::UCSCHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/uri.rb#48
RDF::URI::UNRESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util.rb#1
module RDF::Util; end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#2
module RDF::Util::Aliasing; end

# Helpers for late-bound instance method aliasing.
# Anything that extends this module will obtain an `alias_method` class
# method that creates late-bound instance method aliases instead of the
# default early-bound aliases created by Ruby's `Module#alias_method`.
# This is useful because RDF.rb mixins typically alias a number of
# overridable methods. For example, `RDF::Enumerable#count` has the
# aliases `#size` and `#length`. Normally if implementing classes were
# to override the default method, the aliased methods would still be
# bound to the mixin's original reference implementation rather than the
# new overridden method. Mixing in this module into the implementing
# class fixes this problem.
# @example Using late-bound aliasing in a module
#   module MyModule
#   extend RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound
#   end
# @example Using late-bound aliasing in a class
#   class MyClass
#   extend RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound
#   end
# @see
# @since 0.2.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#30
module RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound
  # Makes `new_name` a late-bound alias of the method `old_name`.
  # @example Aliasing the `#count` method to `#size` and `#length`
  #   alias_method :size,   :count
  #   alias_method :length, :count
  # @param new_name [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @param old_name [Symbol, #to_sym]
  # @return [void]
  # @see
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#42
  def alias_method(new_name, old_name); end

# A `Hash`-like cache that holds only weak references to the values it
# caches, meaning that values contained in the cache can be garbage
# collected. This allows the cache to dynamically adjust to changing
# memory conditions, caching more objects when memory is plentiful, but
# evicting most objects if memory pressure increases to the point of
# scarcity.
# While this cache is something of an internal implementation detail of
# RDF.rb, some external libraries do currently make use of it as well,
# including [SPARQL]( and
# [Spira]( Do be sure to include any changes
# here in the RDF.rb changelog.
# @see RDF::URI.intern
# @see
# @since 0.2.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#19
class RDF::Util::Cache
  # @param capacity [Integer]
  # @return [Cache] a new instance of Cache
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#42
  def initialize(capacity = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The configured cache capacity.
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#21
  def capacity; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#56
  def capacity?; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#56
  def has_capacity?; end

  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#50
  def size; end

  class << self
    # @private
    # @since 0.2.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#25
    def new(*args); end

# This implementation relies on `ObjectSpace#_id2ref` and performs
# optimally on Ruby >= 2.x; however, it does not work on JRuby
# by default since much `ObjectSpace` functionality on that platform is
# disabled unless the `-X+O` startup option is given.
# @see
# @see
# @since 0.2.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#69
class RDF::Util::Cache::ObjectSpaceCache < ::RDF::Util::Cache
  # @param key [Object]
  # @return [Object]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#73
  def [](key); end

  # @param key [Object]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @return [Object]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#83
  def []=(key, value); end

  # Remove cache entry for key
  # @param key [Object]
  # @return [Object] the previously referenced object
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#98
  def delete(key); end


  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#106
  def finalizer_proc; end

# This implementation uses the `WeakRef` class from Ruby's standard
# library, and provides adequate performance on JRuby and on Ruby 3.x.
# @see
# @since 0.2.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#116
class RDF::Util::Cache::WeakRefCache < ::RDF::Util::Cache
  # @param capacity [Integer]
  # @return [WeakRefCache] a new instance of WeakRefCache
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#119
  def initialize(capacity = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @param key [Object]
  # @return [Object]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#127
  def [](key); end

  # @param key [Object]
  # @param value [Object]
  # @return [Object]
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#142
  def []=(key, value); end

  # Remove cache entry for key
  # @param key [Object]
  # @return [Object] the previously referenced object
  # @since 0.2.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/cache.rb#154
  def delete(key); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/coercions.rb#4
module RDF::Util::Coercions

  # Coerce an array of arguments into {RDF::Statement}, or
  # {RDF::Enumerable} and then yield to a block. Note that this
  # code was amalgamated from that which was sandwiched around
  # both {RDF::Writable#insert_statements} and
  # {RDF::Mutable#delete_statements}. The parameters `query` and
  # `constant` are therefore present to handle the conditions
  # where the statements contain wildcards and what to do about
  # them.
  # @example
  #   coerce_statements(statements) { |value| do_something(value) }
  # @param statements [#map] The arbitrary-ish input to be manipulated
  # @param query [false, true] Whether to call `query` before the block
  #   (as expected by {Mutable#delete_statements})
  # @param constant [false, true] Whether to test if the statements
  #   are constant (as expected by {Mutable#delete_statements})
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # @return statements
  # @yield [RDF::Statement, RDF::Enumerable]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/coercions.rb#32
  def coerce_statements(statements, query: T.unsafe(nil), constant: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

# Wrapper for retrieving RDF resources from HTTP(S) and file: scheme locations.
# By default, HTTP(S) resources are retrieved using Net::HTTP. However,
# If the [Rest Client]( gem is included,
# it will be used for retrieving resources, allowing for
# sophisticated HTTP caching using [REST Client Components](
# allowing the use of `Rack::Cache` to avoid network access.
# To use other HTTP clients, consumers can subclass
# {RDF::Util::File::HttpAdapter} and set the {RDF::Util::File.}.
# Also supports the file: scheme for access to local files.
# @since 0.2.4
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#23
module RDF::Util::File
  class << self
    # Get current HTTP adapter. If no adapter has been explicitly set,
    # use RestClientAdapter (if RestClient is loaded), or the NetHttpAdapter
    # @param use_net_http [Boolean] use the NetHttpAdapter, even if other
    #   adapters have been configured
    # @return [HttpAdapter]
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#244
    def http_adapter(use_net_http = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Set the HTTP adapter
    # @param http_adapter [HttpAdapter]
    # @return [HttpAdapter]
    # @see .http_adapter
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#232
    def http_adapter=(http_adapter); end

    # Open the file, returning or yielding {RemoteDocument}.
    # Input received as non-unicode, is transformed to UTF-8. With Ruby >= 2.2, all UTF is normalized to [Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC)](
    # HTTP resources may be retrieved via proxy using the `proxy` option. If `RestClient` is loaded, they will use the proxy globally by setting something like the following:
    #     `RestClient.proxy = ""`.
    # When retrieving documents over HTTP(S), use the mechanism described in [Providing and Discovering URI Documentation]( to pass the appropriate `base_uri` to the block or as the return.
    # Applications needing HTTP caching may consider [Rest Client]( and [REST Client Components]( allowing the use of `Rack::Cache` as a local file cache.
    # @example using a local HTTP cache
    #   require 'restclient/components'
    #   require 'rack/cache'
    #   RestClient.enable Rack::Cache
    #   RDF::Util::File.open_file("")
    #   # => Cached resource if current, otherwise returned resource
    # @param filename_or_url [String] to open
    # @param proxy [String] HTTP Proxy to use for requests.
    # @param headers [Array, String] ({})
    #   HTTP Request headers
    #   Defaults `Accept` header based on available reader content types to allow for content negotiation based on available readers.
    #   Defaults  `User-Agent` header, unless one is specified.
    # @param verify_none [Boolean] (false)
    #   Don't verify SSL certificates
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options are ignored in this implementation. Applications are encouraged
    #   to override this implementation to provide more control over HTTP
    #   headers and redirect following. If opening as a file,
    #   options are passed to ``.
    # @raise [IOError] if not found
    # @return [RemoteDocument, Object] A {RemoteDocument}. If a block is given, the result of evaluating the block is returned.
    # @since 0.2.4
    # @yield [RemoteDocument] A {RemoteDocument} for local files
    # @yieldreturn [Object] returned from open_file
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#299
    def open_file(filename_or_url, proxy: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), verify_none: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

