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Test Coverage
#-- copyright
# OpenProject is an open source project management software.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2024 the OpenProject GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
# OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows:
# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more details.

  - reference: :default_priority_low
    t_name: Low
    color_name: cyan-1
    position: 1
  - reference: :default_priority_normal
    t_name: Normal
    color_name: blue-3
    is_default: true
    position: 2
  - reference: :default_priority_high
    t_name: High
    color_name: yellow-7
    position: 3
  - reference: :default_priority_immediate
    t_name: Immediate
    color_name: grape-5
    position: 4

- reference: :default_status_new
  t_name: New
  color_name: cyan-7
  default_done_ratio: 0
  is_default: true
  position: 1
- reference: :default_status_in_specification
  t_name: In specification
  color_name: blue-2
  default_done_ratio: 10
  position: 2
- reference: :default_status_specified
  t_name: Specified
  color_name: blue-2
  default_done_ratio: 20
  position: 3
- reference: :default_status_confirmed
  t_name: Confirmed
  color_name: violet-2
  default_done_ratio: 20
  position: 4
- reference: :default_status_to_be_scheduled
  t_name: To be scheduled
  color_name: yellow-2
  default_done_ratio: 20
  position: 5
- reference: :default_status_scheduled
  t_name: Scheduled
  color_name: lime-2
  default_done_ratio: 20
  position: 6
- reference: :default_status_in_progress
  t_name: In progress
  color_name: grape-5
  default_done_ratio: 40
  position: 7
- reference: :default_status_developed
  t_name: Developed
  color_name: green-3
  default_done_ratio: 70
  position: 8
- reference: :default_status_in_testing
  t_name: In testing
  color_name: cyan-5
  default_done_ratio: 80
  position: 9
- reference: :default_status_tested
  t_name: Tested
  color_name: teal-6
  default_done_ratio: 90
  position: 10
- reference: :default_status_test_failed
  t_name: Test failed
  color_name: red-5
  default_done_ratio: 70
  position: 11
- reference: :default_status_closed
  t_name: Closed
  color_name: gray-3
  default_done_ratio: 100
  is_closed: true
  position: 12
- reference: :default_status_on_hold
  t_name: On hold
  color_name: orange-3
  default_done_ratio: 0
  position: 13
- reference: :default_status_rejected
  t_name: Rejected
  color_name: red-3
  default_done_ratio: 0
  is_closed: true
  position: 14

- t_name: Management
  is_default: true
  position: 1
- t_name: Specification
  position: 2
- t_name: Development
  position: 3
- t_name: Testing
  position: 4
- t_name: Support
  position: 5
- t_name: Other
  position: 6

- reference: :default_type_task
  t_name: Task
  is_default: true
  color_name: :default_color_blue
  is_in_roadmap: true
  position: 1
- reference: :default_type_milestone
  t_name: Milestone
  is_default: true
  color_name: :default_color_green_light
  is_milestone: true
  position: 2
- reference: :default_type_phase
  t_name: Phase
  is_default: true
  color_name: 'orange-5'
  position: 3
- reference: :default_type_feature
  t_name: Feature
  color_name: 'indigo-5'
  is_in_roadmap: true
  position: 4
- reference: :default_type_epic
  t_name: Epic
  color_name: 'violet-5'
  is_in_roadmap: true
  position: 5
- reference: :default_type_user_story
  t_name: User story
  color_name: :default_color_blue_light
  is_in_roadmap: true
  position: 6
- reference: :default_type_bug
  t_name: Bug
  color_name: 'red-7'
  is_in_roadmap: true
  position: 7

