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import Vex, { IRenderContext } from "vexflow";
import VF = Vex.Flow;
import { MusicSheetDrawer } from "../MusicSheetDrawer";
import { RectangleF2D } from "../../../Common/DataObjects/RectangleF2D";
import { VexFlowMeasure } from "./VexFlowMeasure";
import { PointF2D } from "../../../Common/DataObjects/PointF2D";
import { GraphicalLabel } from "../GraphicalLabel";
import { VexFlowTextMeasurer } from "./VexFlowTextMeasurer";
import { MusicSystem } from "../MusicSystem";
import { GraphicalObject } from "../GraphicalObject";
import { GraphicalLayers } from "../DrawingEnums";
import { GraphicalStaffEntry } from "../GraphicalStaffEntry";
import { VexFlowBackend } from "./VexFlowBackend";
import { VexFlowOctaveShift } from "./VexFlowOctaveShift";
import { VexFlowInstantaneousDynamicExpression } from "./VexFlowInstantaneousDynamicExpression";
import { VexFlowInstrumentBracket } from "./VexFlowInstrumentBracket";
import { VexFlowInstrumentBrace } from "./VexFlowInstrumentBrace";
import { GraphicalLyricEntry } from "../GraphicalLyricEntry";
import { VexFlowStaffLine } from "./VexFlowStaffLine";
import { StaffLine } from "../StaffLine";
import { GraphicalSlur } from "../GraphicalSlur";
import { PlacementEnum } from "../../VoiceData/Expressions/AbstractExpression";
import { GraphicalInstantaneousTempoExpression } from "../GraphicalInstantaneousTempoExpression";
import { GraphicalInstantaneousDynamicExpression } from "../GraphicalInstantaneousDynamicExpression";
import log from "loglevel";
import { GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression } from "../GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression";
import { VexFlowContinuousDynamicExpression } from "./VexFlowContinuousDynamicExpression";
import { DrawingParameters } from "../DrawingParameters";
import { GraphicalMusicPage } from "../GraphicalMusicPage";
import { GraphicalMusicSheet } from "../GraphicalMusicSheet";
import { GraphicalUnknownExpression } from "../GraphicalUnknownExpression";
import { VexFlowPedal } from "./VexFlowPedal";
import { GraphicalGlissando } from "../GraphicalGlissando";
import { VexFlowGlissando } from "./VexFlowGlissando";
import { VexFlowGraphicalNote } from "./VexFlowGraphicalNote";
import { SvgVexFlowBackend } from "./SvgVexFlowBackend";

 * This is a global constant which denotes the height in pixels of the space between two lines of the stave
 * (when zoom = 1.0)
 * @type number
export const unitInPixels: number = 10;

export class VexFlowMusicSheetDrawer extends MusicSheetDrawer {
    private backend: VexFlowBackend;
    private backends: VexFlowBackend[] = [];
    private zoom: number = 1.0;
    private pageIdx: number = 0; // this is a bad solution, should use MusicPage.PageNumber instead.

    constructor(drawingParameters: DrawingParameters = new DrawingParameters()) {
        super(new VexFlowTextMeasurer(drawingParameters.Rules), drawingParameters);

    public get Backends(): VexFlowBackend[] {
        return this.backends;

    public drawSheet(graphicalMusicSheet: GraphicalMusicSheet): void {
        // vexflow 3.x: change default font
        if (this.rules.DefaultVexFlowNoteFont === "gonville") {
            (Vex.Flow as any).DEFAULT_FONT_STACK = [(Vex.Flow as any).Fonts?.Gonville, (Vex.Flow as any).Fonts?.Bravura, (Vex.Flow as any).Fonts?.Custom];
        } // else keep new vexflow default Bravura (more cursive, bold).