# Use Faraday for retrieving resources
# @since 1.2
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#179
class RDF::Util::File::FaradayAdapter < ::RDF::Util::File::HttpAdapter
  class << self
    # Get the Faraday::Connection to use for retrieving RDF resources,
    # or a default connect that follows redirects.
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#190
    def conn; end

    # Set the Faraday::Connection to use for retrieving RDF resources
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#183
    def conn=(conn); end

    # @abstract
    # @param base_uri [String] to open
    # @param proxy [String] HTTP Proxy to use for requests.
    # @param headers [Array, String] ({})
    #   HTTP Request headers
    #   Defaults `Accept` header based on available reader content types to allow for content negotiation based on available readers.
    #   Defaults  `User-Agent` header, unless one is specified.
    # @param verify_none [Boolean] (false)
    #   Don't verify SSL certificates
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options are ignored in this implementation. Applications are encouraged
    #   to override this implementation to provide more control over HTTP
    #   headers and redirect following.
    # @raise [IOError] if not found
    # @return [RemoteDocument, Object] A {RemoteDocument}. If a block is given, the result of evaluating the block is returned.
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#199
    def open_url(base_uri, proxy: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), verify_none: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# @abstract Subclass and override {.open_url} to implement a custom adapter
# @since 1.2
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#28
class RDF::Util::File::HttpAdapter
  class << self
    # @return [String] the value for an Accept header
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#41
    def default_accept_header; end

    # @return [String] the default User-Agent used when fetching resources.
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#47
    def default_user_agent; end

    # @param headers [Array, String] HTTP Request headers
    # @return [Hash] A hash of HTTP request headers
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#33
    def headers(headers: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @abstract
    # @param base_uri [String] to open
    # @param proxy [String] HTTP Proxy to use for requests.
    # @param headers [Array, String] ({})
    #   HTTP Request headers
    #   Defaults `Accept` header based on available reader content types to allow for content negotiation based on available readers.
    #   Defaults  `User-Agent` header, unless one is specified.
    # @param verify_none [Boolean] (false)
    #   Don't verify SSL certificates
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options are ignored in this implementation. Applications are encouraged
    #   to override this implementation to provide more control over HTTP
    #   headers and redirect following.
    # @raise [IOError] if not found
    # @return [RemoteDocument, Object] A {RemoteDocument}. If a block is given, the result of evaluating the block is returned.
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#70
    def open_url(base_uri, proxy: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), verify_none: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# Net::HTTP adapter to retrieve resources without additional dependencies
# @since 1.2
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#117
class RDF::Util::File::NetHttpAdapter < ::RDF::Util::File::HttpAdapter
  class << self
    # @abstract
    # @param base_uri [String] to open
    # @param proxy [String] HTTP Proxy to use for requests.
    # @param headers [Array, String] ({})
    #   HTTP Request headers
    #   Defaults `Accept` header based on available reader content types to allow for content negotiation based on available readers.
    #   Defaults  `User-Agent` header, unless one is specified.
    # @param verify_none [Boolean] (false)
    #   Don't verify SSL certificates
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options are ignored in this implementation. Applications are encouraged
    #   to override this implementation to provide more control over HTTP
    #   headers and redirect following.
    # @raise [IOError] if not found
    # @return [RemoteDocument, Object] A {RemoteDocument}. If a block is given, the result of evaluating the block is returned.
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#119
    def open_url(base_uri, proxy: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), verify_none: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# A RemoteDocument contains the body and headers of a remote resource.
# Link headers are parsed using the `LinkHeader` gem
# @see
# @since 0.2.4
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#351
class RDF::Util::File::RemoteDocument < ::StringIO
  # Set content
  # @param body [String] entity content of request.
  # @return [RemoteDocument] a new instance of RemoteDocument
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#392
  def initialize(body, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Base URI based on resource location or returned Location header.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#354
  def base_uri; end

  # Encoding of resource (from Content-Type), downcased. Also applied to content if it is UTF
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#362
  def charset; end

  # Response code
  # @return [Integer]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#370
  def code; end

  # Returns a list of encodings in Content-Encoding field as an array of strings.
  # The encodings are downcased for canonicalization.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#441
  def content_encoding; end

  # Content-Type of the returned resource
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#358
  def content_type; end

  # ETag from headers
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#375
  def etag; end

  # Raw headers from response
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#383
  def headers; end

  # Last-Modified time from headers
  # @return [DateTime]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#379
  def last_modified; end

  # Return links from the Link header.
  # Links can be returned in array form, or searched.
  # @example
  #   d =
  #   describedby = links.find_link(['rel', 'describedby']).href
  # @return [::LinkHeader]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#456
  def links; end

  # Parameters from Content-Type
  # @return [Symbol => String] ]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#366
  def parameters; end

  # Originally requested URL
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#387
  def requested_url; end

# If the [Rest Client]( gem is included,
# it will be used for retrieving resources allowing for
# sophisticated HTTP caching using [REST Client Components](
# allowing the use of `Rack::Cache` to avoid network access.
# @since 1.2
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#81
class RDF::Util::File::RestClientAdapter < ::RDF::Util::File::HttpAdapter
  class << self
    # @abstract
    # @param base_uri [String] to open
    # @param proxy [String] HTTP Proxy to use for requests.
    # @param headers [Array, String] ({})
    #   HTTP Request headers
    #   Defaults `Accept` header based on available reader content types to allow for content negotiation based on available readers.
    #   Defaults  `User-Agent` header, unless one is specified.
    # @param verify_none [Boolean] (false)
    #   Don't verify SSL certificates
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options are ignored in this implementation. Applications are encouraged
    #   to override this implementation to provide more control over HTTP
    #   headers and redirect following.
    # @raise [IOError] if not found
    # @return [RemoteDocument, Object] A {RemoteDocument}. If a block is given, the result of evaluating the block is returned.
    # @since 1.2
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/file.rb#83
    def open_url(base_uri, proxy: T.unsafe(nil), headers: T.unsafe(nil), verify_none: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# Helpers for logging errors, warnings and debug information.
# Modules must provide `@logger`, which returns an instance of `Logger`, or something responding to `#<<`. Logger may also be specified using an `@options` hash containing a `:logger` entry.
# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#11
module RDF::Util::Logger
  # Debug message.
  # @overload log_debug
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#179
  def log_debug(*args, level: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # @overload log_depth
  # @overload log_depth
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#197
  def log_depth(depth: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Used for non-fatal errors where processing can continue. If `logger` is not configured, it logs to `$stderr`.
  # As a side-effect of setting `@logger_in_error`, which will suppress further error messages until cleared using {#log_recover}.
  # @overload log_error
  # @raise []
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#89
  def log_error(*args, level: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Used for fatal errors where processing cannot continue. If `logger` is not configured, it logs to `$stderr`.
  # @overload log_fatal
  # @raise [options.fetch(:exception, StandardError)]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#64
  def log_fatal(*args, level: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Informational message.
  # @overload log_info
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#161
  def log_info(*args, level: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Recovers from an error condition. If `args` are passed, sent as an informational message
  # As a side-effect of clearing `@logger_in_error`.
  # @overload log_recover
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#140
  def log_recover(*args, level: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # In recovery mode? When `log_error` is called, we enter recovery mode. This is cleared when `log_recover` is called.
  # @option options
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#101
  def log_recovering?(**options); end

