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Test Coverage
description: |-
  Work packages may be related to each other in different ways.

  +--------------+                            +--------------+
  |              | 1                        1 |              |
  | Work package +-------------+--------------+ Work package |
  |              | from        |           to |              |
  +--------------+             |              +--------------+
                        |   Relation   |
                        | type         |
                        | reverseType  |
                        | description  |
                        | lag        |

  ## Actions

  | Link                | Description                                                          | Condition                                     |
  |:-------------------:| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
  | update              | Updates the relation between two work packages via a form            | **Permission**: manage work package relations |
  | updateImmediately   | Updates the relation between two work packages                       | **Permission**: manage work package relations |
  | delete              | Destroys the relation between the two work packages                  | **Permission**: manage work package relations |

  ## Linked Properties

  | Link          | Description                           | Type          | Constraints | Supported operations | Condition                                     |
  |:-------------:|-------------------------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
  | self          | This relation                         | Relation      | not null    | READ                 | **Permission**: view work packages            |
  | schema        | The schema of this relation           | Schema        | not null    | READ                 |                                               |
  | from          | The emanating work package            | WorkPackage   | not null    | READ                 | **Permission**: view work packages            |
  | to            | The work package the relation ends in | WorkPackage   | not null    | READ                 | **Permission**: view work packages            |

  ## Local Properties

  | Property         | Description                                                   | Type    | Constraints                                                                                                   | Supported operations |
  | :---------------:| ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
  | id               | Relation ID                                                   | Integer | x > 0                                                                                                         | READ                 |
  | name             | The internationalized name of this kind of relation           | String  |                                                                                                               | READ
  | type             | Which kind of relation (blocks, precedes, etc.)               | String  | in: relates, duplicates, duplicated, blocks, blocked, precedes, follows, includes, partof, requires, required | READ / WRITE         |
  | reverseType      | The kind of relation from the other WP's perspective          | String  | in: relates, duplicates, duplicated, blocks, blocked, precedes, follows, includes, partof, requires, required | READ                 |
  | description      | Short text further describing the relation                    | String  |                                                                                                               | READ / WRITE         |
  | lag*             | The number of days between closing of `from` and start of `to`| Integer | x >= 0                                                                                                        | READ / WRITE         |

  \* Only applicable for some relation types such as "follows". You can check using the relation by schema
  endpoint at `/api/v3/relations/schema/{type}`.
name: Relations