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Test Coverage
<% if current_user %>
<pre>GET <%= api_v1_policy_url(format: "json", id: "foo", key: current_user.api_key).gsub("foo", "[id]") %></pre>
<% else %>
<pre>GET <%= api_v1_policy_url(format: "json", id: "id2", key: "api_key2").gsub("id2", "[id]").gsub("api_key2", "[api_key]") %></pre>
<% end %>

<% if current_user %>
For example

<pre>GET <%= link_to api_v1_policy_url(format: "json", id: 1, key: current_user.api_key), api_v1_policy_url(format: "json", id: 1, key: current_user.api_key) %></pre>
<% end %>

This returns all sorts of useful detailed information, including

Parameter            | Description
-------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
`name`               | A short name for the policy
`description`        | More detail on what the policy means
`provisional`        | `true` or `false`. A provisional policy isn't yet "complete" and isn't visible by default in comparisons with people
`last_edited_at`     | Time that the policy was last edited (in [ISO 8601]( format)
`policy_divisions`   | An array of divisions connected to this policy. Each division also has an associated `vote` which can be `strong` which makes the vote more important
`people_comparisons` | An array of people who could have voted on this division and their calculated `agreement` score in range from 0 to 100. `voted` says whether they ever vote on a division from this policy. `category` gives the overall summary of the agreement corresponding to the wording used on the site (e.g. "voted consistently for"). `category` can have one of the values <%={|c| "\"#{c}\"" }.join(", ") %>.