  # Number of times logger has been called at each level
  # @option options
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Integer}]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#43
  def log_statistics(**options); end

  # Warning message.
  # @overload log_warn
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#120
  def log_warn(*args, level: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Logger instance, found using `options[:logger]`, `@logger`, or `@options[:logger]`
  # @option options
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}]
  # @return [Logger, #write, #<<]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#20
  def logger(logger: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end


  # Common method for logging messages
  # The call is ignored, unless `@logger` or `@options[:logger]` is set, in which case it records tracing information as indicated.
  # @overload logger_common
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#223
  def logger_common(*args, level:, **options); end

# The IOWrapper class is used to store per-logger state while wrapping an IO such as $stderr.
# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#0
class RDF::Util::Logger::IOWrapper
  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def <<(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def <=>(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#402
  def __getobj__; end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#409
  def __setobj__(obj); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def abort(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def acts_like?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def advise(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def all?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def any?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def as_json(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def autoclose=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def autoclose?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def beep(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def binmode(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def binmode?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def blank?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def chain(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def check_winsize_changed(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def chunk(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def chunk_while(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def clear_screen(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def close(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def close_on_exec=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def close_on_exec?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def close_read(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def close_write(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def closed?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def collect(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def collect_concat(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def compact(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def compact_blank(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def console_mode(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def console_mode=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cooked(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cooked!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def count(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cursor(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cursor=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cursor_down(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cursor_left(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cursor_right(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cursor_up(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def cycle(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def deep_dup(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def detect(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def drop(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def drop_while(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def duplicable?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_byte(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_char(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_codepoint(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_cons(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_entry(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_line(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_slice(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_with_index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def each_with_object(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def echo=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def echo?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def entries(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def eof(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def eof?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def erase_line(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def erase_screen(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def exclude?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def excluding(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def exit(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def external_encoding(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def fcntl(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def fdatasync(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def fileno(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def filter(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def filter_map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def find(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def find_all(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def find_index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def first(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def flat_map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def flush(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def fsync(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def getbyte(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def getc(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def getch(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def getpass(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def gets(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def goto(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def goto_column(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def grep(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def grep_v(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def group_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def hash(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def html_safe?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def iflush(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def in?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def in_order_of(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def include?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def including(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def index_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def index_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def inject(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def instance_values(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def instance_variable_names(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def internal_encoding(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def ioctl(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def ioflush(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def isatty(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def lazy(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def lineno(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def lineno=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def many?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def max(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def max_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def maximum(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def member?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def min(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def min_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def minimum(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def minmax(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def minmax_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def noecho(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def nonblock(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def nonblock=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def nonblock?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def none?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def nread(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def oflush(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def one?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def partition(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def path(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pathconf(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pick(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pid(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pluck(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pos(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pos=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pread(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def presence(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def presence_in(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def present?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pressed?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pretty_print(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pretty_print_cycle(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pretty_print_inspect(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pretty_print_instance_variables(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def print(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def printf(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def putc(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def puts(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def pwrite(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def raw(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def raw!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def read(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def read_nonblock(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def readbyte(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def readchar(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def readline(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def readlines(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def readpartial(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def ready?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def reduce(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def reject(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def reopen(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def require(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def require_dependency(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def reverse_each(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def rewind(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def scroll_backward(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def scroll_forward(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def seek(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def select(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def set_encoding(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def set_encoding_by_bom(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def slice_after(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def slice_before(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def slice_when(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sole(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sort(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sort_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def stat(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sum(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sync(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sync=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sysread(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def sysseek(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def syswrite(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def take(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def take_while(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def tally(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def tell(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def timeout(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def timeout=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_a(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_h(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_i(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_io(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_json(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_param(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_path(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_query(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_set(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def to_yaml(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def try(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def try!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def tty?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def ungetbyte(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def ungetc(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def uniq(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def wait(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def wait_priority(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def wait_readable(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def wait_writable(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def winsize(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def winsize=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def with_options(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def without(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def write(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def write_nonblock(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#347
  def zip(*args, **_arg1, &block); end

  class << self
    # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#436
    def instance_method(name); end

    # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#427
    def instance_methods(all = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#424
    def protected_instance_methods(all = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#430
    def public_instance_method(name); end

    # source://delegate/0.3.1/delegate.rb#421
    def public_instance_methods(all = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#202
RDF::Util::Logger::LOGGER_COMMON_LEVELS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#205
RDF::Util::Logger::LOGGER_COMMON_LEVELS_REVERSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Module which is mixed-in to found logger to provide statistics and depth behavior
# @since 2.0.0
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#239
module RDF::Util::Logger::LoggerBehavior
  # @overload log_depth
  # @overload log_depth
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#260
  def log_depth(depth: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#242
  def log_statistics; end

  # Give Logger like behavior to non-logger objects
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#273
  def method_missing(method, *args); end

  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#240
  def recovering; end

  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#240
  def recovering=(_arg0); end


  # @return [Boolean]
  # @since 2.0.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/logger.rb#289
  def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Utilities for UUID handling.
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/uuid.rb#6
module RDF::Util::UUID
  class << self
    # Generates a UUID string.
    # This will make use of either the [UUID][] gem or the [UUIDTools][]
    # gem, whichever of the two happens to be available.
    # [UUID]:
    # [UUIDTools]:
    # @param format [:default, :compact, :urn] (:default)
    # @raise [LoadError] if no UUID library is available
    # @return [String] a UUID string
    # @see
    # @see
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/uuid.rb#21
    def generate(format: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#2
  class << self
    # @return [Array(String, String, String, String)]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#17
    def to_a; end

    # @return [String]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#9
    def to_s; end

    # @return [String]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#13
    def to_str; end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#4
RDF::VERSION::EXTRA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#3
RDF::VERSION::FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#4
RDF::VERSION::MAJOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#4
RDF::VERSION::MINOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#5
RDF::VERSION::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/version.rb#4
RDF::VERSION::TINY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rdf//lib/rdf.rb#60
RDF::VOCABS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Extensions for `RDF::Value`.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#30
module RDF::Value
  # Is this value named?
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#166
  def anonymous?; end

  # Returns a copy of this value converted into its canonical
  # representation.
  # @return [RDF::Value]
  # @since 1.0.8
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#223
  def canonicalize; end

  # Converts this value into its canonical representation.
  # Should be overridden by concrete classes.
  # @return [RDF::Value] `self`
  # @since 1.0.8
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#234
  def canonicalize!; end

  # Is this constant, or are all of its components constant?
  # Same as `!variable?`
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see #variable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#158
  def constant?; end

  # @overload graph?
  # @overload graph?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#42
  def graph?(*args); end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of `self`.
  # The result will be of the format `#<RDF::Value::0x12345678(...)>`,
  # where `...` is the string returned by `#to_s`.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#261
  def inspect; end

  # Outputs a developer-friendly representation of `self` to `stderr`.
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#269
  def inspect!; end

