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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rest-client` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rest-client`.

# This module's static methods are the entry point for using the REST client.
#   # GET
#   xml = RestClient.get ''
#   jpg = RestClient.get '', :accept => 'image/jpg'
#   # authentication and SSL
#   RestClient.get ''
#   # POST or PUT with a hash sends parameters as a urlencoded form body
# '', :param1 => 'one'
#   # nest hash parameters
# '', :nested => { :param1 => 'one' }
#   # POST and PUT with raw payloads
# '', 'the post body', :content_type => 'text/plain'
# '', xml_doc
#   RestClient.put '','my.pdf'), :content_type => 'application/pdf'
#   # DELETE
#   RestClient.delete ''
#   # retreive the response http code and headers
#   res = RestClient.get ''
#   res.code                    # => 200
#   res.headers[:content_type]  # => 'image/jpg'
#   # HEAD
#   RestClient.head('').headers
# To use with a proxy, just set RestClient.proxy to the proper http proxy:
#   RestClient.proxy = ""
# Or inherit the proxy from the environment:
#   RestClient.proxy = ENV['http_proxy']
# For live tests of RestClient, try using, which echoes back information about the rest call:
#   >> RestClient.put '', :foo => 'baz'
#   => "PUT with a 7 byte payload, content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded {\"foo\"=>\"baz\"}"
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/version.rb#1
module RestClient
  class << self
    # Add a Proc to be called before each request in executed.
    # The proc parameters will be the http request and the request params.
    # @raise [ArgumentError]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#169
    def add_before_execution_proc(&proc); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#179
    def before_execution_procs; end

    # Create a log that respond to << like a logger
    # param can be 'stdout', 'stderr', a string (then we will log to that file) or a logger (then we return it)
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#122
    def create_log(param); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#81
    def delete(url, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#65
    def get(url, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#85
    def head(url, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#161
    def log; end

    # Setup the log for RestClient calls.
    # Value should be a logger but can can be stdout, stderr, or a filename.
    # You can also configure logging by the environment variable RESTCLIENT_LOG.
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#116
    def log=(log); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#89
    def options(url, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#73
    def patch(url, payload, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#69
    def post(url, payload, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # A global proxy URL to use for all requests. This can be overridden on a
    # per-request basis by passing `:proxy` to RestClient::Request.
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#95
    def proxy; end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#99
    def proxy=(value); end

    # Return whether RestClient.proxy was set explicitly. We use this to
    # differentiate between no value being set and a value explicitly set to nil.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#109
    def proxy_set?; end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#77
    def put(url, payload, headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # Reset the procs to be called before each request is executed.
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient.rb#175
    def reset_before_execution_procs; end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/version.rb#5
    def version; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#6
module RestClient::AbstractResponse
  # HTTP status code
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#30
  def code; end

  # Cookie jar extracted from response headers.
  # @return [HTTP::CookieJar]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#92
  def cookie_jar; end

  # Hash of cookies extracted from response headers.
  # NB: This will return only cookies whose domain matches this request, and
  # may not even return all of those cookies if there are duplicate names.
  # Use the full cookie_jar for more nuanced access.
  # @return [Hash]
  # @see #cookie_jar
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#78
  def cookies; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#138
  def description; end

  # Returns the value of attribute duration.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#8
  def duration; end

  # Returns the value of attribute end_time.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#8
  def end_time; end

  # Follow a redirection response, but change the HTTP method to GET and drop
  # the payload from the original request.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#150
  def follow_get_redirection(&block); end

  # Follow a redirection response by making a new HTTP request to the
  # redirection target.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#144
  def follow_redirection(&block); end

  # A hash of the headers, beautified with symbols and underscores.
  # e.g. "Content-type" will become :content_type.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#40
  def headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#34
  def history; end

  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#10
  def inspect; end

  # Logger from the request, potentially nil.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#15
  def log; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#19
  def log_response; end

  # Returns the value of attribute net_http_res.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#8
  def net_http_res; end

  # The raw headers.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#45
  def raw_headers; end

  # Returns the value of attribute request.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#8
  def request; end

  # @param net_http_res [Net::HTTPResponse]
  # @param request [RestClient::Request]
  # @param start_time [Time]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#52
  def response_set_vars(net_http_res, request, start_time); end

  # Return the default behavior corresponding to the response code:
  # For 20x status codes: return the response itself
  # For 30x status codes:
  #   301, 302, 307: redirect GET / HEAD if there is a Location header
  #   303: redirect, changing method to GET, if there is a Location header
  # For all other responses, raise a response exception
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#113
  def return!(&block); end

  # Returns the value of attribute start_time.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#8
  def start_time; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#133
  def to_i; end


  # Follow a redirection
  # @param new_args [Hash] Start with this hash of arguments for the
  #   redirection request. The hash will be mutated, so be sure to dup any
  #   existing hash that should not be modified.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#202
  def _follow_redirection(new_args, &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#236
  def check_max_redirects; end

  # @raise [klass]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#242
  def exception_with_response; end

  class << self
    # Convert headers hash into canonical form.
    # Header names will be converted to lowercase symbols with underscores
    # instead of hyphens.
    # Headers specified multiple times will be joined by comma and space,
    # except for Set-Cookie, which will always be an array.
    # Per RFC 2616, if a server sends multiple headers with the same key, they
    # MUST be able to be joined into a single header by a comma. However,
    # Set-Cookie (RFC 6265) cannot because commas are valid within cookie
    # definitions. The newer RFC 7230 notes (3.2.2) that Set-Cookie should be
    # handled as a special case.
    # @param headers [Hash]
    # @return [Hash]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/abstract_response.rb#179
    def beautify_headers(headers); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Accepted < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::AlreadyReported < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::BadGateway < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::BadRequest < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::BandwidthLimitExceeded < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::BlockedByWindowsParentalControls < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Conflict < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Continue < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Created < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# This is the base RestClient exception class. Rescue it if you want to
# catch any exception that your request might raise
# You can get the status code by e.http_code, or see anything about the
# response via e.response.
# For example, the entire result body (which is
# probably an HTML error page) is e.response.
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#109
class RestClient::Exception < ::RuntimeError
  # @return [Exception] a new instance of Exception
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#114
  def initialize(response = T.unsafe(nil), initial_response_code = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#145
  def default_message; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#133
  def http_body; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#120
  def http_code; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#129
  def http_headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#141
  def message; end

  # Sets the attribute message
  # @param value the value to set the attribute message to.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#112
  def message=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute original_exception.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#111
  def original_exception; end

  # Sets the attribute original_exception
  # @param value the value to set the attribute original_exception to.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#111
  def original_exception=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute response.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#110
  def response; end

  # Sets the attribute response
  # @param value the value to set the attribute response to.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#110
  def response=(_arg0); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#137
  def to_s; end

# Compatibility
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#151
class RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse < ::RestClient::Exception; end

# RestClient exception classes. TODO: move all exceptions into this module.
# We will a create an exception for each status code, see
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#171
module RestClient::Exceptions; end

# Map http status codes to the corresponding exception class
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#173
RestClient::Exceptions::EXCEPTIONS_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Timeout when connecting to a server. Typically wraps Net::OpenTimeout (in
# ruby 2.0 or greater).
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#212
class RestClient::Exceptions::OpenTimeout < ::RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#213
  def default_message; end

# Timeout when reading from a server. Typically wraps Net::ReadTimeout (in
# ruby 2.0 or greater).
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#220
class RestClient::Exceptions::ReadTimeout < ::RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#221
  def default_message; end

# Base class for request timeouts.
# NB: Previous releases of rest-client would raise RequestTimeout both for
# HTTP 408 responses and for actual connection timeouts.
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#202
class RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout < ::RestClient::RequestTimeout
  # @return [Timeout] a new instance of Timeout
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#203
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), original_exception = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::ExpectationFailed < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::FailedDependency < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Forbidden < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Found < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::GatewayTimeout < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Gone < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::HTTPVersionNotSupported < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::IMUsed < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::ImATeapot < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::InsufficientStorage < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::InternalServerError < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::LengthRequired < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Locked < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::LoopDetected < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::MethodNotAllowed < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::MovedPermanently < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::MultiStatus < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::MultipleChoices < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NetworkAuthenticationRequired < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NoContent < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NonAuthoritativeInformation < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NotAcceptable < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NotExtended < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NotFound < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NotImplemented < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::NotModified < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::OK < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# The ParamsArray class is used to represent an ordered list of [key, value]
# pairs. Use this when you need to include a key multiple times or want
# explicit control over parameter ordering.
# Most of the request payload & parameter functions normally accept a Hash of
# keys => values, which does not allow for duplicated keys.
# @see RestClient::Utils.encode_query_string
# @see RestClient::Utils.flatten_params
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/params_array.rb#13
class RestClient::ParamsArray
  include ::Enumerable

