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Test Coverage
  = link_to "", title: "See on Instagram" do
        No bells or whistles and nothing dodgy. It's an open source platform.
          = image_tag("", data: {original: image_path("avatars/sarah_wilson.jpg")}, width: 64, height: 64, alt: "Photo of Sarah Wilson", class: "lazy img-circle")
        Sarah Wilson, best-selling author, podcaster

  = link_to "", title: "See on Twitter" do
        No matter your political alignment, you should check to see if your MP values align with you.
          = image_tag("", data: {original: image_path("avatars/alice_in_covid_land.jpg")}, width: 64, height: 64, alt: "Photo of alice in covid-land", class: "lazy img-circle")
        alice in covid-land

  = link_to "", title: "See on Twitter" do
        Weird that politicians get tetchy about having their voting record on the record when it's already in Hansard, but who's got time for that? I'm here for it.
          = image_tag("", data: {original: image_path("avatars/emmaaargh.jpg")}, width: 64, height: 64, alt: "Photo of єmmaaargh²", class: "lazy img-circle")

  = link_to "", title: "See on" do
        It’s all very scientific.
        Kassia Byrnes, Youth Editor

  = link_to "", title: "See on Twitter" do
        Because democracy should be accessible for everyone.
          = image_tag("", data: {original: image_path("avatars/daniel_ferguson.jpg")}, width: 64, height: 64, alt: "Photo of Daniel Ferguson", class: "lazy img-circle")
        Daniel Ferguson

  = link_to "", title: "See on Twitter" do
        Politicians say a lot, but how they vote is what really counts.
          = image_tag("", data: {original: image_path("avatars/hey_maze.jpg")}, width: 64, height: 64, alt: "Photo of Hey Maze", class: "lazy img-circle")
        Hey Maze