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# Additions to OpenProject API v3

This documentation lists the changes and additions that the costs plugin will
introduce to the core OpenProject API.

Unless otherwise stated it will only add endpoints and properties, but not remove anything that is
already present in the core API.

# Group Cost Entries

## Linked Properties:
|  Link       | Description                                 | Type          | Constraints           | Supported operations |
|:-----------:|-------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| self        | This cost entry                             | CostEntry     | not null              | READ                 |
| project     | The project in which this entry was logged  | Project       | not null              | READ                 |
| costType    | The type of this entry                      | CostType      | not null              | READ                 |
| user        | The user logging this entry                 | User          | not null              | READ                 |
| workPackage | The work package that got the entry logged  | WorkPackage   | not null              | READ                 |

## Properties
| Property    | Description                                 | Type        | Constraints | Supported operations | Condition                   |
| :---------: | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------- | -------------------- | --------------------------- |
| id          | cost entry id                               | Integer     | x > 0       | READ                 |                             |
| spentUnits  | The amount of units logged in this entry    | Float       |             | READ                 |                             |
| spentOn     | The date when the units were spent          | Date        |             | READ                 |                             |
| createdAt   | Time of creation                            | DateTime    |             | READ                 |                             |
| updatedAt   | Time of the most recent change to the entry | DateTime    |             | READ                 |                             |

## Cost Entry [/api/v3/cost_entries/{id}]

+ Model
    + Body

                "_type": "CostEntry",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/api/v3/cost_entries/1"
                    "project": {
                        "href": "/api/v3/projects/1"
                    "costType": {
                        "href": "/api/v3/cost_types/1"
                    "user": {
                        "href": "/api/v3/users/1"
                    "workPackage": {
                        "href": "/api/v3/work_packages/1"
                "id": 1,
                "spentUnits": 3.14,
                "spentOn": "2015-03-31",
                "createdAt": "2015-03-31T08:51:20Z",
                "updatedAt": "2015-03-31T08:51:20Z"

## view Cost Entry [GET]

+ Parameters
    + id (required, integer, `1`) ... Cost Entry id

+ Response 200 (application/hal+json)

    [Cost Entry][]

+ Response 403 (application/hal+json)

    Returned if the client does not have sufficient permissions.

    **Required permission:** view cost entries **or** view own cost entries (on cost entry's project)

    + Body

                "_type": "Error",
                "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:MissingPermission",
                "message": "You are not allowed to see this cost entry."

## Cost Entries by work package [/api/v3/work_packages/{id}/cost_entries]

+ Model
    + Body

                        "href": "/api/v3/work_packages/1/cost_entries"
                "total": 1,
                "count": 1,
                "_type": "Collection",
                    "elements": [
                            "_type": "CostEntry",
                            "_links": {
                                "self": {
                                    "href": "/api/v3/cost_entries/1"
                                "project": {
                                    "href": "/api/v3/projects/1"
                                "costType": {
                                    "href": "/api/v3/cost_types/1"
                                "user": {
                                    "href": "/api/v3/users/1"
                                "workPackage": {
                                    "href": "/api/v3/work_packages/1"
                            "id": 1,
                            "spentUnits": 3.14,
                            "spentOn": "2015-03-31",
                            "createdAt": "2015-03-31T08:51:20Z",
                            "updatedAt": "2015-03-31T08:51:20Z"

## list Cost Entries of a work package [GET]

+ Parameters
    + id (required, integer, `1`) ... work package id

+ Response 200 (application/hal+json)

    [Cost Entries by work package][]

+ Response 403 (application/hal+json)

    Returned if the client does not have sufficient permissions.

    **Required permission:** view cost entries **or** view own cost entries (on work package's project)

    *Note that you will only receive this error, if you are at least allowed to see the corresponding work package.*

    + Body

                "_type": "Error",
                "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:MissingPermission",
                "message": "You are not allowed to see the cost entries of this work package."

+ Response 404 (application/hal+json)

    Returned if the work package does not exist or the client does not have sufficient permissions
    to see it.

    **Required permission:** view work package

    *Note: A client without sufficient permissions shall not be able to test for the existence of a work package.
    That's why a 404 is returned here, even if a 403 might be more appropriate.*

    + Body

                "_type": "Error",
                "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:NotFound",
                "message": "The specified work package does not exist."

