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description: |-
  ## Actions

  | Link                | Description                                                          | Condition                                                        |
  |:-------------------:| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
  | lock                | Restrict the user from logging in and performing any actions         | not locked; **Permission**: Administrator                        |
  | show                | Link to the OpenProject user page (HTML)                             |                                                                  |
  | unlock              | Allow a locked user to login and act again                           | locked; **Permission**: Administrator                            |
  | updateImmediately   | Updates the user's attributes.                                       | **Permission**: Administrator, manage_user global permission       |
  | delete              | Permanently remove a user from the instance                          | **Permission**: Administrator, self-delete                       |

  ## Linked Properties

  |  Link       | Description                                                                                                                                                          | Type              | Constraints           | Supported operations | Condition                                                     |
  |:-----------:|--------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                        | -------------     | --------------------- | -------------------- | -----------------------------------------                     |
  | self        | This user                                                                                                                                                            | User              | not null              | READ                 |                                                               |
  | auth_source | Link to the user's auth source (endpoint not yet implemented)                                                                                                        | LdapAuthSource        |                       | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator                                 |
  | members     | Link to collection of all the user's memberships. The list will only include the memberships in projects in which the requesting user has the necessary permissions. | MemberCollection  |                       | READ                 | **Permission**: view members or manage members in any project |

  Depending on custom fields defined for users, additional links might exist.

  ## Local Properties

  | Property     | Description                                               | Type     | Constraints                                          | Supported operations | Condition                                                                             |
  | :----------: | --------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------------                           |
  | id           | User's id                                                 | Integer  | x > 0                                                | READ                 |                                                                                       |
  | login        | User's login name                                         | String   | unique, 256 max length                               | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator, manage_user global permission                            |
  | firstName    | User's first name                                         | String   | 30 max length                                        | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator, manage_user global permission                            |
  | lastName     | User's last name                                          | String   | 30 max length                                        | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator, manage_user global permission                            |
  | name         | User's full name, formatting depends on instance settings | String   |                                                      | READ                 |                                                                                       |
  | email        | User's email address                                      | String   | unique, 60 max length                                | READ / WRITE         | E-Mail address not hidden, **Permission**: Administrator, manage_user global permission |
  | admin        | Flag indicating whether or not the user is an admin       | Boolean  | in: [true, false]                                    | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator                                                         |
  | avatar       | URL to user's avatar                                      | Url      |                                                      | READ                 |                                                                                       |
  | status       | The current activation status of the user (see below)     | String   | in: ["active", "registered", "locked", "invited"]    | READ                 |                                                                                       |
  | language     | User's language                                           | String   | ISO 639-1                                            | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator, manage_user global permission                            |
  | password     | User's password for the default password authentication   | String   |                                                      | WRITE                | **Permission**: Administrator                                                         |
  | identity_url | User's identity_url for OmniAuth authentication           | String   |                                                      | READ / WRITE         | **Permission**: Administrator                                                         |
  | createdAt    | Time of creation                                          | DateTime |                                                      | READ                 |                                                                                       |
  | updatedAt    | Time of the most recent change to the user                | DateTime |                                                      | READ                 |                                                                                       |

  Depending on custom fields defined for users, additional properties might exist.

  The `status` of a user can be one of:

  * `active` - the user can log in with the account right away

  * `invited` - the user is invited and is pending registration

  If the user's `status` is set to `active` during creation a means of authentication
  has to be provided which is one of the following:

  * `password` - The password with which the user logs in.

  * `auth_source` - Link to an LDAP auth source.

  * `identity_url` - The identity URL of an OmniAuth authentication provider.

  If all of these are missing the creation will fail with an "missing password" error.

  The `language` is limited to those activated in the system.

  Due to data privacy, the user's properties are limited to reveal as little about the user as possible.
  Thus `login`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `language`, `createdAt` and `updatedAt` are hidden for all
  users except for admins or the user themselves.

  Please note that custom fields are not yet supported by the api although the backend supports them.
name: Users