- type: :default_type_task
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed
- type: :default_type_milestone
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_to_be_scheduled
  - :default_status_scheduled
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed
- type: :default_type_phase
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_to_be_scheduled
  - :default_status_scheduled
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed
- type: :default_type_feature
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_in_specification
  - :default_status_specified
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_developed
  - :default_status_in_testing
  - :default_status_tested
  - :default_status_test_failed
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed
- type: :default_type_epic
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_in_specification
  - :default_status_specified
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_developed
  - :default_status_in_testing
  - :default_status_tested
  - :default_status_test_failed
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed
- type: :default_type_user_story
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_in_specification
  - :default_status_specified
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_developed
  - :default_status_in_testing
  - :default_status_tested
  - :default_status_test_failed
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed
- type: :default_type_bug
  - :default_status_new
  - :default_status_confirmed
  - :default_status_in_progress
  - :default_status_developed
  - :default_status_in_testing
  - :default_status_tested
  - :default_status_test_failed
  - :default_status_on_hold
  - :default_status_rejected
  - :default_status_closed

  t_title: "Welcome to OpenProject!"
  t_text: |
    OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. It supports classic, agile as well as hybrid project management and gives you full control over your data.

    Core features and use cases:

    * [Project Portfolio Management](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/project-portfolio-management/)
    * [Project Planning and Scheduling](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/project-planning-scheduling/)
    * [Task Management and Issue Tracking](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/task-management/)
    * [Agile Boards (Scrum and Kanban)](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/agile-project-management/)
    * [Requirements Management and Release Planning](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/product-development/)
    * [Time and Cost Tracking, Budgets](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/time-tracking/)
    * [Team Collaboration and Documentation](https://www.openproject.org/collaboration-software-features/team-collaboration/)

    Welcome to the future of project management.

    For Admins: You can change this welcome text [here]({{opSetting:base_url}}/admin/settings/general).
    t_name: Demo project
    identifier: demo-project
    status_code: on_track
    t_status_explanation: All tasks are on schedule. The people involved know their tasks. The system is completely set up.
    t_description: This is a short summary of the goals of this demo project.
      - work_package_tracking
      - news
      - gantt
      - wiki
      - board_view
      - team_planner_view
      - meetings
      - t_title: Welcome to your demo project
        t_summary: |
          We are glad you joined.
          In this module you can communicate project news to your team members.
        t_description: The actual news
      - :default_type_task
      - :default_type_milestone
      - :default_type_phase
      - Category 1 (to be changed in Project settings)
      - t_name: Project plan
        reference: :demo_project__query__project_plan
        status: open
        timeline: true
        sort_by: id
        hierarchy: true
        starred: true
          - id
          - type
          - subject
          - status
          - start_date
          - due_date
          - duration
          - assigned_to
      - t_name: Milestones
        reference: :demo_project__query__milestones
        type: :default_type_milestone
        timeline: true
          - id
          - type
          - subject
          - status
          - start_date
          - due_date
        sort_by: id
      - t_name: Tasks
        reference: :demo_project__query__tasks
        status: open
        type: :default_type_task
        hierarchy: true
        sort_by: id
          - id
          - subject
          - priority
          - status
          - assigned_to
      - t_name: Team planner
        module: team_planner
        assigned_to: :openproject_admin
        t_name: 'Kanban board'
          - type: :default_type_task
        t_name: 'Basic board'
          - t_name: 'Wish list'
              - :setup_conference_website
              - :upload_presentations_to_website
          - t_name: 'Short list'
              - :invite_attendees_to_conference
          - t_name: 'Priority list for today'
              - :set_date_and_location_of_conference
          - t_name: 'Never'
            work_packages: []
        t_name: 'Work breakdown structure'
      row_count: 6
      column_count: 2
        - identifier: 'custom_text'
          start_row: 1
          end_row: 2
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 3
            t_name: 'Welcome'
            text: '![Teaser](##attachment:"demo_project_teaser.png")'
            - demo_project_teaser.png
        - identifier: 'custom_text'
          start_row: 2
          end_row: 5
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 2
            t_name: 'Getting started'
            t_text: |
              We are glad you joined! We suggest to try a few things to get started in OpenProject.

              Discover the most important features with our [Guided Tour]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/work_packages/?start_onboarding_tour=true).