        // sizing defaults in Vexflow
        (Vex.Flow as any).STAVE_LINE_THICKNESS = this.rules.StaffLineWidth * unitInPixels;
        (Vex.Flow as any).STEM_WIDTH = this.rules.StemWidth * unitInPixels;
        // sets scale/size of notes/rest notes:
        (Vex.Flow as any).DEFAULT_NOTATION_FONT_SCALE = this.rules.VexFlowDefaultNotationFontScale; // default 39
        (Vex.Flow as any).DEFAULT_TAB_FONT_SCALE = this.rules.VexFlowDefaultTabFontScale; // default 39 // TODO doesn't seem to do anything

        this.pageIdx = 0;
        for (const graphicalMusicPage of graphicalMusicSheet.MusicPages) {
            if (graphicalMusicPage.PageNumber > this.rules.MaxPageToDrawNumber) {
            const backend: VexFlowBackend = this.backends[this.pageIdx];
            backend.graphicalMusicPage = graphicalMusicPage;
            //backend.resize(graphicalMusicSheet.ParentMusicSheet.pageWidth * unitInPixels * this.zoom,
            //               EngravingRules.Rules.PageHeight * unitInPixels * this.zoom);
            this.pageIdx += 1;

        this.pageIdx = 0;
        this.backend = this.backends[0];

    protected drawPage(page: GraphicalMusicPage): void {
        if (!page) {
        this.backend = this.backends[page.PageNumber - 1]; // TODO we may need to set this in a couple of other places. this.pageIdx is a bad solution
        this.pageIdx += 1;

    public clear(): void {
        for (const backend of this.backends) {

    public setZoom(zoom: number): void {
        this.zoom = zoom;

     * Converts a distance from unit to pixel space.
     * @param unitDistance the distance in units
     * @returns {number} the distance in pixels
    public calculatePixelDistance(unitDistance: number): number {
        return unitDistance * unitInPixels;

    protected drawStaffLine(staffLine: StaffLine): void {
        const ctx: Vex.IRenderContext = this.backend.getContext();
        const stafflineNode: Node = ctx.openGroup();
        if (stafflineNode) {
            (stafflineNode as SVGGElement).classList.add("staffline");
            if (staffLine.ParentStaff) {
                (stafflineNode as SVGGElement).id =
        const absolutePos: PointF2D = staffLine.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition;
        if (this.rules.RenderSlurs) {
            this.drawSlurs(staffLine as VexFlowStaffLine, absolutePos);
        if (this.rules.RenderGlissandi) {
            this.drawGlissandi(staffLine as VexFlowStaffLine, absolutePos);

    private drawSlurs(vfstaffLine: VexFlowStaffLine, absolutePos: PointF2D): void {
        for (const graphicalSlur of vfstaffLine.GraphicalSlurs) {
            // don't draw crossed slurs, as their curve calculation is not implemented yet:
            if (graphicalSlur.slur.isCrossed()) {
            this.drawSlur(graphicalSlur, absolutePos);

    private drawGlissandi(vfStaffLine: VexFlowStaffLine, absolutePos: PointF2D): void {
        for (const gGliss of vfStaffLine.GraphicalGlissandi) {
            this.drawGlissando(gGliss, absolutePos);

    private drawGlissando(gGliss: GraphicalGlissando, abs: PointF2D): void {
        if (!gGliss.StaffLine.ParentStaff.isTab) {
        if (gGliss.Line) {
            const newStart: PointF2D = new PointF2D(gGliss.Line.Start.x + abs.x, gGliss.Line.Start.y);
            const newEnd: PointF2D = new PointF2D(gGliss.Line.End.x + abs.x, gGliss.Line.End.y);
            // note that we do not add abs.y, because GraphicalGlissando.calculateLine() uses AbsolutePosition for y,
            //   because unfortunately RelativePosition seems imprecise.
            gGliss.Line.SVGElement = this.drawLine(newStart, newEnd, gGliss.Color, gGliss.Width);
        } else {
            const vfTie: VF.StaveTie = (gGliss as VexFlowGlissando).vfTie;
            if (vfTie) {
                const context: IRenderContext = this.backend.getContext();

    private drawSlur(graphicalSlur: GraphicalSlur, abs: PointF2D): void {
        const curvePointsInPixels: PointF2D[] = [];
        // 1) create inner or original curve:
        const p1: PointF2D = new PointF2D(graphicalSlur.bezierStartPt.x + abs.x, graphicalSlur.bezierStartPt.y + abs.y);
        const p2: PointF2D = new PointF2D(graphicalSlur.bezierStartControlPt.x + abs.x, graphicalSlur.bezierStartControlPt.y + abs.y);
        const p3: PointF2D = new PointF2D(graphicalSlur.bezierEndControlPt.x + abs.x, graphicalSlur.bezierEndControlPt.y + abs.y);
        const p4: PointF2D = new PointF2D(graphicalSlur.bezierEndPt.x + abs.x, graphicalSlur.bezierEndPt.y + abs.y);

