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# OpenJobs

## Build Status

[![Build Status](](

## Performance Monitoring
[![View performance data on Skylight](](

## Get Started

$ git clone
$ cd opensanca_jobs

### Environment

Your environment variables goes here in `.env`

# cp .env.sample .env

You can run OpenJobs locally by two ways. 
- Local classic development.
- Local Docker development.

### Local Development

#### Dependencies

##### Ruby

The application uses Ruby 2.7.2. You should install it to run the application. (for development we recommend to use [RVM](

##### Postgres

We use PostgreSQL as database. You should install it to run the app.
If needed, you should configure the `config/database.yml` file.

> Tip - If you don't like boring installations. Try Docker containers.
> You can use Docker to easy database setup.
> ```bash
> $ docker run --name postgres_open_jobs \
>   -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
>   -e POSTGRES_DB=opensanca_jobs_development \
>   -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
>   -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:9.6.5
> ```

##### Redis

We use [Redis]( for asynchronous jobs.

> Tip - Try Docker containers.
> You can use Docker to startup Redis.
> ```bash
> $ docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
> ``` 

##### Mail server

For local development, we suggest to use Mailhog ( or Mailcatcher (

#### Configuring the project

Install the dependencies and configure the database

$ bin/setup

Run the tests
$ rspec .

Start the app:

$ bin/rails s

### Docker Development

#### Dependencies

##### Docker

+ [Docker](
+ [Docker Compose](

#### Configuring the project

Starting containers

$ docker-compose up

Configure database schemas and migrations (the containers should be up for the command below to work, so be sure to run the command above before proceeding):

$ docker-compose exec web bin/setup

## Done

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access