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import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { I18nService } from 'core-app/core/i18n/i18n.service';
import { IsolatedQuerySpace } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/directives/query-space/isolated-query-space';
import { WorkPackageResource } from 'core-app/features/hal/resources/work-package-resource';
import { States } from 'core-app/core/states/states.service';
import { InjectField } from 'core-app/shared/helpers/angular/inject-field.decorator';
import { ApiV3Service } from 'core-app/core/apiv3/api-v3.service';
import { WorkPackageViewCollapsedGroupsService } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/routing/wp-view-base/view-services/wp-view-collapsed-groups.service';
import { WorkPackageTableConfiguration } from 'core-app/features/work-packages/components/wp-table/wp-table-configuration';
import { debugLog } from 'core-app/shared/helpers/debug_output';
import { WorkPackageTimelineTableController } from '../wp-table/timeline/container/wp-timeline-container.directive';
import { GroupedRowsBuilder } from './builders/modes/grouped/grouped-rows-builder';
import { HierarchyRowsBuilder } from './builders/modes/hierarchy/hierarchy-rows-builder';
import { PlainRowsBuilder } from './builders/modes/plain/plain-rows-builder';
import { RowsBuilder } from './builders/modes/rows-builder';
import { PrimaryRenderPass } from './builders/primary-render-pass';
import { WorkPackageTableEditingContext } from './wp-table-editing';
import { WorkPackageTableRow } from './wp-table.interfaces';

export class WorkPackageTable {
  @InjectField() querySpace:IsolatedQuerySpace;

  @InjectField() apiV3Service:ApiV3Service;

  @InjectField() states:States;

  @InjectField() I18n!:I18nService;

  @InjectField() workPackageViewCollapsedGroupsService:WorkPackageViewCollapsedGroupsService;

  public originalRows:string[] = [];

  public colspan:number;

  public originalRowIndex:{ [id:string]:WorkPackageTableRow } = {};

  private hierarchyRowsBuilder = new HierarchyRowsBuilder(this.injector, this);

  private groupedRowsBuilder = new GroupedRowsBuilder(this.injector, this);

  private plainRowsBuilder = new PlainRowsBuilder(this.injector, this);

  // WP rows builder
  // Ordered by priority
  private builders = [this.hierarchyRowsBuilder, this.groupedRowsBuilder, this.plainRowsBuilder];

  // Last render pass used for refreshing single rows
  public lastRenderPass:PrimaryRenderPass|null = null;

  // Work package editing context handler in the table, which handles open forms
  // and their contexts
  public editing:WorkPackageTableEditingContext = new WorkPackageTableEditingContext(this, this.injector);

    public readonly injector:Injector,
    public tableAndTimelineContainer:HTMLElement,
    public scrollContainer:HTMLElement,
    public tbody:HTMLElement,
    public timelineBody:HTMLElement,
    public timelineController:WorkPackageTimelineTableController,
    public configuration:WorkPackageTableConfiguration,
  ) {

  public get renderedRows() {
    return this.querySpace.tableRendered.getValueOr([]);

  public findRenderedRow(classIdentifier:string):[number, RenderedWorkPackage] {
    const index = _.findIndex(this.renderedRows, (row) => row.classIdentifier === classIdentifier);

    return [index, this.renderedRows[index]];

  public get rowBuilder():RowsBuilder {
    return _.find(this.builders, (builder:RowsBuilder) => builder.isApplicable(this))!;

   * Build the row index and positions from the given set of ordered work packages.
   * @param rows
  private buildIndex(rows:WorkPackageResource[]) {
    this.originalRowIndex = {};
    this.originalRows = rows.map((wp:WorkPackageResource, i:number) => {
      const wpId = wp.id!;

      // Ensure we get the latest version
      wp = this.apiV3Service.work_packages.cache.current(wpId, wp)!;

      this.originalRowIndex[wpId] = <WorkPackageTableRow>{ object: wp, workPackageId: wpId, position: i };
      return wpId;

   * @param rows
  public initialSetup(rows:WorkPackageResource[]) {
    // Build the row representation

    // Draw work packages

   * Removes the contents of this table's tbody and redraws
   * all elements.
  public redrawTableAndTimeline() {
    const renderPass = this.performRenderPass(false);

    // Insert timeline body
    requestAnimationFrame(() => {

      // Mark rendering event in a timeout to let DOM process
      setTimeout(() => this.querySpace.tableRendered.putValue(renderPass.result));

   * Redraw all elements in the table section only
  public redrawTable() {
    const renderPass = this.performRenderPass();

   * Redraw single rows for a given work package being updated.
  public refreshRows(workPackage:WorkPackageResource) {
    const pass = this.lastRenderPass;
    if (!pass) {
      debugLog('Trying to refresh a singular row without a previous render pass.');

    _.each(pass.renderedOrder, (row) => {
      if (row.workPackage && row.workPackage.id === workPackage.id!) {
        debugLog(`Refreshing rendered row ${row.classIdentifier}`);
        row.workPackage = workPackage;
        pass.refresh(row, workPackage, this.tbody);

   * Determine whether we need an empty placeholder row.
   * When D&D is enabled, the table requires a drag target that is non-empty,
   * and the tbody cannot be resized appropriately.
  public get renderPlaceholderRow() {
    return this.configuration.dragAndDropEnabled;

   * Perform the render pass
   * @param insert whether to insert the result (set to false for timeline)
  private performRenderPass(insert = true) {
    const renderPass = this.lastRenderPass = this.rowBuilder.buildRows();

    // Insert table body
    if (insert) {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        this.tbody.innerHTML = '';

    return renderPass;

  setGroupsCollapseState(newState:{ [key:string]:boolean }) {

    const t0 = performance.now();
    const t1 = performance.now();

    debugLog(`Group redraw took ${t1 - t0} milliseconds.`);