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Test Coverage
- content_for :title do
  Edit division summary β€”
  = division_date_and_time(@division) + ", " + @division.house_name

  %h1 Edit division summary
    - if @division.edited?
      Improve the
    - else
      Write a
    summary of what was voted on in #{link_to 'this division', division_path_simple(@division), title: "Back to division: #{} β€” #{division_date_and_time(@division) + ", " + @division.house_name}", target: "_blank"}.
    Accurate, informed summaries draw on the
    = link_to "debate leading up to the division", @division.debate_url, target: '_blank', title: 'Read the speeches given in Parliament before they voted.'
    and our #{link_to 'research guide', help_research_path, target: "_blank"}. It’s also helpful to include links to the legislation, reports and other resources you find so that readers can dive in further if they wish.

    Clear and succinct summaries are best.
    = link_to 'Use our style guide', help_style_guide_path, target: "_blank"
    to write something that everyone can understand.

    = form_for @division, url: division_path_simple(@division), method: :post do |f|
        -# TODO Add for to labels
        %label Division title:
        %input.form-control{maxlength: "250", name: "newtitle", size: "50", type: "text", value:}/
        %label Division summary:
 link_to "Edit", "#edit", role: "tab", data: {toggle: "tab"}
          %li= link_to "Preview", "#preview", role: "tab", data: {toggle: "tab"}, id: "preview_link"

            %textarea.form-control{cols: "45", name: "newdescription", rows: "25"}
              = preserve(h(@division.motion)) if @division.edited?

      %input.submit-division-edit.btn.btn-primary{accesskey: "S", name: "submit", type: "submit", value: "Save"}/
      = link_to "Cancel", :back, class: "btn btn-default"
    = render "edit_help"