              _Try the following steps:_

              1. *Invite new members to your project*: → Go to [Members]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/members) in the project navigation.
              2. *View the work in your project*: → Go to [Work packages]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/work_packages) in the project navigation.
              3. *Create a new work package*: → Go to [Work packages → Create]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/work_packages/new).
              4. *Create and update a project plan*: → Go to [Project plan]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/work_packages?query_id=##query.id:demo_project__query__project_plan) in the project navigation.
              5. *Activate further modules*: → Go to [Project settings → Modules]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/settings/modules).
              6. *Complete your tasks in the project*: → Go to [Work packages → Tasks]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/demo-project/work_packages/details/##wp.id:set_date_and_location_of_conference/overview?query_id=##query.id:demo_project__query__tasks).

              Here you will find our [User Guides](https://www.openproject.org/docs/user-guide/).
              Please let us know if you have any questions or need support. Contact us: [support[at]openproject.com](mailto:support@openproject.com).
        - identifier: 'project_status'
          start_row: 2
          end_row: 3
          start_column: 2
          end_column: 3
        - identifier: 'project_description'
          start_row: 3
          end_row: 4
          start_column: 2
          end_column: 3
        - identifier: 'members'
          start_row: 4
          end_row: 5
          start_column: 2
          end_column: 3
            name: 'Members'
        - identifier: 'work_packages_overview'
          start_row: 5
          end_row: 6
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 3
            t_name: 'Work packages'
        - identifier: 'work_packages_table'
          start_row: 6
          end_row: 7
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 3
            t_name: 'Milestones'
            queryId: '##query.id:demo_project__query__milestones'
    # For all dates, the reference is the monday of the current week
    # So
    # * start: 0 references Monday
    # * start: 4 references Friday
    # * start: -1 references the last Sunday
      - start: -1
        t_subject: Start of project
        status: :default_status_closed
        type: :default_type_milestone
        duration: 1
        schedule_manually: false
      - start: 0
        t_subject: Organize open source conference
        reference: :organize_open_source_conference
        description: ''
        status: :default_status_in_progress
        type: :default_type_phase
          - start: 0
            t_subject: Set date and location of conference
            reference: :set_date_and_location_of_conference
            description: ''
            status: :default_status_in_progress
            type: :default_type_task
              - start: 0
                t_subject: Send invitation to speakers
                description: ''
                status: :default_status_in_progress
                type: :default_type_task
                duration: 1
              - start: 0
                t_subject: Contact sponsoring partners
                description: ''
                status: :default_status_new
                type: :default_type_task
                duration: 2
              - start: 0
                t_subject: Create sponsorship brochure and hand-outs
                description: ''
                status: :default_status_new
                type: :default_type_task
                duration: 4
            duration: 4
            schedule_manually: false
          - start: 4
            t_subject: Invite attendees to conference
            reference: :invite_attendees_to_conference
            description: ''
            status: :default_status_new
            type: :default_type_task
            duration: 1
              - to: :set_date_and_location_of_conference
                type: follows
            schedule_manually: false
          - start: 4
            t_subject: Setup conference website
            reference: :setup_conference_website
            description: ''
            status: :default_status_new
            type: :default_type_task
            duration: 11
              - to: :set_date_and_location_of_conference
                type: follows
            schedule_manually: false
        duration: 15
        schedule_manually: true
      - start: 15
        t_subject: Conference
        description: ''
        status: :default_status_scheduled
        type: :default_type_milestone
        duration: 1
          - to: :organize_open_source_conference
            type: follows
        schedule_manually: false
      - start: 21
        t_subject: Follow-up tasks
        reference: :follow_up_tasks
        description: ''
        status: :default_status_to_be_scheduled
        type: :default_type_phase
          - start: 21
            t_subject: Upload presentations to website
            reference: :upload_presentations_to_website
            description: ''
            status: :default_status_new
            type: :default_type_task
            duration: 10
            schedule_manually: false
          - start: 31
            t_subject: Party for conference supporters :-)
            t_description: |-
              *   [ ] Beer
              *   [ ] Snacks
              *   [ ] Music
              *   [ ] Even more beer
            status: :default_status_new
            type: :default_type_task
            duration: 1
            schedule_manually: false
        duration: 11
        schedule_manually: false
      - start: 32
        t_subject: End of project
        status: :default_status_new
        type: :default_type_milestone
        duration: 1
          - to: :follow_up_tasks
            type: follows
        schedule_manually: false
    t_name: Scrum project
    identifier: your-scrum-project
    status_code: on_track
    t_status_explanation: All tasks are on schedule. The people involved know their tasks. The system is completely set up.
    t_description: This is a short summary of the goals of this demo Scrum project.
      - backlogs
      - news
      - wiki
      - work_package_tracking
      - gantt
      - board_view
      - t_title: Welcome to your Scrum demo project
        t_summary: |
          We are glad you joined.
          In this module you can communicate project news to your team members.
        description: This is the news content.
      - t_name: Bug Backlog
        reference: :scrum_project__version__bug_backlog
        sharing: none
        status: open
      - t_name: Product Backlog
        reference: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        sharing: none
        status: open
        start: 15
      - t_name: Sprint 1
        reference: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
        sharing: none
        status: open
        start: 4
        duration: 7
          t_title: Sprint 1
          t_content: |
            ### Sprint planning meeting