  # Is this value invalid, or is it composed of any invalid components?
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#184
  def invalid?; end

  # Is this an {RDF::IRI}?
  # By default this is simply an alias for {RDF::Value#uri?}.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#121
  def iri?; end

  # Is this a {RDF::List}?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#70
  def list?; end

  # Is this a {RDF::Literal}?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#103
  def literal?; end

  # Is this a {RDF::Node}, or does it contain a node?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#111
  def node?; end

  # Is this a {RDF::Resource}?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#95
  def resource?; end

  # Returns `true` if this Value starts with any of the given strings.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').start_with?('http')     #=> true
  #   RDF::Node('_:foo').start_with?('_:bar')                 #=> false
  #   RDF::Litera('Apple').start_with?('Orange')              #=> false
  #   RDF::Litera('Apple').start_with?('Orange', 'Apple')     #=> true
  # @param *args [Array<#to_s>] Any number of strings to check against.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see String#start_with?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#212
  def start_with?(*args); end

  # Returns `true` if this Value starts with any of the given strings.
  # @example
  #   RDF::URI('').start_with?('http')     #=> true
  #   RDF::Node('_:foo').start_with?('_:bar')                 #=> false
  #   RDF::Litera('Apple').start_with?('Orange')              #=> false
  #   RDF::Litera('Apple').start_with?('Orange', 'Apple')     #=> true
  # @param *args [Array<#to_s>] Any number of strings to check against.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see String#start_with?
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#212
  def starts_with?(*args); end

  # @overload statement?
  # @overload statement?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#59
  def statement?(*args); end

  # @overload term?
  # @overload term?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#84
  def term?(*args); end

  # Returns the N-Quads representation of this value.
  # This method is only available when the 'rdf/nquads' serializer has
  # been explicitly required.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.4.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/nquads.rb#169
  def to_nquads; end

  # Returns the N-Triples representation of this value.
  # This method is only available when the 'rdf/ntriples' serializer has
  # been explicitly required.
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.1
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/ntriples.rb#104
  def to_ntriples; end

  # Returns an `RDF::Value` representation of `self`.
  # @return [RDF::Value]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#242
  def to_rdf; end

  # Returns an `RDF::Term` representation of `self`.
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [RDF::Value]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#250
  def to_term; end

  # Default implementation of `type_error`, which returns false.
  # Classes including RDF::TypeCheck will raise TypeError
  # instead.
  # @return [false]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#279
  def type_error(message); end

  # Is this an {RDF::URI}?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#129
  def uri?; end

  # Is this value valid, and composed only of valid components?
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#175
  def valid?; end

  # Default validate! implementation, overridden in concrete classes
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the value is invalid
  # @return [RDF::Value] `self`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#193
  def validate; end

  # Default validate! implementation, overridden in concrete classes
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the value is invalid
  # @return [RDF::Value] `self`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#193
  def validate!; end

  # @overload variable?
  # @overload variable?
  # @since 0.1.7
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/model/value.rb#144
  def variable?(*args); end

# A {Vocabulary} represents an RDFS or OWL vocabulary.
# A {Vocabulary} can also serve as a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for generating an RDF Graph definition for the vocabulary (see {RDF::Vocabulary#to_enum}).
# ### Defining a vocabulary using the DSL
# Vocabularies can be defined based on {RDF::Vocabulary} or {RDF::StrictVocabulary} using a simple Domain Specific Language (DSL).
# * Ontology information for the vocabulary itself can be specified using the {ontology} method.
# * Terms of the vocabulary are specified using either `property` or `term` (alias), with the attributes of the term listed in a hash. See {property} for description of the hash. Term attributes become properties of the associated {RDF::Vocabulary::Term} (see {RDF::Vocabulary::Term#attributes}).
# Note that, by default, the prefix associated with the vocabulary for forming and interpreting PNames is created from the class name of the vocabulary. See {\_\_prefix\_\_=} for overriding this at runtime.
# The simplest way to generate a DSL representation of a vocabulary is using {RDF::Vocabulary::Writer} given an {RDF::Graph} representation of the vocabulary.
# ### Vocabularies:
# The following vocabularies are pre-defined for your convenience:
# * {RDF}         - Resource Description Framework (RDF)
# * {RDF::OWL}    - Web Ontology Language (OWL)
# * {RDF::RDFS}   - RDF Schema (RDFS)
# * {RDF::XSD}    - XML Schema (XSD)
# Other vocabularies are defined in the [rdf-vocab]( gem
# @example Using pre-defined RDF vocabularies
#   include RDF
#   RDF.type      #=> RDF::URI("")
#   RDFS.seeAlso  #=> RDF::URI("")
#   OWL.sameAs    #=> RDF::URI("")
#   XSD.dateTime  #=> RDF::URI("")
# @example Using ad-hoc RDF vocabularies
#   foaf ="")
#   foaf.knows    #=> RDF::URI("")
#   foaf[:name]   #=> RDF::URI("")
#   foaf['mbox']  #=> RDF::URI("")
# @example Defining a simple vocabulary
#   EX ="http://example/ns#")) do
#   # Ontology definition
#   ontology :"http://example/ns#",
#   label: "The RDF Example Vocablary",
#   type: ""
#   # Class definitions
#   term :Class,
#   label: "My Class",
#   comment: "Good to use as an example",
#   type: "rdfs:Class",
#   subClassOf: "http://example/SuperClass",
#   "ex:prop": "Some annotation property not having a shortcut"
#   # Property definitions
#   property :prop,
#   comment: "A description of the property",
#   label: "property",
#   domain: "http://example/ns#Class",
#   range: "rdfs:Literal",
#   isDefinedBy: %(ex:),
#   type: "rdf:Property"
#   end
# @example Method calls are converted to the typical RDF camelcase convention
#   foaf ="")
#   foaf.family_name    #=> RDF::URI("")
#   owl.same_as         #=> RDF::URI("")
#   # []-style access is left as is
#   foaf['family_name'] #=> RDF::URI("")
#   foaf[:family_name]  #=> RDF::URI("")
# @example Generating RDF from a vocabulary definition
#   graph = << RDF::RDFS.to_enum
#   graph.dump(:ntriples)
# @see
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#80
class RDF::Vocabulary
  extend ::Enumerable

  # @param uri [RDF::URI, String, #to_s]
  # @return [Vocabulary] a new instance of Vocabulary
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#673
  def initialize(uri); end

  # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary.
  # @param property [#to_s]
  # @return [URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#685
  def [](property); end

  # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this vocabulary.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#712
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary.
  # For IRI compatibility
  # @return [URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#693
  def to_iri; end

  # Returns a string representation of this vocabulary.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#704
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary.
  # @return [URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#693
  def to_uri; end


  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#723
  def method_missing(property, *args, &block); end

  class << self
    # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary.
    # @param property [#to_s]
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#405
    def [](property); end

    # List of vocabularies this vocabulary `owl:imports`
    # @note the alias {__imports__} guards against `RDF::OWL.imports` returning a term, rather than an array of vocabularies
    # @return [Array<RDF::Vocabulary>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#418
    def __imports__; end

    # Preserve the class name so that it can be obtained even for
    # vocabularies that define a `name` property:
    def __name__; end

