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<h2>Thanks for sending your question. It has been sent and posted.</h2>

<p>The fact that there’s strength in numbers really applies here. The more times a question is received by your recipient, the more attention it will get.</p>

<p>So, here are 4 fast and easy ways to gain support. Choose one or more:<br>&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>EMAIL</strong><br>Forward this email to at least 5 friends. Statistics show emails continue to get support and get passed on to others.<br>&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>FACEBOOK</strong><br>Share the question on Facebook. We’re finding this is the most powerful way to get more signers.<br>&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>TWEET</strong><br>Tweet from our question page. You can reach, literally, thousands of people in a very short time.<br>&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>TELL YOUR FRIENDS</strong><br>Friends trust friends, and word-of-mouth is never outdated.<br>&nbsp;</p>

<p>If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email</p>

<p>And here’s your question to pass along:</p>

  <dt><h3><a style="color: #82B7C8;" href="<%= question_url(question.state, %>"><%= question.title %></a></h3></dt>

  <%- if question.subject.present? %>
    <dt><%= question.subject %></dt>
  <%- end %>

    <span><%= link_to, person_url(question.state, %></span>
    <span>(<%= person_attributes(question.person) %>)</span>

  <dt><%= question.body %></dt>

  For more tips on gathering support for this question or more info on how AskThem works, <a href="">please visit our FAQ</a>.
  Many thanks for taking action!
  This email was sent by, an open-source and non-profit platform for civic engagement.