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Test Coverage
@import 'grid'
@import 'elements/bar'
@import 'elements/hover'
@import 'elements/milestone'
@import 'elements/relation'
@import 'elements/labels'

@import 'timelines_header'
@import 'timelines_static_elements'

  min-width: 600px !important

  position: absolute
  right: 20px
  background: white
  top: calc(#{var(--generic-table--header-height)} + 10px)
  border: 1px solid #D7D7D7
  box-shadow: 0 5px 3px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
  z-index: 200

  // Ensure even padding around buttons
  padding: 5px
  line-height: 1

    margin: 0

  position: relative
  width: 100%

  z-index: 0

  z-index: -2

  position: absolute
  width: 100%
  // Position 45px below header
  top: var(--generic-table--header-height)
  height: calc(100% - var(--generic-table--header-height))
  // Disable pointer-events to allow cells to handle them
  pointer-events: none

// Left border for the timeline
  border-left: 5px solid #888

// Add bottom border to timeline
  outline: 1px solid var(--table-border-color)

  // Ensure the height of table and timeline rows
  height: var(--table-timeline--row-height)
  // Vertically center elements
  display: flex
  align-items: center

    // The first table child is 1px larger
    height: calc(var(--table-timeline--row-height) + 1px)

  // Need to disable flex behavior on children
  > div
    flex: 0 0 auto

  // Relative position for positioning of elements within
  position: relative

    display: none

// Add margin (row's height) to the timeline on split view
// to compensate either of 'wpTableSumsRow' or 'wpInlineCreate' row that the work
// packages table has. If not, when scrolling down the last
// rows are misaligned.
  // Only one of the rows visible
      margin-bottom: var(--table-timeline--row-height)

  // Both rows visible
      margin-bottom: calc(var(--table-timeline--row-height) * 2)

  position: absolute
  height: 10px
  top: 1.7em
  border: 1px solid
  background: none
  border-bottom: none

  border-color: var(--warn)

  display: none
  margin-left: -1px
  margin-right: -1px
  background-color: #d3d3d361

.wp-timeline-cell.row-hovered .children-duration-hover-container
  display: block

.wp-timeline-cell.__hierarchy-root-collapsed .children-duration-hover-container
  display: none

    position: absolute

  .labelRight:not(.not-empty), .labelFarRight, .labelLeft
    display: none !important