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Test Coverage
- content_for :title, 'Make a new policy'

  %h1= yield :title

    Add a new policy by completing two statements below.<br />
    Write easy to understand and politically impartial descriptions.

    - unless @policy.errors.any?
      %button{id: 'tips-toggler', type: 'button', class: 'btn btn-link btn-sm btn-lone-link', data: {toggle: 'collapse', target: '#tips'}}
        Tips for useful policies
        = render "policy_authoring_tips"

    = simple_form_for @policy do |f|
      = f.error_notification
      = f.input :name, label: 'If you are for', placeholder: 'equal treatment of same-sex couples',label_html: { class: 'h4' } Complete the statement to provide a short, specific policy summary.

      = f.input :description, label: 'you believe that', placeholder: 'the federal government should amend commonwealth laws so that homosexual couples are treated equally to heterosexual couples', input_html: {rows: 6},label_html: { class: 'h4' } Describe of the belief that makes someone a supporter of the policy.

      = render "new_policy_outro"

          Privacy &mdash;
          By creating a policy you are making your name
          and the policy's voting record public.
          Licensing &mdash;
          You agree to license what you add here under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
          = link_to "Why?", "#policies_license", data: {toggle: "collapse"}
        = render "help/faq/policies_license"
      = f.button :submit, class: 'btn-primary submit-policy', value: 'Make Policy'
      = link_to "Cancel", :back, class: "btn btn-default"