  # @example
  #   >>[[:foo, 123], [:foo, 456], [:bar, 789]])
  #   This will be encoded as "foo=123&foo=456&bar=789"
  # @example
  #   >>{foo: 123, bar: 456})
  #   This is valid, but there's no reason not to just use the Hash directly
  #   instead of a ParamsArray.
  # @param array [Array<Array>] An array of parameter key,value pairs. These
  #   pairs may be 2 element arrays [key, value] or single element hashes
  #   {key => value}. They may also be single element arrays to represent a
  #   key with no value.
  # @return [ParamsArray] a new instance of ParamsArray
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/params_array.rb#31
  def initialize(array); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/params_array.rb#35
  def each(*args, &blk); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/params_array.rb#39
  def empty?; end


  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/params_array.rb#45
  def process_input(array); end

  # A pair may be:
  # - A single element hash, e.g. {foo: 'bar'}
  # - A two element array, e.g. ['foo', 'bar']
  # - A one element array, e.g. ['foo']
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/params_array.rb#54
  def process_pair(pair); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::PartialContent < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#13
module RestClient::Payload
  extend ::RestClient::Payload

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#48
  def _has_file?(obj); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#16
  def generate(params); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#41
  def has_file?(params); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#59
class RestClient::Payload::Base
  # @return [Base] a new instance of Base
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#60
  def initialize(params); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#64
  def build_stream(params); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#89
  def close; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#93
  def closed?; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#79
  def headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#83
  def length; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#69
  def read(*args); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#101
  def short_inspect; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#83
  def size; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#73
  def to_s; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#97
  def to_s_inspect; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#141
class RestClient::Payload::Multipart < ::RestClient::Payload::Base
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#201
  def boundary; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#144
  def build_stream(params); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#229
  def close; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#181
  def create_file_field(s, k, v); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#174
  def create_regular_field(s, k, v); end

  # for Multipart do not escape the keys
  # Ostensibly multipart keys MAY be percent encoded per RFC 7578, but in
  # practice no major browser that I'm aware of uses percent encoding.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#221
  def handle_key(key); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#225
  def headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#196
  def mime_for(path); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#142
RestClient::Payload::Multipart::EOL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#111
class RestClient::Payload::Streamed < ::RestClient::Payload::Base
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#112
  def build_stream(params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # TODO (breaks compatibility): ought to use mime_for() to autodetect the
  # Content-Type for stream objects that have a filename.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#116
  def length; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#116
  def size; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#130
class RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded < ::RestClient::Payload::Base
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#131
  def build_stream(params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/payload.rb#136
  def headers; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::PayloadTooLarge < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::PaymentRequired < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::PermanentRedirect < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#4
module RestClient::Platform
  class << self
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#32
    def architecture; end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#45
    def default_user_agent; end

    # Return true if we are running on jruby.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#27
    def jruby?; end

    # Return true if we are running on a darwin-based Ruby platform. This will
    # be false for jruby even on OS X.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#9
    def mac_mri?; end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#36
    def ruby_agent_version; end

    # Return true if we are running on Windows.
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/platform.rb#17
    def windows?; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::PreconditionFailed < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::PreconditionRequired < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Processing < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::ProxyAuthenticationRequired < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::RangeNotSatisfiable < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# The response from RestClient on a raw request looks like a string, but is
# actually one of these.  99% of the time you're making a rest call all you
# care about is the body, but on the occassion you want to fetch the
# headers you can:
#   RestClient.get('').headers[:content_type]
# In addition, if you do not use the response as a string, you can access
# a Tempfile object at res.file, which contains the path to the raw
# downloaded request body.
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#12
class RestClient::RawResponse
  include ::RestClient::AbstractResponse

  # @param tempfile [Tempfile] The temporary file containing the body
  # @param net_http_res [Net::HTTPResponse]
  # @param request [RestClient::Request]
  # @param start_time [Time]
  # @return [RawResponse] a new instance of RawResponse
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#26
  def initialize(tempfile, net_http_res, request, start_time = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#39
  def body; end