    # @note If the ontology URI has the vocabulary namespace URI as a prefix, it may also be defined using `#property` or `#term`
    # @overload ontology
    # @overload ontology
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#313
    def __ontology__(*args); end

    # Returns a suggested vocabulary prefix for this vocabulary class.
    # @return [Symbol]
    # @since 0.3.0
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#609
    def __prefix__; end

    # Sets the vocabulary prefix to use for this vocabulary..
    # @example Overriding a standard vocabulary prefix.
    #   RDF::Vocab::DC.__prefix__ = :dcterms
    #   RDF::Vocab::DC.title.pname #=> 'dcterms:title'
    # @param prefix [Symbol]
    # @return [Symbol]
    # @since 3.2.3
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#625
    def __prefix__=(prefix); end

    # @return [Array<RDF::URI>] a list of properties in the current vocabulary
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#333
    def __properties__; end

    # @overload property
    # @overload property
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#245
    def __property__(*args); end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#734
    def camelize(str); end

    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#718
    def create(uri); end

    # Enumerates known RDF vocabulary classes.
    # @return [Enumerator]
    # @yield [klass]
    # @yieldparam klass [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#93
    def each(&block); end

    # Enumerate each statement constructed from the defined vocabulary terms
    # If a property value is known to be a {URI}, or expands to a {URI}, the `object` is a URI, otherwise, it will be a {Literal}.
    # @yield statement
    # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#468
    def each_statement(&block); end

    # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary.
    # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator]
    # @see Object#enum_for
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#452
    def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

    # Attempt to expand a Compact IRI/PName using loaded vocabularies
    # The local-part of the PName will will have [reserved character escapes]( unescaped.
    # @param pname [String, #to_s]
    # @raise [KeyError] if pname suffix not found in identified vocabulary.
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if resulting URI is not valid
    # @return [Term]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#346
    def expand_pname(pname); end

    # Return the Vocabulary associated with a URI. Allows the trailing '/' or '#' to be excluded
    # @param uri [RDF::URI]
    # @return [Vocabulary]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#369
    def find(uri); end

    # Return the Vocabulary term associated with a URI
    # @param uri [RDF::URI, String] If `uri` has is a pname in a locded vocabulary, the suffix portion of the PName will have escape characters unescaped before resolving against the vocabulary.
    # @return [Vocabulary::Term]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#387
    def find_term(uri); end

    # Create a vocabulary from a graph or enumerable
    # @param graph [RDF::Enumerable]
    # @param url [URI, #to_s]
    # @param class_name [RDF::Vocabulary, String] The class_name associated with the vocabulary, used for creating the class name of the vocabulary. This will create a new class named with a top-level constant based on `class_name`. If given an existing vocabulary, it replaces the existing definitions for that vocabulary with those from the graph.
    # @param extra [Array<Symbol>, Hash{Symbol => Hash}] Extra terms to add to the vocabulary. In the first form, it is an array of symbols, for which terms are created. In the second, it is a Hash mapping symbols to property attributes, as described in {}.
    # @return [RDF::Vocabulary] the loaded vocabulary
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#495
    def from_graph(graph, url: T.unsafe(nil), class_name: T.unsafe(nil), extra: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Return the vocabulary based on it's class_name symbol
    # @param sym [Symbol]
    # @return [RDF::Vocabulary]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#126
    def from_sym(sym); end

    # List of vocabularies which import this vocabulary
    # @return [Array<RDF::Vocabulary>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#431
    def imported_from; end

    # List of vocabularies this vocabulary `owl:imports`
    # @note the alias {__imports__} guards against `RDF::OWL.imports` returning a term, rather than an array of vocabularies
    # @return [Array<RDF::Vocabulary>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#418
    def imports; end

    # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this vocabulary class.
    # @return [String]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#592
    def inspect; end

    # Limits iteration over vocabularies to just those selected
    # @example limit to set of vocabularies by symbol
    #   RDF::Vocabulary.limit_vocabs(:rdf, :rdfs
    #   RDF::Vocabulary.find_term('').pname
    #   # => 'rdfs:Resource'
    # @example limit to set of vocabularies by class name
    #   RDF::Vocabulary.limit_vocabs(RDF::RDFV, RDF::RDFS)
    #   RDF::Vocabulary.find_term('').pname
    #   # => 'rdfs:Resource'
    # @param vocabs [Array<symbol, RDF::Vocabulary>] A list of vocabularies (symbols or classes) which may
    #   be returned by {Vocabulary.each}. Also limits
    #   vocabularies that will be inspeced for other methods.
    #   Set to nil, or an empty array to reset.
    # @return [Array<RDF::Vocabulary>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#179
    def limit_vocabs(*vocabs); end

    # @note If the ontology URI has the vocabulary namespace URI as a prefix, it may also be defined using `#property` or `#term`
    # @overload ontology
    # @overload ontology
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#313
    def ontology(*args); end

    # @return [Array<RDF::URI>] a list of properties in the current vocabulary
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#333
    def properties; end

    # @overload property
    # @overload property
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#245
    def property(*args); end

    # Register a vocabulary for internal prefix lookups. Parameters
    # of interest include `:uri`, `:class_name`, `:source`, and `:skip`.
    # @param prefix [Symbol] the prefix to use
    # @param vocab [String, Class] either the URI or the vocab class
    # @param params [Hash{Symbol => String}] Relevant parameters
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # @return [Hash] The parameter hash, but frozen
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#138
    def register(prefix, vocab, **params); end

    # Is this a strict vocabulary, or a liberal vocabulary allowing arbitrary properties?
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#194
    def strict?; end

    # Alternate use for vocabulary terms, functionally equivalent to {#property}.
    # @overload property
    # @overload property
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#245
    def term(*args); end

    # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary.
    # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator]
    # @see Object#enum_for
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#452
    def to_enum(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

    # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary class.
    # For IRI compatibility
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#441
    def to_iri; end

    # Returns a string representation of this vocabulary class.
    # @return [String]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#481
    def to_s; end

    # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary class.
    # @return [RDF::URI]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#441
    def to_uri; end

    # A hash of all vocabularies by prefix showing relevant URI and
    # associated vocabulary Class Name
    # @return [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => String}}]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#114
    def vocab_map; end


    # @private
    # @private
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#633
    def inherited(subclass); end

    # Create a list of terms
    # @param values [Array<String>] Each value treated as a URI or PName
    # @return [RDF::List]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#656
    def list(*values); end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#643
    def method_missing(property, *args, &block); end


    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#661
    def props; end

# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#7
class RDF::Vocabulary::Format < ::RDF::Format; end

# A Vocabulary Term is a {RDF::Resource} that can also act as an {Enumerable} to generate the RDF definition of vocabulary terms as defined within the vocabulary definition.
# Terms include {Term#attributes} where values a embedded resources, lists or other terms. This allows, for example, navigation of a concept heirarchy.
# Term attributes can also be accessed using {Term#properties} where the attribute values are transformed into different types of {RDF::Value}. Properties can be indexed by key, where a key is defined (See {Term::ATTR_URIs}), absolute URI, or PName, where the prefix is associated with a loaded vocabulary.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#751
module RDF::Vocabulary::Term
  include ::RDF::Value
  include ::Comparable
  include ::RDF::Term
  include ::RDF::Resource

