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Test Coverage
- if division.edited?{class: division.edited? ? "motion-edited" : "motion-raw collapse"}
    %h2.motion-title Summary
    = link_to "Edit", edit_division_path_simple(division), title: "Edit and improve this description", class: "link-division-edit division-edit-link btn btn-link btn-xs"
    .motion-text= division.formatted_motion_text
- else
    This division is yet to be summarised. Believe it or not there is no easy to understand explanation of every vote in our parliament.
    If you’d like to know more about this division, reading the
    = link_to "preceding debate", division.debate_url
    may be helpful. You can help everybody by improving this resource—#{link_to "provide a summary of what was voted on in this division", edit_division_path_simple(division)}.