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Test Coverage
- content_for :title, "Help — Frequently Asked Questions"
- set_meta_tags description: "Parliament's confusing jargon explained in plain English."
- content_for :header do
      %h1= yield :title

        = link_to "#how" do
          How does #{inline_project_name} work?
      %li= link_to "What time period does it cover?", "#timeperiod"

      %li= link_to "What is a division?", "#division"
      %li= link_to "When does a division occur?", "#division-occur"
        = link_to "#decisions" do
          Why don’t all decisions made in Parliament appear on #{inline_project_name}?
      %li= link_to "Why don’t all the divisions have edited summaries?", "#summaries"

      %li= link_to "What are Policies and how do they work?", "#policies"
      %li= link_to "How did you decide whether someone supports a policy or not?", "#stance"
      %li= link_to "What are “Rebel Voters”?", "#rebel"
      %li= link_to "What is a “Free Vote”?", "#free"
      %li= link_to 'What do the "attendance" figures mean?', "#attendance"
      %li= link_to 'What do the "rebellion" figures mean?', "#rebellion"
      %li= link_to "What happens if a division is tied?", "#tied-division"

      %li= link_to "How can I check the accuracy of They Vote For You?", "#accuracy"

    %h2#how How does #{inline_project_name} work?
    = render "help/faq/how_does_it_work"

    %h2#timeperiod What time period does it cover?
    = render "help/faq/time_period"

    %h2#division What is a division?
    = render "help/faq/division"

    %h2#division-occur When does a division occur?
    = render "help/faq/when_division"

    %h2#decisions Why don’t all decisions made in Parliament appear on #{inline_project_name}?
    = render "help/faq/decisions"

    %h2#summaries Why don’t all the divisions have edited summaries?
    = render "help/faq/summaries"

    %h2#policies What are Policies and how do they work?
    = render "help/faq/policies"

    %h2#stance How did you decide whether someone supports a policy or not?
    = render "help/faq/stance"

    %h2#rebel What are “Rebel Voters”?
    = render "help/faq/rebel"

    %h2#free What is a “Free Vote”?
    = render "help/faq/free"

    %h2#attendance What do the "attendance" figures mean?
    = render "help/faq/attendance"

    %h2#rebellion What do the "rebellion" figures mean?
    = render "help/faq/rebellion"

    %h2#tied-division What happens if a division is tied?
    = render "help/faq/tied_divisions"

    %h2#accuracy How can I check the accuracy of They Vote For You?
    = render "help/faq/accuracy"