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 * OpenProject is an open source project management software.
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
 * OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows:
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 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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 * See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more details.
 * ++

import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
import { debounce, DebouncedFunc } from 'lodash';
import Idiomorph from 'idiomorph/dist/idiomorph.cjs';

interface TurboBeforeFrameRenderEventDetail {
  render:(currentElement:HTMLElement, newElement:HTMLElement) => void;

export default class PreviewProgressController extends Controller {
  static targets = [
    'form', 'progressInput',

  declare readonly progressInputTargets:HTMLInputElement[];
  declare readonly formTarget:HTMLFormElement;

  private debouncedPreview:DebouncedFunc<(event:Event) => void>;
  private frameMorphRenderer:(event:CustomEvent<TurboBeforeFrameRenderEventDetail>) => void;

  connect() {
    this.debouncedPreview = debounce((event:Event) => { void this.preview(event); }, 100);
    // TODO: Ideally morphing in this single controller should not be necessary.
    // Turbo supports morphing, by adding the <turbo-frame refresh="morph"> attribute.
    // However, it has a bug, and it doesn't morphs when reloading the frame via javascript.
    // See https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/issues/1161 . Once the issue is solved, we can remove
    // this code and just use <turbo-frame refresh="morph"> instead.
    this.frameMorphRenderer = (event:CustomEvent<TurboBeforeFrameRenderEventDetail>) => {
      event.detail.render = (currentElement:HTMLElement, newElement:HTMLElement) => {
        Idiomorph.morph(currentElement, newElement, { ignoreActiveValue: true });

    this.progressInputTargets.forEach((target) => {
      target.addEventListener('input', this.debouncedPreview);
      target.addEventListener('blur', this.debouncedPreview);

    const turboFrame = this.formTarget.closest('turbo-frame') as HTMLFrameElement;
    turboFrame.addEventListener('turbo:before-frame-render', this.frameMorphRenderer);

  disconnect() {
    this.progressInputTargets.forEach((target) => {
      target.removeEventListener('input', this.debouncedPreview);
      target.removeEventListener('blur', this.debouncedPreview);
    const turboFrame = this.formTarget.closest('turbo-frame') as HTMLFrameElement;
    turboFrame.removeEventListener('turbo:before-frame-render', this.frameMorphRenderer);

  async preview(event:Event) {
    let field:HTMLInputElement;
    if (event.type === 'blur') {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
      field = (event as FocusEvent).relatedTarget as HTMLInputElement;
    } else {
      field = event.target as HTMLInputElement;

    const form = this.formTarget;
    const formData = new FormData(form) as unknown as undefined;
    const formParams = new URLSearchParams(formData);
    const wpParams = [
      ['work_package[remaining_hours]', formParams.get('work_package[remaining_hours]') || ''],
      ['work_package[estimated_hours]', formParams.get('work_package[estimated_hours]') || ''],
      ['work_package[status_id]', formParams.get('work_package[status_id]') || ''],
      ['field', field?.name ?? ''],
      ['work_package[remaining_hours_touched]', formParams.get('work_package[remaining_hours_touched]') || ''],
      ['work_package[estimated_hours_touched]', formParams.get('work_package[estimated_hours_touched]') || ''],
      ['work_package[status_id_touched]', formParams.get('work_package[status_id_touched]') || ''],

    const wpPath = this.ensureValidPathname(form.action);

    const editUrl = `${wpPath}/edit?${new URLSearchParams(wpParams).toString()}`;
    const turboFrame = this.formTarget.closest('turbo-frame') as HTMLFrameElement;

    if (turboFrame) {
      turboFrame.src = editUrl;

  // Ensures that on create forms, there is an "id" for the un-persisted
  // work package when sending requests to the edit action for previews.
  private ensureValidPathname(formAction:string):string {
    const wpPath = new URL(formAction);

    if (wpPath.pathname.endsWith('/work_packages/progress')) {
      // Replace /work_packages/progress with /work_packages/new/progress
      wpPath.pathname = wpPath.pathname.replace('/work_packages/progress', '/work_packages/new/progress');

    return wpPath.toString();