            _Please document here topics to the Sprint planning meeting_

            * Time boxed (8 h)
            * Input: Product Backlog
            * Output: Sprint Backlog

            * Divided into two additional time boxes of 4 h:

                * The Product Owner presents the [Product Backlog]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs) and the priorities to the team and explains the Sprint Goal, to which the team must agree. Together, they prioritize the topics from the Product Backlog which the team will take care of in the next sprint. The team commits to the discussed delivery.
                * The team plans autonomously (without the Product Owner) in detail and breaks down the tasks from the discussed requirements to consolidate a [Sprint Backlog]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs).

            ### Daily Scrum meeting

            _Please document here topics to the Daily Scrum meeting_

            * Short, daily status meeting of the team.
            * Time boxed (max. 15 min).
            * Stand-up meeting to discuss the following topics from the [Task board](##sprint:scrum_project__version__sprint_1).
                * What do I plan to do until the next Daily Scrum?
                * What has blocked my work (Impediments)?
            * Scrum Master moderates and notes down [Sprint Impediments](##sprint:scrum_project__version__sprint_1).
            * Product Owner may participate may participate in order to stay informed.

            ### Sprint Review meeting

            _Please document here topics to the Sprint Review meeting_

            * Time boxed (4 h).
            * A maximum of one hour of preparation time per person.
            * The team shows the product owner and other interested persons what has been achieved in this sprint.
            * Important: no dummies and no PowerPoint! Just finished product functionality (Increments) should be demonstrated.
            * Feedback from Product Owner, stakeholders and others is desired and will be included in further work.
            * Based on the demonstrated functionalities, the Product Owner decides to go live with this increment or to develop it further. This possibility allows an early ROI.

            ### Sprint Retrospective

            _Please document here topics to the Sprint Retrospective meeting_

            * Time boxed (3 h).
            * After Sprint Review, will be moderated by Scrum Master.
            * The team discusses the sprint: what went well, what needs to be improved to be more productive for the next sprint or even have more fun.
      - t_name: Sprint 2
        sharing: none
        status: open
      - :default_type_task
      - :default_type_milestone
      - :default_type_phase
      - :default_type_epic
      - :default_type_user_story
      - :default_type_bug
      - Category 1 (to be changed in Project settings)
      - t_name: Project plan
        reference: :scrum_project__query__project_plan
        status: open
        sort_by: id
          - :default_type_milestone
          - :default_type_phase
        timeline: true
      - t_name: Product backlog
        status: open
        version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        group_by: status
        sort_by: status
          - id
          - type
          - subject
          - priority
          - status
          - assigned_to
          - story_points
      - t_name: Sprint 1
        status: open
        version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
        hierarchy: true
          - id
          - type
          - subject
          - priority
          - status
          - assigned_to
          - done_ratio
          - story_points
      - t_name: Tasks
        status: open
        type: :default_type_task
        hierarchy: true
        t_name: 'Kanban board'
        t_name: 'Task board'
          - t_name: 'Wish list'
              - :new_website
              - :ssl_certificate
              - :choose_content_management_system
          - t_name: 'Short list'
              - :new_login_screen
          - t_name: 'Priority list for today'
              - :set_up_staging_environment
          - t_name: 'Never'
              - :wrong_hover_color

