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import json
import logging

from paths_cli.utils import import_thing
from paths_cli.plugin_management import OPSPlugin
from paths_cli.compiling.errors import InputError

def listify(obj):
    listified = False
    if not isinstance(obj, list):
        obj = [obj]
        listified = True
    return obj, listified

def unlistify(obj, listified):
    if listified:
        assert len(obj) == 1
        obj = obj[0]
    return obj


class Parameter:
    SCHEMA = ""

    def __init__(self, name, loader, *, json_type=None, description=None,
                 default=REQUIRED_PARAMETER, aliases=None):
        if isinstance(json_type, str):
                json_type = json.loads(json_type)
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                # TODO: maybe log this in case it represents an issue?
                pass = name
        self.loader = loader
        self._json_type = json_type
        self._description = description
        self.default = default

    def required(self):
        return self.default is REQUIRED_PARAMETER

    def json_type(self):
        return self._get_from_loader(self.loader, 'json_type',

    def description(self):
        return self._get_from_loader(self.loader, 'description',

    def _get_from_loader(loader, attr_name, attr):
        if attr is None:
            attr = getattr(loader, attr_name, None)
        return attr

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # check correct call signature here?
        return self.loader(*args, **kwargs)

    def to_json_schema(self, schema_context=None):
        dct = {
            'type': self.json_type,
            'description': self.description,
        return, dct

class Builder:
    """Builder is a wrapper class to simplify writing builder functions.

    When the compiled parameters dictionary matches the kwargs for your
    class, you can create a valid delayed builder function with

    .. code::

        builder = Builder('import_path.for_the.ClassToBuild')

    Additionally, this class provides hooks for functions that run before or
    after the main builder function. This allows many objects to be built by
    implementing simple functions and hooking them together with Builder,
    which can act as a general adaptor between user input and the underlying

    builder : Union[Callable, str]
        primary callable to build an object, or string representing the
        fully-qualified path to a callable
    remapper : Callable[[Dict], Dict], optional
        Callable to remap the input dict (as parsed from user input) to a
        dict of keyword arguments for the builder function. This can be
        used, e.g., to rename user-facing keys to the internally-used names,
        or to add structure if, for example, inputs to the builder function
        require structures (such as a dict) that are flattened in user
        input, or vice-versa.
    after_build : Callable[[Any, Dict], Any], optional
        callable to update the created object with any additional
        information from the original dictionary.
    def __init__(self, builder, *, remapper=None, after_build=None):
        if remapper is None:
            remapper = lambda dct: dct
        if after_build is None:
            after_build = lambda obj, dct: obj
        self.remapper = remapper
        self.after_build = after_build
        self.builder = builder

    def __call__(self, **dct):
        # TODO: change this to make this better
        if isinstance(self.builder, str):
            module, _, func = self.builder.rpartition('.')
            builder = import_thing(module, func)
            builder = self.builder

        ops_dct = self.remapper(dct.copy())
        obj = builder(**ops_dct)
        after = self.after_build(obj, dct.copy())
        return after

class InstanceCompilerPlugin(OPSPlugin):

    builder : Callable
        Function that actually creates an instance of this object. Note that
        the :class:`.Builder` class is often a useful tool here (but any
        callable is allowed).
    parameters : List[:class:`.Parameter]
        Descriptions of the paramters for that the builder takes.
    name : str
        Name used in the text input for this object.
    aliases : List[str]
        Other names that can be used.
    description : str
        String description used in the documentation
    requires_ops : Tuple[int, int]
        version of OpenPathSampling required for this functionality
    requires_cli : Tuple[int, int]
        version of the OPS CLI requires for this functionality
    SCHEMA = ""
    category = None