  # Returns the value of attribute end_time.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#16
  def end_time; end

  # Returns the value of attribute file.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#16
  def file; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#18
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the value of attribute request.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#16
  def request; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#44
  def size; end

  # Returns the value of attribute start_time.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#16
  def start_time; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/raw_response.rb#35
  def to_s; end

# This class is used internally by RestClient to send the request, but you can also
# call it directly if you'd like to use a method not supported by the
# main API.  For example:
#   RestClient::Request.execute(:method => :head, :url => '')
# Mandatory parameters:
# * :method
# * :url
# Optional parameters (have a look at ssl and/or uri for some explanations):
# * :headers a hash containing the request headers
# * :cookies may be a Hash{String/Symbol => String} of cookie values, an
#     Array<HTTP::Cookie>, or an HTTP::CookieJar containing cookies. These
#     will be added to a cookie jar before the request is sent.
# * :user and :password for basic auth, will be replaced by a user/password available in the :url
# * :block_response call the provided block with the HTTPResponse as parameter
# * :raw_response return a low-level RawResponse instead of a Response
# * :log Set the log for this request only, overriding RestClient.log, if
#      any.
# * :stream_log_percent (Only relevant with :raw_response => true) Customize
#     the interval at which download progress is logged. Defaults to every
#     10% complete.
# * :max_redirects maximum number of redirections (default to 10)
# * :proxy An HTTP proxy URI to use for this request. Any value here
#   (including nil) will override RestClient.proxy.
# * :verify_ssl enable ssl verification, possible values are constants from
#     OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_*, defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
# * :read_timeout and :open_timeout are how long to wait for a response and
#     to open a connection, in seconds. Pass nil to disable the timeout.
# * :timeout can be used to set both timeouts
# * :ssl_client_cert, :ssl_client_key, :ssl_ca_file, :ssl_ca_path,
#     :ssl_cert_store, :ssl_verify_callback, :ssl_verify_callback_warnings
# * :ssl_version specifies the SSL version for the underlying Net::HTTP connection
# * :ssl_ciphers sets SSL ciphers for the connection. See
#     OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ciphers=
# * :before_execution_proc a Proc to call before executing the request. This
#      proc, like procs from RestClient.before_execution_procs, will be
#      called with the HTTP request and request params.
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#52
class RestClient::Request
  # @return [Request] a new instance of Request
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#73
  def initialize(args); end

  # Returns the value of attribute args.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def args; end

  # @return [HTTP::CookieJar]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#251
  def cookie_jar; end

  # Render a hash of key => value pairs for cookies in the Request#cookie_jar
  # that are valid for the Request#uri. This will not necessarily include all
  # cookies if there are duplicate keys. It's safer to use the cookie_jar
  # directly if that's a concern.
  # @return [Hash]
  # @see Request#cookie_jar
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#240
  def cookies; end

  # Default headers set by RestClient. In addition to these headers, servers
  # will receive headers set by Net::HTTP, such as Accept-Encoding and Host.
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, String>]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#586
  def default_headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#160
  def execute(&block); end

  # Returns the value of attribute headers.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#69
  def inspect; end

  # Default to the global logger if there's not a request-specific one
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#536
  def log; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#540
  def log_request; end

  # Render a Cookie HTTP request header from the contents of the @cookie_jar,
  # or nil if the jar is empty.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # @see Request#cookie_jar
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#262
  def make_cookie_header; end

  # Generate headers for use by a request. Header keys will be stringified
  # using `#stringify_headers` to normalize them as capitalized strings.
  # The final headers consist of:
  #   - default headers from #default_headers
  #   - user_headers provided here
  #   - headers from the payload object (e.g. Content-Type, Content-Lenth)
  #   - cookie headers from #make_cookie_header
  # BUG: stringify_headers does not alter the capitalization of headers that
  # are passed as strings, it only normalizes those passed as symbols. This
  # behavior will probably remain for a while for compatibility, but it means
  # that the warnings that attempt to detect accidental header overrides may
  # not always work.
  # @param user_headers [Hash] User-provided headers to include
  # @return [Hash<String, String>] A hash of HTTP headers => values
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#388
  def make_headers(user_headers); end

  # Returns the value of attribute max_redirects.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def max_redirects; end

  # Returns the value of attribute method.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def method; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#468
  def net_http_do_request(http, req, body = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#448
  def net_http_object(hostname, port); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#464
  def net_http_request_class(method); end

