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Test Coverage
description: |-
  The root resource contains links to available resources in the API. By following these links
  a client should be able to discover further resources in the API.

  *Note: Currently there is no list action for projects available.*
  *A client will therefore have to know links to projects and can't (yet) discover them.*

  | Link                  | Description                                      | Type            | Nullable | Supported operations | Condition                                        |
  | :-------------------: | ------------------------------------------------ | --------------- | -------- | -------------------- | ---------                                        |
  | configuration         | The configuration of this OpenProject instance   | Configuration   |          | READ                 |                                                  |
  | user                  | The user currently logged-in                     | User            |          | READ                 | logged in                                        |
  | userPreferences       | The preferences of the logged-in user            | UserPreference  |          | READ                 | logged in                                        |
  | priorities            | List of available priorities                     | Collection      |          | READ                 | **Permission** View work packages in any project |
  | statuses              | List of available work package statuses          | Collection      |          | READ                 | **Permission** View work packages in any project |
  | types                 | List of available work package types             | Collection      |          | READ                 | **Permission** View work packages in any project |
  | workPackages          | List of all work packages                        | Collection      |          | READ                 | **Permission** View work packages in any project |
  | users                 | List of all users                                | Collection      |          | READ                 | **Permission** Administrator                     |

  ## Local Properties

  | Property                  | Description                                          | Type       | Condition                                | Supported operations |
  | :-----------------------: | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------        | -------------------- |
  | instanceName              | The name of the OpenProject instance                 | String     |                                          | READ                 |
  | coreVersion               | The OpenProject core version number for the instance | String     | **Permission** requires admin privileges | READ                 |
name: Root