angular.module("admin.utils").factory "PriceParser", ->
new class PriceParser
parse: (price) =>
return null unless price
# used decimal and thousands separators from currency configuration
decimal_separator = I18n.toCurrency(.1, {precision: 1, unit: ''}).substring(1,2)
thousands_separator = I18n.toCurrency(1000, {precision: 1, unit: ''}).substring(1,2)
# Replace comma used as a decimal separator and remplace by "."
price = this.replaceCommaByFinalPoint(price)
# Remove configured thousands separator if it is actually a thousands separator
price = this.removeThousandsSeparator(price, thousands_separator)
if (decimal_separator == ",")
price = price.replace(",", ".")
price = parseFloat(price)
return null if isNaN(price)
return price
replaceCommaByFinalPoint : (price) =>
if price.match(/^[0-9]*(,{1})[0-9]{1,2}$/g) then price.replace(",", ".") else price
removeThousandsSeparator : (price, thousands_separator) =>
if (new RegExp("^([0-9]*(" + thousands_separator + "{1})[0-9]{3}[0-9\.,]*)*$", "g").test(price))
price.replaceAll(thousands_separator, '')