## Work package costs per type [/api/v3/work_packages/{id}/summarized_costs_by_type]

Returns a list of `AggregatedCostEntry`, with one entry per spent cost type.
The spent units of all cost entries visible to the current user are summed up for each entry.

An `AggregatedCostEntry` is a stripped down variant of a normal `CostEntry` which only has the link to
a `CostType` and the amount of `spentUnits`.

*Note that this is a preliminary endpoint. It is subject to future changes or removal.*

+ Model
    + Body

                        "href": "/api/v3/work_packages/1/summarized_costs_by_type"
                "total": 1,
                "count": 1,
                "_type": "Collection",
                    "elements": [
                            "_type": "AggregatedCostEntry",
                            "_links": {
                                "costType": {
                                    "href": "/api/v3/cost_types/1"
                            "spentUnits": 31.4

## Show aggregated costs of a work package [GET]

+ Parameters
    + id (required, integer, `1`) ... work package id

+ Response 200 (application/hal+json)

    [Work package costs per type][]

+ Response 403 (application/hal+json)

    Returned if the client does not have sufficient permissions.

    **Required permission:** view cost entries **or** view own cost entries (on work package's project)

    *Note that you will only receive this error, if you are at least allowed to see the corresponding work package.*

    + Body

                "_type": "Error",
                "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:MissingPermission",
                "message": "You are not allowed to see the cost entries of this work package."

+ Response 404 (application/hal+json)

    Returned if the work package does not exist or the client does not have sufficient permissions
    to see it.

    **Required permission:** view work package

    *Note: A client without sufficient permissions shall not be able to test for the existence of a work package.
    That's why a 404 is returned here, even if a 403 might be more appropriate.*

    + Body

                "_type": "Error",
                "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:NotFound",
                "message": "The specified work package does not exist."

# Group Cost Types

## Linked Properties:
|  Link     | Description                                 | Type          | Constraints           | Supported operations |
|:---------:|-------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| self      | This cost type                              | CostType      | not null              | READ                 |

## Properties
| Property    | Description                                 | Type        | Constraints | Supported operations | Condition                   |
| :---------: | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------- | -------------------- | --------------------------- |
| id          | cost type id                                | Integer     | x > 0       | READ                 |                             |
| name        | cost type name                              | String      | not empty   | READ                 |                             |
| unit        | The unit in which the costs are measured    | String      | not empty   | READ                 |                             |
| unitPlural  | The pluralized form of the unit             | String      | not empty   | READ                 |                             |
| isDefault   | `true` for the default type of new entries  | Boolean     | not null    | READ                 |                             |

## Cost Type [/api/v3/cost_types/{id}]

+ Model
    + Body

                "_type": "CostType",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/api/v3/cost_types/1",
                        "title": "Energy cost"
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Energy cost",
                "unit": "kWh",
                "unitPlural": "kWh",
                "isDefault": true

## view Cost Type [GET]

+ Parameters
    + id (required, integer, `1`) ... Cost Type id

+ Response 200 (application/hal+json)

    [Cost Type][]

+ Response 403 (application/hal+json)

    Returned if the client does not have sufficient permissions.

    **Required permission:** view cost entries **or** view own cost entries (on any project)

    + Body

                "_type": "Error",
                "errorIdentifier": "urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:MissingPermission",
                "message": "You are not allowed to see cost types."

# Group Work Packages

The following properties are only added to work packages in projects where the costs module is activated.
If the costs module is not available on a given work package, there will be no additional properties.

## Linked Properties:
|  Link       | Description                                 | Type                              | Constraints           | Supported operations |
|:-----------:|-------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| costsByType | List of accumulated costs per cost type     | Collection of AggregatedCostEntry |                       | READ / WRITE         |

## Properties:
|  Link        | Description                                                        | Type          | Constraints           | Supported operations |
|:------------:|------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| overallCosts | The total amount of user visible costs logged on this work package | String        |                       | READ / WRITE         |

`spentTime` has its visibility condition changed! It is now only visible when the client is either allowed to view time entries, or if
he is allowed to see his own time entries in projects where the costs module is enabled.