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Test Coverage
description: |-
  `Values::Property` represents a single key - value pair. That pair typically is an
  excerpt of the properties of a resource. `Values::Property` itself is not an independent resource. It will always be nested and as such
  will only exist as part of another resource.

  It is currently used e.g. in the Notification resource.

  ## Linked Properties

  | Property         | Description                 | Type                | Constraints           | Supported operations | Condition                 |
  | :--------------: | ----------------------------| -----------         | --------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------- |
  | self             | This value                  | Values::Property    | not null              | READ                 |                           |
  | schema           | This value's schema         | Schema              | not null              | READ                 |                           |

  ## Local Properties

  | Property         | Description                                            | Type         | Constraints    | Supported operations | Condition                    |
  | :--------------: | ------------------------------------------------------ | -----------  | -------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------- |
  | property         | The pairs' key name                                    | String       | not null       | READ                 |                              |
  | value            | The pairs' value                                       | Polymorphic  |                | READ                 |                              |

name: Values::Property