        // put screen transformed points into array
        //DEBUG: Render control points
        for (const point of curvePointsInPixels) {
            const pointRect: RectangleF2D = new RectangleF2D(point.x - 2, point.y - 2, 4, 4);
            this.backend.renderRectangle(pointRect, 3, "#000000", 1);

        // 2) create second outer curve to create a thickness for the curve:
        if (graphicalSlur.placement === PlacementEnum.Above) {
            p1.y -= 0.05;
            p2.y -= 0.3;
            p3.y -= 0.3;
            p4.y -= 0.05;
        } else {
            p1.y += 0.05;
            p2.y += 0.3;
            p3.y += 0.3;
            p4.y += 0.05;

        // put screen transformed points into array
        graphicalSlur.SVGElement = this.backend.renderCurve(curvePointsInPixels);

    protected drawMeasure(measure: VexFlowMeasure): void {
            measure.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.x * unitInPixels,
            measure.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.y * unitInPixels
        try {
            // Vexflow errors can happen here. If we don't catch errors, rendering will stop after this measure.
        } catch (ex) {
            log.warn("VexFlowMusicSheetDrawer.drawMeasure", ex);

        let newBuzzRollId: number = 0;
        // Draw the StaffEntries
        for (const staffEntry of measure.staffEntries) {
            newBuzzRollId = this.drawBuzzRolls(staffEntry, newBuzzRollId);

    protected drawBuzzRolls(staffEntry: GraphicalStaffEntry, newBuzzRollId): number {
        for (const gve of staffEntry.graphicalVoiceEntries) {
            for (const note of gve.notes) {
                if (note.sourceNote.TremoloInfo?.tremoloUnmeasured) {
                    const thickness: number = this.rules.TremoloBuzzRollThickness;
                    const baseLength: number = 0.9;
                    const baseHeight: number = 0.5;

                    const vfNote: VexFlowGraphicalNote = note as VexFlowGraphicalNote;
                    let stemTip: PointF2D;
                    let stemHeight: number;
                    const directionSign: number = vfNote.vfnote[0].getStemDirection(); // 1 or -1
                    let stemElement: HTMLElement;
                    if (this.backend instanceof SvgVexFlowBackend) {
                        stemElement = vfNote.getStemSVG();
                    const hasBbox: boolean = (stemElement as any)?.getBbox !== undefined;
                    if (hasBbox) {
                        // apparently sometimes the stemElement is null, in that case we need to use the canvas method.
                        const rect: SVGRect = (stemElement as any).getBBox();
                        stemTip = new PointF2D(rect.x / 10, rect.y / 10);
                        stemHeight = rect.height / 10;
                    } else { // if this.backend instanceof CanvasVexFlowBackend // also seems to work for SVG
                        stemHeight = vfNote.vfnote[0].getStemLength() / 10;
                        stemTip = new PointF2D(
                            (vfNote.vfnote[0].getStem() as any).x_begin / 10,
                            (vfNote.vfnote[0].getStem() as any).y_top / 10,
                        if (directionSign === 1) {
                            stemTip.y -= stemHeight;
                    // this.DrawOverlayLine(stemTip, new PointF2D(stemTip.x + 5, stemTip.y), vfNote.ParentMusicPage); // debug

                    let startHeight: number = stemTip.y + stemHeight / 3;
                    if (vfNote.vfnote[0].getBeamCount() > 1) {
                        startHeight = stemTip.y + (stemHeight / 2);
                        if (directionSign === -1) {
                            // downwards stem, z paints in downwards direction, so we need to start further up
                            startHeight -= (baseHeight + 0.2);
                        // note that buzz rolls usually don't appear on notes smaller than 16ths, rather on longer ones