    def __init__(self, builder, parameters, name=None, *, aliases=None,
                 description=None, requires_ops=(1, 0),
                 requires_cli=(0, 3)):
        super().__init__(requires_ops, requires_cli)
        self.aliases = aliases
        self.description = description
        self.attribute_table = { p.loader for p in parameters
                                if p.required}
        self.optional_attributes = { p.loader for p in parameters
                                    if not p.required}
        self.defaults = { p.default for p in parameters
                         if not p.required} = name
        self.builder = builder
        self.builder_name = str(self.builder)
        self.parameters = parameters
        logger_name = f"compiler.InstanceCompilerPlugin.{builder}"
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

    def schema_name(self):
        # TODO: not exactly clear what the schema name should be if category
        # is None -- don't think it actually exists in that case
        if self.category and not
            schema_name = f"{}-{self.category}"
            schema_name =
        return schema_name

    def to_json_schema(self, schema_context=None):
        parameters = dict(p.to_json_schema() for p in self.parameters)
        properties = {
            'name': {'type': 'string'},
            'type': {'type': 'string',
                     'enum': []},
        required = [ for p in self.parameters if p.required]
        dct = {
            'properties': properties,
            'required': required,
        return self.schema_name, dct

    def compile_attrs(self, dct):
        """Compile the user input dictionary to mapping of name to object.

        This changes the values in the key-value pairs we get from the file
        into objects that are suitable as input to a function. Further
        remapping of keys is performed by the builder.

        dct: Dict
            User input dictionary (from YAML, JSON, etc.)

        Dict :
            Mapping with the keys from the input dictionary, but values are
            now appropriate inputs for the builder.
        # TODO: support aliases in dct[attr]
        input_dct = self.defaults.copy()
        self.logger.debug(f"defaults: {input_dct}")
        self.logger.debug(f"effective input: {input_dct}")

        new_dct = {}
        for attr, func in self.attribute_table.items():
                value = input_dct[attr]
            except KeyError:
                raise InputError(f"'{self.builder_name}' missing required "
                                 f"parameter '{attr}'")
            self.logger.debug(f"{attr}: {value}")
            new_dct[attr] = func(value)

        optionals = set(self.optional_attributes) & set(dct)

        for attr in optionals:
            new_dct[attr] = self.optional_attributes[attr](dct[attr])

        return new_dct

    def __call__(self, dct):
        # TODO: convert this to taking **dct -- I think that makes more
        # sense
        ops_dct = self.compile_attrs(dct)
        obj = self.builder(**ops_dct)
        return obj

class CategoryCompiler:
    """Generic compile class; instances for each category"""
    def __init__(self, type_dispatch, label):
        if type_dispatch is None:
            type_dispatch = {}
        self.type_dispatch = type_dispatch
        self.label = label
        self.named_objs = {}
        self.all_objs = []
        logger_name = f"compiler.Compiler[{label}]"
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

    def _compile_str(self, name):
        self.logger.debug(f"Looking for '{name}'")
            return self.named_objs[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise InputError.unknown_name(self.label, name)

    def _compile_dict(self, dct):
        dct = dct.copy()  # make a local copy
        name = dct.pop('name', None)
        type_name = dct.pop('type')"Creating {type_name} named {name}")
        obj = self.type_dispatch[type_name](dct)
        obj = self.register_object(obj, name)
        return obj

    def register_object(self, obj, name):
        if name is not None:
            if name in self.named_objs:
                raise InputError(f"An object of type {self.label} and name "
                                 f"{name} already exists.")
            self.named_objs[name] = obj
            obj = obj.named(name)
        return obj

    def register_builder(self, builder, name):
        if name in self.type_dispatch:
            if self.type_dispatch[name] is builder:
                # if it's the identical object, just skip it
            msg = (f"'{name}' is already registered "
                   f"with {self.label}")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
            self.type_dispatch[name] = builder

    def compile(self, dct):
        if isinstance(dct, str):
            return self._compile_str(dct)
            return self._compile_dict(dct)

    def __call__(self, dct):
        dcts, listified = listify(dct)
        objs = [self.compile(d) for d in dcts]
        results = unlistify(objs, listified)
        return results