  # Values of an attributes as {RDF::Value}.
  # Attribute values are returned as either an {RDF::Value} or {Array<RDf::Value} if there is more than one value.
  # Attribute values which are not already a {RDF::Value} (including strings and symbols) are converted by a heuristic loookup as follows:
  # * An {RDF::URI} if it can be turned into a valid IRI using {RDF::Vocabulary.expand_pname}. This includes IRIs already in non-relative form.
  # * A {Hash{Symbol=>String,Array<String>}} is interpreted as a datatype/language map. If the key contains a ':', it is treated as a PName or IRI datatype applied to the values. Otherwise, it is treated as a language-tag applied to the values.
  # * {RDF::Literal::Date} if valid,
  # * {RDF::Literal::DateTime} if valid,
  # * {RDF::Literal::Integer} if valid,
  # * {RDF::Literal::Decimal} if valid,
  # * {RDF::Literal::Double} if valid,
  # * {RDF::Literal::Boolean} if valid
  # * Otherwise, {RDF::Literal} where type may be inferred by the class of the value.
  # @param prop [Symbol]
  # @return [RDF::Value, Array<RDF::Value>]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1111
  def attribute_value(prop); end

  # Attributes of this vocabulary term, used for finding `label` and `comment` and to serialize the term back to RDF.
  # Attributes are indexed by symbol. Symbols directly interpreted by a term are the accessors defined for the {RDF::Vocabulary::Term} class, also in {Term::ATTR_URIs}. Other keys are interpreted as absolute URIs or PNames for properties defined on this term.
  # Symbols which are accessors may also be looked up by their associated URI.
  # Values may be Strings, Hash (Map), or Terms, or an Array including a combination of these. A Hash (Map) is used to create a datatype/language map to one or more string values which represent either datatyped literals, or language-tagged literals as interpreted by {#attribute_value}.
  # In general, this accessor is used internally. The {#properties} method interprets these values as {RDF::Value}.
  # @example looking up term label
  #   RDF::RDFS.Literal.attributes[:label] #=> "Literal"
  #   RDF::RDFS.Literal.attributes[:"rdfs:label"] #=> "Literal"
  #   RDF::RDFS.Literal.attributes[RDF::RDFS.label] #=> "Literal"
  #   RDF::RDFS.Literal.attributes[""] #=> "Literal"
  #   RDF::RDFS.Literal.attributes[:""] #=> "Literal"
  # @note lookup by PName is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => String, Term, Hash{Symbol => String}, Array<String, Term, Hash{Symbol => String}>}]
  # @see #properties
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#933
  def attributes; end

  # Is this a class term?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1036
  def class?; end

  # Is this a class term?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1050
  def datatype?; end

  # Accessor for `schema:domainIncludes`
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1223
  def domain_includes; end

  # Returns a duplicate copy of `self`.
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1016
  def dup; end

  # Enumerate each statement constructed from the defined vocabulary terms
  # If a property value is known to be a {URI}, or expands to a {URI}, the `object` is a URI, otherwise, it will be a {Literal}.
  # @yield statement
  # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1161
  def each_statement; end

  # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary.
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1181
  def enum_for(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

  # Returns a <code>String</code> representation of the URI object's state.
  # @return [String] The URI object's state, as a <code>String</code>.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1194
  def inspect; end

  # Is this neither a class, property or datatype term?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1064
  def other?; end

  # Enumerate attributes with values transformed into {RDF::Value} instances
  # Uses an empty hash with a default_proc which looks up values in attributes. The prevents specific attributes from being evaluated until acessed.
  # Properties are indexed by symbol. Symbols directly interpreted by a term are the accessors defined for the {RDF::Vocabulary::Term} class, also in {Term::ATTR_URIs}. Other keys are interpreted as absolute URIs or PNames for properties defined on this term.
  # Symbols which are accessors may also be looked up by their associated URI.
  # @example looking up term label
  #   RDF::RDFS.Literal.label #=> RDF::Literal("Literal")
  #[:label] #=> RDF::Literal("Literal")
  #[:"rdfs:label"] #=> RDF::Literal("Literal")
  #[RDF::RDFS.label] #=> RDF::Literal("Literal")
  #[""] #=> RDF::Literal("Literal")
  #[:""] #=> RDF::Literal("Literal")
  # @note lookup by PName is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version.
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => Array<RDF::Value>}]
  # @see #attribute_value
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1088
  def properties; end

  # Is this a class term?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1043
  def property?; end

  # Accessor for `schema:rangeIncludes`
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1229
  def range_includes; end

  # Implement accessor to symbol attributes
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1199
  def respond_to?(method, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Is this a Restriction term?
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1057
  def restriction?; end

  # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary.
  # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator]
  # @see Object#enum_for
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1181
  def to_enum(method = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

  # Serialize back to a Ruby source initializer. This is used primarily by {RDF::Vocabulary::Writer}.
  # @param indent [String]
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1238
  def to_ruby(indent: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Determine if the URI is a valid according to RFC3987
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 0.3.9
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1028
  def valid?; end

  # Vocabulary of this term.
  # @return [RDF::Vocabulary]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#911
  def vocab; end


  # Implement accessor to symbol attributes
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1274
  def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end

  class << self
    # Returns an interned `RDF::URI` instance based on the given `uri`
    # string.
    # The maximum number of cached interned URI references is given by the
    # `CACHE_SIZE` constant. This value is unlimited by default, in which
    # case an interned URI object will be purged only when the last strong
    # reference to it is garbage collected (i.e., when its finalizer runs).
    # Excepting special memory-limited circumstances, it should always be
    # safe and preferred to construct new URI references using
    # `RDF::URI.intern` instead of ``, since if an interned
    # object can't be returned for some reason, this method will fall back
    # to returning a freshly-allocated one.
    # @param uri [RDF::URI, String, #to_s]
    # @return [RDF::URI] an immutable, frozen URI object
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#1008
    def intern(str, *args, **options); end

    # @overload new
    # @overload new
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#950
    def new(*args, vocab: T.unsafe(nil), attributes: T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

# Look up URIs for attribute symbols
# @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#758
RDF::Vocabulary::Term::ATTR_URIs = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Look up attribute symbols from URIs
# @return [Hash{RDF::URI => Symbol}]
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#799
RDF::Vocabulary::Term::URI_ATTRs = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Vocabulary format specification. This can be used to generate a Ruby class definition from a loaded vocabulary.
# Definitions can include recursive term definitions, when the value of a property is a blank-node term. They can also include list definitions, to provide a reasonable way to represent `owl:unionOf`-type relationships.
# @example a simple term definition
#   property :comment,
#   comment: %(A description of the subject resource.),
#   domain: "rdfs:Resource",
#   label: "comment",
#   range: "rdfs:Literal",
#   isDefinedBy: %(rdfs:),
#   type: "rdf:Property"
# @example an embedded skos:Concept
#   term :ad,
#   exactMatch: [term(
#   type: "skos:Concept",
#   inScheme: "country:iso3166-1-alpha-2",
#   notation: %(ad)
#   ), term(
#   type: "skos:Concept",
#   inScheme: "country:iso3166-1-alpha-3",
#   notation: %(and)
#   )],
#   "foaf:name": "Andorra",
#   isDefinedBy: "country:",
#   type: ""
# @example owl:unionOf
#   property :duration,
#   comment: %(The duration of a track or a signal in ms),
#   domain: term(
#   "owl:unionOf": list("mo:Track", "mo:Signal"),
#   type: "owl:Class"
#   ),
#   isDefinedBy: "mo:",
#   "mo:level": "1",
#   range: "xsd:float",
#   type: "owl:DatatypeProperty",
#   "vs:term_status": "testing"
# @example term definition with language-tagged strings
#   property :actor,
#   comment: {en: "Subproperty of as:attributedTo that identifies the primary actor"},
#   domain: "",
#   label: {en: "actor"},
#   range: term(
#   type: "",
#   unionOf: list("", "")
#   ),
#   subPropertyOf: "",
#   type: ""
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#65
class RDF::Vocabulary::Writer < ::RDF::Writer
  # Initializes the writer.
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @param output [IO, File] the output stream
  # @param base_uri [RDF::URI] URI of this vocabulary
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  #   any additional options. See {RDF::Writer#initialize}
  # @return [Writer] a new instance of Writer
  # @yield [writer] `self`
  # @yieldparam writer [RDF::Writer]
  # @yieldreturn [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#136
  def initialize(output = T.unsafe(nil), base_uri:, **options, &block); end