  # Normalize a URL by adding a protocol if none is present.
  # If the string has no HTTP-like scheme (i.e. scheme followed by '//'), a
  # scheme of 'http' will be added. This mimics the behavior of browsers and
  # user agents like cURL.
  # @param url [String] A URL string.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#487
  def normalize_url(url); end

  # Returns the value of attribute open_timeout.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def open_timeout; end

  # Returns the value of attribute password.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def password; end

  # Returns the value of attribute payload.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def payload; end

  # Process cookies passed as hash or as HTTP::CookieJar. For backwards
  # compatibility, these may be passed as a :cookies option masquerading
  # inside the headers hash. To avoid confusion, if :cookies is passed in
  # both headers and Request#initialize, raise an error.
  # :cookies may be a:
  # - Hash{String/Symbol => String}
  # - Array<HTTP::Cookie>
  # - HTTP::CookieJar
  # Passing as a hash:
  #   Keys may be symbols or strings. Values must be strings.
  #   Infer the domain name from the request URI and allow subdomains (as
  #   though '' had been set in a Set-Cookie header). Assume a
  #   path of '/'.
  # '', method: :get,
  #       :cookies => {:foo => 'Value', 'bar' => '123'}
  #     )
  # results in cookies as though set from the server by:
  #     Set-Cookie: foo=Value;; Path=/
  #     Set-Cookie: bar=123;; Path=/
  # which yields a client cookie header of:
  #     Cookie: foo=Value; bar=123
  # Passing as HTTP::CookieJar, which will be passed through directly:
  #     jar =
  #     jar.add('foo', 'Value', domain: '',
  #                              path: '/', for_domain: false))
  #, :cookies => jar)
  # infer the domain name for cookies passed as strings in a hash. To avoid
  # this implicit behavior, pass a full cookie jar or use HTTP::Cookie hash
  # values.
  # @param uri [URI::HTTP] The URI for the request. This will be used to
  # @param headers [Hash] The headers hash from which to pull the :cookies
  #   option. MUTATION NOTE: This key will be deleted from the hash if
  #   present.
  # @param args [Hash] The options passed to Request#initialize. This hash
  #   will be used as another potential source for the :cookies key.
  #   These args will not be mutated.
  # @return [HTTP::CookieJar] A cookie jar containing the parsed cookies.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#319
  def process_cookie_args!(uri, headers, args); end

  # Extract the query parameters and append them to the url
  # Look through the headers hash for a :params option (case-insensitive,
  # may be string or symbol). If present and the value is a Hash or
  # RestClient::ParamsArray, *delete* the key/value pair from the headers
  # hash and encode the value into a query string. Append this query string
  # to the URL and return the resulting URL.
  # @param url [String]
  # @param headers [Hash] An options/headers hash to process. Mutation
  #   warning: the params key may be removed if present!
  # @return [String] resulting url with query string
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#200
  def process_url_params(url, headers); end

  # Returns the value of attribute processed_headers.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def processed_headers; end

  # Returns the value of attribute proxy.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def proxy; end

  # The proxy URI for this request. If `:proxy` was provided on this request,
  # use it over `RestClient.proxy`.
  # Return false if a proxy was explicitly set and is falsy.
  # @return [URI, false, nil]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#430
  def proxy_uri; end

  # Returns the value of attribute raw_response.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def raw_response; end

  # Returns the value of attribute read_timeout.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def read_timeout; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#521
  def redacted_uri; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#531
  def redacted_url; end

  # An array of previous redirection responses
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#60
  def redirection_history; end

  # An array of previous redirection responses
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#60
  def redirection_history=(_arg0); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_ca_file; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_ca_path; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_cert_store; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_ciphers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_client_cert; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_client_key; end

  # Returns the value of attribute ssl_opts.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def ssl_opts; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_verify_callback; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_verify_callback_warnings; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#173
  def ssl_version; end

  # Return a hash of headers whose keys are capitalized strings
  # BUG: stringify_headers does not fix the capitalization of headers that
  # are already Strings. Leaving this behavior as is for now for
  # backwards compatibility.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#558
  def stringify_headers(headers); end

  # Returns the value of attribute uri.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def uri; end

  # Returns the value of attribute url.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def url; end

  # Return true if the request URI will use HTTPS.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#182
  def use_ssl?; end