                    const buzzStartX: number = stemTip.x - 0.5; // top left start point
                    const buzzStartY: number = startHeight;
                    const pathPoints: PointF2D[] = [];
                    // movements to draw the "z" point by point: (drawing by numbers)
                    const movements: PointF2D[] = [
                        new PointF2D(0, -thickness), // down a bit
                        new PointF2D(baseLength-thickness, 0), // to the right
                        new PointF2D(-baseLength+thickness,-baseHeight), // down left (etc)
                        new PointF2D(0, -thickness),
                        new PointF2D(baseLength, 0),
                        new PointF2D(0, thickness),
                        new PointF2D(-baseLength+thickness, 0),
                        new PointF2D(baseLength-thickness, baseHeight),
                        new PointF2D(0, thickness),
                        new PointF2D(-baseLength, 0)
                    let currentPoint: PointF2D = new PointF2D(buzzStartX, buzzStartY);
                    for (const movement of movements) {
                        currentPoint = pathPoints.last();
                        pathPoints.push(new PointF2D(currentPoint.x + movement.x, currentPoint.y - movement.y));
                    this.DrawPath(pathPoints, vfNote.ParentMusicPage, true, `buzzRoll${newBuzzRollId}`);
        return newBuzzRollId;

    // private drawPixel(coord: PointF2D): void {
    //     coord = this.applyScreenTransformation(coord);
    //     const ctx: any = this.backend.getContext();
    //     const oldStyle: string = ctx.fillStyle;
    //     ctx.fillStyle = "#00FF00FF";
    //     ctx.fillRect( coord.x, coord.y, 2, 2 );
    //     ctx.fillStyle = oldStyle;
    // }

    /** Draws a line in the current backend. Only usable while pages are drawn sequentially, because backend reference is updated in that process.
     *  To add your own lines after rendering, use DrawOverlayLine.
    protected drawLine(start: PointF2D, stop: PointF2D, color: string = "#000000FF", lineWidth: number = 0.2): Node {
        // TODO maybe the backend should be given as an argument here as well, otherwise this can't be used after rendering of multiple pages is done.
        start = this.applyScreenTransformation(start);
        stop = this.applyScreenTransformation(stop);
        /*if (!this.backend) {
            this.backend = this.backends[0];
        return this.backend.renderLine(start, stop, color, lineWidth * unitInPixels);

    /** Lets a user/developer draw an overlay line on the score. Use this instead of drawLine, which is for OSMD internally only.
     *  The MusicPage has to be specified, because each page and Vexflow backend has its own relative coordinates.
     *  (the AbsolutePosition of a GraphicalNote is relative to its backend)
     *  To get a MusicPage, use GraphicalNote.ParentMusicPage.
    public DrawOverlayLine(start: PointF2D, stop: PointF2D, musicPage: GraphicalMusicPage,
                           color: string = "#FF0000FF", lineWidth: number = 0.2,
                           id?: string): Node {
        if (!musicPage.PageNumber || musicPage.PageNumber > this.backends.length || musicPage.PageNumber < 1) {
            console.log("VexFlowMusicSheetDrawer.drawOverlayLine: invalid page number / music page number doesn't correspond to an existing backend.");
        const musicPageIndex: number = musicPage.PageNumber - 1;
        const backendToUse: VexFlowBackend = this.backends[musicPageIndex];

        start = this.applyScreenTransformation(start);
        stop = this.applyScreenTransformation(stop);
        if (!id) {
            id = `overlayLine ${start.x}/${start.y}`;
        return backendToUse.renderLine(start, stop, color, lineWidth * unitInPixels, id);

    public DrawPath(inputPoints: PointF2D[], musicPage: GraphicalMusicPage,
        fill: boolean = true, id?: string): Node {
        const musicPageIndex: number = musicPage.PageNumber - 1;
        const backendToUse: VexFlowBackend = this.backends[musicPageIndex];

        const transformedPoints: PointF2D[] = [];
        for (const inputPoint of inputPoints) {
        return backendToUse.renderPath(transformedPoints, fill, id);

    protected drawSkyLine(staffline: StaffLine): void {
        const startPosition: PointF2D = staffline.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition;
        const width: number = staffline.PositionAndShape.Size.width;
        this.drawSampledLine(staffline.SkyLine, startPosition, width);

    protected drawBottomLine(staffline: StaffLine): void {
        const startPosition: PointF2D = new PointF2D(staffline.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.x,
        const width: number = staffline.PositionAndShape.Size.width;
        this.drawSampledLine(staffline.BottomLine, startPosition, width, "#0000FFFF");

