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description: |-
  Work package types represented in the system.

  Types exist globally and are then activated for projects.

  ## Linked Properties

  |  Link         | Description               | Type          | Constraints | Supported operations |
  |:-------------:|-------------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | -------------------- |
  | self          | This type                 | Type          | not null    | READ                 |

  ## Local Properties

  | Property         | Description                                          | Type     | Constraints | Supported operations |
  |:----------------:| ---------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------- | -------------------- |
  | id               | Type id                                              | Integer  | x > 0       | READ                 |
  | name             | Type name                                            | String   |             | READ                 |
  | color            | The color used to represent this type                | Color    |             | READ                 |
  | position         | Sort index of the type                               | Integer  |             | READ                 |
  | isDefault        | Is this type active by default in new projects?      | Boolean  |             | READ                 |
  | isMilestone      | Do work packages of this type represent a milestone? | Boolean  |             | READ                 |
  | createdAt        | Time of creation                                     | DateTime |             | READ                 |
  | updatedAt        | Time of the most recent change to the user           | DateTime |             | READ                 |
name: Types