      row_count: 6
      column_count: 2
        - identifier: 'custom_text'
          start_row: 1
          end_row: 2
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 3
            t_name: 'Welcome'
            text: '![Teaser](##attachment:"scrum_project_teaser.png")'
            - scrum_project_teaser.png
        - identifier: 'custom_text'
          start_row: 2
          end_row: 5
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 2
            t_name: 'Getting started'
            t_text: |
              We are glad you joined! We suggest to try a few things to get started in OpenProject.

              _Try the following steps:_

              1. *Invite new members to your project*: → Go to [Members]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/members) in the project navigation.
              2. *View your Product backlog and Sprint backlogs*: → Go to [Backlogs]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs) in the project navigation.
              3. *View your Task board*: → Go to [Backlogs]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs) → Click on right arrow on Sprint → Select [Task Board](##sprint:scrum_project__version__sprint_1).
              4. *Create a new work package*: → Go to [Work packages → Create]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/work_packages/new).
              5. *Create and update a project plan*: → Go to [Project plan](##query:scrum_project__query__project_plan) in the project navigation.
              6. *Create a Sprint wiki*: → Go to [Backlogs]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs) and open the sprint wiki from the right drop down menu in a sprint. You can edit the [wiki template]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/wiki/) based on your needs.
              7. *Activate further modules*: → Go to [Project settings → Modules]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/settings/modules).

              Here you will find our [User Guides](https://www.openproject.org/docs/user-guide/).
              Please let us know if you have any questions or need support. Contact us: [support[at]openproject.com](mailto:support@openproject.com).
        - identifier: 'project_status'
          start_row: 2
          end_row: 3
          start_column: 2
          end_column: 3
        - identifier: 'project_description'
          start_row: 3
          end_row: 4
          start_column: 2
          end_column: 3
        - identifier: 'members'
          start_row: 4
          end_row: 5
          start_column: 2
          end_column: 3
            name: 'Members'
        - identifier: 'work_packages_overview'
          start_row: 5
          end_row: 6
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 3
            t_name: 'Work packages'
        - identifier: 'work_packages_table'
          start_row: 6
          end_row: 7
          start_column: 1
          end_column: 3
            t_name: 'Project plan'
            queryId: '##query.id:scrum_project__query__project_plan'
      - t_subject: New login screen
        reference: :new_login_screen
        status: :default_status_in_specification
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        position: 3
      - t_subject: Password reset does not send email
        status: :default_status_confirmed
        type: :default_type_bug
        version: :scrum_project__version__bug_backlog
        position: 1
      - t_subject: New website
        reference: :new_website
        status: :default_status_specified
        type: :default_type_epic
        start: 0
        duration: 29
          - t_subject: Newsletter registration form
            status: :default_status_in_progress
            type: :default_type_user_story
            version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
            position: 6
          - t_subject: Implement product tour
            status: :default_status_in_specification
            type: :default_type_user_story
            version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
            position: 4
          - t_subject: New landing page
            status: :default_status_specified
            type: :default_type_user_story
            version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
            position: 2
            story_points: 3
            start: 28
            duration: 1
              - t_subject: Create wireframes for new landing page
                status: :default_status_in_progress
                type: :default_type_task
                version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
                start: 28
                duration: 1
      - t_subject: Contact form
        status: :default_status_specified
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
        position: 5
        start: 21
        duration: 1
        story_points: 1
      - t_subject: Feature carousel
        status: :default_status_specified
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
        position: 3
        story_points: 5
          - t_subject: Make screenshots for feature tour
            status: :default_status_closed
            type: :default_type_task
            version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
      - t_subject: Wrong hover color
        reference: :wrong_hover_color
        status: :default_status_rejected
        type: :default_type_bug
        version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
        position: 4
        story_points: 1
        start: 21
        duration: 1
      - t_subject: SSL certificate
        reference: :ssl_certificate
        status: :default_status_specified
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        position: 1
        start: 22
        duration: 1
      - t_subject: Set-up Staging environment
        reference: :set_up_staging_environment
        status: :default_status_in_specification
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        position: 2
        start: 23
        duration: 1
      - t_subject: Choose a content management system
        reference: :choose_content_management_system
        status: :default_status_specified
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        position: 7
        start: 24
        duration: 1
      - t_subject: Website navigation structure
        status: :default_status_specified
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
        position: 7
        story_points: 3
        start: 25
        duration: 1
          - t_subject: Set up navigation concept for website.
            status: :default_status_in_specification
            type: :default_type_task
            version: :scrum_project__version__sprint_1
            start: 25
            duration: 1
      - t_subject: Internal link structure
        status: :default_status_closed
        type: :default_type_user_story
        version: :scrum_project__version__product_backlog
        position: 5
        start: 25
        duration: 1
      - t_subject: Develop v1.0
        reference: :develop_v1_0
        status: :default_status_in_progress
        type: :default_type_phase
        start: 14
        duration: 3
      - t_subject: Release v1.0
        status: :default_status_new
        type: :default_type_milestone
        start: 18
        duration: 1
          - to: :develop_v1_0
            type: follows
      - t_subject: Develop v1.1
        reference: :develop_v1_1
        status: :default_status_new
        type: :default_type_phase
        start: 21
        duration: 3
      - t_subject: Release v1.1
        status: :default_status_new
        type: :default_type_milestone
        start: 25
        duration: 1
          - to: :develop_v1_1
            type: follows
      - t_subject: Develop v2.0
        reference: :develop_v2_0
        status: :default_status_new
        type: :default_type_phase
        start: 28
        duration: 3
      - t_subject: Release v2.0
        status: :default_status_new
        type: :default_type_milestone
        start: 32
        duration: 1
          - to: :develop_v2_0
            type: follows
    t_wiki: |
      ### Sprint planning meeting