     * Draw a line with a width and start point in a chosen color (used for skyline/bottom line debugging) from
     * a simple array
     * @param line numeric array. 0 marks the base line. Direction given by sign. Dimensions in units
     * @param startPosition Start position in units
     * @param width Max line width in units
     * @param color Color to paint in. Default is red
    private drawSampledLine(line: number[], startPosition: PointF2D, width: number, color: string = "#FF0000FF"): void {
        const indices: number[] = [];
        let currentValue: number = 0;
        //Loops through bottom line, grabs all indices that don't equal the previously grabbed index
        //Starting with 0 (gets index of all line changes)
        for (let i: number = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
            if (line[i] !== currentValue) {
                currentValue = line[i];

        const absolute: PointF2D = startPosition;
        if (indices.length > 0) {
            const samplingUnit: number = this.rules.SamplingUnit;

            let horizontalStart: PointF2D = new PointF2D(absolute.x, absolute.y);
            let horizontalEnd: PointF2D = new PointF2D(indices[0] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y);
            this.drawLine(horizontalStart, horizontalEnd, color);

            let verticalStart: PointF2D;
            let verticalEnd: PointF2D;

            if (line[0] >= 0) {
                verticalStart = new PointF2D(indices[0] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y);
                verticalEnd = new PointF2D(indices[0] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y + line[indices[0]]);
                this.drawLine(verticalStart, verticalEnd, color);

            for (let i: number = 1; i < indices.length; i++) {
                horizontalStart = new PointF2D(indices[i - 1] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y + line[indices[i - 1]]);
                horizontalEnd = new PointF2D(indices[i] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y + line[indices[i - 1]]);
                this.drawLine(horizontalStart, horizontalEnd, color);

                verticalStart = new PointF2D(indices[i] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y + line[indices[i - 1]]);
                verticalEnd = new PointF2D(indices[i] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y + line[indices[i]]);
                this.drawLine(verticalStart, verticalEnd, color);

            if (indices[indices.length - 1] < line.length) {
                horizontalStart = new PointF2D(indices[indices.length - 1] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y + line[indices[indices.length - 1]]);
                horizontalEnd = new PointF2D(absolute.x + width, absolute.y + line[indices[indices.length - 1]]);
                this.drawLine(horizontalStart, horizontalEnd, color);
            } else {
                horizontalStart = new PointF2D(indices[indices.length - 1] / samplingUnit + absolute.x, absolute.y);
                horizontalEnd = new PointF2D(absolute.x + width, absolute.y);
                this.drawLine(horizontalStart, horizontalEnd, color);
        } else {
            // Flat line
            const start: PointF2D = new PointF2D(absolute.x, absolute.y);
            const end: PointF2D = new PointF2D(absolute.x + width, absolute.y);
            this.drawLine(start, end, color);

    private drawStaffEntry(staffEntry: GraphicalStaffEntry): void {
        if (staffEntry.FingeringEntries.length > 0) {
            for (const fingeringEntry of staffEntry.FingeringEntries) {
                fingeringEntry.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(fingeringEntry, GraphicalLayers.Notes);
        // Draw ChordSymbols
        if (staffEntry.graphicalChordContainers !== undefined && staffEntry.graphicalChordContainers.length > 0) {
            for (const graphicalChordContainer of staffEntry.graphicalChordContainers) {
                const label: GraphicalLabel = graphicalChordContainer.GraphicalLabel;
                label.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(label, <number>GraphicalLayers.Notes);
        if (this.rules.RenderLyrics) {
            if (staffEntry.LyricsEntries.length > 0) {
                this.drawLyrics(staffEntry.LyricsEntries, <number>GraphicalLayers.Notes);

