

Test Coverage
<%= "# Refresh Tokens are not required in this application" if ::Opro.require_refresh_within.blank? %>

# Refresh Tokens

Refresh tokens can be used to refresh an expired `access_token`. When you receive your initial `access_token` you will receive a `request_token` in the JSON response, as well as an `expires_in` value. The `expires_in` value marks the seconds that the current `access_token` is still valid. After this value reaches zero, a client application will not be able to use the existing `access_token`.

## Refreshing an Access Token

If a token has expired or you simply wish to receive a new `access_token` you can send your `refresh_token` along with your `client_id` and `client_secret` to `<%= oauth_token_url(:protocol => @protocol) %>` and your access_token will be refreshed.

    $ curl -X POST -d '' '<%= oauth_token_url(:protocol      => @protocol,
                                :client_id     => "3234myClientId5678",
                                :client_secret => "14321myClientSecret8765",
                                :refresh_token => "4857goldfish827423") %>'

Make sure to replace `client_id`, `client_secret`, and `refresh_token` with your values.

You should get back a response that looks like this:

    $ {"access_token":"9693accessTokena7ca570bbaf","refresh_token":"3a3c129ad02b573de78e65af06c293f1","expires_in":7300 }