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Test Coverage
<%- if @user.created_at && @user.created_at.to_date == && @user.referring_partner_info.present? && @user.referring_partner_info[:name].present? && @user.referring_partner_info[:name].downcase.include?('honest') %>
  <%- partner_template = "#{@user.referring_partner_info[:name].strip.downcase.gsub(' ', '_')}_question_posted" %>
  <%# right now this is disabled except for honest ads -%>
  <%- if partner_template.include?("honest") %>
    <%= render partial: partner_template, locals: { user: @user, question: @question } -%>
  <%- end %>
<%- else %>

  <%- if @question.needs_confirmation? %>
  Hey <%= @user.given_name %>, someone using your email submitted a question. Hopefully it was you!

  If it was you, please confirm that it's your question by visiting the following link:

  <%= question_url(@question.state,, code: @question.confirm_code) %>

  After the question has been confirmed, we'll make it live and then it's time to organize!
  <%- else %>
  Great work, <%= @user.given_name %>, your question is posted.

  Now it's time to organize!
  <%- end %>

  To get an answer, you need to share your question with as many people as possible.

  STEP 1:

  Forward this email to at least 5 friends and ask them to sign the question by clicking below and then *share it to Facebook*.

  STEP 2:

  Share the question on Facebook yourself. This is the single most powerful way to get more signers.

  STEP 3:

  Finally, if you have a Twitter account, visit the question page and share to Twitter. This can echo to thousands of people in a very short period of time.

  Good luck!

  We hope you reach the threshold-- remember to check your progress daily and keep sharing the question. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email Maryam at

  Thank you for posting your question to AskThem, <%= @user.given_name %>

  <%= @question.title %>

  <%- if @question.subject.present? %>
    <%= @question.subject %>
  <%- end %>

  <%= -%> (<%= person_attributes(@question.person) %>)
  More information about <%= -%> can be found at <%= person_url(@question.state, -%>

  <%= @question.body %>

  Here's a permalink to your question, which you can share over email and on Facebook & Twitter: <%= question_url(@question.state, %>

  For tips about how to gather support for this question and more info on how AskThem works, please visit our FAQ:

  Thank you,
  The AskThem Team
<%- end %>