     * Draw all lyrics to the canvas
     * @param lyricEntries Array of lyric entries to be drawn
     * @param layer Number of the layer that the lyrics should be drawn in
    private drawLyrics(lyricEntries: GraphicalLyricEntry[], layer: number): void {
        lyricEntries.forEach(lyricsEntry => {
            const label: GraphicalLabel = lyricsEntry.GraphicalLabel;
            label.Label.colorDefault = this.rules.DefaultColorLyrics;
            label.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(label, layer);
            (label.SVGNode as SVGGElement)?.classList.add("lyrics");

    protected drawInstrumentBrace(brace: GraphicalObject, system: MusicSystem): void {
        const ctx: Vex.IRenderContext = this.backend.getContext();
        // Draw InstrumentBrackets at beginning of line
        const vexBrace: VexFlowInstrumentBrace = (brace as VexFlowInstrumentBrace);

    protected drawGroupBracket(bracket: GraphicalObject, system: MusicSystem): void {
        const ctx: Vex.IRenderContext = this.backend.getContext();
        // Draw InstrumentBrackets at beginning of line
        const vexBrace: VexFlowInstrumentBracket = (bracket as VexFlowInstrumentBracket);

    protected drawOctaveShifts(staffLine: StaffLine): void {
        for (const graphicalOctaveShift of staffLine.OctaveShifts) {
            if (graphicalOctaveShift) {
                const vexFlowOctaveShift: VexFlowOctaveShift = graphicalOctaveShift as VexFlowOctaveShift;
                const ctx: Vex.IRenderContext = this.backend.getContext();
                const textBracket: VF.TextBracket = vexFlowOctaveShift.getTextBracket();
                if (this.rules.DefaultColorMusic) {
                    (textBracket as any).render_options.color = this.rules.DefaultColorMusic;
                try {
                } catch (ex) {

    protected drawPedals(staffLine: StaffLine): void {
        for (const graphicalPedal of staffLine.Pedals) {
            if (graphicalPedal) {
                const vexFlowPedal: VexFlowPedal = graphicalPedal as VexFlowPedal;
                const ctx: Vex.IRenderContext = this.backend.getContext();
                const pedalMarking: Vex.Flow.PedalMarking = vexFlowPedal.getPedalMarking();
                (pedalMarking as any).render_options.color = this.rules.DefaultColorMusic;

    protected drawExpressions(staffline: StaffLine): void {
        // Draw all Expressions
        for (const abstractGraphicalExpression of staffline.AbstractExpressions) {
            // Draw InstantaniousDynamics
            if (abstractGraphicalExpression instanceof GraphicalInstantaneousDynamicExpression) {
                this.drawInstantaneousDynamic((abstractGraphicalExpression as VexFlowInstantaneousDynamicExpression));
                // Draw InstantaniousTempo
            } else if (abstractGraphicalExpression instanceof GraphicalInstantaneousTempoExpression) {
                const label: GraphicalLabel = (abstractGraphicalExpression as GraphicalInstantaneousTempoExpression).GraphicalLabel;
                label.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(label, GraphicalLayers.Notes);
                // Draw ContinuousDynamics
            } else if (abstractGraphicalExpression instanceof GraphicalContinuousDynamicExpression) {
                this.drawContinuousDynamic((abstractGraphicalExpression as VexFlowContinuousDynamicExpression));
                // Draw ContinuousTempo
                // } else if (abstractGraphicalExpression instanceof GraphicalContinuousTempoExpression) {
                //     this.drawLabel((abstractGraphicalExpression as GraphicalContinuousTempoExpression).GraphicalLabel, GraphicalLayers.Notes);
                // // Draw Mood
                // } else if (abstractGraphicalExpression instanceof GraphicalMoodExpression) {
                //     GraphicalMoodExpression; graphicalMood = (GraphicalMoodExpression); abstractGraphicalExpression;
                //     drawLabel(graphicalMood.GetGraphicalLabel, <number>GraphicalLayers.Notes);
            // Draw Unknown
            } else if (abstractGraphicalExpression instanceof GraphicalUnknownExpression) {
                const label: GraphicalLabel = abstractGraphicalExpression.Label;
                label.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(label, <number>GraphicalLayers.Notes);
            } else {
                log.warn("Unkown type of expression!");

    protected drawInstantaneousDynamic(instantaneousDynamic: GraphicalInstantaneousDynamicExpression): void {
        const label: GraphicalLabel = (instantaneousDynamic as VexFlowInstantaneousDynamicExpression).Label;
        label.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(label, <number>GraphicalLayers.Notes);

