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- content_for :title, "Licencing"
- set_meta_tags description: "The licences that make #{Settings.project_name}'s data and software free and open source."

- content_for :header do
      %h1= yield :title
        You are free to reuse/republish the parliamentary data in
          = Settings.project_name
        with a reference and link to this website.

      %h2 Use the data

        #{link_to "Access the data via our API", help_data_path}.
        It is licensed under
        = link_to "Open Data Commons Open Database License", ""
        to the extent which we have rights to it. This is an attribution, share-alike licence, so the work you produce with this data must also share the result under a compatible open data licence.
        Always double check any data you use are correct. If you do find an error,
        = link_to "please let us know", about_path(anchor: "contact")
        and we'll do our best to correct it for everyone.
      %h2 Use the software

        #{link_to "Download the software on GitHub", ''}.
        You may use it and change it you as long as you release any changes you make under the terms of
        #{link_to "GNU Affero General Public License", ""}.