  # Returns the value of attribute user.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#54
  def user; end

  # SSL-related options
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#169
  def verify_ssl; end


  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#788
  def fetch_body_to_tempfile(http_response); end

  # Given a MIME type or file extension, return either a MIME type or, if
  # none is found, the input unchanged.
  #     >> maybe_convert_extension('json')
  #     => 'application/json'
  #     >> maybe_convert_extension('unknown')
  #     => 'unknown'
  #     >> maybe_convert_extension('application/xml')
  #     => 'application/xml'
  # @param ext [String]
  # @return [String]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#861
  def maybe_convert_extension(ext); end

  # Parse a method and return a normalized string version.
  # Raise ArgumentError if the method is falsy, but otherwise do no
  # validation.
  # @param method [String, Symbol]
  # @raise [ArgumentError]
  # @return [String]
  # @see net_http_request_class
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#646
  def normalize_method(method); end

  # Parse the `@url` string into a URI object and save it as
  # `@uri`. Also save any basic auth user or password as @user and @password.
  # If no auth info was passed, check for credentials in a Netrc file.
  # @param url [String] A URL string.
  # @raise URI::InvalidURIError on invalid URIs
  # @return [URI]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#605
  def parse_url_with_auth!(url); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#841
  def parser; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#621
  def print_verify_callback_warnings; end

  # @param res The Net::HTTP response object
  # @param start_time [Time] Time of request start
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#821
  def process_result(res, start_time, tempfile = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#782
  def setup_credentials(req); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#651
  def transmit(uri, req, payload, &block); end

  class << self
    # Return a certificate store that can be used to validate certificates with
    # the system certificate authorities. This will probably not do anything on
    # OS X, which monkey patches OpenSSL in terrible ways to insert its own
    # validation. On most *nix platforms, this will add the system certifcates
    # using OpenSSL::X509::Store#set_default_paths. On Windows, this will use
    # RestClient::Windows::RootCerts to look up the CAs trusted by the system.
    # @return [OpenSSL::X509::Store]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#501
    def default_ssl_cert_store; end

    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#62
    def execute(args, &block); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/request.rb#66
RestClient::Request::SSLOptionList = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#189
RestClient::RequestEntityTooLarge = RestClient::PayloadTooLarge

# The request failed with an error code not managed by the code
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#155
class RestClient::RequestFailed < ::RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#157
  def default_message; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#161
  def to_s; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::RequestTimeout < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#189
RestClient::RequestURITooLong = RestClient::URITooLong

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#189
RestClient::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = RestClient::RangeNotSatisfiable

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::ResetContent < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# A class that can be instantiated for access to a RESTful resource,
# including authentication.
# Example:
#   resource ='http://some/resource')
#   jpg = resource.get(:accept => 'image/jpg')
# With HTTP basic authentication:
#   resource ='http://protected/resource', :user => 'user', :password => 'password')
#   resource.delete
# With a timeout (seconds):
#'http://slow', :read_timeout => 10)
# With an open timeout (seconds):
#'http://behindfirewall', :open_timeout => 10)
# You can also use resources to share common headers. For headers keys,
# symbols are converted to strings. Example:
#   resource ='http://some/resource', :headers => { :client_version => 1 })
# This header will be transported as X-Client-Version (notice the X prefix,
# capitalization and hyphens)
# Use the [] syntax to allocate subresources:
#   site ='', :user => 'adam', :password => 'mypasswd')
#   site['posts/1/comments'].post 'Good article.', :content_type => 'text/plain'
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#36
class RestClient::Resource
  # @return [Resource] a new instance of Resource
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#39
  def initialize(url, options = T.unsafe(nil), backwards_compatibility = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Construct a subresource, preserving authentication.
  # Example:
  #   site ='', 'adam', 'mypasswd')
  #   site['posts/1/comments'].post 'Good article.', :content_type => 'text/plain'
  # This is especially useful if you wish to define your site in one place and
  # call it in multiple locations:
  #   def orders
  #'', 'admin', 'mypasswd')
  #   end
  #   orders.get                     # GET
  #   orders['1'].get                # GET
  #   orders['1/items'].delete       # DELETE
  # Nest resources as far as you want:
  #   site ='')
  #   posts = site['posts']
  #   first_post = posts['1']
  #   comments = first_post['comments']
  # 'Hello', :content_type => 'text/plain'
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#160
  def [](suburl, &new_block); end

