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import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { WorkPackageResource } from 'core-app/features/hal/resources/work-package-resource';
import { PrimaryRenderPass, RowRenderInfo } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/components/wp-fast-table/builders/primary-render-pass';
import { States } from 'core-app/core/states/states.service';
import { WorkPackageTable } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/components/wp-fast-table/wp-fast-table';
import { WorkPackageTableRow } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/components/wp-fast-table/wp-table.interfaces';
import {
} from 'core-app/features/work-packages/components/wp-fast-table/helpers/wp-table-hierarchy-helpers';
import { WorkPackageViewHierarchies } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/routing/wp-view-base/view-services/wp-table-hierarchies';
import { IsolatedQuerySpace } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/directives/query-space/isolated-query-space';
import { WorkPackageViewHierarchiesService } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/routing/wp-view-base/view-services/wp-view-hierarchy.service';
import { InjectField } from 'core-app/shared/helpers/angular/inject-field.decorator';
import { ApiV3Service } from 'core-app/core/apiv3/api-v3.service';
import { additionalHierarchyRowClassName, SingleHierarchyRowBuilder } from './single-hierarchy-row-builder';

export class HierarchyRenderPass extends PrimaryRenderPass {
  @InjectField() querySpace:IsolatedQuerySpace;

  @InjectField() states:States;

  @InjectField() apiV3Service:ApiV3Service;

  @InjectField() wpTableHierarchies:WorkPackageViewHierarchiesService;

  // Remember which rows were already rendered
  readonly rendered:{ [workPackageId:string]:boolean } = {};

  // Remember additional parents inserted that are not part of the results table
  private additionalParents:{ [workPackageId:string]:WorkPackageResource } = {};

  // Defer children to be rendered when their parent occurs later in the table
  private deferred:{ [parentId:string]:WorkPackageResource[] } = {};

  // Collapsed state
  private hierarchies:WorkPackageViewHierarchies;

  // Build a map of hierarchy elements present in the table
  // with at least a visible child
  public parentsWithVisibleChildren:{ [id:string]:boolean } = {};

  constructor(public readonly injector:Injector,
    public workPackageTable:WorkPackageTable,
    public rowBuilder:SingleHierarchyRowBuilder) {
    super(injector, workPackageTable, rowBuilder);

  protected prepare() {

    this.hierarchies = this.wpTableHierarchies.current;

    _.each(this.workPackageTable.originalRowIndex, (row) => {
      row.object.getAncestors().forEach((ancestor:WorkPackageResource) => {
        this.parentsWithVisibleChildren[ancestor.id!] = true;

    this.rowBuilder.parentsWithVisibleChildren = this.parentsWithVisibleChildren;

   * Render the hierarchy table into the document fragment
  protected doRender() {
    this.workPackageTable.originalRows.forEach((wpId:string) => {
      const row:WorkPackageTableRow = this.workPackageTable.originalRowIndex[wpId];
      const workPackage:WorkPackageResource = row.object;

      // If we need to defer this row, skip it for now
      if (this.deferInsertion(workPackage)) {

      if (workPackage.getAncestors().length) {
        // If we have ancestors, render it
      } else {
        // Render a work package root with no parents
        const [tr, hidden] = this.rowBuilder.buildEmpty(workPackage);
        row.element = tr;
        this.markRendered(tr, workPackage, hidden);

      // Render all potentially deferred rows

   * If the given work package has a visible ancestor in the table, return true
   * and remember the work package until the ancestor is rendered.
   * @param workPackage
   * @returns {boolean}
  public deferInsertion(workPackage:WorkPackageResource):boolean {
    const ancestors = workPackage.getAncestors();

    // Will only defer if at least one ancestor exists
    if (ancestors.length === 0) {
      return false;

    // Cases for wp
    // 1. No wp.ancestors in table -> Render them immediately (defer=false)
    // 2. Parent in table -> defered[parent] = wp
    // 3. Parent not in table BUT a ancestor in table
    // -> deferred[a ancestor] = parent
    // -> deferred[parent] = wp
    // 4. Any ancestor already rendered -> Render normally (don't defer)
    const ancestorChain = ancestors.concat([workPackage]);
    for (let i = ancestorChain.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
      const parent = ancestorChain[i];

      const inTable = this.workPackageTable.originalRowIndex[parent.id!];
      const alreadyRendered = this.rendered[parent.id!];

      if (alreadyRendered) {
        // parent is already rendered.
        // Don't defer, but render all intermediate parents below it
        return false;

      if (inTable) {
        // Get the current elements
        let elements = this.deferred[parent.id!] || [];
        // Append to them the child and all children below
        let newElements:WorkPackageResource[] = ancestorChain.slice(i + 1, ancestorChain.length);
        newElements = newElements.map((child) => this.apiV3Service.work_packages.cache.state(child.id!).value!);
        // Append all new elements
        elements = elements.concat(newElements);
        // Remove duplicates (Regression #29652)
        this.deferred[parent.id!] = _.uniqBy(elements, (el) => el.id!);
        return true;
      // Otherwise, continue the chain upwards

    return false;