    protected drawContinuousDynamic(graphicalExpression: VexFlowContinuousDynamicExpression): void {
        if (graphicalExpression.IsVerbal) {
            const label: GraphicalLabel = graphicalExpression.Label;
            label.SVGNode = this.drawLabel(label, <number>GraphicalLayers.Notes);
        } else {
            for (const line of graphicalExpression.Lines) {
                const start: PointF2D = new PointF2D(graphicalExpression.ParentStaffLine.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.x + line.Start.x,
                                                     graphicalExpression.ParentStaffLine.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.y + line.Start.y);
                const end: PointF2D = new PointF2D(graphicalExpression.ParentStaffLine.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.x + line.End.x,
                                                   graphicalExpression.ParentStaffLine.PositionAndShape.AbsolutePosition.y + line.End.y);
                line.SVGElement = this.drawLine(start, end, line.colorHex ?? "#000000", line.Width);
                // the null check for colorHex is not strictly necessary anymore, but the previous default color was red.

     * Renders a Label to the screen (e.g. Title, composer..)
     * @param graphicalLabel holds the label string, the text height in units and the font parameters
     * @param layer is the current rendering layer. There are many layers on top of each other to which can be rendered. Not needed for now.
     * @param bitmapWidth Not needed for now.
     * @param bitmapHeight Not needed for now.
     * @param heightInPixel the height of the text in screen coordinates
     * @param screenPosition the position of the lower left corner of the text in screen coordinates
    protected renderLabel(graphicalLabel: GraphicalLabel, layer: number, bitmapWidth: number,
                          bitmapHeight: number, fontHeightInPixel: number, screenPosition: PointF2D): Node {
        if (!graphicalLabel.Label.print) {
            return undefined;
        const height: number = graphicalLabel.Label.fontHeight * unitInPixels;
        const { font } = graphicalLabel.Label;
        let color: string;
        if (this.rules.ColoringEnabled) {
            color = graphicalLabel.Label.colorDefault;
            if (graphicalLabel.ColorXML) {
                color = graphicalLabel.ColorXML;
            if (!color) {
                color = this.rules.DefaultColorLabel;
        let { fontStyle, fontFamily } = graphicalLabel.Label;
        if (!fontStyle) {
            fontStyle = this.rules.DefaultFontStyle;
        if (!fontFamily) {
            fontFamily = this.rules.DefaultFontFamily;

        let node: Node;
        for (let i: number = 0; i < graphicalLabel.TextLines?.length; i++) {
            const currLine: {text: string, xOffset: number, width: number} = graphicalLabel.TextLines[i];
            const xOffsetInPixel: number = this.calculatePixelDistance(currLine.xOffset);
            const linePosition: PointF2D = new PointF2D(screenPosition.x + xOffsetInPixel, screenPosition.y);
            const newNode: Node =
                this.backend.renderText(height, fontStyle, font, currLine.text, fontHeightInPixel, linePosition, color, graphicalLabel.Label.fontFamily);
            if (!node) {
                node = newNode;
            } else {
            screenPosition.y = screenPosition.y + fontHeightInPixel;
            if (graphicalLabel.TextLines.length > 1) {
                screenPosition.y += this.rules.SpacingBetweenTextLines;
        // font currently unused, replaced by fontFamily
        return node; // alternatively, return Node[] and refactor annotationElementMap to handle node array instead of single node

     * Renders a rectangle with the given style to the screen.
     * It is given in screen coordinates.
     * @param rectangle the rect in screen coordinates
     * @param layer is the current rendering layer. There are many layers on top of each other to which can be rendered. Not needed for now.
     * @param styleId the style id
     * @param alpha alpha value between 0 and 1
    protected renderRectangle(rectangle: RectangleF2D, layer: number, styleId: number, colorHex: string, alpha: number): Node {
        return this.backend.renderRectangle(rectangle, styleId, colorHex, alpha);

     * Converts a point from unit to pixel space.
     * @param point
     * @returns {PointF2D}
    protected applyScreenTransformation(point: PointF2D): PointF2D {
        return new PointF2D(point.x * unitInPixels, point.y * unitInPixels);

     * Converts a rectangle from unit to pixel space.
     * @param rectangle
     * @returns {RectangleF2D}
    protected applyScreenTransformationForRect(rectangle: RectangleF2D): RectangleF2D {
        return new RectangleF2D(rectangle.x * unitInPixels, rectangle.y * unitInPixels, rectangle.width * unitInPixels, rectangle.height * unitInPixels);