      _Please document here topics to the Sprint planning meeting_

      * Time boxed (8 h)
      * Input: Product Backlog
      * Output: Sprint Backlog

      * Divided into two additional time boxes of 4 h:

          * The Product Owner presents the [Product Backlog]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs) and the priorities to the team and explains the Sprint Goal, to which the team must agree. Together, they prioritize the topics from the Product Backlog which the team will take care of in the next sprint. The team commits to the discussed delivery.
          * The team plans autonomously (without the Product Owner) in detail and breaks down the tasks from the discussed requirements to consolidate a [Sprint Backlog]({{opSetting:base_url}}/projects/your-scrum-project/backlogs).

      ### Daily Scrum meeting

      _Please document here topics to the Daily Scrum meeting_

      * Short, daily status meeting of the team.
      * Time boxed (max. 15 min).
      * Stand-up meeting to discuss the following topics from the Task board.
          * What do I plan to do until the next Daily Scrum?
          * What has blocked my work (Impediments)?
      * Scrum Master moderates and notes down Sprint Impediments.
      * Product Owner may participate may participate in order to stay informed.

      ### Sprint Review meeting

      _Please document here topics to the Sprint Review meeting_

      * Time boxed (4 h).
      * A maximum of one hour of preparation time per person.
      * The team shows the product owner and other interested persons what has been achieved in this sprint.
      * Important: no dummies and no PowerPoint! Just finished product functionality (Increments) should be demonstrated.
      * Feedback from Product Owner, stakeholders and others is desired and will be included in further work.
      * Based on the demonstrated functionalities, the Product Owner decides to go live with this increment or to develop it further. This possibility allows an early ROI.

      ### Sprint Retrospective

      _Please document here topics to the Sprint Retrospective meeting_

      * Time boxed (3 h).
      * After Sprint Review, will be moderated by Scrum Master.
      * The team discusses the sprint: what went well, what needs to be improved to be more productive for the next sprint or even have more fun.