   * Render any deferred children of the given work package. If recursive children were
   * deferred, each of them will be passed through renderCallback.
   * @param workPackage
  private renderAllDeferredChildren(workPackage:WorkPackageResource) {
    const wpId = workPackage.id!;
    const deferredChildren = this.deferred[wpId] || [];

    // If the work package has deferred children to render,
    // run them through the callback
    deferredChildren.forEach((child:WorkPackageResource) => {
      this.insertUnderParent(this.getOrBuildRow(child), child.parent || workPackage);

      // Descend into any children the child WP might have and callback

  private getOrBuildRow(workPackage:WorkPackageResource) {
    let row:WorkPackageTableRow = this.workPackageTable.originalRowIndex[workPackage.id!];

    if (!row) {
      row = { object: workPackage } as WorkPackageTableRow;

    return row;

  private buildWithHierarchy(row:WorkPackageTableRow) {
    // Ancestor data [root, med, thisrow]
    const ancestors = row.object.getAncestors();
    const ancestorGroups:string[] = [];

    // Iterate ancestors
    ancestors.forEach((el:WorkPackageResource, index:number) => {
      const ancestor = this.states.workPackages.get(el.id!).getValueOr(el);

      // If we see the parent the first time,
      // build it as an additional row and insert it into the ancestry
      if (!this.rendered[ancestor.id!]) {
        const [ancestorRow, hidden] = this.rowBuilder.buildAncestorRow(ancestor, ancestorGroups, index);
        // Insert the ancestor row, either right here if it's a root node
        // Or below the appropriate parent

        if (index === 0) {
          // Special case, first ancestor => root without parent
          this.markRendered(ancestorRow, ancestor, hidden, true);
        } else {
          // This ancestor must be inserted in the last position of its root
          const parent = ancestors[index - 1];
          this.insertAtExistingHierarchy(ancestor, ancestorRow, parent, hidden, true);

        // Remember we just added this extra ancestor row
        this.additionalParents[ancestor.id!] = ancestor;

      // Push the correct ancestor groups for identifiying a hierarchy group
      ancestors.slice(0, index).forEach((previousAncestor) => {

    // Insert this row to parent
    const parent = _.last(ancestors);
    this.insertUnderParent(row, parent!);

   * Insert the given node as a child of the parent
   * @param row
   * @param parent
  private insertUnderParent(row:WorkPackageTableRow, parent:WorkPackageResource) {
    const [tr, hidden] = this.rowBuilder.buildEmpty(row.object);
    row.element = tr;
    this.insertAtExistingHierarchy(row.object, tr, parent, hidden, false);

   * Mark the given work package as rendered
   * @param workPackage
   * @param hidden
   * @param isAncestor
  private markRendered(row:HTMLTableRowElement, workPackage:WorkPackageResource, hidden = false, isAncestor = false) {
    this.rendered[workPackage.id!] = true;
    this.renderedOrder.push(this.buildRenderInfo(row, workPackage, hidden, isAncestor));

   * Append a row to the given parent hierarchy group.
  private insertAtExistingHierarchy(workPackage:WorkPackageResource,
    isAncestor:boolean) {
    // Either append to the hierarchy group root (= the parentID row itself)
    const hierarchyRoot = `.__hierarchy-root-${parent.id}`;
    // Or, if it has descendants, append to the LATEST of that set
    const hierarchyGroup = `.__hierarchy-group-${parent.id}`;

    // Insert into table
      this.buildRenderInfo(el, workPackage, hidden, isAncestor),

    this.rendered[workPackage.id!] = true;

  private buildRenderInfo(row:HTMLTableRowElement, workPackage:WorkPackageResource, hidden:boolean, isAncestor:boolean):RowRenderInfo {
    const info:RowRenderInfo = {
      element: row,
      classIdentifier: '',
      additionalClasses: [],
      renderType: 'primary',

    const [ancestorClasses, _] = this.rowBuilder.ancestorRowData(workPackage);

    if (isAncestor) {
      info.additionalClasses = [additionalHierarchyRowClassName].concat(ancestorClasses);
      info.classIdentifier = ancestorClassIdentifier(workPackage.id!);
    } else {
      info.additionalClasses = ancestorClasses;
      info.classIdentifier = this.rowBuilder.classIdentifier(workPackage);

    return info;