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<div class="leftCol">
  <h1 id="dynamic-title">
    <%= request.path == "/electeds" ? "A New & Powerful Way To Engage With Constituents" : 'The "We The People" for every elected official.' %>
  <p id="dynamic-subtitle">
    <%= request.path == "/electeds" ? "Interested in joining? Enter your contact info and we'll be in touch." : "Get notified and be the first to submit a question when we launch." %>
    <ul class="level">
      <li class="<%= (request.path == "/splash" || request.path == "/") ? "active" : "" %>" data-type="individual">
        <a href="#" id="individual-signup">Individual</a>
        <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>
      <li class="<%= request.path == "/electeds" ? "active" : "" %>" data-type="elected_official">
        <a href="#" id="official-signup">Elected Official</a>
        <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>
      <li class="<%= request.path == "/organization" ? "active" : "" %>"data-type="organization">
        <a href="#" id="organization-signup">Organization or Media</a>
        <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>
  <form action="<%= ENV["CRM_SUBSCRIBE_ACTION_URL"] -%>" class="splash-form">
    <input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="E-mail">
    <input type="text" name="zipcode" id="zipcode" placeholder="Zipcode (optional)">
    <input type="hidden" name="notify_type" id="notify_type" value="individual">
    <input type="hidden" name="notify_source" id="notify_source" value="splash">
    <input type="submit" id="dynamic-button" value="<%= request.path == "/electeds" ? "Contact Me" : "Notify Me" %>" class="cta-pill">
    <div id="dynamic-link">
      <%- if request.path == "/electeds" %>
        <a href="" style="position: relative; top: 1.75em; left: 1em;">Or, <strong>sign up now</strong> to answer questions on AskThem</a>
      <%- end %>
<div class="rightCol">
  <p id="dynamic-text">
    <%- if request.path == "/electeds" %>
      AskThem is your personal question-and-answer site, offering greater access to your constituents and your potential supporters across the nation.<br><br>Agree to respond publicly to any question with enough votes to meet your signature threshold. Energize constituents and build support for your positions.
    <%- else %>
      Over 8 million people have taken action on the White House's "We The People" petition platform. Now it's not just for Presidents anymore. We're bringing it nationwide, free and open for everyone.<br><br>Ask questions to over 100,000 elected officials. Petition your local government. Also, question and petition any verified Twitter account.
    <%- end %>
  <p id="dynamic-text">
    <%- if request.path == "/organization" %>
     The AskThem platform enables organizations to push elected officials across the country on their signature issues.<br><br>It’s a great place for membership groups and media partners to ask and deliver key questions to local & national elected officials.
    <%- end %>