  # Returns the value of attribute class_name.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#69
  def class_name; end

  # Sets the attribute class_name
  # @param value the value to set the attribute class_name to.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#69
  def class_name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute module_name.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#69
  def module_name; end

  # Sets the attribute module_name
  # @param value the value to set the attribute module_name to.
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#69
  def module_name=(_arg0); end

  # Generate vocabulary
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#148
  def write_epilogue; end

  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#142
  def write_triple(subject, predicate, object); end


  # Turn a node definition into a property/term expression
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#276
  def from_node(name, attributes, term_type); end

  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#306
  def serialize_value(value, key, indent: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/writer.rb#71
    def options; end

# Classes that include this module must implement the methods
# `#insert_statement`.
# @see RDF::Graph
# @see RDF::Repository
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#8
module RDF::Writable
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Inserts RDF data into `self`.
  # @param data [RDF::Enumerable, RDF::Statement, #to_rdf]
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#26
  def <<(data); end

  # Inserts RDF statements into `self`.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload insert
  # @overload insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#63
  def insert(*statements); end

  # Inserts RDF statements into `self`.
  # significantly affects performance. Use Enumerator form for large
  # numbers of statements.
  # @note using splat argument syntax with excessive arguments provided
  # @overload insert
  # @overload insert
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def insert!(*args, &block); end

  # Returns `true` if `self` is writable.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @see RDF::Readable#readable?
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#17
  def writable?; end


  # Inserts the given RDF graph into the underlying storage or output
  # stream.
  # Defaults to passing the graph to the {RDF::Writable#insert_statements} method.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Repository} may wish to override this method in
  # case their underlying storage architecture is graph-centric rather
  # than statement-oriented.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Writer} may wish to override this method if the
  # output format they implement supports named graphs, in which case
  # implementing this method may help in producing prettier and more
  # concise output.
  # @param graph [RDF::Graph]
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#106
  def insert_graph(graph); end

  # Inserts statements from the given RDF reader into the underlying
  # storage or output stream.
  # Defaults to passing the reader to the {RDF::Writable#insert_statements} method.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Repository} may wish to override this method in
  # case their underlying storage can efficiently import RDF data directly
  # in particular serialization formats, thus avoiding the intermediate
  # parsing overhead.
  # @param reader [RDF::Reader]
  # @return [void]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#85
  def insert_reader(reader); end

  # Inserts an RDF statement into the underlying storage or output stream.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Repository} must implement this method, except if
  # they are immutable.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Writer} must implement this method.
  # @abstract
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @raise [ArgumentError] on an attempt to insert an embedded statement when it is not supported
  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#153
  def insert_statement(statement); end

  # Inserts the given RDF statements into the underlying storage or output
  # stream.
  # Defaults to invoking {RDF::Writable#insert_statement} for each given statement.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Repository} may wish to override this method if
  # they are capable of more efficiently inserting multiple statements at
  # once.
  # Subclasses of {RDF::Writer} don't generally need to implement this
  # method.
  # @param statements [RDF::Enumerable]
  # @raise [ArgumentError] on an attempt to insert an embedded statement when it is not supported
  # @return [void]
  # @since 0.1.6
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/mixin/writable.rb#127
  def insert_statements(statements); end

# The base class for RDF serializers.
# @abstract
# @example Loading an RDF writer implementation
#   require 'rdf/ntriples'
# @example Iterating over known RDF writer classes
#   RDF::Writer.each { |klass| puts }
# @example Obtaining an RDF writer class
#   RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples)     #=> RDF::NTriples::Writer
#   RDF::Writer.for("spec/data/output.nt")
#   RDF::Writer.for(file_name:      "spec/data/output.nt")
#   RDF::Writer.for(file_extension: "nt")
#   RDF::Writer.for(content_type:   "application/n-triples")
# @example Instantiating an RDF writer class
#   RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples).new($stdout) { |writer| ... }
# @example Serializing RDF statements into a file
#"spec/data/output.nt") do |writer|
#   graph.each_statement do |statement|
#   writer << statement
#   end
#   end
# @example Serializing RDF statements into a string
#   RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples).buffer do |writer|
#   graph.each_statement do |statement|
#   writer << statement
#   end
#   end
# @example Detecting invalid output
#   logger =[])
#   RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples).buffer(logger: logger) do |writer|
#   statement =
#   RDF::URI(""),
#   RDF::URI(""),
#   nil)
#   writer << statement
#   end # => RDF::WriterError
#   logger.empty? => false
# @see RDF::Format
# @see RDF::Reader
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#50
class RDF::Writer
  include ::RDF::Util::Logger
  include ::RDF::Util::Coercions
  include ::RDF::Writable
  extend ::Enumerable
  extend ::RDF::Util::Aliasing::LateBound

  # Initializes the writer.
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @param output [IO, File] the output stream
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional options
  # @return [Writer] a new instance of Writer
  # @yield [writer] `self`
  # @yieldparam writer [RDF::Writer]
  # @yieldreturn [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#287
  def initialize(output = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Returns the base URI used for this writer.
  # @example
  #   writer.prefixes[:dc]  #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # @since 0.3.4
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#316
  def base_uri; end

  # Returns `true` if terms should be in canonical form.
  # @note This is for term canonicalization, for graph/dataset canonicalization use `RDF::Normalize`.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 1.0.8
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#401
  def canonicalize?; end

  # Returns the encoding of the output stream.
  # @return [Encoding]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#374
  def encoding; end

  # Flushes the underlying output buffer.
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#409
  def flush; end

  # Flushes the underlying output buffer.
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def flush!(*args, &block); end

  # @abstract
  # @param value [RDF::List]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.2.3
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#565
  def format_list(value, **options); end

  # @abstract
  # @param value [RDF::Literal, String, #to_s]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#555
  def format_literal(value, **options); end

  # @abstract
  # @option options
  # @param value [RDF::Node]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#535
  def format_node(value, **options); end

  # Formats a referenced quoted triple.
  # @abstract
  # @deprecated Quoted Triples are now deprecated in favor of Triple Terms
  # @example
  #   <<<s> <p> <o>>> <p> <o> .
  # @param value [RDF::Statement]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#596
  def format_quotedTriple(value, **options); end