  # Returns the value of attribute block.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#37
  def block; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#168
  def concat_urls(url, suburl); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#97
  def delete(additional_headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#49
  def get(additional_headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#58
  def head(additional_headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#118
  def headers; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#130
  def log; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#126
  def open_timeout; end

  # Returns the value of attribute options.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#37
  def options; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#114
  def password; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#87
  def patch(payload, additional_headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#67
  def post(payload, additional_headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#77
  def put(payload, additional_headers = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#122
  def read_timeout; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#106
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the value of attribute url.
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#37
  def url; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/resource.rb#110
  def user; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#189
RestClient::ResourceNotFound = RestClient::NotFound

# A Response from RestClient, you can access the response body, the code or the headers.
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#5
class RestClient::Response < ::String
  include ::RestClient::AbstractResponse

  # Return the HTTP response body.
  # Future versions of RestClient will deprecate treating response objects
  # directly as strings, so it will be necessary to call `.body`.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#16
  def body; end

  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#37
  def inspect; end

  # Convert the HTTP response body to a pure String object.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#26
  def to_s; end

  # Convert the HTTP response body to a pure String object.
  # @return [String]
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#33
  def to_str; end


  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#81
  def body_truncated(length); end

  class << self
    # Initialize a Response object. Because RestClient::Response is
    # (unfortunately) a subclass of String for historical reasons,
    # Response.create is the preferred initializer.
    # @param body [String, nil] The response body from the Net::HTTPResponse
    # @param net_http_res [Net::HTTPResponse]
    # @param request [RestClient::Request]
    # @param start_time [Time]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#49
    def create(body, net_http_res, request, start_time = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Set the String encoding according to the 'Content-Type: charset' header,
    # if possible.
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/response.rb#60
    def fix_encoding(response); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::RetryWith < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#238
class RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified < ::RestClient::Exception
  # @return [SSLCertificateNotVerified] a new instance of SSLCertificateNotVerified
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#239
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Hash of HTTP status code => message.
# 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
# 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and
#      accepted
# 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the
#      request
# 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
# 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid
#      request
# @see
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#17
RestClient::STATUSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#87
RestClient::STATUSES_COMPATIBILITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::SeeOther < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# The server broke the connection prior to the request completing.  Usually
# this means it crashed, or sometimes that your network connection was
# severed before it could complete.
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#231
class RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection < ::RestClient::Exception
  # @return [ServerBrokeConnection] a new instance of ServerBrokeConnection
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#232
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::ServiceUnavailable < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::SwitchProxy < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::SwitchingProtocols < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::TemporaryRedirect < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::TooManyConnectionsFromThisIP < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::TooManyRequests < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::URITooLong < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::Unauthorized < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::UnorderedCollection < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::UnprocessableEntity < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::UnsupportedMediaType < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::UpgradeRequired < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::UseProxy < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# Various utility methods
# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#5
module RestClient::Utils
  class << self
    # Parse semi-colon separated, potentially quoted header string iteratively.
    # @deprecated This method is deprecated and only exists to support Ruby
    #   2.0, which is not supported by HTTP::Accept.
    # @private
    # @todo remove this method when dropping support for Ruby 2.0
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#75
    def _cgi_parseparam(s); end

    # Parse a Content-Type like header.
    # Return the main content-type and a hash of params.
    # @param line [String]
    # @return [Array(String, Hash)]
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#56
    def cgi_parse_header(line); end

    # Parse a Content-Type like header.
    # Return the main content-type and a hash of options.
    # This method was ported directly from Python's cgi.parse_header(). It
    # probably doesn't read or perform particularly well in ruby.
    # @deprecated This method is deprecated and only exists to support Ruby
    #   2.0, which is not supported by HTTP::Accept.
    # @param line [String]
    # @return [Array(String, Hash)]
    # @todo remove this method when dropping support for Ruby 2.0
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#112
    def deprecated_cgi_parse_header(line); end

