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#English strings go here
      create_new: 'ליצור לוח חדש'
      label_unnamed_board: 'Unnamed board'
      label_unnamed_list: 'Unnamed list'
      label_board_type: 'סוג לוח'
        teaser_text: 'Would you like to automate your workflows with Boards? Advanced boards are an Enterprise add-on. Please upgrade to a paid plan.'
        upgrade: 'שדרג עכשיו'
        delete: 'מחיקת רשימה'
        is_locked: 'Version is locked. No items can be added to this version.'
        is_closed: 'Version is closed. No items can be added to this version.'
        close_version: 'גרסת ליבה'
        open_version: 'גרסה חדשה'
        lock_version: 'נעילת גרסה'
        unlock_version: "ביטול נעילת גריסה\n"
        edit_version: 'ערוך גרסה'
        show_version: 'גרסה חדשה'
        locked: 'נעול'
        closed: 'סגור'
      new_board: 'לוח חדש'
      add_list: 'הוספת רשימה ללוח'
      add_card: 'Add card'
      error_attribute_not_writable: "Cannot move the work package, %{attribute} is not writable."
      error_loading_the_list: "Error loading the list: %{error_message}"
      error_permission_missing: "The permission to create public queries is missing"
      error_cannot_move_into_self: "You can not move a work package into its own column."
      text_hidden_list_warning: "Not all lists are displayed because you lack the permission. Contact your admin for more information."
      click_to_remove_list: "Click to remove this list"
        text: 'סוג לוח'
        free: 'בסיסי'
        select_board_type: 'Please choose the type of board you need.'
        free_text: >
          Start from scratch with a blank board. Manually add cards and columns to this board.
        action: 'לוח פעולות'
        action_by_attribute: 'לוח פעולות (%{attribute})'
        action_text: >
          A board with filtered lists on %{attribute} attribute. Moving work packages to other lists will update their attribute.
        action_text_subprojects: >
          Board with automated columns for subprojects. Dragging work packages to other lists updates the (sub-)project accordingly.
        action_text_subtasks: >
          Board with automated columns for sub-elements. Dragging work packages to other lists updates the parent accordingly.
        action_text_status: >
          Basic kanban style board with columns for status such as To Do, In Progress, Done.
        action_text_assignee: >
          Board with automated columns based on assigned users. Ideal for dispatching work packages.
        action_text_version: >
          Board with automated columns based on the version attribute. Ideal for planning product development.
          assignee: משויך אל
          status: סטטוס
          version: גרסה
          subproject: subproject
          subtasks: parent-child
          assignee: משויך אל
          status: מצב
          version: גירסה
          subproject: תת פרוייקט
          subtasks: אב- בן
          basic: בסיסי
        select_attribute: "Action attribute"
          assignee: Select user to add as a new assignee list
          status: Select status to add as a new list
          version: Select version to add as a new list
          subproject: Select subproject to add as a new list
          subtasks: Select work package to add as a new list
          status: |
            There is currently no status available. <br>
            Either there are none or they have all already been added to the board.
          assignee: There isn't any member matched with your filter value.  <br>
          no_member: This project currently does not have any members that can be added.  <br>
          add_members: <a href="%{link}">Add a new member to this project</a> to select users again.
        title: 'Configure this board'
          card_mode: "Display as cards"
          table_mode: "Display as table"