  # @param term [RDF::Term]
  # @return [String]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#514
  def format_term(term, **options); end

  # Formats a referenced triple term.
  # @abstract
  # @example
  #   <<<s> <p> <o>>> <p> <o> .
  # @param value [RDF::Statement]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#580
  def format_tripleTerm(value, **options); end

  # @abstract
  # @param value [RDF::URI]
  # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] = ({})
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#545
  def format_uri(value, **options); end

  # Add a statement to the writer. This will check to ensure that the statement is complete (no nil terms) and is valid, if the `:validation` option is set.
  # Additionally, it will de-duplicate BNode terms sharing a common identifier.
  # support the RDF::Writable interface
  # @note logs error if attempting to write an invalid {RDF::Statement} or if canonicalizing a statement which cannot be canonicalized.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def insert_statement(*args, &block); end

  # Any additional options for this writer.
  # @return [Hash]
  # @since 0.2.2
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#306
  def options; end

  # Defines the given named URI prefix for this writer.
  # @example Defining a URI prefix
  #   writer.prefix :dc, RDF::URI('')
  # @example Returning a URI prefix
  #   writer.prefix(:dc)    #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @overload prefix
  # @overload prefix
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#364
  def prefix(name, uri = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Defines the given named URI prefix for this writer.
  # @example Defining a URI prefix
  #   writer.prefix :dc, RDF::URI('')
  # @example Returning a URI prefix
  #   writer.prefix(:dc)    #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @overload prefix
  # @overload prefix
  # @return [RDF::URI]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/util/aliasing.rb#45
  def prefix!(*args, &block); end

  # Returns the URI prefixes currently defined for this writer.
  # @example
  #   writer.prefixes[:dc]  #=> RDF::URI('')
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
  # @since 0.2.2
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#328
  def prefixes; end

  # Defines the given URI prefixes for this writer.
  # @example
  #   writer.prefixes = {
  #   dc: RDF::URI(''),
  #   }
  # @param prefixes [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
  # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}]
  # @since 0.3.0
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#343
  def prefixes=(prefixes); end

  # Returns a symbol appropriate to use with RDF::Writer.for()
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#257
  def to_sym; end

  # Returns `true` if statements and terms should be validated.
  # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false`
  # @since 1.0.8
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#390
  def validate?; end

  # @abstract
  # @param text [String]
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#438
  def write_comment(text); end

  # @abstract
  # @raise [RDF::WriterError] if errors logged during processing.
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#427
  def write_epilogue; end

  # @abstract
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#418
  def write_prologue; end

  # Add a statement to the writer. This will check to ensure that the statement is complete (no nil terms) and is valid, if the `:validation` option is set.
  # Additionally, it will de-duplicate BNode terms sharing a common identifier.
  # @note logs error if attempting to write an invalid {RDF::Statement} or if canonicalizing a statement which cannot be canonicalized.
  # @param statement [RDF::Statement]
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#450
  def write_statement(statement); end

  # @abstract
  # @note logs error if attempting to write an invalid {RDF::Statement} or if canonicalizing a statement which cannot be canonicalized.
  # @param subject [RDF::Resource]
  # @param predicate [RDF::URI]
  # @param object [RDF::Term]
  # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#506
  def write_triple(subject, predicate, object); end

  # @note logs error if attempting to write an invalid {RDF::Statement} or if canonicalizing a statement which cannot be canonicalized.
  # @param triples [Array<Array(RDF::Resource, RDF::URI, RDF::Term)>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#493
  def write_triples(*triples); end


  # @param string [String]
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#631
  def escaped(string); end

  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#624
  def node_id; end

  # @return [void]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#604
  def puts(*args); end

  # @param string [String]
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#644
  def quoted(string); end

  # @param term [RDF::Resource]
  # @return [String]
  # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#611
  def uri_for(term); end

  class << self
    # Use parameters from accept-params to determine if the parameters are acceptable to invoke this writer. The `accept_params` will subsequently be provided to the writer instance.
    # @example rejecting a writer based on a profile
    #   JSON::LD::Writer.accept?(profile: "")
    #   # => false
    # @param accept_params [Hash{Symbol => String}]
    # @return [Boolean]
    # @see
    # @yield [accept_params] if a block is given, returns the result of evaluating that block
    # @yieldparam accept_params [Hash{Symbol => String}]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#173
    def accept?(accept_params); end

    # Buffers output into a string buffer.
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] passed to {RDF::Writer#initialize}
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if no block is provided
    # @return [String]
    # @yield [writer]
    # @yieldparam writer [RDF::Writer]
    # @yieldreturn [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#216
    def buffer(*args, **options, &block); end

    # @param data [RDF::Enumerable, #each] the graph or repository to dump
    # @param io [IO, File, String] the output stream or file to write to
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] passed to {RDF::Writer#initialize} or {RDF::Writer.buffer}
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#186
    def dump(data, io = T.unsafe(nil), **options); end

    # Enumerates known RDF writer classes.
    # @return [Enumerator]
    # @yield [klass]
    # @yieldparam klass [Class]
    # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#63
    def each(&block); end

    # Finds an RDF writer class based on the given criteria.
    # @overload for
    # @overload for
    # @overload for
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#92
    def for(*arg, &block); end

    # Retrieves the RDF serialization format class for this writer class.
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#109
    def format(klass = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Retrieves the RDF serialization format class for this writer class.
    # @return [Class]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#109
    def format_class(klass = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # @private
    # @return [void]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#655
    def inherited(child); end

    # Writes output to the given `filename`.
    # @param filename [String, #to_s]
    # @param format [Symbol] (nil)
    # @param options [Hash{Symbol => Object}] any additional options (see {RDF::Writer#initialize} and {RDF::Format.for})
    # @return [RDF::Writer]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#236
    def open(filename, format: T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

    # Options suitable for automatic Writer provisioning.
    # @return [Array<RDF::CLI::Option>]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#123
    def options; end

    # Returns a symbol appropriate to use with RDF::Writer.for()
    # @return [Symbol]
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#250
    def to_sym; end

# The base class for RDF serialization errors.
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/writer.rb#663
class RDF::WriterError < ::IOError; end

# Vocabulary for <>
# source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocab/xsd.rb#211
class RDF::XSD < ::RDF::Vocabulary
  class << self
    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ENTITIES; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ENTITY; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def ID; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def IDREF; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def IDREFS; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def NCName; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def NMTOKEN; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def NMTOKENS; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def NOTATION; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def Name; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def QName; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def anyAtomicType; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def anySimpleType; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def anyType; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def anyURI; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def base64Binary; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def boolean; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def byte; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def date; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def dateTime; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def dateTimeStamp; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def dayTimeDuration; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def decimal; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def double; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def duration; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def float; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def gDay; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def gMonth; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def gMonthDay; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def gYear; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def gYearMonth; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def hexBinary; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def int; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def integer; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def language; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def long; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def negativeInteger; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def nonNegativeInteger; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def nonPositiveInteger; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def normalizedString; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def positiveInteger; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def short; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def string; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def time; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def token; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def unsignedByte; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def unsignedInt; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def unsignedLong; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def unsignedShort; end

    # source://rdf//lib/rdf/vocabulary.rb#264
    def yearMonthDuration; end


    def new(*_arg0); end