    # Serialize a ruby object into HTTP query string parameters.
    # There is no standard for doing this, so we choose our own slightly
    # idiosyncratic format. The output closely matches the format understood by
    # Rails, Rack, and PHP.
    # If you don't want handling of complex objects and only want to handle
    # simple flat hashes, you may want to use `URI.encode_www_form` instead,
    # which implements HTML5-compliant URL encoded form data.
    # Notable differences from the ActiveSupport implementation:
    # - Empty hash and empty array are treated the same as nil instead of being
    #   omitted entirely from the output. Rather than disappearing, they will
    #   appear to be nil instead.
    # It's most common to pass a Hash as the object to serialize, but you can
    # also use a ParamsArray if you want to be able to pass the same key with
    # multiple values and not use the rack/rails array convention.
    # @example Simple hashes
    #   >> encode_query_string({foo: 123, bar: 456})
    #   => 'foo=123&bar=456'
    # @example Simple arrays
    #   >> encode_query_string({foo: [1,2,3]})
    #   => 'foo[]=1&foo[]=2&foo[]=3'
    # @example Nested hashes
    #   >> encode_query_string({outer: {foo: 123, bar: 456}})
    #   => 'outer[foo]=123&outer[bar]=456'
    # @example Deeply nesting
    #   >> encode_query_string({coords: [{x: 1, y: 0}, {x: 2}, {x: 3}]})
    #   => 'coords[][x]=1&coords[][y]=0&coords[][x]=2&coords[][x]=3'
    # @example Null and empty values
    #   >> encode_query_string({string: '', empty: nil, list: [], hash: {}})
    #   => 'string=&empty&list&hash'
    # @example Nested nulls
    #   >> encode_query_string({foo: {string: '', empty: nil}})
    #   => 'foo[string]=&foo[empty]'
    # @example Multiple fields with the same name using ParamsArray
    #   >> encode_query_string([[:foo, 1], [:foo, 2], [:foo, 3]]))
    #   => 'foo=1&foo=2&foo=3'
    # @example Nested ParamsArray
    #   >> encode_query_string({foo:[[:a, 1], [:a, 2]])})
    #   => 'foo[a]=1&foo[a]=2'
    #   >> encode_query_string([[:foo, {a: 1}], [:foo, {a: 2}]]))
    #   => 'foo[a]=1&foo[a]=2'
    # @param object [Hash, ParamsArray] The object to serialize
    # @return [String] A string appropriate for use as an HTTP query string
    # @see {flatten_params}
    # @see URI.encode_www_form
    # @see See also Object#to_query in ActiveSupport
    # @see http_build_query in PHP
    # @see See also Rack::Utils.build_nested_query in Rack
    # @since 2.0.0
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#206
    def encode_query_string(object); end

    # Encode string for safe transport by URI or form encoding. This uses a CGI
    # style escape, which transforms ` ` into `+` and various special
    # characters into percent encoded forms.
    # This calls URI.encode_www_form_component for the implementation. The only
    # difference between this and CGI.escape is that it does not escape `*`.
    # @see URI.encode_www_form_component
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#270
    def escape(string); end

    # Transform deeply nested param containers into a flat array of [key,
    # value] pairs.
    # @example
    #   >> flatten_params({key1: {key2: 123}})
    #   => [["key1[key2]", 123]]
    # @example
    #   >> flatten_params({key1: {key2: 123, arr: [1,2,3]}})
    #   => [["key1[key2]", 123], ["key1[arr][]", 1], ["key1[arr][]", 2], ["key1[arr][]", 3]]
    # @param object [Hash, ParamsArray] The container to flatten
    # @param uri_escape [Boolean] Whether to URI escape keys and values
    # @param parent_key [String] Should not be passed (used for recursion)
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#225
    def flatten_params(object, uri_escape = T.unsafe(nil), parent_key = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Return encoding from an HTTP header hash.
    # We use the RFC 7231 specification and do not impose a default encoding on
    # text. This differs from the older RFC 2616 behavior, which specifies
    # using ISO-8859-1 for text/* content types without a charset.
    # Strings will use the default encoding when this method returns nil. This
    # default is likely to be UTF-8 for Ruby >= 2.0
    # @example
    #   >> get_encoding_from_headers({:content_type => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'})
    #   => "UTF-8"
    # @param headers [Hash<Symbol,String>]
    # @return [String, nil] Return the string encoding or nil if no header is
    #   found.
    # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/utils.rb#25
    def get_encoding_from_headers(headers); end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/version.rb#3
RestClient::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/version.rb#2
RestClient::VERSION_INFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#178
class RestClient::VariantAlsoNegotiates < ::RestClient::RequestFailed
  # source://rest-client//lib/restclient/exceptions.rb#179
  def default_message; end

# source://rest-client//lib/restclient/windows.rb#2
module RestClient::Windows; end