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Test Coverage
 Copyright (C) 2018 OpenControl Contributors. See for license.

package resources

import (

//go:generate mockery -name Getter

// getAllLocalResources will get try to get the resources that are in the current "source" directory and place them
// in the final "destination" workspace directory.
func getAllLocalResources(source string, destination string, opencontrol common.OpenControl, getter Getter) error {
    // Get Certifications
    log.Println("Retrieving certifications")
    err := getter.GetLocalResources(source, opencontrol.GetCertifications(), destination,
        constants.DefaultCertificationsFolder, false, constants.Certifications)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Get Standards
    log.Println("Retrieving standards")
    err = getter.GetLocalResources(source, opencontrol.GetStandards(), destination,
        constants.DefaultStandardsFolder, false, constants.Standards)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Get Components
    log.Println("Retrieving components")
    err = getter.GetLocalResources(source, opencontrol.GetComponents(), destination,
        constants.DefaultComponentsFolder, true, constants.Components)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// getAllRemoteResources will get try to get the dependencies from their respective repositories and put them
// in the final "destination" workspace directory.
func getAllRemoteResources(destination string, opencontrol common.OpenControl, getter Getter) error {
    // Get Certifications
    log.Println("Retrieving dependent certifications")
    err := getter.GetRemoteResources(destination, constants.DefaultCertificationsFolder,
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Get Standards
    log.Println("Retrieving dependent standards")
    err = getter.GetRemoteResources(destination, constants.DefaultStandardsFolder,
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Get Components
    log.Println("Retrieving dependent components")
    err = getter.GetRemoteResources(destination, constants.DefaultComponentsFolder,
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// GetResources will download all the resources that are specified by the schema first by copying the
// local resources then downloading the remote ones and letting their respective schema version handle
// how to get their resources.
func GetResources(source string, destination string, opencontrol common.OpenControl, getter Getter) error {
    // Local
    err := getAllLocalResources(source, destination, opencontrol, getter)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Remote
    err = getAllRemoteResources(destination, opencontrol, getter)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// Getter is an interface for how to get and place local and remote resources.
type Getter interface {
    GetLocalResources(source string, resources []string, destination string, subfolder string, recursively bool,
        resourceType constants.ResourceType) error
    GetRemoteResources(destination string, subfolder string, entries []common.RemoteSource) error

// NewVCSAndLocalGetter constructs a new resource getter with the type of parser to use for the files.
func NewVCSAndLocalGetter(parser opencontrol.SchemaParser) Getter {
    return &vcsAndLocalFSGetter{Downloader: NewVCSDownloader(), FSUtil: fs.OSUtil{}, Parser: parser,
        ResourceMap: mapset.Init()}

// vcsAndLocalFSGetter is the resource getter that uses VCS for remote resource getting and local file system
// for local resources.
type vcsAndLocalFSGetter struct {
    Downloader  Downloader
    FSUtil      fs.Util
    ResourceMap mapset.MapSet
    Parser      opencontrol.SchemaParser

// reserveLocalResourceDestination will attempt to make a unique reservation for a particular type of resource and make
// any necessary filesystem changes so that the resource can moved there.
func (g *vcsAndLocalFSGetter) reserveLocalResourceDestination(resourceType constants.ResourceType, subfolder string,
    destination string, resource string) (string, error) {
    // Attempt to make a unique reservation for the resource.
    if result := g.ResourceMap.Reserve(string(resourceType), resource); !result.Success {
        return "", result.Error
    // Construct the folder of where the resource should be placed.
    resourceDestinationFolder := filepath.Join(destination, subfolder)
    // Construct the final path for the resource itself once placed in the destination path.
    resourceDestination := filepath.Join(resourceDestinationFolder, filepath.Base(resource))

    log.Printf("Ensuring directory %s exists\n", resourceDestinationFolder)
    err := g.FSUtil.Mkdirs(resourceDestinationFolder)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return resourceDestination, nil

func (g *vcsAndLocalFSGetter) copyLocalResource(resourceSource string,
    resourceDestination string, recursively bool) error {
    var err error
    log.Printf("Attempting to copy local resource %s into %s\n", resourceSource, resourceDestination)
    if fi, err := os.Stat(resourceSource); err == nil {
        if !fi.Mode().IsDir() {
            recursively = false

    if recursively {
        log.Printf("Copying local resource %s recursively into %s\n",
            resourceSource, resourceDestination)
        err = g.FSUtil.CopyAll(resourceSource, resourceDestination)
    } else {
        log.Printf("Copying local resource %s into %s\n", resourceSource, resourceDestination)
        err = g.FSUtil.Copy(resourceSource, resourceDestination)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Copying local resources %s failed\n", resourceSource)
        return err
    return nil

// GetLocalResources is the implementation that uses the local file system to get local resources.
func (g *vcsAndLocalFSGetter) GetLocalResources(source string, resources []string, destination string,
    subfolder string, recursively bool, resourceType constants.ResourceType) error {
    for _, resource := range resources {
        // Attempt to reserve a space for the local resource.
        resourceDestination, err := g.reserveLocalResourceDestination(resourceType,
            subfolder, destination, resource)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if resourceDestination == "" {
            fmt.Printf("ERROR: Duplicate key '%s' in opencontrol.yaml\n", resource)

        // Find the final path of where the resource is originally located.
        resourceSource := filepath.Join(source, resource)

        // Attempt to copy the resource.
        err = g.copyLocalResource(resourceSource, resourceDestination, recursively)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// GetRemoteResources is the implementation that uses VCS to get remote resources.
func (g *vcsAndLocalFSGetter) GetRemoteResources(destination string, subfolder string,
    entries []common.RemoteSource) error {
    // Create the temporary directory for where to clone all the remote resources.
    tempResourcesDir, err := g.FSUtil.TempDir("", "opencontrol-resources")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer os.RemoveAll(tempResourcesDir)
    for _, entry := range entries {
        // Create the final path for where to clone.
        tempPath := filepath.Join(tempResourcesDir, subfolder, filepath.Base(entry.GetURL()))

        // Clone repo
        log.Printf("Attempting to clone %v into %s\n", entry, tempPath)

        err := g.Downloader.DownloadRepo(entry, tempPath)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // If contextdir is defined, switch to that dir for content
        if entry.GetContextDir() != "" {
            tempPath = filepath.Join(tempPath, entry.GetContextDir())

        // Parse the opencontrol.yaml.
        configBytes, err := g.FSUtil.OpenAndReadFile(filepath.Join(tempPath, entry.GetConfigFile()))
        if err != nil {
            return err
        opencontrol, err := g.Parser.Parse(configBytes)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Get the resources specified in the OpenControl YAML
        err = GetResources(tempPath, destination, opencontrol, g)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil